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Good afternoon everybody. My name is XXX and the number is XXX. Based on what they showed just now, I want to talk about some Logical Names for Twins relating to lexicology.

Logical Names for Twins are a list of names that would be linguistically logical for twins. They are not a list of names that sound alike, (such as Ann and Andy), but a list of names that are connected through other properties. Now let me show you two examples.

One is Eve and Zoe. Both mean "life", but Eve is Hebrew and Zo?is Greek. EVE is used by Feminine in England, France, and in a Biblical way. This word is from the Hebrew name ????? (Chawwah), which was derived from the Hebrew word ??? (chawah) "to breathe" or the related word ??? (chayah) "to live". According to the Old Testament (基督教的旧约圣经)Book of Genesis(创世纪), Eve and Adam were the first humans. She gave the forbidden fruit(禁果) to Adam, causing their expulsion(驱逐) from the Garden of Eden(伊甸园). Despite this potentially negative association(潜在的负相关), the name was occasionally used during the Middle Ages(中世纪). In the English-speaking world both Eve and the Latin form Eva were revived in the 19th century.

Zoe Means "life" in Greek. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews(希腊化的犹太人) as a translation of EVE. It was borne by two early

Christian saints(圣徒), one martyred(殉国) under emperor Hadrian(哈德良皇帝), the other martyred under Diocletian(戴克里先-罗马皇帝). The name was common in the Byzantine Empire(拜占庭帝国), being borne by a ruling empress(掌权的女皇)of the 11th century. As an English name, Zoe has only been in use since the 19th century. It has generally been more common among Eastern Christians (in various spellings).

The other is Leon and Noel. The names are each other in reverse. Leon is Derived from Greek λεων (leon) meaning "lion". Noel is the English form of the french word NO?L, which Means "Christmas" in French. During the Christian era(基督纪元后) this Greek name was merged (合并)with the Latin cognate(同源词) Leo, with the result that the two forms are used somewhat interchangeably(可交换的) across European languages. In England during the Middle Ages this was a common name among Jews(犹太人).

A famous bearer(持名者) was Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), a Russian Communist revolutionary(共产主义革命党人). In the Middle Ages Noel was used for children born on the holiday. A famous bearer was the English playwright(剧作家) and composer No?l Coward (1899-1973).

That’s all. Thank you very much. Now let’s welcome XXX to have a speech.


英语词汇学 第一部分选择题 I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers .Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%) 1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ] A. lewd → ignorant B. silly → foolish C. last → pleasure D. knave → boy 2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ] A. humour B. sarcasm C. ridicule D. all the above 3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ] A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradation B. extension, generalization, elevation and degradation C. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradation D. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation 4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ] A. synecdoche B. metonymy C. substitution D. metaphor 5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ] A. adjectives B. attributes C. modifiers D. words 6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in which a word is used. [ ] A. vocabulary B. grammar C. semantic pattern D. syntactic structure 7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning. This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ] A. addition B. replacement C. position-shifting D. variation 8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ] A. onomatopoeically motivated B. morphologically motivated C. semantically motivated D. etymologically motivated 9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ] A. clear grammar codes B. language notes


《英语词汇学教程》参考答案 Chapter 1 1. The three definitions agree that lexicology studies words. Yet, they have different focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions use different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o’clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) W hen it follows ‘-t’ and ‘-d’, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) When it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) When it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1) They are words that can be included in a semantic field of “tree”. (2) They represent the forms of the verb “fly” and have a common meaning. (3) They belong to a lexical field of “telephone communication”. (4) They are synonyms, related to human visual perception. Specifically, they denote various kinds of “looking”. 5. (a) 'blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black); 'blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in color (the primary stress in on black); 'greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black); 'White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). (b) 'black 'board: any board which is black in color (both words receive primary stress); 'black 'bird: any bird which is black in color (both words receive primary stress); 'grey 'hound: any hound that is grey in color (both words receive primary stress); 'white 'house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress). 6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words. 7. (a) The ‘bull’ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal. (b) ‘Take the bull by the horn’is an idiom, meaning (having the courage to) deal with someone or something directly. (c) ‘Like a bull in a china shop’is an idiom, meaning doing something with too much enthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone.


