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19、核电项目厂址是选A东部 B 沿海C内陆D中西部


?A、0.8 B

0.6 C 1









1.Managers and office busybodies might be keen on a clean desk--but it seems that in terms of

productivity, they could have it all wrong. A messy desk can actually lead people towards clearer

thinking, say researchers from Germany.The researchers found in a series of linked studies- using

a messy desk and a messy shop front that people actually thought more clearly when all around

was chaos, as they sought to simplify the tasks at hand. That is ,visual and mental clutter(杂乱)

forces human beings to focus and think more clearly. For instance, famous thinkers and writers

such as Albert Einstein and Roald Dahl have been notorious for their untidy desks。

“Messy desks may not be as detrimental as they appear to be, as the problem-solving

approaches they seem to cause can boost work efficiency or emhance employees’

creativity in problem solving,”say the authors.Oddly, the effect seems to work most on con-servatives-political li berals are less liable to be worried about mess in the first place, say the researchers.

“Business and government managers often promote ‘clean desk’policies to avoid disorganized

offices and messy desks, for the purpose of boosting work efficiency

and productivity.”Writes a researcher, Jia Liu of the University of Groningen, “This practice is based

on the conventional wisdom that a disorganized and messy

environment can clutter one’s mind and complicate one’s judgments”

“However, not all evidence supports this conventional link between a messy environment and a

messy mind”. The scientists tested people’s respon-se in various’messy’environments,

including a messy shop front, a disorganized desk, and even

a work environment where a language task’reminded’people of messiness.

The authors found in the series of six studies that people tended towards simplicity in their thinking.

“They categorized products in a simpler manner, were willing to pay more for a T-shirt that depicts a simple-looking picture, and sought less variety in their choices”, said the researchers.

61.According to the text, a proper way to lead people towards clearer thinking is to .

A.make a list of priorities

B.simplify the tasks at hand

C.follow famous people

D.mess up their mind



62.Why did the author take Albert Einstein and Ronald Dahl for example?

A.To tell readers untidy desks can make you as famous as celebrities.

B.To convince readers that untidiness is not all that bad.

C.To inform readers of one way to success-untidy desks.

D.To attract readers and show the author’s wide range of knowledge.



接着举了AlbertEinstein and Ronald Dahl的例子,就是为了说明上一句的。

63.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.A messy environment will certainly lead to a messy mind.

B.A clean environment will do great harm to work efficiency.

C.People tend to clear up the mess before thinking clearly.

D.All people are not in favor of “clean desk”in the office.



64.The underlined word “detrimental”probably means .








65.What is the main idea for this passage?

A.The messier the desks are, the more efficient the employees are.

B.Messy desks in the office can have a positive effect on employees.

C.We should make our office messy to improve our work efficiency.

D.Clean desks can boost the employees’productivity and creativity.




Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance (pocket money). The purpose

is to let children learn from experiences at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly.

The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. Timing is another con-sideration, Some children get a weekly allowance. Others get a monthly allowance.

In any case, parents should make clear what, if anything, the child is expected to pay for with the money. At first, young children may spend all of their allowance soon after they receive it. If they do this, they will learn the hard way that spending must be done within a budget (预算). Parents are usually advised not to offer more money until the next allowance.

The object is to show young people that a budget demands a choice between spending and saving. Older children may be respon-sible enough to save money for larger costs, like clothing or electronics. Many people who have written on the subject of allowances say it is not a good idea to pay your child for work around the home. These jobs are a normal part of family life.

Paying children to do extra work around the house, however, can be useful. It can even provide an understanding of how a business works.

Allowances give children a chance to experience the three things they can do with money. They can share it in the form of gifts or giving to a good cause. They can spend it by buying things they want. Or they can save it.

Saving helps children understand that costly goals require sacrifice. You have to cut costs and plan for the future. Requiring children to save part of their allowances can also open the door to future saving and investing. Many banks offer services to help children and teenagers learn about personal finance.

A saving account is an excellent way to learn about the power of compound interest.

Compounding works by paying interest. So, for example, one dollar invested at two percent interest

for two years will earn two cents in the first year. The second year, the money will earn two percent of

one dollar and two cents, and so on. That may not seem like a lot, but over time it adds up.



The first story we're talking about today is in Northern Ireland.


倀爀漀琀攀猀琀猀 have been going on there for about a week now.


The ones yesterday in the Northern Irish capital of Belfast.


They started out peacefully, but some of them turned violent later on.


There's a lot of history behind these protests and it starts with geography .


Here is Northern Ireland.


