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Reply to Comment on Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the pseudogap state o

Reply to Comment on Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the pseudogap state o
Reply to Comment on Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the pseudogap state o

Reply to Comment on: ”Spontaneous breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the pseudogap state of a high-T c superconductor”

A. Kaminski *?, S. Rosenkranz *?, H. M. Fretwell ?, J. C. Campuzano *?, Z.Z. Li §,

H. Raffy §, W. G. Cullen ?, H. You ?, C. G. Olson ||, C. M. Varma ?, and H. H?chst #

*Department of Physics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607, USA

?Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439,USA

?Department of Physics, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, UK

§Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud,91405 Orsay, France

||Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA

?Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey, 07974, USA

#Synchrotron Radiation Center, Stoughton, Wisconsin 53589, USA

In a recent comment [1], Armitage and Hu have suggested that our experiment observing dichroism in angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) [2] could not be conclusively interpreted as arising from time reversal symmetry breaking, arguing that our observations are likely due to structural effects. The concerns expressed by Armitage and Hu that our results could be due to a change in the mirror plane are as important as they are obvious. In fact the first part of their comment merely restates the results of Simon and Varma [3] about the relationship and contrast of effects due to time reversal symmetry breaking and those caused by crystallographic changes. In any test of time reversal symmetry one must ensure that parity alone is not inducing the observed changes. We have indeed considered this issue very carefully in the course of our study [2] and it is precisely the lack of temperature dependent structural changes significant enough to explain the magnitude of the observed dichroism that forced us to conclude that time reversal symmetry breaking is the only plausible explanation.

The effect of the superstructure modulation (SSM) on the ARPES signal was studied in detail and is well understood [4]. The SSM -- a buckling of the BiO layer -- acts as a diffraction grating on the photoelectrons, producing “ghost” images of the Fermi surface.

There are two issues to consider here: (a) magnitude of the dichroism signal as compared to magnitude of “contamination” signal arising from “ghost” images due to SSM, (b) the temperature dependence of both effects. (a) Along the (π,-π)=>(π,π) direction, the first “ghost” image of the Fermi surface extends from (π, -0.39) to (π, -0.03) and the second from (π,0.03) to (π, 0.39), as shown in Fig. 1. Therefore, (π,0), which was the main focus of our investigation, being outside of that range, is not significantly contaminated by the signal from the superstructure modulation. Furthermore the sign of the dichroism in the immediate surroundings of (π,0) is opposite for the two ghost images due to the anti-symmetry of the geometric effect about the (0,0)=>(π,π) axis. Any changes in the dichroism due to the SSM are therefore very small, as the contributions from the two SSM images cancel each other. It is then easy to understand that a very large change of several times the SSM intensity would be required to account for the observed dichroism of 3%. In addition, the plots of the dichroism signal D in Ref. [2] are straight lines. It can be seen from Fig. 1, that if the SSM contribution were to be large, D would significantly deviate from linearity near k=+-0.05. (b) There is no temperature dependence to the SSM contribution, as we show in Fig. 2, where we plot n(k) over an extended cut along the diagonal direction of the Brillouin zone. The only observed change in n(k) with temperature is the expected broadening.

Another possible structural effect suggested by Armitage et al [1], and discussed in Ref. [2], could be a rotation of the mirror plane due to a change in the orthorhombicity of the lattice. A rotation necessary to account for the magnitude of the dichroism seen in our experiments would be close to 2°. This of course would be easily observable even in a rudimentary Laue diffraction pattern. However, the work of Miles et al. [5] cited by Armitage and Hu measures the total change in the b-axis lattice parameter between 50K and 300K to be 0.011 ?. Even assuming a non-expanding a-axis, this would correspond to a rotation of the crystal symmetry axis of 0.05°, or two orders of magnitude smaller than what is neeccesary to account for the dichroism effect observed in our experiment. Our own x-ray diffraction measurements (shown in Fig. 3) performed on the same samples as used in the dichroism experiments are in good agreement with the data by Miles et al. [5] Furthermore, we examined eight diffraction peaks, all equivalent (1,0,5) peaks in the pseudotetragonal notation,i.e. (1,0,5), (-1,0,5), (0,1,5), (0,-1,5) and all four (1,1,10)'s, below and above T*, yielding consistent results.

Any structural effects can be detected through the change in symmetry in ordinary, linearly polarized ARPES. This has the additional advantage that the “dichroic” and the “ordinary”ARPES are both surface sensitive experiments. The fact that the mirror plane does not rotate to any significant degree is indeed seen in the ARPES measurement of the dispersion (using linearly polarized photons), which retains its even symmetry to a high degree of precision, as shown in Fig. 4.

[1] N. P. Armitage and J. Hu, cond-mat/0303186 (2003).

