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The Reading module lasts 60 minutes. The reading passages and the questions will be given to you on a Question Paper. You can write on the Question Paper, but you can't take it from the room.

You will write your answers on the Answer Sheet. Unlike the Listening module, you will have no time to transfer your answers. You will have only 60 minutes to read the passages, answer the questions, and mark your answers.

The Reading modules on the Academic and the General Training versions of the IELTS are different.

Reading Module: Academic Reading

Reading Module: General Reading

Q uestion Types

There are many types of questions used in the Reading module. You should be familiar with these types.

Multiple-choice questions显示桌面.scf

Short-answer questions

Completing sentences

Completing notes, summary, tables, flowcharts Labeling a diagram

Choosing headings for paragraphs or sections of a text Locating information Identifying points of view Identifying writer's claims Classifying information Matching lists or phrases

You will have a chance to practice the tasks of these different question types in Target 5.

R eading Tips


1. Read as much as you can in English.

2. Keep a notebook of the words you learn.

3. Try to write these words in a sentence and put these sentences into a paragraph.

4. Learn words in context-not from a word list.

5. Know the types of questions found on the IELTS test.

6. Know the type of information sought on the IELTS test.

7. Know how to make predictions.

8. Know how to skim and scan, to look quickly for information.


1. Read the title and any headings first. Make predictions about the topic.

2. Look over the questions quickly. Make predictions about content and organization.

3. Read the passage at a normal speed. Ron't get stuck on parts you don't understand.

4. When you answer the questions, don't spend too much time on the ones you don't feel sure about. Make a guess and go on.

5. After you have answered all the questions, you can go back and check the ones you aren't sure about.

6. Don't spend more than 20 minutes on each passage.

In order to understand a reading passage, you need to understand the context of a passage. You need to have a clue about the topic. When you pick up a paper to read, you scan the headlines and choose an arti?cle that interests you. The clues in the newspaper (headlines, graphics, photos) catch your eye and give you a context.

A passage on the IELTS is given to you; you did not choose to read it. There are few clues. You do not know what it is about. It may or may not interest you. Yet in order to understand it, you need some clues to help you understand the passage. Without the clues, you will not understand it very well. To score welt on the IELTS, you should determine what you know and what you need to know.

When you look at a passage, you must make some predictions about the passage.

What is the passage about?

What is the main idea?

Who are the characters?

When are things taking place?

Where is it happening?

Why is it important?

You wanr to know who, what, when, where, and why.

In this section you will learn how the following can give you the answers to: Who? What? When? Where? and Why?

Using the first paragraph

Using the topic sentences Using specific details

Using the questions and answers

Using the First Paragraph to Make Predictions

The first paragraphs of a passage can help you make predictions about the context of a passage.

The first paragraph often contains

the topic sentence (a summary of the main idea of the passage)

a definition of the topic

the author's opinion

clues to the organization of the passage

If you understand the first paragraph, you will understand the topic, the author's opinion (if any), and where to look for information within the passage.

Read this first paragraph of a passage on the illness, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCR) is clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder.

This disorder affects up to 4 percent of adults and children. People who suffer from this debilitat?ing disorder have distressing and obsessive thoughts, which usually cause them to perform repetitive behaviors' such as counting silently or washing their hands. Though OCR suffer?ers understand that their obsessions are unrealistic, they find it stressful to put these intru?sive thoughts out of their minds. Those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder develop strict behavioral' patterns that become extremely time-consuming and begin to interfere with daily routines. Many people with OCR delay seeking treatment because they are ashamed of their own thoughts and behavior.

Topic Sentence

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder.

Definition of Topic

People who suffer from this debilitating disorder have distressing and obsessive thoughts, which usually cause them to perform repetitive behaviors.

Author's Opinion

None given.

Organizational Clues

The author may discuss

? Obsessive behavior,

? Stress of sufferers, and/or

? Treatment


Read these introductory paragraphs to other passages. Make predictions about the topics using these first paragraphs.

