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China lies in the east of Asia and it has the largest population in the world. China is also one of the four countries in the world that have an ancient civilization, Besides, it has a vast territory with such abundant natural resources as dense forests, magnificent waterfalls, majestic and beautiful rivers and lakes, and mountains whose peaks reach high into the sky like swords. All these make China a singularly attractive place to tourists around the world. But, most importantly, China boasts a history of over five thousand years with innumerable historical relics left over from the long past, such as priceless pearls and jewels, historic sites and scenic spots, palaces and edifices of architectural richness, all of which have won people’s admiration. You are sure to find great enjoyment from all these attractions in China, a much-admired dream land.


The traditional Chinese culture, both extensive and profound, starts far back and runs a long, long course. More than 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other theories and doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought, all being covered by the famous term” the masters’ hundred schools.” The traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities, which are essentially populist and democratic. For example, they lay stress on the importance of kindness and love in human relations, on the interest of the community, on seeking harmony without uniformity and on the idea that the world is for all. Especially, patriotism as embodied in the saying ”Everybody is responsible for the rise or fall of the country”; the populist ideas that “people are the foundation of the country” and that “people are the more important than the monarch”; the code of conduc t of “Treat others as you want to be treated”.And the traditional virtues taught from generation to generation:endurance and

hard working diligence and frugality in household management,and respecting teachers and valuing education.All of which have played a great role in binding and regulating the family,the country and the society.


In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago. During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script. Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts. Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study. As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.

孔子:孔子(ConfUcius)是一位思想家、政治家,教育家,也是中国儒学(the Ru School)思想的创始人。儒学(Confucianism),这个道德和宗教哲学的大系统建立在孔圣人(Master Kung)的教学上。冯友兰,中国思想史上20世纪伟大的的权威之一,把孔子在中国历史上的影响比作西方的苏格拉底。

Confucius was a thinker, political figure, educator, and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucianism, the great system of moral and religious philosophy built upon the teachings of Master Kung. Fung You-lan, one of the great 20th century authorities on the history ofChinese thought, compares Confucius9 influence in Chinese history with that of Socrates in the West.




Ever since the publication of A Dream of Red Mansions some 200 years ago, hundreds of millions of people have read its Chinese original or its translations in various languages. Of these innumerable people, how many

have read the novel by starting with a perusal of the critics' articles and allowing themselves to be led by the nose by the critics as to how to read the novel? Next to none. All literary works, especially a monumental one like A Dream of Red Mansions, are extremely rich in content and involve diverse social strata-to such an extent that they virtually resemble a mountain of treasure or a labyrinth. And the readers are even more complicated, differing from each other in family background. They will each appreciate a certain aspect of the novel according to their own individuality. They may feel inspired and enlightened, and hence love it, or they may feel hurt, and hence loathe it. In short, the reactions vary.




Chinese New Year Celebration is the most important celebration of the year. Chinese people may celebrate the Chinese New Year in slightly different ways but their wishes are almost the same; they want their family members and friends to be healthy and lucky during next year.Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. Celebratory activities include Chinese New Feast, firecrackers, giving lucky money to children, the New Year bell ringing and Chinese New Year Greetings. Most of Chinese people will stop the celebrating in their home on the 7th day of New Year because the national holiday usually ends around that day, however celebrations in public areas can last until the 15th day of New Year.


Ching Ming Festival (the Tomb-sweeping Festival), the custom is full of interesting. In addition to pay attention to ban fire, tomb-sweeping, as well as spring outing, swinging, Cuju, playing polo, Liu inserted a series of custom sports. According to legend, this is because the Ching Ming Festival to Cold Food Observance ban fire, in order to prevent the Cold Food Observance buffet beverages, so we come to participate in some sports, in order to exercise. Therefore, this festival which has both the acid

tears of sorrow for the died and the laughter from the players, is a distinctive holiday.



Like most Chinese festivals, the Lantern Festival has its own special food, called “tang yuan”. These are round, glutinous rice dumplings with sweet or spicy fillings. The dumplings are said to symbolize both the first full moon and family utility and completeness. Part of the lantern festival tradition involves a game to guess riddles attached to the lanterns. In the old days the riddles were obscure literary allusions to the Chinese classics and so were mainly the preserve of the educated classes.

Stilt-walking, drumming and dragon and lion dancing are the main entertainment forms of the Lantern Festival.

端午节:端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原是一位忠诚和受人敬仰的大臣(minister),他给国家带来了和平和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify)而最终投河自尽。人们撑船到他自尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身躯。几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。

The Duan Wu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed minister, who brought peace and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river as a result of being vilified.People got to the spot by boat and cast glutinous dumplings into the water,hoping that the fishes ate the dumplings instead of Qu Yuan’s body. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by glutinous dumplings and dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.


The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar month. It is a time for family members to congregate and enjoy the full

moon, which is a symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of various kinds with a good cup of hot Chinese tea, while the children run around with their brightly-lit rabbit lanterns. The festival was endowed a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon. According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. Hou Yi, shot down 9 of the suns to save all the lives on carth. He stole the elixir of life, which can make people immortal. However, his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus the legend of Chang-E flying into the moon came into being.


筷子:中国人使用筷子已经有3 000多年的历史了。中国的筷子夹菜的一端是圆的,象征着天;另一端是方的,象征着地。这是因为,维持充足的食物供应是天地之间最重要的事情。中国有个古老的风俗,女子出嫁时要用筷子当嫁妆,因为“筷子”与“快子”谐音。根据中国的餐桌礼仪,吃饭时一直握着筷子是不礼貌的。将菜送入口中后,应立刻把筷子放下。吃饭时,用筷子指着别人会对其造成冒犯。

There has been a history of more than 3 000 years for the Chinese to have meals with chopsticks. Chinese chopsticks are round on the eating end which symbolizes the heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes the earth. It is because maintaining an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between the heaven and the earth. There is an old custom in the past in China, that chopsticks should be a part of a girl’s dowry. Kuaizi (chopsticks) is pronounced the same as “kuai zi”.The latter symbolized “quick” and “son”. According to the Chinese t raditional table manners, it is impolite to hold the chopsticks all the time over the meal. As soon as one person sends a bite into his mouth, he should put down the chopsticks. It would offend others to point at them with chopsticks over the meal.

