当前位置:搜档网 › 9分达人1月8日考试解析



Passage 1

Questions 1-3

1. 题目答案一定为数字信息,同时根据顺序原则,答案应该出现在文章开头,于是定位于原文第一段第二句话“Agricultural scientists believe that the first edible banana was discovered around ten thousand years ago”,题目信息“eaten”对应原文“edible”,所以答案为ten thousand years。

2. 题目答案应该为一地名,同时根据顺序原则,定位于第一段第三行“it was first propagated in the jungles of South-East Asia…”,题目信息“planted”对应原文“propagated”,所以答案为South-East Asia。

3. 利用细节信息“wild banana’s taste”和顺序原则定位于第一段第四行“the wild banana…contains a mass of hard seeds that make the fruit virtually inedible”,题目信息“adversely affected”对应原文“virtually inedible”,所以答案为hard seeds或seeds。

Questions 4-10

4. 利用细节信息“p·est invasion”定位于第三段倒数第三行Geoff Hawtin的观点“When some pests or disease comes along, severe epidemics can occur”,原文“severe epidemics can occur”对应题目“seriously damage banana industry”,所以答案为F。

5. 利用细节信息“fungal infection in soli”定位于原文第四段第五行Rodomiro Ortiz的观点“once the fungus gets into the soil it remains there for many years”,原文“many years”对应题目“long-lasting”,所以答案为A。

6. 利用细节信息“a commercial manufacturer”定位于原文倒数第三段倒数第四行Ronald Romero的观点“we supported a breeding program for 40 years…”,题目“a commercial manufacturer”对应原文观点后面的“head of research at Chiquita, one of the Big Three companies that dominate the international banana trade”,所以答案为D。

7. 利用细节信息“chemical sprays”定位于原文第五段第九行Emile Frison的观点“as soon as you bring in a new fungicide, they develop resistance…”,原文“fungicide”对应题目“chemical sprays”,所以答案为C。

8. 利用细节信息“destroyed a large number of banana plantations”定位于原文第五段倒数第四行Luadir Gasparotto的观点“most of the banana fields in Amazonia have already been destroyed by the disease”,所以答案为E。

9. 利用细节信息“consumers would not accept”定位于原文最后一段第三行David McLaughlin的观点“there are serious questions about consumer acceptance”,原文“genet

ically altered crop”对应前一句中的GM(genetic modification的缩写),所以答案为B。

10. 利用细节信息“lesson for other crops”定位于原文第二段第二行Emile Frison的观点“it holds a lesson for other crops, too”,所以答案为C。

Questions 11-13

11. 利用细节信息“oldest known fruit”定位于原文第一段第一句话“the banana is among the world’s oldest crops”。在原文这个信息的基础上,题目可能为True,也可能为False,所以答案为Not Given。

12. 利用细节信息“Gros Michel”定位于原文第四段最后两句话“During the 1960s, it replaced the Gros Michel on supermarket shelves. If you buy a banana today, it is almost certainly a Cavendish”。题目信息“still being used as a commercial product”与原文“it replaced the Gros Michel on supermarket shelves”以及“almost certainly a Cavendish”直接相反,所以答案为False。

13. 利用细节信息“main food”定位于原文第六段开头几句话“Half a billion people in Asia and Africa depend on bananas…Its name is synonymous with food…”。题目信息与原文是同意表达,所以答案为True。

Passage 2

Questions 14-16

14. 利用细节信息“public interest in costal archaeology”和顺序原则定位于原文第一段第四行“…had attracted the interest of antiquarians since at least the eighteenth century, but serious and systematic attention has been given…”。但是原因并不位于第一段,而在第二段“It is possible to trace a variety of causes for this concentration of effort and interest”后面的信息。后面主要讲到人们开始关注“costal archaeology”是因为“climate change and its environmental impact”,因为“sea levels”上涨了,影响“costal environments”,于是更多的人意识到“costal erosion”和“human activity”对“archaeological resource of the coast”有破坏作用,这些信息都与选项B“the rising awareness of climate change”相关,所以答案为B。

