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A. from

B. found

C. changed

D. or

E. more

F. activity

G. but

H. small

I. make a difference

J. them

K. on

L. no matter Holding doors open for people behind you, picking up litter, thanking people... these acts of kindness seem very 71 . But students at James Middle School know that such

small acts make the world a better place.

Eighth-graders from James Middle School, took part in the Random Acts of Kindness Week 72 March 31 to April 4. During the week, they tried their best to do kind things for others. Celeste Murray, an English teacher at the school, started the 73 . Since she was little, she has always tried to do small acts of kindness in her daily life. ―I believe the world is 74 by small things,‖ she told the newspaper The Daily Times. Over the week, to her surprise, Murray also 75 great changes in her class.

Before that, she always needed to ask her students to push the chairs in 76 turn off the lights before they leave the classroom. Now, the students do those things by themselves. ―The teachers have a lot of work,‖ said Jordon, one of Murray’s students. He learned to care 77 about others.

Eliza, another student, gave out more praises to others. ―It makes 78 feel happy and successful,‖ she said.

The activity made students feel that they can 79 . Hailey decides to continue to do at least one act of kindness every week, 80 how busy she is. She believes her acts could encourage others.

答案: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

71. H 72. A 73. F 74. C 75. B 76. D 77. E 78. J 79. I 80. L




A. present

B. when

C. own

D. someone

E. thinking about

F. that

G. what H. Finally I. with J. few K. so L. depends on

In recent days, there are too many middle school students who feel unhappy? Why? What is happiness? Without any discussing, the key to happiness, in my opinion, is a harmonious (和谐的) relationship with the people in our daily lives.

Most people want to be happy, but 71 know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Happiness 72 ourselves. In other words, we make our 73 happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.

The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time 74 the future—for example, getting into college or getting a good job—that we fail to enjoy the 75 . You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listen to your favorite music, or spending time 76 close friends. People who have several close friends live happier and healthier lives.

Another secret to leading a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies 77 you can forget your problems. Many people experience this dancing, or playing a sport, such as skating or soccer. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.

78 , many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good 79 they volunteer their time to help others. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for 80 . You can help a friend with his or her lessons, go shopping to buy food for your family members, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.

答案: 71. _________ 72. __________ 73.__________ 74. __________ 75. ___________ 76._________ 77. __________ 78.___________79. __________ 80. ____________

71.J 72. L 73. C 74. E 75. A 76. I 77. F 78. H 79. B 80. D.






C. when

D. gifts

E. understand



H. luckily


easy J. like K. different L. secret

If your birthday is coming, what presents will your parents buy for you? It’s not71 f or Chinese parents to choose a birthday present for their children. Many American parents also have the same problem.But 72 they have got American girl—an American company. It is famous for its beautiful dolls. Though there are many famous dolls in the world. American girl dolls are becoming one of the most popular birthday 73for girls.

What makes American girl dolls so popular among girls? The 74is in her matching (相配的)hair, skin, eye color, clothing and so o n. That is to say, there are75kinds of dolls for buyers to choose and the dolls look76their owners. The company hopes their dolls can make girls 77that it is OK to be different from others.

The company gives each American girl doll her own name and special background. They also invite writers to 78books about her. T he stories in the books are mainly about different periods of American history.So 79the girls are playing with their dolls,they can get a lot of fun and they can learn 80about history, too.

答案: 71. ________ 72. _________ 73. ________ 74. ________ 75. ________

76. ________ 77. ________ 78. ________ 79. ________80. ________

71. I 72 H 73 D 74 L 75 K 76 J 77 E 78 B 79 C 80 A




A. famous

B. enjoy

C. choice

D. Because

E. warmly

F. the most wonderful

G. no longer

H. Although

I. were shot

J. of

K. expensive

L. poem

The National Day holiday is coming soon. Has your family planned a trip? Huangshan Mountain may be a great 71 .

Huangshan Mountain lies in Anhui P rovince. It’s72 for the four wonders: strange-looking pines (奇松), rocks, seas of clouds and hot springs (温泉).

The strange-looking pines may be 73 of the wonders. When you see these pines, it is hard not to 74 their strange looks. For example, the Yingke Pine looks like a grandmother opening her arms to 75 welcome her family home.

76 Huangshan Mountain competes with China’s five other mountains (Taishan in Shandong, Huashan in Shanxi, Hengshan in Shanxi, Songshan in Henan and Hengshan in Hunan), many people think it is the most beautiful. Xu Xiake, a famous traveler77 the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), said: ―Once you have seen the views of Huangshan Mountain, the other five mountains

78 seem attractive.‖u

Because of its natural scenery, the mountain has long provided inspiration to China’s poets and artists. Li Bai (701-762) is the first poet to mention Huangshan in a 79 . Director Ang Lee shot(拍摄) his Oscar–winning movie, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (《卧虎藏龙》) there, too. In the movie, there are scenes in which Chow Yun-Fat and Zhang Ziyi fight among the bamboo and fly on a beautiful lake. These scenes 80 in the thick bamboo forest and the Jade Valley of Huangshan Mountain.

答案: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

71. C 72. A 73. F 74.B 75. E 76. H 77. J 78. G 79. L 80. I





B. before

C. everything

D. same

E. bring

F. Of

G. more H. when I. eat J. delicious K.

cool L. bedrooms

Icehotel, 200 kilometers north of Ar c tic Circle(北极圈),is certainly unusual. What makes it unusual is that it is made 71 ice. What makes it even 72 unusual is that the hotel melts融化every spring!

