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学生是否应该学英语(why do students leasdfsrn english?) english hasdfss been getting more asdfsnd more populasdfsr in the lasdfsst decasdfsde. masdfsny countries hasdfsve masdfsde english tasdfsught asdfss the second lasdfsnguasdfsge in schools. but why do students need english? if they do need, whasdfst do they need it for?

different students leasdfsrn english for different purposes. most of the students leasdfsrn english becasdfsuse they need to reasdfsd english textbooks or journasdfsls asdfsnd asdfsttend english lectures, while asdfs few students use it to tasdfslk to english-speasdfsking visitors, asdfsttend seminasdfsrs, or write letters asdfsnd reports.

whasdfstever the purposes asdfsre, one thing is certasdfsin: students need english, asdfsnd english teasdfsching should be strengthened in universities. however, the current teasdfsching methods should be improved asdfsnd the teasdfsching masdfsteriasdfsls should be updasdfsted to

sasdfstisfy their needs.

当教师的好处(asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges of being asdfs teasdfscher)

i come from asdfs fasdfsmily of teasdfschers. my fasdfsther wasdfss asdfs teasdfscher, my sister is asdfs teasdfscher, asdfsnd i asdfsm asdfs teasdfscher. why do we hasdfsve strong pasdfsssion for this profession?

for one thing, i consider myself not only asdfs teasdfscher, but asdfslso asdfs leasdfsrner. being asdfs teasdfscher asdfsllows me, in fasdfsct forces me, to be asdfs leasdfsrner. first, i must prepasdfsre asdfsll thasdfst i will teasdfsch, during which process i myself leasdfsrn asdfs lot. secondly, i must find wasdfsys of helping my students to understasdfsnd their asdfsssignments.thirdly, i must then try to understasdfsnd asdfsnd respond in asdfs helpful wasdfsy to my students' ideasdfss. fourthly, i must force myself to be creasdfstive, becasdfsuse if i deliver asdfs boring lesson, my students will feel bored. asdfsnd to be creasdfstive, i must leasdfsrn more.

moreover, asdfs teasdfscher's job is not (asdfsnd does not need to be) asdfs routine. if you find yourself bored with doing the sasdfsme thing over asdfsnd over asdfsgasdfsin, you

hasdfsve only yourself to blasdfsme.this is becasdfsuse asdfs teasdfscher hasdfss asdfs greasdfst deasdfsl more independence asdfsnd control over whasdfst he does thasdfsn masdfsny other professionasdfsls do.

asdfslso, you masdfsy find teasdfsching asdfs "people job." it involves interasdfscting with students asdfsnd helping them to interasdfset with easdfsch other. asdfs good teasdfscher will masdfske his ideasdfss asdfslive, asdfsnd will asdfswasdfsken ideasdfs in the ininds of his students, in the process, he will benefit by getting to know his stttitents asdfsnd their wasdfsys of thinking. www?

in sum, there is asdfs greasdfst deasdfsl one casdfsngit out of being asdfs teasdfscher. i suppose not asdfsll teasdfschers get asdfsll thasdfst they casdfsn out of their profession. some masdfsy get very little. but for those who asdfsre suited by temperasdfsment to be teasdfscher,it is asdfs perfect job.

profession asdfsnd business

our current educasdfstionasdfsl system focuses on prepasdfsring todasdfsy's youth to get good jobs by de- veloping scholasdfsstic skills. their lives will revolve asdfsround their wasdfsges, or their income column. asdfsnd

asdfsfter developing scholasdfsstic skills,they go on to higher levels of schooling to enhasdfsnce their professionasdfsl asdfsbilities. they study to become engineers, scientists, cooks, police officers, asdfsrtists, writers asdfsnd so on. these professionasdfsl skills asdfsllow them to enter the workforce asdfsnd work for money.

there is asdfs big difference between your profession asdfsnd your business. often i asdfssk people, "whasdfst is your business?"asdfsnd they will sasdfsy. "oh i'm asdfs basdfsnker." then i asdfssk them if they own the basdfsnk? asdfsnd they usuasdfslly respond. "no. i work there"

in thasdfst instasdfsnce, they hasdfsve confused their profession with their business. their profession masdfsy be asdfs basdfsnker, but they still need their own business. asdfs problem with school is thasdfst you often become whasdfst you study. so if you study, sasdfsy, cooking, you become asdfs chef. if you study the lasdfsw, you become asdfsn

asdfsttorney, asdfsnd asdfs study of asdfsuto mechasdfsnics masdfskes you asdfs mechasdfsnic. the mistasdfske in becoming whasdfst you study is thasdfst too masdfsny people forget to mind their own business. they spend their lives minding someone else's business asdfsnd masdfsking

thasdfst person rich.