1. The spread of wildfire is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout the world and is especially common in forested areas of North America, Australia, and Europe. Locations that receive plenty of rainfall but also experience periods of intense heat or drought are particularly susceptible to wildfires. As plant matter dries out, it becomes brittle and highly flammable. In this way, many wildfires are seasonal, ignited by natural causes, most specifically lightning. However, human carelessness and vandalism also account for thousands of wildfires around the globe each year. To gain a clear understanding of how wildfires spread, it is necessary to analyze what it takes to both create and control these fires.

2.The term "bird brain" has long been a common means of expressing doubts about a person's intelligence. In reality, birds may actually be a great deal more intelligent than humans have given them credit for. For a long time, scientists considered birds to be of lesser intelligence because the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that humans and other animals use for intelligence, is relatively small in size. Now scientists understand that birds actually use a different part of their brain, the hyperstriatum, for intelligence. Observations of different species of birds, both in the wild and in captivity, have shown a great deal of evidence of high levels of avian intelligence.

3.In 1834, a little girl was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. She would grow up to become one of the richest women in the world. Per name was Petty Green, but she was known to many as the Witch of Wall Street.

1.Topic Sentence. The spread of wildfire is a natural phenomenon that occurs throughout the world and is especially common in forested areas of North America, Australia, and Europe.

Definition of Topic. Locations that receive plenty of rainfall but also experience periods of intense heat or drought are particularly susceptible to wildfires.

Author's Opinion. None given.

Organizational Clues. Author may discuss

? How wildfires start

? How to control wildfires

? Wildfires as a global problem

2.Topic Sentence. In reality, birds may actually be a great deaf more intelligent than humans have given them credit for.

Definition of Topic. For a tong time, scientists considered birds to be of lesser intelligence because the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that humans and other animals use for intelligence, is relatively small in size.

Author's Opinion. None given.

Organizational Clues. Author may discuss

? Misunderstandings about the intelligence of birds . The anatomy of a bird's brain

? Evidence of avian intelligence

3.Topic Sentence. She would grow up to become one of the richest women in the world.

Definition of Topic. Per name was Petty Green, but she was known to many as the Witch of Wall Street. Author's Opinion. None given.