如何取个好听的英文名字 大部分的人在第一次上英文课的时候,就会开始考虑取一个英文名字,以便外国人能够准确无误的称呼自己,同时感受文明地球上不同地域的文化魅力。很多人在不同阶段都取过几个英文名字,但当你出国申请护照时最好固定下一个英文名字,因为以后再改就很不方便了。尽管起名没有一定之规,但起英文名时要尽量与自己的中文名有联系,让人感觉这就是你。下面介绍几种常用起名方法: 1、根据英文名字的内在含义,选择一个您喜欢的英文名字,或者拿自己所崇拜的西方伟人的名字做自己的名字。许多英文名字,来自希腊神话、罗马神话和《圣经》,因而具有某种内在含义。 1)英文名字的含义(男女完全简体版); 2)美国最常用的100个男性和女性的名字。 2、自己创造一个自己喜欢的名字。 1)音译:英文名最好与中文名发音一致,或者局部发音一致,如: 蒋大为David Jiang 李连杰Jet Li 2)意译: 李冰Ice Li 杨光艳Sunny Yang 3)香港人喜欢取水果或四季名称作名字,老外感觉有点怪,可他们就这么叫了. 起名要注意: 1、根据中文名起英文名字时,注意姓氏通常不变。 2、起英文名时注意性别,老外给男人用的名字有的中国女生也拿来用,闹出一些笑话。 根据星座: 白羊座男性最适合的英文名字: Charles、Mark、Bill、Vincent、William、Joseph、James、Henry、Gary、Martin、白羊座女性最适合的英文名字:

Malcolm、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily 金牛座男性最适合的英文名字: Fred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl 金牛座女性最适合的英文名字: Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、Fiona 双子座男性最适合的英文名字: Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 双子座女性最适合的英文名字: Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy 巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名字: Kevin、Louis、John、George、Henry、Benjamin 巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名字: Melody、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、Yvonne 双子座男性最适合的英文名字: Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 双子座女性最适合的英文名字: Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy 狮子座男性最适合的英文名字: Robert、Carl、Scott、Tom、Eddy、Kris、Peter 狮子座女性最适合的英文名字: Shelly、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara


大连工业大学Dalian Polytechni University 大连理工大学Dalian University of Technology 东北财经大学Dongbei University of Finance and Economics 大连交通大学Dalian Jiaotong University 大连医科大学Dalian Medical University 大连大学Dlian University 大连外国语学院Dalian University of Foreign Languages 辽宁师范大学Liaoning Normail University 大连民族学院Dalian Nationalities University 大连水产学院Dalian Fishereies University (大连海洋大学) 辽宁对外经贸学院Liaoning University of International Business and Economics 东北大学东软信息学院 Dalian Neusoft Institute of Information 北京市所属大学: 1、北京大学Beijing University 2、中国人民大学Renmin University Of China 3、清华大学Tsinghua University 4、北京交通大学Beijing Jiaotong University 5、北京科技大学University Of Science and Technology Beijing 6、中国石油大学China University Of Petroleum Beijing 7、北京邮电大学Beijing University Of Posts and Telecommunications 9、中国农业大学China Agricultural University 10、北京林业大学Beijing Forestry University 11、北京中医药大学Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine 12、北京师范大学Beijing Normal University 13、北京外国语大学Beijing Foreign Studies University 14、北京语言大学Beijing Language and Culture University 15、对外经济贸易大学University Of International Business and Economics 16、中央财经大学The Central University Of Finance and Economics 17、中国政法大学China University Of Political Science and Law 18、中央民族大学Central University For Nationalities 19、中国协和医科大学Chinese Peking Union Medical College 20、北京体育大学Beijing Sport University 21、北京航空航天大学Beijing University of Areonautics and Astronautics 22、北京理工大学 Beijing Institutes Of Technology 安徽省所属大学: 1、合肥工业大学HeFei University of Technology 2、中国科学技术大学China Science & Technology University 3、安徽大学University Of Anhui


