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人大考博英语完型真题基础练习举例分析:(来源于育明考博“人大考博英语复习系列资料”)If you were to begin a new job tomorrow,you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses.Success or__1__in your work would depend,to__2__great extent,__3__ your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage.__4__the utmost importance is your attitude.

A person__5__begins a job convinced that he isn’t going to like it or is__6__ that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success.On the other hand,a person who is secure__7__his belief that he is probably as capable__8 __doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt__9__it possesses a certain strength of purpose.The chances are that he will do well。__10__the prerequisite skills for a particular job is https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619133339.html,cking those skills is obviously a weakness.A bookkeeper who can’t add or a carpenter who can’t cut a straight line with a saw__11__hopeless cases.

This book has been designed to help you capitalize__12__the strength and overcome the __13__that you bring to the job of learning.But in groups to measure your development, you must first__14__stock of somewhere you stand now.__15__we get further along in the book,we’ll be__16__in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening __17__skills.However__18__begin with,you should pause__19__examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your__20__,your reading and communication skills,and your study habits.

1.A.improvement B.victory C.failure D.achievement

2.A.a B.the C.some D.certain

3.A.in B.on C.of D.to

4.A.Out of B.Of C.To D.Into

5.A.who B.what C.that D.which

6.A.ensure B.certain C.sure D.surely

7.A.onto B.on C.off D.in

8.A.to B.at C.of D.for

9.A.near B.on C.by D.at

10.A.Have B.Had C.Having D.Had been

11.A.being B.been C.are D.is

12.A.except B.but C.for D.on

13.A.idea B.weakness C.strength D.advantage

14.A.make B.take C.do D.give

15.A.as B.till C.over D.out

16.A.deal B.dealt C.be dealt D.dealing

17.A.learnt B.learned C.learning D.learn

18.A.around B.to C.from D.beside

19.A.to B.onto C.into D.with

20.A.intelligence B.work C.attitude D.weakness



【解析】本句的意思是:“成功或失败在很大程度上取决于你是否能扬长避短。”improvement改进;victory胜利;achievement成果,成就。这三个词都不合题意,只有 C.failure“失败” 合适。


【解析】to a great extent是固定短语,意思是“很大程度上”,符合题意。类似的说法还有:to a large extent,to some extent,to an extent,to a certain extent,to that extent,to the extent of…。the,some,certain都不能与great extent搭配。




【解析】of与名词连用,表示具有某种性质,状态,做表语。置于句首,表示强调。正常语序为:Your attitude is of the utmost importance.


【解析】A person后应当是定语从句,“开始工作的那个人”。




【解析】in ones belief相信。其它选项都不能与belief搭配。


【解析】capable of doing是固定搭配,意为“能够干什么”。






【解析】本句主语是A book keeper or carpenter…。根据主谓一致原则,其谓语应当用单数is,而不是复数are。being,been都是分词,应该排除。






【解析】固定短语take stock of,意为“对……估价,对……作出判断”。









【解析】固定短语to begin with,意为“首先,第一”,常用做插入语。




【解析】本句对全文进行总结概括,与文章的开头相呼应,Of the utmost importance is your attitude故选attitude。















Moreover,insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him,the Wake field Master is uniformly considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation.He was,formally,perhaps clerically educated,as his Latin and music,his Biblical and patristic lore indicate.He is,still,celebrated mainly for his quick sympathy for the oppressed and forgotten man,his sharp eye for character,a ready ear for colloquial vernacular turns of speech and a humor alternately rude and boisterous,coarse and happy.Hence despite his conscious artistry as manifest in his feeling for intricate metrical and stanza forms,he is looked upon as a kind of medieval Steinbeck,indignantly angry at,uncompromisingly and even brutally realistic in presenting the plight of the agricultural poor.

Thus taking the play and the author together,it is mow fairly conventional to regard the former as a kind of ultimate point in the secularization of the medieval drama.Hence much emphasis on it as depicting realistically humble manners and pastoral life in the bleak hills of the West Riding of Yorkshire on a typically cold bight of December24th.After what are often regarded as almost“documentaries”given in the three successive monologues of the three shepherds,critics go on to affirm that the realism is then intensified into a burlesque mock-treatment of the Nativity.Finally as a sort of epilogue or after-thought in deference to the Biblical origins of the materials,the play slides back into an atavistic mood of early innocent reverence.Actually,as we shall see,the final scene is not only the culminating scene but perhaps the raisond’etre of introductory“realism.”

