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Cambridge 7 test 1 task 2

Cambridge 7 test 1 task 2
Cambridge 7 test 1 task 2

In this day and age, the issue of nature or nurture has aroused the public’s concerns. Some people believe that the athlete and musical gifts are innate天生的while others hold the view/ contend that people can grow into successful athletes or musicians through education in later life. I, personally, insist that the latter viewpoint is more solid. My reasons are as follows.

It is important for people to get education.

It is no denying否认that education experiences generally/basically decide one’s success/ achievements in any fields. It was once reported that identical twins growing up in different family backgrounds became different people due to/because of receiving different levels of education. According to this report, we can learn the power/ decisive决定性的influences/effects of education. Moreover/ a further 进一步的example can be found in Olympic Games. It is widely observed观察that most successful sportsmen and women have experienced painstaking艰苦卓绝training. No one can easily succeed simply/merely/solely depending on /relying on their gifts.

Admittedly 诚然=it is no denying that talents give people apparent competitive edges. Nevertheless 尽管如此,this

advantages are mainly influential during the early period of life. In the long run,长期来说,a person’s success depends more on other factors, such as schooling, parenting, personal experiences, interpersonal skills/network and even luck.
