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Once upon a time, there was an abbess in a small abbey. She was very kind, but one day she was abetted by an abject abbot. He abducted her abed! After several months, her abdomen grew high, which abashed her very much and abased her to some degree. She abjured the abhorrent relationship. The abbot was taken aback and could not abide her abeyance. So she decided to abdicate. She gave a simple ablution and left the abbey with tears ablaze in her eyes. The pain in her heart abated. She abhorred her baby so much that she abandoned her in the abbey. That day when she left, she only brought with her a lovely abacus, which had the abbreviation of her name.


An aboriginal called Jim was an abnormal man. His wife died from an abortion. His wife and he had lived abreast for 20 years. From then on, he became absolute and abrupt. He abominated the king and one day he a-bombed the king’s abode. The A-bomb hurt nobody over and above the abraded king, causing the abscess. Jim absconded abroad, then was caught aboard a ship. The king was an above board man. Above all, he abnegated himself and found out the reason. Secondly, he absolved Jim’s death. Thirdly, he organized a meeting and nobody dared to be absent-minded. In the meeting, he abolished or abrogated some laws. By the way, the author abridged the above-mentioned story


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use

Why did Ford’s accelerator always have an accidental failure on acclivity? Abundant money was abused on this abstruse problem. Ford decided to provide accommodation and food for those engineers who were absorbed in this abyssal problem. An engineer with an absurd accent came and acclaimed he could accomplish this task. After he had been working with abstinence, the engineer found out that the cold weather was the accomplice, because the ice on the accelerator made this accessory accessible. Adjustments had been made and the accelerator acclimatized to the cold weather finally.

Many honors accompanied this engineer and he was offered the job of president of Ford academy.Whether accedeing to or abstaining from it was not important because he just wanted to be an accompanist of abstract academic research.


The man who played accordion in the dance band was once an accountant. He acquired a bachelor’s degree in accounting at a business college. Then he became an ace accountant and did his accountancy very well. His fame and wealth accrued quickly. But his boss accused him of lack of accuracy with acid words. The accused had no words to answer. All his acquaintances avoided him. His heart ached. He lost his job and the money he had accumulated soon ran out. His friend, who owned a factory that manufactured acetic acid and acetylene, introduced him to a dance band. They acquiesced to the newcomer. He wasn’t accustomed at first, but he would on no account lose confidence. He never accredited failure to his accursed fate. He continued to achieve his goal and his actions accorded with his determination. According to his skill, he became the most outstanding player in the band. Everybody acknowledged it was acoustic enjoyment to listen to his playing.

For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use


Some acrobats lived a poor life though they were adept actors or adept actresses. They were active on the stage only because they were actuated by the life. They must earn adequate money to adapt to their life. Additionally, they were often wounded acutely when they acted. In order to overcome the pain, they used acupuncture and even used drugs until some of them became addicts. The master of them was an acrid man. But they adhered to him by his controlling the drugs. One day, the actor could not bear his acrimony any longer so he addressed the local judge about it. Unfortunately, the judge was an

addle man. With the promise that the master would give him ten acres of land, he adduced some funny adages and the master was acquitted of the crime acquit the master. Later, this story appeared in the addendum of the adaptation that described the legend of the acrobats.


In this canton, many adolescents were the administrator’s adherents like adhesive tape. So were his adjuncts and adjutants. The admiral of the adjacent admiralty gave him an adjective: “admirable man”. But he never admitted it. The adornments with his portrait were popular. The adroit adulation about his legend was adrift from one city to another. Even some important meetings were forced to adjourn. The administrator could not bear the ado and tried to adjust this situation. He adopted a decision that he adjured and admonished the people not to adore him any longer or he would have them adjudged. This was of no effect. Finally, he said adieu to this canton.


Victor was an advisable adventurer because of his adult characteristics. With the development of advanced aerobiology and aerodynamics, the aeroboat would be popular and people would research the mystery of the space’s aeon. As a successful advertiser, he realized it and advised his boss to catch this adventitious and advantageous chance. But his boss would not advert. In fact, his boss was adverse to Victor and waiting for the advent of the right chance because Victor once pointed out that the boss had adulterated one advertisement. Now he accused Victor of adultery. The advocates of the boss were adversaries of the company. What would happen when Victor was in such an adversity?


Peter went afield to an aeronautical college. His family lived in affluence so they could afford to send him to college. An affluent of a famous river near the college was very beautiful. Its afflux was to the east. Peter liked to see aeroplanes take off from the aerodrome. There were two subjects he liked best: space aeronautics and aesthetics. He was affiliated to the Student Union. They had an afforestation project during that spring. Everyone affixed his signature to an agreement. Peter’s heart was afire with his colorful life. But he was afflicted by on

affray. That is, some bad words were afloat, John, his classmate, affirmed he had affinity with the principal. The principal was an affable and affectionate person. But Jonhn afaronted him, saying the principal was an affected man. Peter was aflame with passion and hit John heavily.


It was an age of aggression. In order to aggrandize afresh their power, the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again. The aforesaid things happened every year! The weak countries were agape and aghast. One year one of them was robbed of its business shop, which was full of agate. Furthermore, the aggressor wrote contumelious words aft. All the people in the country were agitated. The weak countries were aggrieved and aggravated. After all, their dominion was holy. This agglutinated them and agglomerated them. They aggregated and decided to fight against the aggressor. They set up a common agency and found an agile agent who would be its leader. Though the man was in aftercare, he would be in charge of the agenda. The action afoot played an important rele.


A new airdrome had been built recently. It held quite a few airbuses and aircraft. Airy schoolboys always stood near the aisle at the airport, and watched as the airliners took off and landed. They were astonished at the alacrity of the airplanes. Before long, the airlift service spread quickly. People could receive an airletter or airmail within one day. Tom was an agriculturist and working hard on agronomy. But the newly built airdrome ailed him and was the cause of his ailment. Sometimes, the airforce would practice airraids there. The loud alarm on the air could be heard everywhere. The noise would so ajar that Tom’s heart was full of agony. Some agitators encouraged him to be against the airline. But with the aide’s help, was akin to Tom, Tom was clearheaded again. So the agitator’s plan was aground. As a reward, the aide was given a nice album, which was full of songs in the air.