《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案 【Chapter 1】 7.tart: loose woman bloke: fellow gat: pistol swell: great chicken: coward blue: fight smoky: police full: drunk dame: woman beaver: girl 8. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave/ the sea bade = bid 【Chapter 2】 Ex.1 The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Indo-European Language Family Balto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic Germanic


《英语词汇学教程》(2004 年版)练习答案 Chapter 1 7. Choose the standard meaning from the list on the right to match each of the slang words on the left. a. tart: loose woman b. bloke: fellow c. gat: pistol d. swell: great e. chicken: coward f. blue: fight g. smoky: police h. full: drunk i. dame: woman j. beaver: girl 8. Give the modern equivalents for the following archaic words. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave / the sea bade = bid 12. Categorize the following borrowed words into denizens, aliens, translation loans, and semantic loans. Denizens: kettle, die, wall, skirt, husband Aliens: confrere, pro patria, Wunderkind, mikado, parvenu Translation loans: chopstick, typhoon, black humour, long time no see Semantic loans: dream Chapter 2 1. Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European Language Family? The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. Knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately. 2. Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern languages given below.


如何取个好听又好记的英文名? 如何取个好的英文名,相信如果对英文名字没太多了解的人,对于取英文名应该觉得很头痛,现在我们一起来看看如何取好英文名。随着全球化进程的深化,英文名对每个人,尤其是年轻人,变得越来越重要。但是,很多人并不知道如何起英文名,往往胡乱起,结果产生很多问题。 问题1、所起英文名太常见 第一种问题是起的英文名太常见,如:Henry, Jane, John, Mary. 这就像外国人起名叫赵志伟、王小刚、陈小平一样,给人牵强附会的感觉。虽然起名字并无一定之规,但给人的感觉很重要。 问题2、不懂文化差异而犯忌 此外,由于文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅,如:Cat, Kitty, 在英语俚语中,它们指的是女性的阴部(Pussy)。Cat宜改为Cathy, Kitty宜改为Kate。 问题3、改名又改姓 一般来说,非英语国家的人到了美国,都可能改名,但没有改姓的。这关系到家族荣誉,将来还会关系到遗传基因。因此,无论自己的姓多么难读,都要坚持。常见有人起英文名时连姓也改了,如司徒健Ken Stone,肖燕Yan Shaw。下列英文姓尚可接受,但也最好不用,如:Young杨,Lee李。 问题4、英文名与姓谐音 有些人因为姓被人叫得多,便起个与姓谐音的英文名。但这样的英文名单独叫尚可,全称时就不太自然了, 如:肖珊Shawn Xiao,钟奇Jone Zhong,周迅Joe Zhou,安芯Anne An。 问题5、不懂语法用错词性 名字一般用名词,不用形容词。有些人不懂这一规律,用形容词起名,如Lucky,其实这不是英文名。 问题6、用错性别 偶尔还有人弄错了性别,如女士起名Andy, Daniel。 那么怎样起英文名呢?这里给你几条建议: 方法1、英文名最好与中文名发音一致,如: 郑丽丽Lily Zheng 杨俊June Yang 孔令娜Lena Kong 张艾丽Ally Zhang 吕萌Moon Lu 张波Bob Zhang 许开云Caron Xu