Organizational Clues. Author may discuss

? Petty Green's early years

? How Petty Green got rich

? Why Petty Green had a nickname


The Analysis and Solution of Cambridge IELTS (4、5、6、7) 环球雅思温亮明 IELTS Reading(剑4. 5. 6. 7) 第1章IELTS中关于阅读文章中是非判断题分析 是非题中关于“only”题的总结(共11题,8F, 2NG , 1T) 总结:剑4、5、6中共有“only”题(是非判断)7小题,5题F,2题NG,剑7中共有“only”题(是非判断)4小题3F,1T。F机率远大于NG及T 是非题中关于比较级的总结(共24题,5F, 12NG, 7T) 剑7中比较级考点(是非判断)共计4小题1F,2NG,1T 剑4.5.6比较级考点(是非判断)共计20小题,6T,10NG,4F 总结:NG>T>F 是非判断题中同级比较(the same …as…)(…as well as…)的总结 剑4.5.6共计the same …as题4道2T,1NG,1F 剑7共计2题同级比较,1T,1 F 总结: 剑4.5.6.7 阅读真题中同级比较考点无规律可循 剑桥IELTS阅读文章中是非判断题解决方法 1、是非判断题的出题顺序与其在原文中定位句(处)的顺序是一致的,所以做此类题时必须有方向感,即Q1题在文中定位要在Q2前边,Q2题在原文中定位句要在Q3原文定位处前边……例如:剑5,P23,T1P2Q26 题目中独特定位词为sociobiology,在和中都出现了,第一次出现是在Q25题原文定位处的前面,第二次出现在Q25题原文定位处的后面,因为Q25与Q26两题具有顺序性,所以Q26题的答案应在原文Q25题原文定位处的后面的中定位,而不是在Q25题原文定位处的前面的找答案。 注意:此规律内容并非绝对,但基本成立。 2、剑桥IELTS是非判断题基本上是考查原文中连续段落,即几个是非判断题在原文中的定位处是几个连续顺序的段落,或这些是非判断题集中于原文某一个或某两个段落,但无论是何情形,定位处(句)仍旧是按顺序的。注意:此规律并非绝对,定位处的连续性基本上正确。 3、据考证是非题干中划线的定位词在文中的定位基本上是首次出现时进行定位划线,个别时候,在二次出现时定位,极个别时正确答案在三次以上原文出现时定位。 4、IELTS文章的题目,除List of Headings考段落、Sections主题,或文章后边一个单个选择题考整篇文章title之外,几乎所有阅读文章题目都是针对整篇文章的不同信息点设置的,每个题目所考内容只是整个文章中的一个信息点,而整篇文章是由多个信息点构成的一个层面,考试时间有限,考生使用的答题时间有限,IELTS考官设置试题时必须给予考生一定的解题线索,没有解题线索,此考题出题失败,而每个是非题目中的定位词(关键信息词)就是考生在原文中找到出题点的钥匙,所以把题干中的定位词(题干信息点)确定之后,找其在原文的重复出现或找其在原文中的同义替换,就可以确定本题在文章中的定位处(出题句),题目中的考点词与定位词同处于一道题目中,考点词与定位词之间肯定存在某种逻辑关系,基本上在文中找到定位句后(通过题干中定位词找在文中的对应定位词),就可以在定位句找到与题目中考点词有密切关系的答案信息,这是解决是非判断题最科学有效的方法,切记雅思所有题目实质上就是找题目信息点与原文信息点的逻辑对应。


重点阅读背景(自然科学类): ?Environment (10/3) Pollution/exhaust 1.世界3大污染是什么 2.造成污染的原因(人为因素) 3.污染对社会的影响 4.如何治理污染 IELTS 3: Test 4 Passage 1 ?Climate Change 1. Global Warming (重复率极高/6) 原因/温室效应/气温变暖的影响/解决方法 IELTS 5: Test1 Passage3 The Truth about the Environment An Inconvenient Truth-Al Gore 2.Harsh & Inuit (06/07/08) IELTS 6: Test1 Passage3 Climate Change and the Inuit ?Endangered Species (出现率很高) 1.濒危物种出现的原因(人为):hunt/environmental pollution/deforest 2.国际组织的解决方法 WWF: World Wildlife Fund IFAW: International Fund for Animal Welfare WSPA: World Society for the Protection of Animals ?Energy 1.Traditional Energy (natural gas/coal/petrol) 世界3大传统能源是什么/能源枯竭的原因/解决方法 2. Alternative Energy (solar power) 太阳能的工作原理 IELTS 7(herald): Test3 Passage2 Energy and Fuels ?Tropical Rainforest 1.热带雨林的破坏与气候变化的关系 2.热带雨林的破坏与物种变化的关系(habitat) ?Volcano 1.Climate Temperature 2.Prediction (考题/真题) 科学家如何预测火山爆发 IELTS 4 Test 3 Passage 2 Volcanoes-earth-shattering news surprising or shocking and very important 重点阅读背景(社会科学类): ?Child



