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疑问词+(not) to do.......

73. 我想知道我们明天应什么时候到白云机场。

I want to know _______ _______ ________ _______ at the Bai Yun Airport tomorrow.

75. 我不清楚下一步该做什么。让我先给Lily打个电话吧。

I don’t know ________ ________ _______ next. Let me call Lily first.


Could you tell me _____ ______ work out the maths problem?

71. 我为那男孩难过,但不知道怎么帮他。

I felt sorry for the boy, but I didn’t know _______ ______ _______ ________ him.

73. 他问我是否会放风筝。

He asked me _______ _______ ______ fly a kite.

74. 请问广州塔怎么走?

Excuse me, could you tell me_______ _______ ______ _______ the Canton Tower?

72. 我不知道怎样回答她的问题。

I don’t know _______ __________ _________ her question.

74. 我不知道我的梦想已经成为了现实。

I don’t know ______ my dream ______already ______ ______.

74. 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗?

Have you decided ________ ________ ________ you holiday this summer?

74. 你能告诉我你昨晚干了什么?

Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ last night?

74 .打扰了!您能告诉我可以在哪里买到这本书吗?

Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ ________ this book?

75. 他们还没有决定在什么地方举行足球赛。

They haven’t decided ________ ________ ________ ________ the football match.


so +adj/adv +that sb can’t/could’t do..........

too+adj/adv +(for sb) to do (主从句主语不一致时用for sb)

Not.....enough +(for sb) to do.....(主从句主语不一致时用for sb)

72. 她说得那么快,我几乎听不清她所说的话。

She spoke _______ fast _______ I could hardly hear what she said clearly.

72. 这个电视节目如此有趣,妈妈每晚都看。

This TV programme is ___________ interesting __________ Mum enjoys it every night. 75. 这个小女孩够年龄去上学了。

The little girl is ________ _________ to go to school.

74. 彼此见面的时候,他们太激动了以致说不出一句话来。

They were __________ _________ ________ _________ a word when they met each other. 考点四:

(1)sb spend .......on sth /(in) doing sth ; (2)sb pay........for sth/to do sth

(3)It takes sb.......to do sth

(4)sth cost sb........


How long does it ______ you ______ ______ from your home to school?

71. 我每天花费两小时做家庭作业。

Every day I ________ two hours ________ ________my homework.

He ______ an hour repairing his broken bike yesterday.

It ______ him the whole day to help his grandparents do the housework last Sunday.

The book ______ me 20 yuan.

The boy ______ 20 dollars for the flowers and sent them to his mother.

Will you _____ so much money ______ this car?


both....and.....( both of.....)

not only...but also..

as well as

Neither....nor......( neither of..) either....or..... Not....but.....


At school teachers teach us _________ __________ knowledge________ ________ how to be good.


Guangzhou has _____ _____ a long history, _____ _____ beautiful scenery.

73. 只有一张入场券,杰克和你当中只能一个人去看时装展。

There is only one ticket. ________ Jack ________ you will go to the fashion show.

72. 肯特和孩子们都不想去动物园。

_________ Kent _________ the children wanted to go to the zoo.

72. 他不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。

He can speak ________ ________ English ________ ________ Chinese.


75. 室内不允许吸烟。

Smoking _______ _______ _______ in the room.

74. 校运会将在下周四上午举行。

The school sports meeting ________ _________ _________ next Thursday morning.

72、我们学校即将在下周五晚上举行一场音乐会。A concernt _______ _______ _________ in our school next Friday evening.

74. 现在,很多人用手机代替相机拍照。

Nowadays, mobile phones __________ __________ to take photos instead of cameras.

74. 这些食物应该放在冰箱里保存。

The food ________ _________ ________ in the fridge.

75. 离开之前所有的灯必须关掉。

All the lights ________ _________ __________ ________ before leaving.

73. 地震发生后,许多医生和药物被送到了雅安.

After the earthquake, a lot of medicine and doctors ______ ______ to Ya An.

75. 2015前,广州将要建三个新的主题公园。

Three new Theme Parks _______ _______ _______ in Guangzhou before 2015.

76. 昨天我收到了一部新手机作为生日礼物。

A new mobile phone _______ _______ to me as my birthday present yesterday.

73. 上学期图书馆买来了许多图书。

Last term, many books ________ ________ back to the library.


what a/an +adj+n(单数)+主语+谓语+其他。

What adj+n(复数/不可数)+主语+谓语+其他。

How +adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他。

71. 这起交通事故多可怕呀!

_________ ___________ this traffic accident is!

73. 多么令人兴奋的消息啊!

________ ________ the news is!


_______ _______ exciting football match it is!

77. 天气真好!我们去散步吧!

____________ ____________ weather it is! Let’s go for a walk.

72. 这部电影真令人激动啊!

_______ _______ exciting film it is!

75. 到处湿漉漉的,天气真糟糕!

It’s wet everywhere. weather it is!

73. 多么有趣的游戏啊!

_________ _________ __________ game it is!


________ ________ the weather is! It is going to rain again.


________ ________ boring movie! I fell asleep half way.

73. 多么聪明的小男孩啊!

_________ _________ the little boy is!

75. 今天天气多好啊!去划船怎样?

________ ________ weather it is! Shall we go boating?

73. 他是一个多么成功的人啊!

________ ________ ________ ________ he is!




71. 昨晚,直到爸爸回来我才睡觉。

I ________ ________ to bed ________ my father came back home.


72. 如果你想保持健康,最好不要吃太多垃圾食品。

_________ ________ want to ________ ________, you’d better not eat too much junk food.


I will call you _______ ________ ________ I arrive at the train station.

71. 这本书里有一些有用的信息。你应该好好利用一下。

_______ _______ some useful information in this book. You should make good use of it.


71. 吃饭后你应该休息一会。

You should __________ __________ __________ after a meal.

78. 太冷啦!你介意关一下窗户吗?

It’s too cold! Would you ___________ __________ the window?

71. 你哥哥为什么急着离开了家?

Why did your brother leave home ______ _______ ________?

71. 昨天,大雨使我们不能踢足球。

The heavy rain______ _______ _______ ______ football yesterday.

72. 天气凉了,我爸不再游泳了。

It is getting colder. My father______ _______ _______ ______ .

73. 对于我们来说,保持健康对身体是很重要的。

______ very necessary for us______ _______healthy.

71. 他为那些可怜的孩子感到难过。

He _________ ___________ __________ those poor children.

71. 别生我的气了,我只是开玩笑。

_________ ___________ _________ with me. I was just joking.

71. 你跟你的同学相处得好吗?

Can you _________ ___________ _________ _________ your classmates?

72. 他仍然觉得自己对她的死负有责任。

He still felt that he ________ ________ ________ her death.

