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必修3 Unit2 Reading come and eat here 导学案

必修3 Unit2 Reading  come and eat here 导学案
必修3 Unit2 Reading  come and eat here 导学案

必修3 Unit2 Reading come and eat here导学案

(设计者:陕西省府谷中学吕文娟)Class: Name: Group: Date: Teaching Aims :

知识与技能 :

1. To read the passage and learn about healthy diet.

2. Enable Students to understand the reading materials.

3. language points in the passage

过程与方法: Inspiration;Questioning and Discussion ;Reading 情感态度与价值观:

1. Get the students to learn about what is healthy eating .

2. Learn more about the story of Yong Hui and Wang Peng .


1.Reading and understanding exercises.

2. Important grammar and structures in the passage.


1. Modal verbs (II)

2. some important structures in the passage


1. 按音标正确读音、纠正学生错误读音

SB P 95 and P6

2. 重点单词及短语练习

(v.) 有益于(n)利益(adj)有利的





(v)使联合(n )联合;结合



谋生/ / /


Cut phrases 归纳




Come and eat here(I)完成下列练习(练习和答案见多媒体)

1)Scanning exercises:

Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text.

1.The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.

2.The reason why Yong Hui’s restaurant was so popular with customers.

3.Wang Pengwei found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win them back.

2) Skimming exercises:

Read the whole passage and divide it into three parts .Choose the main idea of each part.

Part 1 Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.

Part 2 He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.

Part 3 Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as usually is.

3)Detailed Reading about each paragraph:(见多媒体)

Paragraph I :

1. Who is Wang Pengwei?

2. What happened on that strange morning?

3. How do you like the food in his restaurant?

Paragraph II :

1. What did Wang see when he followed Li Chang?

2. What kind of food was served in this restaurant?

Paragraph III:

1.Who is Yong Hui?

2.What amazed Wa ng in Y ong Hui’s restaurant?

3.What did Wang decide to do after he left there?

Paragraph IV :

1. What did Wang find out after reading?

2. What did he do then ?

3. What happened afterwards?

4)True or False (见多媒体)

5)Compare the two restaurants:

4. 词汇和句型突破学习


理解:(1)What could have happened?

(2)Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not

coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did?


3)Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.(分析与Wang Peng之间的逻辑关系,并转化为动作。)

4)Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by .(分析hurrying的功能)

5)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies. (分析getting 和telling的功能)

6)He had better do some research.中had better的含义。

5. 自主检测


1、Parents shouldn’t always satisfy children’s (好奇心)without limit.

2、Having a (平衡的) diet is quite good for our health .

3、This kind of fish doesn’t need to be cooked . It can be eaten (生的) .


1、You have said these word .That has hurt her heart.

A. can’t

B. won’t

C. oughtn’t to

D. needn’t

2、If you cheat in the final exam ,you could hardly it .

A. throw away

B. get away

C. get away from

D. get away with

6. 课后反思与补充

必修三 Unit 2 Language

Module 3 Unit 2 Language 新课标单词 throughout prep. 贯穿,遍及 confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的vocabulary n. 词汇 tribe n. 部落 European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的 n. 欧洲人 create vt. 创造,创建,创作 nowadays adv. 现今,现在 official adj. 官方的,正式的 consist vi. 组成 consist of 由……组成,由……构成contribute vi. & vt 贡献 contribute to 是……的成因之一development n. 发展;开发 take control of 控制,取得对……的控制rule vt. & n 统治 replace vt. 替换,代替,取代 *despite prep. 尽管 *impact n. 巨大的影响,冲击 servant n. 仆人 raise vt. 饲养 ox n. (复数oxen)牛,公牛 ending n. 词尾,结尾,结局 upper adj. 上层的,上面的,上边的class n. 阶级,阶层 adopt vt. 采用 tongue n. 语言;舌头 mother tongue 母语,本国语 modern adj. 近代的,当代的,现代化的, 时髦的,时新的 include vt. 包括 pronunciation n. 发音,语音 style n. 风格 process n. 过程;进程 depend vi. 视……而定,依靠 depend on 视……而定;取决于,依赖于, 依靠record vt. 记录 promise vt. & vi 许诺,答应 n. 许诺,诺言 difficulty n. 困难 unknown adj. 不知道的,未知的disagree vi. 意见不一,分歧;不一致standard n. 标准adj. 标准的 set vt. 确定(标准等),制定(标准等)phrase n. 词组,短语 department n. 部门 ban vt. 禁止,取缔 pure adj. 纯的,纯洁的 spread n., vi & vt 传播 easily adv. 容易地,不费力地 access vt. 接近,使用 n 接近的机会,享用权 across prep. 在……各处,遍及 racial adj. 种族的 character n. (书写或印刷)符号 Chinese character 汉字 differ vi. 相异,有区别 differ from 和……不同,不同于represent vt. 代表 action n. 行为,动作,行动 combine vt. & vi 组合,(使)联合,(使)结合 writing n. 文字;文字作品 drawing n. 绘画,绘画艺术 physical adj. 有形的;实物的;物质的square adj. 方的,正方形的 n. 方型,正方形 simplify vt. 简化 complex adj. 复杂的 originally adv. 最初,原先,起先eventually adv. 最后,终于,最终 reflect vt. 反映,反射 prisoner n. 囚犯 symbol n. 符号;象征 direction n. 方向 opposite n. 相反的事物,相对立的事物indicate vt. 显示,表示,象征,暗示pronounce vt. 发音 课文出现短语 1. in a sense 2. stand for 3. all over the world


