当前位置:搜档网 › 生活大爆炸--第11季第8集-美剧-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看电影学英语-打印-word版



Can we start the movie? 能开始放电影了吗

Before Sheldon gets here? 在谢尔顿到之前就开始吗

Last time we did that, he didn't talk to us for a month. 我们上次这样


So do it! 还不快放

Hold on. Where is he? 等等嘛他在哪呢

Well, according to his text, he was on the second floor, 根据他的短信他刚才到二楼了then he stopped to tie his shoe. 但他得停下绑鞋带

All tied, and... 绑好了准备...





- Hello! - 你回来啦

Sorry we're late. 抱歉我们迟到了

Amy took forever tying my shoe. 艾米绑我鞋带的速度慢死了

All right! 好的

Who's excited to see a documentary? 有谁对看纪录片感到很兴奋啊

Oh, I know this one. 这题我会

Nobody ever. 从来没人

Hey! This one's going to be great. 别这样这部绝对会很赞

This is about the rivalry 这部是在讲

between a cool renegade scientist, Nikola Tesla, 离经叛道酷炫科学家尼古拉·特斯拉and his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison. 与宿敌托马斯·爱迪生之间的仇恨

It's the greatest scientific feud of all time. 这是科学界最赞的一段宿怨

I mean, you can forget about Leibniz and Newton.




Done. 已忘

So, Tesla's the one that invented the electric car? 特斯拉是发明电动汽车的人吗

No, Penny. 佩妮不是的

No, the car is just named after him. 那牌子的车只是以他的名字命名而已

Okay, you don't have to be so smug about it. 行行行你也不需要拽成这样吧

You know, you went to see that movie It 你去看恐怖片《小丑回魂》

because you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys. 还是因为你以为电影是讲恐怖程序员呢because you thought it was about scary I.T. Guys. 英文片名为《It》与I.T.相近

Tesla was a genius who invented our electrical grid. 特斯拉是发明了我们的输电网络的天才Edison just wanted to get rich and famous. 而爱迪生只是想捞钱与博名气

Didn't he invent the lightbulb? 他不是发明了灯泡吗

That's what he wants you to think. 他就想你这么以为

But without the foundational work of Ebenezer Kinnersley, 但如果没有如埃柏奈泽·肯纳斯理Warren de la Rue and James Bowman Lindsay, 沃伦·德拉鲁与詹姆士·鲍曼·琳赛打下的基础you wouldn't know Edison any more than you know 你对爱迪生的认识并不会多过你对Ebenezer Kinnersley, Warren de la Rue 埃柏奈泽·肯纳斯理沃伦·德拉鲁

or James Bowman Lindsay. 或詹姆士·鲍曼·琳赛的认识

Isn't he sexy all fired up? 他燃起来时是不是特性感

He really gets my current alternating, 跟他之间的交流电到了我

if you know what I mean. 懂我的哏吗

if you know what I mean. 特斯拉是交流电之父

Edison was kind of a publicity hog and a bully. 爱迪生就是个沽名钓誉的恶霸

Yeah, he electrocuted an elephant named Topsy 他电死一只名为托普西的大象

just to make himself famous. 就为了让自己出名

用交流电电死了这只因伤人被判死刑的大象爱迪生为了将特斯拉的交流电与恐怖做连结If I had an elephant named Topsy, 如果我有一只叫托普西的大象

he would want for nothing. 我会让它生活优渥衣食无忧

Also, he'd be named Jumbo. 还有他的名字会叫小飞象

And worse than that, Edison filmed the first on-screen kiss, 更差的是


so he's basically a pornographer. 他基本上就是个拍黄片的

Although every time I put that in Wikipedia, 不过每次我想把这话加进维基百科someone takes it out. 都会被别人删掉

Is your current still alternating? 你现在还电气满满吗

We're lucky there aren't any elephants in here. 幸好这里没有大象否则...