74. 出国旅游会是很激动人心的。

________ ________ can be very exciting.


第二节完成句子(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)

71. How terrible/horrible 72. If you stay(keep) healthy, keep fit 73. when we should arrive 74. not only, but also 75. is not allowed

第二节完成句子(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)

71. take / have a rest 72. so; that 73. How exciting 74. will be held 75. what to do




The heavy rain _________ us __________ arriving there on time yesterday.


________Mike ________his wife ________ to cook at home on Sundays.


She was _________busy preparing for supper ________ she forgot to give a call to her mother. 74.我发觉学习一门外语很有趣。

I find it interesting ________ ________ a foreign language.


Flowers ________ ________ everywhere in Guangzhou.


71. 快点,否则我们会错过最后一班火车。

__________ __________, or we’ll miss the last train.

72. 昨晚,我花了整整一个晚上把这部小说读完了。

I __________ a whole night __________ reading this novel last night.

73. 只要你不放弃,你的梦想肯定能实现。

Your dream can come true __________ __________ __________ you don’t give up.

74. 你能告诉我你多久去一趟图书馆吗?

Can you tell me __________ __________ __________ __________ to the library?

75. 每年三月份都会在白云山种植很多幼树。

Many young trees __________ __________ on the Baiyun Hill in March every year.


71. 比起看电视,Lily更喜欢上网。

Lily surfing the Internet to TV.

72. 去年他们村附近建了一条新的公路。

A new road______ _______near their village last year.

73. 对于我们来说,保持校园整洁是很重要的。

for us keep our school clean and tidy.

74. 汤姆今天早上起床太晚以至于不能按时到校。

Tom got up he couldn’t arrive at school this morning.

75. 在会议上老师给予了我们多么有用的信息啊!

the teacher gave us at the meeting!



Is _______ ________ _______ in _______ morning news?

72. 爸爸和妈妈都无法阻止她去听西城男孩的演唱会。

_____ her father ______her mother could keep her _____ ______ to the concert of Westlife.

73. 早期的奥林匹克运动会,只允许男性运动员参加比赛。

In early days only male athletes _______ ________ _______ take part in the Olympic Games. 74. 如果你想得到这份工作,一定的经验是必需的。

______ is necessary that you have some experience_______ _______ _______ to get the job. 75. 消防员在讲座上跟学生解释火灾发生时如何从大厦逃生。

At his lecture, the fireman explained to the students ______ _______ _______ ______ a building if a fire happens.


71. 我们应该阻止人们砍伐太多树木。

We should __________ people __________ __________ too many trees.

72. 如今很多人有电脑是很普遍的。

__________ __________ common for many people __________ __________ computers nowadays.

73. 他太粗心而没有发现试卷里的错误。

He was __________ careless __________ find the mistakes in the test paper.

74. 我不确定下周她会不会来我的生日晚会。

I'm not sure __________ __________ __________ __________ to my birthday party next week.

75. 我们学校的图书馆一次可以借3本书。

Three books __________ __________ __________ at a time in our school library.


71. 消防员用了三天才把那场大火扑灭。

It ________ the firefighters three days ________ _________ __________ the big fire.

74. 付了钱后,网上书店才会送书给你。

The Internet Shop ________ _________ books to you ________ you've paid the money. 75. 每天值日的同学必须保持课室的清洁明亮。

The students on duty every day _______ _______ the classroom ________ and ________. 75. 我们学校的报告厅够大,可容纳约500人。

The lecture hall of our school is _______ _________ ________ ________ around 500 people.

75. 早餐喝鲜奶有益健康,但我女儿更喜欢喝酸奶。

It’s good to drink fresh milk at breakfast, ______ my daughter ______ ________ yogurt.


71. 她直到三岁才会讲话。

She __________ speak _________ three years old.

72. 实际上,我一点都不喜欢他的新发型。

_________ ________, I don’t like his new hairstyle at all.

73. 他发现在比赛前很难入睡。

He found ______ _______ to _______ _______ before the competition.

74. 今天天气多么好啊!

_________ fine __________ it is today!

75. 如果我们不保护环境,地球将处于极大的危险之中。

If we don’t protect the environment, the earth will _______ _______ ________ _________.


71. 母亲叫我不要担心她。

Mother asked me ________ _________ ________ _________ her.

72. 她没有来,因为她很忙。

She d idn’t come ________ __________ __________ very ___________.

73. 我想知道那时候天是否正在下雨。

I wanted to know _______ _________ _________ __________ at that moment.

75. 他跑得那么快,以致我不能抓住他。

He ran __________ ___________ ____________ I ___________ catch him.

75. 所有的问题必须用英语来回答。

All the questions ____________ ____________ _____________ in English.


71.Jack 够强壮能把那块石头搬走。

Jack is _________ __________ ____________ ___________ the stone away.


He got up early __________ ___________ he _________ catch the first bus.


We _______ _______ ________ _______ play computer games by parents. .


________ she ________ I _________ _________ the film.


He wanted to know ________ ________ ________ _______ a city map.



Guangzhou ________ ________ _________ delicious food.


My cousin will go to Qingdao for holiday _________ _________ ________ he _________ back.

73. 这是一场多么有趣的游戏

_______ ________ _________ game this is!


Can you tell me _______ __________ ________get to the station ?


The work ________ ________ _________ before 8 o’clock in the morning.


71. 我会在你出差时帮你照顾你的小狗。

I’ll help you _____ ______ ______ your little dog while you are on busines s.


2012 Olympic Games _____ _______ __________ in London.


She is ______ ________ _______ she goes to bed late every night.


_______ __________ the English lesson is!


Could you tell me ______ ______ ________ the piano?



Computers an in our life.


Do you know _________ _______ ________ just now?


wonderful music is!


_______ _______ me almost half an hour _____ _____ to school.


The classroom every day.



The children_____ ______ _____ this game very much.


The workers were _______ tired _______ they had to ______ _____ have a rest.

73. 昨天我直到完成所有工作才离开办公室。

I______ _______ my office _______ I finished all the work yesterday.


Our school sports meeting______ ______ _______ next Friday.


I wonder _____ _____ ______ finish this project.



Trees can ________ the soil _________ _________ away.


Be careful!The ice ______ _______ _______ for you to step on .


He __________ tea _______ coffee.


Can you help me________ ________ this problem?


Parents are always afraid that their children will ______ ______ ______ __________ when they grow up.


Eating too much sugar_______ _______ ______ your health.


This moving film ________ _______ _______ a real story.



Xiao Li asked _________ ________ _________ _______ with him.


I find _____ interesting English.


He went to Guangzhou Zoo __________ __________ going to Guangzhou Museum..


The fire _______ half an hour later.

75. 今年夏天你准备到哪里度假?

Where ______ you ________ _______ _______ this summer?



My mother _______ ________ ________ _________ a meeting at night.


__________ _________ _________ _________ they had on the island!


He _______ half an hour __________ _______ ________ this problem last night.