There is much on the surface of the present play to support the conventional view of its mood of secular realism.All the same,the“realism”of the Wakefield Master is of a paradoxical turn.His wide knowledge of people,as well as books indicates no cloistered contemplative but one in close relation to his times.Still,that life was after all a predominantly religious one,a time which never neglected the belief that man was a rebellious

and sinful creature in need of redemption,So deeply(one can hardly say“naively”of so sophisticated a writer)and implicitly religious is the Master that he is less able(or less willing)to present actual history realistically than is the author of the Brome“Abraham and Isaac”.

His historical sense is even less realistic than that of Chaucer who just a few years before had done for his own time costume romances,such as The Knight’s Tale,Troilus and Cressida,etc.Moreover Chaucer had the excuse of highly romantic materials for taking liberties with history.

1.Which of the following statements about the Wakefield Master is NOT True?

[A].He was Chaucer’s contemporary.

[B].He is remembered as the author of five or six realistic plays.

[C].He write like John Steinbeck.

[D].HE was an accomplished artist.

2.By“patristic”,the author means


[C].superstitious.[C].pertaining to the Christian Fathers.

3.The statement about the“secularization of the medieval drama”refers to the

[A].introduction of mundane matters in religious plays.

[B].presentation of erudite material.

[C].use of contemporary introduction of religious themes in the early days.

4.In subsequent paragraphs,we may expect the writer of this passage to

[A].justify his comparison with Steinbeck.

[B].present a point of view which attack the thought of the second paragraph.

[C].point out the anachronisms in the play.

[D].discuss the works of Chaucer.


1.clerically educated受过教会教育的







8.medieval 中世纪的

9.plight悲惨的命运10.secularization世俗化,脱离教会11.pastoral乡村的12.bleak 荒凉的13.documentary记录文献的14.monologue独白15.burlesque诙谐或游戏诗文的,讽刺或滑稽的16.Nativity基督的诞生17.epilogue收场白18.deference敬意,尊重19.atavistic返

祖的,隔代遗传的20.slide back to滑回,这里指返回21.raisond’etre存在的理由22.all the same即便如此23.paradoxical turn自相矛盾的说法24.cloistered隐居的25.contemplative好冥想的人(如僧侣)26.the contemplative life宗教上冥想的生涯27.redemption赎罪28.mundane 世俗的,现世的29.erudite博学的,饱学之士30.anachronism时代错误,与时代不合的事物


1.Moreover,insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him,the Wake field Master is uniformly considered to be a man of sharp contemporary observation.



1. C.他象斯坦贝克一样写。第一段作者说他是一位公认的对当时代具有敏锐洞察力的作家。现在仍然享有盛名。主要在于“他对被压迫和被遗忘的人民的同情,有着对人物性格了解的犀利眼光,对日常方言的曲折转意的“耳朵”。他的幽默粗放而又喧闹,粗鲁而又愉快。因此,尽管他有意识的艺术效果(性),明显表现在他对复杂韵律和诗节的感受力上,人们仍然尊他为中世纪的斯坦贝克,对贫苦农民悲惨命运的疾首愤怒,给以毫不妥协地甚至野性地真实描述”。这段话说明,文内两位作家之共同点是在内容观点上。而不是指一样的艺术形式上。韦克菲尔德写的是诗歌形式——韵文,而斯坦贝克是小说和散文剧。所以说他像斯坦贝克那样写就错了。故选C.A.他是乔叟同时代人,见最后一句“他的历史观点的现实主义稍逊于乔叟。乔叟在几年前就为其时代写了一本传奇。” B.他是作为五或六本现实之剧本的作者而为人纪念。本文第一句话“只能从他写的五个或六个剧本来说明这位作者。” D.他是一位有成就的艺术家。

2.D.Patristic义:为关于早期基督教领袖的。第一段中his Biblical and Patristic lore indicate 的意思是“他那有关圣经和早期基督教领袖们的歌谣。”






4. B.表达抨击第二段思想的观点。这个问题最难回答,其所以选择B,是因为本人作者并不同意流行的观点。他在讲完“常规看法”有,用引导来谈“纪实文献”和“现实主义”。这说明作者之含义并不是这两个词的本义。这段最后一句话“事实上,最后一幕……”表明:最后一幕有宗教内容,而“现实主义”不过处于introductory阶段。第三段点明作者的观点“现在的戏剧表面上有许多支持世俗现实主义模式的观点。韦之‘现实主义’有一个自相矛盾的特点。他对人和书本的广泛的了解表明:“他不是与世隔绝,而是和时代紧密相连的。再说,那时的生活毕竟是全方位的宗教。那时代绝不会忽视这种信仰——人是叛逆和有罪的生灵,需要赎罪。大师是那么深沉含蓄的信奉宗教,因而他比布罗姆作者更不可能(更不愿)现实主义地表现真正的历史。他的历史感现实性甚至比乔叟更不现实主义。乔叟早在前几年为他的时代写了‘类似’骑士的故事”。“特罗依拉斯和克莱西德”等传奇。再说,乔叟以高度浪漫的材料为借口对历史事实任意处理。”所以说,我们可以期望作者在下面一步发挥自己的观点,抨击第二段的看法。A.他和斯坦贝克的比较是公平的。C.指出剧中时代错误。D.讨论乔叟作品。







例1Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.