You know, that documentary last night was actually 昨晚那部纪录片





- better than I thought it would be. - 真的吗Should've been about Samuel Morse 就那影片的结尾方式[电报]

the way they telegraphed that ending. 按理说应该讲萨缪尔·摩尔斯才对

the way they telegraphed that ending. 发明了电报用的摩尔斯电码

I already pretended to laugh at that joke once. 我已经为这笑话假笑过一次了

Do I have to do it again? 我们一定得再来一次吗

Yeah, I'd appreciate it. 你能配合就再好不过了

Samuel Morse. You kill me. 萨缪尔·摩尔斯要被你笑死了

Leonard, can you drive me to work? 莱纳德你能开车带我去上班吗

Yeah, sure. Oh, hey, the guys and I 可以啊对了我们几个

were talking about going to see the Tesla coil 说到晚一点要去格里斐斯天文台

at the observatory later on, if you want to join. 看特斯拉线圈要不要一起来

Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. I'm busy. 抱歉去不了我有事

- Why? What are you doing? - Leonard, what are you doing? -怎么了你要干嘛 -莱纳德你才要干嘛

He said he can't go. Make a sad face, move on. 他说他去不了摆出哭哭脸就完事了

It's fine. 没关系

I couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. 我就是想告诉你也不行





- What does that mean? - 莱纳德

Sad face, sad face. 哭哭脸哭哭脸

I mean, I would like to, but I just can't, you know, 我很乐意说但我不行你懂的

because it's classified and top secret. 因为这是最高机密

Hold on, are you still working for the military? 等等你还在为军方工作吗

I'm so glad you figured that out! 你想出来真是太好了

It was killing me keeping it a secret! 保密真是要把我给憋死了

I thought they fired you guys. 他们不是炒了你们吗

They did, but then they hired me back. 是啊但是他们又重新雇了我

Well, you better not be working on our project, 你最好不是在弄我们之前的项目because we're a team. 因为我们可是团队

Leonard, there is no "I" in team. 莱纳德 "团队"两字里无"我"

However, there is an "I" in 但是"我为军方干活

"I'm working with the military and you're not." 而你机会被我剥夺喔"这句里就有"我" There's five of them, in fact. 其实有五个发音带"呜哦"的字呢

I got a big surprise for you. 我有个大惊喜给你

Is it pie and ice cream? 是派跟冰激凌吗

Wow, did I oversell it. 看来我是牛皮吹大了

It's Raj and Ruchi! 是拉杰跟如琪

- Hello. - Hey. Hi. -你好啊 -我们来啦

Hey, what are you two doing here? 你们两个怎么来啦

We won't stay long. 不会打扰你太久

I just wanted to drop something off 我就是来送给你

from me and the girls at work. 我跟公司姑娘们送你的小礼物

None of the girls at work like me enough to get me a gift.


Okay, so you'll know why everyone at the office 那这样你就能理解为什么办公室里has the same handwriting. 所有人都是同样的笔迹了

I really appreciate the thought, 很谢谢这份心意

but it's not necessary. I'll be back soon. 但不用这么客气我很快能重回岗位

Don't worry about work. You take all the time you need. 不用担心工作


Yeah, just turn off your brain 对啊就关闭你的大脑

and let your uterus do its magic. 让你的子宫施展它的魔法就行

It's the star of the show now. 它现在是这场表演的主角了

Okay, wasn't sure how long I should let you guys stay. 好了本来不知道该让你们待多久Now I know! Get out! 现在知道了出去

Good to see you. You look amazing. 很高兴看到你你看起来气色很好

Thanks for coming! 谢谢你们来探望我

That bitch. 这臭三八

Oh, come on, he means well. 别这样拉杰也是一番好意

He's just trying to impress his girlfriend. 他也就是想让女朋友觉得他人好

I'm talking about Ruchi. 我是在骂如琪

She's after my job. 她想抢我饭碗

Why do you think she said, "Take all the time you need"?