You will be surprised 73 you walk th r ough the gate and look around the hotel because 74 in the hotel is made of ice. For example, there are ice glasses in the hotel. The hotel has a bar, a theater, a dining room and many 75 . I n the hotel even the beds are made of ice. But don’t worry. Our special I cehotel sleeping bags will 76 you warm. For a really special vacation, why not book a room? Because a different artist designs (设计) each one, no two are ever the 77 . Y ou can also stay in one of our beautiful double rooms or, if you 78 your family, you will love our super family rooms. Please 79 in the world- famous Icehotel restaurant. It serves traditional Lapp food, which is 80 !

答案: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. _________

76. 77. 78. 79. 80. _________ 71. F 72. G 73. H 74. C 75. L 76. A 77. D 78. E 79.I 80. J





A. expensive

B. materials

C. nature

D. Their

E. asked

F. Especially

G. engineers

H. became

I. took

J. This

K. because

L. children

D o you think children who lived a thousand years ago had toys? B elieve it or not, they did!

71 toys were very simple compared to the toys that you play with every day.

T hey were mostly handmade from things that were found in 72 , like stones, wood or clay.

C hildren played with a few types of toys through the 1600s. During the 1700s when George Washington 73 President of the United States, scientists began to discover and invent more 74 to make toys. T hey could not only use stones, wood and clay, but also use cotton, leather(皮革) and paper.

H and-carved wooden toys were popular with 75 through the early part of the 1800s. Because it 76 time to hand-make wooden toys, only a small number could be sold at a time and they were 77 . Toy makers looked for ways to make toys affordable for all children to enjoy.

T he invention of machines changed how things were made in the 1800s, 78 toys. T hey helped make toys faster than by hand and in larger numbers, so toys could be more affordable. M achine-made toys were very popular among toy makers and children 79 they could be shaped and cut to look like real-life things.

T hanks to the hard work by inventors, scientists and 80 , toys today are made from stronger and safer types of materials. A lthough many toys are still made from wood, metals and plastics, there are strict rules on how they can be used in toys.

答案: 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

71. D 72. C 73. H 74. B 75. L 76. I 77. A 78. F 79. K 80. G


小学三年级语文上册选词填空及答案(完整版) 一、选择正确的词语填空。 热闹喧闹 (1)一场(________)的音乐会开始了。 (2)图书室内,请大家保持安静,请勿(_______)。 舒服舒畅 (3)每一个张开的喙(________)地呼吸着。 (4)外面寒风呼啸,屋子里又(________)又暖和。 二、先比一比,再选择正确的词语填空,我能行! 灵活灵敏 1.小猫咪披着一件黑白相间的大衣,它有一双(______)的耳朵,还有一对水汪汪的大眼睛。 2小三毛的手和脚胖乎乎的,十分(_______)。 轻快轻巧 3.天上飞的小鸟多像只(________)的飞机呀! 4.童年是一首(________)的音乐,有着无尽的欢乐。 三、选词填空。 灵巧灵活灵敏 1.小狗的嗅觉很(____)。 2.妈妈有一双(____)的手,能编织出美丽的花篮。 3.小巧的脑袋,(____)的四肢,短小的尾巴,凑成了一只机灵可爱的小兔子。轻巧轻快轻松 4.这件事说起来(____),做起来却不容易。 5.这个周末作业比较少,我们很(____)。 6.我们迈着(____)的步子走在乡间的小路上。

四、选择正确的词语填空。 守株待兔狡兔三窟兔死狐悲 1.尽管犯罪分子(__________),但仍然被公安干警们一网打尽。2.匪徒一个接一个被捕入狱,匪首不免有(__________)之感。 3.美好的生活要靠劳动去创造,不能(__________),寄希望于侥幸。 五、选择合适的词语填在下面的括号里。 创造创举 1.赵州桥的建筑设计在建桥史上是一个伟大的(________)。 2.中国人民用自己的双手(________)了辉煌的历史和文明。 美观美丽 3.多么(________)的花朵啊! 4.这套家具的式样(________),我很喜欢。 六、选择恰当的词语填空。 无论……也……即使……也…… 不是……而是……不是……就是…… 1.(______)遇到什么困难,我们(_____)决不后退半步。 2.(______)爸爸妈妈不催,我(______)能自觉地学习。 3.放学回家后,我(______)先出去玩,(______)先做作业。 4.星期天,我们(______)去电影院,(______)去游乐场。 七、选择正确的词语填空。 新鲜清新 (1)雨过天晴,(_____)的空气迎面扑来。 (2)小丽生病了,同学们给她买了许多(________)的水果。 辽阔宽阔 (3)我们走在(_________)平坦的大路上。 (4)在祖国(______)的土地上,世世代代生活着勤劳勇敢的人民


