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《北京大学研究生课程: 演化理论基础》
《北京大学研究生课程: 演化理论基础》


Foundations of evolutionary theory















?Dosi, G., C. Freeman, et.al. 1988, Technical Change and Economic

Theory, London and New York: Printer Publishers.

?Cohen, M. and L. Sproull, 1996, Organizational learning. Thousand

Oaks London New Delhi: Sage Publications



本课的授课方法采取教师讲授与学生课堂讨论相结合的方式,每节课2/3时间则组织学生进行课堂讨论, 1/3时间由教师来进行串讲和点评。












Fagerberg, Jan. 2005. “Introduction: a guide to the literature”. In Fagerber, J., D. Mowery and R. Nelson (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation. Oxford University Press. pp.1-27 【有中文版】

Solow, Robert (1957). “Technical Advance and the Aggregate Production Function.”The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 312-320. 【有中文版】

Dosi, G. and L. Ors enigo, (1988) “Coordination and transformation: an overview of structures, behaviours and change in evolutionary environments,” in G. Dosi, C. Freeman, R. Nelson and L. Soete, eds., Technical change and economic theory, London: Pinter Publishers, pp.13-37 【有中文版】

Schumpeter, Joseph (1979/1942). “The Process of Creative Destruction,” Chapter VII of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York: Harper & Row, pp. 81-87. 【有中文版】


Abernathy, William, and James Utterback. 1978. “Patterns of Innovation.” Technology Review, June-July, pp. 40-47.【有中文版】

Rosenberg, Nathan (1996). “Uncertainty and Technological Change.” In Landau, Ralph, Timothy Taylor, and Gavin Wright, (eds.), The Mosaic of Economic Growth, Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 334-353. 【有中文版】

Cohen, Wesley, and Daniel Levinthal, (1990). “Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation.”Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 35, pp. 128-152.


Polanyi, Michael. 1966. “Tacit knowledge.”In The Tacit Dimension, Gloucester, Mass. : Peter Smith pp 3-25.

Nightingale, Paul. 1998. “A cognitive model of innovation”. Research Policy. V 27. 689-709

Johnson, B., E. Lorenz and B. Lundvall, 2002. “Why all this fuss about codified and tacit knowledge?”Industrial and Corporate Change. V11, N2. pp.245-262

Dosi, G. 1988. “The nature of the innovative process” in Dosi, G., C. Freeman et.al. (eds.) Technical change and economic theory. Printer Publishers. Pp.221-238. 【有中文版】


第五周主题关于“个体/组织”的基本模型(1):关于企业的不同理解Mokyr, Joe (2002). “Technology and the Facotry System”. Chapter 4 of The Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, pp.119-162 【有中文版,选读】

Penrose, Edith. 1959. “The firm in theory”, in The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. New York: Oxford University Press. pp.8-27【有中文版】

Weick, Karl. 1969. “The processes of organizing”. In The social psychology of organizing. Addison-Wesley Publishing. pp.54-71【有中文版】

Nelson, R. and S. Winter, 1982. “Skills”and “Organizational Capabilities and Behavior”. In An evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. Belknap Harvard. Pp.72-136.【有中文版】


Simon, Herbert. 1991. “Bounded Rationality and Organizational Learning”, O rganization Science, V ol. 2, No. 1, pp. 125-134

Lindzey, G. and MacCorquodale, K. 1975. “Gestalt Theory”, in Theories of learning. Prentice Hall. 252-280

Ellis, Henry. 1965.“Transfer and task similarity”in The transfer of learning. MacMillan. Pp 15-31

Baumard, P. 1999.“The tacit foundations of organizations”, in Tacit knowledge in organization. Sage Publications. Pp.197-223


Lundvall, Bengt-?ke. 1988. "Innovation as an interactive process: from user-producer interaction to the national system of innovation", in G. Dosi, C. Freeman, R. Nelson and L. Soete, eds., Technical change and economic theory, London: Pinter Publishers, pp. 349-369.【有中文版】

V on Hippel, Eric. 1988. “Predicting the source of innovation: lead users”. In The Source of Innovation. Oxford University Press.pp.102-116【有中文版】

Dosi, Giovanni. 1982. “Technological paradigms and technological trajectories.” Research Policy, vol. 11, pp. 147-162.

Arthur, W. Brian. 2007. “The Structure of Invention.”Research Policy, vol. 36, pp. 274-287.