[2] A. Kaminski et al., Nature 416, 610-613 (2002).

[3] M. E. Simon and C. M. Varma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 247003-1-247003-4 (2002)

[4] M. R. Norman et al., Phys. Rev. B 52, 615–622 (1995).

[5] P. A. Miles et al., Phys. Rev. B 55, 14632-14637 (1997).

Figure captions.

Fig. 1 Schematic band structure and SSM diffraction images along the (π,-π)-(π,π) direction (marked as thick black line on the inset) adopted from Ref. [5].

Fig. 2 ARPES data along the diagonal direction for T=50K and T=200K for an underdoped sample and integrated intensity (-600 meV, +100 meV) showing no significant

changes of the SSM signal as function of temperature

Fig. 3 Upper limit on the rotation of the mirror plane derived from x-ray scattering on the same underdoped sample as used in Ref. [2].

Fig. 4 Band dispersion along the line marked in the inset obtained from MDC fits to ARPES data for underdoped sample in the pseudogap state showing high degree of symmetry.


E n e r g y [e V ]-0.4-0.20.0

0.20.4ky [π/a]Fig. 1

I n t e g r a t e d i n t e n s i t y (-600m e V ,+100 m e V )<-(-π,π) (0,0) (π,π) ->

T=200K T=50K

Fig. 2


0.20.3ky [?-1]





0.1E n e r g y [e V ]

Fig. 4


我终于明白了作文600字 篇一:这就是我作文600字 篇一:这就是我作文600字大家好,我叫刘子晨,属蛇,今年九岁了。我是一个非常阳光的少年。首先,我有阳光般的外貌:“一双水汪汪的大眼睛和一头乌黑光亮的头发,在阳光的照射下熠熠生辉,显得非常的健康,帅气。” 其次,我有阳光般的性格:哪里有我,哪里就有笑声。在家里,每次吃饭,我都是最后一个才吃完。一天中午,饭桌上又只剩我一个人了,妈妈催促我说:“瞧你,每次吃饭都像蜗牛,快点,行不行?”我不紧不慢的说:“吃饭要细嚼慢咽才利于健康,懂吗?”妈妈“扑哧”一声笑了。在学校,我可也是一个小小笑星哦!记得有一次上自习时,一只蚊子在我的手臂上叮了一个大包,奇痒无比,我一边挠痒,一边作诗:“《春晓》,春来不洗澡,处处蚊子咬。一咬一个包,挠痒也没效。”惹得全班哄堂大笑。另外,我还喜欢阳光的运动——跆拳道。为什么我喜欢跆拳道呢?这还要从我的偶像成龙说起,因为成龙是一个实力派的武术明星,他演的片子惊险刺激,得到了大家的赞赏。我也希望我也能像他一样成为一个武术明星。阳光的我生活在阳光的天空下,但阳光的天空中偶尔也会飘过几朵乌云。记得有一次,妈妈有事要出去,临走前说:“儿子,把作业写后,就可以玩了。”我连连点头说:“好!”可是妈妈刚走,我就看我的电视,玩我的电脑,将作业这件事抛到九霄云外去了。晚上,妈妈妈回来了,非常生气,实行了最残酷的家刑:“打



终于明白爱情是一种遇见,不能制造也不能预期,一个人的时候,爱情会寂寞;两个人的时候,爱情会麻烦.爱与不爱,与 结局无关,今天就是永远. 爱情是一种遇见,朋友是一种遇见,两个气息相对的人,遇见了就成朋友了;而一百个气息不相投的朋友,交往了一辈子, 也不能成为朋友. 爱情也是一种遇见,那是世界上最难的一种遇见,虽然终于遇见了对的人,但是却偏偏在错误的时间里面,只能徒留遗 憾,不如没有遇见. 爱情是这个世界用永恒的主题,爱情可以让人快乐,也可以让人痛苦,实际上有很多人间的悲剧也都是发生在爱情,婚姻这个领域里,有些人就是因为爱情看破红尘了. 在如今这个极为物质的年代,讨论爱情,似乎已没有多少人相信它的真实存在,但毕竟存在于那个角落.爱情是一种遇见,一种很难的遇见,首先你要相信它,然后你才能真正的遇 见. 在一个对的时间里遇见一个对的人,便要好好把握,好好珍惜,不要因为其他原因而就放弃了,年龄并不是问题.遇见了一个自己喜欢的人,就不要轻易退缩.因为爱情是一种遇见, 一种世界上最难的遇见.

