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伸筋草 # common clubmoss herb
佛手 # finger citron
皂角刺 # Chinese honeylocust spine
谷芽 # millet sprout
谷精草 # pipewort flower
龟甲 # tortoise carapace and plastron
辛夷 # biond magnolia flower-bud
羌活 # incised notopterygium rhizome and root
沙苑子 # flatstem milkvetch seed
沙棘 # seabuckthorn fruit
沉香 # Chinese eaglewood
诃子 # medicine terminalia fruit
补骨脂 # malaytea scurfpea fruit
灵芝 # glossy ganoderma
阿胶 #
阿魏 # Chinese asafetida
陈皮 # dried tangerine peel
附子 # prepared common monkshood branched root
忍冬藤 # honeysuckle stem
鸡内金 # inner membrane of chicken gizzard
鸡血藤 # suberect spatholobus stem
鸡骨草 # canton love-pea vine
鸡冠花 # cockcomb inflorescence
玫瑰花 # rose flower
青木香 # slender dutchmanspipe root
青风藤 # orientvine vine
青叶胆 # mile swertia herb
青皮 # immature tangerine peel
青果 # Chinese white olive
青葙子 # feather cockscomb seed
青蒿 # sweet wormwood herb
青黛 # natural indigo
青礞石 # chlorite schist
杏仁 # bitter apricot seed
苦参 # lightyellow sophora root
苦楝皮 # Sichuan chinaberry bark
枇杷叶 # loquat leaf
板蓝根 # isatis root
松花粉 # pine pollen
枫香脂 # beautiful sweetgum resin
刺五加 # root and vine of manyprickle acanthopanax
郁李仁 # Chinese dwarf cherry seed
郁金 # turmeric root tuber
虎杖 # giant knotweed rhizome
昆布 # (1)kelp; (2)tangle
明党参 # medicinal changium root
败酱草 # atrina glass
罗布麻叶 # dogbane leaf
罗汉果 # grosvenor momordica fruit
知母 # common anemarrhena rhizome
委陵菜 # Chinese cinquefoil
垂盆草 # stringy stonecrop herb
使君子 # rangooncreeper fruit
侧柏叶 # Chinese arborvitae twig and leaf
佩兰 # fortune eupatorium herb
金果榄 # tinospora root
金沸草 # inula herb
金荞麦 # golden buckwheat rhizome
金钱白花蛇 # coin-like white-banded snake
金钱草 # christina loosestrife
广金钱草 #
金银花 # honeysuckle bud and flower
金樱子 # cherokee rose fruit
金礞石 # mica-schist
狗脊 # cibot rhizome
肿节风 # sarcandra [twig and leaf]
鱼腥草 # heartleaf houttuynia herb
炉甘石 # calamine
卷柏 # spikemoss
泽兰 # hirsute shiny bugleweed herb
泽泻 # oriental waterplantain rhizome
降香 # rosewood
细辛 # manchurian wildginger
珍珠 # pearl
珍珠母 # nacre
荆芥 # fineleaf schizonepeta herb
茜草 # India madder root
荜茇 # long pepper
荜澄茄 # mountain spicy fruit
草乌 # kusnezoff monkshood root
制草乌 # prepared kusnezoff monkshood root
草豆蔻 # katsumada galangal seed
草果 # fruit of caoguo
茵陈 # virgate wormwood herb
茯苓 # Indian bread
茺蔚子 # motherwort fruit
胡芦巴 # fenugreek seed
胡黄连 # figwortflower picrorhiza rhizome
胡椒 # pepper fruit
荔枝核 # ly