高一英语必修一Unit 3课文翻译 Unit 3 Travel journal Reading JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG 沿湄公河而下的旅程 PART 1 THE DREAM AND THE PLAN第一部分梦想与计划 My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.我的名字叫王坤。从高 中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地自行车,然后还说服我 买了一辆(山地车)。Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming.去年她去看望了我们的表兄弟——在 昆明读大学的刀卫和宇航。They are Dai and grew up in western Y unnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.他们是傣族人,在云南省西 部靠近澜沧江的地方长大,湄公河在中国境内的这一段叫澜沧江,在 其他国家(境内)叫湄公河。Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了兴趣。After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.大学毕业以后, 我们终于有了机会骑自行车旅行。I asked my sister, "Where are we going?"我问我姐姐:“我们要去哪儿?” It was my sister who first had the


PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY 地理之谜 人们也许觉得奇怪,为什么用来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家的词语不太一样。但如果你学过英国历史,就能弄清楚这个问题。 首先是英格兰。威尔士于13世纪同英格兰联合了起来。如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。接着,英格兰、威尔士同苏格兰于17世纪联合了起来,名字就改成了“大不列颠”。令人庆幸的是,当苏格兰的詹姆斯国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家和平地实现了联合。最后,英国政府打算于20世纪初把爱尔兰也同另外三个国家和平联合起来以形成联合王国。然而,爱尔兰的南部却不愿组建联合王国,它分离出去,并建立了自己的政府。因此只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰联合起来,而组成了联合王国,这一点从新的联合王国国旗上就可以看得出来。 值得赞扬的是,这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作,例如在货币和国际关系方面;但是有些制度仍然区别很大。例如,北爱尔兰、英格兰和苏格兰在教育体制和立法体制上都存在着差异。在参加像世界杯之类的比赛时,它们有着各自的足球队。在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。最靠近法国的那个地区叫做英格兰南部,中部地区叫做英格兰中部,最靠近苏格兰的那个地区叫做英格兰北部。你可以看到英国的大部分人口聚居在南部,而多数大工业城市都位于中部和北部。尽管,英国任何一个城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是他们都有着自己的享有威名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队。很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。要找历史性建筑你得去更古老的、比较小些的由古罗马人建造的城镇。在那儿你才可能找到更多的有关英国历史和文化的东西。 最具历史意义的宝地是伦敦。那儿有博物馆,有艺术珍品、剧院、公园和各种建筑物。它是全国的政治中心。它有公元一世纪由罗马人建造的最古老的港口,有由盎格鲁——撒

人教版高中英语必修一unit 2 reading教学设计

人教版高中英语必修一Unit 2 reading教学设计 张弦 第一.教材 本节课教材选取的是必修一第二单元阅读部分。 第二.教学目标 1.语言目标 ●通过对单词的预习及听录音,能够熟读文章中出现的新单词。 ●能够在讨论活动中用简单的英语发表自己的看法。 ●掌握阅读基本技巧并予以运用。 2.情感目标 ●让学生认识到英语的重要性,激发学习热情。 ●通过对英语发展过程的了解,培养他们的跨文化意识和世界意识。 ●通过小组讨论培养团队合作意识。 第三.教学重点及难点 ●提高学生的阅读技巧——scanning 和 skimming。由于学生刚从初中进 入高中,对高中英语的阅读难度很难适应,因此迫切需要提高阅读技能。这既是本节课的重点又是难点。 ●能读懂文章,了解文章的基本大意及各段落大意。学会快速找到每段的 中心句。 ●学会划出阅读理解题的关键词,并能在寻读过程中找到相关信息。 第四,教学过程 Step1. Lead-in (6 minutes) 课前放首英文歌(when you believe),为接下来的讨论提供信息。问候完后问一个与学生实际相关的问题:How long have you learned English? 然后引出讨论话题:Why do so many people learn English? 两人一组进行讨论,用短语尽可能多的说出原因。可在黑板上举个例子:To listen to the English songs,同时写出课前歌曲名字。两分钟讨论后,让学生给出答案,幻灯片如下展示:

然后再问学生:How much do you know about the English language? 再进入本课主题:the road to modern English. Step 2: Pre-reading (3 minutes) 用三张幻灯片预习本文中的生单词及短语,为阅读扫清障碍。(对于许多没有做预习的学生来说,这一步是非常有必要的。)预习词汇如下:Voyage apartment actually base gradually Danish Vocabulary spelling identity fluent Singapore Malaysia because of come up at present make use of such as Step 3: Reading Task 1: listening—获得文章大意 (6 minutes) 听前给出一道文章主旨题。(此题设计为选择题以降低难度) The passage mainly tells us__ B __ A. Why English is more and more widely used in the world today. B. A very brief history of the English language. C.The difference between British English and American English. D. Different kinds of English language Task 2: scanning(寻读)—寻找细节 (10 minutes) 让学生带着四个问题进行限时阅读5分钟,读前学会寻读的技巧。(四题皆为选择题,由易道难。学生可将寻读技巧运用于实践,此过程中,教师也不能袖手旁观,应给学生必要的指导和帮助,发展学生自主学习能力成为学习主体。)Tip: What are the key words ? 名词、动词、形容词、副词等

高中英语必修五Unit 2 课文详解

必修五Unit 2 PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY地理之谜 unite vi. &vt.联合;团结 the United Kingdom联合王国(英)consist vi.组成;一致 consist of 由…组成 divide …into…把…分成 puzzle n.难题;迷vt.使迷惑debate vi. & n. 争论;辩论clarify vt.澄清;阐明 break away (from)挣脱(束缚);脱离the Union Jack英国国旗 relation n.关系;联系educational adj.教育的 legal adj.法律的;合法的convenience n.便利;方便roughly adv.粗略地;粗糙地Midlands 英格兰中部地区Industrial adj.工业的;产业的historical adj.历史上的;有关历史的 attraction n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的 事物 collection n.收藏品;珍藏;收集 construct vt.建造;构造;创立 influence vt.影响;改变n. Viking n.北欧海盗 leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑 project n.科研学习项目;课题;计划; 工程 take the place of代替 break down (机器)损坏;破坏 arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理 wedding n.婚礼 fold vt.折叠;对折 sightseeing n.观光;游览 available adj.可利用的;有用的 delight n.快乐;高兴;喜悦 royal adj.王室的;皇家的 occasion n.场合;时刻;时机 uniform n.制服 splendid adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的 statue n.塑像;雕像 longitude n.经线;经度 navigation n.导航;航行 communism n.共产主义 original adj.最初的;原始的; thrill vt.使激动;使胆战心惊 unfair adj.不公平的;违反规划的 smart adj.漂亮的;时髦的;聪明的 tense n.时态 consistent adj.一致的 error n.错误;过失;谬误 pot n.罐;壶 People may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.人们也许会奇怪:为 什么用不同的词汇来描述这四个国家:英国、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰。【注释: ①wonder v.tr.(及物动词)To feel curiosity or be in doubt about:感到好奇或怀疑: eg. He wondered why people built ugly homes, when they could have beautiful ones.他 很奇怪为什么人们本可以造出漂亮的房屋,而偏偏建造出丑陋的房子来。n. It's a wonder难得;奇怪的是eg. It's a wonder you recognized me.难得你还认得我。 (2)(It's) no wonder难怪;并不奇怪;当然eg. No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.难怪他不饿,他整天在吃糖果。②use sth. to do …用…做…; eg. You’d better use a stick to stir the paint. 你最好用棒来搅漆。】You can clarify this question if you study British history.如果你研究英国历史,就能阐明这个问题。【注释:clarify:解释;澄清;阐明eg. The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women?政府已经反复阐明政府对男女同工同酬的立场。】First there was England.首先有英格兰。Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century.13世纪,威尔士加入进来。【注释:link vt., vi.(常与together, to, with连用)连接eg. The two towns are linked by a railway.这两个城镇由一条铁路连接起来。(2)挽着;(与on, to, in to连用)联合】Now when people refer to England, you find Wales included as well.现在,当人们谈到英格兰,你就会发现威尔士也包括进来。【注释:①refer to谈到;speak of, mention这三个词均表示“谈到;说起”,其主语均为“sb.”,而come to表示“谈到”讲时,仅用于句型“when it comes to sb./ sth.” “当一谈到…”试题: When it ___ music, Kate is always excited. A.refers to B. speaks of C. mentions D. comes to ②as well也,倒不如, 还是...的好,最好...还是(It will be as well to stop that young screamer. 但是最好还是让那个大哭大叫的孩子住声。)】Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was changed to "Great Britain". 接下来,在17世纪,英格兰和威尔士加入到苏格兰,名字改为“大英帝国”。【注释:be joined : To put or bring into close association or relationship:使结合,缔交:使…结合或联合形成密切联系或关系eg. they were joined by marriage;.他们结成夫妻;】Happily