已经遇见的,正在遇见的,将来会遇见的........我们从擦身而过到相濡以沫最后相忘于江湖,不停的遇见又不停的错过,象轮回一样的反反复复,看似没有尽头,命运却会最终给 我们答案. 我们一直都在等着,等着那么一个人,不愿错过又常常错过,嘲笑着命运的捉弄却仍坚持着我们的期望. 佛说五百年的会盟才换来今生的擦肩而过,所以我不信佛,五百年太长了.在闹市中行走,每一分钟都遇到不同的人,然而之中却没有我等待着的他,擦肩而过换不来最终的幸福. 遇到了却没有遇见,终是空欢喜一场.相遇于一种莫明的躁动中,或欣喜或忧郁,这将是一种命中注定的缘分,又或者只是一场美丽的误会,相遇之时谁也无法预言我们的未来,就象我们无法预知下辈子将会遇到谁.希望与惊喜都定格在眼神相对的那一刹那,我们遇见了彼此,在这样的人海中.能遇见已经是种幸福,或许我们不该奢求太多,我们都不是信佛 之人. 我们心存感激,我们没有等五百年或是更长.我们努力寻觅,努力磨合,努力相处,如此反复,遇见不同的人,做着不同的事,过着不同的生活,享受着不同的爱恨情仇,总想问最终我


雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类今天三立在线教育雅思网为大家带来的是雅思口语part2话题万能模板:事件类的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 首先我们来说说“一件从数学中学到的事情”,拿到这个话题,先不要急着回答,可以用笔稍微构思一下思路,该怎么回答。首先,可以说一下这件事是什么、发生在什么时候,也就是作文中的事件和事件,这里需要注意的就是具体描述一下什么事但是又不能啰嗦累赘,而时间则可以大致概括点明即可。我们就从资料中的例子来说:高中的时候从乘法表中学到的一件事。 然后,要具体叙述一下这件事,即是最重要的部分,发生的地方、牵扯到的人物、以及这件事情影响到你的原因,为什么影响到你…… 资料例子来说:在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。这件事情使我明白了,生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。 而这里的例子看似像我们中文作文中的思路,但是关键在于它表述方式以及用词造句,不能太中式化。这里的重点,就是描述事件经过,即“在高中的一次数学竞赛中失败,以至于灰心丧气,甚至对自己产生怀疑,而此时数学老师拿乘法的规则来比喻人生中的失败与成功的关系来鼓励我,以至于我从失败中走出来,从新赢得了下一次的数学竞赛。”而老师的话则是重中之重,因为他让我明白了道理“生活就如同数学乘法,有无数种可能,多种多样,我们要坦然面对。”也是我深深牢记的原因,以及这件事对我影响深刻的原因。

而最后,只需要简单概括,从这件事中学到的东西即可。其实这个话题思路并不是很难,关键在于烤鸭们的表述以及词汇的积累。 其实,大家都知道事件类话题是雅思口语考试中最简单的、最容易描述,却也是最常见的话题,所以大家要多注意积累素材、思考思路。其实“A way of communication”和“A good parent”这两个话题也可以用这个例子来阐述回答,而最关键的则是把老师的那段话稍作转述即可。例如,“A way of communication”我们可以先描述手机及其性能作用,以及现今的流行趋势,然后从一件事引到交流方式,还是那件事,还是那写话,只不过要突出老师用短信的方式告知我,最后,简单概述手机的用处及好处即可。是不是很简单呢?同样的,“A good parent”只需要根据情况把那些话转述为父母亲对你说的话,已经对你的影响,所以一个模板真的是百用哦! 那么我们赶紧来看看还有哪些话题可以这样转换呢? 多米诺骨牌效应:=Something you learned from math=Something you learned from your family=A piece of advice=A change you had=An important stage in your life=A text message you got=A letter you got=An E-mail you got=A way of communication=An important decision you made=A person who helped you=A kind thing someone did to you=A family member you love talking to=A good parent=An elderly family member=A neighbor=A good friend=A teacher=A science course you took=A subject you love/d at school=Your personality=First day of college=Your experience of getting money as a gift=Your experience of getting congratulations=A person you helped=A thing your friend did made you admire.


英语口语1分钟演讲稿 英语演讲不同于纯粹的口语表达,更正式化、富于技巧性,我们所说的口语是口头表述。下面是小编为你整理的几篇英语口语1分钟演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 英语口语1分钟演讲稿篇一 here is a wisdom called to let go, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a successful selection and composition of 500 15 choice and successful composition 500 words article 15. Some give up, choose more suitable for their goals, may success closer. Materials thinkers in stork say; "The ability of survival needs more than one! Rabbit cannot learn swimming in school make hole, squirrel learn swimming in school to climb trees!" I think this is right. The swimming may really not suitable for a rabbit if give up swimming, choose to make hole maybe it could be a hole experts; Pine swim, climb a tree, I believe it will do very well.