文房四宝:在中国,笔、墨、纸、砚(ink slab),就是人们所说的“文房四宝”,在中华文明的传承中起了重要作用。文房四宝不仅有实用价值,它们本身也是供人观赏的艺术品,并逐步成为收藏品。文房四宝品类繁多,丰富多彩,选材制作不断趋于完善、精美,历代都有名品、名匠产生,成为一种深厚的文化积淀。在当今时代,使用笔、墨、纸、砚进行学习、写作的人越来越少了,但是,在中国的书法、绘画、收藏以及修身养性活动中,它们仍起着不可替代的作用。

In China, “four treasures of the study” refers to“writing brush”, “ink stick”, “paper” and “ink slab”, playing an important role in passing on Chinese civilization. They not only have their value of practical use, but also become the works of art for appreciation and collection. There is a large variety of these four treasures.

Selecting of materials and making process have become increasingly delicate and perfect. Each dynasty of Chinese history saw famous craftsmen appear and works produced, which is a profound process of cultural accumulation.In cont emporary times, “four treasures of the study” have been increasingly rarely used for study or writhing, but they are still playing an irreplaceable role in the field of Chinese calligraphy, painting, collection and in the activities of cultivating one's mind.

中国结:中国结(The Chinese Knot)是一种古老的艺术形式。人们发现,绳结可以追朔到10万年前。中国人不仅用绳结来固定、包裹、狩猎、捕鱼,还用来记录事件,而且有些绳结纯粹起装饰作用。中国结具有文化内涵(cultural connotation)。由于结在汉语中的发音与“吉”相近。吉的意思是“福、禄、寿、喜、财、安、康”,这是中国人永恒的追求,因此有些中国结表达出人们的各种愿望。例如:新婚夫妇的房间通常用一个盘长结(Pan-chang Knot)来装饰,象征着永恒的爱情。

The Chinese Knot is an ancient art form and artifacts could be found as far back as 100 000 years ago.Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening,wraping,hunting,fishing.Knots were also to record events,and some knots had purely ornamentak functions.The Chinese Knot has cultural connotations.Since knot is pronouced as"jie" in Chinese similar with that of "ji",which means blessing,good

salary,longevity,happpiness,fortune,safety and health and is the everlasting pursuit of Chinese people,some Chinese Knots espress people's various hopes.For example,the room of newlyweds is usually decorated with a Pan-Chang Knot to symbolize eternal love.


China is a time-honored multi-ethnics nation with a vast territory and abundant resources, and every ethnic group has its unique abundant dishes. Regional cuisines have taken shape after long-history evolution under the influence of geographical environment, climate, cultural tradition, folk customs and other factors. The most influential and representative ones are Lu, Chuan,Yue, Min, Su,Zhe, Xiang and Hui Cuisines, which are commonly known as “Eight Major Cuisines”. Dishes in the “Eight Major Cuisines” in China are characterized by diversified cooking skills, with each having its strong points.



Known as China’s national opera, Peking Opera originated in the late 18th century from the basis of some local operas in Anhui and Hubei Provinces. Peking Opera is the most influential and representative of all operas in China. It has won great popularity not only in China but also throughout the world. Peking Opera is a harmonious combination of many art forms. It is a synthesis of traditional music, dancing, poetry, acrobatics and martial arts. It is famous for its exquisite costumes, beautiful make-up or painted face, and established performing conventions and rules. Each of patterns and brilliant colors on the painted face has a symbolic meaning: red suggests loyalty; blue suggests cruelty; black suggests honesty.

武术:武术在我国源远流长,是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝。我们知道,一个民族的优秀文化遗产,不仅仅属于一个民族,它会逐渐传播到世界而成为人类的共同财富。// 为了更好的推广武术运动,使其与奥运项目接轨,中国武协和国际武联做了大量的艰苦卓绝的工作。现在武术运动已被列为一种具有与保龄球运动和国际标准舞同等地位的奥运表演项目。//武术的蓬勃发展,除得益于其项目本身的吸引力之外,早期移居海外的一代武术大师功不可没。//老一代武术家在海外播种下了武术的种子,使武术这门既可以自卫又可以健身的运动很快就在新的土地上扎下了根。今天高超的武术大师已遍布世界各地,武术爱好者也与日俱增。

Wushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. As well know, the fine culture of a nation does not belong to the nation alone and it will be spread to the rest of the world and shared by all humanity.// The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize wushu and make the Chinese martial art closer to the Olympic Movement. Wushu was accepted to join bowling and international standard dance as an Olympic demonstration event.// The booming of wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese wushu masters over the years.// Martial artists of the older generation shave sown wushu seeds in foreign countries. Wushu, which can be used as self defense and can keep practitioners fit and strong, soon became popular on new lands. Today superb wushu masters are active all over the world, and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day.

狮舞:狮舞(Lion Dance)是中国最广为流传的民间舞蹈之一。狮为百兽之首,在中国传统中,狮子被视为是能带来好运的吉祥物(mascot)。古人将狮子视作是勇敢和力量的化身,能驱赶邪恶、保护人类。据记载,狮舞已拥有了2,000

多年的历史。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),狮舞就已经被引入了皇室。因此,舞狮成为元宵节(the Lantern Festival)和其他节日的习俗,人们以此来祈祷好运、平安和幸福。

The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China.The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck.Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.



The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’a nmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existen ce. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience

and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites.

四合院:四合院(Siheyuan)是中国传统民居中最重要的形式。它数量多、分布广,并且在汉族、满族、白族以及其他少数民族中十分流行。大多数房屋采用木制框架。主屋建在南北走向的轴线上,两个厢房则位于四合院的两侧。家庭中的长者住在主屋中,而两翼则是年轻一代的卧室。妇女住在内院。客人和男仆住在外院。这种分布符合封建礼制(feudal regulations)。四合院遍布全国的城乡,但由于各地自然条件和生活方式各有不同,因此发展出各自的特征。北京的四合院最具代表性的。

Siheyuan is the most important form of Chinese traditional residential house.It is great in number and wide in distribution,popular among the Han,Manchu,Bai,and some of other minority groups.Most of the houses are of wood framework.The principal room is biult on the south-north axis,and two wing rooms are located on both sides of it.The family elders live in the principal room and wings are the bedrooms for the younger generations.Women live in the inner yard.Guests and male servants live in the outer yard.This distribution is in accordance with feudal regulations.Siheyuan spreads over towns and villages throughout China,but each developed its own characteristics as result of respective natural conditions and different way of life.Siheyuan in Beijing is the most repesentative


The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West. The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade. The Silk Road trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was through the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the printing press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread all over the world through the Silk Road. And Europe exported all kinds of goods and plants through the Silk Road to meet the needs of the Chinese market。

茶马古道:茶马古道(Tea-horse Ancient Road)两边,生活着20多个少数民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉(Shangrila),雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布达拉宫(Potala Palace)。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、骚站(post house),古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天,虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。?

Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20 minori?ties. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes and traditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city, Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace. The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges and plank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances and folk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away, its cultural and historic values remain.


Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.

秦始皇陵墓:秦始皇陵墓(the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang)坐落在陕西省西安市临潼区以东5公里的骊山北部,是中国历史上第一个皇帝的最终休眠之地。它于公元前246年开始建造,工程持续了38年。它占地面积56.25平方公里,是中国历史上最大的陵墓。

The Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, located at the northern foot of the Lishan Mountain five kilomet ers east of Lintong District, Xi’an City, Shanxi Province, is the final resting place of the first emperor in the history of China. Its construction lasted for 38 years, commencing in 246BC. With an area of 56.25 square kilometers, it’s the largest mausole um in China’s history.



American people emphasize efficiency,competition and originality while Chinese people give priority to careful planning and encourage close cooperation and altruistic dedication among team members.//In American schools, discussion is given top priority while Chinese teachers like to

lecture in class,and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations. They write consistent and standardized teaching plans, and are

happy with bringing up identical and standardized talents.//Central to American political, economic and social thought is the concept of individual moral autonomy. Traditional Chinese philosophical systems are based on Confucianism,which sings high praises for communal harmony.//Nowadays, the relation of China and America become closer than ever. Chinese learn English, play bowling, enjoy KFC, while Americans learn Chinese, exercise Kung Fu, like Peking Duck. And Titanic sailed into China, while The Peony Pavilion has been performed on Broadway.//


An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kid shave a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit rom their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China,where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage.

中西文化3:我赞同许多东亚学者的观点,东方文明可以医治盛行于西方世界的一些顽疾。西方世界个人自由主义泛滥导致了极端个人主义、性关系混乱以及过度暴力行为,对此我们不能视而不见。// 相反,东方社会的自我约束力,集体责任感以及温厚儒雅的传统倒可以消除西方社会的许多恶疾。// 在这个信息时代,世界已缩小成一个地球村。这个地球村里,不再有什么泾渭分明的东方世界和西方世界,我们是生活在同一个社区里的邻里。// 因此,我们彼此之间无须冲突。我们之间的关系应该是一种友好合作,平等互补的关系。我们应该相互理解,相互学习,和睦共处。

I share the same view with many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing ,stubborn Western ills. We should not turn a blind eye to the fact that individual freedom has gone

overboard in the West, resulting in extreme individualism, sexual promiscuity and excessive use of violence.// By contrast,self-discipline, corporate responsibility and the pacific tradition of East Asia can offset many Western vices.// At this age of information, the world has shrunk as a global village in which there will be no clear-cut worlds of the East and the West any more, but a world of one community with neighboring families.// Therefore,we do not necessarily have to come into clash with each other. Our relationship is one of friendly cooperation, equality and mutual complementarity and therefore,we should understand and learn from each other, and live in harmony.//


Shanghai is a dynamic, diverse and stimulating city - the very epitome of modern China.Though Shanghai cannot rival Beijing in cultural heritage, its varied architectural styles and cosmopolitan feel give it a charm of its own. Today's Shanghai has become a world -famous international metropolis. A walk through this booming city reveals many glimpses of its colorful past. Hidden a mongst the skyscrapers are remains of the original Shanghai.They keep on showing how Shanghai has been developing fast and enormously since its opening as a commercial port in the late 19th century, especially after the founding of new China.


年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校园占地134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园

之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is are search-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s faculty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff

members,approximately10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree off ree choice of students in designing their own learning. The mufti-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//



The Chinese dream has been enriched by thousands of years of Chinese culture and inspired among other things by the past three decades of reform and opening-up. The most noticeable features of the Chinese dream include inclusiveness and win-win cooperation. These are the very features that will enable the Chinese dream to expand its global reach and be recognized by people of other nations. The Chinese dream is the dream of national rejuvenation. It is the dream of building a powerful and prosperous state, a dream of bringing happiness in the lives of the Chinese people. It entails sustaining steady and healthy economic growth, scientifically managing the Chinese society, and effectively responding to the risks and challenges of external development.


China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world,which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since China’s reform and opening upChinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology and have scored great achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises.


The phenomenon of holiday economy shows that Chinese people’s consumption concept is undertaking great changes.According to statistics, the demands of Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development.Therefore, the structure of products should be adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy people’s demand for an improved quality of life.

中国城市化:中国城市化(urbanization)将会充分释放潜在内需(domestic demand)。一些经济学家指出,在中国几乎所有的发展中城市都面临着城市化的进程。这使得许多人的生活水平有所提高,也为人们提供更多的就业机会。随着越来越多的人向城市迁徙,住房及城市基础设施建设(infrastructure construction),包括水源等能源的供应将会成为城市发展的焦点问题。商品与服务的自由、快速流通是城市化社会的一项基本特征。逐渐扩张的城市需要更多的零售店来满足消费者的需求。

China’s urbanization will release the full potential of domestic demand. Some economists point out that urbanization is a process that is occurring in nearly every developing city in the country. It will lead to a better quality of life for many people,and provide individuals with more job opportunities. The construction of housing and city infrastructure, in?cluding water and energy supplies, will be a focal point of urban develop?ment as more people migrate to cities. Urbanization means better access to educational and medical resources in the city. But it also predicts less use of personal vehicles and more use of public transportation. The fast, free flow of goods and services is a basic trait of an urbanized society. Ex-panding cities require more retail outlets to serve customers.