人教课标版高中英语必修三 Unit2 Language Points 教案-新版

Unit2 Language Points教学设计 第四课时Language Points (词汇拓展与语言现象讲解) 1. Teaching Objectives a. Further understanding of key words & expressions and difficult sentences: key words and expressions: balance, curiosity, lie, limit, benefit, get away with, in debt, cut down, before long difficult sentences: Wang Peng sat in his restaurant feeling frustrated. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by. b. Revision of other new words and expressions 2. Teaching Procedures:原文呈现+ 导学案 Step I Finding out the key words 1. Basic understanding—ask students to read again the passage quickly, find out where the following words appeared in the textbook and tell their meanings. balance, curiosity, lie, limit, benefit, get away with, in debt, cut down, before long ①What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet? (Page 9) ②Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside. (page 10, line 16) ③He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies. (page 10, line 27) ④He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. (page 14, line 3) ⑤…, but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food. (page 14, line 9) ⑥In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fiber in the meal. (page 15, line15) ⑦Their balanced diet became such a success that before long Wang Peng became

高中英语人教版必修一 Unit3 Reading and Thinking教案

Unit 3 Sports and Fitness-Reading and Thinking 【教材分析】 This lesson focuses on the discourse analysis of its organization and features. Through the questions, the students are guided to sort out why Lang Ping and Jordan are masters and what role models they set. On this basis, the students are allowed to use the language they have learned to talk about the sports stars in their minds. 【教学目标与核心素养】 1. Read quickly to get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply to understand why they can be called sports legends. 2. Understand the meaning of some languages in the context of the text through question guidance, such as "time seems to stand still, graceful" and so on. 3. Read and clarify the context of each part of the text, learning how to talk and write sports legends. 4. Learn from the good qualities of Lang Ping and Micheal Jordan. 【教学重难点】 1. Get basic information about Lang Ping and Jordan; read deeply 2. Understand why they can be called sports legends. 3. Understand the meaning of some languages in the context of the text, such as "time seems to stand still, graceful" and so on. 【教学过程】 Step 1 Pre-reading 1. Lead in Show students four pictures about some sportsmen and ask them do they know them and what sports events are they good at? 2. Predicting Look at the pictures and the titles on Page 38 and predict what the text is probably about?


Reading 高一(1)班鲍孝平 1.Teaching objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: a)Language Knowledge (1)learn words and expressions: ever since, persuade, graduate, cycle, schedule, be fond of, shortcoming, stubborn, organize, care about, detail, source, determined, change one’s mind, journey, altitude, make up one’s mind, give in, glacier, plain, waterfall, valley, delta, atlas, rapids,etc. b)Language Skills Develop the students reading ability and let them learn to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on. c) Emotional aims (1) How to make a travel plan. (2) Stimulate the students’ love for nature by getting them to know the greatness of a river. 2、Difficult point Develop the students’ reading ability, especially the ability of understanding implied meanings 3、Teaching Method (1) Task-based teaching and learning (2) Cooperative learning (3) Reading (4) Discussion 4、Teaching Aids The multimedia、chalks、blackboard 5、Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in and Warming up 1. Asking some questions and making comparisons Do you like traveling? Where have you been to travel? How did you go there? 2. Brainstorming some questions to make a travel plan a) Brainstorming some questions The national day holiday is coming! (1) If you have a chance to travel during this time, where do you want to go?