Because she was being nice? 因为她人好啊

No, she's trying to steal my projects while I'm at home 才不是趁我在家相夫教子

taking care of this useless plant and my dumb family. 养这破盆栽时抢走我的项目

I'm only saying this because I love you 我说这话是因为我爱你

and because you can't reach me from that bed, 而且你从床上那里打不到我

but you sound a little crazy. 但你听起来有点神经病

I love you, too, but I could fling this card in your eye 我也爱你但我也可以把这卡片当成like a ninja throwing star. 忍者手里剑来射爆你狗眼

I don't believe you. 我才不信你

Why would the military want Sheldon? 为什么军方会想要谢尔顿啊

I don't know. Target practice? 我不知道啊让他当靶子吗

Well, he better not be working on our guidance system. 他最好不是在搞我们的导向系统That was my idea. 那可是我的点子

Why don't we call Colonel Williams 我打给威廉姆斯上校

and find out what's going on. 问问到底是什么情况吧

Great. I want answers and he'd better give them to us. 很好我想要真相他最好乖乖回答Hello, gentlemen. 两位好

Hi, sir. Um, Leonard has a question. 长官莱纳德有问题问你

Hey, is Sheldon working on our project again? 谢尔顿是不是又在做我们之前的项目

Did he say that? 他这么说了吗

No, he wouldn't tell us. 没他不愿意告诉我们

Huh. So he can keep his mouth shut. 原来他是能闭上嘴巴的

How do I get him to do that? 那我该怎么做才能让他闭嘴呢

Is he working on our guidance system or not? 他到底有没有在做我们的导向系统项目

Dr. Cooper contacted us with an idea on how to modify 库珀博士联系了我们说到了一个your technology into a communication system, 修改你们的技术来把它变成通信系统的点子and it seemed interesting. 而这点子听起来不错

But our team developed that technology. 但这技术是我们团队开发出来的

And he was your team leader. 而他是你们团队的领导

Well, who said he was team leader? 谁说他是负责人了

He did. 他说的

And I like that kind of "take charge" attitude. 我喜欢那种"掌控大局"的态度

We can have "take charge" attitudes. 我们也可以有"掌控大局"的态度啊

Then why didn't either of you ask to be team leader? 那你俩怎么都没提出要当小组负责人呢We didn't want to step on anyone's toes. 我们不想冒犯到其他人

Yeah, so we were just waiting for you to 对我们在等你告诉我们

tell us who you thought-- Okay, I hear it. 你认为谁... 好吧我听出来了

- Are we done? - No, no. -说完了吗 -还没

I am taking charge right now and telling you 我现在就要掌控大局告诉你

that it is not okay with us if... 我们很不满意你...

Okay, bye. 好吧拜

Hey. I just got your text. Everything okay? 我刚收到你的短信没出什么事吧

Yeah, there's just something I need to ask you. 没事只是有一件事想问你

Oh, Bernie, I'd be thrilled. 妮妮我会高兴死的

It's not be my birth coach. 不是要叫你当我的生育教练

Okay, that hurts, but luckily I know how to breathe through it. 伤心了


I need you to find out if Ruchi's trying to steal 我要你查出如琪是否想趁我卧床休养时my projects at work while I'm on bed rest. 抢走我的研究项目

She's not that kind of a person. 她不是那种人

She's-she's generous and charitable. 她慷慨大方乐善好施

You're just saying that 'cause she's sleeping with you. 你这么说纯粹是因为她愿意跟你睡Yes, that's my favorite charity. 对啊这是我最喜欢的善举

I know I sound paranoid, but I'm feeling really vulnerable. 我知道感觉很多疑


If there's anything you could find out, it'd be great. 要是你能查出点消息那就太好了And if she is up to anything, what are you gonna do? 如果她真的有企图你打算怎么做Nothing. 什么都不做