我终于明白了作文800字 我终于明白了作文800字——爬山踏青,是我们家经常开展的一项休闲娱乐活动,记得那是一个春日的早上,晴空万里,我们一家又背上行囊出发了。春天 的山岭真美啊!在漫山遍野的葱绿中,点缀着五彩缤纷的花朵,鸟儿在林中鸣唱,蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞,和煦的春风吹在脸上叫人陶醉。 我们一边欣赏着美景一边向上攀登,忽然,跑在前面的我发现登山道出现了分岔,爬山的人多往右侧的大道前行,而左侧的小道则无人问津,我在岔道口停 下脚步,思考着,小道上很幽静,而大道上已经人满为患了,从左侧的小道是 否也能登上山顶?我的答案是肯定的。于是,我把我的想法告诉了爸爸妈妈。 妈妈认为既然大家都从大道走说明那是正确的方向,我们也应跟大家走,少走 弯路,我则坚持我的选择,条条道路通罗马嘛!我与妈妈各持己见,争论不休。爸爸静静地观察了一会,最后支持了我,二比一,前进! 我在前面带路,昂首挺胸,仿佛成竹在胸,其实心里真有点儿忐忑,并不能确 定这条路就一定能到山顶。越往前走,山谷越幽深,偶尔的几声鸟鸣越发显得 人迹罕至。哎呀,我们选择的方向是对的吗?往前走会不会越走越远啊?我们 会不会迷路啊?┅┅一连串的问号出现在我脑海里,我有点想打退堂鼓了,趁 着妈妈不注意,我悄悄地拉了拉爸爸的衣角,向爸爸投去求助的目光,爸爸明 白了我的意思,鼓励我道:“既然作出了选择,就要坚持!”对,坚持就是胜利!经过漫长地攀登,头顶忽然传来有人说笑的声音,好象有很多人,我紧走 几步,抬头一看,啊,终于到山顶了,我的心里像是一块石头落了地。我高昂 着头,两手叉着腰,得意地站在妈妈面前,“妈妈,这次是我对了吧!”妈妈 弯着腰,微笑地用手指点着我的鼻子,说我像只骄傲的大公鸡。 坐在山顶的岩石上,享受着成功的喜悦。爸爸轻抚着我的头发,语重心长地对 我说:“筱筱,上山的路不止一条,只要选择了正确的道路,坚持攀登,就一 定能到山顶。做别的事也是同样的道理,通往成功的道路不止一条,只要你不 懈地付出努力,就一定能达到成功的彼岸!”我使劲地点了点头,把爸爸的话 牢牢地记在了心里。 我终于明白了,通往成功的道路不止一条,只要你不懈地付出努力,走在弯曲 的路也能到达成功的。


一下是一个万能嵌套模板,不管你英语抽到那种TOPIC,都能套用这套模板。只需要在横线的地方修改就好了。 A: Hi good morning, nice to meet you here. B: Nice to meet you too. A: Haven’t seen you for a long time, what are you doing these days. B: I have just finished some exams. How about you? A: I have made a research on “_________”. B: what about it? A:”_______________”. B: Yes you really have a good command on “__________”. A: Thanks, I prepared it for a long time. B: I really appreciate your effort, in my view, __________now is quite different form it past, in the past, _________but now, with the development of technology, especially the computer science and the internet,__________, I think you can consider these different in your research. A: oh it is very interesting, you got the point. B: OK hope the information will help you. A: Of course, it will be. your suggestion is very useful to me, it’s about my survey. Do you like it? B: I love it very much, can I join your teem this year? A: Sure, welcome join us, we can do it together.