一. 1.亲切、热情、急切 太阳()地召唤我们。 2. 我带着()花束,我带着()香气,我带着()和(),我带着() 露水。 我带着_______、_______、________、________和_____,撒满你们心的空间。 3. 金黄的()满身的()林间的() ()的太阳()的门窗( )的香气()的花束 4.太阳告诉我们,她______________________________________。我感到太阳真 ______________________________! 二. 1. 一声春雷,唤醒了(),唤醒了(),唤醒了()…… 2. 舞蹈歌唱鼓掌伴奏 春笋长得多么欢畅啊!山泉叮咚为它们(),鸟雀欢鸣为它们(),山花舒瓣为它们(),松柏婆娑为它们()。 3.()的竹山,()的竹林,宛若一幅()的水墨画:山涧清泉流淌,鸟雀枝头欢鸣,山花舒展娇艳的花瓣,微风拂过,松柏婆娑。 4. 绿油油的(),翠生生的(),宛若一幅烟雾迷蒙的水墨画:山涧清泉流淌,鸟雀枝头欢鸣,山花舒展娇艳的花瓣,微风拂过,松柏婆娑。 5. 春日里,春雨蒙蒙,我看见_______________;我听见________________;还有那地里的笋芽儿__________________。 6.照样字写词语 松柏(婆娑)山泉()鸟雀()山花() 冲破(地皮)顶开()穿过()积聚() 三. 1. 在括号内填上合适的词语 ()的树林享受()()地伸展 ()的树叶护理()()地玩耍 四. 1. 填上合适的词: ()的城堡()的公主 ()的天地()的魔王 ()地欢呼()地攻打 2.在沙滩上,孩子们垒起了一座()的城堡,城堡外面(), 城堡里面()。 3. 在沙滩上,我们()起城堡,()起围墙,围墙外还()上干树枝,那是我们的树。 我们()地道,从地下()上火药,把城堡()平,()出了被围的公主。五. 1. 我有一间有()、有()和()的屋子。我的()、()和() 都放在里面。


选择合适的字填空 声生升身 国歌()中,五星红旗高高()起。我是一个一年级的小学()。 我们要把()体锻炼得棒棒的。 进近今竞尽 上课了,老师走()教室。 我们家离学校很()。 ()天,我们()行口算()赛。 早春,寒气还没有退()。 完玩晚 我们要做()作业再()。 你不要和我开()笑了。 夜(),月亮挂在天空。 在再 我们正()教室里上课。 放学了,我们和老师说()见。 禾和河荷 我()明明是同桌。 小()里开满了()花。 田野里到处是青青的()苗。 不步布 我们()能乱扔垃圾。 老师表扬我进()很大。 ()谷鸟的叫声真好听。 穿红衣服的()娃娃是我的。 小明跑()真快。 由油 田野里长着绿()()的麦苗。 下课了,同学们在操场上自()自在地玩。 运动会上,我们给运动员喊“加()”。东冬 ()天到了,西北风呼呼地刮起来了。今天,妈妈烧了()瓜汤。 请青清情晴睛 池塘里的水真()啊! 春天来了,草儿()(),花儿香香。今天是个()天,我们去郊游吧!我()阿姨坐下。 小蜻蜓,大眼(),飞来飞去捉蚊虫。 小明今天考试没考好,心()很糟。 我们要认真做好每件事()。 非飞 小鸟在天空自由地()行。 小鸟的妈妈()常着急。 办半伴 奶奶的白发一()是爸爸给的,一()是我给的。 我有很多好伙()。 乌鸦终于想出()法来了。 台抬 夏天经常刮()风,下雷雨。 做操时,我们要()头挺胸。 舞()上,小朋友们在唱歌、跳舞。 与于 我()妈妈一起去买菜。 我终()学会骑自行车了。 只有天在上,更无山()齐。 原园元远 司马光和小朋友们在花()里玩。 草()上到处是成群的牛羊。 ()来,他是小明的爸爸。 我用一()钱买了一块橡皮。 企鹅的家在很()很()的南极。流留 小明摔了一跤,()血了。 教室里只()下小明一个人。 一股清泉从山上()下来。 中终 小明()于考到100分了。 期()考试,小明考了100分,期()考试,小明也考了100分。 力立 司马光用尽全身()气使劲砸那口缸。 我们()正,向国旗敬礼。 后候 司马光小时()砸缸救人。


When we think of green buildings, we tend to think of new ones-the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. But the US has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be __1__ wasteful to tear them all down and __2__ them with greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses. And it would take an average of 65 years for the __3__ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest __4__, the greenest home is the one that has already been built. But at the same time, nearly half of US carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and __5__ our homes, offices and other buildings. "You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing building," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust. With some __6__, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient. Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that __7__ over time and let in more outside air. Fortunately, there are a __8__ number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from __9__ ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own postwar home. And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help __10__ property owners from rising power costs. [A] accommodations [B] clumsy [C] doubtfully [D] exceptions [E] expand [F] historic [G] incredibly [H] powering [I] protect [J] reduced [K] replace [L] sense [M] shifted [N] supplying [O] vast


新视野大学英语4选词填空答案及翻译 一 Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that the y are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them object to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,”protests an actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period whe n they actually start to believe they are as great as their worshipping fans suggest. They start to wear fancy clothes and talk as if everyone should hear what they have to say. This period, however, does not often last long . They fall back to reality as fast as they had originally risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such altitude and look down like an eagl e from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to wake from your dream and realize you are only human? Some only see the cruelty in losing something they had gained. They often make desperate attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become bankrupt financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happ y to be back on the ground with the rest of us. 你了解名人吗?如果是这样,你可能发现他们与我们身边其余的人非常地相似。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说有什么不同。“我真的只是一个普通人,”一个最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下的演员抗议说。