An alien once was famous in the field of algebra. But when he was 40, he fell in love with alcohol all at once. This alienated him from his science. Soon he lived on alimony. One night he drank a lot and walked into a blind alley. He could not find a way out, so he lay down in an alcove. An alert policeman found him with an alight torch and sent him to the hospital. The doctor was his old classmate. He used a

kind of alkali to alleviate his pain but found he was allergic. So the doctor read a lot of allegories or jokes to allay his pain. “My dear friend,” he said, “On the face of Allah, you should pay attention to alimentation. Albumen will do good to you.”“All right. Thank you.”“Not at all, you know we were an alliance all the time.”When he recovered, he decided to go back to his own country by using an alias. His friends laughed at him, “Nobody will trust your alleged allegiance.”But on the day that he arrived in his motherland, he found many people aligned at the airport and welcomed him.


A war was going on in a country. The country was invaded because it had plenty of alum, aluminum and amalgam. A horse was ambling to the ambulance. There was an amazon and a wounded ambassador on horseback. When the ambassador measured the altitude of the hill by using an altimeter, he was shot! The amazon was an altruism. She amassed her amazing strength to help him ride the horse. Her amber eyes and her alto voice were comfort to him. On the way to the ambulance, they were confronted by an ambush. They had no alternative but to fight. Finally they arrived at their destination but the ambience was a little ambiguous, her battle companion regarded her as a spy. The doctor thought he would die. But the amazon insisted, “You are not always true. Please do have a try.” So the doctor tried his best to save him and asked her to act as a nurse. Although she was an amateur, she had a great ambition to help the doctor. The ambassador recovered soon. When he left, he promised to ameliorate the equipment of the ambulance.


Harry was working on how to extract ammonia from aminoacid. His ultimate purpose was to create a kind of ammunition in amorphism, which was equipped with an amphibian. He only had some ammeter and an ampoule. He worked hard and was called “amoeba” because nobody couldfind him. But one day, the police broke into his room and caught him. The trial was held in an amphitbeatre. Theamplifier was used. The judge was an amiable man, but Harry didn’t think he was amicable to him. On trial, Harry explained for himself, “I always respect the law and am amenable. The ammunition I was working on was only a gift to my wife. You know, I am an amorous man.” The judge answered, “Dear sir, the reason isn’t ample. This case is amoral. OK, let’s see the response of the jury.” Amid the jury, more than 10 persons pitied Harry. So with the passing of the last amendment, Harry was given an amnesty but he slould pay amends. The amount was one thousand dollars. “Is it amiss?” the judge asked. “No. I think

now I can get back to amity with my wife.”Harry’s voice was full of amenity.


Country A and country B were allied and allies. They exchanged alloy and almond in trade. The government allotted the tax and allocated different tasks to each province. One year, country A was hit by a natural calamity. There were almshouses and almsmen everywhere. Many people were allured to go abroad. According to the allusion of the almighty almanac, the government decided to set an altar on top of an alp which once was an alluvion. The Alma Mater was sung and an alphabet was placed on the altar. People altercated and alluded acutely. There was no alteration after that. Every country except country B was no alteration after that. Every country except country B was aloof from country A. country B contributed a lot of alms and allowances to help it get out of trouble.


Edward set sail in his boat “Angle” to an ancient island in the spring. He tried to find out his ancestry and who were his ancestors and so on, because there was no analogy between he and his family. The island was an anarchical island. There were many amusing anecdotes about it. He anchored close to the island with the help of his anemometer. Unfortunately, an anaconda attacked him. The local people sent him to the hospital. The doctors were proficient in anatomy. They decided to amputate his right arm with the analysis of the analogue computer. The operation was successful under the anesthetic. But from then on, Edward had anemia. He amused himself, “It’s an anachronism. Tomorrow will begin anew.”After that, he enjoyed angling. An angleworm was his favorite bait.


Aleck was an angular but animated young man. He worked for a famous anmual called Anode. Anode had annexed many a little annual and was prepared to annihilate all the competitors. Aleck was well known for his anomalous animation. He liked to use anil to draw. It was easy to understand his animation even without annotation. It was said he would be recorded in annals one day. On

the day of the anniversary, he attended the party. At the party, the announcer announced an annunciation that the annuity of workers would be annulled beginning the next year. Aleck was annoyed at the news and his heart was full of angst. When he walked back home carelessly, he was struck in the ankle by a stone. He anguished at once. Having eaten some anodyne and having anointed his ankle, he went to bed. The next day, he reported this to his boss. But the boss refused to furlough him. Animosity raised from his heart. He resigned quickly. Anon, the boss received an anonymous letter, which was full of snap.


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.

Nur für den pers?nlichen für Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.

Pour l 'étude et la recherche uniquement à des fins personnelles; pas à des fins commercia les.

толькодля людей, которые используются для обучения, исследований и не должны использоваться в коммерческих целях.



For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use.

Nur für den pers?nlichen für Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden.

Pour l 'étude et la recherche uniquement à des fins personnelles; pas à des fins commerciales.

толькодля людей, которые используются для обучения, исследований и не должны использоваться в коммерческих целях.



如何快速熟记背诵初中英语单词 单词作为英语的一大关,需要学生熟记、背诵方可提高英语成绩,但好多同学还是反应单词背不过、音标不认识、英语成绩提高吃力等各种问题,如何快速熟记背诵初中英语单词成为流传在学生家长中的热门话题。 那究竟如何快速熟记背诵初中英语单词呢?有没有好的妙招呢?哒哒英语小编这里为大家详细地总结了一番。 1、音标发音记忆法 这是最普通最常用的方法。初中英语单词绝大多数都是符合发音规则的。学生只要读音准确,并掌握一定的读音规则,背起单词来就会轻松愉快。而且读音准确也是学好英文的关键。因此建议学生在背单词时一定要听录音磁带。调动多种感觉器官,加深记忆。同时为“听力”打下良好基础。例如:congratulations这个单词,虽然很长,但符合发音规则。只要会读,就能会拼写。这里还要提醒学生,按此方法记忆单词时,要格外注意元音字母的读音变化。 2、构词法 利用构词法记忆单词,即通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。例如ease作为独立单词,它又是easy、easily、easiness的词根。

