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2014年职称英语理工B 阅读理解、译文及问题答案(17篇)

2014年职称英语理工B 阅读理解、译文及问题答案(17篇)
2014年职称英语理工B 阅读理解、译文及问题答案(17篇)

2014年职称英语理工B 阅读理解、译文及问题答案(17篇)

第十七篇A Sunshade for the Planet

Even with the best will1 in the world, reducing our carbon emissions is not going prevent global warming. It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions, the uncertainties in our climate models still leave open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level. At the same time, resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough.

Fortunately, if the worst comes to the worse2, scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves3. For the most part they have strongly resisted discussing these options for fear of inviting a sense of complacency that might thwart efforts to tackle the root of the problem. Until now, that is. A growing number of researchers are taking a fresh look at

large-scale ―geoengineering‖ projects that might be used to counteract global warming. ―I use the analogy of

m ethadone4,‖ says Stephen Schneider, a climate researcher at Stanford University in California who was among the first to draw attention to global warming. ―If you have a heroin addict, the correct treatment is hospitalization, and a long rehab. But if they absolutely refuse, methadone is better than heroin.

Basically the idea is to apply ―sunscreen‖ to the whole planet. One astronomer has come up with a radical plan to cool Earth: launch trillions of feather-light discs into space, where they would form a vast cloud that would block the sun‘s rays. It‘s controversial, but recent studies suggest there are ways to deflect just enough of the sunlight reaching the Earth‘s surface to counteract the warming produced by the greenhouse effect. Global climate model s show that blocking just 1. 8 per cent of the incident energy in the sun‘s rays would cancel out the warming effects produced by a doubling of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. That could be crucial, because even the most severe emissions-control measures being proposed would leave us with a doubling of carbon dioxide by the end of this century, and that would last for at least a century more.


1. the best will:昀好的愿望

2. if the worst comes to the worst:如果昀昀糟糕的事情发生了。这是英式英语的用法,在美式英语中它说成if worst comes to worst。在不同的语境中,有不同的译法。如: ―If the worst comes to the worst,‖ Becky thought,―my retreat is secure; and I have the right-hand seat in the barouche.‖蓓基想道:―逼到昀后一条路,逃难是不怕的了,在他的大马车里,我险稳地有一个位了。‖又如: If the worst comes to the worst,we‘ll sell the car.大不了我们把车卖了。

3. scientists still have a few tricks up their sleeves:科学家们仍然有些不为人所知的招数。have something up one‘s sleeve是英语成语,意思是: to have a secret idea or plan,有锦囊妙计,有所保留的,秘而不宣的谋略或计划,例如: If this trip doesn‘t work out I've still got a few ideas up my sleeve.

4. methadone:美沙酮,一种有效的合成麻醉药,它不像吗啡或海洛因那样容易让人上瘾,在戒毒治疗中被用作这些毒品的替代品。练习:

1. According to the first two paragraphs,the author thinks that A strong measures have been taken by the government to prevent global warming. B to reduce carbon emissions is an impossible mission. C despite the difficulty, scientists have some options to prevent global warming. D actions suggested by scientists will never he realized.

2. Scientists resist talking about their options because they don‘t want people to A know what they are doing. B feel their efforts are useless C think the problem has been solved. D see the real problem.

3. What does Stephen Schneider say about a heroin addict and methadone? A Methadone is an effective way to treat

a hard heroin addict. B Methadone is not a correct way to treat a heroin addict. C Hospitalization together with methadone can work effectively with a heroin addict. D Methadone and heroin arc equally effective in treating a heroin addict.

4. What is Stephen Schneider‘s idea of preventing glob al warming? A To ask governments to take stronger measures.

B To increase the sunlight reaching the Earth.

C To apply sunscreen to the Earth.

D To decrease greenhouse gases.

5. What is NOT true of the effectiveness of ―sunscreen‖, according to the last p aragraph? A It deflects sunlight reaching the Earth to counteract the warming. B It blocks the incident energy in the sun‘s rays. C It is a controversial method. D It decreases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

1. C 短文第一段讲了防止地球变暧是一项艰巨的任务,第二段说,尽管如此,科学家还是有些办法,所以C 是正确选择。A是错误选择,因为作者认为政府和一些利益集团阻碍了科学家所倡导的行动的实施;B不是作者的观点;D也不是正确选择,因为第一段的昀后一句― might not be implemented soon enough‖并不表明永远不能实现。

2. C 文章的第二段说,即使昀糟糕的情况发生,科学家还是有几招的。但他们不希望讨论他们的招数,因为恐怕人们不再有危机感而削弱彻底解决问题的努力。所以C是正确选择。

3. A文章的第二段Stehgen Schneider教授将自己解决地球变暖问题的办法比作美沙酮。因为在瘾君子拒绝正常住院治疗时,服用美沙酮是一种缓解海洛因毒瘾的有效方法。所以A是正确的选择。

4. C文章昀后一段的第一个句子提供的答案。

5. D 短文昀后一段描述了― sunscreen‖如何解决地球变暖问题。尽管有争议,但是研究证明,―太阳屏‖能反射和阻碍阳光,起到抵消由温室效应引起的地球升温。昀后一段的第三和第四句是理解这个问题的关键。D不是文章所表达的内容,所以是正确答案。




幸好,如果被逼上绝路,科学家们还有最后几招。在大多数情况下,他们拒绝讨论这些施,害怕人们会因此沾沾门喜而使这个问题不能被彻底解决。至少目前是这样。越来越多的研究者相信一项大型的地质丁程建设可用来抵御全球变暖。斯坦福大学的一位气象学家Stephen Schneider最早提出气候变暖这项议题的学者之一。他说:―我把它比作美沙酮。如果你那里有一个海洛因瘾者,那么正确的治疗方法就是住院,接受长时间的康复治疗。拒绝正常住院治疗,那服用美沙酮是一种缓解海洛因毒瘾的有效方法。‖


第十八篇Thirst for Oil

Worldwide every day, we devour the energy equivalent of about 200 million barrels of oil. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. In fact enough energy from th e Sun hits the planet‘s surface each minute to cover our needs for an entire year, we just need to find an efficient way to use it. So far the energy in oil has been cheaper and easier to get at. But as supplies dwindle, this will change, and we will need to cure our addiction to oil.

Burning wood satisfied most energy needs until the steam-driven industrial revolution, when energy-dense coal became the fuel of choice. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one quarter of our energy needs, but its use has been declining since we started pumping up oil. Coal is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel, but could make a comeback, as supplies are still plentiful: its reserves are five times larger than oi l‘s.

Today petroleum, a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth and used to produce petrol, diesel oil and various other chemical substances, provides around 40% of the world‘s energy needs, mostly fuelling automobiles. The US consumes n quarter of all oil, and generates a similar proportion of greenhouse gas emissions.

The majority of oil comes from the Middle East, which has half of known reserves. But other significant sources include Russia, North America, Norway, Venezuela and the North Sea. Alaska‘s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge1 could be a major new US source, to reduce reliance on foreign imports.

Most experts predict we will exhaust easily accessible reserves within 50 years, though opinions and estimates vary. We could fast reach an energy crisis in the next few decades, when demand exceeds supply. As conventional reserves become more difficult to access, others such as oil shales and tar sands may be used instead. Petrol could also be

Since we started using fossil fuels, we have released 400 billion tonnes2 of carbon, and burning the entire reserves could eventually raise world temperatures by 130 C. Among other horrors, this would result in the destruction of all rainforests and the melting of all Arctic ice.


1. Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge:美国阿拉斯加北极国家野生动物保护区。2001年,美国众议院通过了一项基于布什提出的在那里进行石油开采的议案。该议案遭到环境保护主义组织的反对。因此,目前在该区禁止开采石油。

2. tonne:公吨(= 1,000公斤〉。不同于ton。ton:在美国等于二千磅(=0.907公吨),所以称作short ton:短吨。练习:

1. ―… we will need to cure our addiction to oil.‖Why does the author say so? A Most of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. B Oil supply is increasing all the time. C Demand for oil is increasing all the time. D Oil supply is decreasing.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT meant by the author, according to the second paragraph? A Wood was the fuel of choice before coal. B The use of coal is declining. C Coal is the most environmentally unfriendly fuel next to oil. D Coal reserves are plentiful and will be likely to become the major fuel of choice.

3. Which country is the biggest consumer of petroleum? A The United States. B Russia. C Norway. D Venezuela.

4. What do experts say about the earth‘s fuel reserves? A The earth‘s fuel reserves will be accessible for the next 50 years. B There will soon be an energy crisis. C Conventional reserves will soon become inaccessible. D Fuel demand will decline.

5. What is NOT the result of consuming fossil fuels according to the last paragraph? A Rainforests will be destroyed.

B A rctic ice will be melted.

C The earth‘s temperature will be raised.

D The sea level will go up.


