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Preparation, characterization and properties of N-benzoyl-O- acetyl-chitosan

Preparation, characterization and properties of N-benzoyl-O- acetyl-chitosan
Preparation, characterization and properties of N-benzoyl-O- acetyl-chitosan

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 77(2015)52–58

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /i j b i o m a


Preparation and characterization of N -benzoyl-O -acetyl-chitosan

Jinping Cai a ,Qifeng Dang a ,?,Chengsheng Liu a ,?,Bing Fan a ,Jingquan Yan b ,Yanyan Xu a ,Jingjing Li c


College of Marine Life Science,Ocean University of China,5Yushan Road,266003Qingdao,PR China b

School of Medicine and Pharmacy,Ocean University of China,5Yushan Road,266003Qingdao,PR China c

College of Life Science and Bioengineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100022,PR China

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:

Received 17September 2014

Received in revised form 14February 2015Accepted 1March 2015

Available online 14March 2015


N -benzoyl-O -acetyl-chitosan Characterization Foaming property Antimicrobial activity

a b s t r a c t

A novel amphipathic chitosan derivative,N -benzoyl-O -acetyl-chitosan (BACS),was prepared by using the selective partial acylation of chitosan (CS),benzoyl chloride,and acetic acid under high-intensity ultrasound.The chemical structure and physical properties of BACS were characterized by FTIR,1H NMR,TGA,and XRD techniques.The degrees of substitution of benzoyl and acetyl for the chitosan derivatives were 0.26and 1.15,respectively,which were calculated from the peak areas in NMR spectra by using the combined integral methods.The foaming properties of CS and BACS were determined and the results suggested BACS had better foam capacity and stability than those of chitosan.In addition,the antimi-crobial activities of CS and BACS were also investigated against two species of bacteria (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus )and a fungus (Aspergillus niger ),the results indicated that the antibacterial and antifungal activities of BACS were much stronger than those of the parent chitosan.These ?ndings suggested that BACS was preferable for use as a food additive with a dual role of both foaming agent and food preservative.

?2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),food additives are substances added to foods for speci?c physical or tech-nical effects.They may not be used to disguise poor quality yet may aid in preservation and processing,or improve the quality factors of appearance,?avor,nutritional value,and texture [1].Presently,there are more than 3000kinds of ingredients in the FDA’s list of safe food additives [2].The ideal food additive is bene?cial and harmless to the human body.In fact,many food additives have cer-tain toxicity,especially the chemically synthesized food additives,so the addition amount of food additives is strictly limited accord-ing to the regulations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).Undeniably,it is bene?cial to get the same effect with less amount of food additives or a food additive playing a dual role of two food additives,such as acetic acid,which is used as both ?avoring agent and as preservative in food system.

Chitosan (CS)[poly ˇ-(1→4)-linked 2-amido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose and ˇ-(1→4)-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose]is a unique cationic marine polysaccharide obtained by partial deacetylation of chitin,the second most

?Corresponding authors.Tel.:+86053282032586;fax:+86053282032586.E-mail addresses:qfdang@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5515914985.html, (Q.Dang),liucsouc@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5515914985.html, (C.Liu).

abundant nature polymer,under alkaline condition [3–5].Due to its non-toxicity,biodegradability [6],biocompatibility [7,8],antimi-crobial activity [9],and versatile chemical and physical properties,chitosan attracts considerable interest and has prospective applications in a variety of ?elds,such as medical applications,biotechnology,textiles,wastewater treatment,cosmetics,agricul-ture,and food science [10–12].There are a lot of researches about antimicrobial activity of chitosan,which is expected as a food additive to be used in the food system for preservation.However,chitosan’s antimicrobial activity is not ideal as compared with commercial preservative,especially in inhibiting mold growth,which greatly restrains its application as a food preservative in food industry [13,14].Recent studies have focused more on the preparation of chitosan derivatives that have strong antimicrobial activity and can be used as the good food preservatives,such as p-amino benzoyl chitosan ester [14],O-fumaryl-chitosan [15],chitosan glucose complex [16],and xylan chitosan conjugate [17].In addition,some amphiphilic chitosan derivatives have also been reported that have surface activity and can be used as the foaming agents,such as (2-hydroxyl-3-dodecanoxyl)propyl carboxymethyl chitosan,(2-hydroxypropyl-3-butoxy)succinyl chitosan,stearoyl chitosan,palmitoyl chitosan,and octanoyl chitosan [18].There-fore,if a chitosan derivative with strong antimicrobial activity and favorable foaming property was synthesized,it will greatly broaden the applications of chitosan in food industry.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5515914985.html,/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2015.03.0070141-8130/?2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.

J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules77(2015)52–5853

Benzoic acid is generally recognized as safe(GRAS)for being used as a food preservative in high-acid foods and occurs natu-rally in some organisms.Furthermore,it is extensively used as a legal food preservative in most countries,due to its low cost and high antimicrobial activity,especially in inhibition on mold and yeast[19].But its usage has already sparked international contro-versy.For example,poisoning by accumulation of benzoic acid and its sodium salt has been reported,Hyperalive Children’s Support Group of EEC(HACSG)thinks that it should not be used in chil-dren’s food and Japan has also made a strict limit on the use of it. Therefore,we should be cautious about its use.By far,since there is no way to forbid its use,it is wise to reduce its addition amount in food.Chitosan modi?ed with benzoic acid maybe a proper way to reduce the amount of benzoic acid,broaden antimicrobial spec-trum,and endow amphipathicity of chitosan derivative.Acetic acid is a food-grade acidulant with low cost and strong antimicrobial activity,and is widely added to food system and daily diet.In order to reduce the amount of benzoic acid and endow amphipathic-ity of chitosan derivative,acetyl is introduced as a hydrophobic group to its reactive functional groups(the NH2or the OH group) and the hydrophilic backbones are substituted by hydrophobic groups.

In this paper,ultrasonic method was developed as a simple and novel method to synthesize N-benzoyl-O-acetyl-chitosan for the ?rst time.In the reaction system,allelocatalysis of benzoyl chloride and acetic acid make benzoyl and acetyl be introduced into chitosan to obtain the chitosan derivative BACS.The chemical structure and physical properties of BACS were characterized by FTIR,1H NMR, TGA,and XRD techniques.The foaming properties and the antimi-crobial activities of CS and BACS against a gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli(E.coli),a Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus(S.aureus),and a fungus Aspergillus niger(A.niger)were also investigated.



Chitosan was purchased from Qingdao Honghai Biotechnol-ogy Co.,Ltd.(Shandong,China)and used as received.The degree of deacetylation(DD)was88.5%and the molecular weight was3×105Da.Acetic acid and all other reagents or solvents were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd. (Shanghai,China).Benzoyl chloride was puri?ed by vacuum dis-tillation.Other reagents were used without further puri?cation. S.aureus,E.coli,and A.niger supplied by Microbiology Laboratory of Ocean University of China were used for antibacterial activity test.