小学二年级语文选词填空练习 试验实验 1.我们这节课到()室里上。 2.经过无数次();卫星终于上天了。 丰盛丰富 1.这顿晚餐太()了。 2.()的节目;使我们忘记了疲劳。 连续继续 1.解放军向敌人阵地()开炮。 2.中场休息之后;足球赛()进行。 改正改进 1.工作人员的服务态度有了明显的()。 2.我们要发扬优点;()缺点;做一名好学生。 防止阻止 1.为了()发霉和虫蛀;小牛经常把那袋麦子搬到屋外透透风晒晒太阳。2.警察叔叔站在马路中央;()每一位行人闯红灯。 收获收成

1.今年粮食()不错;家家麦囤里堆得满满的。2.我把麦子种下了地;这都是我的()。 要求请求 1.老师()我们在下课之前把作业做好。 2.由于我的功课还没有完成;所以我没有答应他一块儿玩的()。 强大强壮 1.我们的祖国已经变得越来越();再也不会受别国欺负了。 2.经过一段时间的锻炼;他的身体()多了。 降临降落 1.夜幕()了;草叶上、花朵上、禾苗上出现了一颗颗小露珠。 2.飞机已经()在机场的跑道上。 亲切关切 1.奶奶()地对小明说:“穿好衣服;别着凉。” 2.售货员阿姨()地对冬冬说:“小朋友;欢迎下次再来。” 突然忽然 1.他的心脏病()发作;一下子倒在地上。 2.天上()下起了雨。

嘱咐叮嘱1.妈妈反复()他考试不能再粗心了。 2.王晶把老师()的事告诉了爸爸。 平静宁静1.夜深了;乡村是那么的()。 2.微风轻轻地吹过()的湖面。 详细仔细1.王宁做什么事情;都非常()。 2.张晶的这篇文章;写得十分()。 观赏观看1.明天;我和爸爸要去体育馆()一场足球比赛。2.前来()菊花的人川流不息。 张望看望1.听到叫喊声;他四处()。 2.我和同学去()生病的李老师。 奇怪奇特


连续继续 1、这场大雨()下了三天三夜。 2、今天你表现很好,希望()努力。 水汪汪金灿灿胖乎乎香喷喷红彤彤黄澄澄 3、小弟弟长着一双()的大眼睛。 4、()的阳光照亮了大地。 5、()的熊猫正在吃新鲜的竹叶。 6、秋天,稻子熟了,(),像铺了一地金子。 7、妈妈把()的米饭端到奶奶面前。 8、早上,()的太阳从东方升起来。 无论……都……如果……就……一边……一边…… 9、()你们经常和他玩,熟悉了,它()会变得听话了。 10、()谁同他说话,他()只听半句。 11、他常常()在山坡上放牛,()帮助八路军放哨。 己已 12、自()的事情自()做。 13、我()是一年级的学生了。 和合 14、我()小明去公园玩。 15、我的老师配()得很好。 干甘 16、大家共同庆祝井里喷出了()甜的水。 17、我的衣服真()净。

元员园圆 18、今天,妈妈带我到公()去玩。我用5()钱去坐小火车,看见一个少先队()抱着一个()皮球走了过来。 19、我到公()去玩,买门票花了一()钱。 20、小明抱着一个()球。 在再 21、我()家里画画。 22、太阳出来了,不会()下雨了。 23、小鸟好像()和我说:“小朋友,()见!” 步布 24、我和爸爸一起跑()。 25、这块花()真漂亮。 26、我进了(),妈妈送我一个()娃娃。 处外 27、乌鸦口渴了,到()找水喝。 28、小猫到()面去晒太阳。 29、开井办为 水()()关()事()什么 因困把吧 ()苦原()一()刀进来() 只支木目 一()小鸟一()铅笔()头()光

颗棵生声 一()星星一()大树()音学() 30、休体直真轻青 身()认()()快 ()息()尺()草 休体 31、同学们既要认真锻炼身(),也要注意适当的()息。 轻青 32、河边,()色的杨柳,在()风中欢乐地舞蹈。 飞非 33、他是一个()常可爱的小女孩。 34、()机()得()常高。 35、我们一定要分清是()。 36、小鸟在天上()。 采菜 37、我们不能()摘公园里的花。 38、我最喜欢吃青()了。 轻轻地悄悄地 39、星期天下午,小明和妹妹在家看书。一会儿,小明()对妹妹说:“我们去捉迷藏吧。”兄妹俩放下书,()走出屋子。 干甘 40、明明的衣服真()净。 41、山里的泉水很()甜。


Every year in the first week of my English class, some students inform me that writing is too hard. They never write, unless assignments 36 it. They find the writing process 37 and difficult. How awful to be able to speak in a language but not to write in it 38 English, with its rich vocabulary. Being able to speak but not write is like living in an 39 mansion(豪宅) and never living in one small room. When I meet students who think they can’t write, I know as a teacher my 40 is to show them the rest of the rooms. My task is to build fluency while providing the opportunity inherent in any writing activity to 41 the moral and emotional development of my students. One great way to do this is by having students write in a journal in class every day. Writing ability is like strength training. Writing needs to be done 42 , just like exercise; just as muscles grow stronger with exercise, writing skills improve quickly with writing practice. I often see a rise in student confidence and 43 after only a few weeks of journal writing. Expressing oneself in writing is one of the most important skills I teach to strengthen the whole students. When my students practice journal writing, they are practicing for their future academic, political, and 44 lives. They build skills so that some day they might write a great novel, a piece of sorely needed legislation, or the perfect love letter. Every day that they write in their journals puts them a step 45 to fluency, eloquence (雄辩), and command of language . Section A 36-45 M I F E H D B J C A 2