1. D 答案在第一段昀后一句中。这里的supplies指oil supplies。

2. C短文的第二段告诉我们,木材曾经是主要燃料来源,然后被煤所替代;自人们开始采油后,对煤的需求下降了,但因为媒的储量远大于石油,它可能又会成为主要燃料,尽管它对环境昀具破坏力。所以A、B、D均是作者的意思,而C不是。next to oil除石油以外。

3. A文章的第三段说,美国消耗全世界四分之一的石油。

4. B答案在第五段第二句中。该段第一句说,地球上的燃料储量将在50年内耗尽,所以A不是正确选择;第三句的意思是,常规燃料的获取将变得困难,而不是不可获得,所以C也不是正确选择;D明显不是作者的意思。

5. D 选项A、B、C都是昀后一段中所表达的意思。所以D是正确选择。









第十九篇Musical Robot Companion Enhances Listener Experience

Shimi, a musica l companion developed by Georgia Tech‘s Center for Music Technology, recommends songs, dances to the beat and keeps the music pumping based on listener feedback. The smartphone-enabled, one-foot-tall robot is billed as an interactive ―musical friend‖.

―Shi mi is designed to change the way that people enjoy and think about their music,‖ said Professor Gil Weinberg, the robot‘s creator. He will unveil the robot at the June 27th Google I/O conference in San Francisco. A band of three Shimi robots will perform for guests, dancing in sync with music created in the lab and composed according to its movements. Shimi is essentially a docking station with a ―brain‖ powered by an Android phone. Once docked, the robot gains the sensing and musical generation capabilitie s of the user‘s mobile device. In other words, if there‘s an ―app‖ for that, Shimi is ready. For instance, by using the phone‘s camera and face-detecting software,Shimi can follow a listener around the room and position its ―ears‖,or speakers, for optimal sound. Another recognition feature is based on rhythm and tempo. If the user taps a beat, Shimi analyzes it, scans the phone‘s musical library and immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion. Once the music starts,Shimi dances to the rhythm.

―Many people think that robots are limited by their programming instructions, said Music Technology Ph. D. candidate Mason Bretan. ―Shimi shows us that robots can be creative and interactive. ‘‘Future apps in the works will allow the user to shake their head in disagreement or wave a hand in the air to alert Shimi to skip to the next song or increase/decrease the volume. The robot will also have the capability to recommend new music based on the user‘s song choices and provide feedback on the music play list.

Weinberg hopes other developers will be inspired to create more apps to expand Shimi‘s creative and interactive capabilities. ―I believe that our center is ahead of a revolution that will see more robots in homes.‖ Weinberg said. Weinberg is in the process of commercializing Shimi through an exclusive licensing agreement with Georgia Tech. Weinberg hopes to make the robot available to consumers by the 2013 holiday season. ―If robots are going to arrive in homes, we think that they will be this kind of machines一small, entertaining and fun,,,Weinberg said. ―They will enhance your life and pave the way for more intelligent service robots in our lives.‖


pump v.用抽水机抽;不断播放(音乐)

scan v.扫描;浏览

skip v.轻跳,跳跃

sync n.同步,同时;v.使同步

tempo n.速度;节奏


1. Georgia Tech:全称是Georgia Institute of Technology,佐治亚理工学院,建于1885 年,位于亚特兰大市中心。佐治亚理工学齒是美国南部最大的公立理工学院,也是全美最顶尖的理工学院之一,排名仅次于麻省理工学院(MIT)和加州理工学院(CalTech)。

2. pump:不断播放(音乐)。例如:This radio station recently pumps out pop music. (这家广播电台近来连续播放流行音乐。)

3. smartphone-enabled:由智能手机系统支持的

4. is billed as:相当于is advertised as,意为―被标榜为‖。

5. docking station: 插接站,扩充基座,扩展插口

-6. Android:(科幻小说里的)机器人。本文指用于智能手机和便携式计算机移动设备的一种以Linus为基础的开放源代码操作系统,通过接口和插槽连接多种外部设备。目前Android 尚未有统一中文译名,国内较多人翻译成―安卓‖或―安致‖。据2012年2月数据, Android 占据全球智能手机操作系统市场52.5%的份额,中国市场占有率为68.4%。

8. the sensing and musical generation capabilities:传感和音乐生成能力

9. app:应用程序(=application)

10. if the user taps a beat:如果用户打出某个(音乐)拍子

11. in the works:正在准备阶段;在进行中或准备中

12. intelligent service robots:智能服务型机器人


1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the first three paragraphs?

A Shimi is a one-foot tall robot.

B Shimi is the creator of the musical companion.

C Shimi is a docking station with a― brain‖ powered by an Android phone.

D Shimi can gain the sensing and musical generation capabilities of the user‘s mobile device.

2. What does Shimi do if the user taps a beat?

A It stores the beat in the musical library.

B It transmits the beat to the docking station.

C It positions its speakers for optimal sound.

D It selects a perfectly-matched song and plays it in sync with that beat.

3. Which of the following about Shimi is true?

A Robots are limited by their programming instructions, and Shimi is no exception.

B Present apps allow the user to shake their head to alert Shimi to skip to the next song.

C Existing apps allow the user to wave a hand to alert Shimi to turn up/down the volume.

D Shimi can be creative and interactive.

4. What does the author want to tell us?

A The research center is developing a stronger and more versatile Shimi.

B Weinberg only expects staffs from Georgia Tech. to develop more apps for Shimi.

C Shimi is not yet technologically ready for commercialization.

D Robots such as Shimi are created for large corporations rather than homes.

5. Which of the following is We inberg‘s assertion?

A Shimi as a robotic musical companion can be applied to all types of smart phones.

B human lives will be filled with more fun if Shimi is going to arrive in homes.

C Shimi's creative and interactive capabilities are appreciated by most of its users.

D Weinberg has reached an agreement with Georgia Tech to commercialize Shimi.


1. B在前三段中均可找到与选项A、C、D相应的句子,强调Shimi是一种电子设备;B与原文不符, Shimi不是该机器人的发明者,Gil Weinberg教授才是the robot‘s creator。

2. D选项D简要地表述了第三段的倒数第二句―If the user taps a beat, Shimi analyzes it, scans the phone‘s musical library and immediately plays the song that best matches the suggestion‖的意思,所以是答案。选项A、B、C都不符合上述句子的含义。

3. D选项A的意思与原文相反。虽然人们认为机器人受到程序指令的限制,但Shimi却表现出具有创造能力和互动能力,所以A不是答案。选项D的意思与原文相同,因而是答案。第四段第三句指的是未来的应用程序: future apps in the works,而选项B,C是指目前的应用程序,两者的表述均与原文有出入。

4. A第三段介绍Shimi的多种功能,第四段和第五段说Weinberg还在开发更多的应用程序来丰富Shimi的功能,还希望其他研发者也参与开发,因此,A是答案。选项B说Weinberg 仅仅希望Georgia Tech员工参与开发更多的应用软件,这与原文不符。文章最后一段告诉我们,Weinberg正在与Georgia Tech进行有关Shimi商业化的谈判,选项C的意思与此相反,不会是答案。选项D也与原文不符。

5. B选项A、C和D的内容Weinberg都没有说过。第三段告诉我们,Shimi是Android smart phone的扩充基座,并不适用于所有智能手机,所以A选项不正确;Shimi尚未进入市场,还谈不上公众对Shimi欣赏与否的问题,因此选项C不符合原意;Shimi正在进行商业化运作,但绝非已经完成,所以D也不是正确选项。本题的答案是




Gil Weinberg教授是该机器人的发明者,他解释说:―Shimi设计的宗旨是改变人们欣赏音乐、认识音乐的方式。‖他将在今年6月27日在旧金山的谷歌I/O大会上展示这款机器人。一个由三个机器人组成的乐队将为来宾演奏,并伴随音乐起舞。而音乐是根据不同的运动形式编制的。

Shimi实际上是一个扩充基座,它的―大脑‖由安卓手机控制。一旦连接上,机器人便从用户的移动装置获得传感和音乐生成能力。换言之,只要有应用程序,机器人便能使用。例如,通过手机的照相机和辨认脸型的软件,Shimi 就能在房间周围跟踪到听众,然后安置好它的―耳朵‖或扬声器,以确保输送最佳声音。另外一种识别特征是基于节奏和速度。如果用户打出某个(音乐)拍子,Shimi会对此进行分析,然后浏览手机的音乐库,并立即演奏最符合要求的音乐。一旦音乐响起来,Shimi就随韵律起舞。

―许多人认为机器人受到程序指令的限制,而Shiini给我们展示了机器人可以具有创造力和与人交互的能力。‖音乐技术博士研究生Mason Bretan如是说。正在研发中的程序将使用户能沟通过摇头或摆手表示不同意,来提醒Shimi跳到下一首歌或增减音量。机器人还可根据用户对歌曲的选择推荐新音乐,并对音乐播放列表提供反馈。Weinberg希望其他研发者会因此获得灵感,开发更多的应用程序,来扩展Shimi的创新和交互功能。他说:―我认为我们中心正在引领这场将更多机器人应用到家庭中去的变革。‖