2.2.Synthesis of BACS

The N-benzoyl-O-acetyl-chitosan(BACS)was synthesized as follows(Scheme1):CTS(2g,11.0mmol calculated as glucosamine units)was dissolved in8ml pure acetic acid and sonicated at 50?C(53kHz,260W)for10min.Then benzoyl chloride(2.54ml, 2equiv/glucosamine unit of chitosan)was added and the mix-ture was sonicated continually for90min.The desired compound was precipitated in acetone overnight and collected with a?lter. Following that the collected substances were dissolved in30ml distilled water and the precipitate appeared once more when the pH was adjusted to7.0with1mol/L NH3·H2O.The precipitate was obtained by centrifugation and distilled water cleaning.Then the precipitate was freeze-dried as our target product and sealed stor-age for the standby application.2.3.Characterization of BACS

2.3.1.FTIR spectroscopy

Fourier transform infrared(FTIR)spectrum was recorded on a Nicolet AVATAR360instrument(Nicolet Instrument,Thermo Com-pany,Madison,USA)at25?C.About2mg of various samples was mixed with100mg of KBr,and prepared pellets were used for stud-ies.All spectra were scanned against a blank KBr pellet background at wave number range4000–400cm?1with resolution of4.0cm?1. NMR spectroscopy

1H NMR spectra of samples were performed to determine the degrees of substitution of benzoyl and acetyl for the chitosan derivative.Samples were dissolved in a mixed solvent of DCl and D2O and the spectra were carried out on a BrukerAV400MHz (Bruker,Rneinstetten,Germany).

2.3.3.Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA,DTG)

Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA,DTG)was performed on a Rubotherm-DynTHERM thermogravimetric analyzer(Rubotherm Corp.,Bochum,Germany)equipped with the magnetic suspension balance.Samples were heated from50to500?C at a constant heat-ing rate of10?C/min under Ar at50ml/min during the analysis. 2.3.4.X-ray diffraction(XRD)

X-ray powder diffraction spectra of the samples were obtained at room temperature using a D-8advance diffractometer(Bruker AXS,Germany)with a Cu K?radiation( =0.154nm),operated at a voltage of40kV.The samples were analyzed in the2?angle range of5?–60?and the scanning rate was4?/min.

2.4.Foaming properties

The foaming properties of CS and BACS including foam capac-ity(FC)and foam stability(FS)were determined using a high-speed agitation method[20,21].Speci?cally,test samples(0.2%,w/v)were prepared in50mmol/L acetate buffer,pH4.0and containing with0 or0.6mol/L NaCl(which respectively represented pH,low and high salt concentrations corresponding to usual food systems).Then5ml sample was dropped into a25ml plastic measuring cylinder and blended with a touch mixer model for2min at25?C.The total vol-ume of foam in the measuring cylinder was measured immediately, and then the foam was allowed to stand undisturbed.The total vol-ume of the foam was measured after standing for0.5,1,and2h, respectively.Foam capacity(FC)and foam stability(FS)could be calculated,respectively,according to the following equations(eqs (1)and(2)):


V i

V s

×100(1) FS(%)=

V f

V i


where V i was the initial foam volume,V s was the5ml sample solution,and V f was the tested(0.5,1,and2h)foam volume.

2.5.Antimicrobial assays

E.coli(Gram-negative bacteria)and S.aureus(Gram-positive bacteria)were used as the test bacteria.A representative microbe colony was picked off with a sterile wire loop,placed in steril-ized nutrient broth,and then incubated in incubator shaker at a speed of150r/min at37?C for24h.By diluting with sterile normal saline(0.9%)solution,the cultures of E.coli and S.aureus containing 103–104CFU/ml were prepared and used for the antibacterial test [14].


J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 77(2015)


Scheme 1.The synthesis of BACS.

A.niger was used as the test fungi.The culture of fungi was pre-pared by single spore isolation technique.Fungal strain was grown in 5ml sterilized sabouraud dextrose broth (glucose:peptone 40:10ratio)with some small sterile glass beads at 28?C for 3–4days to achieve 105CFU/mL and used for the antifungal test [14].

The inhibition rates of chitosan and BACS on growth of E.coli and S.aureus were determined using agar plates [14].The main solu-tions of chitosan and BACS were ?rst prepared by dissolving the test materials in 1%(w/v)acetic acid aqueous solution and then the different concentrations of chitosan and BACS solutions were pre-pared by duplicate twofold serial dilutions.In the same way,acetic acid aqueous solutions with various concentrations were prepared.All the solutions were sterilized by 0.22?m membrane ?ltration.The nutrient agar plates:a homogeneous mixture of beef extract paste–peptone–agar–sodium chloride (3:10:14:5)was sterilized by autoclaving at 121?C for 20min.The sterilized solution (25ml)was added into each sterilized Petri dish in laminar ?ow and left for 20min to form the solidi?ed nutrient agar plate.These plates were inverted and kept at 30?C for some time to remove the moisture and check for any contamination.Following 0.05ml of bacterial sus-pension was ?rst added into the nutrient agar plate and then 0.1ml of the samples with different concentrations was also added.Both of them were spread uniformly by sterilized triangular folded glass rod.In addition,the nutrient agar plates with only sterile water were also prepared for comparison.All the samples were plated in triplicate on agar plates and all the plates were incubated at 37?C for 24h.Then the plates were taken out to count the colonies.The inhibition rate (IR)was de?ned by Equation 3.

IR (%)=(N 1?N 2)



Where N 1was the number of colony on the plates with sterile water and N 2was the number of colony after treatment with dif-ferent concentrations of the test materials and acetic acid aqueous solutions.

The antifungal activities of chitosan and BACS on growth of A.niger were investigated by agar well diffusion method [22].Sabouraud dextrose agar plates (glucose:peptone:agar 40:10:15ratio)were prepared according to the preparation of the nutri-ent agar plates.The fungal suspension (0.1ml)was spread out uniformly on the sabouraud dextrose agar plates by sterilized trian-gular folded glass rod.Plates were left for 5–10min so that culture was properly adsorbed on the surface of sabouraud dextrose agar plates.Wells were created in medium with the help of a thin ster-ile metallic bore (diameter 8mm)and the bottom of the wells were sealed with 0.8%soft agar to prevent the ?ow of test samples at the bottom of the well.Chitosan and BACS were prepared in 1%(w/v)acetic acid aqueous solution.In total,100?l of the test samples solution (10mg/ml)was loaded into the wells of the plates and the same amount of 1%acetic acid aqueous solution was also loaded as control.The experiment was repeated three times.The test sam-ples and acetic acid aqueous solutions were sterilized by 0.22?m membrane ?ltration before use.The plates were incubated at 28?C for 7days and examined for the formation of inhibition zone.Each inhibition zone was performed three times.