She is a new mother. She doesn’t know _________ ________ ________ ________ of the ba by. 78.学生在上课期间禁止使用手机。

Mobile phones _________ ________ _________ by students in class.



I _______ ________ Miss Chen ________ ________ us from joining the

music club.


_________ the iphone4s is good, ______ Dad ________ Mum _______ going to buy one for me.


Mary hasn’t decided ________ ________ ________ ________ the bad news to her good friends.


________ ________ weather it is today! _______ _______ going for a walk with me?

78. 我们的运动会于上学期在暨南大学操场成功举办了。

Our sports meeting _________ ________ successfully on the playground of Jinan University last term.

1. It is already two years s ___________ we met last time.

2. When I went p ___________ the classroom, I saw her cleaning the floor.

3. --- What do you usually do for f ____________?

--- I usually listen to music when I am free.

4. Unluckily, he fell down on the ground and h _____________ himself on the back.

5. Dick writes a d _______ in English every night. He hopes to keep a good memory for the future.

6. After a long walk he felt hungry and t__________.

7. It’s going to rain soon. Please c_______ all the windows before you leave.

8. Rock music is p_________ with young people now.

9. If you make a m__________, you should apologize at once.

10.This new classroom is big enough to h__________ more than 60 students.

11. You needn’t pay for it. It’s f_________ for everyone.

12. Please don’t make any n_______. The baby is sleeping.

13. He was very h_______ after the hard work . He felt he could eat a horse.

14. We are going shopping this afternoon. Would you like to j_____ us?

15. We should try to h_______ the people in trouble instead of laughing at them.

16. When you get home, please t_______ me.

17. The mobile phone is too e . I won’t buy it.

18 . B__________ it or not, I have passed the exam.

19. It is quite d_____to play football on the street.

21. Jack’s dog can sit, count numbers and shake h_______with people.

21. ------Shall we call a taxi?

------No. Taking a taxi c________ too much money. Lets go by underground.

22. ----- Where are you going?

------ I’m going to the l________ to return the books. I’ve kept themfor two weeks.

23. She gets up at 6:30 as u______ and cooks breakfast for her family.

24. ---- Can Jim carry the desk?

-----Sure. He’s strong e________ to carry it. He’s already 15 years old.

25. We should s _______ the drivers from drinking. It’s too dangerous to drive after drinking.

26.The exam is coming.But don’t give yourself too m uch p_________.

27.I’m afraid I’ll forget her birthday.So I write it down on my notebook to r_______ myself.

28.Because of unhealthy diets,c______ are becoming more common.

29.Tom never helps his mother do housework, he’s l________.

30.Children all dream of acting like an a_________.

31. Can you give me some a________ on how to learn English well?

32. This dress is too big for me. Can I try a_______ one?

33. He felt very e______ because he got full marks in the English Exam..

34. Do you k______ the importance of being honest?

35. N_______ of us has been to Tianjin before. So we decide to go there next month.

36. There are lots of books on different subjects in Guangzhou Library. Some of us often b________ books from it.

37. –Your son shouldn’t make so much n________ here, Miss Black. My baby is sleeping.

---Sorry. I will take him home.

38. Mum, I am so h_________ at the moment. Is there anything for me to eat in the fridge?

39. Peter isn’t as l_______ as he used to be. He works hard now.

40. Don’t worry. Our foreign teacher can give you some a________ on how to learn English well.

41. The boy was so e________ to get his birthday presents that he couldn’t fall asleep that night.

42. You can b_________ 5 books from the library at a time.

43. ---Have you done it t_______ or three times?

---No, it’s my first time to do it.

44. I can’t find my English dictionary. Maybe it is h________ somewhere.

45. There are so many dresses here and you can make your own c_________.

46.— Excuse me, would you m________ my smoking here?

— Sorry,you can’t. It’s non-smoking area.

47. My uncle bought a new house last week. He is going to m_________ into it next month.

48. Please don't make any n_________. My grandmother is sleeping.

49. You should have an English-Chinese dictio nary. It’s very u________ for your study.

50. Summer holiday is coming. Have you got any p________ for this coming holiday?

51. I can’t b_______ the loud noise near my house any longer and plan to move away.

52.Shu-How Lin is one of the most p_______ basketball players of NBA this year.

53. She is so c________that she always forgets to bring her homework back to school.

54. Could you give me some a________ on how to keep fit?

55. Have you seen my new camera? I can’t f_________ it anywhere.

56. Mum, I feel very h__________, please give me something to eat.

57. These books b__________ to me. They aren't yours.

58. Don’t swim in this r__________. It’s very deep and not safe.

59. The government is going to b__________ a new school in the northern area in 2015. Children there needn’t walk a long way to school any longer.

60. She is so shy that she is a__________ of making a speech in front of her class.

61. He often walks to school because he lives c_________ to it.

62. Before you go into the cinema, you should buy a t__________.

63. There is only one room left. Would you like to s________ the room with me?

64. We play football t________ a week, on Monday and Friday.

65 You need to r________ yourself after the long and tiring work.

67. I think you must make a m____________. She is Ms Lin but not Ms Zhang.

68. Nowadays, most students in China are the o__________ child in their family.

69. I am not happy because Jenny didn’t i__________ me to her birthday party.

1 那天人们吃什么特别的食物?

What _______ _______ do people _______ _______ that day?

2 他们正在赏月。They’re ______ the moon.

3 人们正忙于准备美味的食物。People are ______ _______ ______ food.

4 There were tired because they _______ ______ (熬夜)last night.

5 They went there to ______ the national flag _____________(看…..升起).

6 请把这图片挂在墙上。Please ______ _______the picture ______ _____________.

7 Please ______ ________ (敲门) the door before you enter.

8 全家人欢聚一堂,共享大餐。

_____ ______ ______ ______ together ______ a big dinner.

9 They ______ ______ ______(开始读书) at once.

10 祝你新年快乐!I _____ you a happy new year.

11 Spring Festival is ______ _____ _____ _______ (最重要的节日) in China.

12 请代我问候你的父母亲。

Please _____ my love _____ your _______.

13 别用白纸包压岁钱。Don’t ______ lucky money ______ white.

14 他总是开着门睡觉。He always sleeps _____ the door _______.

15 That sounds _______(有趣的).

16 You can call me ______ (任何时候).

17 我正忙于做作业。I am ______ _______ my homework.

18 To our surprise, he ______ ______ ______ _______ (起死回生).

19 Please ______ ______ _______ (记得要关)the door when you go out.

20 天气挺暖和的。It’s ______ and _______.

21 He ______ _______ _______ (许愿) a moment ago.

22 We made cards ______ _______(亲手).

23 Each of us ______(有) an English book.

24 直到妈妈回来了,我才睡觉。

I ______ go to bed ______ my mother came back home.

25 _____ ______ (让我们去)to the movie.