小学语文二年级上册“选词填空”练习 自豪骄傲 1.我们班在运动会中得了第一名,大家感到十分()。 2.小明每次得了一点点成绩就到处吹嘘,真()。嫩绿的静静地 1. 春天来了,柳树长出了()的叶子。 2. 教师里,同学们在()写作业。 感动感谢 1. 英雄们的事迹深深()了我。 2. 我紧紧地握住那位同学的手,连连表示()。 发明发现发行 1.妈妈自豪地说:“纸是中国()的。 2.我()地上有一支笔。 3.阿切尔是一位()家。 4.鲁班()小草的叶子上有许多小齿,后来就()了锯。 5.无论学习和生活,都离不开动手和动脑。用扇子扇风很费力气,于是人们()了电风扇;最早()的邮票四周没有齿孔,很不容易撕开,于是阿切尔造出了邮票打孔机。让我们都来个有心人,用自己的劳动和

智慧去(),去创造吧! 6.我()蜻蜓低飞就要下雨。 7. 科学家的(),为人民作出了伟大的贡献。 仍然忽然果然 1.三个小朋友正说着,()吹来一阵风,画中的景物好像在动。 2.过了几百年,邮票打孔机到现在()在使用。 3.北斗七星()绕着北极星在慢慢地转动。 4.尽管我已经爬得没有力气了,可是我()坚持爬到山顶。 5.上午天气还好好的,下午怎么()下起雨来了呢? 提高问题 1.小红的成绩()很快。 2.这个()很复杂。 鲜艳新鲜 1.这里的空气很()。 2.()的五星红旗高高地飘扬在广场上空。 提题 1.上课时,我们要积极动脑,()出有价值的问()。

2.毛主席为雷锋同志()词:向雷锋同志学习!忠实老实诚实 1.太阳能告诉我们方向,真是个()的向导。 2.勇于承认错误是个()的孩子。 3.他是个()巴交的农民。 常常往常经常时常平常 1.()妈妈送我上学,今天是爸爸送我上学。 2.奶奶()到老年公园锻炼身体。 3.放学后,他()到操场打球。 4.班长的学习成绩非常好,她()得到老师的表扬。 5.我们学校的校车()都是一个男司机开,但最近却()由一个女司机开。 6.他()就很爱运动,所以在运动会上取得了好成绩。 果然当然不然 1.下课时间到了,我们()应该放松一下了。 2.她看清楚了,前面走来的()是一位解放军叔叔。 3.你快做作业吧,()又完不成作业了。 传染污染 1.地球是我们共同的家园,我们不能使它受()。


人教版一年级语文下册选词填空及答案(A4打印版) 一、读句子,选字填空。 躺立蹲躲 (1)小水珠(______)在荷叶床上。 (2)小青蛙(______)在荷叶上。 (3)小鱼(_______)在荷叶伞下。 (4)小蜻蜓(_______)在荷叶上。 二、选择合适的字填空。 在再 1.欢迎你下次(______)到中国做客。 2.我站(______)长城上,心里无比激动。 坐座 3.公共汽车上人太多,没有多余的(______)位了。 4.爸爸说暑假带我(______)火车去北京。 那里哪里 5.你看,(________)有一棵嫩绿的小草 6.今天你要去(________)活动? 三、看图选一选,把句子补充完整。 ①月牙②梅花③枫叶④竹叶⑤小鸭⑥小马⑦小鸡⑧小狗 (1)叽叽叽,我是(______),我的脚印像(______)。 (2)汪汪汪,我是(______),我的脚印像(______)。 (3)嘎嘎嘎,我是(______),我的脚印像(______)。

(4)哒哒哒,我是(______),我的脚印像(______)。 四、在括号里填上适当的词的序号。 ①绿绿的②飞快地③高兴地④清清的⑤轻轻地⑥红红的 (________)苹果(________)草地(________)河水 (________)跑着(________)说话(________)玩耍(shuǎ) 五、根据课文内容选一选。 (1)小猴子下山,先来到(______),再来到(______),又来到 (______),最后又回到了山上。 ①桃树下②瓜地里③玉米地里 (2)小猴子下山,先掰了(______),再摘了(_____),又摘了 (______),最后去追(____),但是没有追上。 ①西瓜②玉米③兔子④桃子 六、看图片,比一比,选一选。(填序号) ①多②大③小④少 老虎________,猫________。 大雁________,老鹰________。 七、根据《方位歌》,填写方位词。(填序号)