3.Results and Discussion


3.1.1.FTIR analysis

Fig.1showed the FTIR spectra of CS and BACS.From the FTIR spectrum of CS,the broad band at around 3200–3600cm ?1was attributed to stretching vibration of OH,the extension vibration of the NH,and inter-and extra-molecular hydrogen bonding of chitosan molecules.The characteristic peaks at 1661,1597,and 1318cm ?1assigned to the amide I,the amine -NH2,and amide III absorption band of CS,respectively [23].In addition,the charac-teristic peaks at 1073and 1027cm ?1were,respectively,attributed to C O stretching vibration in C 3OH and C 6OH.For FTIR spec-trum of BACS,the new absorption peaks appeared at 1739and 1240cm ?1were attributed to the characteristic peaks of saturated fatty acid esters and the characteristic peaks became weak at 1073and 1027cm ?1,indicating that esteri?cation reaction occurred between acetic acid and -OH of chitosan.New peaks appeared at about 1601,1490,and 714cm ?1due to the characteristic absorbance of phenyl group.In comparison with the chitosan FTIR spectrum,the peak of amide I at 1661cm ?1moved to shorter wave-length and became stronger;meanwhile the peak at1597cm ?1disappeared,indicating that acylation reaction occurred between benzoyl chloride and -NH 2of chitosan.These results implied that the BACS was successfully synthesized. NMR analysis

The 1H NMR spectra of CS and BACS in DCl/D 2O were shown in Fig.2.Fig.2a showed the 1H NMR spectrum of chitosan.The peak at 2.02ppm was assigned to three protons of N -acetyl glu-cosamine and the peak at 3.14ppm was attributed to the proton of glucosamine residues (H-2).The peaks from 3.5to 4.0ppm cor-responded to the non-anomeric protons (H-3,H-4,H-5,and


Fig.1.The FTIR spectra of chitosan and BACS.

J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules77(2015)52–58


Fig.2.The1H NMR spectra of chitosan(a)and BACS(b). while a small peak at4.85ppm represented anomeric protons(H-1)

of chitosan[24].In the1H NMR spectrum of BACS(Fig.2b),the signal

at2.02ppm became very strong due to more methane hydrogen.

The new broad signals at7.37–7.82ppm assigned to the hydrogen

of aromatic ring.The results certi?ed that the chitosan derivative

was comprised of benzoyl groups,acetyl groups,and the other

framework.The result was consistent with the conclusion obtained

from FTIR analysis.The degree of substitution of benzoyl(DB)was

de?ned as the number of benzoyl group per sugar residue of chi-

tosan and the degree of substitution of acetyl(DA)was de?ned as

the number of acetyl group linked to-OH of per sugar residue of

chitosan.They were calculated using the combined integral meth-

ods of peak areas in NMR spectrum of BACS(Fig.2b)according to

the following equations(Eqs(4)and(5)):








where H was the integral of the aromatic ring hydrogen (?=7.37–7.82ppm),H1was the integral of anomeric proton of chitosan(?=4.85ppm),[CH3]was the integral of methyl protons (?=2.02ppm)and the DD,degree of deacetylation of chitosan,was 88.5%.By the calculation,DB was0.26and DA was1.15.Hydropho-bic groups(benzoyl and acetyl groups)and hydrophilic groups (amino and hydroxyl)of BACS were almost equal.

3.1.3.Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA,DTG)

The TGA and DTG curves of CS and BACS were shown in Figs.3and4.Fig.3showed that chitosan had two stages of weight loss.The?rst stage at about100?C with weight loss about2.1% was observed corresponding to the water content in the chitosan sample.A further maximum weight loss of58.2%starting at about 180?C corresponded to pyrogenic decomposition and ablation of molecule chains[14].Chitosan had a high speed of decomposition between the temperature of200and230?C reaching its peak temperature at218?C(Fig.4).BACS also showed two degradations in Fig.3.The?rst stage at about100?C with weight loss about3.1% was ascribed to the volatile low molecular products and water.The second stage also started at about180?C with weight loss about 64.76%,which could be attributed to a complex process,including dehydration of the saccharide rings,depolymerization,and decom-position of the acetylated and benzoylated units of the polymer [15].BACS had a high speed of decomposition between the tem-perature of194and244?C,reaching its peak temperature at210?C from Fig.4.Fig.4showed that the second stage of degradation of CS and BACS both started at about180?C.At the beginning of the second stage,BACS had a higher speed of decomposition compared with CS,which could be due to the introduction of ester bond that had a lower decomposition temperature than amido bond.A high speed of decomposition of BACS recurred at about231?C,

which Fig.3.TGA thermograms of chitosan and BACS.

56J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules77(2015)


Fig.4.DTG curves for chitosan and BACS.

could be attributed to decomposition of the benzoylated units of the polymer.The decomposition speed of BACS was less sharp than that of CS.BACS and CS had similar thermal stability that all might be due to the combined effect,which the new groups were introduced to result in the breakage of hydrogen bond of chitosan and the possible formation of strong hydrogen bond between CS backbones through the covalently synthetic benzoyl and acetyl side chains.3.1.4.X-ray diffraction(XRD)study

The crystalline properties of the materials could be identi?ed by XRD patterns.Fig.5a showed the XRD patterns of pure chitosan (CS)and its derivative N-benzoyl-O-acetyl-chitosan(BACS).It was observed that the diffractogram of CS consisted of two major crys-talline peaks locating at around10.7?and20.2?.Compared with CS, the diffractogram of BACS exhibited some changes in its diffraction angles,peak intensity,and peak width.The peak at10.7?disap-peared,while the peak at around20.2?,its intensity decreased and width increased.It was well known that peak intensity and width in X-ray diffraction pattern had close correlations with crystallite size[25].The weaker and broader peak implied that there was more amorphous phase in BACS matrix.For further investigation, the XRD patterns of CS and BACS were deconvoluted as depicted in Fig.5b by the software of MDI Jade6.The calculated results were that the crystallinities of CS and BACS were33.26and0%,respec-tively.Therefore,XRD studies demonstrated the pure amorphous phase in BACS matrix as compared to CS,comprising a partial-crystalline phase.These?nding illustrated that acylation reaction might induce the change of molecular interaction forces,symme-try,and stereoregularity of CS,leading to the breakdown of the crystalline structure[26].

3.2.The foaming properties

The foam capacity(FC)and foam stability(FS)of CS and BACS were shown in Figs.6and7,respectively.Foam formation

and Fig.5.(a)XRD of chitosan and BACS.(b)Deconvoluted XRD of(i)chitosan and(ii)BACS.