Many recent college graduates can’t find a job and students are fearful about their future. Two-thirds of Chinese graduates say they want to work either in the government or state-owned firms,which are seen as recession-proof, rather than at the private companies that have powered

China’s remarkable economic climb, surveys indicate. Few college stu?dents today, according to the surveys, are ready to leave the safe shores of government work and jump into the sea to join startups or go into business.

环境问题:过去10年,海平面升高和森林看法的速度都是前所未有的;生态恶化、物种灭绝、臭氧层被破坏、温室效应、酸雨等一系列环境问题已经严重影响到人类的生存环境。// 环境恶化造成的问题之一就是缺水。目前全世界 40%以上的人口,即 20 多亿人,面临缺水问题。据预测,未来 25 年全球人口将有 60 亿增长到 80 亿,环境保护面临更大的压力。// 中国作为一个发展中国家,面临着发展经济和保护环境的双重任务。从国情出发,中国在全面推进现代化的过程中,将环境保护视为一项基本国策。// 众所周知,对生态环境和生物多样性的保护是环保工作的重点。我国野生动植物物种丰富,仅脊椎动物就有 6000 多种左右,高等植物 3 万多种。//

Sea level rose and forest were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. A series of environmental problems such s the deterioration of ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species,damage to the ozone layer, the green-house effect, acid rain, have posed a serious threat to human living conditions. Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage. Presently, more than 40% of the world’s population, more than 2 billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted hat with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years, more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected. As a developing country, china is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment.Proceeding from its national conditions, china has, in the process of promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies.// It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work. China is rich in wildlife species. There are about 6,000 vertebrates alone and 30,000species of higher plants


In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development. To change their destiny, the people ofAsia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the

industrious and talented Asian people. The people of Asia re fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.


风水:Fengshui; geomantic omen

阳历:solar calendar

阴历:lunar calendar

闰年:leap year


春节:the Spring Festival

元宵节:the Lantern Festival

清明节:the Tomb-sweeping Day

端午节:the Dragon-boat Festival

中秋节:the Mid-autumn Day

重阳节:the Double-ninth Day

七夕节:the Double-seventh Day

春联:spring couplets

春运:the Spring Festival travel

把中国的汉字“福”字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)预示新年有好运:turn the Chinese character for luck (fu) upside down to make “dao”(which sounds like arrival) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year

庙会:temple fair


年画:(traditional) New Year pictures

压岁钱:New Year gift-money

舞龙:dragon dance

舞狮:lion dance

元宵:sweet sticky rice dumplings

花灯:festival lantern

灯谜:lantern riddle


Food is central to all Chines festivals, but sugary snacks are especially important for Lunar New Year, since they sweetne up prospects for the coming year.


Traditional holiday treats include nian gao (rice pudding), ba bao fan (eight treasure rice), jiao zi (crispy dumplings), candied fruits and seeds.

四合院:Siheyuan/ Quadrangle



剪纸:Paper Cutting



象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters


战国:Warring States

人才流动:Brain Drain/Flow

铁饭碗:Iron Bowl

黄土高原:Loess Plateau

红白喜事:Weddings and Funerals

儒家文化:Confucian Culture


火锅:Hot Pot

《诗经》:the Book of Songs

《史记》:Historical Records/ Records of the Grand Historian

《西游记》:The Journey to the West

唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/ The Tang Tri-colored Pottery



京剧:Beijing Opera/Peking Opera

秦腔:Crying of Qin People/Qin Opera

相声:Cross-talk/ Comic Dialogue

电视小品:TV Sketches/TV Skit

太极拳:Tai Chi

天坛:Altar of Heaven in Beijing

故宫博物馆:The Palace Museum

敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves

小吃摊:Snack Bar/Snack Stand

春卷:Spring Roll(s)

莲藕:Lotus Root

北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck

门当户对:Perfect Match/ Exact Match

《水浒》:Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh

文房四宝(笔墨纸砚):”The Four Treasure of the Study”/ “Brush, Ink-stick, Paper, and Ink-stone”

兵马俑:Cotta Warriour/ Terracotta Army


1. at the thought of一想到…

2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

3. at will 随心所欲

4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

6. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

7. of one's own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one's accord with 同…。不一致

9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

11. on one's own account

1) 为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at one's own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

12. take…into account(=consider)把.....考虑进去

13. give sb. an account of 说明,解释 (理由)

14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释,说明。

15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉-

20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)

23. in addition (=besides) 此外,又,加之

24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持,遵循

26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的,临近的

27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。

29. in advance (before in time) 预告,事先

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地

31. have an advantage over 胜过

have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件


英语六级考试必备资料- 名词性从句精讲 来源:普特英语 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从句,包括作主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。 (1)主语从句 就是在复合句中作主语的从句。主语从句常用that, whether, who, whom, whose, what, which, when, where, how, why, whatever, whoever等引导。如: Whether he will be able to come remains a question. 他是否来还是问题。 That China is a great socialist country is well known. 众所周知,中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。 注:为避免头重脚轻,使句子平衡,常用it作形式主语,而将主语从句后置。如上述第二 例常说成: It is well known that China is a great socialist country. 但是,由连接代词what, whatever, whoever等引导的主语从句一般不能用形式主语。如:What he found surprised me greatly. 他的发现使我非常吃惊。 Whoever is finished may rest. 凡是做完工的人都可以休息。 (2)表语从句 就是在连系动词之后作表语的从句。引导表语从句的连接除与引导主语从句的连接词外,还有as if,as though。如: The question is whether he is able to do it alone. 问题是他能否单独做这件事。 It looks as if (though) it is going to snow. 天好像要下雪似的。 注意:要区分以下句式: 1. that’s why+结果;that’s because+原因。 2. the reason why /for…is that… He is absent. That’s because he is ill. 他缺席,这是因为他生病了。 He is ill. That’s why he is absent. 他病了,这就是他缺席的原因。 The reason why he is absent is that he is ill. 他缺席的原因是他生病了。 (3)宾语从句 就是在复合句中作宾语的从句。引导这宾语从句的连接词与引导主语从句的连接词基本相同。如: They didn’t say which they wanted. 他们没有说他们想要哪一个。 I am sure (that) no harm will ever come to you. 我肯定你永远不会受伤害。