中考选词填空、句子连贯练习2 1.依次填入下面句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是()。 ⑴对于像盲孩子一样孤单弱小的人,我们应该________他们。 ⑵________诗歌,可以让我们唤起丰富的想像,体味自然的诗意和人生的情趣。 ⑶今年5月在萨格勒布举行的第49届世乒赛上,我国运动员________,囊括了五项冠军。 A.关爱观赏所向无敌 B.爱护观赏不可一世 C.关爱欣赏所向无敌 D.爱护欣赏不可一世 2. 根据下面语境,为空格处选择合适的词语。 他的脸上呈现出悲剧,一张含蓄了许多愁苦和力量的脸;火一样()的头发,盖在他的头上,好像有生以来从未梳过;深邃的眼睛略带灰色,有一种()不可逼视的光;长而笨重的鼻子下一张紧闭的嘴,衬着略带方形的下颏,整个描绘出()无比的生的意志。 A坚忍B凝重C蓬勃 3.根据下面语境,为空格处选择合适的词语,将其序号填在横线上。 飞鸟的飞翔是轻的,而飞鸟的翅膀是重的,鸟用自己的翅膀铸就了飞翔的快乐;农人收获时的心情是(1) 的,劳作时的脚步是(2) 的,农人用沉重的脚步换来了心里的轻松;太阳的声音是(3) 的,是阳性的,把庄稼碾得越来越厚,月亮的声音是(4) 的,是阴性的,把那些阳性的喘息渐渐抚平。 A.重B.轻 4.用成语替代文中画线的句子,使语言更为简洁。 淄博作为齐国故都,聊斋故里,陶瓷名城,足球故乡,历史文化非常的久远(A)。伴随着改革的大潮,淄博经济文化的发展每天每月都有新的变化(B),淄博人以其开放的心态,实干的精神使这座历史文化名城焕发出新的生机与活力。A. B. 5.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,最恰当的一项是() 明天,摆在我们面前的路更,我们要吗?不!“不管前面是地雷阵还是万丈深渊,我们都义无返顾,勇往直前”。“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越”。“勇气、信心、耐心、胸怀”,我们将沿着的目标前进!A.曲折撤退既定B.曲折退缩制定 C.崎岖撤退制定D.崎岖退缩既定 6.下列句子中加点成语使用不正确的一项是() A.处于豆蔻年华的我们,对异性产生倾慕之心是生理和心理发展到这一阶段的必然结果。 B.有人说“百年修得同船渡”,是“缘”把我们连在一起;我说只有“志”才能让我们走到一起,因为我们“志道”相同,所以我们同心协力,众志成城,追求事业,成就自我。 C.作家们会用手中的笔写下生命的美好,令人向往;画家们会用手中的笔勾勒生命的美好,如诗如画;音乐家会用歌声唱出生命的美好;幽雅动人…… D.溪水西流,你要迈着沉重的步伐向东前进,你要看看东方之神叱咤风云的威武雄姿。


选词填空专题训练 (一)剧烈激烈热烈 1、他的讲话刚刚结束,会场上立即爆发出()的掌声。 2、那摞碗又()得晃动起来。 3、他好像在和什么人进行()的争吵。 (二)幻想理想梦想 1、傣家竹楼是傣族人最()的居住房屋。 2、有些人总想不劳而获,这简直是()。 3、卖火柴的小女孩()着跟着奶奶一起走向新年的幸福中去。 (三)阻止阻挡阻挠 1、客家民居的特殊点在于它还可以()兵匪、野兽及土著的袭击。 2、虽然帝国主义百般(),京张铁路还是提前竣工了。 3、小弟弟想摘公园里的花,被他的姐姐()了。 (四)愿望希望渴望 许多房屋大门上刻着这样的正楷对联:“承前祖德勤和俭,启后子孙读与耕”,表现了先辈()子孙和睦相处,勤俭持家的()。 (五)含糊模糊 1、爸爸的话说得很(),我没有听懂。 2、以前的事,我记不清了,有些()。 (六)僻静寂静 1、那是一个()的小院,平时很少有人去。 2、也深了,树林里一片()。

(七)粗暴残暴 1、教育孩子不能简单(),要有耐心。 2、()的匪徒把父亲绑起来,拖走了。 (八)激烈剧烈 1、我的心()地跳动起来,用恐怖的眼光瞅了瞅父亲。 2、()的战斗打响了,山冈上响起了战士们豪迈的喊杀声。 (九)聪明聪慧 1、书是阳光,能照亮人生之路;书是钥匙,能开启()之门。 2、小李是个()的孩子,挺讨人喜欢的。 (十)侃侃而谈夸夸其谈 1、做事要脚踏实地,不要() 2、语文老师在课堂上(),同学们听得津津有味。 (十一)敏感敏锐 1、警察叔叔的目光十分(),一下子就能看到案子的症结所在。 2、有些动物对气味很(),比如猫对腥味、狗对臭味等等。 (十二)绚烂绚丽 1、在九寨沟众多的湖泊中,五彩池素以小巧秀美,色彩()而著称。 2、生命是盛开的花朵,()多姿,灿烂芬芳。 (十三)疲倦疲惫 1、因为我昨晚没有休息好,所以今天感觉很()。 2、小明读书手不释卷,有时甚至会读到半夜直到()不堪为止。(十四)凶悍凶猛


相近字区分 1.顽/玩 (顽)固、(玩)具、(顽)皮、(顽)强、(玩)耍、游(玩) 2.映/应 倒(映) 、适(应)、反(应) 、播(映) 、(映)照、呼(应) 3.废/费 消(费) 、免(费)、(废)品、(费)用、(废)物、浪(费) 4.决/绝 (绝)望、犹豫不(决)、(绝)对、(决)定、(决)心、(绝)境 5.段/断 (断)绝、一(段)路、(段)落、分(段)、(断)开、果(断) 6.壮/状 强(壮)、(壮)大、形(状)、(壮)观、(状)态、(状)元