前缀:比如un-dis-是反意前缀,happy是“高兴的”,那么unhappy当然是“不高兴的”;like是“喜欢”,dislike自然是“不喜欢”。 后缀:如-tion;-sion;-ness;-ment是名词后缀e.g.-ful;-able;是形容词后缀e.g.例如helpful;enjoyable。-ly大多是副词后缀e.g.例如carefully。-er;-or多数情况是表人的后缀e.g.例如photographer;inventor。合成词:两个或两个以上具有独立意义的单词组合在一起形成一个新的词汇叫做合成词,例如e.g.football。但值得一提的是,不是所有合成词都能“望文生义”。e.g.greenhand的含义不是“绿手”而是“生手”。 3、谐趣记忆法 谐趣记忆法是根据读音、词形、词义的关系,利用诙谐、荒诞的曲解来记忆词汇。 如:morose(忧伤的,郁闷的)=mo(方言,没有)+rose(玫瑰),试想,“没有玫瑰”的情人节怎能不“忧伤郁闷”? ponderous(笨重的),听发音,叫做“胖得要死”,想一下,“胖得要死”,能不“笨重”吗? 4、感观记忆法


你来记,我来帮 环保科技城实验学校汉娟 【摘要】在英语学习中,英语词汇的记忆是非常重要的,词汇和短语就像构建英语大厦的砖头和沙子,而语法则是这一大厦的钢筋框架,必须先具备了材料才能配合以框架构建成完美牢固的建筑物。 【关键词】单词高效记忆方法 作为一名初中英语老师,在教学的过程中最艰难的事情之一莫过于帮助学生记忆单词。在英语学习中,英语词汇的记忆是非常重要的,词汇和短语就像构建英语大厦的砖头和沙子,而语法则是这一大厦的钢筋框架,必须先具备了材料才能配合以框架构建成完美牢固的建筑物。虽然大家都知道英语单词的记忆量在英语学习中起到非常重要的作用,很多学习者在掌握一定数量词汇后,还是不能摆脱"死记硬背"的记忆模式,费时费力效果还不见得好,是否能够巧妙的记忆英语词汇成为一个人能否快捷突破英语的关键。在漫漫的教学旅途中,本人为了帮助学生能够事半功倍的记忆单词,也是下足了功夫,用尽了苦心。那么如何才能够让学生高效率的记忆好单词呢?根据多年的教学经验及借鉴他人的经验,做法如下: 一、前缀后缀记忆法 前缀后缀记忆法,主要是利用前缀后缀将的构成规律将长单词‘切’开背。比如 前缀 un- “不” happy- unhappy like- unlike im-“不” possible - impossible in- ‘不’ expensive – inexpensive -ly(副词后缀) bad badly quick quickly -ful(形容词后缀)care - careful help - helpful -y(形容词后缀)rain - rainy luck -lucky -ion(名词后缀)invent- invention operate- operation -ness(名词后缀)busy - business good - goodness 名词---名词farm farmer 农夫 动词---现在分词、过去分词转为形容词


四种方法快速记忆英语单词 通常情况下,学生总会在处于毫无意识的拼读单词的状态下,记忆单词。这样,不但没能有效的记忆单词,很可能在这个过程中,逐渐对这种重复式的单词记忆产生厌倦,从而导致对英语学科的失去兴趣。然而,单词的记忆并不是杂乱无章的,下面是的小编为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 一、联想记忆法 即在记忆单词的过程中,要注意观察单词与单词之间在形、音、义等方面的内在联系,在迅速地记住新词的基础上,复习旧词,而且通过分析思考,使有限的单词知识转化为无限的理解新词的能力,从而熟悉单词的变化规律,更加系统,全面地记忆单词。 (一)记忆新词联想复习旧词 1. 词形:新mushroom 旧broom, room 新quite(很,十分) 旧quiet(平静的,安静的) 新thirsty(口渴的) 旧thirty(三十) 2. 词义:同义词记忆: 新seat 旧sit 新arrive 旧reach 新fast、quick旧quickly、soon , 新high旧tall, 新say、tell旧speak、talk, 新plenty of 、a great deal of旧many、much、a lot of 反义词记忆:

新heavy旧light, 新tall旧short, 新fast旧slow, 新come旧go, 新buy旧sell, 新small旧big 新fat旧thin, 新lend旧borrow, 新hungry旧thirsty, 3. 语音:新flour 旧flower 新write 旧right 4.词性:lift(名词,电梯)lift(动词,举起,抬起) quiet(形容词,安静的,平静的)quiet(动词,使安静,平静) green(形容词,绿色的)greens(名词,青菜) bear(名词,熊) bear(动词,忍受) book(名词,书)book(动词,预定) notice(名词,布告,通知)notice(动词,通知,注意到) bear(名词,熊) bear(动词,忍受) 4. 构词:新happiness 旧happy, happily 5. 用法:新wear 旧put on, have on, dress (二)回忆旧词 联想解释新词新词:unusual 回忆旧词并联想:happy (adj.快乐),unhappy (vi.不快乐),usually (adv.经常得) usual(adj.平常的) 推理思考并得出:unusual (adj.不平常的) 其实,在英语中这种


初中英语单词记忆法词汇表 目录 初中英语单词记忆法词汇表 1 一、分类记忆法 1 二、构词记忆法 6 三、同义近义词记忆法 14 四、反义词记忆法 15 五、形近词记忆法 15 六、联想记忆法 17 附录:一、不规则形容词副词比较级与最高级 18 二、不规则名词复数形式 19 三、不规则动词表 20 一、分类记忆法 名词 (1)星期(week) Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday (星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)、Sunday(星期天)

(2)月份(month) January(一月)、February(二月)、March(三月)、April(四月)、May(五月)、June(六月)、July(七月)、August(八月)、September(九月)、October(十月)、November(十一月)、December(十二月) (3)季节(season) spring(春天)、summer(夏天)、autumn(秋天)、winter(冬天) (4)时间(time) second(秒)、minute(分)、hour(小时)、day(天)、night(夜)、week(星期)、month(月份)、year(年)、century(世纪) (5)国家(country) China(中国)、Japan(日本)、England(英国)、India(印度)、Canada (加拿大)、America / the United States(美国)、Australia(澳大利亚)、Germany(德国)、Russia(俄罗斯)、France(法国) (6)大洲(continent) Asia(亚洲)、Africa(非洲)、America(美洲)、Europe(欧洲)、Oceania(大洋洲) (7)方位(direction) east(东)、south(南)、west(西)、north(北)、left(左)、right (右)