J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 77(2015)52–58


Fig.6.At pH 4.0,the foaming capacity (FC)of CS and ABCS at 2mg/ml with 0or 0.6M NaCl.

stability mainly depended on the interfacial properties of the com-ponents.Enhanced adsorption of the sample to the interface,which leaded to a reduction in surface tension,could improve foaming ability [21].At pH 4.0and 0mol/L NaCl,FC of CS and BACS were 4.3and 130.5%,respectively.And at pH 4.0and 0.6mol/L NaCl,FC of CS and BACS were 2.9and 86.2%,respectively.Chitosan exhibited weak foam capacity by itself.This might be due to the low surface activity of pure chitosan,which agreed with its chemical structure:a polysaccharide with cationic -NH3+and alcoholic -OH groups distributed along the hydrocarbon structure.The structure had no large hydrophobic group that might be adsorbed at the air/solution interface [18].BACS,as a chitosan-based amphiphilic compound that could concentrate on the surface with their hydrophobic chains pointing to the air while the hydrophilic backbones lay on the surface to reduce surface tension,showed excellent foam capacity.Besides,it had been reported that all the molecular interaction forces in chitosan solution,such as van der Waals interaction,hydrogen-bonding interaction,electrostatic interac-tion,and hydrophobic interaction had different effects on the surface tension [27].CS and BACS,which had different molecular interaction forces identi?ed by XRD studies,should have different surface tension.This could be used to explain why BACS and CS had different foam https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5515914985.html,pared with samples in 0mol/L NaCl,0.6mol/L NaCl decreased foam ability of CS and BACS.This was explained by the decreased solubility of CS and BACS due to the increased ionic strength [21].And higher solubility would increase adsorption ef?ciency,thus leading to higher FC [28].Fig.7showed the foam stability of BACS.FS of BACS in 0mol/L NaCl reached 82.2,70.3,and 65.9%after standing for 0.5,1,and 2h while in 0.6mol/L NaCl FS were 90.7,82.8,and 77.4%after standing for 0.5,1,and 2h.BACS had good foam stability in 0and 0.6mol/L NaCl.The


Fig.7.At pH 4.0,the foaming stability (FS)of BACS at 2mg/ml with 0or 0.6M NaCl at 0.5,1,and 2h.

FS at high ionic strength indicated the importance of electrostatic interactions in the integrity of foams [21].CS had no foam after standing for 0.5h.In general,the foaming properties of BACS sug-gested that it was suitable for use as a foaming agent,especially in foaming food.

3.3.Antimicrobial assays

3.3.1.Antibacterial activity

Table 1and Table 2showed the effect of concentration on the antibacterial activities of acetic acid,CS,and BACS against E.coli (Gram-negative bacteria)and S.aureus (Gram-positive bacteria).Compared with CS,BACS had a higher antibacterial activity.Among the hypothetical antimicrobial mechanisms of CS,the direct inter-action of positively charged chitosan molecules and negatively charged microbial cell membrane and internal genetic material was most acceptable.The interaction was realized via the electro-static forces between the protonated NH 3+groups of chitosan and the electronegative charges on the surface and inside of microbial cells.This electrostatic interaction resulted in threefold interfer-ences:(i)by facilitating changes of permeation property of the membrane wall,thus provoking internal osmotic imbalances and consequently inhibiting the growth of the microorganisms,(ii)by the hydrolysis of the peptidoglycans in the microbial cell wall,lead-ing to the leakage of intracellular electrolytes,such as potassium ions and other low molecular weight proteinaceous constituents (e.g.,protein,nucleic acid,glucose,and lactate dehydrogenase),and (iii)by penetrating of CS into the nuclei of the microorgan-isms and binding with microbial DNA,leading to the inhibition of the mRNA and protein synthesis [29,30].Since such mecha-nism was mainly based on electrostatic interaction,it suggested that the greater the number of cationic groups was,the higher the antimicrobial activity would be.BACS prepared in this work had a small part of amino groups (DB =0.26)reacting with ben-zoyl chloride,but a large number of C O groups in BACS could be protonated and more amino groups were exposed because acetyl and benzyl were introduced into chitosan as branched chains,which effectively weaken inter-and extra-molecular hydrogen bonding of chitosan molecules.Furthermore,this was also the rea-son for the strong permeability of amphiphilic BACS,which was easier to enter into the cells of microorganisms and prevent the growth of the cells by inhibiting the DNA transcription.It had been reported in literatures that hydrophobic characteristic of chitosan was apt to lead to the interaction between chitosan and bacte-ria cells [31,32].BACS had higher hydrophobicity and was more prone to interact with bacteria cells than chitosan.In addition,benzyl group,as an antimicrobial group would inhibit the growth of microorganisms.This explained the observed higher antibacte-rial activity of BACS compared with the parent chitosan.Moreover,CS and BACS were more active against the Gram-positive bac-teria than the Gram-negative bacteria.When the concentration of CS and BACS was 0.25%,the growth of S.aureus was almost completely suppressed and the corresponding inhibition rates on E.coli were 60and 73%,respectively.This might be attributed to their different cell wall.The cell wall of Gram-positive bac-teria is mainly composed of peptidoglycan.The peptidoglycan layer is a netted structure with a mass of pores,which allow for-eign molecules to come into the cell without dif?culty and allow more rapid absorption of ions into the cell.However,besides a thin peptidoglycan layer,Gram-negative bacteria also possess an outer membrane constituted of lipopolysaccharide,lipoprotein,and phospholipids.Because of the complicated bilayer cell struc-ture,the outer membrane is a potential barrier against foreign molecules with high molecular weight [13].Therefore,the chitosan and chitosan derivative had different effects on the two kinds of bacteria.

58J.Cai et al./International Journal of Biological Macromolecules77(2015)52–58


The inhibition rate of chitosan and BACS on S.aureus(%).

Sample concentration(%)(w/v)0.031250.06250.1250.250.51 Inhibition rate(%)

Acetic acid31017192228 Chitosan6169929599100 BACS829098100100100


The inhibition rate of chitosan and BACS on E.coli(%).

Sample concentration(%)(w/v)0.031250.06250.1250.250.51

Inhibition rate(%)

Acetic acid2815172025 Chitosan204557607485 BACS455766738294

3.3.2.Antifungal activity

The wells of the plates that were loaded with chitosan and acetic acid solution did not form the inhibition zone,which indicated that they had no evident antifungal activity against A.niger.It might be because A.niger belongs to fungi category while the fungal cell wall contains chitosan and the A.niger has certain resistance to the antifungal performance of chitosan[30].While BACS revealed an excellent antifungal activity,the wells of which loaded with BACS solution formed the inhibition zone and its diameter was 15.1±0.25mm.It might be due to the introduction of benzyl group because benzoic acid has good inhibitory effect on mold and yeast. Evidently,BACS prepared in this work could not only enhance the antimicrobial activity of chitosan,but also expand the antimicrobial spectrum.