Levitt, B. and J. March, Organizational Learning. Annual Review of Sociology, 1988. 14(1): p. 319 - 340.

Shrivastava, Paul. 1983. "A typology of organizational learning systems", Journal of Management Studies, V.20, N.1.pp7-28

Cohen, Michael. 1996. “Individual Learning and Organizational Routine”. in Cohen, M. and L. Sproull (eds.) Organizational learning. Sage Press. Pp.188-194.

Levinthal, D. 1996 “Organizational adaptation and environmental selection: interrelated processes of Change.” in Cohen, M. and L. Sproull (eds.) Organizational learning. Sage Press. Pp.195-202

Cohen, Michael. and Paul Bacdayan, 1996. “Organizational Routines are stored as procedural Memory”in Cohen, M. and L. Sproull (eds.) Organizational learning. Sage Press. Pp.403-429.


Levinthal, D. and J. March, 1993, The myopia of learning, Strategic Management Journal, V ol.14, pp. 95-112

Leonard-Barton, Dorothy. 1992. “Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development,” in Tushman, M. and P. Anderson, (eds.) Managing Strategic Innovation and Change, pp. 255-270.

March, James, 1996. “Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning”. in Cohen, M. and L. Sproull (eds.) Organizational learning. Sage Press. Pp.101-123. Henderson, Rebecca. 1996. “Technological Change and the Management of Architectureal Knowledge”in Cohen, M. and L. Sproull (eds.) Organizational learning. Sage Press. Pp.359-375


Baumard, P. 1999. “Knowledge within organizations”, in Tacit knowledge in organization. Sage Publications. Pp.7-33

Gavetti, G. (2005). “Cognition and hierarchy: rethinking the microfoundations of capabilities' development”. Organization Science 16(6): 599-617.

Nystrom, P.C.and W. Starbuck, (1984). “To avoid organizational crises, unlearn.”Organizational Dynamics, 12(4): pp. 53 - 65.

Thomas, J.B., S.W. Sussman and J.C. Henderson, Understanding "Strategic Learning". Organization Science, 2001. 12(3): p. 331 - 345.


Child, John and Heavens, Sally. 2001. “The Social Constitution of Organizations and its Implications for Organizational Learning”. In Handbook of Organizational Learning & Knowledg e. p305-326

Grant, Robert. 1996, "Prospering in dynamically-competitive environments: organizational capability as knowledge integration", Organization Science, V ol. 7. No.4. pp.375-387

Thomas, Robert. 1994. “Politics and Technology”. In What Machines Can’t Do. University of California Press. Pp.202-245.

Pfeffer, J. 2004. “Understanding Power in Organization”. In Tushman, M. and P. Anderson, (eds.) Managing Strategic Innovation and Change. Pp.217-232





Lazonick, W. and M. O’Sullivan 1997. “Big Business and Skill Formation in the Wealthiest Nations.” In A. Chandler, Jr. F. Amatori and T. Hikino (eds.) Big Business

and the Wealth of Nation s. Cambridge University Press. pp. 497-521.【有中文版】Whitley, Richard. 2000. The institutional structuring of innovation strategies. Organizational Studies, v.21.pp.855-886【可以寻找一个中文版的替代品】


McKelvey, Maureen. 1997. “Using Evolutionary Theory to Define Systems of Innovation”, in Edquist C. (eds) Systems of Innovation: Technologies, institutions and Organizations. Printer Press. pp. 200-222

Johnson, Bjorn. 1992. “Institutional learning”, in Lundvall, B. (eds.) National systems of innovation. Printer Press. Pp. 23-44.

Dalum, B., B. Johnson and B. Lundvall, 1992. “Public policy in the learning society”. Lundvall, B. (eds.) National systems of innovation. Printer Press. Pp. 296-317. Lundvall, B. P. Intarakumnerd and J. Vang. 2006. “Asia’s innovation system in transition: an introduction”. In Asia’s innovation system in transition. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp.1-20 【有中文版】


O’Sullivan, Mary. 2000. “Innovation, resource allocation, and governance”, in Contests for corporate control. Oxford Press. Pp.11-40 【有中文版】

Freeman, Christopher (2002). "Continental, national and sub-national innovation systems-- complementarity and economic growth." Research Policy 31(2): 191-211. Pelikan, P. (1988). “Can the innovation system of capitalism be outperformed?” in G. Dosi, C. Freeman, R. Nelson and L. Soete, eds., Technical change and economic theory, London: Pinter Publishers, pp. 370-398.【有中文版】


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