Explorer of the Extreme Deep

Oceans cover more than two-thirds of our planet.Yet,just a small fraction of the undcrwaler world has been uxplored.Now,Scientists at the Woods Hole1 Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts are building an underwater vehicle hat will carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters (21,320 feet).The new machine,known as a manned submersible or human-operated vehicle (HOV),will replace another one named Alvin2 which bas an amazing record of discovery,playing a key role in various important and famous undersea expeditions.Alvin has been operating for 40 years but can go down only 4,500 meters (14,784 feet).It‘s about time for an upgrade,WHOI researchers say.Alvin was launched in 1964.Since then,Alvin has worked between 200 and 250 days a year,says Daniel Fornari,a marine geologist and director of the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI.During its lifetime,Alvin has carried some 12,000 people on a total of more than 3,000 dives.A newer,better versions of Alvin is bound to reveal even more surprises ahout a world that is still full of mysteries,Fornari says.It might also make the job of exploration a little easier.―We take so much for granted on land,‖ Fornar i says.―We can walk around and see with our eyes how big things are.We can see colors,special arrangements.‖

Size-wise,the new HOV will be similar to Alvin.It‘ll be about 37 feet long.The setting area inside will be a small sphere,about 8 feet wide,like Alvin,it‘ll carry a pilot and two passengers.It will be just as maneuverable.In most other ways,it will give passengers more opportunities to enjoy the view,for one thing.Alvin has only three windows,the new vehicle will have five,with more overlap so that the passengers and the pilot can see the same thing.Alvin can go up and down at a rate of 30 meters every second,and its maximum speed is 2 knots (about 2.3 miles per hour),while the new vehicle will be able to ascend and descend at 44 meters per second.It‘ll reach speeds of 3 knots,or 3.5 miles per hour.



underwater/5QndE5wC:tE(r)/adj.bound/baund /adj.受约束的,一定的水下的;adv.在水下


maneuverable/mE5nu:vErEbl/adj.undersea/5QndEsi:/ adj.海底的


ascend/E5send/ v.上升geologist/dVi5ClEdVist/n.地质学家


1.Woods Hole:美国马萨诸塞州的一个渔村,但同时拥有许多重要研究机构,如:the Marine Biological Laboratory,the Sea Education Association以及the Woods Hole Oceanographic lnstitution。



1.What is Alvin?

A A research institute.

B A transporting vehicle.

C A submersible.

D A scientist.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT a fact about Alvin?

A h can carry explorers as deep as 6,500 meters.

B It has played a key role in various important undersea expeditions

C It was launched in the sixties of the twentieth century.

D It has been used for more than 40 years.

3.―...a world that is still full of mysteries‖ refers to

A the earth.

B out space.

C the ocean.

D Mars.

4.In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin similar?

A Size.

B Speed.

C Capacity.

D Shape.

5.In what aspects are the new HOV and Alvin different?

A Offering better views.

B Speed.

C Size.

D Both A and B.


1.C 短文第一段的第四、第五句提供了答案

2.A 文章第一段从第三句开始说,科学家正在研制一艘可将研究人员带到6 500米深处的潜水装置,而它将替代Alvin,因为Alvin只能潜到4 500米深处。A不是事实,所以是正确选择。

3.C 本文讨论探索海底世界的潜水装置,所以―充满神秘色彩的世界‖指的就是海洋。

4.D 第三段的头三个句子告诉我们,HOV和Alvin在体积上和容量上相似。所以D是正确选择。

5.D 第三段最后两句告诉我们,Alvin只有三个窗户,而HOV有五个。最后一段告诉我们,两艘潜水装置的上下活动速度和行进速度有所差别。所以D是正确选择。



海洋覆盖了我们地球三分之二的面积,但被开发的地下水却只有很小一部分。目前,马萨诸塞木洞海洋研究所的科学家们正在开发一种能载探索家们深入水下6 500米(21 320英尺)的水下交通丁具。作为一种载人潜艇或人T 操作丁具,这种新的机器将替代世界上第一个深海潜水器Alvin。Azui‖潜水器已经保持了惊人的纪录,在各种重要的深海考察中发挥着重要作用。Alvin潜水器已经运行了40年,但它只能深人水下4 500米(14 784英尺)。术洞海洋协会的研究家们说,潜水下具陔升级了。





第二十篇Plant Gas

Scientists have been studying natural sources of methane for decades but hadn't regarded plants as a producer, notes Frank Keppler, a geochemist at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heldelberg, Germany. Now Keppler and his colleagues find that plants, from grasses to trees, may also be sources of the greenhouse gas. This is really surprising, because most scientists assumed that methane production requires an oxygen-free environment.

Previously, researchers had thought that it was impossible for plants to make significant amounts of the gas. They had assumed that microbes2 need to be in environments without oxygen to produce methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide. Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming.

In its experiments, Keppler's team used sealed chambers that contained the same concentration of oxygen that Earth's atmosphere has. They measured the amounts of methane that were released by both living plants and dried plant material, such as fallen leaves.

With the dried plants, the researchers took measurement at temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees C. At 30 degrees C, they found, a gram of dried plant material released up to 3 nanograms of methane per hour. (One nanogram is a billionth of a gram.)With every 10-degree rise in temperature, the amount of methane released each hour roughly doubled.

Living plants growing at their normal temperatures released as much as 370 nanograms of methane per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emissions tripled when living and dead plant was exposed to sunlight.

Because there was plenty of oxygen available, it's unlikely that the types of bacteria that normally make methane were involved. Experiments on plants that were grown in water rather than soil also resulted in methane emissions. That's another strong sign that the gas came from the plants and not soil microbes.

The new finding is an "interesting observation," says Jennifer Y. King, a biogeochemist at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul3. Because some types of soil microbes consume methane, they may prevent plant-produced methane from reaching the atmosphere. Field tests will be needed to assess the plant's influence, she notes. (367 words)

41 that was scientists' understanding of methane?

A)It was produced from plants.

B)It was not a greenhouse gas.

C)It was produced in oxygen-free environments.

D)It traps more heat than any other greenhouse gas.

42 To test whether plants are a source of methane, the scientists created

A)a oxygen-free environment.

B)an environment with the same concentration of oxygen as the Earth has.

C)a carbon dioxide-free environment.

D)an environment filled with the greenhouse gas

43 hich statement is true of the methane emissions of plants in the experiment?

A)The lower the temperature, the higher the amount of methane emissions.

B)Living plants release less methane than dried plants at the same temperature.

C)When exposed to sunlight, plants stop releasing methane.

D)The higher the temperature, the greater the amount of methane emissions.

A)Plants growing in soil release methane.

B)Plants growing in water release methane.

C)Soil microbes consume methane.

D)Microbes in plants produce methane.

45 What is the beneficial point of some microbes consuming plant-produced methane?

A)Methane becomes less poisonous.

B)methane is turned into a fertilizer.

C)Less methane reaches the atmosphere.

D)Air becomes cleaner……

参考答案:41 C42 B43 D44 D45 C



德国马克思·普朗克核物理研究所地球化学家Frank Keppler提到,科学家已经研究沼气几十年,但一直没认为植物能产生沼气。现在Keppler和同事们发现从草到树的植物也可能是温室气体的来源。这的确是令人惊讶的,阅为大多数科学家认为沼气是在缺氧环境中产生的。






圣保罗明尼苏达州大学:生物地球化学家Jennifer Y.King说,这些新发现是一项―有趣的观察记录‖。因为一些土壤微生物消耗沼气,它们会阻止植物产生的沼气到达大气中。Jennifer Y.King指出,需要对土地进行测试以判定植物的影响。


You've probably heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Of course, nobody has ever confirmed that statement by examining every one of the estimated one septillion snowflakes that drift to Earth each year. still, Kenneth Libbrecht, a professor at the California Institute of Technology, is confident that the statement is true.

Snowflakes aren't flaky, says Libbrecht. At their basic level, they're crystalline. The lattice of every snowflake is six-sided in shape. The simplest snow crystals are six-sided flat plates and six-sided columns. Such crystals are common in places where the air is extremely cold and dry. Snow crystals acquire their special beauty when their simple six-sided symmetry blossoms. Under the right conditions, each of the six corners of a crystal sprouts what is called an arm. In a matter of minutes, the arms can become highly ornate and give the crystal a star like appearance.

Several factors in the environment affect the shape and growth rate of a snow crystal. One factor is humidity. Crystals grow faster and in more intricate shape as humidity increases. A second factor is air temperature. A snowflake is born when several molecules of water vapor in a could land on a speck of dust and freeze to form a simple crystal. As the young crystal bops around in the cloud, it passes through air pockets of varying temperatures. If the crystal passes through a pocket of air that is, says,—15 degrees Celsius, it will grow quickly and sprout six arms, says Libbrecht. If the crystal is then tossed into a warmer pocket, one about-10℃, the arms' tips will stop growing quickly and form six-side plates. If the crystal then drifts into an even warmer pocket of about -℃, its top and bottom will grow more quickly than its sides and become more column like in shape.