优尼全能英语,免费体验纯英式课程: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18006681.html,/(报名网址) 优尼全能英语提供纯英式幼儿英语、儿童英语、少儿英语、青少儿英语、留学、游学英语培训课程,。赶紧登陆优尼全能英语官网获取免费试听课程,开始英语学习之旅。 优尼全能英语:背单词八大记忆法教你巧记英语单词(下) 上次英语高分网小编已介绍了四种英语单词记忆方法,接下来要介绍另外几种。 五、快速扫视法: 把每天要背的英语单词写在纸上,左边写英文,右边写中文意思。先扫视一遍,然后遮住中文意思,进行回忆,没有记住的就做个记号。第二遍只扫视有记号的,然后遮住中文意思,再回忆,没有记住的再做记号。一直到所有英语单词都记住为止。那些记号最多的英语单词也就是最难的,今后复习时可以作为重点。这种方法还有一个好处,你可以先从英文背中文意思,然后可以反过来,看着中文回忆英文单词的拼写。 六、狂读狂写法: 这是依靠重复某种生理活动来强迫大脑认知的方法,对于大多数人来说是有效的。当然每个人的习惯各有不同,有的喜好大声朗读来背英语单词,有的喜爱在白纸上边背边写所需要记忆的英语单词,更有甚者把英语单词录成卡带,每日听之方可入眠。真可谓单词人人会背,各有巧妙不同。 七、分类归总法: 所谓物以类聚、人以群分,英语单词也有它的家族史与裙带关系。常用的分类方法包括:同义词与反义词分类,种属特性分类等等。例如,表示笑的英语单词通常有:chortle(开心地笑),chuckle(轻声地笑),guffaw(哄堂大笑),jeer(嘲笑),snigger(窃笑),simper(傻笑)等等。对这种英语单词家族的分门别类,有利于掌握成片的英语单词以及其意义差别,不失为一种好的英语学习方法。 八、做题看报法: 对于许多学生朋友来说,背英语单词不只是为提高英语单词量,而更多的是为了应对英语考试。检验英语水平的试金石还在于对英语单词的运用与解读能力。因此通过英语高分网内的大量真题与模拟题来练习,我们才能知道每个英语单词的精华在哪里,从而体会到背英语单词的乐趣。 此外,另一种有效的检验方法就是通过英语阅读来寻找记忆中似曾相识的英语单词。要想所背的单词刻骨铭心,还是要靠实践、记忆单词双管齐下,大量的背诵必须跟平时的英语阅读、英语写作、英语口语联系起来。 特别提醒 对于英语单词每天背诵的数量和时间要根据自己的具体情况定,背诵要选择一天中头脑清晰、精力充沛的时候进行。此外,记住背英语单词的三大宗旨:一是贵在坚持;二是要遵循人的记忆规律,循环复习比一次性记忆有效;三是背诵的英语单词只有真正运用到听、说、读、写各方面,才算修成正果。以上方法,你可以取长补短、综合运用,选择适合自己的英语学习方法最重要。


初中英语知识点巧记口诀 很多同学认为英语语法枯燥难学,其实只要用心并采用适当的学习方法,我们就可以愉快地学会英语,掌握语法规则。特此搜集、组编了以下语法口诀,希望对即将参加中考的同 学们有所帮助。 一、冠词基本用法 【速记口诀】 名词是秃子,常要戴帽子, 可数名词单,须用 a 或 an , 辅音前用 a , an 在元音前, 若为特指时,则须用定冠, 复数不可数,泛指the 不见, 碰到代词时,冠词均不现。 【妙语诠释】冠词是中考必考的语法知识之一,也是中考考查的主要对象。以上口诀包括的意思有:①名词在一般情况下不单用,常常要和冠词连用;②表示不确指的可数名词单数前要用不定冠词 a 或 an ,确指时要用定冠词the ;③如复数名词表示泛指,名词前有this,these , my , some等时就不用冠词。 二、名词单数变复数规则 【速记口诀】 单数变复数,规则要记住, 一般加 s,特殊有几处: /s/ 结尾, es 不离后,

末尾字母 o ,大多加s, 两人有两菜,es 不离口, 词尾 f 、 fe , s 前有 v 和 e; 没有规则词,必须单独记。 【妙语诠释】①大部分单数可数名词变为复数要加s,但如果单词以/t ?蘩 / 、 / ?蘩 / 、/s/发音结尾( 也就是单词如果以ch , sh , s, x等结尾 ),则一般加es ;②以o 结尾的单词 除了两人(negro,hero)两菜 (tomato, potato)加es外,其余一般加s;③以 f 或fe结尾的单词一般是把f, fe变为ve再加s;④英语中还有些单词没有规则,需要特殊记忆,如child— children,mouse— mice, deer— deer, sheep— sheep, Chinese— Chinese,ox — oxen , man — men ,woman—women,foot—feet,tooth—teeth。 三、名词所有格用法 【速记口诀】 名词所有格,表物是“谁的”, 若为生命词,加“’s”即可行, 词尾有 s,仅把逗号择; 并列名词后,各自和共有, 前者分别加,后者最后加; 若为无生命词,of 所有格, 前后须倒置,此是硬规则。 【妙语诠释】①有生命的名词所有格一般加s,但如果名词以s 结尾,则只加“’”; ②并列名词所有格表示各自所有时,分别加“’s”,如果是共有,则只在最后名词加“’s”;


如何巧记初中英语单词 如何巧记初中英语单词 英语考试的过程中除了掌握一定的知识积累外,还需要掌握一些必要的做题技巧,这有利于我们提高做题效率。下面,是小编为大家搜索整理的如何巧记初中英语单词,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! 一、如何巧记 单词是英语学习的基础,它是垒起英语这座长城的坚硬的基石。初三复习阶段,单词的记忆是非常重要的。 选择最佳记忆时间 每一个同学都有不同的记忆习惯和最佳记忆时间,通过实践摸索,同学们可以选择自己记忆效果最佳的时间。如每天清晨或每晚临睡以前,坚持每天背单词的习惯。 用多种感官记忆 同学们在背单词时,常常是读读写写,边读边背。事实上,利用听觉来加强记忆也能起到很好的效果。如把单词的读音、拼写和汉语词义录在录音机里,在临睡前或上下学的路上反复听,它能刺激我们的无意注意,强化记忆,轻轻松松就记住了单词。 通过归类记忆 在记忆单词时,同学们还可以有目的地进行单词整理,如把单词归类,写在小卡片上,利用平时空闲的时间进行专项的单词记忆。 遵循记忆规律 背单词的过程中,很多同学都有这样的经历,明明自己背过的单词不久以后却又忘了。这就需要我们遵循记忆规律,经常循环地复习。通常,以每两周进行一次单词总复习为宜。