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


Question 1 答案:TRUE 关键词:large numbers of people, build the pyramids 定位原文: 第1段第2句: “The conventional picture is that…” 解题思路: 此题通过定位词可以迅速定位至首段第2句话,题干对文章定位句的概括性改写分析如下:generally believed — conventional picture, large numbers of people — tens of thousands of slaves. 因此答案很明显应该是TRUE。 Question 2 答案:FALSE 关键词:hieroglyph, Egyptian monument 定位原文: 首段第5句: “While perusing a book…” 解题思路: 此题定位词在文中原词出现,可以快速定位。文中定位句指出Clemmons是在一本关于埃及古迹的书中读到的象形文字信息,而题目却说她在一座埃及古迹的墙上发现了象形文字,显然题目与文章相悖,因此此题答案为FALSE。 Question 3 答案:NOT GIVEN 关键词:experiment, bird flight 定位原文: 无 解题思路: 题干的定位信息在文章中未出现,此题为最典型的“原文完全未提及型”,故答案为NOT GIVEN Question 4 答案: TRUE 关键词:theory 定位原文: 第4段首句:”Earlier this year...”今年早些时候,他们把Clemmons空头理论付诸实验 解题思路: 题目与文章完全相符,因此此题答案为TRUE Question 5


雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第8讲讲义 Questions 25-28 说明:录音开始的2分钟内容已经在上一讲中讲过。。。 Questions 25-28 What is a dinosaur? A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact, lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next level of classification, within reptiles, significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs have led scientists to place these groups of animals into two different superorders: Lepidosauria, or lepidosaurs, and Archosauria, or archosaurs. B. Classified as lepidosaurs are lizards and snakes and their prehistoric ancestors. Included among the archosaurs, or “ruling reptiles”, are prehistoric and modern crocodiles, and the now extinct thecondonts, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Paleontologists believe that both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved, in the later years of the Triassic Period (c. 248-208 million years ago), from creatures called pseudosuchian thecodonts. Lizards, snakes and different types of thecondont are believed to have evolved earlier in the Triassic Period from reptiles known as eosuchians. C. The most important skeletal differences between dinosaurs and other archosaurs are in the bones of the skull, pelvis and limbs. Dinosaur skulls are found in a great range of shapes and sizes, reflecting the different eating habits and lifestyles of a large and varied group of animals that dominated life on Earth for an extraordinary 165 million years. However, unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. These bones extended on either side of the head, from the front of the snout to the level of the holes in the skull known as the antorbital fenestra, situated in front of the dinosaur’s orbits or eyesockets. D. All dinosaurs, whether large or small, quadrupedal or bipedal, fleet-footed or



雅思阅读模拟试题精选 1. Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike —vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA. 2. Instead, excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves, and freezing samples as they are found, dirt and all, concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today. 3. Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA, Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, France, and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information, they say, needs to be hammered home among the



Passage1 Question 1 答案: H 关键词: national policy 定位原文: H段第1句“The New Zealand Government…” 解题思路: 这一段的首句就以一种叙事口吻向考生交代了新西兰全国上下正在开展的一场为残疾人服务 的战略,该句含义为“新西兰政府已经制定出一项‘新西兰残疾人事业发展战略’,并开始进入广泛咨 询意见的阶段。”另外,在该段其它语句中也提到the strategy recognises..., Objective 3...is to provide...等信息,非常符合题干中account一词的含义。 Question 2 答案: C 关键词: global team 定位原文: C段最后一句“The International Institute of…” 解题思路:这句含义为“在世界卫生组织的建议下,国际噪声控制工程学会(I-INCE)成立了一个国际工作小组来”,这句话中international能够对应题干中的global, 而working party能够对应team。这是对应关系非常明显的一道题目。 Question 3 答案: B 关键词: hypothesis, reason, growth in classroom noise 定位原文: B段第3句“Nelson and Soil have also suggested...” 解题思路:在该段首句中就出现了classroom noise这个词,因此该段有可能就是本题的对应段落。在接下来的叙述Nelson and Soil have also suggested...中,suggest一词能够对应题干中的hypothesis 后一句中的This all amounts to heightened activity and noise levels,与题干中的one reason相对应 Question 4