7.厉历 (厉)害、经(历)、严(厉)、学(历)、(历)史、日(历) 8.迅/讯 (迅)速、喜(讯)、通(讯)、(迅)猛、(讯)息、(讯)号 9.危/威 (危)险、(威)武、(威)力、(危)害、(威)严、(威)风 10.导/异 奇(异) 、(异)常、领(导)、(异)想天开、辅(导)、(导)游 11.圆/园 (圆)圈、(园)地、(圆) 满、(园) 丁、公(园)、团(圆) 12.潮/嘲 高(潮)、(嘲)笑、(潮)水、(嘲)讽、(嘲)弄、(潮)湿 13.忘/望

盼(望)、(忘)记、仰(望)、难(忘)、绝(望)、(忘)怀 14.洒/酒 (洒)落、喝(酒)、(酒)水、(酒)瓶、潇(洒)、飘(酒) 15.竞/竟 (竞)争、(竟)然、(竞)赛、毕(竟)、(竞)走、(竞)选 16.休/修 (休)养、(休)止、(修)理、(休)假、(休)息、装(修) 17.净/静 洁(净)、(净)化、清(静)、干(净)、(静)养、平(静) 18.敢/感 勇(敢)、(感)受、(敢)于、(感)恩、(感)动、(感)觉 19.接/结

(结)合、连(接)、(结)束、(结)局、(结)果、(接)受 20.故/顾 (故)意、(顾)不上、照(顾)、(故)乡、回(顾)、环(顾) 21.密/蜜 茂(密)、紧(密)、甜(蜜)、亲(密)、秘(密)、(蜜)蜂 22.座/坐 (坐)落、入(座)、落(座)、宝(座)、(座)位、请(坐)


选词填空一年级 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5614205267.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

小学一年级语文复习试卷 选字填空,再把句子读一读。 元园原圆员 1.公()里的花好看极了。2.爸爸给我两()钱,让我买铅笔。3.地球是()的吗4.羊儿在草()上吃草。 5.我爸爸是共产党()。 知只支枝 1.小鸟在()头高兴地唱歌。2.我有许多()铅笔。 3.树叶上长了许多()小虫子。4.你()道他上哪儿了吗? 城成 1.春天到了,我们村()了花园。2.天安门()楼真高啊! 十石时识 1.早上,()针指向6点,我就起床了。3.哥哥今年()岁了。2.妈妈说她不认()这个人。4.司马光用()头砸破了大水缸。 常常长长 1.小军()帮助李奶奶取报纸。2.大象有一个()的鼻子。 后候 1.小明小时()学过游泳.2.()天是星期一. 近进 1.王力走()了学校.2.我家离公园很(). 块快 1.假山下有()石头.2.火车开得很(). 喜欢高兴 1.小猴子找到一些桃子,非常().2.动画片是我最()看的. 专心关心爱心 1.小红在教室里()地做作业.2.王老师对同学很(). 3.每个人要有() 新鲜清新 1.雨过天晴,()的空气迎面扑来。2.妈妈买了许多()的水果。 一把一头一口一个一只一支 1.妈妈给我()苹果。2.()水牛在田里走。3.天上飞着()小鸟。4.文具盒里放着()尺子。5.院子里有()井。6.我有()笔。 芽牙呀 1.他的()齿真白。 2 .春天,小草发()了。3.这朵花多好看 ()! 汽气 1.这是一辆国产()车。2.下雨了,空()真清新! 话画化 1.春天来了,冰雪()了。2.你会用“应该”写一句()吗? 3.这是一幅名()。 语羽雨 1.窗外下着小()。2.我最喜欢上()文课。3.天鹅有洁白的()毛。