N-benzoyl-O-acetyl-chitosan(BACS),amphiphilic chitosan derivative,was prepared by using selective partial acylation of chitosan(CS),benzoyl chloride,and acetic acid under high-intensity ultrasound.FTIR and1H NMR spectra con?rmed that the benzyl and acetyl groups were selectively acylated onto the amino and hydroxyl group of chitosan,respectively.The degrees of substitution of benzoyl and acetyl for BACS were0.26and1.15, respectively,which were determined by the1H NMR technique. TGA and DTG studies revealed that BACS and CS had similar thermal stability,while the decomposition speed of BACS was less sharp than that of CS.XRD studies implied that acylation reaction might induce the destruction of crystalline structure of CS,since there was pure amorphous phase in BACS matrix as compared to CS,comprising a partial-crystalline phase.BACS had better foaming formation and foaming stability in usual food systems, which was mainly related to the amphipathicity of BACS.BACS not only exhibited higher antimicrobial activity than CS against E.coli and S.aureus,but also expanded the antimicrobial spectrum of CS in inhibiting the growth of A.niger.These results suggested that the BACS had the potential of becoming an alternative for food foaming and food preservation.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dation of China(NSFC,31400812),the Shandong ProvinceNatural Science Foundation(ZR2014CQ052&ZR2011CZ003)and Science and Technology Development Funds of Qingdao Shinan(2014-14-003-SW&2014-13-005-SW).


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用流利的英语介绍中国的特色~~来源:李思佳的日志 1.元宵节:Lantern Festival 2.刺绣:embroidery 3.重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 4.清明节:Tomb sweeping day 5.剪纸:Paper Cutting 6.书法:Calligraphy 7.对联:(Spring Festival) Couplets 8.象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 9.人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 10.四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 11.战国:Warring States 12.风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 13.铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 14.函授部:The Correspondence Department 15.集体舞:Group Dance 16.黄土高原:Loess Plateau 17.红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals 18.中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 19.结婚证:Marriage Certificate 20.儒家文化:Confucian Culture 21.附属学校:Affiliated school 22.古装片:Costume Drama 23.武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 24.元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling (Soup) 25.一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 26.火锅:Hot Pot 27.四人帮:Gang of Four 28.《诗经》:The Book of Songs 29.素质教育:Essential-qualities-oriented Education 30.《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 31.大跃进:Great Leap Forward (Movement) 32.《西游记》:The Journey to the West 33.除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Sprin g Festival 34.针灸:Acupuncture 35.唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored potte ry 36.中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese c haracteristics 37.偏旁:radical 38.孟子:Mencius


雅思口语素材汇总之端午节 雅思口语素材:Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) Qu Yuan The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats. The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period (475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin. The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river. During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often


全国翻译价格 关于全国各地区翻译价格我们根据客户的不同需求和具体情况,提供多种等级和特色的翻译服务,供客户选择:(注:以下报价均为参考价格,精确报价将根据稿件内容的难度、技术处理的复杂程度和时限要求的缓急而定。

品质控制 坚持高端定位是外语通翻译的核心要素,追求高品质翻译需要译员具备深厚的语言功底和专业背景知 识,更需要严格的质量控制体系来管理这一过程: 外语通六阶梯质量控制体系 第一阶梯:译文评估承接 分析稿件性质、用途要求、商务背景、专业术语、数量和交稿时间等,确定是否有100%的把握承接, 否则坚决放弃,以免因质量或交稿时间耽误客户和影响品牌形象。 第二阶梯:专业译员翻译 专业背景的译员只专注于一个行业领域的精准翻译,项目经理根据译文评估,从外语通全球译员库中 分析挑选多名此行业的专业译员成立项目组,统一专业术语和标准,协同翻译。 第三阶梯:翻译质量监控 项目经理监控翻译进展,每日集中疑难词汇,请签约专家释疑。每日抽查译文质量,及时解决译文质 量问题。 第四阶梯:译文校对排版 汇总所有译文,查错补漏,进一步统一术语,按原文进行排版,形成完整初稿。 第五阶梯:专家译审修改 专家译审对翻译初稿进行翻译准确性审核,确保译稿忠于原文,专业词汇纯正地道。 六阶梯:外籍母语润色第 在华外籍翻译(外译中稿件由中文功底深厚的编辑)对译稿的语法、词汇进行修正和润色,确保译稿 纯正、地道,达到母语品质。 外语通翻译严格执行《ISO译文质量体系》,《翻译质量国家标准GB/T 19682-2005》: 译文质量标准Ⅲ类通用笔译Ⅱ类专业笔译Ⅰ类高级笔译译文用途内容概要、参考资料一般文件和材料正式文件、法律文书、出版物错漏译率小于5‰小于2‰0‰ 译员经验3年以上5年以上8年以上 译员学历硕士以上硕士以上硕士以上 行业背景常识业内资深 海外背景无/短期中期长期 译文校对有有有 专家译审无有有 母语润色无无有 译文排版简单排版详细排版出版级别

More preparation(磨刀不误砍柴工)

More preparation , Quicken speed No one can deny the fact that people have always misguided by the idea of doing things quickly. Although “A beard well lathered is half shaved” is an old proverb widely acknowledged.people still fall into the trap of impatient.we are living in a word full of temptations,one of which is anxiety. Due to the lack of experience and dertermined will,a host of pepole cannot analyze before doing something, thus making wrong decisions by only considering doing something quickly.In the ancient, an old man called YuGong who removed the mountains before his home instead of to make a tunnel,which shows how thoughtless he is ! However .Zhu Yuanzhang,the Emperor Taizu of Ming is a man of solid preparation and perseverance.Many of his attempts failed, but he held to his purpose with firmness and finally succeeded in overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty.Life is short and we have many things to do.Without preparation and right method no one can achieve anything. From what we have discussed above,we can safely come to the conclusion that where there is a preparetion