26 I could sing songs _____ ______ ______ _____ ______(八岁时).

27 Jane 的吉他弹得很好。Jane can play _____ ______ _____


28 I’ll give him ______ ______ (一个惊喜).

29 ______ _______ _______(使我惊喜的是), he can speak Japanese well.

30 你的礼物什么形状?

______ _______ is your present?

______ the ______ _____ your present?

31 We use them ______ ______ _______ (来学英语).

32 There are _______ ______ _______(8百个学生) in our school.

33 There are ______ _______ (数百)workers in the factory.

34 _____ ______ _______ ______ the street(在街道的拐弯处),there’s a bookshop.

35 I’ll call you ______ _______ _______ ______ (当我回家时).

36 You should ______ _______(到达) school ______ ______(按时).

37 ______ ______ (多远) is your home _____ the school?

38 他是新来的。He is _____ _______.

39 禁止左转。No _______ ________.

40 我的电话坏了。My phone _______ _______. Or There’s ______ ______ ______ my


41 我看见他正在看书。I saw him ______ a book.

42 我们从Mr Green 处租用了一个房间。We _____ a room ______ Mr Green.

43 长得怎么样?她眼睛大大的。_____ ______ she _____ ______? She _____ big eyes.

44 昨天我收到朋友的来信。I _____ a letter ______ my friends yesterday. I

______ _______ my friends yesterday.

45 请把它收拾好。Please ______ it _______.

46 请把你的书本收拾好。Please ______ ________ your books!

Please ______ your books _______!

47 我能从电视上学习英语。I can ______ English ______ TV.

48 谢谢你帮助我。Thank you ______ ________ me.

49 灯亮着,他肯定在家。The light is on. He ______ _______ at home.

50 这件大衣多少钱? ______ ______________ the coat?

51 我希望有一天成为一位医生。I hope ______ _______ a doctor ________ _______.

52 他也想去公园。He ______ wants ______ ______ to the park.

53 这是他们学校的平面图。This is a ______ _______ their school.

54 他能呆多久?十天。_______ ________ can he _______ there? Ten days.

55 _____ ______ _____ (此刻) ,we are ________and ________ (唱和跳).

56 我没有撒谎。我说真话。I didn’t ______ ______ _______. I said _______ _________.

57 春天天气怎样?_______ the weather _______ _______ spring?

58 昨天下大雨。It rained ________ yesterday.

59 太阳猛烈地照着。The sun shines __________.

60 前天刮大风。The day before yesterday it _______ ________.

61 你最好带把伞出去。You’d better ______ _______ _______ when you go out.

62 天气会很快变好。It will _______ _________ soon.

63 很多树叶从树上掉下来。Lots of ______ _______ ________ ________ the trees.

64 天气变得越来越暖了。The weather is _______

warmer and warmer.

65 今天的温度是多少?________ the ___________ today?

66 I visited lots of ______ _______ _______ (名胜) in China.

67 Jane ______ _____ _____(计划去) to Beijing ______ ______


68 去那儿最好的时间是什么?What’s the _______ _______ ________ ________ there?

69 不同国家有不同的习俗。Different countries ________ ________ ___________.

70 请将你的鞋脱下。Please ________ _________ your shoes.

71 你一定不能用你的脚指向任何东西。You mustn’t ________ ________ anything _______ your


72 The weather here _____ _______ _______ ( 有区别于) that in Japan.

73 你还要些什么?_______ ________ would you like?

74 他正在做家务。He _______ ________ his __________.

75 学习必须放在首位。_________ must come __________.

76 你多长时间回一次家啊?一个月两次。_______ ________ do you go home? ________ a month.

77 过桥你将会看见一间银行在左边。

________ __________ the bridge, and you’ll see a bank_______ ________ _________.

78 银行与医院中间有个公园。There’s a park _______ the bank ________ the hospital.

79 你不应该错过长城,当你参观北京时。

You _______ ________ the Great Wall when you________Beijing.

80 许多人在这场战争中失去生命。Many people _______ ________ _________ in the war.

81 别在街上玩,很危险的。

_______ ________ in the street, it’s very _________.

82 帮助孩子过马路是好样的。It’s _______ _______ ________children cross the road.

83 我们必须遵守学校纪律。We must _______ the school _______.

84 上学别迟到!________ ________ ________ _______ school.

85 堂上请保持安静。Please _______ ________ in class.

86 你是计划怎样庆祝你的生日的?How do you _______ ________ ________ your birthday?

87 他出生于1994年。He _______ ________ _______ 1994.

88 我能看一看你的新手表吗?Can I _______ _______ _______ _______ your new watch?

89 他看起来好像他的爸爸。He _______ ________ his father.

90 对于他来说,真是个惊喜。That would be a _______ _______ him

91 你会弹钢琴,还是会表演芭蕾舞?Can you _______ _______ piano or ________ _______?

92 你能从零数到一百吗?Can you ________ _______ zero ______ one hundred?

93 你是一个精明的女孩。You are a ________ girl.

94 他在公园里拍照。He ________ _______ in the park.

95 她为什么没有来上学呢?因为她伤了右脚。_______ _______ she go to school? ________ she _______

her _______ foot.

96 在老师的帮助下,我考试合格了。

______ ________ ________ _______ , I passed the exam.

_______ ________ _______of the teacher, I passed theexam.

97 生活对他来说非常困难。Life was ______ _______ for him.

98 我和父母一起住。I _______ ________ my parents.

99 我们住在中国。I _______ _______ China.

100 中国人对外国人都很友好。All Chinese people _______ ________ _________ _________ the


101 我出生于一个炎热的下午。I _______ ________ _______ a hot afternoon.

102 I’m _______ (确实) sorry about it.

103 My father will come back home _______ ____________ _______ (在…末端) this month. 104 Every year many people ______ _______(受伤) in the traffic accident.

105 Don’t _______(错过) the early bus, or you will ___________ _______(迟到) school.

106 ______ ________(还有谁) do you know here?

107 Can you draw? ______ _______ (当然), I can.

108 We all ______ ______ ______ _______(过得愉快) at that day.

109 He can swim now, but he couldn’t swim _____ _____________ (三年前).

110 I couldn’t ______ (写) in Japanese when I was seven and I______ (仍然) can’t now.

111 ______ _______ (别担心), there’s nothing wrong with you.

112 The bad boy didn’t______ _______ _______________(告诉我真相). 113 Why did you ______ _______ (回来) so late last night?

114 The farmers are _______ ________ (忙于收获) in the field.

115 Please ______ _______(脱下) your shoes before entering the room.

116 Please ______ ______ _______ ________ (代我问候) your parents.

117 They arrived in Shanghai ______ ______ _______________(前天).

118 We are only students. We can’t _______ ________ (挣钱).

119 The weather in China ______ _______ _______ (不同于) that in Australia. 120 People often _______ _______(放风筝) in spring.