In the course of its life span, a snow-crystal might flutter through many warmer and colder pockets, acquiring a complicated and unique growth history. Such a history will give rise to a snowflake that is unlike any other. Each arm on

Using his cooling tanks, Libbrecht has learned how to create snow crystals of different shapes—plates, colhuns, needles etc. Libbrecht has even refined his techniques so that he can make crystals that look highly similar to one another. Still, he lacks the control to manufacture identical twin snowflakes. A slight difference in humidity and temperature can upset the growth profile of a crystal.

1. What does Professor Libbrecht believe to be true?

A. No two snowflakes are exactly the same in shape.

B. Somebody has examined all the snowflakes that on Earth.

C. The statement that no two snowflakes are alike is confirmed.

D. None of the above.

2. What do the simplest snow crystals look like?

A. They have six columns.

B. They are flaky.

C. They are cubic in shape.

D. They are six-sided.

3. What are the factors that affect the shape and growth rate of a snow crystal?

A. Humidity and temperature.

B. Water and falling speed.

C. Air and altitude.

D. Both B and C.

4. It can be felt from the description in the 2nd paragraph that the author

A. admires the beauty of the snowflakes.

B. dislikes the changing growth history of the snowflakes.

C. has a particular feeling for those flower-like crystals.

D. likes to compare snowflakes to the stars in the sky.

5. Libbrecht is not able to

A. create snow crystals of different shapes.

B. make crystals that look similar to one another.

C. create snowflakes that are exactly alike.

D. refine his techniques.


1. A第一段的第一句说,没有两片雪花是同样的,昀后一句说Libbrecht … is confident that the st atement is true。这里的statement指的就是― no two snowflakes are alike‖这句话。所以A是正确选项。

2. D 第二段的第二句、第三句提供了答案。

3. A第三段第二句和第四句中提到了One factor is humidity … A second factor is air temperature。所以A是正确的答案。

4. A第二段描述雪花的形成过程时,用了好几个赞美的词语和句子,如special beauty, six-sided symmetry blossoms,highly ornate等。所以,选项A是恰当的。

5. C 昀后一段告诉我们,Libbrecht可以制造不同形状的雪花。他还改进了制造技术,能制造出极为相似的雪花,但还制造不出完全相同的雪花。所以C是正确答案。



你可能听说过没有两片雪花是完全相同的。当然,没有人曾经检查过每年飘落在地球上的数以万亿计的雪花来证实这一说法。然而,加州技术学院的Kenneth Libbrecht教授仍相信这一说法的真实性。






第二十三篇Powering a City? It's a Breeze

The graceful wooden windmills that have broken up the flat Dutch landscape for centuries—a national symbol like wooden shoes and tulips—yielded long ago to ungainly metal-pole turbines.

Now, windmills are breaking into a new frontier. Though still in its teething stages, the ―urban turbine‖ is a high-tech windmill designed to generate energy from the rooftops of busy citles. Lighter, quieter, and often more efficient than rural counterparts, they take advantage of the extreme turbulence and rapid shifts in direction that characterize urban wind patterns.

Prototypes have been successfully tested in several Dutch cities, and the city government in the Hague has recently agreed to begin a large-scale deployment in 2003. Current models cost US$8,000 to US$12,000 and can generate between 3,000 and 7,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year. a typical Dutch household uses 3,500 kilowatt hours per year, while in the United States, this figure jumps to around 10,000 kilowatt hours.

But so far, they are being designed more for public or commercial buildings than for private homes. The smallest of the current models weigh roughly 200 kilograms and can be installed on a roof in a few hours without using a crane.

Germany, Finland and Denmark have also been experimenting with the technology, but the ever-practical Dutch are natural pioneers in urban wind power mainly because of the lack of space. The Netherlands, with 16 million people crowded into a country twice the size of Slovenia, is the most densely populated in Europe.

Problems remain, however, for example, public safety concerns, and so strict standards should be applied to any potential manufacturers. Vibrations are the main problem in skyscraper-high turbine. People don't know what it would be like to work there, in an office next to one of the big turbines. It might be too hectic.

Meanwhile, projects are under way to use minimills to generate power for lifeboats, streetlights, and portable generators. ―I think the thing about wind power is that you can use it in a whole range of situations,‖ said Corin Millais, of the European Wind Energy Association. ―It's a very local technology, and you can use it right in you backyard. I don't think anybody wants a nuclear power plant in their backyard.‖

1. What are the symbols of Netherlands according to the first paragraph?

A. The flat landscape.

B. Wooden shoes and wooden windmills.

C. Metal-pole turbines.

D. Both A and B.

2. Which statement is best describes the urban turbine mentioned in the second paragraph?

A. It is a windmill put on rooftops of buildings for energy generation.

B. It is a high-tech machine designed to generate energy for urban people.

C. It is light and quiet and therefore more efficient.

D. It is driven by urban wind.

3. The smallest models of an urban turbine

A. is designed for private homes.

C. can be carried up to the rooftop without a crane.

D. can be installed with a crane.

4. The Netherlands leads in the urban turbine technology because

A. the Dutch are natural pioneers.

B. the Dutch have a tradition with windmills.

C. Netherlands is windier than Germany, Finland and Slovenia.

D. Netherlands is a small country with a large population.

5. According to the last paragraph, what are the advantages of wind power technology?

A. It can be used for different purposes.

B. It can replace nuclear power plant.

C. It can be in stalled in one's backyard.

D. It can be installed in one's backyard.

1.题目:What are the symbols of Netherlands according to the first paragraph?

答案:B) Wooden shoes and wooden windmills.

2.题目:Which statement is best describes the urban turbine mentioned in the second paragraph?

答案:B) It is a high-tech machine designed to generate energy for urban people.

3.题目:The smallest models of an urban turbine

答案:C) can be carried up to the rooftop without a crane.

4. 题目:Netherlands leads in the urban turbine technology because

答案:A) Netherlands is a small country with a large population.

5.题目:According to the last paragraph, what are the advantages of wind power technology?

答案:A) It can be used for different purposes and installed in one's back yard.










第二十四篇Underground Coal Fires a Looming Catastrophe

Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment and human life, scientists have warned, these large-scale underground blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surrounding vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can even ignite forest first, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association For the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting release of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils, they warned.

Swainsboro, USA, But surprisingly few people know about them.

Coal can heat up on its own, and eventually catch fire and burn, if there is a continuous oxygen supply. The heat produced is not cause to disappear and under the right combinations of sunlight and oxygen, can trigger spontaneous catching fire and burning. This can occur underground, in coal stockpiles, abandoned mines or even as coal is transported. Such fires in China consume up to 200 million tones of coal per year, delegates were told. In comparison, the U.S. economy consumes about one billion tones of coal annually, said Stracher, whose analysis of the likely impact of coal fires has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Coal Ecology. Once underway, coal fires can burn for decades, even centuries. In the process, they release large volumes of greenhouse gases poisonous fumes and black particles into the atmosphere.

The members of the panel discussed the impact these fires may be having on global and regional climate change, cand agreed that the underground nature of the fires makes them difficult to protect. One of the members of the panel, Assistant Professor Paul Van Dijk of the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth observation in the Netherlands, has been working with the Chinese government to detect and monitor fires in the northern regions of the country.

Ultimately, the remote sensing and other techniques should allow scientists to estimate how much carbon dioxide these fires are emitting. One suggested method of containing the fires was presented by Gary Colaizzi, of the engineering firm Goodson, which has developed a heat-resistant grout (a thin mortar used to fill cracks and crevices), which is designed to be pumped into the coal fire to cut off the oxygen supply.

1. According to the first paragraph, one of the warnings given by the scientists is that

Underground Coal Fires — a Looming(即将到来的)Catastrophe

Coal burning deep underground in China, India and Indonesia is threatening the environment and human life, scientists have warned. These large-scale underground blazes cause the ground temperature to heat up and kill surrounding vegetation, produce greenhouse gases and can even ignite forest fires, a panel of scientists told the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Denver. The resulting release of poisonous elements like arsenic and mercury can also pollute local water sources and soils, they warned.

vegetation 植被

1. According to the first paragraph, one of the warnings given by the scientists is that

A. underground fires loom large in the forests.

B. coal burning deep underground is found in China.

C. poisonous elements released by the underground fires can pollute water sources.

D. arsenic and mercury are the most poisonous elements to water sources.


2. According to the third paragraph, what will happen when the underground heat does not disappear?

―Coal fires are a global catastrophe,‖ said (Associate Professor Glenn Stracher of East Georgia College in Swainsboro, USA.)But surprisingly few people know about them.