口语常用背诵素材 一,喜好和厌恶: 1.(释放压力)I guess most young people enjoy listening to music. It’s a perfect way to reduce stress/relieve stress. (*It’s a perfect stress-buster.) 2.(休闲)I think the best way to relax and kill time (kick back and relax) is to be with friends. Chatting with them helps me unwind/wind down (* Chatting with them is very therapeutic). 3.(放松)I found it pretty relaxing to flick through a magazine before going to bed (*before hitting the sack/hitting the hay). 4.(运动)Jogging on sunny days and simply basking in the sun(bathing in the sun) is super enjoyable(pleasurable). /Jogging is my favorite workout. It can always cheer me up after I’ve been down and depressed. And it can help me shed some unwanted weight. 5.(喜欢,提升心情)I’m quite into watching sitcom (I’m fascinated by, I’m crazy about, I adore, I’m very fond of...). Spending 20 minutes in front of the screen and having a good laugh after dinner really puts me in a better mood/ switch my mood/ lift my spirits. 6.(天气)I fancy spring most compared to the other three. Summer is simply too hot and stuffy (*muggy), and you can’t stay out for two minutes without getting sweaty and smelly. Autumn is too dry and winter too freezing cold. 7.(电影)I’m a movie buff (Movies are my biggest pastime), and I would either catch one on my couch or go to the movie theatre when they have the one I like on the big screen./ It's a great form of relaxation for me to while away the hours of a long flight, to keep my family together on the sofa, and to give me a bit of a thrill. 8.(无聊困难)I’m terrible at what I study now./(History is never my forte/ my strong suit). The classes are kind of a drag (It’s super dull/ *It’s mind-numbing), and there’s always loads of (tons of) homework to do. Memorizing those facts and years is a lot of effort (is tricky; is no picnic; is challenging for me). 9.(不能忍)I can’t stand (I hate, I totally dislike) the busy traffic in my city. I’m sick and tired of always getting stuck in traffic for a long time during rush hours. It really bothers me (It drives me crazy, *It drives me up the wall). 10. (受欢迎)Hip-hop is really trendy (is catching on, is all the rage) among young people these days. 二,时间和地点 11. (优点)What’s great about my home town is that there are plenty of shopping malls, coz I’m a shopaholic and I can shop for hours. 12. (远)The stadium is quite far away from where I live, and every time I want to do there, it takes me roughly 40 minutes by bus to arrive. (It’s one-hour drive from the city center.) 13. (方便)My apartment is in the center/heart of the city, a handy location where I can find supermarkets and clubs right on my doorstep. It’s a bit noisy though. 14. (近)I’m a movie-goer and and there’s a movie theater pretty close to my home, so I go there quite often (frequently). (close to my home= *within walking distance of my home , *in close proximity to my home) 15. (经常)I have a heavy workload at school, so I have to go to the library to study pretty much


一、公文的文体特点及翻译 (一)公文的文体特点 公文主要包括政府发布的各种公告、宣言、声明、规章法令、通告、启示和各类法律文件。其文体特点主要体现在以下几方面: 1)措词准确。发布公文的目的一般在于解释或阐明公文发布者的立场、观点或政策、措施,因此公文在措词上必须准确明晰,切忌模棱两可或含糊晦涩。 2)用词正式,且多古体词。公文作为政府或职能部门所发布的文章,需具有其权威性、规范性。因此在用词上一般较为正式,并且不排除使用一些较为古雅的词(如hereinafter, hereof, herewith等等)。 3)普通词多有特定意义。许多普通的词在公文体中常常具有其特定的意义。如allowance一词通常指"允许"、"津贴",而在经贸合同中则多指"折扣"。 4)长句、复杂句较多。公文体为使其逻辑严谨,表意准确,在句法上常常叠床架屋,以至使得句式有时显得臃肿迟滞,同时句子的长度也大为增加。 (二)公文的翻译 翻译公文首先要注意公文特有的形式,包括格式、体例等。对已模式化、程式化的格式译者决不应随便更改。其次,译者应透彻理解原文,特别是要正确把握原文词义,认清一些common words在公文中特有的含义。再次,在措词上必须使译文的语体与原文相适应。一般说来,英语公文翻译通常应使用正式书面语体,并酌情使用某些文言连词或虚词。最后,公文翻译中要注意长句的处理。要在理清句意和各部分之间逻辑关系的前提下恰当使用切分法或语序调整法,以使译文通畅、自然、地道。 二、商贸函电的文体特点及翻译 (一)商贸函电的文体特点 商贸函电指经济贸易活动中的各类信函、电报、电传等。其文体特征主要有: 1)措词简洁明了。为使表达明晰,商贸函电在措词上力求简明扼要,不太讲究修饰。 2)用语正式庄重。正式庄重的语言常常显得诚恳、自然、有礼貌,因此常用于商贸函电中。

高三英语Career preparation教案

Unit 8 Career Preparation 一、单元分析(Unit Analysis) (一) 单元地位(Unit Position) 1.本课在对职业准备中相关问题进行讨论时,具体涉及到工作态度, 求职时如何面试,怎样选择适合自己的职业等。重点介绍了职业人如何在平凡的职业中有所成就的关键在于对工作认真努力的态度。教师可围绕“工作态度”这一主题,设计活动让学生讨论。了解每一个人都具备许多从职业中获得工作成就感的潜力,但至关重要的是对工作积极的态度,从而加强对职业态度重要性的了解。 2.围绕本课主题“职业准备”,可以引导学生就如何选择职业展开讨 论,并让学生考虑如何通过自我评估去了解自己, 从而确定最适合自己个性的职业。 3.本单元的语法复习是虚拟语气。虚拟语气是语法中比较复杂的内 容,教师要引导学生正确分析不同语境,不同语气。通过创设不同的语言活动,让学生在语境中理解虚拟语气和真实语气陈述的区别,以及虚拟语气在各种句型中的运用。 4.通过模拟面试等形式,鼓励学生在任务型教学模拟情境中操练面 试中的常用句型。 (二) 单元目标(Unit Target) 1.巩固对虚拟语气的认识和理解。理解虚拟语气和真实语气陈述的 区别,从而达到在阅读中能理解虚拟语气的目的。

2.能进行简单的职业面试。 3.能描述自己的兴趣,能力,技能等。 (三) 单元重点(Unit Points) 1.关键词: ?语言知识类 in despair, supply sb. with sth., catch one’s eyes, show sb. up, set one’s own standard, ask sth. of sb., make impression on, be dressed in ?交际功能类 1)职业promote, better-paying, low-paying, professional, uniform, temporary, mindless, dead-end---- 2)人物心情: despair, awful, composed, depressed, hopeless---- 3)工作表现: outstanding, admirable 2.功能: 1) Talking about the future and possibility (描述“未来”和“可能性”) 参考课本第138页Useful Language Do you think you will ever study abroad? Have you ever thought about working part time? Where do you see yourself in five years? I’m hoping to take a major in computer science. So have you decided what you are going to do after graduation?