121 Yesterday it was cold, but it got warm _____________ (后来).

122 I will go to Beijing ______ _______ ______________ (后天).


1 special food eat on

2 watching

3 preparing for delicious

4 stayed up

5 see going up

6 put up on the wall

7 knock on

8 the whole family get for

9 begin to read 10 wish 11 the most

important festival 12 regard to parents

13 wrap in 14 with open 15 interesting

16 anytime 17 busy doing 18 came back to life

19 remember to close 20 warmer and warmer 21 made a

promise 22 by hand 23 has 24 didn’t until 25 let’s go 26 at the age of eight 27 play the guitar very well28 asurprise 29 To my surprise 30 What shape

What’s the shape of 31 to learn 32 eight hundred

students 33 hundreds of 34 At the corner of 35 When I get home 36 reach to on time 37 How far from 38 new here 39 left

turn 40 is broken something wrong with 41 reading 42 rent from 43 How does look like 44 got from heard from 45 put away 46 put away put away 47 read on 48 to help 49 must be 50

How much is 51 to be one day 52

also to go 53 picture of 54 How long

stay 55 At the moment 56 tell a lie a

truth 57 What’s like in 58 heavily 59 heavily 60 blew heavily 61 take an umbrella

62 be fine 63 leaves fell down from 64 getting 65 What’s temperature 66 places of interest 67 planed to go for her

holidays 68 best time to go 69 have different customs 70 take off 71 point

to with 72 is different from 73 what else 74 is doing housework 75 study first 76 How

often twice 77 go across 78 between and 79 shouldn’t miss visit 80 lost their

lives 81 Don’t play dangerous

82 good to help 83 obey rules 84 Don’t be late for 85 keep/be quiet 86 plan to celebrate 87 was born in

88 take a look at 89 looks like 90 surprise to 91 play

the perform ballet 92 count from to 93

smart 94 took pictures 95 Why didn’t Because hurt right 96 With the teacher’s help With the help 97 very hard 98 live with 99

live in 100 are very friendly to 101 was born on 102 really 103 at the end of

104 were hurt 105 miss be late for 106

Who else 107 Off course 108 had a good time 109 three years ago 110 write still

111 Don’t worry 112 tell me 113 come back 114 busy harvesting 115 take off 116

give my best regards 117 the day before yesterday 118 make money 119 is

different from 120 fly kites 121 later

on 122 the day after tomorrow


九年级英语翻译(完成)句子专项练习(含参考答案) 一、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1.同学们,请考马路右边走。 Boys and girls,please walk side of the road. 2.离开教室的时候记着关灯。 Remember to the lights when you leave the classroom. 3.马良想为那个孩子画一匹马。 Ma Liang wanted to for the child. 4.明天的大雨可能会阻碍我们外出。 The heavy rain may us from out tomorrow. 5.我想知道明天我们在哪里见面。 I wonder meet tomorrow. 6.我昨晚看的那场电影真搞笑! movie I saw last night! 7.下一站我得下车了。 I have to the bus at the next stop. 8.你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。 You are supposed to learn others` invitation politely. 9.当我们赶到书店时,他们已经卖光了《哈利·波特》这本书。 By the time we arrived at the bookstore,they Harry Potter. 10.志愿者们正在努力地为俄罗斯世界杯提供更好的服务。

The volunterrs to provide Russia World Cup with better service. 二、句子翻译 1.这个暑假你打算做什么? 2.我已经决定读一些书并游览一些名胜古迹。 3.养成一个良好的阅读习惯对我们来说很重要。 4.旅游被认为是放松的最好方式之一。 5.阅读和旅游能给我们打开一个全新的世界。 6.我们一到学校就会交作业。 7.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? 8.你最好不要在公园里采花。 9.我想知道你是怎样和汤姆保持联系的。 10.上周这家博物馆的一些艺术品被偷了。


广州中考完成句子练习 (一)重要句型 考点一: 宾语从句: 引导词+主语+谓语+其他 疑问词+(not) to do....... 73. 我想知道我们明天应什么时候到白云机场。 I want to know _______ _______ ________ _______ at the Bai Yun Airport tomorrow. 75. 我不清楚下一步该做什么。让我先给Lily打个电话吧。 I don’t know ________ ________ _______ next. Let me call Lily first. 71、你能告诉我怎样解答这道数学题吗? Could you tell me _____ ______ work out the maths problem? 71. 我为那男孩难过,但不知道怎么帮他。 I felt sorry for the boy, but I didn’t know _______ ______ _______ ________ him. 73. 他问我是否会放风筝。 He asked me _______ _______ ______ fly a kite. 74. 请问广州塔怎么走? Excuse me, could you tell me_______ _______ ______ _______ the Canton Tower? 72. 我不知道怎样回答她的问题。 I don’t know _______ __________ _________ her question. 74. 我不知道我的梦想已经成为了现实。 I don’t know ______ my dream ______already ______ ______. 74. 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗? Have you decided ________ ________ ________ you holiday this summer? 74. 你能告诉我你昨晚干了什么? Can you tell me _________ _________ _________ last night? 74 .打扰了!您能告诉我可以在哪里买到这本书吗? Excuse me. Could you tell me ________ ________ ________ ________ this book? 75. 他们还没有决定在什么地方举行足球赛。 They haven’t decided ________ ________ ________ ________ the football match. 考点三: so +adj/adv +that sb can’t/could’t do.......... too+adj/adv +(for sb) to do (主从句主语不一致时用for sb) Not.....enough +(for sb) to do.....(主从句主语不一致时用for sb) 72. 她说得那么快,我几乎听不清她所说的话。 She spoke _______ fast _______ I could hardly hear what she said clearly. 72. 这个电视节目如此有趣,妈妈每晚都看。 This TV programme is ___________ interesting __________ Mum enjoys it every night. 75. 这个小女孩够年龄去上学了。 The little girl is ________ _________ to go to school. 74. 彼此见面的时候,他们太激动了以致说不出一句话来。 They were __________ _________ ________ _________ a word when they met each other. 考点四: (1)sb spend .......on sth /(in) doing sth ; (2)sb pay........for sth/to do sth