当耳边传来:“你直升上二中了”的声音,喜悦的泪水,早已如山洪暴发般喷涌而出。模糊了的双眼前,又浮现出这三年来的点点滴滴。我也终于理解了父亲的良苦用心…… 夏末的燥热,扰乱了我的心思,无心学习,那就看书吧。我端起一本《意林》,倚在床头,细心地品读起来。“来到了初三,学习和班级里的工作全面压上,我人累,心更累,是时候放松一下自己了”我心想。 可就像童话故事一样,每当主角想过上平静安宁的生活时,总会有不识时机的大反派出来捣乱。而这次的反派,是我父亲……他大步流星地走上前来,一把将书从我手中夺了过去,重重地砸到了地上。他紧咬嘴唇,双目瞪得溜儿圆,用那因愤怒而颤抖不已的手指着我,歇斯底里地咆哮道:“都什么时候了,你还在这里看闲书!回你房间学习去!”我被这暴风骤雨般地话语镇住了,可心中愤怒的火焰已熊熊烧起,“我认真听讲、仔细完成作业、对待班级和学校的工作一丝不苟,现在只是累了,却连休息的时间都不容有吗!”我拍床而起,双目紧盯父亲的眼睛,一字一顿地叫喊:“不,我就不去学习!” 暴风雨的前夕总是宁静的,房间里一片死寂,可能父亲也没想到我的抵抗会如此强烈,但随即他就做出了响亮的回应,“啪”的一声,我被重重地扇了一巴掌,脸上顿时泛起一片火辣辣的红。我沉默了,转身冲回了房间,把自己反锁在里面,任凭委屈的泪水在脸上留下深深的泪痕…… 或许我曾十分地不理解,为何对我如此严厉。可是等到我经历了直升的洗礼,那准备材料时的彻夜不休,那面试时的艰难困苦,以及那等待结果时的无尽煎熬,都在我心底烙下了深深的刻印。我也终于理解了拿破仑的那句“最困难的时候就是最接近成功的时刻”。 父爱如山,沉稳而又庄重;母爱如水,潺潺流入你的心田。或许你从未说出口,但我终究会明白你的良苦用心。 现在的我自信,开朗,大方,然而5年前的我根本与这些词“绝缘”。只因一次升国旗仪式的主持,我改变了…… 在小学的时候,我品学兼优,唯一有一点就是害怕与人交流,说话声音简直比蚊子还小。对于在大家面前发言,那简直是一个字“愁”啊。老师看在眼里,急在心里。终于有一天放学时,班主

PETS 3 口语万能模板

PETS 3 口语万能模板 1. 请考官/同伴重复问题 Sorry, Could you repeat that, please? Could you say it again, please? Excuse me, would you mind saying that again? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. 2. 思考,犹豫 Well, … … In fact, … … That’s an interesting questio n, I've never thought it, but I suppose to … … It's hard to say, but I guess … … Hmm, let me see … … I'm not sure, but maybe … … 3. 表达观点 As far as I am concerned, … … From my point of view, … … In my opinion, … … Fr ankly, it seems to me that … … 4.描述图片常用的表达语句 As i look at the picture.. Judging from the picture.. From the picture I can see------ The picture shows that------ The picture tells us that----- According to the picture------ As is shown in the picture----- We can see from the picture 5.描述图表常用表达语句 According to the picture, I can see----- The table /graph shows that ----- The figures in the table clearly bring out the differences between-----From the differences of the figures in the table , I can infer that-----From the graph /table, I know that---- 6.常用关联词 In the first place------secondly------ On one hand ------On the other hand------ What is the most important is----- What’s more----


英语作文万能模板 英文写作中,主题句,引导句,过渡句在文中的重要性不言而喻。适时的积累一些英语作文模板句子,会让你的文章增色不少哦~ (一)段首句 1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。一些人认为…… There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____. 2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。 There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today. 3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。首先,……;其次,……。更为糟糕的是……。 Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______. 4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。 Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______. 5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。它既有有利的一面,也有不利的一面。 Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages. 6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,…… People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____. 7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。


话题一What is your definition of success?What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud? In my submission, success is not to earn a great of money, nor is it to so some so great things. Not to be famous, not to be great, ordinary people also have their own way of success. I think, to make my families, and all the people I love have a happy life, is my own way to be success. Yes, the ancient people said, a man should take the world as his duty. But for me, the most important is to make these people I love happy! As I said, I want to make my love live a happy life. So it' always on the way to success! i want to make myself better and be able to make them feel happy. I remembered once a weekend, my parents are busy working so nobody have time to make a lunch, I tried to make it, but I didn't learn how to cook before! My little brother and I made an awful lunch after an attempt. I still remember how unsavory it was but the happiness on my parents ' tace is visible. At that moment, the feeling of pride arises spontaneously. I feel I am the most success person in our world. So after that, I tried to learn some cooking skills and I can make some delicious food now. 话题二Please describe what is the happiest/most embarrassing/funniest/scariest thing that has ever happened to you. For me, there is a really scariest thing happened in my life. That was when I had just been in high school for no more than one month! After the military training, we have a long holiday at last. My brother and I went back home together. We are so tired because the intension of the training is so strong! We planned to have a good sleep once we came home. After an hour 's drive and thirty minutes' walk, we finally arrived at our destination. And we found that our parents going out. But, when I was opening the door, he suddenly falls in a faint. I am so scared that I almost fainted too. After realizing what happened, I responded quickly. I dialed a first aid phone and then, call my parents what happened. I put my brother on the sofa to prevent him from catching a cold. And I called his name and asked some questions to see if he was even sober. Just a while, the ambulance arrived. And my parents got back after it. My brother was send to hospital and my heart is still beating fast. I think it 'probably the most scaring thing I have ever experienced.