雅思口语素材 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

Useful Expressions: Words and phrases Friends and communication: solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with mutual understanding relationship network/circle of f r i e n d s cultivate/develop friendship with s b . keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality

expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive competence accumulate experiences learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment o p p o r t u n i t i lay the foundations for career p r o s p e r i t y


U s e f u l E x p r e s s i o n s: Words and phrases Friends and communication: mutual understanding solidify/ strengthen/ enhance/ promote communication / connection with relationship network/circle of friends cultivate/develop friendship with sb. keep steady relationship with sb. establish interpersonal networksac build up the social circle spur message transmission Knowledge and experience widen one’s outlook broaden one’s vision/horizon acquire knowledge and skills comprehensive/overall quality expand/enlarge one’s scope of knowledge knowledge reserve/base/storage theoretical knowledge practical skills social experience broaden one’s knowledge base promote one’s overall/ comprehensive accumulate experiences competence learn lessons from past experiences Work and experience the scarcity of employment opportunities lay the foundations for career prosperity immerse oneself in endless job tasks boost/augment/enhance efficiency be adept in boost one’s c ompetitiveness Health and pressure diminish individuals' leisure time drive away lassitude lighten one’s burden homework/workforce overload


翻译公司收费标准 1.客户需要翻译的目标语言的普遍性和稀缺性可能导致非常 不同的费用。英语比较普遍,需求大,市场专业的英语翻译人 才也很多,翻译公司无论是从降价到抢占市场,还是成本核算 来考虑,英语收费都比较合理和透明。 其他诸如法语、德语、日语、俄语排在第二梯队,翻译公司收 费标准一般都是200-280元,视稿件专业度和数量略有调整; 意大利,西班牙,越南,泰文等东南亚语种已经接近稀有语 种了,翻译报价至少300元千字起。 2.根据翻译项目类型 常见的翻译方法主要包括翻译翻译、同声传译、本地翻译、口译翻译等,翻译项目自然是不同的收费。 3.根据翻译项目时长 这一时期的持续时间主要是指项目长度:同声传译、会议翻译、商务洽谈、双语主持人、口译、护送翻译、展览翻译,当然,视频翻译、音频翻译按时间计算的时间和会议类型是一个重要因素,是翻译时间决定翻译价格的一个重要因素。 4.根据翻译项目字数

翻译项目的字数是影响收费的重要因素之一,翻译字数主要对于笔译而言,例如:文件翻译、图书翻译、资料翻译、画册翻译等等,这些文件资料的字数决定了项目的翻译价格和翻译收费标准。 5.根据翻译项目语种 主流语种:英语、日语、韩语等和小语种:阿拉伯语、希腊语、印尼语等的翻译收费标准区别。我们知道:“物以稀为贵,”所以小语种的翻译报价会比主流语种收费要高的。 6.根据翻译项目难易程度 对于翻译公司来说,翻译费在很大程度上取决于翻译的难度程度,不同的行业术语不同,难度不同; 专业翻译公司将根据翻译人员的翻译水平、专业知识、翻译经验等方式来评价自己的翻译团队,高层次的翻译人员当然都是高收费; 如通用翻译、精细翻译、出版层次等不同类型的翻译报价不同,稿件的行业领域、材料难度、选择翻译类型等都是决定翻译公司收费标准的因素。


近期雅思口语卡片新题素材汇总 人物Describe a classmate of yours Describe a good friend Describe a happy person Describe a colleague Describe a neighbor Describe your own personality Describe a family member Describe a child you know Describe an old person Describe an old person who has influenced you the most Describe a successful person Describe a singer Describe a sportsman Describe a movie star Describe a character in TV or movie Describe a teacher of yours Describe a famous person that you want to spend a day with.地点Describe a building at schools Describe a historical place

Describe a monument Describe an interesting building Describe a lake, river or sea. Describe a peaceful place Describe a leisure place Describe a park Describe a place of interest Describe a natural beauty Describe a city you want to live in Describe a place you have visited Describe a place you always go for shopping

英文合同翻译价格 英文合同翻译需要多少钱

英文合同翻译价格英文合同翻译需要多少钱 在企业的经营过程中,有时候可能会涉及到翻译这个问题,但是一般的小企业并没有专门的人去做这件事情,大部分都是外包。那么对于企业来讲,翻译一份英文合同需要多少钱呢?作为浙江省最大的翻译公司,以琳翻译就在这里为大家解读一下。 一般来讲,翻译这项服务都是以字数来计价的,市场上的一般的价格是50-80元/千字,这是一个基本的价格。但是不同的公司的专业性质不一样的话,所给出的价格也是不一样的。对于公司的衡量标准来讲,影响价格的因素主要有:公司的资历、翻译人员的专业性、翻译文件的种类、难度等。所以,如果你需要去找翻译公司去服务,那么就需要考虑这些方面的东西。而对于合同这种文件,对于公司来讲是十分重要的,所以也需要去找专业的公司去进行翻译,如果是找一个资质不够的公司或者团队,那么就可能产生一些意想不到的问题,从而影响到公司的最终利益。 下面,我们来看看以琳翻译给出的翻译的价格。 从上面的价格可以看出,以琳翻译给出的价格是高于一般市场上的价格的,最低级别的翻译是160元/千字,然后分为A、B、C三级。C级译稿为普通中籍译员+中籍译员审核,满足客户对译文的普通要求。这是对于一般的合同而言的,但是如果是部分专业性质较强或者要求比较高的译文的话,那么可以选择更高级别的翻译,当然价格还是相对比较高的。 那么以琳翻译的资质是怎么样呢?我们再来看一下。 杭州以琳翻译有限公司是浙江省最大的实体翻译公司、中国翻译协会单位会员、美国翻译协会会员、全国翻译专业硕士研究生教育实习基地、西博会指定合作伙伴、以琳杭州翻译公司翻译团队成员均具有五年以上专业翻译、项目管理经验,绝大部分成员具有十年以上行业翻译经验。翻译服务涵盖英语、法语、韩语、日语、德语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、

制备乙酰苯胺-Preparation of Acetanilide

EXPERIMENT D-18 Preparation of Acetanilide Introduction The acylation of an amine is a Lewis-type acid base reaction in which the basic amino group makes a nucleophilic attack upon a carbonyl carbon atom that is the acidic center.The reaction ,in general,proceeds most rapidly with acid chlorides,slower with acid anhydrides,and so slowly with acids themselves that an elevated temperature is required.In the commercial manufacture of acetanilide,for example,a mixture of aniline is boiled for 6 to 8 hours.A warm solution of acetic and acetic anhydrides reacts with amino compounds at a rate that is often suitable for laboratory purposes,and this alternative has been selected for today's experiment. Experimental Into a 100 mL flask introduce 9 mL(0.1 mol)of aniline,15 mL glacial acetic acid,and 15 mL acetic anhydride.Note that heat is evolved owing to the reaction of acetic anhydride with aniline.Attach the flask to a reflux condenser and heat the solution to boil for 10 minutes.At the end of the time,cool the flask somewhat under the water faucet and pour its contents into a beaker containing about 50 mL water and 40~50g ice.Stir the mixture well and collect the crystal of acetanilide upon a Buchner funnel. Rinse the crystal on the filter with a little cold water and transfer them to a 600 mL beaker for recrystallisation.Add 200 mL water and heat the mixture until the water is boiling.If all of the acetanilide does not dissolve,add another 50 mL water and again heat to boil.(Note 1).Remove the beaker from the flame,allow the contents to