1.句子的主干是:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry;

2.定语从句:which后面是一个定语从句,其先行词是social science;

3.方式状语:in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner是方式状语。其中的reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned是并列定语,修饰manner;

4.定语从句:that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena是定语从句,其先行词是manner;


Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry(主干)which seeks to study humans and their endeavors(定语从句)in the same reasoned,orderly,systematic,and dispassioned manner(方式状语)that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(定语从句)




例:In dealing with a challenge on such a scale,it is no exaggeration to say,"United we stand,divided we fall"



例:The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters。



原文深层信息--a red flag是令人生气的事物,源于西班牙的斗牛民俗。斗牛场上,人们用红布来激怒牛。


例:The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject.The world won't end if you don't pass a test.So don't worry excessively about a single test。




Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity

of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves(参考译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门学问的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。)

英文原句是个典型的长句,由27个词组成,中间没有使用任何标点符号,完全靠语法结构使整个句子的意思化零为整:less through…and more from构成一个复杂的状语,修饰动词arisen。在中文翻译中,“产生兴趣”这一重要内容通过一个独立的句子表达,两个不同的原因则分别由不同的句子表达,整个句子被化整为零“…产生兴趣…,这与其说是因为…,还不如说是因为…”




需要注意的是,这里提到的三段式指的是文章内容包含三部分,在具体成文时不一定严格按三自然段来写,尤其是在第二部分展开时可以分多个段落,如“First…Secondly…Finally”、“On the one hand…On the other hand…In addition”等结构。


人大考博英语文学文写作采用无提纲标题作文的出题形式,这就给考生很大的自由发挥空间,考生可以从多角度分析问题,如2004年人大考博英语写作部分标题为My Understanding of Globalization,考生可以从经济市场角度分析,也可以从文化的全球化来入手。



Shopping on the Net

Nowadays Internet is revolutionizing our globe and greatly facilitating(使方便)our modern life.As a matter of fact,we can do almost everything on the Net.To illustrate,we can conduct E-business,advertise our products,book an air ticket,buy and sell stocks,even hunt a job on the Web.Recently,shopping on the Net is gradually becoming popular in modern cities.However,people take different attitudes towards the new way of shopping.

Some people who prefer shopping on the virtual shopping centers or the e-commerce portals,hold that the new way of shopping has many advantages.First,the

web-stores can keep customers updated

about(使现代化)the best selling products.Besides,they can provide customers with a wider range of choices.Most important of all,it is very convenient and time-saving.People can stay at home shopping whatever they want online.

However,others who stick to shopping in the real-life stores have their reasons.First, they argue that though time-saving,it’s a little bit complicated to pay on the Web.Besides, they think that customers can never rest assured of(使仍然相信)the quality of the commodities unless they see them with their own eyes.Finally,they believe the best way to be on guard(警惕)against the fake(假货)and poor quality commodities is to shop in the traditional way.Therefore,they don’t show any interest in shopping online.However,more and more people will prefer shopping on the Web.And it’s believe that it will eventually be an irresistible trend of shopping in the21st century.



中国人民大学——英语2004年博士研究生入学考试试题 客观题部分 请用铅笔将此部分试题的答案填涂在答题卡上,否则无效! II. Vocabulary (10 points) PartA (5 points) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked iL B, C arm 1). Choose the:one thatbest completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET 1. Example: She prefers foreign wine to that produced__ A. previously B. vLrtually C. primarily D. domestically The sentence should read,; "She prefers foreign wine to that produce domesticany." Therefore, you should choose D. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages__ patriotism. A. obsolete B. aggressive C. harmonious D. amiable Z One call understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and __ to expressed thoughts. A. dilemmas B. countenances C. concessions D. junctions 3. People innately _____ for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power. A. strive B. ascertain C. justify D. adhere 4. Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of, zoo or wildlife for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally while we observe them. A. conservation B. maintenance C. storage D. reserve 5. According to the latest report, consumer confidence___ a breathtaking 15 points .last month, to its lowest level in 9 years. A. soared B. mutated C. plummeted D. fluctuated 6. Melissa is a computer___ that destroyed files in computers and frustrated thousands of users around the world. A. genius B. vires C. disease D. bacteria 7. The emphasis:on examinations is iby far the. worst form of competition in schools. A. negligent B. edible C. fabulous D. disproportionate 8. The boy seemed more _____ to their poverty, after seeing how his grandparents lived. A. reconciled B. consolidated C. deteriorated D. attributed 9. During his two-month stay, in China, Tom never____ a chance to practice his Chinese.