二、方法归纳 在英语学习中,学生识记单词往往要花费大量的时间和精力,结果常常事倍功半,究其原因是没有掌握记忆单词的正确方法。那么,怎样记忆单词才能达到事半功倍的效果呢?结合多年的教学实践,笔者总结出巧记单词的几种方法,供同学们学习时参考。 1. 归类法。 依据不同的标准将单词归纳分类,进行记忆。 首先按读者归类。根据英语字母的读者规则来记单词,如:元音字母 a 在重读开音节中一般读[ ei ],如cake,grade,wake 等;在重读闭音节中一般读[ ],如bag,map 等。根据ea,ee,igh 等字母组合进行分类,把含有相同字母组合的单词归纳为一类,如read,please; meet,jeep; high,light,right 等。 其次,对表示同类事物的单词进行归类。如把表示学习用品类、水果类、动物类、主食类的单词分别归类,这样便于强化记忆。例如: 在学习有关水果类的`单词时,可将已学过的有关水果的单词apple,peach,orange,banana,pear 等纳入此类中。学习生词noodle 时,可将已学过的有关表示主食类的单词bread,rice,dumpling,porridge,sandwich 等纳入这一类。 第三,词性归类。按照词性把单词归类。如名词:book,girl,apple,car 等;动词:run,jump,dance,sing,love,study 等;介词:on,after,behind,beside,near,under 等。 2. 联想法:学习生词,要联想已学过的同义词、反义词,加深对这些单词的理解,从而增强记忆。例如:( 1 ) old 的反义词是new,young ;( 2 ) huge 的同义词是big,large,great . 3. 利用构词法知识。 ( 1 )派生法:已学过un-是表示否定意义的前缀,happy 意为"高兴的";,那么,unhappy 的意思就是"不高兴的";。


如何快速记忆英语单词 1.综合九种记法,不怕任何单词 特注:无论任何单词,不管是词根词缀法还是奇特联想法,如果你在其它地方找不到某个难词的记忆窍门,你都可以在《三三速记英语词汇》丛书里面碰碰运气,说不定就有意外的惊喜!说明:综合运用九种记忆方法,针对不同特点的单词配附恰当的记忆窍门,就不怕任何单词难记。这里不仅对传统的记忆方法做了合理改良,而且在记忆方法的创新上也有突破。《三三速记英语词汇》将中国传统的说文解字原理与西方流行的奇特联想记忆法融为一体,对于英语单词有望形生义的速记功效,可以牢牢地记住单词的词义和拼写形式。在《三三速记英语词汇》丛书中,约30% 的单词能用英语本身固有的偏旁部首(词根、词缀)以形释义;另外约50% 的单词可用读者已熟悉的英语单词、汉语拼音作为偏旁部首进行创造性的说文解字,其余的单词则可在音、形、义方面进行奇特联想记忆,从而使得英语单词的识记变得事半功倍,趣味盎然。 一、合成记忆法 有些汉字,比如“明““解“等属于合成字。“日“即太阳,是白天光明的来源;“月“即月亮,是黑夜光明的来源;所以“明“就“日“和“月“两个字合成而来。又,古时候人们宰牛是将“刀“放在“牛“的“角“后开始将其解体的,所以,“解“字就由“角““刀和“牛“三个字合成而来。在英语词汇里有与此类似的合成词,这些合成词是由两个或两个以上的具有独立意义的子词组合而成的,而且合成词的意义通常就是其构成中子词意义的叠加与复合。根据子词与合成词的内在关系记忆英语单词,就好比是对合成汉字进行“以形说义“一样。所以,我们把合成记忆法看作是英语单词“说文解字“之一。 1. football n. 足球,足球比赛〔foot脚、足,ball球;主要靠脚踢来进行的球赛〕 2. himself pron. 他自己,他亲自〔him他,self自己〕 3. overcome vt. 战胜,克服〔over越过,come来;努力地越过各种障碍而来〕 4. sometime ad. 将来某个时候,过去某个时候〔some某一,time时候〕 5. widespread a. 分布广的,散布广的〔wide宽广的,spread散布、蔓延〕 二、构词分析法


最近很多家长来问老师,孩子快要中考了,可是单词都记不住,不知道怎么办?有没有什么方法让孩子快速掌握单词,积累词汇? 答案是有的,方法很多,但并不是每种方法都适合孩子,所以要找到适合的方法去学习,效率就会大大提升。怎么知道适不适合孩子呢?那就要去尝试学习了,遇到这个方法,给孩子学一下,觉得不错就继续学。 但是犹豫考虑太多,担心这担心那的家长是很难让孩子找到适合自己的方法学习的。很多事情未知,只有去尝试一下才能知道。 好,接下来老师介绍怎么能快速掌握记忆单词。咱们运用到的是联想记忆法,把陌生的单词转换成熟悉的信息去记忆。看下面几个单词记忆例子: dangerous [?de?nd??r?s] 危险的 拆分:dange 单个,rou 肉,s 像蛇 记忆:单个人拿肉去喂蛇是很危险的 favourite [?fe?v?r?t] 喜爱的 拆分:fa 发,vo 我近似音,u 像杯子,ri 日,te 特 记忆:发现我喜爱的杯子每日都很特别

important [?m?p??rtnt] 重要的 拆分:im 姨妈,po 婆,r 像草,tant 忐忑近似音 记忆:姨妈和婆婆在草丛里忐忑的讨论重要的事情possible [?pɑ?s?bl] 可能的 拆分:po 婆,s 像蛇,si 死,b 像6,le 乐 记忆:婆婆的蛇死了可能6天都快乐不起来 interesting [??ntr?st??] 有趣的 拆分:in 单词在里面,te 特,rest 单词休息,ing 鹰记忆:在里面有个特别的人休息爱玩有趣的老鹰

以上这些单词都挺难的,现在无论是小学还是中学都会学到,小学生也是很难。那么它们也是中考必背的英语词汇,词汇重在积累和多运用多做练习题。 不管孩子是上初一、初二还是初三或者是小学、高中,都可以学习这个单词记忆方法。如果你想学习方法,让孩子也懂得像老师这样去解析记忆单词,那就要学习完整的方法课程。老师做好的单词记忆是鱼,但也教学生们捕鱼的方法,这样才能长久。 想学习更多单词记忆可以关注林老师记单词!