2017-2018学年英语科初三备考教学资源(1) 备考复习资料---单词拼写 高频单词拼写练习汇总(7A --- 9B) 7A 动词 1.I don't know how to d_________ with these naughty children. 2.Please do not e_________ without knocking on the door. 3.Do you r_________ the first day at the school. I will never forget the great day. 4.I'm going to the library to r_________ the books. 5.I won't t_________ him, because he never tells the truth (真相). 6.I saw a man s_________ a purse from the lady, and I called the police and caught the thief. 7.The police will s_________ everywhere to look for the lost child. 8.The clothes are popular(受欢迎的). They s_________ well. 9. We should p_________ the trees from being cut. 10. This box is too heavy for me to l_________. Can you help me? 11. She is easy-going, so she can easily m_________ friends with others. 12. I can't follow what you said. What did you m_________? 13. That chair is in the way, m_________ it please. 14. Don't play with the knife or you will h_________ yourself. 15. The room is big enough to h_________ 100 people. 名词 1. He could swim at the a_________ of six. 2. Do you have his a_________? I want to send him a letter. 3. I want to be an English teacher in the f_________. 4. After lunch he usually has a b_________. 5. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows the r_________. 6. I want to get some i_________ about tigers before I start my writing. 7. Of all the subjects, I like h_________ best because I can learn a lot about the past from it. 8. Is there any l_________ on the planet Mars? 9. Do you buy the t_________ of the film? 10. On my birthday, my aunt gave me a p_________. It was a radio. 11. Please meet us on the other side of the r_________. 12. Don't play football in the s_________. That's too dangerous. 13. There are many flowers on each s_________ of the street. 14. Mary! Please keep the s_________. I don't want anyone know it. 15. A scientist builds a time m_________ and travels to the future. 形容词


中考英语完成句子专练(一) 1.我们正在猜想这首歌曲会让他想到什么。 We are guessing _______________________________. 2.这个男孩年龄大到可以独立上网查信息了吗? _______________________________ on the Internet? 3.这个作家直到获了奖才出名。 The writer _______________________________. 4.多亏你的帮助,我的房间看起来整洁的多了。 _______________________________, my room _________________. 5.他别无选择,只能严格要求他的学生 He _______________________________ his students. 6.酒后驾车是多么危险啊! How _______________________________! 7. 他给我们提供了一条多么有价值的建议啊! What _____________ to us! 8. 我想知道他离开澳大利亚多久了。 1 wonder __________ Australia. 9. 除非在医疗上投入足够的钱,否则这些病人难以被治愈。 These patients ___________________ . 10. 他把一生都投入到保护环境上去了。 He __________________________ . 11. 越来越多的公司正在重视提高他们的产品质量。 _______________ the quality of their products. 12.到2018年底为止,你父母已经去过好几个国家了吗? ________________________________2018? 13.在这次运动会上,他跳得没我远。 He _____________________________________________. 14.截止到2018年底为止,你去过美国多少次? __________________________________ by the end of 2018. 15.我们别无选择,只能放弃旅行计划。 We ________________________________________________. 16.他宁愿住在乡下,也不愿意在城市里谋生。 He’d rather ______________________________________________. 17.你能告诉我你来中国多久了吗? Could you tell me ____________________________________? 18.你有足够的耐心教我发电子邮件吗? Are you ________________________________________________? 19.格林一家此刻正在参加时装表演吗? ____________________at the moment? 20.昨天晚上直到9点,他才做完作业。


专题:完成句子 完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 1.艰难困苦方能显示出一个人的优秀品质。 Difficulties can ________________a person's best qualities 2.面对痛苦,你要么逃避,要么吸取教训。 Facing the hurt, you can either ________________________ from it or learn from it. 3.对学习失去兴趣的结果是缺课,即使上课也充耳不闻 Losing interest in studying leads to ________________________ from classes or shutting off their brains even in class. 4.舍弃这些旧玩具她感到很难过。 She felt sorry to _______________ these old toys. 5.毕业后,初中的美好回忆会被唤起。 Happy memories in Junior high school can be_____________________after graduation. 6.我们期待暑假参观美丽的泰晤士河。 We _________ _________ _________ _________ the beautiful river--the Thames in the summer holiday. 7.她把电话号码告诉我,以方便联系。 She gave me her phone number __________ __________ I can call her easily. 8.上周大约有500 名学生参加了运动会。 Last week about 500 students __________ __________ __________ the sports meeting. 9.我不确定下周他是否来参加我的生日聚会。 I’m not sure __________ __________ __________ __________ to my birthday party next week. 10.Linda 真是太明智了,通过电子邮件发文件给我。 __________ __________ very wise of Linda __________ __________ me the document by e-mail. 11.这部电影真有趣。我还想看。 __________ __________ __________ __________ it is! I want to see it again. 12.这些书本必须在一周内归还给图书馆。 These books __________ __________ __________ to the library in a week. 13.撸起袖子加油干。 Roll up our sleeves to _______ _______. 14.天上不会掉馅饼,努力奋斗才能梦想成真。 There is no such thing as a free lunch, and only hard work will _______ dreams _______ _______. 15.制作风筝对你来说容易吗? _______ _______ _______ for you to make a kite? 16.因为交通拥挤,今天我又迟到了。 ____________________________________________________ 17.她心情沮丧,只是默默地流泪。 She ____________________________mood that she did nothing but weep. 18.那时他别无选择只好减肥。 He ____________________________________________ at that time. 19.我正思量着怎样才能引起她的注意力。 I’m wondering _______________________________________________. 20.他宁愿被嘲笑,也不肯放弃他的梦想。 He would rather ______________________________________his dream. 专题:完成句子


完成句子 黄埔区一模 第二节完成句子(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词) 57。公共场合不允许大声喧哗 We______ ____________ ___________to speak loudly in public. 58.阅读和旅游都能为我们打开一个全新的世界。 _______ reading __________travelling can open up a new world to us. 59.如果我们共同努力工作,我们的中国梦一定可以实现。 __________ _________ ___________together, our Chinese dream is sure to come true. 60.在广州一段时间后,她已习惯了这里的饮食。 After some time in Guangzhou, she _____ _______ ________the food here. 61.在科学家的努力下,中国已经成功制造了像C919这样的大飞机了。 With scientists great efforts, China _____ already _______ big planes like C919 successfully. 62.你知道她什么时候回国吗? Do you know______ __________ __________ _______back to her country? 63.黄埔的夜景多迷人呀!到处灯光璀璨。 ________ _________Huangpu's night view is! The bright and shiny light is everywhere.


中考英语单词拼写习题及答案 单词拼写(一) 1. –What does he look like? –He is of medium h__________. 2. I am very h_______________. I want to buy some food to eat. 3. –How’s the w____________ today? –It’s sunny. 4. Mum often tells us to w___________ hands before each meal. 5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks J_____________. 6. Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city. 7. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog. 8. –What would you do if you had a million dollars? –I’d give it to medical _________(研究). 9. English is very________________________ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it. 10. The people in the ______________ (乡村) are richer than before. 单词拼写(二) 1. I hope____________ you’re feeling better soon. 2. He has a good idea____________ to solve the problem. 3. -What s_ize________ bowl of noodles would you like? -I’d like a large bowl of noodles. 4. There’s a bank__________ near the post office. We can save our money there. 5. Would you mind_________ turning down the radio? The boy is doing his homework. 6. China is a _country____________(国家)with a long history. 7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems _easily____________(容易地)now. 8. They are ____friendly_____________(友好的)to each other. 9. His uncle is a ___scientist_____________ (科学家). He works in Beijing. 10. Mr Wang’s __office___________(办公室)is on the fourth floor. 单词拼写(三) 1. It’s impolite to p_oint_____________ at others with chopsticks at table. 2. This is an e_mpty____________ box. Could I have a full one, please? 3. It’s c_old_________ outside. Please put on your coat. 4. Would you mind not making a loud noise___________ here? Your father is sleeping. 5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer mistakes_______________. 6. Don’t ___waste_________(浪费)any water. We should save it. 7. “ __safety___________(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers. 8. There is a beautiful __garden____________(花园)in front of the tall building. 9. He is neither blind nor ___deaf__________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well.