I'll just calmly talk to her and explain 我只会平静地跟她谈谈

there are certain boundaries that need to be respected. 解释清楚有些界线是不能踩的

It's really for the benefit of everyone at the company. 这都是为了公司里的大家好

Uh, okay, what you're saying sounds nice, 你的话听起来无害

but the way you're saying it 但你说话的语气

is causing my testicles to take cover in my abdomen. 让我的蛋蛋都吓得缩进小腹了

What do you want to watch? 你想看什么

Oh, why don't you pick. 你来选吧

Okay, how about comedy? 好啊喜剧怎么样

Eh, I already laughed today. 我今天已经笑过了

I know. It was when I stubbed my toe. 我知道在我踢到脚趾头时

Still funny. 还是很好笑

Drama? 剧情片呢

Nah, I've already seen someone cry today. 不了我今天已经看过别人哭了

It really hurt, Sheldon! 当时真的很疼谢尔顿

We talked to Colonel Williams. 我们和威廉姆斯上校谈过了

He told us everything. 他全都告诉我们了

I'm sorry, can we do this another time? 不好意思能不能改天再说这个

Amy's just about to realize she wants to watch a Hulk marathon.


What's going on? 出什么事了

Sheldon went to the Air Force behind our backs. 谢尔顿背着我们偷偷去找空军I did nothing of the sort. 我才没做这种事

I had an idea 我有个想法

for a neutrino-based communication system, 一种基于微中子的通讯系统

I presented it to them, and they were interested. 我告诉了他们他们很感兴趣But y-your communication system 但你的通讯系统

was based on our guidance system. 是根据我们的导向系统制造的

And sonar is based on bats. 声呐也是根据蝙蝠制造的

You don't see them hanging upside down 你也没见他们倒挂在

in a patent attorney's office. 专利律师的办公室里啊

You know what, you like to think that you're just like Tesla, 你知道吗


but the truth is you're exactly like Edison. 但事实就是你跟爱迪生一模一样

You take that back. 这句话你收回

No, he's right. 不他说得对

You are a bully, a credit hog and a self-promoter. 你就是个爱抢功劳自我吹捧的恶霸And if anyone around here is like Tesla, it's us. 要说这里真有谁像特斯拉那也是我们Yeah. 就是啊

Can you believe they said I was just like Edison? 你敢相信他们说我跟爱迪生一模一样吗Yeah, and in front of a lady, no less. 而且还当着一位淑女的面

Well, you are building on their work 你确实是在他们的研究基础上继续发展

and taking the credit for it. 还把功劳揽上身

That's a classic Edison move. 这是典型爱迪生会干的事

Oh, yeah? 是吗

Well, if I'm Edison and you love me, 如果我是爱迪生而你爱我

then what does that say about you? 那这说明你又是什么人呢

I honestly don't know. 老实说我真的不知道

Okay. 好吧

Well, I have to Google some stuff about Mrs. Edison. 我得上网去查查爱迪生太太了

I'll be right back. 我去去就回

You know whose fault this is? 你知道这是谁的错吗

I do. 我知道

Yours. 你的错

No, my mother's. 不是我妈的

"Go make friends, Sheldon." "去交朋友吧谢尔顿"

What happens? 结果呢

20 years later, they call me names. 20年后他们给我起绰号骂我

I don't think what they called you is the point here. 我觉得他们叫你什么不是重点

Oh, yeah? How would you feel 是吗那要是我用你不喜欢的

if I called you the name of a neuroscientist you didn't like? 神经系统科学家的名字来叫你你会作何感想

Do you know the name of any neuroscientist? 你知道任何神经系统科学家的名字吗

Of course. 当然了

Not me? 除了我之外

Then no. 那就没了

Do you think they're right, Amy? 你觉得他们是对的吗艾米

Do you think I'm like Edison? 你觉得我像爱迪生一样吗

Sheldon, I don't think you're upset 谢尔顿我觉得你不开心

because of what kind of scientist they said you're like. 不是因为他们说你像哪种科学家I think you're upset because 而是因为

your friend'' feelings got hurt. 你的朋友们内心受伤了

You're right. 你说得对

I care too much about other people's feelings. 我太在乎别人的感受了

It's always been my fatal flaw. 这向来是我的致命弱点

Sheldon, I don't think... 谢尔顿我觉得不...