1.n ame game same came became 2.am exam example examination stamp 3.Ace face race place palace 4.h am ster hamburger champion campaign program programmer camel family 5.case bookcase pencil case 6.b ase baseball chase phrase 7.an fan pan panda pancake pants 8.ate late later date rating 9. can candy cancer candle 10.graduate graduation 11.and land Thailand hand band stand sand sandy sandwich 12.celebrate celebration 13.frustrate frustrating translate 14.grandparents grandmother grandfather grandchild grandchildren 15.donate donation 16.take mistake lake pancake bake bakery shake snake make wake awake earthquake skate skater 17.rank bank blank thanks thanksgiving 18.ant angry ancestor piano than plan planet 19.made home-made man-made a)age cage stage agent 20.str ange change exchange 21.at hat cat that chat chatline 22.danger dangerous 23.t aste waste 24.as has Bastille 25.gave wave have behave behavior 26.t ag bag zigzag magazine 27.m ad bad dad had sad salad add 28.head ache toothache stomachache 29.f ax relax relaxing relaxed 30.paper newspaper 31.p ack back back pack backboard black blackboard racket bracket 32.baby babysit 33.able disable unable https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18006681.html,n Canadian Australian 35.act actor actress 36.f ac t factory exactly 37.convers ation vacation application punctuation relationship station abbreviation association inspiration transportation organization pronunciation education educational exclamation population application 38.mat h match 39.gr ade arcade apple lemonade 40.amaz e amazing amazed 41.emb arr assed embarrassing carrot parrot 42.d ay today holiday may pay stay 43.play player playful playground display 44.way away subway say 45.c arr y marry married 46.talent talented 47.habit habitat 48.balance balanced 49.f ail mail e-mail 50.paint painting rain rainy complain main remain mainly entertainment 51.wai t waiter waitress 52.st rai ght aid afraid daily raise 53.avenue animal Africa African Amazon adult album algebra advertising advertisement aquatic abacus 54.eight eighth eighteen eighteenth - 1 -


巧记英语单词的20种方法 巧记英语单词的方法1.逻辑记忆 通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系,词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词。 1)把几个字母看作做一个来记如: "ight"light,right,fight,night,might,sight,tight 2)外旧内新,如:bridge“桥”看成b+ridgeridge"山 脊”sharp看成s+harpharp"竖琴。 3)外新内旧,如:cleave“劈开”看成c+leave,tact"机智:看成t+act 巧记英语单词的方法2联想记忆 1)音与形的联想,即根据读音规则记忆单词。2)形与义的联想,如:eye把两个e看成两个眼。banana把a看成一个个的香蕉。bird把b和d看成两个翅膀。3)象声词,联想实际的声音,如:gong锣coo咕咕声。 巧记英语单词的方法3.构词记忆 利用构词法,通过分析词根、前缀、后缀、派生和合成等记忆单词。 巧记英语单词的方法4.分类记忆 巧记英语单词的方法5.卡片记忆 自制作单词卡片随时随身进行记单词,卡片写上单词的词形、词性、词义、音标、搭配、例句等。 巧记英语单词的方法6.词典记忆

即背字典,这种方法是一种强行记忆的方法。它的缺点是容易忘记,只是孤立记住单词的意义。可以作为一种短时间的强化手段。 巧记英语单词的方法7.比较记忆 1)英汉比较如:mama,cigar,beer,bar,fee等。2)单复数的比较如:good-goods,spirit-spiritswood-woods3)同音词的比较如:right-write,eye-I4)词的阴阳性的比较如:actor-actresshost-hostess 巧记英语单词的方法8.理解记忆 通过正确理解单词的本义、引申义和比喻义等如:second是“秒”,它来源于古代的六分法,分,秒,它是二次划分,因此second也是“第二”,进一步引申,还可理解为“辅助”用这种方法特别适合那些一词多义的词。 巧记英语单词的方法9.联系记忆 1巧记英语单词的方法0.感官记忆 记单词时,不要只用一种感官,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。 巧记英语单词的方法11.软件记忆 巧记英语单词的方法12.阅读记忆 巧记英语单词的方法13.同义记忆 通过同义词一起进行单词记忆,可确切理解词义,这时不必注意它们的意义的区别。 巧记英语单词的方法14.反义记忆 巧记英语单词的方法15.图表记忆 利用形象的图表进行记忆,它的优点是意、形、物直观的结合到一起。你可以找一本英语图解字典作为参考。