西方经济学(微观部分)》考试知识点归纳 一、名词解释 1.隐成本:厂商本身自己所拥有的且被用于该企业生产过程的那些生产要素的总价格 2. 供给量:一定时期内,生产者在某一价格下对商品或劳务的意愿销售量 3. 生产者剩余:生产者所获得的收益除去生产所付出的代价所剩余的差额 4. 无差异曲线:反映了消费者的偏好,特定一条无差异曲线上的点代表了受消费者同样偏好的所有可能的消费组合 5. 交叉价格弹性:着其他条件不变时,一种商品的需求量对其他商品价格变化的敏感程度(互补品的需价差价格弹性为负,替代品的需求交叉弹性为正) 6. 机会成本:生产者所放弃的使用相同的生产要素在其他生产要途中所能得到的最高收入 7. 等成本曲线:在既定的成本和生产要素价格下,生产者刚好够买得起的生产要素可能的组合的轨迹 8. 约束线(预算线):在既定价格下,由花费所有收入的消费组合构成的曲线 9. 需求收入弹性:指其他条件不变的时候,一种商品的需求量对收入变化的敏感程度 10. 边际替代率:在维持效用水平不变的前提下,消费者增加一单位某种商品的消费数量时所需要的放弃的另一种商品的数量(他代表了消费者愿意用一种物品交换另一种物品的比率) 11. 显成本:厂商在生产要素市场上购买或租用他人所拥有的生产要素的实际支出 12. 需求量:一定时期内消费者在某一价格下对商品或劳务的意愿购买量 13. 需求价格弹性:衡量其他因素不变时,需求量变化对该商品价格变化的敏感程度 14. 消费者剩余(衡量消费者利益的指标):消费者为了获得一定数量的商品而愿意付出的代价与实际花费的代价之间的差额。(消费者剩余衡量的是消费者从中得到的净收益的多少) 15. 等产量曲线:在技术水平的条件下,生产某一特定产量的两种生产要素投入量的组合的轨迹 二、简答题 1 导致供给变化的因素: « 投入品价格 « 对价格变化的预期 « 技术 « 生产者数量 2 无差异曲线有哪三个基本特征: « 在同一坐标平面上的任何两条无差异曲线之间,可以有无数条无差异曲线 « 在同一坐标平面图上的任何两条无差异曲线是不会相交的 « 无差异曲线是凸向原点的,越往右上方,偏好越大


中国人民大学金融学考博专业课试题 2006年 经济学 1.运用内外均衡理论分析我国巨额外贸顺差对国民经济的影响。(35’) 2.从市场结构或市场组织类型的角度分析如何提高我国国有企业的经济效率。 (35’) 3.试论述新凯恩斯主义对“挤出效应”的看法,并结合我国的实际谈谈它的实用性。(30’) 金融学 1.根据汇率机制形成理论,阐述当前人民币汇率形成机制改革及其对中国金融业的影响。(40’) 2.试从金融开放和稳定关系的角度,评述国际商业银行大规模入股中资银行后的积极意义及其风险。(30’) 3.试论述中国股权分置改革的理论依据及其对中国资本市场发展的预期。(30’)2007年 经济学 1.为什么发展社会主义市场经济仍需要政府的适当干预?(35’) 2.试论述国民收入的核算方法并说明绿色GDP的意义。(35’) 3.你如何认识中美之间的贸易不平衡及贸易摩擦?(30’) 金融学 1.试阐明外汇收支与国内货币供应的内在联系机制,并评述我国当前外汇收支对人民币货币供给的影响,应如何协调好外汇政策与货币政策?(30’)2.论述在我国建立和谐社会过程中商业银行在农村金融体系中的地位,你认为应如何发挥商业银行在支持农村经济发展中的积极作用?(30’) 3.有观点认为,中国资本市场必须进行战略转型,作为战略转型的重要步骤,在海外上市的大型国有(控股)企业正在回归A股,请对以下两点进行分析:(1)海外上市的大型国有(控股)企业回归A股对中国资本市场发展的战略意义; (2)从资金供给角度看,如何实现市场供求的动态平衡?(40’) 2008年 经济学 1.根据经济学理论,分析解决环境污染问题的途径及我国应有的对策。(30’)2.改革开放以来,我国经济长期保持高速增长的势头。试从宏观经济学的角度分析要保持这种高增长势头需要具备哪些条件。(35’) 3.阐述现代经济学流派对通货膨胀问题的看法及其对我国治理通货膨胀的启示。(35’) 金融学 1.结合中国实践,比较评述货币政策传导机制的“凯恩斯主义观点”和“信贷观点”。(40’) 2.试分析美国次贷危机的成因、机制以及对中国金融业的影响。(30’)