No, no, not now, Amy. I'm growing as a person. 先别说话艾米我正在成长呢

Ah, that was fun. 刚才真爽

Put her there, buddy. 伸出你的小拳拳

I am not fist bumping you after we have sex. 我才不要跟你睡完后击拳庆祝呢

You're the one who wanted to keep things casual. 是你说想保持玩玩的关系

There's a difference between casual and weird. 玩玩和怪异是有区别的

Not the way I do it. 对我来说没有

So, um... how was, how was your day? 你今天过得怎么样

Like, how's-how's work? 工作顺利吗

Oh, great. 很好

With Bernadette gone, 伯纳黛特走了之后

I'm getting to handle all her projects. 她的项目都由我负责了

Well, she's-she's not gone. 她不是走了

She'll be back soon. 她很快会回来

Not too soon, let's hope. 但愿不会太快

So it turns out Ruchi is totally 原来如琪真的想

trying to take over Bernadette's projects. 抢走伯纳黛特的项目

Wow, she just told you that out of the blue? 她就突然告诉你了吗

Yeah, yeah, we had just made love. 是啊我们当时刚做完爱

It was so beautiful. 画面太美

Our caramel-colored bodies 我俩焦糖色的胴体

were entwined like erotic taffy... 像色情的太妃糖般交缠在一起

Get to the point! 说重点

Uh, sorry, uh, yeah. 抱歉

I-I asked her about work, and she just admitted 我问起她的工作她就承认了

she has her eyes on Bernadette's projects. 她在觊觎伯纳黛特的项目

Can't believe she would take advantage 真不敢相信她会这样

of a pregnant lady like that. 占一个孕妇的便宜

So what did you do? 那你做了什么

What do you think I did? 你说呢

I made small talk for 20 minutes and had sex again. 我跟她闲聊了20分钟后又再打了一炮You have to say something to Bernie. 你一定要告诉妮妮

I don't know. If I do that, she's gonna confront Ruchi, 我不确定要是我告诉她


and then Ruchi's gonna stop sleeping with me. 如琪就不会再跟我打炮了

Raj, you can't go on sleeping with a woman 拉杰你不能继续睡一个

who's trying to screw over your friend. 想搞死你朋友的女人

Can't or must? 不能还是必须

You know, that guidance system was my idea. 那个导向系统是我的点子

You figured out how to make it work. 是你想通了该如何实现

We didn't even need Sheldon. 我们根本就不需要谢尔顿

Let's not forget your idea was based on my theory. 别忘了你的点子是建立在我的理论上的Hey, we're bagging on Sheldon here! Focus! 我们正在骂谢尔顿呢专注点

I guess it was pretty smart using our quantum technology 他能想到用我们的量子技术

as the basis for a communication system. 作为通信系统的基础还是挺聪明的

Be even better if he swapped out the helium for xenon. 如果他把氦替换为氙效果会更好Ooh. So instead of having to keep it at negative 271 degrees,


you'd only have to keep it at negative 108. 而是零下108度就行了

It would be way more efficient. 这样就更高效了

And xenon has a bigger nucleus, 氙有更大的核

so coherence would make it an easier signal to see. 其相干性会让它的成为更易发现的信号You're brilliant! 你真是天才

We should tell Sheldon. 我们应该告诉谢尔顿

You're an idiot! 你真是傻蛋

We don't tell Sheldon. 我们才不要告诉谢尔顿

We go to the military behind his back 我们背着他偷偷联系军队

and we screw him like he screwed us. 就像他背叛我们一样背叛他

All right, you're right, you're right, we don't need him. 你是对的你是对的我们不需要他We can do this all on our own. 我们可以自己来