IELTS阅读方法与技巧(一) READING STRATEGIES AND SKILLS This course will give you the opportunity to develop and practice reading strategies and skills which can be applied to all forms of IELTS tests. The strategies and skills you will practice are as follows: 1.Predicting 2.Skimming 3.Scanning 4.Detailed reading 5.Guessing unknown words 6.Understanding main ideas 7.Inferring 8.Understanding text organization 9.Assessing a writer's purpose 10.Evaluating a writer's attitude. 1 Predicting Before you read a text in detail,it is possible to predict what information you may find in it. You will probably have some knowledge of the subject already,and you can use

this knowledge to help you anticipate what a reading text contains. After looking at the title,for example,you can ask yourself what you know and do not know about the subject before you read the text. Or you can formulate questions that you would like to have answered by reading the text. These exercises will help you focus more effectively on the ideas in a text when you actually start reading. To help you predict,you may also use skimming and scanning strategies as described below. 2 Skimming Skimming involves reading quickly through a text to get an overall idea of its contents. Features of the text that can help you include the following: (a)Title (b)Sub-title(s) (c)Details about the author (d)Abstract (e)Introductory paragraph (f)First,second and last sentences of following paragraphs (g)Concluding paragraph A text may not contain all of these features - there may


2019年雅思考试阅读理解模拟练习试题及答案A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004,the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia,but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining.One exception was France,where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots.His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti- globalisers’favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing https://www.sodocs.net/doc/655987885.html,st year European sales increased by 5.8%and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years.Europe accounted for 36%of the group’s profits and for 28%of its sales.December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain,and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations,to be“locally relevant”,and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants.McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat,exploiting workers,treating animals cruelly,polluting the environment and simply for being American.Mr Hennequin says


雅思精讲阅读班精讲班第7讲讲义 Questions 22-24 What is a dinosaur? A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact, lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next level of classification, within reptiles, significant differences in the skeletal anatomy of lizards and dinosaurs have led scientists to place these groups of animals into two different superorders: Lepidosauria, or lepidosaurs, and Archosauria, or archosaurs. B. Classified as lepidosaurs are lizards and snakes and their prehistoric ancestors. Included among the archosaurs, or “ruling reptiles”, are prehistoric and modern crocodiles, and the now extinct thecondonts, pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Paleontologists believe that both dinosaurs and crocodiles evolved, in the later years of the Triassic Period (c. 248-208 million years ago), from creatures called pseudosuchian thecodonts. Lizards, snakes and different types of thecondont are believed to have evolved earlier in the Triassic Period from reptiles known as eosuchians. C. The most important skeletal differences between dinosaurs and other archosaurs are in the bones of the skull, pelvis and limbs. Dinosaur skulls are found in a great range of shapes and sizes, reflecting the different eating habits and lifestyles of a large and varied group of animals that dominated life on Earth for an extraordinary 165 million years. However, unlike the skulls of any other known animals, the skulls of dinosaurs had two long bones known as vomers. These bones extended on either side of the head, from the front of the snout to the level of the holes in the skull known as the antorbital fenestra, situated in front of the dinosaur’s orbits or eyesockets. D. All dinosaurs, whether large or small, quadrupedal or bipedal, fleet-footed or slow-moving, shared a common body plan. Identification of this plan makes it possible to differentiate dinosaurs from any other types of animal, even other archosaurs. Most significantly, in dinosaurs, the pelvis and femur had evolved so that the hind limbs were held vertically beneath the body, rather than sprawling out to the sides like the limbs of a lizard. The femur of a dinosaur had a sharply in-turned neck and a ball-shaped head, which slotted into a fully open acetabulum or hip socket. A supra-acetabular crest helped prevent dislocation of the femur. The position of the knee joint, aligned below the acetabulum, made it possible for the whole hind limb to swing backwards and forwards. This unique combination of features gave dinosaurs what is know as a “fully improved gait”. Evolution of this highly efficient method of walking also developed in mammals,