考博英语历年真题 北大2013年考博士英语真题及答案 Part Two:Structure and Written Expression20 Directions:In each question decide which of four choices given will most suita bly complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET. 21.The nuclear family__________a self-contained,self-satisfying unit compose d of father,mother and children. A.refers to B.defines C.describes D.devotes to 22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that e lderly Americans are________by social isolation and loneliness. A.reproach ed B.favored C.plagued D.reprehended 23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance,cooperation_____ ___the quality of interpersonal relationship. A.ascends https://www.sodocs.net/doc/619133339.html,pels C.enhances D.prefers 24.In the past50years,there________a great increase in the amount of resea rch_____on the human brain. A.was…did B.has been…to be done C.was…doing D.has been…done 25. “I must have eaten something wrong.I feel like_____.”“We told you not t o eat at a restaurant.You’ d better_______at hom e when you are not in the shape.” A.to throw up… to eat B.throwing up…eating C.to throw up…eat D.throwing up…eat 26.Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’ s creativity and emotional output;otherwise what they think beneficial to t he kids might probably_______their enthusiasm and aspirations. A.hold back B.hold to C.hold down D.hold over 27.According to psychoanalysis,a person’ s attention is attracted________by the intensity of different signals____ ____by their context,significance,and information content. A.not less than…as B.as…just as C.so much…as D.not so much… as28.They moved to Portland in1998and lived in a big house,_______to the south. A.the windows of which opened B.the windows of it opened C. its windows opened D.the windows of which opening 29.The lady who has_______for a night in the dead of the winter later turned o ut to be a distant relation of his. A.put him up B.put him out C.put him on D.put him in30.By standers, _______,_________as they walked past lines of ambulances. A.bloody and cov ered with dust,looking dazed B.bloodied and covered with dust,looked daze


人大商学院博士研究生入学考试试题—企业管理(2002-2005) 专业:技术经济和管理 科目:企业管理 时间:2002年 1、从理论与实践结合上论述中国企业信息化建设(50分) 2、论入世后中国企业管理创新(50分) 时间:2003年 1、论述现代企业管理学派的形成和演变(40分) 2、论述企业核心能力及其理论基础(40分) 3、简述市场营销组合策略(10分) 4、简述企业人力资源管理的内涵(10分) 时间:2004年 1、试述知识管理的目标和主要内容(10分) 2、试析“平衡计分卡”原理(10分) 3、论述“以人为本”管理理论和实践(40分) 4、论述企业可持续成长战略(40分) 时间:2005年 1、试用国家竞争力理论分析我国企业跨国经营的条件和障碍(30分) 2、论民营企业的的再创业(30分) 3、论信息化和管理变革(40分) 中国人民大学博士研究生入学考试试题—经济学(2002-2005) 专业:技术经济和管理 科目:经济学 时间:2002年 1、论市场经济理论与实践(50分) 2、入世与我国产业结构调整(50分) 时间:2003年 1、分析通货紧缩的成因及治理对策(40分) 2、试析中国大陆对外开放政策的经济含义(30分) 3、试论国有经济管理体制改革与经济发展的关系(30分) 时间:2004年 1、论述经济活动中边际效益递增的条件和选择策略(25分) 2、试述技术变革对市场结构的影响(25分) 3、试分析我国经济高速增长下劳动工资趋向(25分)