15. 利用细节信息“boats”定位于原文第六段,这里提及了大量“ boats”方面的考古发现。选项A“there’s enough knowledge of the boatbuilding technology of the pre-historic people”应该排除,因为与原文内容“we still have much to learn about their production and use”相反。选项B“many of the boats discovered were found in harbors”也可以排除,因为“harbor”是第七段出现的,也没有提及是否在“harbor”发现了大量的船。选项D“boats were first used for fishing”也应该排除,因为“fishing”在第八段才提到,并且讲的是沿海人类的经济

活动,并没提及船最初都是用作打渔的。所以答案为C“the use of boats had not been recorded for a thousand years”,对应原文第六段第五行“after this there is a gap in the record of a millennium…”。

16. 利用细节信息“from the air”定位于原文第八段第五行“elaborate wooden fish weirs, often of considerable extent and responsive to aerial photography in shallow water…”,这里“aerial photography”对应题目“discovered from the air”。该信息与选项D“fisheries”直接对应,所以答案为D。

Questions 17-23

17. 利用细节信息“after the ice-age”和“rising sea level”定位于原文第三段前两句话“…in the post-glacial period…the rise in the altitude of sea level…The encroachment of the sea, the loss of huge areas of land now under the North Sea and the English Channel…”,题目信息“after the ice-age”对应原文“post-glacial period”,且题目内容是原文的简单归纳,所以答案为True。

18. 利用细节信息“the coastline of England”和顺序原则定位于原文第三段倒数第四行“the constant reconfiguration of the coastline”,题目信息“changed periodically”与原文“constant reconfiguration”直接相反,所以答案为False。

19. 利用细节信息“well-protected by sea-water”定位于原文第四段倒数第三行“its physical environment means that preservation is often excellent”,题目信息“well-protected by sea-water”对应原文“preservation is often excellent”。题目信息与原文是同意表达,所以答案为True。

20. 利用细节信息“the design of boats”和“pre-modern people”定位于原文第六段倒数第四行“boats were some of the most complex artefacts produced by pre-modern societies”,题目信息“very simple”与该原文内容直接相反,所以答案为False。

21. 原文没有找到“other European countries”和船在这里发现的信息, 所以答案为Not Given。

22. 利用细节信息“mineral exploitation”定位于原文第八段倒数第三行“mineral resources such as sand, gravel, stone, coal, ironstone, and alum were all exploited. These industries are poorly documented…”,题目信息“few documents”对应原文“poorly documented”,所以答案为True。

23. 利用细节信息“large passenger boats”和顺序原则定位于原文最后一段倒数第九段“the larger size of ferries has also caused an increase in the damage caused by their wash to fragile deposits in the intertidal zone”,题目“passenger boats”对应原文

“ferries”,题目“intertidal zone”对应原文“seashore”。题目与原文是同意表达,所以答案为True。

Questions 24-26

选项A“How coastal archaeology was originally discovered”应该排除,因为原文并没有到这方面的内容。

选项B“It is difficult to understand how many people lived close to the sea”是正确选项。该选项对应原文第五段第四行“we are not yet in a position to make even preliminary estimates of answers to such fundamental questions as the extent to which the sea and the coast affected human life in the past, what percentage of the population at any time lived within reach of the sea…”。题目信息“how many people”对应原文“what percentage of the population”,题目“lived close to the sea”对应原文“within reach of the sea”。

选项C“how much the prehistoric communities understand the climate change”应该排除,虽然原文开头提及“climate change”以及多处提到“prehistoric communities”,但是并没有提及他们对气候变化的知识。

选项D“our knowledge of boat evidence is limited”是正确选项。该选项对应原文第六段开头“yet we still have much to learn about their production and use”,以及段落倒数第四行“yet we know almost nothing about it”。