1月9日雅思阅读真题 一、考试概述:本次新年的第一场考试又是AB卷。A卷第一篇话题讲了生物的生存不确定性,第二篇介绍了音乐的力量,第三篇讲了课堂大小对于学习效果的影响。的话题是两新一旧,第一篇内容为古生物化石,第二篇是情绪影响人的行为,第三篇是儿童文学 二、具体题目分析 A卷Passage 1:题目:Living with uncertainty 题型:判断7+简答6 题号:新题 答案:1-7 判断题1 FALSE2 TRUE3 NOT GIVEN4 TRUE5 NOT GIVEN6 FALSE7 TRUE 8-13简答题 8 lit fires9 saltbush10 European farming11 wheat12 pear13 Tellers (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) Passage 2: 题目:The power of music 题型:段落信息匹配5+Summary 4+人名配理论4 文章大意:待补充 答案:14-18信息配段落14. D15. I16. C17. F18. E 19-22 Summary without word list 19 physical health20 disabled21 brain scans

22 walking 23-26人名配理论23 C24 B25 A26 A (答案仅供参考) Passage 3: 题名:Does class size matter? 题型:段落信息匹配5+分类配对9 文章大意:待补充 答案:27-31 段落信息匹配27 D28 E29 A30 C 31 B 32-40 Classification32 A33 C34 B35 C36 A37 C38 A39 B40 A (目前无明确回忆,答案仅供参考) B卷Passage 1: 题目:The History of building telegraph lines 题型:判断6+简答7 文章大意:电报的发展史 相似文章: A The idea of electrical communication seems to have begun as long ago as 1746, when about 200 monks at monastery in Paris arranged themselves in a line over a mile long, each holding ends of 25 ft iron wires. The abbot, also a scientist, discharged a primitive electrical battery into the wire, giving all the monks a simultaneous electrical shock. “This


雅思阅读技巧总结 雅思分学术类和培训类两种,分别针对申请留学的学生和计划在英语语言国家参加工作或移民的人士。下面就随小编一起去阅读雅思阅读技巧总结,相信能带给大家帮助。 在雅思阅读考试的判断题中,一定要注意要求。比如:TRUR/FALSE/NOT GIVEN或YES /NO/ NOT GIVEN,要按要求写到答题纸上。 小站老师技巧:在做题的时候,现在题目中找到定位词和信号词,一般要注意名词。如果在题目中真的无法找到合适的名词,可以换其他词性。注意:最常暗示答案的几个连词是BUT,HOWEVER,WHILE,AND, ALSO, MOREOVER。 在雅思阅读的归纳题中,首先要用判断题的方法找到相应的定位词,目前归纳题有两种趋势,一种是题目贯穿在整篇文章,另一种是只隐藏在其中一二个段落。 配对题相对来说比较好做,一般“首尾句原则”就比较适合这种题型。 做雅思阅读选择题的时候,要注意通过提干把关键词和定位词划出来,然后对应所在的锻炼就可以。 在雅思阅读考试中,填空题的做法和归纳题差不多,都是先找定位词找出正确的段落,然后通过“就近原则”填空。 做雅思阅读简答题,首先要看清题目要求“NO MORE THAN

-WORDS”,一定要注意题目的字数限制。 在雅思阅读考试中,图表题的形式和要求相对来说比较严格,在实际做题中,首先要注意“序号”原则,其次要注意“形式一致原则”。 这类题型的干扰能力较大,“隐蔽性”也较大,考生要特别注意,另外,与HEADING题不同的是它们的答案通常不是在句首或句尾,而是在段落当中的某几句话,应该利用信号词“快速扫描法”进行定位段落,然后进行分析。