4、试分析我国生产要素总供给和总需求及当前经济情况(25分) 时间:2005年 1、试分析周期理论主要流派(25分) 2、试用结构—行为—绩效框架分析我国市场经济结构及其效应(25分) 3、试用社会成本、企业成本(私人成本)和政府矫正外部性政策原理,论述循环经济与可持续发展的关系(25分) 4、试用规模经济理论,分析企业兼并或收购的经济效应(25分) 2009 经济学 1. 需求的价格弹性,中值公式计算(20分) 2. 全球性金融危机,各国都对企业高管年薪进行了限制,试用委托代理理论对此进行分析。并预测效果(20分) 3. 评述现代经济学的企业理论(30分) 4. 我国提出了4万亿的投资方案,讨论其对宏观经济的影响,以及你的建议。(30分) 华大、汪兴东 策略一,找到导师并经常和其沟通 策略二,报二个以上学校。 策略三,多关心导师的研究动向 考的基本是市场细分,营销战略,差异化等等 经济学一共6个题目垄断定价有一个弹性考了一个 市场营销和战略管理是六个大题


中国人民大学博士入学考试考博试题真题 II. Vocabulary (10 points) PartA (5 points) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked iL B, C arm 1). Choose the:one thatbest completes the sentence and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on ANSWER SHEET 1. Example: She prefers foreign wine to that produced__ A. previously B. vLrtually C. primarily D. domestically The sentence should read,; "She prefers foreign wine to that produce domesticany." Therefore, you should choose D. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. International sport should create goodwill between the nations, but in the present organization of the Olympics somehow encourages

patriotism. A. obsolete B. aggressive C. harmonious D. amiable Z One call understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of their eyes and __ to expressed thoughts. A. dilemmas B. countenances C. concessions D. junctions 3. People innately ____ for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of an exaggerated lust for power. A. strive B. ascertain C. justify D. adhere 4. Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of, zoo or wildlife for intelligent space beings, like the wilderness areas we have set up on earth to allow animals to develop naturally while we observe them. A. conservation B. maintenance C. storage D. reserve 5. According to the latest report, consumer confidence___ a breathtaking < 9 in level lowest its to month, .last points 15> < D. plummeted C. mutated B. soared A.> < computers files destroyed that computer___ a is Melissa> < the around users of thousands frustrated> < disease vires genius < competition> < fabulous edible negligent >


人大高鸿业版《西方经济学》(包括微观和宏观部分)笔记讲义(精装版) 这份资料是2年前上过人大专业课考研辅导班的一个朋友的笔记。历经千心万苦才整理出电子版来,基础不太好的同学希望好好利用一下这些资料!更希望版主别删掉!!! 西方经济学笔记第一二章 第一节稀缺性与选择 (一)稀缺性和经济问题稀缺性的含义生产资源的相对有限性资源的稀缺性与经济问题由于资源稀缺性的存在,使得人们必须考虑如何使用有限的相对稀缺的生产资源来满足无限多样化的需要。这就是所谓的" 经济问题".生产资源或生产要素主要包括的成分经济社会中的生产资源也叫生产要素,主要包括:资本(其价格为利息)、土地(其价格为地租)、劳动(其价格为工资)。 西方经济学研究的问题西方经济学研究人与社会如何作出最终抉择,在使用或者不使用货币的情况下来使用可以有其他用途的稀缺的生产性资源,来现在或者将来生产产品,并把产品分配给社会的各个成员以供消费之用。它分析改进资源配置形式可能付出的代价和可能产生的收益。 (二)生产可能性曲线生产可能性曲线的含义在既定的资源之下所能生产商品的最大产量的组合,就是生产可能性线生产可能性曲线与资源稀缺性之间的关系生产可能性曲线反映了资源稀缺性的特征。 (三)选择和机会成本选择产生的原因资源的稀缺性使得社会不得不作出选择 机会成本的概念当具有多种用途的稀缺资源使经济主体需要选择时,选择会带来成本,选择的成本我们称为机会成本,当把一定资源用于生产某种产品时所放弃的另一各产品的数量就是机会成本,它是作出一次决策时所放弃的其他可供选择的最好用途。 经济问题的解决与机会成本的关系经济问题的解决被归结为如何使得选择的机会成本达到最低。 第二节西方经济学的研究对象 (一)经济学的定义西方经济学的定义西方经济学研究人与社会如何使用稀缺的生产性资源,生产出有价值的商品,并把它们分配给社会的各个成员。 西方经济学包含的最基本的思想资源是稀缺的社会必须以有效率的方式使用它 (二)经济学研究的基本问题西方经济学研究的三个基本问题生产什么以及生产多少。生产电视还是生产电脑、生产大炮还是生产黄油(希特勒的选择是:宁要大炮不要黄油);生产多少台电视机、多少台电脑,用多少资源生产大炮,用多少资源生产黄油。 怎样生产,用什么样的方法来生产这么多的产量与劳务,与生产方式,技术水平直接有关。为谁生产。生产出来的产量和劳务用什么样方式分配到社会的各个成员中,即怎样分配。 (三)资源的使用效率及其变动西方经济学除了上述的三个基本问题外,还研究以下三方面的内容: 社会稀缺的资源是否得到充分使用。


Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: When Kathie Gifford ’s face was splashed across the newspapers in 1996 after her lucrative line of Wal mart clothing was exposed as the work of underpaid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown, the Department of Labor and the White House teamed up to condemn such practices. With much fanfare, President Clinton’s administration launched the “No Sweat” campaign, which pressured retailers and manufacturers to submit to periodic independent inspection of their workplace conditions.; This campaign urged manufacturers to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct, a promise to self regulate that has since been adopted by a handful of retailers and many of the nation ’s largest manufacturers, including Nike and L.L. Bean. However, the Department of Defense, which has a $ 1 billion garment business that would make it the country’s 14th largest retail apparel outlet, has not signed the Code of Conduct. In addition, it has not agreed to demand that its contractors submit to periodic inspections.; Because the Department of Defense has not agreed to adhere to the code, the job of stopping public sector sweatshops falls to the Department of Labor. Federal contractors that persist in violating wage laws or safety and health codes can lose their lucrative taxpayer financed contracts. But Suzanne Seiden, a deputy administrator at the Department of Labor, says that to her knowledge, the department has never applied that rule to government apparel manufacturers. “I just assume that they are adhering to safety and health requirements,” she says. According to records obtained by Mother Jones, through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited Lion 32 times for safety and health violations in the past 12 years. 21.What is this passgage mainly concerned with? A)The functions of the Department of Labor in America. B)A serious problem threatening American economy. C)The successful attempt of regulating sweatshops in America. D)The seriousness of the problem of sweatshops in America. 22.According to the passage, Kathie Gifford ____. A) was one of the underpaid laborers in New York City’s Chinatown B) was one of the well paid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown C) made much money from cheap laborers in New York City’s Chinatown D) wrote a newspaper article exposing the practice of employing cheap laborers 23.The underlined p hrase “to submit to” is closest in meaning to ____. A) to accept unwillingly B) to refuse coldly C) to welcome warm heartedly D) to blame strongly 24.Which of the following statements about the Department of Defense is true? A) It will become the count ry’s 14th largest retail apparel manufacturer. B) It hasn’t acted according to the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) It has demanded its contractors to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct. D) It has teamed up with the Department of Labor to launch a campaign. 25.What was the purpose of President Clinton’s administration launching the “No Sweat” campaign? A) To urge manufacturers to obey the Workplace Code of Conduct. B) To remind the manufacturers of the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) To urge the Department of Labor to take its responsibility. D) To urge the Department of Defense to inspect manufacturers. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: The term investment portfolio conjures up visions of the truly rich-the Rockefellers, the Wal Mart Waltons, Bill Gates. But today, everyone-from the Philadelphia firefighter, his part time receptionist wife and their three children, to the single Los Angeles lawyer starting out on his own-needs a portfolio.; A portfolio is simply a collection of financial assets. It may include real estate, rare stamps and coins, precious metals and even artworks. But those are for people with expertise. What most of us need to know about are stocks, bonds and cash (including such cash equivalents as money market funds).; How do you decide what part of your portfolio should go to each of the big three? Begin by understanding that stocks pay higher returns but are more risky; bonds and cash pay lower returns but are less risky.; Research by Ibbotson Associates, for example, shows that large company stocks, on average, have returned 11.2 percent annually since 1926. Over the same period, by comparison, bonds have returned an annual average of 5.3 percent and cash, 3.8 percent.; But short term risk is another matter. In 1974, a one year $1000 investment in the stock market would have declined to $735.; With bonds, there are two kinds of risk: that the borrower won’t pay you back and that the money you’ll get won’t be worth very much. The U.S. government stands behi nd treasury bonds, so the credit risk is almost nil. But the inflation risk remains. Say you buy a $1000 bond maturing in ten years. If inflation averages about seven percent over that time, then the $1000 you receive at maturity can only buy $500 worth of today’s goods.; With cash, the inflation risk is lower, since over a long period you can keep rolling over your CDs every year (or more often). If inflation rises, interest rates rise to compensate.; As a result, the single most imortant rule in building a portfolio is this: If you don’t need