选项E“some fishing grounds were converted to ports”是错误选项,因为原文第七段提及“ports”,第八段提及“fishing”,但是并没有“fishing grounds”转变成“ports”的信息。

选项F“human development threatens the archaeological remains”是正确选项。该选项对应原文最后一段信息,整个段落都在讲人类活动对“archaeological remains”的影响。

选项G“coastal archaeology will become more important in the future”是错误选项,因为原文并没有到这方面的内容。


Passage 3

Questions 27-28

27. 利用顺序原则定位于原文第一段第二三句话“some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world. Until recent times, however, did travelers start their journey for reasons other than mere curiosity”,该信息直接对应选项C“knowing other people and places better”,“curiosity”的同义替换,所以答案为C。

28. 利用细节信息“mirror”和顺序原则定位于原文第一段最后一句话“there are also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves”,该信息直接对应选项B“because travelers reflect upon their own society and life”。

Questions 29-36

29. 利用细节信息“classical Greece”,“Herodotus”,“Egypt and Anatolia”定位于原文第二段第五行“the Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars”,所以答案

为Persian wars。

30. 利用细节信息“Han Dynasty”,“Zhang Qian”,“Central Asia”定位于原文第二段倒数第四行“…searching for allies for the Han dynasty”,所以答案为allies。

31. 利用细节信息“Roman Empire”,“Ptolemy, Strabo, Pliny the Elder”,“Mediterranean”定位于原文第二段最后一句话“…to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge”,所以答案为geographical knowledge。

32. 利用细节信息“500 to 1500 CE”,“Muslims”,“eat Africa to Indonesia, Mecca”定位于原文第三段第一句话“…trade and pilgrimage emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands”,所以答案为pilgrimage。

33. 利用细节信息“5th to 9th centuries CE”和“Chinese Buddhists”定位于原文第三段倒数第二句话“…thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with…”,所以答案为India。

34. 利用细节信息“19th century”,“colonial administrator”,“Asia, Africa”定位于原文第六段第二句话“European colonial administrators devoted numerous writings to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in Asian and African colonies they established”,所以答案为“colonies”。

35. 利用细节信息“1900s”,“Sun Yat-sen”,“Fukuzawa Yukichi”,“Europe and United States”定位于原文倒数第二段最后两句话“…in hopes of discovering principles useful for the organization of their own societies…”,所以答案为organization。

36. 利用细节信息“20th century”,“mass tourism”定位于原文最后一段第五行“the most distinctive of them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for individuals living in the world’s wealthy societies”,所以答案为wealthy。

Questions 37-40

37. 利用细节信息“imperial rulers”定位于原文第二段第二句话“…they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about their realms”,该信息直接对应选项D“they desired knowledge of their empire”, 所以答案为D。

38. 利用细节信息“postclassical era”定位于原文第三段中间“…millions of Muslims have followed his example, and thousands of hajj accounts have related their experiences. East Asian travelers were not quite some prominent…”,该信息直接对应B“Muslim pilgrims”,所以答案为B。

39. 利用细节信息“early modern era”定位于原文第五段第四行“…European printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign lands and peoples for a reading public with an apparently insatiable appetite for news about the larger world”。B选项“explore new business opportunities”应该排除,因为这里并没有提及这样的信息。C选项“encourage trips to the new world”也应该排除,因为“trips to the new world”原文没有提及。D选项“r

ecord the larger world”也应该排除,因为“record the larger world”书的内容而非出版的目的。所以答案为A“meet the public’s interest”,对应原文的“insatiable appetite for news about the larger world”。

40. 选项A“the production of travel books”是错误选项,因为文章并没有讲到书的制作过程。选项B“the literary status of travel books”也是错误选项,因为原文并没有讲到旅游书文学方面的内容。选项C“historical significance of travel books”也是错误选项,因为原文并没有讲到travel books在历史上的巨大作用。选项D“the development of travel books”是正确选项,因为文章就是讲travel books的发展,从ancient times到modern era。所以答案为D。