What's interesting is that it's not actually part of the Republic of Ireland.

有趣的是, 北爱尔兰其实并不是爱尔兰共和国的一部分。

It's part of the United Kingdom and that's what's behind this tension.


Nationalists who are mostly Catholic think Northern Ireland should be part of the Republic of Ireland.大多是天主教徒的民族主义者们认为北爱尔兰应该归属于爱尔兰共和国。

Unionists or Loyalists who are mostly Protestants wanted to stay part of the United Kingdom.


The conflict between those two groups lead to decades of violence.


More than 3,000 people were killed a peace deal was signed in 1998.


The protests happening are connecting to a decision that regarding the British flag.


In Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, the flag used to fly over city hall everyday of the year.


Last month, local officials decide to limit that to 18 days per year.


Unionists weren't happy about that.


They've been protesting in front of city hall and other spots around Northern Ireland.


In some cases, protestors have fought with police officers.


They've thrown concrete blocks, bricks, even gasoline bombs at police.


Officers have responded by using water cannos to break up the protests.


Some Protestants and Catholic have also been fighting with each other.


We are staying in Europe for our next story which takes from Northern Ireland down to Italy.


One year ago yesterday, a cruise ship ran aground off the Italian coast.


A lot of you remember this.


There were 3,200 passengers on board the Coast Concordia.


There were another 1,000 crew members and 32 people on that ship lost their lives in the accident.


Family members for the victims and some of the people who survived the wreck gathered for

memorial service on the anniversary.


A larger boulder with the victims' names was lowered into the sea and relatives tossed notes into the water.刻有受害者名字的一块巨石被放入海中而家人们向水中扔些记录以表对逝者的哀思。

This is what the Coast Concordia looks like now.


It's still on its side in the water.


Crews are working to salvage the ship to get the thing upright and towed into port.


Those efforts are taking longer than expected.


And officials say it could take until this September.


Next up, we're heading to the capital of China, Beijing.


Experts say that city has something in common with Los Angeles: smog.


This gray haze is hanging in the air, making things hard to see.


Yesterday, the smog levels in Beijing hit record levels.


The number is off the charts.


Authorities warn people there to stay inside.


Last year nearly 700 flights were canceled at Beijing airports because of haze and smog.

去年, 北京近700架航班因为霾和烟雾被取消。

Officials in China say that the air quality in the capital has gotten better since Beijing hosted

the 2008 Olympics.


But residents say the pollution levels have gotten worse.




Every year holidays Broughton teams up with Sopraviva Trekking to offer twelve days of unforgettable adventure in a tropical rain forest. Depending on where this year's rain forest adventure is located,

you may be going to Borneo, Malaysia, Indonesia, or even to the greatest rain forest of them all, the mighty Amazonian forest.You will fly with your fellow adventurers to one of our special base camps at the edge of the forest, where you will be given five days of survival training, and talks on

the local wildlife by trained and experienced experts. You will also go on walks which take you deeper and deeper under the forest canopy until on your final night you camp out in the rain forest itself. Then you transfer by bus into the forest itself. If you go on one of the Asian holidays, you will have to walk the final five miles to the camp site itself, to avoid disturbing the local ecology. All of the

Sopraviva sites have been carefully built to conform with the latest regulation, and to cause the

minimal amount of disturbance to the local wildlife.

From the camp, you will go on daily walking tours to experience for yourself the beauty and

diversity of the forests, and plants and vegetation that can be found nowhere else on the planet. Remember that these adventure holidays take you deep into the wilderness, and they are not

suitable for families with young children or for anyone who is not physically able to meet the

demands of this kind of adventure. Also remember that in order to preserve the delicate ecological system that you will be walking through, no more than two dozen guests can stay at any camp

at one time, so if you want to go on one of these very special holidays, you will need to book early!

71. If you want to go on the camp, you will first have to___________.

A. attend talks on the local wildlife

B. have survival training

C. walk the final five miles

D. book beforehand

72. What does the organizer of the camp mainly stress?

A. Disturbing the local ecology.

B. Preserving the forest environment.

C. Private possession and possible dangers.

D. The survival training.

73. Go on daily walking tours and you’ll enjoy___________.

A. the wilderness

B. the Amazonian forest

C. the Asian forest

D. the forest canopy

74. Which of the following people is/are allowed to enter the forest?

A. A family with young kids.

B. A person with physical problems.

C. Walking tourists

D. Cyclists.

75. Which of the following is true of the holiday camp?

A. It is free of charge.

B. It lasts 12 days.

C. It is organized by Broughton.

D. It attaches little importance to ecology.