我终于明白了你的良苦用心_600字 我终于明白了你的良苦用心 小时候,总认为母亲对自己的爱不够多。别的父母都是送给孩子洋娃娃、零花钱之类的东西,而我的母亲总是给我一个麻木的“不”字 五岁时 每天路过面包店,母亲总问我爱吃什么,我每次都指着那个标价5元的大蛋糕,可谁知道每次我都战战兢兢地,生怕母亲看到价格牌,只见母亲眼一瞪说:“不,太贵了!” 最后只要了一元的面包或等价的蛋糕。我,只好哭着离开。 七岁时 我最讨厌星期五,因为母亲不会接我回家,每次我都是沿着长长的路沉闷的走回家。每到星期一母亲送我上学时,我总是苦苦地问:“妈妈。你能不能来接我呀,其他同学的爸爸妈妈都来接孩子。”母亲坚定地说:“不,你自己走回去!”没办法,每到周五,我只好沮丧地自己走回家。看到同学坐在父母车后面有说有笑,当时恨极了那漫长的路,恨极了自己是做生意的女儿。 十岁时 朋友过生日,同学们纷纷送来了精美的礼品,作为好朋友的我,当然要送份大礼啦!于是我开口向母亲要五十元

钱,母亲问清缘由对我说:“同学之间的友谊,不是用金钱来衡量的。你适当的送个小礼物,我相信你朋友会喜欢的。”没办法,我只好用力关紧了房门。 “不,不,不------”就这样,我听了十四年的不,直到奶奶生病住院,我才真正理解了那一元早餐的意义,那几万元的医疗费,不都是父母辛苦积攒下来的吗? 现在我已经进入了初中生活,我仍然沿着那长长的路走回家。看到同学因奔波而忧愁的脸,此时,我心里有一丝丝欣慰,不是幸灾乐祸,而是真正理解并明白了母亲的良苦用心。母亲,因为你的放手才有了我今天的独立! 终于明白了母亲对自己的爱,那么深,那么浓,那么重!


终于明白了作文800字 不知不觉无数个年头,终于明白了你的良苦用心。下面是给大家带来的终于明白了作文800字,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 终于明白了作文800字1 爷爷家有一棵橘子树,年龄比我还大,一到秋天,便会硕果累累。 等我感受到冷风,爷爷就会带着一筐新鲜的橘子敲响家门:“爷爷送橘子来了!”打开门便是爷爷亲切的笑脸。起初几年我还快乐于爷爷的到来,但后来便开始厌烦起来:橘子不再都是甜甜的,偶尔还有万橘丛中一点绿,实在是不让人赏心悦目,只是爷爷的笑脸依旧,让人难以拒绝。我开始不再吃那筐橘子,只是放在角落里,慢慢变干。 今年秋天,我随父母一起来到爷爷家,爷爷笑开了花,连忙招呼,并往我口袋里塞一两颗糖。奶奶还在工作,而爷爷得了病,开了刀,只能待在家里,所以没能送橘子了。 爷爷搬起长凳,拍拍我的头:“爷爷去摘橘子给咱孙女吃!”一会儿,爷爷便站在长凳上,靠着树摘橘子,放在筐中。筐还是那个筐,只是有了斑斑痕迹,有些老旧了。而橘子树下爷爷的身

影竟也变得瘦小了许多,有了银色的发丝,动作也变得不利索了。只见在树叶间,他竟几次抓空眼前的橘子。良久,筐里只有几个青色的小橘子。哦!树老了,爷爷也老了! 爷爷 吃力地下来,拎着半筐橘子,慢悠悠走过来,在筐里翻了好久,拿出一个相对成熟的橘子,用布满老茧的大手剥开,递给了我。“爷爷眼神不好了,都摘不到甜橘子了!”爷爷苦笑着,一双老眼中泛着浑浊的泪,“爷爷老了,我的好孙女也要长大了。”边说着眼神也变得暗淡了。我看着他失落的模样,鼻子不禁一酸,我明白了!为什么这两年爷爷送橘子的时间越来越少,为什么橘子不再甜美,爷爷的笑容也有些疲惫。看着手中冰冷的小橘子,我剥下一瓣放入爷爷的嘴中,又一瓣投入自己口中,一阵香甜溢满口腔。我不争气地流下眼泪,又擦擦爷爷的眼泪:“爷爷摘的橘子最好吃了。”爷爷笑了,露出不怎么白的牙:“我的好孙女……”我终于明白了,那橘子的香甜,是因为爷爷把所有爱都包进了其中! 爷爷身体越来越差,经常走不稳路,但他的笑容还是那么亲切。爷爷,什么时候,还能听见你说:“爷爷送橘子来了!”打开门,还能看见你像往日一样平淡亲切的笑容啊? 终于,我明白了,那橘子一直是那么甜美,爷爷,我还想再吃你送的橘子!