1.经济的快速发展 the rapid development of economy 2.人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长 the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people's living standard 3.先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology 4.面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 5.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized that… 6.社会发展的必然结果 the inevitable result of social development 7.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention 8.不可否认 It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that… 9.热烈的讨论/争论 a heated discussion/ debate 10.有争议性的问题 a controversial issue 11.完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 12.一些人…而另外一些人… Some people…while others… 13.就我而言/就个人而言 As far as I am concerned,/ Personally, 14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on… 15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons 16.双方的论点 arguments on both sides 17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in… 18.对…必不可少 be indispensable to… 19.正如谚语所说 As the proverb goes: 20.…也不例外 …be no exception 21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on… 22.利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


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六级口语备考详细攻略 一、考试形式 口语考试采用机考形式。模拟考官及试题呈现在计算机屏幕上。试题材料采用文字或图片提示。考生由计算机系统随机编排为两人一组。考试包含三部分,总时间约为18分钟。 二、考试过程 部分 内容 考试过程 答题时间 一、自我介绍和问答: 先由考生自我介绍,然后回答考官提问。考试时间约2分钟。 自我介绍:每位考生20秒 (两位考生依次进行) 回答问题:每位考生30秒 (两位考生同步进行) 二、陈述和讨论: 考生准备1分钟后,根据所给提示作个人陈述;两位考生就指定的话题讨论。考试时间约 8分钟。 个人陈述:每位考生1分30秒(两位考生依次进行) 两人讨论:3分钟 三 问答 考生回答考官的一个问题。考试时间约1分钟。 每位考生45秒 (两位考生同步进行) 三、分题型备考 1.自我介绍及问答 自我介绍是口语考试必考环节,时间大概20秒,一定要提前反复操练,做到滚瓜烂熟,给打分的老师留下良好的首听效应,为之后的良好表现打基础。 自我介绍模板: Hello, my name is XXX. I'm XXX years old. Now I study in XXX as a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior, and my major is XXX. In my free time, I love taking exercises. I believe that a healthy body is the key to a happy life. Thank you. 自我介绍结束后,考官会分别问两位考生问题。本部分问题多数是选择性问题,并给出原因。 常考话题有: What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing? What is people’s favorite food in your region? Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? Tell me something about the Lantern Festival. Tell me something about the customs of your country. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown? What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ? Which is the best place you’ve been to China?


英语六级满分答题技巧大总结 达到重要目标有二个途径——势力与毅力,势力只是少数人所有,但坚韧不拔的毅力则多数人均可拥有。它沉默的力量随着时间发展而至无可抵抗。 ——拿破仑想要得到英语六级满分,这个想法似乎是天方夜谭。但是大家都知道“取乎其上,得乎其中;取乎其中,得乎其下。”的道理,嗯,虽然让大家考英语六级满分是不可能的,因为总有某个题型会影响你的英语六级满分。 满分虽然遥不可及,但是想要考个高分还是很好的目标。现在就和大家分享一下,英语六级复习的注意事项,希望能够帮助大家取得英语六级高分。 ◆词汇最重要 英语六级对于词汇的要求还是挺高的,大家需要格外的重视。大家就根据自己的情况找一本词汇书,要是词汇基础好的话,就找个六级核心词汇书(估计是2000词);要是词汇基础不太好的话,就找一本单词比较全的。 备好单词书后,就制定好单词的记忆计划,规定自己每天记忆多少单词,多少天记完。另外,拿单词书记单词是比较容易忘的,所以大家还应该专门安排时间进行词汇的复习。 ◆真题要精炼

真题是最好的复习资料,大家一定要好好利用真题的价值。大家在做真题的时候要进行“精做”,也就是要非常细致的去做真题,把每个试题的知识点、难点、重点、考点都要知道,反正是要把真题彻底掌握。 巨微英语——六级真题/逐句精解就很适合大家去“精做”,这本书对于真题的解析非常细致,它把真题文章中的生词和句子语法都进行很细致的注释和解析,大家不仅能够对文章进行理解,还能够掌握文章中的词汇和语法知识,非常适合基础不好的同学使用。 ◆听力是难点 讲道理,英语六级听力是真的比较难,尤其是新增加的讲座/演讲,真的是难得要死(还好分值不高)。对于听力的复习,大家就抓住一点,锻炼自己听的能力。一方面是要进行听力量的积累,就是要每天都听会听力音频,做到灌耳音的效果;另一方面就是做到“精听”,也就是要对听力音频反复的听,直到自己听懂为止。 然后大家对于听力的试题也要进行适当的练习,增加自己做题的感觉。 希望大家都能够考一个好的成绩。


六级高分作文热点词汇 教育类 素质教育education for all-round development 应试教育the examination-oriented education 义务教育compulsory education 片面追求升学率place undue emphasis on the proportion of students' entering schools of a higher level 高分低能good scores but low qualities 扩招expand enrollment 教书育人impart knowledge and educate people 因材施教teach students according to their aptitude 提高身心素质improve the health and psychological quality 大学生创业the university students' innovative undertakings 社会实践social practice 文凭diplomas and certificates 复合型人才interdisciplinary talents 文化底蕴the rich cultural deposits 适应社会的改变adjust to the social changes 满足社会的急需meet the urgent needs of the society 工作类 人才流动和双向选择talent flow and a dual-way selection 试用期probationary period 跳槽job- hopping 自由职业freelance work 拜金主义money worship 获得名利achieve fame and wealth 充分发挥个人的潜力develop fully one's potential and creativity 工作出色excel in one's work 社会和个人的尊重social and personal esteem 生计问题a bread and butter issue 人才交流talents exchange 培养人才cultivate talents 人才外流brain drain 失业问题unemployment problem 下岗人员the laid-off workers 自谋生路be self-employed 劳动力短缺shortage of manpower 医药卫生类 卫生环境sanitary environment 营养不良malnutrition 杀虫剂pesticide 传染病infectious disease