人大考博辅导班:2019中国人民大学技术经济及管理考博难度解析 及经验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,在2018-2019年技术经济及管理专业考研学校排名中,排名第一的是重庆大学,排名第二的是西安交通大学,排名第三的是厦门大学。 作为中国人民大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,中国人民大学的技术经济及管理一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第七。 下面是启道考博整理的关于中国人民大学技术经济及管理考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 技术经济及管理专业隶属于工商管理一级学科,是以技术的研发、流通和应用为基本研究对象,将技术与经济管理相结合的新兴学科。本专业要求学生在掌握一般行业技术经济分析理论和方法的同时,在基础行业以及交通运输等网络型基础产业领域培养更为坚实和具有特色的本领,全面掌握工程项目经济评价、政策等领域的定量评价、技术创新理论及其定量分析方法、投融资分析、资产评估等领域的专门知识。本专业硕士生的培养注重实践能力特别是将理论、模型、方法应用于解决实际问题的能力。 中国人民大学商学院的技术经济及管理专业考试科目 120204-技术经济及管理 ①②③申请审核制 跨一级学科考生复试笔试加试科目:④经济学基础⑤管理学基础 同等学力考生复试笔试加试科目:④经济学基础⑤管理学基础⑥政治理论 此专业实行申请考核制。 二、考试内容 中国人民大学技术经济及管理专业博士研究生招生为资格审查加综合考核形式,由笔试+专业面试构成。其中,综合考核内容为: (1)复试名单将于2019年4月初在我院网站上公布。 (2)复试时间一般为每年4月中旬。 (3)复试内容与形式 复试内容包括:外语水平(100分)、专业水平(100分)和综合素质(100分),采


中国人民大学考博英语真题常见名词单复数名词(Noun): 博士研究生考试有关名词的试题主要涉及名词的可数与不可数、名词的单复数形式、集体名词在数上的主谓一致和单数名词以复数形式出现及名词单复数同形的问题。需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 一、名词的单复数 (一)不可数名词 a little/some/much/considerable/a great(good)deal of/a lot of (lots of)/plenty of/a large amount of/a large quantity of/a wealth of(大量)/heaps of(大量的)+不可数名词 例句:The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel,that man being Prince Henry the navigator, who lived in15th century. (1995年第14题) 分析:该句是复合句,其中that man...navigator是一个独立主格结构,进一步解释说明one man;who lived...是非限制性定语从句,解释说明Prince Henry。 译文:葡萄牙人给了这位促进海上旅行的人很多荣誉,此人便是15世纪的航海家亨利王子。 例句:If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through


西方经济学原理期末复习 (一)微观经济学总结 一、框架 二、基本概念 需求函数、供给函数、市场均衡、需求价格弹性、需求收入弹性、需求交叉弹性、供给价格弹性、效用、无差异曲线、边际替代率、预算线、消费者均衡、替代效应、收入效应、生产函数、等产量曲线、等成本线、生产者均衡、机会成本 三、几种市场类型 市场类型厂商产品差异对价格控制进入市场接近的商品 数量程度程度难易程度市场 完全竞争很多无差别没有很容易农产品 完全垄断很多有差别较小比较容易轻工业、零售业寡头市场几家有差别较大比较困难民航、通讯、汽车 或无差别制造、石油开采完全垄断一家不可替代很大不可能公用事业 四、七种均衡

1.市场均衡 2.消费者均衡 3.生产者均衡 4.完全竞争情况下厂商短期均衡 5.完全竞争情况下厂商长期均衡 6.完全垄断情况下厂商短期均衡 7.完全垄断情况下厂商长期均衡 五、概念辨析 1.微观经济学与宏观经济学 2.实证与规范经济学 3.需求(供给)的变化与需求量(供给量)的变化 4.短期与长期 5.规模经济与范围经济 6.停业点与盈利点 六、基本原理 1.需求、供给、供求原理 2.边际效用递减规律 3.边际收益递减规律 4.商品的边际替代率递减规律 5.生产要素的边际替代率递减规律 七、典型经济现象解释 1.丰收悖论 2.猪流感疾病,是猪肉价格下降,分析均衡变动 步骤:㈠确定事件使供给曲线还是需求曲线移动或二者同时移动 ㈡确定曲线的变动方向 ㈢用供求图说明这种移动如何改变均衡价格和数量 3.为何钻石比水贵:水数量多边际效用小。 4.惨淡经营,店铺为何不关门? P=AVC 为停业点。当AC>P>AVC虽亏本,但其收入高于可变成本,还有一部分可弥补固定成本。若其关门将损失全部固定成本。因此商家会选择继续经营。 5.为何铁路、供水、供电等行业能保持其垄断地位? 政府特许自然垄断 6.最低工资法德出台将会有哪些成效和弊端? 一部分人取得叫高收入造成失业 7.在小镇放烟花,能向居民收取观看费用吗? 不能外部性不直接收费