中国大学名称翻译 安徽省所属大学: 1、合肥工业大学HeFei University of Technology 2、中国科学技术大学China Science & Technology University 3、安徽大学University Of Anhui 4、安徽工业大学Anhui University of Technology 5、安徽农业大学Agricultural University Of Anhui 6、安徽医科大学Medical University Of Anhui 7、安徽师范大学Anhui Normal University 8、安徽理工大学Anhui University of Science and Technology 9、皖西学院Western Anhui University 10、安徽工程科技学院 Anhui University of Engineering Science & Technology 北京市所属大学: 1、北京大学Beijing University 2、中国人民大学Renmin University Of China 3、清华大学Tsinghua University 4、北京交通大学Beijing Jiaotong University 5、北京科技大学University Of Science and Technology Beijing 6、中国石油大学China University Of Petroleum Beijing 7、北京邮电大学Beijing University Of Posts and Telecommunications 9、中国农业大学China Agricultural University 10、北京林业大学 Beijing Forestry University 11、北京中医药大学 Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine 12、北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University 13、北京外国语大学 Beijing Foreign Studies University 14、北京语言大学 Beijing Language and Culture University 15、对外经济贸易大学 University Of International Business and Economics 16、中央财经大学 The Central University Of Finance and Economics 17、中国政法大学 China University Of Political Science and Law 18、中央民族大学 Central University For Nationalities


[0057]《英语词汇学》 第一次作业 [论述题] Exercise 1 Definitions Define the following terms with illustrative examples. 1. aliens 2. denizens 3. homophones 4. metonymy 5. dialect 6. backformation 7. acronym 8. semantic loan 9. bilingual dictionary 10. polysemy 参考答案: Exercise 1 Definitions 1. aliens Aliens are words borrowed from a foreign language without any change of the foreign sound and spelling. These words are immediately recognizable as foreign in origin. For examples, "coup d'état”, "résumé”, "régime”, etc. are all Aliens of French borrowings. 2. denizens Denizens are easily associated with already existing native words. They are successfully assimilated. They are foreign words which have been conformed to native English in accent, form (spelling) and even in adoption of an English affix. E.g. uncertain (the English prefix un- + certain, French by origin). 3. homophones Homophones are words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning, e.g. sun, son; piece and peace; etc. 4. metonymy Metonymy is one way of meaning transference whereby the name of one thing is changed for that of another, to which it is related by association of ideas. For example, when I say "I am reading Shakespeare (meaning Shakespeare's works), I am using metonymy. 5. dialect Dialect refers to a variety of a language peculiar to some districts and having no normalized literary form. For example, Shanghai dialect is spoken peculiarly in Shanghai but there's no literary work peculiarly written in Shanghai dialect. 6. back formation


《英语词汇学教程》参考答案 (注:参考答案仅供参考。有些题目的答案并非是唯一的) Chapter 1 1. The three definitions agree that lexicology studies words. Yet, they have different focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions use different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o’clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) when it follows ‘-t’ and ‘-d’, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of “tree”.


Grace 格蕾丝/gres/[gre?s] 它的中文翻译是“格蕾丝”,听起来很洋气,但是grace在英语中有“优雅”、“优美”的意思,相当于我们说的“小雅”、“小美”或“小丽”。 Penny 佩妮/ˋp?ni/[?pen?] penny是“便士”或“分”的意思,跟钱相关,和它最对应的是中文的“小贝”,因为在古代,货币的雏形就是贝壳。 Joyce 乔伊斯/d???s/[d???s] 它来自于joy,“快乐”的意思,所以Joyce就相当于中文的“小乐”。 Bella 贝拉/ˋb?l?/[?bel?] 来自于拉丁语,是“美白”或“白皙”的意思,相当于中国的“小美”或“小皙”。说到这小5必须嘚瑟一把,小5曾经是学意大利语的,bella在意大利语里就是美女的意思。 Jade 杰德/d?ed/[d?e?d] 翻译为“杰德”比较难听吧?因为是女生的名字,是“玉”或“翡翠”的意思,和中文的“小玉“、“小翠”对应。其实大多数名字里有王字旁的名字都可以起做Jade,如“瑶”、“琳”或“玲”,因为“王”在这里其实是“玉”的意思。 Rose 露西/roz/[r??z]