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阅读:在六级阅读部分,正确答案与文章存在四种关系: 1. 原文再现; 2. 结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换; 3. 语序调整同义替换; 4. 全文整体同义转换。 而六级的几个阅读问题分别对应方法如下: 快速阅读,平均每次考试有约八道题都属于1.原文再现;2.结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换; 简答题,平均每次考试有约四道题属于1.原文再现; 传统阅读,平均每次考试大部分属于2.结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换和3. 语序调整同义替换。少数会出现1. 原文再现和4. 全文整体同义转换。 听力:语音去年12月的考试警醒了众多在语音方面没有充分准备的同学,尤其是平时单方面注重美音而对英式发音不很熟悉的考生,在考试时颇受影响。接下来给大家准备了几个简单的单词,大家可以自己尝试一下他们的英美发音—— Either, dance, course, letter, current.更多英音和美音的区别,请大家多去熟悉历年真题单词和长句的录音,尽量跟读。最终做到能够听懂所有高频词汇的英美发音。 短对话加强了对场景词汇和语义替换的要求 长对话解题思路:a,边听边标记,选项被大部分读到、少部分替换即优选。b,注意逻辑词提示,如but,however,because,so等。c,注意极端词提示,如most,only,absolutely,whole,entire等。d,注意语气语调语速的变化(这点希望考生再对照答案位置关注一下原文放音体会一下)。 在这类专业性较强的文章里,一定要听明白文章首句群——在文章的开头三到四句话中往往会交代这篇文章研究的领域或者提出的科学猜想,这对于解题至关重要。通常在这样的首句群之后,文章将进行到相关的数据例证或者实验分析,这时候,由于文章本身出题数量的限制,经常是没有需要总结或概括的题目出现的,所以,在数据列举和实验分析的过程,即使出题也很可能只是细节的题目,这个时候应用视听基本一致就变得非常简单。文章的结尾往往很重要,通常会有结论出现。基本在所有的新知识普及型文章中,都有两个通用的出题点——a,实验带来的最终结论;b,科学研究者的直接引用观点即得出的最可能的理论和设想。所以,请大家注意如a, research/ survey/ statistics/ evidence/ studies…+ show/ reveal/ indicate…和b, scientist/ researcher/ a certain scientist’s name…+ believe/ find/ discover/ estimate…组合后方的内容,往往是答案所在的区域。


2018年6月英语六级真题和答案 听力 Passage 1 At some 2300 miles in length, the Mississippi is the longest river in the United States. At some 1000 miles, the Mackenzie is the longest river in Canada. But these waterways seem minute in comparison to the world’s 2 len gthiest rivers: the Nile and the Amazon. The Nile which begins in central Africa and flows over 4100 miles north into the Mediterranean hosted one of the world’s great ancient civilizations along its shores. Calm and peaceful for most of the year, the Nile used to flood annually, thereby creating, irrigating and carrying new topsoil to the nearby farmland on which ancient Egypt depended for livelihood. As a means of transportation, the river carried various vessels up and down its length. A journey through the unobstructed part of this waterway today would pass by the splendid valley of the Kings, where the tombs of many of these ancient monarchs have stood for over 3000 years. Great civilizations and intensive settlement are hardly associated with the Amazon, yet this 4000 mile-long south American river carries about 20% of the world’s fresh water more than the Mississippi, Nile and Yangtze combined. Other statistics are equally astonishing. The Amazon is so wide at some points that from its center neither shore can be seen. Each second, the Amazon pours some 55 million gallons of water into the Atlantic. There, at its mouth stands one island larger than Switzerland. Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropical rain forest on earth. Passage 1 9. What can be found in the valley of the Kings? 10. In what way is the Amazon different from other big rivers? 11. What does the speaker say about the Amazon? Recording 2 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the third in our cities of business seminars in the program “Doing Business Abroad”. (Q19) Today, we are going to look at the intercultural awareness, that is the fact that not everyone is British, not everyone speaks English and not everyone does business in a British way. And, why should they? (Q19) If overseas business people are selling to us, then they will make every effort to speak English and to respect our traditions and methods. It is only polite for us to do the same when we visit them. It is not only polite, it is a central, if we want to sell British products overseas. First, a short quiz. Let’s see how interculturally-aware you are. Question 1: where must you not drink alcohol on the first and seventh of every month. Question 2: where should you never admire your host’s possessions. Question 3: how should you attract the waiter during a business lunch in Bangkok. Question 4: where should you try to make all your appointments either before 2 or after 5:30 pm. OK,


大学英语六级选词填空 完全攻略 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

大学英语六级选词填空应试技巧 ——胡一、了解题型 选词填空又称15选10,在仔细阅读部分,是新增题型。试题文章长约200到250个单词,10个空格,备选词汇共15个,每个空格只准选用一个单词,每个词不能重复使用。备选词汇是名词,动词,形容词和副词,虚词不在考核范围内。 二、应试方法及步骤 1、按照词缀准确判断15个单词的词性,将同一词性的备选单词归为一组,如果遇到动词还可以按照时态进行第二次分类,尽量将15个单词的类别分得越细越好。 2、只读试题所在的原句,通过前后词判断空内应填入词性和语法属性,通过上下句判断时态,回到相对应的词性组选择单词,如果遇到动词则需注意时态。 3、本试题并不侧重考察同义词辨析和固定搭配,否则就是完型填空,因此,只要能判断试题所在的句子所需要的词性和语法属性就不难找到正确答案。 4、未必要按顺序作题,因为本来就无须了解文章的意思,只读句子,遇到哪个简单就先做哪个,难的放到后面做,因为备选范围在不断缩小。 5、正确答案应满足语法和词性要求,句意通顺。 设题原则: 设题原则是首句不设空,而且通常情况下此句是总体句,弄清此句有利于理解全 文。一句话中不设两空,设空比较均匀,基本覆盖全文。 选项特点: 10个空格考察的全部是实词, 词性分配的基本比例: 3个名词正确答案+1个名词干扰答案 3个动词正确答案+1个动词干扰答案 3个形容词正确答案+2个形容词干扰答案 1个副词正确答案+1个副词干扰答案。


最新英语六级复习资料(完整版)英语六级复习专题一完形填空--固定搭配英语六级复习专题一完形填空 1.account for说明…的原因,是…的原因 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18793984.html,use…of…控告;谴责 3.allow for考虑到,顾及,为…留出预地 4.appeal to诉诸,诉请裁决(或证实等) 5.bring about导致,引起 6.call off取消 7.care for照顾,照料;喜欢 8.check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到 9.check out结帐后离开,办妥手续离去 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/5a18793984.html,e up with提出,提供,想出 11.count on/upon依靠,指望 12.count up共计,算出…的总数