Unit2 English around the world 一、Analyzing of teaching material 1. Analysis of the status and function of the lesson The topic of this unit is “English around the world”. This unit seeks to give students a better understanding of how English developed and how it is spoken in the world. Through learning this lesson, the students would be clear that English is spoken in many countries throughout the world and many of them have different forms of expression. This lesson aims to open a window for students to learn English and to understand the developing trend of language. 2. Teaching aims (1)Knowledge aims: a. To enable the students to remember the new words & phrases; b. Students will learn the difference between American& British English ; c. Students will learn about the history and development of English. (2)Ability aims: a. To develop the students’ reading ability, learn to use some strategies such as scanning,summarizing and prediction; b. To develop the students’ listening and speaking ability, encourage students to speak English more. (3)Emotional aims: a. To let students have a better understanding of the importance of learning English and inspire them to study hard; b. To broaden students’ international mind and understand the cultural diversity, increase students’ consciousness of cross culture communication; c. To cultivate st udents’ ability to cooperate with each other. 3. Teaching key points and difficult points Key points: (1)Let students master the new words and phrases in the passage; (2)Develop students’ reading ability, especially summarizing and scanning ability. Difficult points: (1)Through cooperation, cultivate students’ communication ability; (2)To express one’s idea on which kind of English one should learn and guess the name of the speaker’s country by listening. 二.Analysis of the students My students are first-grade students of senior high school. They have been learning English in junior high school and have accumulated a certain number of vocabularies. They have mastered some simple learning strategies and skills with preliminary ability of speaking and writing. However, the differences in students’ personality and English proficiency are very large and they may be not adapt to the change of study method because of more strict requirement. 三.Analyzing of teaching method


Unit 4 Making the news教案 Reading 1.教材分析(The analysis of teaching materials) This reading passage titled My First Work Assignment introduces Ss to the first day at work of a new journalist called ZhouYang. It will help Ss to recognize the varieties of jobs in the newspaper and get a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2.学情分析(The analysis of the students) Our Ss may don’t know what they will do in the future, they may still feel confuse d. This class will help them to know the varieties of jobs in the newspaper and get a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office, which can do a great favor for our Ss to think about their own occupations. 3.教学目标(Teaching aims) *知识目标(Knowledge aims) 1. Get Ss to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Let Ss learn about jobs in newspaper and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 3. Have Ss read the passage and know about ZhouYang’s first work assignment. *能力目标(Ability aims) 1. Develop Ss’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 2. Enable Ss to talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. *情感目标(Emotional aims) 1. Stimulate Ss’ interest in Newspapers a nd the basic procedure of making the news. 2. Develop Ss’ sense of cooperative learning. 4.教学重点(Teaching important points) 1. Let Ss talk about jobs in newspaper and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2. Get Ss to read the passage and understand it. 3. Have Ss learn different reading skills. 5. 教学难点 (Teaching difficult points) 1. Develop Ss’ reading ability 2. Enable Ss to talk about what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 6. 教学方法(Teaching methods):Taskbased method, municative approach, Discussion 7. 教学辅助: Blackboard 8.教学过程(Teaching procedures) Step I: Leadin & Warming up (5m) 1. A free talk about students’ future plans and their ideal occupations. Tip: Whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on. T: Is there anyone who wants to be a journalist for a newspaper? What qualities do you think you need to have if you want to be a good new journalist? Suggested answers: Higher level of education, work experience, good munication skills, curious, active personality, hard working, enthusiasm for the job, prepared to work long hours, ability to work in a team.


Journey Down the Mekong 在湄公河下来的旅程 PART 1 THE DREAM AND THE PLAN My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip. I asked my sister, "Where are we going?"It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.

高一英语必修一unit3 reading 教案

一.About the Mekong River: . The Lancang- Mekong River is the only international river in Asia that runs past six countries ,thus called “the Danube in the east”. . the longest river in Southeast Asia . In China it is called the Lancang River. . Out of China, it is called the the Mekong River. .The great river covers the length of 4.688kilometres of which 2.354 kilometres is in China. 二.Fast reading Task1.Scan the passage and then list the countries that the Mekong River flows through China---Myanmar----_______-----________----Cambodia----____ _---the South China Sea Task 2. Skim paragraph(1-2) and answer the questions. 1. Who will travel down the Mekong? 2. Where are they going ? 3. How are they getting there? 4.Who will prepare for the trip? Task 3.Match the main idea with each paragraph A. The preparation before the trip and details about Mekong river B. Different attitudes between wang kun and wang wei