研学姐考研英语复试口语原创模板,模板毕竟是要万能,有局限性,担心和其他同学模板雷同学生,想根据自己实际情况定制英语口语模板请联系淘宝店铺:研学姐考研,只需您发我们完整汉语,由外教翻译并朗读发您,直接上考场用,既准确又节省复习时间,按汉语字数收费,请一定提前定制,因复试紧急,学生又太多。 Part 1 1、Would you please make a brief introduction about yourself? What can you tell me about yourself?自我介绍 这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史,他是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索,来判断你是否适合读研。也可以适合把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母、亲友给了你哪些方面良好的影响。切记考官不需要流水帐、白开水似的介绍。 上午好/下午好。我非常荣幸有这个机会参加贵校的面试。 我希望我今天有好的表现。我也相信我能够成功。 现在我将简要介绍一下我自己。 我的名字叫** 我今年*岁,我本科是**学校**专业,家乡是美丽的历史文化名城**,著名的景点和名人有**。 正如中国唐代思想家韩愈所说“业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随”。我是一个性格既有外向一面又有内向一面的人,爱运动,爱看书,爱思考。 我的父亲是一名公务员,母亲是大学老师,虽然我是父母唯一的孩子,但是我不是一个被宠坏的孩子。 相反,父母一直希望我能接受先进的教育并成为一个对社会有用的人。我在学校一直努力

的学习,并把自己注意力集中到有意义的事情,比如,做环保志愿者,积极参加各种竞赛并获得各种奖励。 我做的很多重要的决定是深深的受我其中一位大学老师**先生/女士的影响。在他的指导下,我不仅学到了理论知识,也有很多实践机会。经过深思熟虑,我决定选择这所学校的这个领域。最后,英语对我很重要,我希望我能顺利通过今天的测试。这是我所要自我介绍的,谢谢您。 1.Good morning/Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity to take this interview. I wish I could give out my best and have a wonderful performance. And I firmly believe I can do it well. Now I would like to introduce myself briefly. My name is ** I am** years old, I graduated from **University ,my major is **. My hometown is a beautiful historical and cultural city, **, which is famous for its famous scenic spots and celebrity, such as **. As Hanyu, an prominent thinker in T ang Dynasty said, the greatness is achieved through diligence and retarded by laziness, the deed is accomplished through thinking and destroyed by idleness. I am a person who has both outgoing and introverted sides, I like playing sports, reading book and thinking. My father is a civil servant , and my mother is a university teacher, I am the only child of my parents, but I am not a spoiled child. On the contrary, parents hope I can accept advanced education and become a


【例文赏读】我终于明白了你的良苦用心 路上的风幽幽荡荡,飘飘摇摇,拂过混杂着泪水和雨水的脸,那么猛烈,却也吹不醒那凋零的心。暗黑的夜为那肆虐无情的冷雨更添土气,仿佛要将人间的无情挥洒的淋漓尽致。(环境烘托人物心情。) 我想,我一辈子也不会原谅你了……(短短数语,写出我和“爸爸”的隔阂之深。) 幼时的那次惩罚,就因为不愿上学而被罚在门口站了一晚上,我感到了你的无情、你的冷漠,也击碎了我的爱、我的心。几年来,我们一直保持着距离,刻意的、无意的,我都始终和你隔着一道无形的防线。 可是,我错了,我发现我没有办法恨你那么久,看着你的背影,我想恨,但我做不到。 你还记得吗?那天夜里我被抱进屋的时候,浑身已经湿透了,像只落汤鸡似的,狼狈极了。无情的大雨早已将我的理智冲毁,昏昏沉沉的,我只喊了一句:“我恨你。” 可你,拿毛巾,递热水,找毯子,忙前忙后。看不清你的脸,但我猜你一定很着急。我心里笑了,早知如此,何必当初,不会再原谅你了。(叛逆心理:写我对爸爸的深刻的恨,这种叛逆心理非常符合考生的年龄特征。) 从那以后,我从来没有逃避过上学。我小小的得意:我看你怎么罚我,我让你抓不着!你说喝咖啡对身体不好,我偏喝,加盐,加醋,各种古怪的口味我都喝;你说长头发的人漂亮,我偏偏就去剪短发,越短越开心;你说女孩不应该在路上骑车,我偏骑,哪儿危险我去哪儿。我的目的只有一个,表达我对你的恨。可是,每次我做这些怪事时,每次看你无奈的表情时,我的心会痛,会别扭的难受,所以我都改了。喔,原来我没有那么恨你啊!(逐层递进:写我的得寸进尺,更加写出爸爸对我的那种深沉的爱。) 一次偶然的机会,从她那听说那次惩罚我,你特别难过,十分后悔。那天夜里你一夜未眠,精心照顾发烧的我,你哭了。其实,你是为我好……(侧面描写:通过妈妈之口写爸爸对我的关爱,对自己行动的后悔,手法巧妙。) 仔细回想起来,为我买牛奶的人,为我打扫的人,送我上学的人,给我零用钱的人,是你啊!生我,养我,给我生命的人是你啊!疼我,爱我,教育我的人是你啊!爸爸,真的是你啊!猛然发现,原来我早就不恨你了,根本就没有恨过你啊!(侧面描写:情节结构巧妙,恍然大悟。) 泪水不争气的又落下来了,我终于明白了你的良苦用心,希望不晚,爸爸,我爱您! 【学生习作】