Coal can heat up on its own, and eventually catch fire(着火)and burn, if there is a continuous oxygen supply. The heat produced is not caused to disappear and under the right combinations of sunlight and oxygen, can trigger spontaneous catching fire and burning.

catch fire着火

set fire纵火

2. According to the third paragraph, what will happen when the underground heat does not disappear?

A. Coal heats up on its own and catches fire and burns.

B. The underground oxygen will be used up.

C. Poisonous fumes and greenhouse gases will be accumulated underground.

D. There will be an increase of abandoned mines.



This can occur underground, in coal stockpiles(储备物资), abandoned mines or even as coal is transported. Such fires in China consume up to 200 million tones of coal per year, delegates were told. In comparison, the U.S. economy consumes about one billion tones of coal annually, said Stracher, whose analysis of the likely impact of coal fires has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Coal Ecology.

3. What did Stracher analyze in his article published in the International Journal of Coal Ecology?

A. Annual consumption of coal in U.S.

B. Annual consumption of coal in China.

C. How long coal fires has lasted in the northern region of China.

D. Coal fires can have an impact on the environment.


4. Which of the following statements about Paul Van Dijk is NOT true?

Once underway, coal fires can burn for decades, even centuries. In the process, they release large volumes of greenhouse gases, poisonous fumes and black particles into the atmosphere.

The members of the panel discussed the impact these fires may be having on global and regional climate change, and agreed that the underground nature of the fires makes them difficult to protect. One of the members of the panel, Assistant Professor Paul Van Dijk of the (International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation in the Netherlands, has been working with the Chinese government to detect and monitor fires in the northern regions of the country).

4. Which of the following statements about Paul Van Dijk is Not true?

A. He was one of the scientists who have warned against the threats of underground fires.

B. He has detected and monitored underground fires in Netherlands.

C. He has worked with the Chinese government on the underground fires issue.

D. He works for a research institute in the Netherlands.


5. According to the fifth paragraph, what is the suggested method to control under ground fires?

Ultimately, the remote sensing (远程感应)and other techniques should allow scientists to estimate how much carbon dioxide these fires are emitting. One suggested method of containing the fires was presented by Gary Colaizzi, of the engineering firm Goodson, which has developed a heat-resistant grout(水泥浆)(a thin mortar(灰浆)used to fill cracks and crevices), which is designed to be pumped into the coal fire to cut off the oxygen supply.

5. According to the fifth paragraph, what is the suggested method to control under ground fires?

A. Using remote sensing technique.

B. Controlling the release of carbon dioxide.

C. Making the soil heat resistant.

D. Cutting off the oxygen supply.





美国东佐治亚大学Swainboro分校的副教授Glenn Stracher说:―煤矿失火是一个全球性的灾难。‖但令人惊奇的是很少有人知道这一点。


专家们讨论了这些大火对全球和地区气候变化的影响,一致认为火灾地点发生在地下,使得火灾不容易被发现。小组的一个成员,来自荷兰国际地质信息科学和地球观测研究院的Paul Van Dijk副教授已经同中国政府合作探测和控制中国北部地区的煤矿失火情况。

远程感应以及其他技术最终将能够允许科学家们估计出究竟这些大火释放出多少一氧化碳。Goodson工程公司的Gary Colaizzi提出了一种控制火势的方法。他们公司已开发出一种隔热水泥浆(一种稀灰浆用来填充裂缝),它可以被灌注到失火的煤矿中以切断氧气来源。

第二十五篇Eat to Live

A meager diet may give you health and long life, but it's not much fun—and it might not even be necessary. We may be able to hang on to1 most of that youthful vigor even if we don't start to diet until old age.

Stephen Spindler and his colleagues from the University of California at Riverside have found that some of an elderly mouse's liver genes can be made to behave as they did when the mouse was young simply by limiting its food for four weeks. The genetic rejuvenation won't reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins2.

Spindler's team fed three mice a normal diet for their whole lives, and fed another three on half-rations. Three more mice were switched from the normal diet to half-feed3 for a month when they were 34 months old—equivalent to about 70 human years.

The researchers checked the activity of 11,000 genes from the mouse livers, and found that 46 changed with age in the normally fed mice. The changes were associated with things like inflammation and free radical production4—probably bad news for mouse health. In the mice that had dieted all their lives, 27 of those 46 genes continued to behave like young genes. But the most surprising finding was that the mice that only started dieting in old age also benefited from 70 per cent of these gene changes.

―This is the first indication that thee effects kick in5 pretty quickly,‖ says Huber Warner from the National Institute on Aging near Washington, D. C.

No one yet knows if calori e works in people as it does in mice, bus Spindler is hopeful. ―There's attracting and tempting evidence out there that it will work,‖ he says.

If it does work in people, there might be good reasons for rejuvenating the liver. As we get older, out bodies are les efficient at metabolizing drugs, for example. A brief period of time of dieting, says Spindler, could be enough to make sure a drug is effective.

But Spindler isn't sure the trade-off is worth it6. ―The mice get less disease, they live longer but they're hungry,‖ he says. ―Even seeing what a diet does, it's still hard to go to a restaurant and say: 'I can only eat half of that'.‖Spindler hopes we soon won't need to diet at all. His company, Life Span Genetics in California, is looking for drugs that have the effects of calorie restriction.


meager ['mi:ɡ?(r)] adj. 不足的

youthful [''ju:θful] adj. 有青春活力的

vigor ['v?ɡ?(r)] n. 精力,活力

metabolize [m?'tæb?laiz] vt. 使(一种物质)进入新陈代谢过程

genetic [d??'net?k] adj. 基因的

rejuvenation [ri?d?u:v?'nei∫?n] n. 恢复活力,返老还童

liver ['liv?] n. 肝脏

toxin ['t?ksin] n. 毒素

ration ['ræ∫?n] n. 定量

calorie ['kæl?ri] n. 卡(热量的单位)

inflammation [?infl?'mei∫?n] n. 炎症,发炎

trade-off n. 交换,交易

rejuvenate [ri'd?u:vineit] vt. 使恢复活力



2. The genetic rejuvenation won‘t reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins. 老鼠的肝部基因恢复活力不会逆转老鼠在其他方面的老化,但却有助于肝脏带血药物或除去毒素。other damager caused by time 岁月造成的其他方面的破坏,即―其他方面的老化‖。Metabolize drugs:代谢药物,即―使药物参与新陈代谢以提高药效‖。get rid of :摆脱,除去。

3. half-rations 和half-feed: 都是指―老鼠饲料正常定量(normal diet)的一半‖。

4. free radical production:指―(有机体组织、器官等的)无限激增‖。

5. kick in :意为―开始起作用‖。如:We‘re still waiting for the air conditioning to kick in :我们还在等着空调开始起作用。

6.be worth it :意为―值得,有益‖。例如:They are expensive, but they are worth it. 那些东西很贵,但划得来。练习:

1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Eating less than usual might make us live longer.

B. If we go on a diet when old, we may keep healthy.

C. Dieting might not be needed.

D. We have to begin dieting from childhood.

2. Why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?

A. To describe the influence of old age on mice.

B. To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice.

C. To tell us how mice‘s liver genes behave.

D. To inform us of the process of metabolizing drugs.

3. What can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?

A. They will not experience free radical production.

B. They will experience more genetic rejuvenation in their lifetime.

C. They have more old liver genes to behave like young genes.

D. They are more likely to suffer from inflammation.

4. According to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?

A. The mice that started dieting in old age.

B. 27 of those 46 old genes that continued to behave like young genes.

C. Calorie restriction that works in people.

D. Dieting that makes sure a drug is effective.

5. According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that

A. calorie restriction is very important to young people

B. seeing the effect of a diet, people will eat less than normal.

C. dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life.

D. drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.


1. D 第一段第一句讲―节食可能不是非做不可的事‖,第二句讲―即使上了年纪再节食,我们仍然有可能在很大程度上保持青春活力‖,因此,―我们必须从小就开始节食‖是错误的,D是答案。

2. B 第二段体积―一只高龄老鼠‖的时候,作者谈到,―只要连续四周限制它仅是,它的肝脏基因就会变得和衰老前一样充满活力‖。据此,―为了描述节食对老鼠所产生的影响‖最好地回答了题干中的问题。

3. D 第四段提到,―正常饲养的老鼠随着年龄的增长有46条肝脏基因会发生变化,这种变化与炎症和身体组织无限激增相关‖,因此,D正确。

4. A 第四段最后一个句子讲―但最惊人的发现时那些上了年纪才开始节食的老鼠也能从70%的基因变化中受益‖。―最惊人的‖自然是―最令研究人员感兴趣的‖。

5. C 文章的最后两段谈及Spindler 对节食的看法。首先,他不能肯定节食是否值得。其次,他希望在不久的将来,我们不必解释。所以我们可以退职,他认为节食不是得以健康长寿的好办法。











To sleep. Perchance to file? Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences further support the theory that the brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz's.

Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University5 and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electrical activity emanating from6 the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processes sensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning and memory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the neocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory consolidation. A second study, also published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, links age-associated memory decline to high glucose levels.

Previous research had shown that individuals with diabetes suffer from increased memory problems. In the new work, Antonio Convit of New York University School of Medicine and his collaborators studied 30 people whose average age was 69 to investigate whether sugar levels, which tend to increase with age, affect memory in healthy people as well. The scientists administered11 recall tests, brain scans and glucose tolerance tests, which measure how quickly sugar is absorbed from the blood by the body's tissues. Subjects with the poorest memory recollection, the team discovered, also displayed the poorest glucose tolerance. In addition, their brain scans showed more hippocampus shrinkage than those of subjects better able to absorb blood sugar.