chee seed
南沙参 # fourleaf ladybell root
枳壳 # orange fruit
枳实 # immature orange fruit
柏子仁 # Chinese arborvitae kernel
栀子 # cape jasmine fruit
枸杞子 # barbary wolfberry fruit
柿蒂 # persimmon calyx
威灵仙 # Chinese clematis root
厚朴 # officinal magnolia bark
厚朴花 # officinal magnolia flower
砂仁 # villous amomum fruit
牵牛子 # pharbitis seed
轻粉 # calomel
乳香 # frankincense
没药 # myrrh
鸦胆子 # java brucea fruit
韭菜子 # tuber onion seed
哈蟆油 # rana oviduct
骨碎补 # fortune's drynaria rhizome
钟乳石 # stalactite
钩藤 # gambir plant nod
香附 # nutgrass galingale rhizome
香橼 # citron fruit
香薷 # Chinese mosla
重楼 # paris root
禹余粮 # limonite
独活 # doubleteeth pubescent angelica root
胖大海 # boat-fruited sterculia seed
急性子 # garden balsam seed
前胡 # hogfennel root
首乌藤 # tuber fleeceflower stem
姜黄 # turmeric
洋金花 # datura flower
夜明砂 # bat's droppings
神曲 # medicated leaven
穿山甲 # pangolin scales
穿心莲 # common andrographis herb
络石藤 # Chinese starjasmine stem
秦艽 # largeleaf gentian root
秦皮 # ash bark
珠子参 # largeleaf Japanese ginseng rhizome
桂枝 # cassia twig
桔梗 # platycodon root
桃仁 # peach seed
核桃仁 # English walnut seed
莱菔子 # radish seed
莲子 # lotus seed
莲子心 # lotus plumule
莲房 # lotus receptacle
莲须 # lotus stamen
莪术 # zedoray rhizome
荷叶 # lotus leaf
夏天无 # decumbent corydalis rhizome
夏枯草 # common selfheal fruit-spike
柴胡 # Chinese thorowax root
党参 # tangshen
鸭跖草 # dayflower herb
射干 # blackberry lily rhizome
徐长卿 # paniculate swallowwort root
凌霄花 # trumpetcreeper flower
高良姜 # lesser galangal rhizome
萆薢 # poison yam
益母草 # motherwort herb
益智 # sharp-leaf glangal fruit
拳参 # bistort rhizome
浮小麦 # immature wheat
海马 # sea horse
海风藤 # kadsura pepper stem
海龙 # pipefish
海金沙 # Japanese climbing fern spore
海螵蛸 # cuttlebone
海藻 # seaweed
浮萍 # common ducksmeat herb
娑罗子 # buckeye seed
预知子 # akebia fruit
桑叶 # mulberry leaf
桑白皮 # white mulberry root-bark
桑枝 # mulberry twig
桑寄生 # Chinese taxillus herb
槲寄生 #
桑椹 # mulberry fruit
桑螵蛸 # mantis egg-case
通草 # ricepaperplant pith
黄芩 # baical skullcap root
黄芪 # milkvetch root
黄连 # golden thread
黄柏 # amur cork-tree
黄精 # solomonseal rhizome
黄药子 # air potato
菟丝子 # dodder seed
菊花 # chrysanthemum flower
梅花 # plum flower
常山 # antifeverile dichroa root
野菊花 # wild chrysanthemum flower
蛇床子 # common cnidium fruit
蛇蜕 # snake slough
蛇莓 # Indian mock strawberry
蚕沙 # silkworm droppings
银杏叶 # ginkgo leaf

柴胡 # starwort root
猪牙皂 # Chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit
猪苓 # zhuling
猫爪草 # catclaw buttercup root
旋覆花 # inula flower
麻油 # sesame oil
麻黄 # ephedra
麻黄根 # ephedra root
鹿角 # deer horn; antler
鹿角霜 # degelatined deer-horn
鹿茸 # pilose antler
鹿衔草 # pyrola herb
商陆 # pokeberry root
羚羊角 # antelope horn
断血流 # clinopodium herb
淫羊藿 # epimedium herb
淡竹叶 # lophatherum herb
淡豆豉 # fermented soybean
密蒙花 # pale butterflybush flower
续断 # himalayan teasel root
绵马贯众 # male fern rhizome
斑蝥 # blister beetle
款冬花 # common coltsfoot flower
葛根 # kudzuvine root
葶苈子 # (2)Semen Descurainiae(拉)
萹蓄 # common knotgrass herb
楮实子 # papermulberry fruit
棕榈 # fortune windmillpalm petiole
硫黄 # sulfur
雄黄 # realgar
紫石英 # fluorite
紫花地丁 # Tokyo violet herb
紫苏子 # perilla fruit
紫苏叶 # perilla leaf
紫苏梗 # perilla stem
紫河车 # human placenta
紫草 # (1)arnebia root (2)gromwell root
紫菀 # tatarian aster root
蛤壳 # clam shell
蛤蚧 # tokay gecko
黑芝麻 # black sesame
锁阳 # songaria cynomorium herb
鹅不食草 # small centipeda herb
番泻叶 # senna leaf
滑石 # talc
蓖麻子 # castor seed
蒺藜 # puncturevine caltrop fruit
蒲公英 # dandelion
蒲黄 # cattail pollen营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

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椿皮 # tree-of-heaven bark
槐花 # pagodatree flower
槐角 # Japanese pagodatree pod
雷丸 # thunder ball
路路通 # beautiful sweetgum fruit
蜈蚣 # centipede
蜂房 # honeycomb
蜂蜡 # beeswax
蜂蜜 # honey
锦灯笼 # franchet groundcherry fruit
满山红 # dahurian rhododendron leaf
蔓荆子 # shrub chastetree fruit
榧子 # grand torreya seed
槟榔 # areca seed
酸枣仁 # spine date seed
磁石 # magnetite
豨莶草 # siegesbeckia herb
蝉蜕 # cicada slough
罂粟壳 # poppy capsule
漏芦 # uniflower swisscentaury root
赭石 # hematite
蕤仁 # hedge prinsepia nut
蕲蛇 # long-nosed pit viper
墨旱莲 # yerbadetajo herb
稻芽 # germinated rice-grain
僵蚕 # stiff silkworm
鹤虱 # common carpesium fruit
橘红 # red tangerine peel
橘核 # tangerine seed
薤白 # longstamen onion bulb
薏苡仁 # coix seed
薄荷 # peppermint
藁本 # Chinese lovage
檀香 # sandalwood
藕节 # lotus rhizome node
覆盆子 # palmleaf raspberry fruit
瞿麦 # lilac pink herb
蟾酥 # toad venom
鳖甲 # turtle carapace
鹿角胶 # deerhorn glue
麝香 # musk