有些地方甚至翻译为“罗斯”,让人想到了“螺丝”,不太好吧?这个词是“玫瑰花”的意思,和中文的“小玫”对应。 Jasmine 杰西敏/ˋd??zm?n/[?d??zm?n] “杰西敏”也不太好听,既然Jasmine是“茉莉花”的意思,所以中文里我们有“小莉”。 Lily 莉莉/ˋl?li/[?l?l?] 这个名字很常见,lily是“百合花”的意思,明星中有白百何。 Lucy 露西/ˋlusi/[?lu?s?] 说了Lily,不得不说Lucy。但知道Lucy和Lily的人已经暴露了年龄 Lucy和lucian,有“光”或“亮”的意思,跟中文的“小亮”对应,Lucy和Lily是双胞胎,据说是长这样的: Daisy 黛西/ˋdezi/[?de?z?] 它是“野雏菊”的意思,跟中文的“小菊”对应。 好的,到这里为止这10个名字就讲完了,下面我们来看看其他名字。 Rosemary 露西玛丽/ˋroz?m?ri/[?r??zm?r?] “罗斯玛丽”不太好听,它的中文意思是“迷迭香”,是不是有很高大上的感觉? Daffodil 达福迪尔/ˋd?f?d?l/[?d?f?d?l] 这个音译也不好听,它的中文意思是“水仙”,大概可以等于咱们说的“小仙儿”……


大学校徽赏析 新校徽,以钟为主图案,有时间、积聚与警示的意义。表 明我院始于1636年的雷阳书院而源远流长,同时取其“钟 铎声声,人文日新;昌明博大,蒸蒸日上”之意,预示着 我院恢宏壮阔的发展前景;以正圆围绕方钟,表示具有“自 强不息、发展不已”精神的湛师人追求完美与和谐。钟取 “人”形,喻示教育以人为本。圆周上部的校训,说明了 学院的人才培养规格与要求。圆周两侧的三层枝叶,表示 我院已枝繁叶茂,正蓬勃发展。圆周下部的中英文校名以 蓝色为背景,既表示我院地处南海之滨,又喻示了学院“立 足湛江,面向全省,走向全国,胸怀世界”的发展定位。

南京师范大学的校徽以绿色调为主,1902说明了它的创办历史,上面三座古老、对称的房子勾勒出了一个南师大的形象,再上面的草与花给人以积极奋发向上的基调,周围以中英文标以"南京师范大学",整个画面简洁明了。 校徽中的椭圆形富有新意,地球寓意办学国际化。同时,校徽中含有我校的中英文校名、校训以及校标,信息量大。 校徽的设计者为我校机械学院工业设计系李春富教授。

1994年学校领导委托当时的工艺美术系青年教师肖红代为设计一枚校徽,并沿用至今。该校徽图案为正圆形,外圈与内圆为蓝色,象征理想与广阔的发展前景;中间黑体英文字母与下放的创校年号为绿色,代表教育与勃勃生机;蓝底下的“河大”两字为由右至左的篆书题,给人一悠久的历史文化感;校名下方的水浪,象征位于黄河岸边、中原文化与文明发祥地的河南大学历史久远 校标及说明 1、该标志的整体造型由江苏工业学院的英文首字母J、P、U形成,采用一只弯曲变形的铅笔作为主要的设计形象,反映出学院具有浓郁的学术气息和文化氛围。


1、American women were________the right to vote until1920after many years of hard struggle. 1.A.ignored 2.B.neglected 3.C.denied 4.D.refused 2、The antonym of soft is in“a________voice”and in“a________cushion”. 1.A.rough,hard 2.B.rough,rough 3.C.hard,rough 4.D.hard,hard 3、The figure of speech employed in“My father is a sanitary engineer”is _________. 1.A.hyperbole 2.B.euphemism 3.C.litotes 4.D.metonymy 4、Mrs.Smith is afraid that she and her husband don’t see_________on New Year Resolutions. 1.A.face to face 2.B.eye to eye 3.C.back to back