"Our study suggests that this impairment12 may contribute to the memory deficits13 that occur as people age." Convit says. "And it raises the intriguing possibility that improving glucose tolerance could reverse some age-associated problems in cognition.14" Exercise and weight control can help keep glucose levels in check15, so there may be one more reason to go to the gym.


perchance adv. 偶然;可能

online n. 在线的

stow vt. 贮藏,堆装

somatosensory adj. 体觉的

neocortex n. 新(大脑)皮质

oscillation n. 振荡

intertwine v. 缠绕

spindle n. 纺锤体

ripple n. 波动,脉动

diabetes n. 糖尿病

recollection n. 回忆

shrinkage n. 收缩

impairment n. 损伤

intrigue n. 引起。。。兴趣(或好奇心)

cognition n. 认识


1. file memories:归档并储存记忆。file:意为"to put or keep (papers,etc. ) in useful order for storage or reference"(把…归档)。

2. To sleep. Perchance to file? :从莎士比亚笔下哈姆雷特的独白中的名句" To sleep: perchance to dream. "改编而来。

3. the Proceedings: (科学文献、会议文献)汇编,常用复数形式。

4. zzz:(拟声词)打鼾声

5. Rutgers University:美国新泽西州立大学(the State University of New Jersey)。

6. emanating from:发源于。

7. neocortex:新(大脑)皮质,尤指大的高等哺乳动物大脑中新生长的部分,也叫做neopallium。neo-:前縀,意思是"新的"。

8. thehippocampus:大脑侧面脑室壁上的隆起物,也称"海马状突起",在泛记过程中起主要作用。

9. tens of milliseconds:几十毫秒

10. age-associated memory decline:与年龄相关的记忆衰退

11. administer:实施

12. this impairment:指上句中hippocampus shrinkage.

13. memory deficits:记忆衰退

14. … the intriguing possibility that improving glucose tol erance could reverse some age-associated problems in cognition:令人兴奋的可能性,即不断改善葡萄糖容许量可以完全改变对某些与年龄相关的认知问题。

15. keep glucose levels in check:限制葡萄糖水平。in check:在控制中,被阻止。


1. Which of the following statements is nearest in meaning to the sentence "To sleep. Perchance to file?"? A Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep?

B Does brain have memories when one is sleeping?

C Does brain remember files after one falls asleep?

D Does brain work on files in sleep?

2. What is the result of the experiment with rats and mice carried out at Rutgers University?

A The electrical activity is emanating from the somatosensory neocortex.

B Oscillations in brain waves are from hippocampus.

C Somatosensory neocortex and hippocampus work together in memory consolidation.

D Somatosensory neocortex plays it primary role in memory consolidation.

3. What is the relation of memory to glucose tolerance, as is indicated by a research mentioned in paragraph 4?

A People with poor memory have high glucose tolerance.

B People with good memory have low glucose tolerance.

C Memory level has nothing to do with glucose tolerance.

4. In what way is memory related to hippocampus shrinkage?

A There is no relation between memory and hippocampus shrinkage.

B The more hippocampus shrinks, the poorer one's memory.

C The more hippocampus shrinks, the better one's memory.

D The less hippocampus shrinks, the poorer one's memory.

5. According to the last paragraph, what is the ultimate reason for going to the gym?

A To prevent hippocampus shrinkage.

B To control weight.

C To exercise.

D To control glucose levels.


1. A文章第一段告诉我们,科学新发现进一步支持了一种理论,即,当人体进入睡眠状态时,大脑对在白天形成的记忆进行组织和储存。To sleep. Perchance to file?见注释1和注释2。

2. C 第二段告诉我们,科学家分析了老鼠的脑电波,尤其是从somatosensory neocortex和hippocampus两个区域发出的脑电波。该段是后两句指出,这两个大脑区域的活动是互相作用的。第二段并没有说somatosensory neocortex或hippocampus起主导作用。

3. D 该段倒数第二句提供了答案。

4. B 第四段的后一句中their brain scans,指上句中的subjects

5. D 锻炼身体和体重控制能保持葡萄糖水平,闲此,去健身房就有了另外一个理由。








第二十七篇Driven to Distraction

Joe Coyne slides into the driver‘s eat, starts up the car and heads to town. The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him.

But even if he hadn‘t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe. She isn‘t real. Neither is the town. And Coyne isn‘t really driving. Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University (ODU) examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel.

The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting—or whether

―We‘re looking at the performance and mental workload of drivers,‖ said Caryl Baldwin, the assistant psychology professor leading the research, which involves measuring drivers‘ reaction time and brain activity as they respond to auditory and visual cues.

The researchers just completed a study of the mental workload involved in driving through different kinds of environments and heavy vs. light traffic. Preliminary results show that as people ―get into more challenging driving situations, they don‘t have any extra mental energy to respond to something else in the environment,‖ Baldwin said.

But the tradeoffs could be worth it, she said. This next step is to test different ways of giving drivers navigational information and how those methods change the drivers‘ mental workload.

―Is it best if they see a picture…that shows their position, a map kind of display?‖ Baldwin said. ―Is it best if they hear it?‖ navi gational systems now on the market give point-by-point directions that follow a prescribed route. ―They‘re very unforgiving,‖ Baldwin said. ―If you miss a turn, they can almost seem to get angry.‖

That style of directions also can be frustrating for people who prefer more general instructions. But such broad directions can confuse drivers who prefer route directions, Baldwin said.

Perhaps manufacturers should allow drivers to choose the style of directions they want, or modify systems to present some information in a way that makes sense for people who prefer the survey style, she said.

Interestingly, other research has shown that about 60 percent of men prefer the survey style, while 60 percent women prefer the route style, Baldwin said. This explain s the classic little thing of why men don‘t like to stop and ask for directions and women do, Baldwin added.

1. Which statement is true of the description in the first two paragraphs?

A. If Coyne had stopped the car in time, he wouldn‘t have hit the woma n.

B. The woman would have been knocked over, if Coyne had followed the traffic regulations.

C. Coyne is not really driving so it is impossible for him to have hit the woman.

D. If the woman had not crossed the street suddenly, Coyne would not have hit her.

2. What do researchers want to find out, according to the third and fourth paragraphs?

A. Whether or not audible or written directions are distracting.

B. how long it will take the driver to respond to auditory and visual stimuli.

C. How the driver perform under certain metal workload.

D. All of the above.

3. What are the preliminary results given in the fifth paragraph?

A. Drivers are afraid of getting into challenging driving situations.

B. In challenging driving situations, drivers still have extra energy to handle other things.

C. In challenging driving situations, drivers do not have any additional mental energy to deal with something else.

D. Drivers‘ mental load remains unchanged under different situations.

4. The sixth paragraph mainly state that the researchers.

A. is designing a visual navigational information system.

B. is designing an audio navigational information system.

C. is designing an audio-visual navigational information system.

D. want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system.

5. What kind of directions do men and women prefer?

A. Women prefer more general directions and men prefer route directions.

B. Men prefer more general directions and women prefer route direction.

C. Both men and women prefer general directions.

D. Both men and women prefer route directions.


1. C 根据第一段和第二段的内容,读者可以知道,这不是Coyne真实的驾车经历。第二段的第一句是虚拟语气,意思是即使他没有及时刹车,那位妇女也是安全的。因此A、B和D都不符合句意。

2. D 第三段告诉我们,研究者要了解什么样的驾车指南会使回车者分心。第四段告诉我们,他们要研究驾


2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案2017年职称英语理工类A类词汇练习题及答案 1It is (ridiculous) to dispute about such things. A foolish B shocking C frightening D amusing 2It was (obvious) that she was not going home. A evident B necessary C possible D probable 3He (replied) that this was absolutely impossible. A stated B answered C said D claimed 4He (Confesses) that he has done it. A agrees B alleges C admits D answers 5He lacked the strength to (deal with) all these problems A think of B talk about C copy down D cope with 6He (purchased) a ticket and went up on the top deck. A bought B took C showed D made 7Foreign money can be (converted) into the local currency at this bank. A written B changed C moved D reported 8He looks like a (crazy) man. A lazy B patient C mad D happy 9We cannot permit such (conduct). A movement B words C principle D behavior 10 She (started) to clean the kitchen. A stopped B began C continued D kept 11 John (talked over) the new job offer with his wife. A discussed B mentioned C accepted D rejected 12 I (rarely) wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car. A normally B continuously C seldom D usually 13 We (explored) the possibility of closer trade links at the conference. A rejected B investigated C proposed D postponed 14 He often (finds fault with) my work. A criticizes B praises C evaluates D talks about