- Do you think you can do the math? - No. -其中的运算你能行吗 -不行

But if someone else does it, 但如果其他人算出来了

I can double check the crap out of it. 我绝对能狠狠验算一遍

I want you to know, I did what you asked. 我想告诉你我按你的吩咐去做了

I talked to Ruchi and found out what's going on at work. 我和如琪聊了工作上的事

So is she trying to steal my projects? 所以她是想尝试盗取我的项目吗

No, not trying to, sounds like it's a done deal. 不不是尝试是差不多已经得到了

Here, have a brownie. 来吃块巧克力蛋糕吧

I'm gonna kill her. 我要杀了她

Okay, don't take this out on Ruchi. 好啦不要记恨如琪

Is she trying to take your job? Yes. 她是想偷走你的工作吗是的

Is she parking in your space? Yes. 她现在都停在你的车位吗是的

Did she get a laugh at a meeting yesterday 她在昨天的会议上取笑

by calling you "Pregnadette"? Big one. 你是"博纳带球" 好笑吗笑成一片

But you would've done the exact same thing, and you know it. 但你也会和她做同样的事


I never would've undermined a coworker. 我才不会在同事背后捅刀呢

What? Oh, please. Wh-What about that guy Eric, 什么少来还记得那个艾瑞克吗

who you told it was "Bring Your Cat to Work Day" 你明明知道老板有哮喘

when you knew your boss had asthma? 还故意骗他说有"带猫上班日"

That was just a hilarious prank 我只是想捉弄他

that ended with me getting a corner office. 谁知道我因此得到了大间的办公室呢

All I'm saying is before you attack Ruchi, 我想说的是在你攻击如琪之前

maybe you should take a long hard look in the mirror, 也许你应该在镜子里好好看看自己because you know what you'll see-- 因为你会看到

apart from radiant skin and luxuriously thick hair? 除了你闪亮的皮肤和奢华浓密的金发之外Hypocrisy! 有一个虚伪小人

It is thick. 确实浓密

So what do you think? Can you make it work? 你觉得如何你能算出来吗

Uh, I just need to use the cross section 我只需要用横截面

to calculate the probability of the interaction. 算出相互作用的概率

Can we help? 我们能帮忙吗

Yes. 可以

Why don't you run get me a can of Pringles. 帮忙我去买一罐品客薯片吧

Leonard, I was-- 莱纳德我...

What's Kripke doing here? 克里普奇在这里干什么

Oh, he's just helping us develop a better, more efficient 他正在帮我们开发一种更好更高效的neutrino comm system that we're gonna pitch to the military, 中微子通讯系统


making yours obsolete. 彻底打垮你

Yeah, Leonard thought of it. 没错是莱纳德想出来的



Oh, thanks.

- It's genius. - 谢谢



You see, instead of using liquid helium... 我没有用液氦而是用...

- Good God, man, shut up! - Right, sorry. -妈呀快闭嘴 -对不起

You didn't tell me we were doing this just to stick it to Sheldon.


Oh, well... 那个...

I messing with you. This sundae just got a cherry on top! 逗你玩呢这不是锦上添花吗Fine. Good luck to you. 好吧祝你们好运