中考英语完成句子专项练习 一、较易试题 1.邮局离这有些远,你最好坐车去。 The post office is a bit far from here, take a bus. 2.为什么不早点儿把这个好消息告诉他呢? tell him the good news a little earlier? 3.王芳还没来,她怎么了? Wang Fang hasn’t come yet. her ? 4.很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天怎么样? I’m sorry I can’t go shopping with you today. tomorrow. 5.多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。 our health to eat more fruit and vegetables. 6.北京的援建工人一到什邡就开始了工作。 The workers from Beijing started to work they arrived in Shifang. 7.来吧,汤姆。该吃晚饭了。 Come on,Tom . supper. 8.让我们做早操吧。 morning exercises. 9.这个教室太小了,容纳不下这么多学生。 The classroom is hold so many students. 10.请你打开窗户好吗? the window? 11.同学们都在忙着为考试做准备。 All the students preparing for the exams. 12.北京有许多名胜古迹。 many places of interest in Beijing. 13.爷爷奶奶很高兴今年暑假我要去看望他们。 Grandparents that I will visit them this summer vacation.


中考复习---单词拼写 一.复习方法 1.掌握广州市初中毕业生学业考试指导书的词汇表。要牢记这些单词,打下坚固的基础。同时要注 意很多考生习惯于看着课本记单词,这容易导致单词记忆上的缺漏。 2.全方位地去记单词。仅仅记住单词拼写和词义是远远不够的,还应记住它的词性,发音和搭配用 法。这有这样才能正确地判断应填对待词性和词形。 3.需要特别记忆的单词:星期,月份,四季,数词(如:eighth, ninth…),家人亲戚(如:daughter, uncle…), 过去式或分词双写尾字母的动词(如:stop, plan, refer…),不规则变化的动词(如:lie作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain,现在分词都是lying),名词复数变化(如:German—Germans, half—halves, leaf—leaves, knife—knives, life—lives, thief—thieves, wife—wives, mouse—mice, foot—feet, tooth—teeth, child—children, tomato, potato, hero等有生命的以o结尾的名词变复数时要加-es),动词变名词时的拼写变化(如下表) 形容词变名词时的拼写变化(如:long—length, high—height, strong—strength),形容词变副词时的拼写变化(如:以-ble结尾的形容词变副词时,去e加y,如:possible—possibly, terrible—terribly)。 二.解题技巧 ●1 读懂句意,确定单词 先通览全句了解大意。努力从中找到一些解题提示来帮助确定所填的单词。 [例] The f_____ day of the week is Sunday. 解析:该句意为一周的第一天的星期天,需要填的词的首字母是f,根据常识和序数词有关知识应填第一,故填first。此类题目还可考月份,如:September is the n______ month of the year. ●2 瞻前顾后,确定形式 根据题意确定所需单词。确定单词后,要根据题意确定所选单词的词形,要考虑名词的可数与不可数,可数名词要注意单,复数形式;形容词或副词的比较等级的变化;动词是构成句子的重要部分,它的时态,语态,非谓语动词的各种形式比较复杂,应该在做题时作出恰当的选择,同时惯用法,固定搭配也是重点考查内容之一。现分类说明如下: 1. 名词一般考虑单,复数形式和所有格。


中考英语高频完成句子专练 完成句子练习一 as soon as… (not) as/so…as… as… as possible/one can ask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth. ask / tell sb (not) to do sth. 1、昨天他一写完作业就去游泳了。 He went swimming __________________he finished his homework yesterday. 2、我妈妈总是叫我一放学就回家。 My mother is always telling me to go home___________________________. 3、我爸爸一到上海就去参观东方明珠。 My father will visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower ______________________________Shanghai. 4、我会尽快去看我妈妈的。 I will go to see my mother_______________________ . 5、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。 Yesterday, he finished doing the washing ______________ . 6、她会尽可能认真写作业的。 She will do her homework __________________________________. 7、你要尽可能努力地学习英语。 You should study English ___________________________________. 8、如果你有问题,请向警察求助。 If you have any questions, please _____the police_______________. 9、请不要再向你父母要钱了。 Please don’t _______your parents _____________. 10、如果你有问题,请向我求助。 If you have any questions, please___________________. 11、我可以向他要一本英语书吗? Can I __________________________English book? 12、她妈妈问她怎样玩游戏。 Her mother ______her___________________________. 13、他刚才问我怎样植树了。 He _______________________________trees just now. 14.你能告诉我如何与同学相处吗? Can you tell me ___________my classmates? 15、请你告诉我怎样学好英语,好吗? Could you please________________________________? 16. 妈妈要求我每天吃早饭。 Mother _____me _______________________every day. 17. 老师让我们坚持每天早晨大声朗读英语。 The teacher _____________________reading English aloud every morning. 18. 老师让我帮助Jim学功课 The teacher ______________________________ Jim with_his lessons. 19、我妹妹和我跑的一样快。