词根词缀记忆法 词根词缀记忆法不仅有利于记忆单词,还可以做到举一反三的妙用。还为高中阶段进一步学习大量词汇打下基础。这里介绍几种初中英语常用前后缀并举两个初中常用单词为例以帮助一些记忆单词困难的同学记忆单词。 常用的前缀主要有:dis-表示不,没有如:disable残疾的,dislike 讨厌,im-表示不如:impossible不可能的immoral 不道德的,in-表示不、向内如:informal 非正式的inhuman 不人道的,re-表示回、重新如:review 复习redo 重做,un-表示不、非如:unhappy 不快乐的unimportant 不重要的常用的后缀主要有:-ment 表示行为如:enjoyment 娱乐development 发展 -ness 名词后缀表示性质、状态如:illness 疾病correctness 改正 -tion 名词后缀如:graduation 毕业relation 亲属 -able 表示可能的如:movable 可移动的respectable可敬的 -less 表示没有的如:hopeless没有希望的homeless 无家可归的 -ing 表示令人如:interesting 令人有兴趣的exciting 令人兴奋的 -ful 表示充满如:beautiful 美丽的useful 有用的 -ist 表示人如:pianist钢琴家scientist 科学家 -er 表示人、物如:teacher 老师cooker 厨具 -or 表示人、物如:actor 男演员visitor参观者 -ed 表示感到如:surprised感到惊讶的excited感到兴奋的 -ly 副词后缀如:gently 轻轻地carefully仔细地 -y (形容词后缀)rainy 多雨的cloudy多云的lucky 幸运的 几个前后缀应用举例: 1. like-unlike usual-unusual friendly-unfriendly 2.care vt.careful adj. carefully adv. careless adj. carefulness n. carelessness n. 2 excite vt. exciting adj. excited adj. excitement n. 由上面的事例可以得出词根词缀记忆法总口诀:前缀改变词义,后缀改变词性。这样总结记单词变得更加容易了。 在很多情况下,一个动词可以视作由两部分构成:动作的本质和动作的方式。前者用词根表示,后者用前缀表示,而后缀则往往表示词性了。举例说明:前进和后退这两个动作的本质都是“走”,可以由词根“cede, ceed, cess”表示,而其方式则分别为“往前”和“往后”,可以由前缀“pro”和“re”表示,所以我们有proceed表“前进,进行”;recede表“后退,衰退”;前缀“ex”表“出去”,所以“exceed”表“超过”;前缀“pre”表“在……之前”,所以precede表“先于……发生”;前缀“ac”表“靠近,朝向”,所以access表“接近”,并进而引申出“使用……的权利”义。这只是信手拈来的几个单词,实际上precedent(先例)也可以用同样的办法记忆,还有predecessor,因为加上了表示“人”的后缀,所以有“前辈”义,successor的前缀“suc”表“在下面”,引申为“在后面”,所以有“继任者”义…… 常用的前缀不过二、三十个,而常用的词根亦不过百,由此演化生成而来的单词却成千上万,掌握这种方法譬如修炼武林秘笈《乾坤大挪移》,当可收到“一法通,万法通”、“四两拨千斤”的奇效。


1.马戏团的鹦鹉 它一岁的age(年纪)会说人的language(语言),头脑很懂manage(经营),要求增加wage(薪水),惹得老板rage(发怒)把它关进cage(笼子)。 2.败家女的生活 天生就很lazy(懒惰的),生活就爱cozy(舒适的),上街血拼crazy(疯狂的),体胖心感uneasy(不安的),减肥虚脱dizzy(头晕眼花的),成天沉溺fantasy(幻想)。 3.贫农发家史 地下播下seed(种子),种出却是weed(杂草),只能当作feed(饲料),生存无法proceed(继续),冒险去采seaweed(海带),脚被刺伤bleed(流血),拼命加快speed(速度),回来销售succeed(成功),见财心生greed(贪婪)。 4.武术冠军擒贼 那天我骑着cycle(自行车),见有人偷旧bicycle(自行车),还美其名曰recycle(回收利用),我便鼓起了muscle(肌肉),八卦掌划出semicircle(半圆)擒贼,被写进了article(文章)。 5.英国的过去 大英帝国无bound(边界),英联邦国家abound(大量存在),流通货币是pound(英镑),随处英语的sound(声音),满城绅士牵hound(猎狗)。 6.超级逃兵 行军方向forward(向前的),他的方向backward(向后的),逃跑方式awkward(笨拙的),其实是个coward(懦夫)。

7.掌舵手 有一个volunteer(志愿者),把船来steer(驾驶),快乐是sheer(纯粹的),神情却queer(古怪的),高傲像deer(鹿)。 8.码头黑老大 野心相当large(大的),想把地盘enlarge(扩大),要想在这discharge(卸货),保护费要overcharge(多收),谁敢把我charge(控告)。 9.便宜无好货 话说有个student(学生),旅行需要tent(帐篷),去到商店rent(租借)只要几百cent(分),野营发生accident(事故),原来没有vent(通风孔),骨架还全bent(弯曲),奸商让人resent(愤恨)。 10.排骨抢劫案 教堂旁边的shop(商店),正大声播放pop(流行音乐),卖美味红烧chop(排骨),口水好像要drop(滴下),无奈没有钱shop(买东西),抢一盘朝外hop(跳跃),越过绊脚的mop(拖把),猛地撞上了bishop(主教),被抓住交给cop(警察)。 11.登山队员 购买装备时bargain(讨价还价),买到次货是certain(必然的),正当要翻越mountain(山脉),装备坏了直complain(抱怨),价格把质量contain(包含),悔不听商家explain(解释)。 12.童话版9.11 有一只pest(害虫),穿一件vest(背心),飞向southwest(西南),撞树上nest(巢穴),世道不公我protest(抗议)。