英语口语万能模板 一、图表作文 As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,____ has been on rise/ decrease,significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ____ in _____ to _____ in _____. From the sharp rise/decline in the chart,it goes without saying that _____. There are at least two good reasons accounting for _____. In one hand,____.In the other hand,_____ is due to the fact that ______.In addition,______ is responsible for _____. Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______.But itis generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned,I hold the point of view that _______. I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. 二、书信作文模板 Your address Month,Date,year Receiver's address Dear …, I am extremely pleased to hear from you. And I would like to write a letter to tell you that_____. …… I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/I am looking f0rward to your replies at your earliest convenience. Best regards for your health and success.


我终于明白了作文 在初中一年级时,我的老师对我很好,常拍着我的脑瓜夸我聪明,还说我将来一定能考上北大清华。这些表扬极大地培养了我的学习兴趣,我的学习在班中已到中上等水平。 但到了初中二年级换了老师,老师只注意那些特等生。对我这样的中等生不冷不热的,又加上贪玩、懒惰这些不良因素的影响,使我上期期末考试成绩很差,爸爸妈妈也批评我懒,不努力,害的我一个春节都小心翼翼的。新学期开学后,老师又把我调到了后排,我心中很痛恨她的这种做法,暗暗发誓一定要刻苦学习,考上中国最好的师范大学,将来做一名所有学生都喜爱的教师,使和我一样的“受害者”能够不要像现在的我一样“饱受折磨”。 从此,我不再整天玩耍,超额完成作业,我甚至为了一个难题苦思冥想很长时间,直至做出正确答案。为了改变以前的自己,树立自己良好的新形象,我在家中做些力所能及的家务活,在班里帮助比我差的同学,帮助生活有困难的同学,热心公益事业。在学习上我就更不放松了,我向班中的尖子生学习,我比他们睡的更晚,起的更早,以追回以前浪费的时间,以便我能在较短的时间内获得较大的进步。 功夫不负有心人,开学来的第一次月考到了,我终于取得了好成绩,数学和英语都是满分,全班第一名!当老师念分时,许多同学惊讶的张大了嘴巴,当老师夸奖我的时候,我觉得老师的笑脸是那么真诚。

当老师在班会上对月考进行总结,提到我的名字热烈的掌声响起时,我终于明白了:学习上的进步,只能靠自己的努力了,一分汗水,一分收获,一个好老师是重要的,但更重要的是自己去努力奋斗。 在初中一年级时,我的老师对我很好,常拍着我的脑瓜夸我聪明,还说我将来一定能考上北大清华。这些表扬极大地培养了我的学习兴趣,我的学习在班中已到中上等水平。 但到了初中二年级换了老师,老师只注意那些特等生(有几个是很有钱的)。对我这样的中等生不冷不热的,又加上贪玩、懒惰这些不良因素的影响,使我上期期末考试成绩很差,爸爸妈妈也批评我懒,不努力,害的我一个春节都小心翼翼的。新学期开学后,老师又把我调到了后排,我心中很痛恨她的这种做法,暗暗发誓一定要刻苦学习,考上中国最好的师范大学,将来做一名所有学生都喜爱的教师,使和我一样的“受害者”能够不要像现在的我一样“饱受折磨”。 从此,我不再整天玩耍,超额完成作业,我甚至为了一个难题苦思冥想很长时间,(赌气不去问老师)直至做出正确答案。为了改变以前的自己,树立自己良好的新形象,我在家中做些力所能及的家务活,在班里帮助比我差的同学,帮助生活有困难的同学,热心公益事业。在学习上我就更不放松了,我向班中的尖子生学习,我比他们睡的更晚,起的更早,以追回以前浪费的时间,以便我能在较短的时间内获得较大的进步。 功夫不负有心人,开学来的第一次月考到了,我终于取得了好成绩,数学和英语都是满分,全班第一名!当老师念分时,许多同学惊