完成句子练习(Book 1) 1.你叫什么名字________ ________ name 2.见到你很高兴。______ to _____you. 3.这是我的妈妈。______ ______ my mother 4. Bob 在足球队。Bob is____ the football team. 5.这个用英语是什么是一本书。What's this _____ _____ _____ a book. 6.我想要一双运动鞋。I ____ _____ _____ _____ running shoes. 7.该吃早餐了。It's____ ____breakfast 8. 该去上学了。It's____ ____ go to school 9.我们周一上历史课。We _____ history ______ Monday. 10.孩子们正在踢足球The boys ______ ______ football now. 11.今天天气怎么样what's the ______________ today 12. 今天星期几_____ ______ is it today 13.几点了四点半了。_____ ___is it It's ____ ____ ___ 14.你最喜欢的运动是什么_____your favourite ______ 15.这件衬衫是什么颜色的是蓝色的。____ ___is the shirt ___blue. 16.你的衬衫几号M号。____ ____ is your shirt ____M. 17.你的书包里有什么What _____ you _____ in your bag. 18.这是谁的书包是我的。______ ______ is this It's ______. 19.火车什么时候离开在七点十分。______ _____ the train ___________ _____ ______ 20.你们有多少个鸡蛋仅仅一个。_____ _____ ____ do you have We have ____ one. 21.我的球在哪里在床下。______ my ball It's ______ the bed. 22.他有水吗有。___he____ ___water Yes, ___ ____ 23. 你们有面包吗有。_______ you _____ ____ bread Yes, ______ ________. 24. 球在桌子上吗不,没在。Is the ball____ ____ ____ No, ____ ____ 25.他是司机吗不,不是。_______ ______ a driver No, ______ ______ 26.我的英语老师擅长打乒乓球。My English teacher is____ ____pingpong. 27.天气很热,你愿意和我一起去游泳吗_____ _____ _____you _____ _____ go swimming with me 28.你看那只小狗正在追赶那些女孩子们。Look! Thc little dog_____ _____ _____ the girls. 29.彼德穿着一件毛衣,戴着一顶帽子。Peter is ____ ____ ____ and____ ____ 30.我最喜欢我的真丝短裙。I ____ my silk skirt____ 完成句子练习(Book 2) 1.早餐准备好了。 Breakfast____ ____ 2.我不得不帮助他系扣。I have to _____him _____his buttons. 3.我对妈妈说再见。I ______ good-bye ______my mother 4.彼得的父亲通常在半夜睡觉。Peter’s father ____ ____to bed ____midnight. 5.北京位于中国的北部。Beijing is ____ ____ ____ of China. 6.你能告诉我去公园的路吗沿着这条街走到头,然后向左拐。 Can you _____ me the _____ ____ the _____ _____ ___ the street _____ the end, and then____ ____ the left. 7.邮电局离这儿不远。The post office is _____ _____ _____ here. 8.你能告诉我怎么到邮电局吗Can you _____ me ______to____ to the post office 9.在床和书桌之间有一盏灯。______ a lamp _____ the bed _____ the desk. 10. 这个单元房中有两个卧室。____ ____ ____bedrooms in the apartment. 11.他是一个公共汽车司机,是吗He is a bus driver, ____ ____ 12.你能带我去市场吗Can you _____ me _____ the market 13.我仅仅懂一点英文。I __only__ __English 14.我们中的一些人英语说的很好。____ ___ ____can speak English very well. 15.你从哪儿来我来自于英国。_____ do you ____from I_____ _____Britain. 16.那些是什么是玫瑰花。What ______ _____ ____ roses. 17.你的爱好是什么What’s ____ ______ 18.你对什么感兴趣____are you ______ _______ 19.他在哪个班在初一(1)班。____ _____ is he ____ He’s ____ ____ ____, ____ 20.第一节课在八点钟开始。The ____class ____ ____8:00am. 21.你经常帮助他做作业吗____you often ____him ____his homework 22.你通常什么时间吃晚饭我七点钟吃晚饭。_____ _____do you usual1y____ ____ At 7 o'clock 23.墙上有一幅画吗是有,有。_____ ______a picture_____ _____ _____ ____, there_____ 24.我们每天上午从8点到12点上课。We have classes____ 8 ___ 12every morning 25.刘梅是一个好学生,她上学从不迟到。Liu Mei is a _____ _____. She’s ___ _____for school. 26.这个玩具狗多少钱它是45元。____ ____ _____this toy dog It's 45 yuan. 27.我可以看一看那些西红柿吗Can I ____ ____ ____ at those tomatoes 28.李明是哪儿的人他是北京人。______ is Li Ming _____ _____ ____ _____ Beijing. 29.操场上有男孩吗____ ____ ____ boys on the playground 30.桌子上有一个苹果,两个桔子。____ ___ an apple, two oranges ____ _____ ____. 第三英语(第三册) 1.彼得刚才给他妈妈一些食物Peter _____ some food _____him mother just now. 2.你愿意来参加我们的英语晚会吗Would you_____ _____ _____to our English party 3.吉姆喜欢帮助人Jim_____ _____ others 4.莉莉总是很干净LiLy always____ herself____. 5.你的自行车怎么了它坏了____ ____ _____ your bike It can't work well. 6.明天我要举行生日聚会,其他人都要来,你来吗 I’ll have a birthday patty, tomorrow. All the others would come ___ _____ you 7.在床上看书对眼睛不好It's bad_____ you ____ _____in bed. 8.他花了两个星期旅行It____ him two weeks____ ____the trip. 9.为什么不乘船去呢乘船很便宜____ ____ ____by ship It's cheap. 10.如果你不舒服,你最好是呆在家里If you don't feel well, you____ ____ stay at home. 11.昨天海伦让朱迪准时来这里Helen _____Judy____ ____here on time yesterday. 12.你想买点什么我想买些苹果Can I help you I'd like____ ____ some apples. 13.我们要去参观科技馆,你愿意来吗We're going to the Science Museum, ____ you ______ us 14.轿车和出租车在街道上来来往往Cars and taxis ______busy _____ and _____. 1.昨晚他们在晚会上玩的很开心They _____ at the party last night. 2.他常和不同的人交朋友He often _____friends___ different people.


中考英语完成句子 时间:1~2分钟/小题分值:2分/小题 Group 1 1. 明天请把作业交上来。 Please ________ ________ your homework tomorrow. 2. 他说的话不合情理。 His words didn't ________ ________. 3. 他旁边的那位女士是我的姑姑莉兹。 The woman ________ ________ him is my aunt Liz. 4. 电视开着,但是玛丽没注意看。 The TV was on, but Mary wasn't ________ ________ to it. 5. 我想大家都需要帮助动物,使它们在宁静中生存。 I think we all need to help animals live ________ ________. Group 2 1. 从广州飞到悉尼需要多长时间? ________ ________ does ________ ________ to fly from Guangzhou to Sydney? 2. 如果你想知道这个单词的意思,查一下字典吧。 If you want to know the meaning of this word, just ________ it ________ in the dictionary. 3. 你讲得太快了,我听不懂。能再说一次吗? You spoke________ fast________ I couldn't understand you. Would you say it again? 4. 旅途愉快!请与我们保持联系。 Enjoy your trip, and please________ in touch________ us. 5. 这项工程很快就会完成。 The project________ ________ ________ soon. 6. 我不知道他是否能准时到校。 I wonder ________ ________ ________ ________ to school on time. 7. 这本书真有用啊!我看了很多遍。 ________ ________ ________ book it is! I have read it many times. Group 3 1. 瞧!有一些女孩在树下跳舞。 Look! There ________ some girls ________ under the tree. 2. 别吃太多垃圾食品,这对我们的健康有害。 Don't ________ too much junk food. It is ________ for our health. 3. 除非我拿到驾照,否则我不能开我父亲的车。 I can't drive my ________ car ________ I get my driving licence. 4. 这个男孩很聪明,他能很快解出这道数学题。 The boy is ________ enough to work out the math problem ________.