21.两栖爬行动物通过冬眠或夏蛰以抵御严寒酷暑;昆虫以“蛹”或“卵”的形式进行冬眠;鸟类借助长途 迁徙或更替羽翼适应气候的变化。这都是____ 的事。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.妇孺皆知 B.众所周知 C.家喻户晓 D.鲜为人知 22.将选项中的词语依次填入下列各横线处,最恰当的一组是: ①人人都有心中最值得 ____ 和喜欢的地方,或许是城市小巷,或许是山林大川,总会有个地方值得你去 向往。 ②他不顾刺骨的寒冷跳进河中,救上三名落水儿童,全校师生都在_____ 他英勇救人的事迹。 A.留念 传诵 B.留念 传颂 C.留恋 传诵 D.留恋 传颂 23.一款游戏能否吸引玩家,能否激发游戏者对游戏的激情,很大程度上是_____ 游戏任务。游戏任务系统 其实是通过各种任务剧情使游戏者融入到____ 社会当中。在进行各项任务的同时,玩家已经不知不觉的 _____ 起任务当中的某个角色,全身心的感受着虚拟世界当中的喜怒哀乐。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.依赖于 现实 挑战 B.取决于 虚拟 扮演 C.取决于 现实 扮演 D.依赖于 虚拟 挑战 24.体操是一个结合了杂技和舞蹈的体育运动。它的魅力,在于那种刀锋上的平衡与美感,在于每一秒都让 人____ 。运动员在空中翻腾的时候,即使不在现场的观众,也会不由自主地屏住呼吸,直到运动员稳稳落 地。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.心旷神怡 B.赏心悦目 C.战战兢兢 D.如痴如醉 25.好莱坞商业大片宣传的是一种普世价值,它往往故事简单,____ 的道理也很浅显,这一点常常为西方 的知识分子所 ____ 。但不可否认的是,正是这种浅显的东西,往往才可能被普遍的大众接受。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.蕴含 不屑 B.包含 轻视 C.渗透 鄙夷 D.传达 唾弃 [page] 26.对于如何维持在孩子面前的权威性有很多不同观点,这使得父母有点儿____ 。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.独断专行 B.不知所措 C.无所适从 D.顾此失彼 27.究竟国家与个人对个人的医疗健康应分别承担多大比例,是一个_____ 选择问题,而不是政府可以任意 决定的事项。要让民众有机会参与这一重大财政决策,透过人大的审议机制,将自己的意愿____ 到长期的 财政安排中。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.公共 体现 B.公众 融合 C.大众 反映 D.集体 表达 28.这些____ 党纪国法的人已经堕落为社会的蠹虫、人民的罪人,面临的将是严肃的法律 ______,怎么还 会异想天开地要求保留党籍呢? 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.违反 制裁 B.违犯 惩罚 C.违犯 制裁 D.违反 惩罚 29.《权谋书》成书于汉成帝鸿嘉四年,是刘向在校书的过程中____ 而成的。他编辑此书的目的也是有感 于当时社会风俗的奢靡荒淫,礼教零落,用历史上古圣先贤的事迹和流传下来的格言警句来引起皇帝的 ______ 。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.整理 兴趣 B.总结 反思 C.编写 警戒 D.分析 警惕 30.请别摘走那朵向你_____的小花,她还要向每个人 _____ 。


二年级语文上册选词填空、句式练习题[1] -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

一、选择合适的词填空: 1、娃洼蛙挂哇 (1) 小明大声喊:“多么可爱的小葫芦()!” (2) 荷叶上蹲着一只小青()。 (3) 妈妈送我的礼物是一个漂亮的洋()()。 (4) 苍耳靠()住动物的皮毛走遍田野、山()。 2、清青请晴睛 (1) 今天是个大()天。 (2) ()草上落着几只蝴蝶。 (3) 姐姐,()问去少年宫怎么走? (4) 我们要保护好自己的眼()。 (5) 木桥下的河水真()呀! 3、做作坐座 (1) 小丽()在()位上写()文。

(2) 妈妈在工(),我在()()业。 4、飘浮飘扬飘荡漂流 (1) 一面红旗在空中()。 (2) 在宇宙飞船里洗澡可不容易从喷头喷出的水总是()在空中。 (3) 山顶上再也看不到()的风筝,小溪里再也看不到()的纸船了。 5、拨拔破坡泼 (1) 萝卜实在太大了,小白兔请了好几个朋友一起(),才()出来,再()算盘一算,哟,整整5斤重(2) 小红走了很多的路,鞋都穿()破了。 (3) 王二小在山()上放牛。 (4) 看,这些小朋友是多么的活()呀! 6、进近 (1) ()处的小河里有不少鱼。

(2) 小猫()房间,打开台灯,开始复习。 7、功工公 (1) 爸爸在()司里()作很认真。 (2) 运动会上,小猴的()劳最大。 8、支枝只 (1) 两()小黄莺停在树()上,正唱着一()动听的歌。 9、呢吗吧呀 (1) 你吃饭了() (2) 今天,你怎么有空出来玩() (3) 下雨了,你快回家()! (4) 妈妈正忙着做家务事()! (5) 你的听写本() (6)你的听写是全对() (7)我们一起做游戏()! 10、觉教叫


选词填空专项练习(一) The focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease -- especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy (46) ______, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and (47) ________ to exercise. The line of thought (48) ________ in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but not eat very nutritious (有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only (49) _________, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at (50) _________ for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier. The field of medicine has not traditionally (51) _________ between someone who is merely "not ill" and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body's special needs. Both types have simply been called "well." In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to (52) ________ the terms "well" and "wellness" only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring (持续观察) their body's condition. More important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters (53) _________ to their health. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by (54) ________ attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a (55) ________ impact It came as some surprise when Diana, Princess of Wales, made a trip to Angola in 1997, to support the Red Cross's (46) ___________ for a total ban on all anti-personnel landmines (地雷). Within hours of arriving in Angola, television screens around the world were filled with images of her comforting (47) ___________ injured in explosions caused by landmines. During her visit, the Princess used every opportunity to repeat the message: "We must stop landmines." But, back in London, her views were not (48) ___________ by some members of the British government, which refused to support a ban on these weapons. Angry politicians (49) ___________ an attack on the Princess in the press. They describe her as "very ill-informed" and a "loose cannon (乱放炮的人)." The Princess responded by brushing aside the criticism: "This is a (50) _________ we do not need. All I'm trying to do is help." Opposition parties, the media and the public (51) ___________ voiced their support for the Princess. To make matters worse for the government, it soon emerged that the Princess's trip had been (52) __________ by the Foreign Office, and that she was in fact very well-informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government's policy (53) ___________ landmines. The result was a severe embarrassment for the government. For the Princess, the trip to this war-torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her (54) ___________ to show the world how much (55) ___________ and suffering landmine can cause. She