巧记英语单词的几种方法 发表时间:2012-08-15T14:56:48.107Z 来源:《中学课程辅导·教学研究》2012年第30期供稿作者:李俊梅 [导读] 在中学阶段的众多学科中,学生感到比较费时吃力的就是英语,学习英语的重要一关是单词记忆。 摘要:英语单词是学习英语的基础,要想学好英语,单词的掌握至关重要。如果记不住单词就会影响到听、说、读、写的全面训练和英语水平的正常发挥,导致成绩下降。因此,过好单词记忆关是很重要的。 关键词:英语单词;记忆方法;归类;联想 在中学阶段的众多学科中,学生感到比较费时吃力的就是英语,学习英语的重要一关是单词记忆。英语单词是学习英语的基础,要想学好英语,单词的掌握至关重要。如果记不住单词就会影响到听、说、读、写的全面训练和英语水平的正常发挥,导致成绩下降。因此,过好单词记忆关是很重要的。在多年的英语教学实践中,笔者摸索出了一些方法,现与大家共勉: 一、及时记忆法 及时记忆法就是要求上课时认真听讲,争取趁热打铁,当堂记住。为了让学生当堂记住,笔者又采用了以下几种具体方法: 1.直观法 直观法教学词汇生动活泼,能引起学生的兴趣,激发学生学习的主动性。如教“水果类”单词时,可拿着水果进课堂(也可用图片或简笔画),边指着水果,边介绍:This is an apple.This is a banana.This is a pear.……这些东西学生经常吃,这样引入单词既避免了枯燥的叙述,又激发了学生课外吃水果时回忆单词的兴趣。 2.动作法 许多英语单词的教学可借助动作来完成,如在教学jump,stand,run,sit,walk等动词时,教师可边做动作边说:“I'm jumping.I'm standing.I'm running.I'm sitting.也可让学生上讲台,教师说单词,学生做动作,台下学生做观众,气氛热烈,效果良好,这样学生把单词和动作联系起来,容易理解、便于记忆。 3.游戏法 爱玩是孩子的天性,可把枯燥的单词融于丰富多彩的游戏活动中,寓教于乐,如学介词类单词in/on/beside/behind/under等时,可设计让学生“猜物体在哪里”这一游戏。可随时借用学生的铅笔盒,先用一块橡皮或一支钢笔,边变换位置边问学生:Where is the pen?Guess!他们可以用汉语猜,然后板书It's in/on/under/behind the pencil-box,然后换用别的学习用品(如ruler,knife等)再练习巩固。这样,学生兴趣浓厚,轻而易举就掌握了这些单词。 二、归类记忆法 归类记忆法就是把学过的单词分成几类,化整为零,分别记忆。这种方法虽然比较传统,但效果很好,关键在于如何去调整划分“类别”,例如:动物,植物类的词;体育名称一类的词;国家及相关形容词、语言一类的词;食物、水果、蔬菜一类的词;职称,称呼一类的词;交通一类的词;学校生活及学习用品等。 如国家及相关形容词、语言一类的词: 国家相关形容词语言 China Chinese Chinese Japan Japanese Japanese England English English America American English Canada Canadian English France French French 三、联想记忆法 联想记忆法就是由一个单词想到与之相关的很多词汇,如看到family这个词可联想到father, mother, brother, sister, son,daughter,grandfather,grandmother 等。又如看到color可联想到white,black,red,green,yellow,blue,orange等,还有如subject,animal,food,fruit等。随着所学词汇量的增加,你会发现得更多。 四、运动记忆法 运动记忆法就是在记忆单词时,眼、口、耳、脑与手同时工作,要边读边写边记忆,切忌注意力不集中或以眼代嘴。 五、构词记忆法 了解一些构词方面的知识,也有助于记单词。如知道合成词是由两个词合在一起构成的新词,就容易记住,如bedroom,schoolbag,bathroom,classroom,penfriend,playground等。掌握一些派生词的前缀和后缀,如un-表示否定,就很容易记住happy-unhappy,usual-unusual,comfortable-uncomfortable等。im-也表示否定,如possible-impossible。后缀-less表示“无……的”,如hopeless,homeless,useless等。-er或-or放在动词之后表示做某事的人,就会轻松地记住teach-teacher,run-runner,work-worker,visit-visitor 等。-ist放在乐器名称后表示弹奏乐器的人,如violin-violinist,piano-pianist等。学习英语构词知识是记住单词、丰富词汇的重要方法。六、对比记忆法 对比记忆法就是把同义词、反义词和同音词等放在一起比较记忆,印象会特别深。like-love,begin-start,enjoy-hate,big-small,tall-short,fat-thin,white-black,write-right,whether-weather等。 七、拼读记忆法 读准单词的发音是记住单词的前提,拼读记忆法首先要求把单词读准确,充分认识单词的读音与拼写之间的关系,并要善于总结字母和字母组合在单词中的发音规律以及在某些特定情况下的发音,这样就会较轻松地记住单词。因此掌握了单词音与形的一致关系,对于符合读音规则的词,不用借助音标就可做到见形能读、听音能写,从而大幅度地提高记忆单词的效果。 八、循环记忆法 任何先进的单词记忆法都必须进行反复记忆,学了总会遗忘,为了防止遗忘,一定要不断地进行阶段性复习,如可以把单词及重点句


快速记忆英语单词的二十个好方法 在记单词时,对大脑皮层的刺激有助于使脑细胞的突触连结数目的增加,所以,我们的记忆力就是以大批脑细胞突触连结的产生而形成的。重要的是,保持我们的大脑处于受刺激兴奋状态。只要有可能,就应尽一切努力为单词的记忆保持和回忆创造必要的条件,从而提高单词的记忆效率。 为达此目的,可采取以下途径和方法: (1)制定一个记忆单词的学习计划,有计划有目的地增加大脑对外语信息的记忆容量; (2)尽一切可能参加能增强记忆力的各项活动,随时随地地说外语,用外语,利用一切机会人为地创造语言环境; (3)做到在单词的记忆保持效果趋于下降之前及时进行复习; (4)要更多地使用你的右脑,即通过实物、画图、模型和颜色充分发挥能增强你记忆的那个大脑半球的作用。 此外,值得注意的另一个问题是,单词记忆效率的提高不仅取决于科学而有效记忆单词的方法,还取决于一天中记忆单词的最佳时间。大量实验结果表明:上午8~10点钟和晚上8~10点钟是记忆单词的最佳时间,因为在这个时间里,大脑中担负记忆任务的脑细胞已基本上得到较好的休息,所以记忆效果最佳。

再者,人所处的环境因素也能对记忆单词的效果产生一定影响,如果在一个室内狭窄而又十分嘈杂的环境中记单词,那些来自外界的噪声干扰会给大脑的正常记忆活动造成紊乱,从而影响记忆单词的效果。相反,如果在景色宜人、空气清新的自然环境中记忆单词,人的大脑当然是处于一种清醒冷静的状态中,注意力比较集中,记忆单词的效果自然好于前一种情况。 在记单词时,首先必须掌握外语单词的构成规律、构词模式和大量的词素意义,再根据单词的不同类型适宜地选择科学而有效的方法来记忆单词,方能收到理想的学习效果。由于不同语种有其各自不同的构词规律和构词模式,学习者只能根据自己所学的语种来掌握其规律性,所以因受语种和篇幅所限,这里不能对所有语种一一介绍构词规律,只能以学习者居多的英语为例介绍记忆单词的妙法。 1.拼读法 掌握正确的拼法与读音之间的关系,可以根据单词的读音,正确地拼写单词。例如,我们知道元音字母O在重读开音节时读作[+(]根据这条规则,go,hope,home,note 等词,不用费什么劲就记住了。另外还有一条发音规则:在o之后,如果是m,n,v,th时,o可以读作[Λ]。根据这条规则,我们不会把mother,some,come,dove,done等单词中的o写成u。再举一个元音字母组合的例子。ay读[ei]。中学教材中所有带有ay字母组合的词,如say,day,way,pay,ray,may,lay,play,spray,不仅发音容易,而且拼写也没有任何困难。当然,英语发音规则很多,又有许多例外情况,要记住它们并不容易。但是为了帮助记单词,花些时间,记住一些常用发音规则还是很有用的。