The military is already interested in my system, 军方已经对我的系统感兴趣了

and my math is worked out. 我的运算也都完成了

His still has a big gap in it. 他的运算中还有一个大空白

Where? 在哪里

There. 就这儿

Can I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗

Does a drug still count as an antidepressant 如果一种药的头号副作用是让人不停地哭

if its number one side effect is uncontrollable weeping? 它还能算是抗抑郁剂吗

I don't know. I always feel better after a good cry. 不知道反正我每次哭完都觉得好爽

I've been trying to ask Bernadette, 我一直想问问博纳黛特的意见

but she's not answering any of my texts. 但她完全不回我的短信

Yeah, uh, listen, I think she might be a little threatened by you, you know, 听着


because you can tie your own shoes and laugh without peeing. 因为你能系自己的鞋带


Did she say something to you? 她对你说什么了吗

No. 没有

I mean, well, kind of. 好吧说了一点

But it's okay. She's just hormonal. 不过没事的她是荷尔蒙作祟

And, you know, don't worry, I stood up for you. 你也别担心我为你说话了

I don't need you to stand up for me. 我才不需要你为我说话呢

You're not my boyfriend. 你又不是我男朋友

Look, I care about you, 我很关心你

and you can say that this doesn't mean anything, 你也可以说这一切不代表什么

but the truth is we're in a relationship, okay? 但事实上我俩算是在交往中

And you're gonna have to figure out some way to deal with it. 总有一天你得想出办法面对这事I can't believe she dumped me. 真不敢相信她居然把我甩了

This is tough for me, 'cause I can. 我完全能相信啊

Sorry things worked out like that. 抱歉事情最后变成这样

Because I'm in pain or because you don't have a spy anymore?


Let's just leave it at "I'm sorry." 你知道我很抱歉就够了

You're already sad. 你已经够伤心了

Based on Kripke's calculations, 根据克里普奇的计算

I think this is gonna work. 我们应该能成功

Maybe we should pitch it to Colonel Williams today. 也许我们应该今天去跟威廉上校说说Why limit ourselves to the U.S. Military? 干嘛把自己局限于美国军队呢

I bet there's a lot of other places we could take this. 肯定还有很多人想要我们的项目呢Without committing criminal espionage? 我是说不会被当成间谍抓起来的那种

You know, it's easy to shoot an idea down, Leonard. 打击别人的想法不要钱是吧莱纳德Well, I suppose congratulations are in order. 我想我应该恭喜两位了

You set out to destroy me, and you achieved your goal. 你们想打击我你们成功了

What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢

The military canceled my project, 军队取消了我的项目

because they're going with yours. 因为他们要和你们合作了

That's impossible. We haven't even pitched it yet. 不可能我们根本还没联系呢

Well, Colonel Williams said another team at Caltech 威廉上校告诉我加州理工的另一个团队came up with a more efficient neutrino comm system. 开发出了更高效的中微子通讯系统Damn it! 我去

Excuse us. 我们离开一下

Kripke. 克里普奇

What's up, fellas? 怎么了各位

Did you screw us over? 你背叛了我们吗

Ooh, I can't tell you that. 哇我可不能告诉你

It's classified. 这是机密

Why did you tell Barry Kripke your idea? 你们干嘛把点子告诉巴里·克里普奇

This is all your fault. 这都怪你俩

No, it's your fault. 不是你的错

If you would've come to us in the beginning, 如果你一开始就和我们联手

none of this would've happened. 这些烂事就不会发生了

Well, if it helps, you all behaved terribly 如果能安慰到你们的话你们都做错了

and you deserve what you got. 你们自食恶果完全活该

Well, that doesn't help at all. 完全没安慰到

You know, sometimes your social skills are very poor. 有时候你的社交技巧真是令人发指Can't believe we let Kripke use us like that. 真不敢相信我们被克里普奇利用了

You know, maybe you're all more like the guy 也许你们都更像那个

who didn't invent the electric car 电动汽车以他为名却不是他发明的家伙

and less like the guy who didn't invent the lightbulb. 而不像那个其实没发明灯泡的家伙吧She's right. Maybe we're all a bunch of Teslas after all. 她说得对也许我们全都是特斯拉Didn't Tesla die penniless, forgotten and insane?


You may have a point about her social skills. 你对她社交技巧的评价太到位了

He wasn't insane. 他才没有发疯

He did fall in love with a pigeon. 他的确有爱上了一只鸽子

Well, if we're gonna call Tesla crazy 如果特斯拉喜欢小小丑丑的东西

for loving something small and unappealing, 就要被说成是疯子的话

might as well put Penny in a padded cell right now. 不如马上把佩妮关进疯人院吧