4.D.heart to heart 5、Among the synonymous group,old man,daddy,dad,father and male parent,_______ would most probably used by a lawyer in the court. 1.A.dad 2.B.old man 3.C.father 4.D.male parent 6、Our teacher is now not with us.Aha!When the________is away,the________ will play. 1.A.tiger,monkeys 2.B.cat,mice 3.C.hawk,birds 4.D.old,young 7、I could give an opinion________,but I would rather think about it. 1.A.off the sleeve 2.B.off the cuffs 3.C.off the cuff 4.D.off the sleeves 8、Choked traffic has been a(n)________to urban transportation system. 1.A.archenemy 2.B.primary enemy


英文名字起名的禁忌与建议 问题1、所起英文名太常见 第一种问题是起的英文名太常见,如:Henry, Jane, John, Mary. 这就像外国人起名叫赵志伟、王小刚、陈小平一样,给人牵强附会的感觉。虽然起名字并无一定之规,但给人的感觉很重要。 问题2、不懂文化差异而犯忌 此外,由于文化差异,有些名字引申义不雅,如:Cat, Kitty, 在英语俚语中,它们指的是女性的阴部(Pussy)。Cat宜改为Cathy, Kitty宜改为Kate。 问题3、改名又改姓 一般来说,非英语国家的人到了美国,都可能改名,但没有改姓的。这关系到家族荣誉,将来还会关系到遗传基因。因此,无论自己的姓多么难读,都要坚持。常见有人起英文名时连姓也改了,如司徒健Ken Stone,肖燕Yan Shaw。下列英文姓尚可接受,但也最好不用,如:Young杨,Lee李。 问题4、英文名与姓谐音 有些人因为姓被人叫得多,便起个与姓谐音的英文名。但这样的英文名单独叫尚可,全称时就不太自然了, 如:肖珊Shawn Xiao,钟奇Jone Zhong,周迅Joe Zhou,安芯Anne An。 问题5、不懂语法用错词性 名字一般用名词,不用形容词。有些人不懂这一规律,用形容词起名,如Lucky,其实这不是英文名。 问题6、用错性别 偶尔还有人弄错了性别,如女士起名Andy, Daniel。 英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。如William Jafferson Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如George Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如Bill Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。现将英语民族的个人名、昵称和姓氏介绍如下: I. 个人名 按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候,由牧师或父母亲朋为其取名,称为教名。以后本人可以在取用第二个名字,排在教名之后。英语个人名的来源大致有以下几种情况: 1. 采用圣经、希腊罗马神话、古代名人或文学名著中的人名作为教名。 2. 采用祖先的籍贯,山川河流,鸟兽鱼虫,花卉树木等的名称作为教名。 3. 教名的不同异体。 4. 采用(小名)昵称。 5. 用构词技术制造新的教名,如倒序,合并。 6. 将母亲的娘家姓氏作为中间名。 英语民族常用的男子名有:James, John, David, Daniel, Michael, 常见的女子名为:Jane, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Sarah, Catherine. II. 昵称 昵称包括爱称、略称和小名,是英语民族亲朋好友间常来表示亲切的称呼,是在教名的基础上派生出来的。通常有如下情况: 1. 保留首音节。如Donald => Don, Timothy => Tim. 如果本名以元音开头则可派生出以


大学英文名 211高校名单 清华大学Tsing university 北京大学Peking university 西安交通大学Xi'an Jiaotong University 上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University 东北林业大学Northeast Forestry University 中国地质大学China University of Geosciences 哈尔滨工程大学Harbin Engineering University 国防科学技术大学National University of Defense Technology 西北工业大学Northwestern Polytechnical [,p?li'teknik?l] University 电子科技大学University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 西南交通大学Southwest Jiaotong University 太原理工大学Taiyuan University of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学Harbin Institute of Technology 中国海洋大学Ocean University of China 中国石油大学China University Of Petroleum 华中科技大学Huazhong University of Science and Technology 中南大学Central South University 北京市师范大学Beijing Normal University 华南理工大学South China University of Technology