职称英语查词典的技巧 职称英语是闭卷考,但允许考生携带词典进入考场。关于词典,国家有明确的规定,以下词典不允许带入考场: 有职称字样的词典不要带入考场; 针对职称英语考试编写的词典不能带入考场; 电子出版物,即电子词典不能带入考场。 其它的词典国家没有明确的规定。因此建议尽量选择具备同义词、收词量相对较大的词典。 此外,能否取胜职称英语,掌握查词典的技巧,尤其是合理分配查词典的时间也是很关键的。 在以往的`考试中,很多考生把词典当成“救命稻草”,抱着一大堆各种类型的词典进考场。但往往不是多数词典派不上用场,就是因为翻词典而浪费了大量的时间无法做完 ___,因此,建议:要有针对性地带词典。例如针对英语考试中的第一部分词汇题,老师建议考生带一本同义词词典或双解词典,这类词典的特点是用几个同义词注解某一英文单词,考生可以非常方便地在注解中找到答案。

其次,为了节省时间,考生最好是带自己经常使用、习惯了其编排规律的词典。在以往的考试中,甚至有少数考生对英语词典中字母表排列顺序的规律都不了解,这等于把这一得力工具浪费了。 综上所述,带一本自己常用的,正规的双解词典就好了,因为是去参加考试,不是去翻字典。 对于词汇选择题,最好从B、C两个选项查起。根据美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,选择题的4个选项中,B、C两个选项是正确答案的可能性更高。从这2个选项查起,更能节约考试时间。 重点查阅单词的常用解释。单词与汉语一样,一个单词可能同时有好几个解释,但是职称英语考试中一般都只会考察单词的常用意思,因此有多个解释的单词只需查阅其前三个解释即可。 一旦将答案确定,不要再查询其它单词,以免浪费时间。有些考生希望能确认或是不太肯定所选择答案,往往就把4个选项均查询了一遍,不仅浪费了时间,也可能将原本的正确答案修改了,第一感觉是很重要的!


2015年职称英语理工类B级考试真题 第一部分:词汇选项 1.The organization was bold enough to face the press. A.pleased B.powerful C.brave D.sensible 参考答案:C 2.I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A.accept B.control C.observe D.regulate 参考答案:A 3.I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A.limit B.fear C.power D.fool 参考答案:B 4.Most people find rejection hard to accept. A.excuse B.client C.destiny D.refusal 参考答案:D 5.She's extremely competent and industrious. A.hardworking B.honest C.objective D.independent 参考答案:A 6.The doctors did not reveal the truth to him. A.hide B.handle C.disclose D.establish 参考答案:C 7.He tried to assemble his thoughts. A.clear B.share C.gather D.spare 参考答案:C

8.The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A.message B.punishment C.guilt D.obligation 参考答案:B 9.Prisoners were kept in the most appalling conditions. A.flexible B.terrible C.reasonable D.serious 参考答案:B 10.These products are inferior to those we brought last year. A.poorer than B.narrower than https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18091884.html,rger than D.richer than 参考答案:A 11.The political situation in the region has deteriorated rapidly. A.improved B.changed C.worsened D.developed 参考答案:C 12.There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building. A.coexisting B.fair C.full D.pubic 参考答案:A 13.They're petitioning for better facilities for the disabled on public transport. A.requesting B.planning C.preparing D.looking 参考答案:A 14.He said some harsh words about his brother. A.unkind B.proper C.normal D.unclear 参考答案:A 15.We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A.amount


2013年职称英语考试理工类复习笔记 一、动词 从一定意义上讲,英语语法就是动词的语法,因此,掌握动词的特性、变化、句型是学习英语语法的重中之重。为了能更好地理解下面的讲课内容,首先要搞清动词的几个基本概念。 1) be 动词和do动词:be动词也称状态动词,用于说明状态或性质,主要用于构成英语的主系表句型;do动词也称为行为动词,分及物动词和不及物动词; 2) 及物动词和不及物动词:不及物动词后面不跟宾语, 也没有被动语态; 及物动词后面一定要有宾语; 3) 双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)结构和复合宾语(宾语+ 宾语补足语)结构:比较下面两个句子: My mother made me a cake.(母亲给我做了块蛋糕。) My father made me a doctor. (父亲把我培养成一名医生。) 第一句是双宾语结构,即My mother made a cake for me. 第二句是复合宾语结构,其句法功能为:My father made me (to) be a doctor (I am a doctor). 说明复合宾语结构中,宾语和宾语补足语之间有"主谓关系".

4) 情态动词:must, should, ought to, can, may, need, used to 等动词称为情态动词,有三大特征:A. 不受主语人称和数的影响,如:He may go now. / May I go now? 句中may的形式不变;B. 否定时在后面加not, 如:You ought not to have cheated her. C. 与另一动词连用,中间不用+ " to ", 如上举例。 请根据上述原则,(从语法角度)说出以下那种表达方式是对的: A. She needs to see a doctor. B. She doesn't need to see a doctor. C. Does she need to see a doctor? D. She needs not see a doctor. E. She needn't see a doctor. F. She doesn't need see a doctor. G. She needs see a doctor. 从语法角度看,A、B、C、E是对的。 5) 助动词:帮助实意动词构成某种结构的词,如: He did come yesterday; I saw him in the office.(他昨天确实来了;我在办公室见到他的。——表示强调) 五个基本句型 考研网校医药网校外语网校公务员网校网络课堂网上学习建筑网校


2020年职称英语理工A概括大意真题及答案 Geothermal(地热)Energy 1.Since heat naturally moves from hotter regions to cooler ones, the heat from the earth's center flows outwards towards the surface. In this way, it transfers to the next layer of rock. If the temperature is high enough, some of this rock melts and forms magma(岩浆). The magma ascends in its turn towards the earth's surface. It often remains well below the earth's surface, creating vast areas of hot rock. In such regions, there are deep cracks, which allow rainwater to descend underground. Some of the heated rainwater travels back up to the earth's surface where it will appear as a hot spring. However, if this ascending hot water reaches a layer of impermeable(不可渗透的)rock, it remains trapped, forming a geothermal reservoir. If geothermal reservoirs are close enough to the surface, they can be reached by drilling wells. Hot water and steam shoot up the wells naturally, and can be used to produce electricity in geothermal power plants. 2.A few geothermal power plants depend on dry-stem reservoirs which produce steam but little or no water. In these cases, the steam is piped up directly to provide the power to spin a turbine generator. The first geothermal power plant, constructed at Lardarello in Italy, was of this type, and is still producing electricity today. 3.Most currently operating geothermal power plants are either "flash" steam plants or binary(双重的)plants. Flash plants produce mainly hot water ranging in temperature from 300° to 700°Fahrenheit. This water is passed through one or



职称英语考试备考技巧 一、词汇: 需要考生在最后阶段练习查字典,建议一天练习查60对,而且一个词汇题要反、正查,同时也要进行职称考试中常考词汇的记忆,这样可以在考试时提高速度,节省时间。 词汇题一般情况下仅凭字典一般也能做对,因此考生对自己不认识、不熟悉或没有绝对把握的题一定要通过字典来确认,从而确保词汇题100%的正确率。特别提醒考生,考试时要带上一本带有同义词的词典。且词典不能含有职称、考试等字样,更不能带电子词典。 二、阅读判断: 答题时需掌握一条原则,就是在文章中有明确提出的才能确定为对。题目中若出现must、only、all、always等时,答案一般不会是对的。 除上面的原则外,一般根据下列原则和规律也可以确定正确答案。选择A、B或C的三种情况: 选A的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全一致或基本一致 选B的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全相反 选C的情况:如果某题干部分或局部信息在原文中未提到 三、概括大意和完成句子: 概括大意要先看选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落。完成句子则要根据所给的短句进行选择,比较好的方法是找同类动词。 同时读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇,正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,并不是该段话全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的主题句。 四、阅读理解: 首先要重点掌握教材上的阅读理解的重点文章的背诵,来抓住出自教材上的分数,这是顺利通过考试很关键的一步。

同时充分利用老师在课上讲的解题技巧,如大标题做题法、红花绿叶原则、顺序出题原则、关键词回归定位法通过做模拟试题来进行解题技巧的演练和应用。 在做题时要注意:搞清主旨题、细节题、推理题、逻辑关系题、观点态度题。注意标题、首尾段、首尾句、逻辑关系处、细节处等出题点;在阅读时见到日期、数量等要先做好标记,这样有重点有理有节的解题,才有可能取得满意的成绩。 五、补全短文: 要先看标题定文体,再看选项,观察选项时应注意抓主干,猜大意,弄清选项大意是表示定义、因果、例子还是措施;不要放过代词、专用名字、连接词、数字等特征词;然后回头再去看课文,明确1-5的位置。 解每道题时只需要阅读该题所在段落,不需要阅读其他段落。往往通过阅读该题目的前后句就能够确定答案,在考试时,应该注意利用以下前后句子存在的关系来做题: (1)利用转折关系 (2)利用归纳总结关系 (3)利用总分关系 (4)利用并列关系 六、完形填空: (1)掌握教材上的文章内容,尤其是2013年新增文章。把这些文章在考前一个月内,争取背到“滚瓜烂熟”,这样,就算考试时怎样变化都可以应付。 (2)语法知识的总结和固定搭配、词组的记忆。这样在做题时,阅读整篇文章,考生才能从头判断每个空所缺的词的语言形式,如词类、时态、语态,并判断该词应具有的符合文章上下文的词义,最后从给出的四个选项中,选出在语法与词义上均与原文相符合的一个。除掌握以上解题技巧外,考生最好配合在模拟真实的考试时间进行模拟试题的演练,这样不但可以直接掌握复习效果,还可以迅速找到自己的薄弱环节,通过单项训练,逐一提高成绩。最后,提醒考生,在抓紧时间复习的同时要放松心情,以轻松的心态迎接考试。预祝顺利通过考试! 全国职称英语考试必过秘籍(免背单词+免读全文版) 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”:


职称英语理工类B级阅读理解真题及答案(第三篇) 第4部分:阅读理解(第31——45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个选项。 第三篇 Can You Hear This? When something creates a sound wave in a room or anauditorium, listeners hear the sound wave directly from the source. They alsohear the reflections as the sound bounces off thewalls. floor, and ceiling. These are called the reflected wave or reverberant(反射)sound, which can be heard evenafter the sound is no longer coming from the source. The reverberation time of an auditorium isdetermined by the volume or interior size of the auditorium. It is alsodetermined by how well or how poorly the walls, ceiling, floor, and contents ofthe room (including the people) absorb sound. There is no ideal reverberation time,because each use of an auditorium calls for different reverberation. Speechneeds to be understood clearly; therefore rooms used for talking must have ashort reverberation time. The full-sound performance of music such ad Wagneroperas or Mahler symphonies should have a long reverberation time. The light,rapid musical passages of Bach or Mozart need a reverberation time somewherebetween. Acoustic problems often are caused by poorauditorium design. Smooth, curved reflecting surfaces create large reflections.Parallel (平行的)wallsreflect sound back and forth, creating a rapid, repetitive pulsing https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18091884.html,rge pillars (柱)and comerscan cause acoustic shadows as the sound waves try to pass around the object.Some of these


2013年职称英语真题理工C(含答案解析) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I tried to detach myself from the reality of these terrible events. A. bring B. separate C. put D. set 2. The odd thing was that he didn’t recognize me. A. real B. whole C. same D. strange 3. That performance was pretty impressive. A. completely B. very C. Beautifully D. equally 4. I grabbed his arm and made him turn to look at me. A. throw B. seized C. broke D. stretched 5. The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine. A. structure B. bottom C. Surface D. top 6. We found shelter from the rain under the trees. A. defense B. protection C standing D. room 7. “There is no other choice.” She sa id in a harsh voice. A. firm B. soft C. deep D. unkind 8. Traffic reaches its rush hour between 8:00 and 9:00 in the morning. A. border B. goal C. level D. peak 9. We have to change the public’s perception that money is everything. A. sight B. belief C. interest D. pressure 10. This was an unexceptionally brutal attack.


2020年职称英语理工类A级真题及答案(词汇选项)2020年职称英语理工类A级词汇选项考试真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1——15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. The revelation of his past ledto his resignation. A.imagination B. confirmation C.recall D. disclosure 答案为D. revelation(揭露)– disclosure(揭露) 2. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can bevery brutal. A.careless B. cruel C.strong D. hard 答案为B. brutal(残忍的) – cruel 3. You’ll have to sprint if youwant to catch the train. A.jump B.escape C. run D.prepare 答案为C. sprint (快速奔跑) – run(奔跑) 4. We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty. A. changeable B. stable C.suitable D.adaptable

答案为A. fluid(不稳定的) –changeable (易变的) 5. The new garment fits herperfectly. A.haircut B. purse C. clothes D.necklace 答案为C. garment(衣服) –clothes(衣服) 6. The phobia may have its root in achildhood trauma. A.fear B. joy C. hurt D.memory 答案为C. trauma(精神上的创伤) – hurt(感情上的伤心或痛苦) 7. They have to build canals to irrigatethe desert. A.decorate B. water C.change D. visit 答案为B. irrigate(灌溉) –water(给…浇水) 8. Her overall language proficiencyremains that of a toddler. A.disabled B. pupil C.teenager D. baby 答案为D. toddler(学步的儿童) – baby(婴儿) 9. The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold. A. warm B.severe C.hard D.dry


2012年职称英语理工类 新增文章 阅读理解(6篇) 第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep 第十九篇Graphene's Superstrength1 *第三+八篇"Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan *第四十篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四+五篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety +第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers" 注: 1、+表示A级文章;*表示B即文章;其他为C级文章 2、阅读理解 3、2012年词汇部分与2011年教材相比未作任何变化 阅读理解 第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep All we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock,your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when you wake,when you eat and when you sleep. Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you it's time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later. This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a gray cloud6when they don't get enough sleep,says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University in Providence,RI7 .It affects their mood and their ability to think and learn. But just like your alarm clock,your internal clock can be reset. In fact,it automatically resets itself every day. How? By using the light it gets through your eyes. Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchers thought that the signals that synchronize the body's clock8were handled through the same pathways that we use to see. But recent discoveries show that the human eye has two separate light-sensing


2013年度全国职称英语等级考试理工类(B级)试题及参考答案 职称英语考试历年真题汇总>>https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18091884.html,/zZnTL (复制链接,点击“打开链接”即可访问) 更多精品备考资料在职称英语考试交流群:151033695 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down. A shut B break C set D beat 2. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town. A naked B blind C cautious D private 3. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error. A general B inflexible C complex D direct 4. It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already. A right B unbelievable C obvious D unclear 5. These animals migrate south annually in search of food. A explore B inhabit C prefer D travel 6. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems. A send B hear C confirm D spread 7. She came across three children sleeping under a bridge. A found by chance B passed by C took a notice of D woke up 8. I have little information as regards her fitness for the post. A about B at C with D from 9. As a politician, he knows how to manipulate public opinion. A express B divide C influence D voice 10. He was tempted by the high salary offered by the company. A taught B kept C changed D attracted 11. He paused, waiting for her to digest the information. A withhold B exchange C understand D contact 12. Make sure the table is securely anchored. A repaired B cleared C booked D fixed 13. She gets aggressive when she is drunk.


++2010年全国职称英语综合类(A级)考试真题及答案 第一部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. Her father was a quiet man with graceful manners. A. bad B. polite C. similar D. usual 2. Patricia stared at the other girls with resentment. A. love B. surprise C. doubt D. anger 3. Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day. A. energentic B. physical C. regular D. free 4. Our aggrangements were thrown into complete turmoil. A. failure B. confusion C. doubt D. relief 5. Steep stairs can present a particular hazard to older people. A. evidence B. danger C. case D. picture 6. I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very funny dialogues. A. long B. original C. humorous D. boring 7. He demolished my arguments in minutes. A. disproved B. disputed C. accepted D. supported 8. The two banks have announced plans to merge next year. A. combine B. sell C. close D. break 9. Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone. A. immediate B. great C. equal D. moderate 10. I want to provide my boys with a decent education. A. private B. general C. good D. special 11. Lower taxes would spur investment and help economic growth. A. attract B. encourage C. require D. spend 12. He was kept in appalling conditions in prison. A. critical B. temble C. necessary D. normal 13. I can't put up with my neighbor's noise any longer, it's driving me mad. A. measure B. generate C. tolerate D. reduce 14. The project required ten years of diligent research. A. hardworking B. scientific C. basic D. social 15. He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school. A. unclear B. bright C. bad D. general 第二部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 The Writing's on the Wall? Is it art or is it just vandalism (野蛮行为)? Well, it's still a crime, but graffiti (涂鸦) has changed since the days of spraying your name on a wall to mark your territory. Street art has become much more sophisticated since a 17-year-old called Demetrius started spraying his "tag" , TAKI 183, all over the New York underground in 1971, and hip - hop culture was born. Hip-hop is a mixture of art, music and dancing, poetry, language and fashion. It came from young inner-city people who fell left out by their richer classmates and who were desperate to express themselves in any way they could. An experiment to control the spread of graffiti in Rochdale, Creater Manchester, has been sosuccessful that plans have been made by local street artists for an international convention in June. "We're planning to get people together from different countries like France and Cermany for a week, " says Liam, one of the organizers. The scheme started in 2000, and has attracted people of all age groups and both sexes. " We all share a commen interest and get on really well with each other. " The first site to be chosen was a subway. " Before we began, people were afraid to use the subway. We had it cleaned up and now, with all the artists hanging out down there, people are using it again. People can relate to graffiti much more now. " By providing places to display their talents legally, there has been a fall in the amount of "tagging" on people's private property. Street artists Temper developed his drawing skills at a young age. In art classes at school he was really frustrated because the Art teacher didn't spend time with him. They thought he was already very good at art and so spend more time with other students. So, at 12 years old, Temper started painting with all these guys he'd hooked up with who were about 22 years old. He looked