13.draw up起草,拟订;(使)停住 14.fall back on借助于,依靠 15.get at够得着,触及;意思是,意指;查明,发现;指责 16.go in for从事,参加;爱好 17.hang on to紧紧抓住;保留(某物) 18.turn out制造,生产;结果是;驱逐;关掉,旋熄 19.take over接受,接管;借用,承袭 20.take in接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括 21.stick out(把…)坚持到底;突出,显眼 22.stick to坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上 23.set out陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;

摆放 24.set forth阐明,陈述 25.set about开始,着手 26.put in for正式申请 27.refer to…as…把…称作,把…当作 28.pay off还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿;得到好结果,取得成功 29.make up for补偿,弥补 30.look over把…看一遍,把…过目;察看,参观 31.look through详尽核查;(从头至尾)浏览 32.live on靠…生活,以…为食物lie in(问题、事情等)在于 33.lie in(问题、事情等)在于

星火英语六级单词 词汇重点讲义资料

Day 1 Adhere(黏附, 附着; 坚持, 支持) Cherish(珍爱, 珍视, 爱护) Ascribe(珍爱, 珍视, 爱护) Coincide(同时发生) Overwhelm(压倒, 制服; 打败) Overwhelming(势不可挡的) Pursuit(追赶, 追捕) Comply(遵从, 依从, 服从) Conspicuous(显眼的, 明显的) endeavo(u)r(努力,尽力,尝试) Homogeneous(同性质的, 同类的) Immerse (使浸入) Indulge(放纵, 容许) Persistent(持续的; 不断的) Retrieve(寻回, 找回,收回) Revive(恢复, 苏醒, 复活) Suppress(压制; 镇压) Testify(证明; 证实) Accustom((使)习惯于) Ambiguous(引起歧义的; 模棱两可的, 含糊不清的) Ascend(上升, 攀登) Billionaire(亿万富翁) Brisk(轻快的, 活泼的) Certify(证明, 证实) Conceive(想出, 构想, 设想) Contemplate(注视, 凝视) Disable(使无能力; 使残废) Eccentric(古怪的, 怪癖的; 异乎寻常的) Day 2 Essence(本质, 实质, 要素) Extravagant(奢侈的, 铺张的) 堕落的, 腐败的Flush (面红耳赤; (使)脸红) Funding Granted(认为…是理所当然的) Haunt 经常出没于Initiate (开始, 着手) Intrinsic(固有的, 内在的, 本质的) Intuition(直觉) Irritate(使发怒, 使急躁) Manifest (清楚表示; 显露) Mingle(混合, 混入) Obscure(模糊不清的; 不易看清的, 暗淡的) Paradox(似非而是的隽语) privacy 挤进radiate Refrain(抑制; 克制; 戒除) supervisor surgical(外科的;外科手术的) Suspicious(猜疑的, 疑心的) Terminate(结束; 使终结) 协定, 协议, 契约terrorist Tumble(突然摔倒) Absurd(荒谬的, 荒唐的) Allege(断言, 宣称, 辩解) Analogy(类似, 相似) Array (展示, 陈列, 一系列) 国王的, 女王的Articulate(表达能力强的) Ascertain(弄清, 确定, 查明) Assertive (断言的,肯定的)


英语四六级考试全攻略 一、英语四六级考试大纲简介 1、四级 l)词汇:4200单词(复用式掌握2500)+1600短语;4200=1800(中学)+2400(大学)。 2)语法:固定结构和搭配 3)阅读:300词篇幅;70词/分;生词不超过总词数3%;快速阅读100词/分。4)听力:130-150词/分;简短会话、谈话、报道或讲座。 5)说话:语音语调;简短发言。 6)写作:120-150词的短文;日常应用文(如信函、简历)。 7)翻译:英译汉,300词/时;汉译英,250字/时。 2、六级 1.词汇:5500词(复用式掌握3000)+1900短语(含4级短语);5500=4200(4级)+1300(5-6级)。 2.阅读:350词篇幅;70词/分;生词不超过总词数3%;快速阅读120词/分。3.听力:分析、判断和推理;150-170词/分;较长的会话、谈话、报道和讲座。 4.说话:语音语调;简短的交谈、讨论和发言。 5.写作:150-180词的短文;日常应用文(如信函、简历)。 6.翻译:英译汉,350词/时;英译汉,300字/时。 二、考前准备 1.整理为主,专攻为辅:在考试只剩10来天时间里面,考生应把精力主要放在整理之前所做过的练习,总结自己的错误和弱点,并采取相应的解决措施。2.自信先行,寓学于乐:自信心理的调整是极其重要的,考生应学会进行积极有效的自我心理暗示,要知道,四六级只不过是你们通往考研或是其它更高目标的第一步而已。此外,在最后的这些天,大家可以放松心情,看看原声电影或是收听英语节目,这样既可以避免考前厌倦或疲惫,又可以调整应试状态。 三、应试技巧


英语六级复习资料(完整版) 英语六级复习资料英语六级复习专题一完形填空-固定搭配 1. account for 说明…的原因,是…的原看,参观因31. look through 详尽核查;(从头至尾)2. accuse…of… 控告;谴责浏览 3. allow for 考虑到,顾及,为…留出预32. live on 靠…生活,以…为食物lie in 地(问题、事情等)在于 4. appeal to 诉诸,诉请裁决(或证实等) 33. lie in (问题、事情等)在于5. bring about 导致,引起 6. call off 取消7. care for 照顾,照料;喜欢8. check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到9. check out 结帐后离开,办妥手续离去10. come up with 提出,提供,想出11. count on/upon 依靠,指望12. count up 共计,算出…的总数13. draw up 起草,拟订;(使)停住14. fall back on 借助于,依靠15. get at 够得着,触及;意思是,意指;查明,

发现;指责16. go in for 从事,参加;爱好17. hang on to 紧紧抓住;保留(某物) 18. turn out 制造,生产;结果是;驱逐;关掉,旋熄19. take over 接受,接管;借用,承袭20. take in 接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括21. stick out (把…)坚持到底;突出,显眼22. stick to 坚持,忠于,信守;紧跟,紧随;粘贴在…上23. set out 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放24. set forth 阐明,陈述25. set about 开始,着手26. put in for 正式申请27. refer to…as… 把…称作,把…当作28. pay off 还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿;得到好结果,取得成功29. make up for 补偿,弥补30. look over 把…看一遍,把…过目;察34. let go(of) 放开,松手35. hold out 维持,保持;坚持(要求),不屈服36. hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制;隐瞒,保守(秘密等) 37. have an advantage over 胜过. have the advantage of 于…处于有利条件have the advantage of sb。知