雅思考试阅读部分全解析 无论是A类还是G类, 雅思的阅读与国内\国际现今流行的各种重大考试有很大的区别。其广泛的选材范围、多样的出题形式、艰涩的段落和句法结构、冗长的篇幅和无处不在的生词对于考生的语言实力和解题技巧提出了严峻的考验。但是,回顾这么多年的考试历程,雅思并没有跳出语言测试的樊篱。换言之,雅思就是在有限的时间里测试考生的语言实力和应试技巧。 一、概述 I.文章的篇幅 长篇幅是雅思阅读文章的突出特点。每段文章至少700字以上,7、8个段落也算正常。 阅读目的就是为理解服务,应试型阅读就是为解题服务。雅思阅读中的题目虽然貌似复杂,其实归结起来无外乎主旨题与细节理解题。而解题的过程实际上是略读、扫读和细读这三大技巧的综合。雅思考试的阅读很有限,一个小时读三篇文章,每篇文章的阅读和解题时间非常短暂。因此,我们要坚持两点论和重点论相结合的原则,使用略读的技巧在短时间内抓住文章的中心思想、段落大意和长句的要旨。然后,仔细阅读文章之后的题目,并从中找出关键词或词组,同时迅速扫读,确定题目答案在原文中所对应的大致范围。然后对相关语段进行仔细阅读。这样,可以避免或减少对文章中干扰信息的阅读,从而节省时间,提高阅读效率。 II.文章的选材范围 剑桥大学考试委员会秉承剑桥大学的作风,奉行高等教育的精英主义理念,反复强调非专业原则和国际化两条原则,体现考试的公平和公正、严肃和全面的特点,所选的文章大多源于世界主流媒体,如Economist , Financial Times,Guardian;政府各部门的社会发展报告,联合国机构的年度报告;某些著名的协会杂志(带有官方色彩),如Info;英国及欧洲的专业杂志如Arts Management,Arts Education等;70%的自然科学文章选自National Geographic, New Scientist, Science, Popular立场Science和Nature杂志;80%的重大事件(非政治经济),重大发明都选自美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic) 雅思是一种语言考试,不是专业测试。因此,为了让不同政治经济体制,不同肤色,不同文化背景的人能平等参与,法律及专业性较强的医学,生物学,哲学,文学,艺术等的文章已经不再作为其考查范围。以下几个方面的内容经常作为考点出现:世界范围的就业状况;世界范围内的教育状况,经济发展的问题,


雅思阅读14种题型解题技巧(5) Short?Answer?Questions?〈简答题〉 题型要求 每个题目都是一个特殊问句,要求根据原文做出回答。 绝大部分的题目要求有字数限制,一般有如下几种表达方式: (1)?No more than two/three/four words(不超过2/3/4个字); (2)?One or two words(一个或两个字); (3)?Use?a?maximum?of?TWO?words(最多两个字)。 有字数限制的,一定要严格按照题目要求去做。 少部分的题目要求中没有字数限制,这时,请注意,答案字数也不会很长,一般不会超过四个字。 总之,这种题型的答案都是词或短语,很少是句子,所以又叫“短问答”。 考试中,A类和G类一般都是每次必考,考一组,共三题左右。 解题步骤 (1)找出题目中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。 将题目中的关键词与原文各段落的小标题或每段话的第一句相对照。有些题目能先定位到原文中的一个段落,这必将大大加快解题时间,并提高准确率。但并不是每个题目都能先定位到原文中的一个段落的。 题目中如果包含年代、人名、地名、数字,这些词肯定是关键词,因为原文中不会对这些词做改变,而且这些词特别好找,所以依据这些词在原文中确定答案比较快。 (2)从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题目中的其它关键词,确定正确答案。 确定一个段落后,答案在该段落中的具体位置是未知的。所以,需要从头到尾快速阅读该段落,确定正确答案。 (3)答案要对应题目中的特殊疑问词。 答案必须要对应题目中的特殊疑问词。绝大部分的答案是名词或名词短语,也有少部分是动词或形容词短语。见下文: 特殊疑问词:when,?where,?what,?who 答案词性:名词(时间,地点,人或单位等) 答案例子:8:00am,?classroom,?calcium?deposit,?Australian?taxpayer. 注意事项:不需要时间名词前面的介词及冠词,钟点后面要有am或pm。 特殊疑问词:how?many,?what?proportion,?what?is?the?cost 答案词性:数词(比例,钱币等) 答案例子:6,?20-30%,?$25million 注意事项:最好写阿拉伯数字。