一.雅思P2相关话题 一日假期 和外国朋友一起吃饺子的建议 1.The best way to eat a dumpling is in one bite. “Dumplings are designed to be consumed in one mouthful, as it’s the best way to enjoy the combination of the meat filling and the very thin and springy flour wrapper,” If you can’t use chopsticks, eat your dumplings with your fingers. Avoid using a fork at all costs, as piercing the dumpling will compromise the flavour. 3.Mix two parts vinegar with one part soy sauce for the perfect dumpling sauce. Add young ginger slices too, Chili oil is also a great addition when available. 4.Dumplings are just one element of dim sum. “Dim sum doesn’t just include dumplings. It’s also braised dishes like pork ribs, chicken feet, and beef balls. It’s actually small tapas-style dishes that are eaten in Cantonese restaurants at lunchtime,” 5.Xiao long bao dumplings are different from others as they contain broth. They originated in the Jiangnan region of China and are prepared in bamboo steaming baskets called xiao long, hence the name. 6.When eating xiao long bao or a dumpling with a ~soupy~ interior, opt for chopsticks and a spoon. “As soon as the dumplings arrive at your table, lift one from the steamer basket onto a soup spoon. Next, tear the skin of the dumpling by pressing the chopsticks from the side of the dumpling onto the spoon. The broth will ooze out onto the spoon. Sip the soup then enjoy the dumpling in one mouthful.” 7.You can tell whether your dumpling was cooked fresh or frozen by looking at the skin. “The skin of a freshly made dumpling is springy and light. “Frozen ones tend to be soggy.” 8.When makingdumplingsat home, try to keep your packages small.


精诚英语翻译报价50-80元千字(市场价格100左右 精诚英语翻译工作室是由众多英语方面精英组成的翻译团队,一直致力于为广大中小企业和个人提供专业低价中英文翻译服务。价格是我们永远的优势!!!!最低价格支付宝担保交易,让你省钱又放心接受试译!!自信源于专业可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 选择我们的理由:可以百度搜索精诚英语翻译找到我们 1.保证价格最低,团队网络化运作,无需经营成本,可以通过低价让利于客户。(有些客户看到这么低的价格还不敢相信,但是对于我们来说是完全可以接受的。) 2.保证准时、保密、准确 3.接受淘宝交易,让您没有任何担忧。 4.长期翻译经验,保证质量让您满意。 龚如心遗产案虽然告一段落,「遗产」二字仍然成为近日香港的焦点。新春期间,民政事务局局长曾德成表示,政府将展开全港非物质文化遗产首期普查,希望市民为遗产清单提出建议。 「遗产」是「资产」? 近五、六年间,香港对保护本地小区和文化传统的意识高涨,现在政府带头要列一个「非物质文化遗产」清单,理应是很受欢迎之举。不过普查尚未展开,就引来学者争议,其中单是「非物质文化遗产」这个译名,就引起不少误会。 「非物质文化遗产」的原文是intangible cultural heritage(英文)或patrimoine culturel immateriel (法文),是联合国在1997年以尊重多元文化为大原则而提出的概念,并由联合国教科文组织制定「保护非物质文化遗产公约」,2006年生效。 「非物质文化遗产」是中国大陆的翻译,香港有学者不约而同就「非物质」和「遗产」二字提出质疑。香港城市大学中国文化中心主任郑培凯早在2005年就大声疾呼译名不妥。他认为原文heritage/patrimoine的意义是「传承」而非资产,不容易引发出财产的概念。而现在约定俗成译作「遗产」,容易令人觉得祖宗留下的东西,是可以变卖和投资的生财工具,与联合国提出的文化传承精神背道而驰。郑教授认识,正确的译名是「非物质文化承继」或「非实物文化传承」。另一位民俗学研究者陈云进一步指出,intangible「乃触摸不到的事,无形无相之事」,应用「精神价值」代之,「非物质」有消灭了精神之嫌,所以中国人应堂堂正正将之翻译为「无形文化传承」。 姗姗来迟的「遗产」 不论是「非物质」还是「无形」,「遗产」还是「承传」,即使公约成员国中国曲译甚至错译,香港特区政府还是只能照单全收。而且,随之而来的不止是字面的斟酌,而是「遗产」的搜寻和管理问题。 中国自2005年起,就开始非物质文化遗产(由于这个名称已约定俗成,故下文仍沿用之,并简称为「非遗」)普查,并陆续列出清单。香港也在翌年提出编制非遗清单,但却延至去年才聘专家普查,估计最快要2012年才完成。 非遗普查尚未展开,在国家文化部的再三邀请(或是说催促?)下,去年九月,香港终于申请将长洲太平清醮、大澳端午游涌、大坑舞火龙和香港潮人盂兰胜会列为第三批国家级非遗,预计今年六月有结果。 其实香港已错过了2006和2008年首批和第二批的申报机会,所以,至目前为止,在中国的文化版图上,香港是唯一没有任何有形和无形「遗产」的主要城市/特区,就连比邻的澳门也凭神像雕刻工艺获得2008年国家级非遗之「奖项」。 有人说非遗不过是人有我有,纯粹锦上添花;也有人说,中国在维护主权和领土完整的概念下,又怎能在文化层面少了香港一席?香港能够「出产」一个非遗,中国在全球的文化图谱中就多一个筹码。 姑勿论背后原因为何,由于「保护非物质文化遗产公约」也适用于香港,香港特区政府就有责任找出和保护濒危失传、与社会关系密切及具香港独特性的文化传统。现在起步虽迟,但为时未晚。 「遗产」的管理问题 不过,既然政府要展开普查,另一个问题来了。民间传统应该是属于民间的,并由民间自行发展,还是属于官方,由政府承担保护与管理? 据政府委聘负责首期普查的香港科技大学华南研究中心主任廖迪生表示,政府至今仍未有任何政策配合或承诺给予全面的保护,所以,即使清单出炉,有些遗产仍有可能难逃「破产」的命运。他强调制作非遗清单只是第一步,更重要的是如何保护这些项目。 再问民政事务局,曾德成局长除了曾向立法会议员表示,制定清单是向国家文化部申请列为国家级非遗的第一步,进而再向联合国教科文组织提出申报为世界非物质文化遗产,他所提出的,就是以遗产作招徕吸引外地游客,「以提升香港作为旅游目的地的吸引力」。 这才是令人担心的地方。「非遗」这个金漆招牌在中国许多地方都有点石成金之效。戴上这个冠冕,民俗文化很容易沦为生财工具、游客的消费品,连婚嫁仪式也可用来表演,完全违背了保护非遗的原意。曾德成之言,是否意味着香港也要跟着祖国一起走上同一条路?