英语四六级考试攻略 英语四六级考试攻略 1.作文 考试时间有限,应该把有限的时间投入到最值得的题目中。首先应该动手写作文了,把课上老师讲的和网络上铺天盖地的作文模板 这里一份自己的模板,不但有漂亮的句型结构还要有起承转合的逻 辑关系。写作文的时候要注意减少错点提升亮点,阅卷老师与其说 是在看作文不如说实在做英语的改错。同学们容易犯的错误有:时态、语态、主谓一致、单词的具体用法及违背英语的构句原则(一个 简单句中只能有一个谓语动词),这些错误一旦存在扣分是必须的。 提升亮点,用词要灵活多变(important可以替换成essential、vital、crucial、significant、indispensable等),短语要优于 单词,句式结构要多变长句短句交替出现,Therebe句型,强调句,倒装句等正确的使用都是得分标志性句型。 2.听力 听力的提升是离不开每天的精听练习的,但在这里我们主要说一下应对的技巧。考试时做到“动态答题、视听一致”这八个字,不 能保你周全但可以助你及格(150分)。预览选项,了解有哪些单词 会出现,待音频开始播放仔细听有哪些单词出现了直接在卷面上做 标记,标完第一题直接进入第二题以此类推(这叫跟着音频做笔记),等到音频全部播放完了看一下哪个选项中的单词浮现率高就选哪个。这是死马当活马医的全力以赴,但是有前提条件,就是该听到的单 词都能听到不能漏掉。听力拿到一个好一点的分数是考试顺利过关 的必要保障。 3.深度阅读 阅读解题要三步:定位=>精读定位内容=>判断正确选项。定位要靠题干中的关键词,精度定位内容要靠语法和词汇的基础,判断正

确选项是依据定位内容决定的。三步之间环环相扣相辅相成,临近 考试了还是一样要保持好做题的状态,考场上运用起来才能得心应手。每篇文章做题的时间为13分钟,现在要有意识地提升做题速度,以确保考试时间够用。 4.段落信息匹配 答题时间也是13分钟左右,但是内容的字数却趋近1000字左右,同样的时间内容增多说明这样的题不是要全读的。做题步骤是:(1) 读文章标题(了解文章主旨)(2)然后通读题干找出关键词(3)从简单 的题目入手解题(含有现眼关键词的题目和关键词出现频次低的题目 都是简单题目)(4)确定出一个选项,并且该选项不可能被再次命题 的情况下在卷面上划掉它,减少做题时视觉上的障碍达到节省时间 的目的。 5.汉译英 翻译评分标准:本题满分为15分,成绩分为六个档次:13-15分、10-12分、7-9分、4-6分、1-3分和0分。 13-15分译文准确表达了原文的意思。用词贴切,行文流畅,基 本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。 10-12分译文基本上表达了原文的意思。文字通顺、连贯,无重 大语言错误。 7-9分译文勉强表达了原文的意思。用词欠准确,语言错误相当多,其中有些是严重语言错误。 4-6分译文仅表达了一小部分原文的意思。用词不准确,有相当 多的严重语言错误。 1-3分译文支离破碎。除个别词语或句子,绝大部分文字没有表 达原文意思。 0分未作答,或只有几个孤立的词,或译文与原文毫不相关。 关键:踩点得分


做题技巧:做完快速阅读离听力开始还有五分钟,在这五分钟内老师会把你的答题卡1收上去,然后我们要做的就是浏览听力的所有选项。这段时间是充分发挥你记忆力的时候,记住的选项越多越好。加了长对话和考试和复合式听写之后听力时间变长了,很容易让人觉得疲惫,所以做听力的时候一定要保持最佳状态。 v一.卷子发下来后快速的浏览一遍,包括题干和答案。这样会大大提高你对听力的理解---知道它是讲什么内容,大概是怎么回事。 大学英语六级听力技巧 v二.没听懂的题目,就放弃它,千万不要在听下道题的时候还在想上道题。这样会引起头脑的混乱。 大学英语六级听力技巧 v三.相信第一感觉,听力部分不是非常确凿的感觉的话不要改动开始的答案。人的脑袋有时候会混淆的。因此很多情况下不是你选错了,而是改错了。因此轻易别选,但是选了之后轻易别改。 大学英语六级听力技巧 v四.复合式听写的句子部分是得分大户,也是丢分大户,一定注意听懂再写,以句子为单位而不是以单词为单位去写。写出主要意思即可。不会写的单词要用同义词来替换。 大学英语六级考试七大听力技巧与题型分析 v(一)提炼选项中的重要信息 v考生务必先看选项。当录音人开始宣读Directions 时,考生应充分利用这段时间速读选项,预测考点,从而做到心中有数。通过先看选项,可以明确题目多方面的信息: v1)题目涉及到的人物、地点、场合等,在非主题题型中,可能暴露该题的主题。考生可以通过对全部选项的速读建立起一个大概的场景,比如:图书馆、医院病房等,从而联想起与该环境有关的词汇,迅速进入状态; 大学英语六级考试七大听力技巧与题型分析 v(一)提炼选项中的重要信息 v提醒考生务必先看选项。当录音人开始宣读Directions 时,考生应充分利用这段时间速读选项,预测考点,从而做到心中有数。通过先看选项,可以明确题目多方面的信息: 大学英语六级考试七大听力技巧与题型分析 2)当四个选项是同类短语时,考点就在这一细节。这时,考生应充分集中精力,听懂时间、数字等与选项对应的细节考点; 大学英语六级考试七大听力技巧与题型分析 3)尽管四个选项中只有一个正确答案,其余的三个选项设置也并非和题目毫无关系。利用设定干扰选项所遵循的规律,我们可以大胆地进行猜想。这种猜测其实并不耽误时间,也不怎么消耗脑力,考生反而能够通过猜想事先得到一个对该题的印象。
