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新闻翻译的方法与策略 摘要:众所周知,词与词形成句,句与句构成篇,从而组成一则新闻。因此句子就成了整个新闻的主要组成部分。对新闻英语句子的翻译是始终表现出一个翻译者或一个记者的技巧。那就是把一个扩展开的简单英语句子翻译成中文的技巧。我们应该首先把英语句子分成几个意群。同时根据中国的时间和逻辑的序列,继而把意群转化成中文副本并同时记录下来。如果任何一个句子的失去了它的逻辑,句子无论如何也不能成立。 本综述报告将着重讲如何分析新闻英语翻译成中文的主要策略并进行研究。关键词:;新闻英语翻译;方法;策略 English news translation methods and strategies research and reviewed in this paper Author:Wang Jing The Guide Teacher:Zhang Jianlei Abstract:As we all know that news was formed by sentences and sentences were formed by words. So the sentences were the main part of all the structure of news. The translation of English sentences about news was always show the skill of a translator or a journalist. To translate an expanded simple English sentence into appropriate Chinese. We should first and foremost divide the English sentence into several sense groups. Then transform the sense groups into Chinese counterparts and simultaneously recorder them according to Chinese norms of the sequence of time or the logic. If any of a sentence lost its logic, the sentence could not be made in any case. This paper mainly studies how to use cross-communication theory to translate English news to Chinese. Key words:English news translation; method; strategy


汉英新闻翻译策略 美国新闻学者约斯特认为: “新闻是已经发生或正在发生的事实的报道。”从中可以看出新闻的根本特点:新闻是对信息的报道, 新闻的时效性很强, 客观性是新闻的灵魂。 新闻一般包括标题、导语和正文三个部分。标题高度概况了整条新闻的主要内容, 被喻为“新闻的眼睛”, 是信息量最集中、最丰富的地方。新闻标题的功能包括五个方面: 把最精彩的内容揭示给读者, 用最短的文字阐明内容主旨, 以特殊方式表达报纸的倾向性, 凭借特殊强势吸引读者, 选择让人震撼的语句激励读者。导语简要交代整条新闻的人物、时间、地点、事件、原因等要素, 通常称为5W, 这些有时甚至用一句话表达。正文则体现前重后轻的做法, 先提供重要的信息, 再补充必要的背景报道, 所谓“倒金字塔”结构。 纽马克认为,采取何种翻译方法取决于三个因素:文本类型(type of text) 、读者身份(nature of thereadership) 和翻译目的(purpose of the translation) 。具体而言,译者可以打破新闻原文的形式上的束缚,在标题、词汇和句法结构上进行改写(rewriting) 。在出发语和目的语之间发生矛盾时,要优先考虑目的语的表达习惯。“好的翻译听起来不像是翻译”(奈达) ,而像译者用目的语写作的产物。交际翻译法的实质是意译、归化、适度再创造。 1.标题改写 新闻标题的功能是提炼内容、美化版面和吸引读者(郜书锴,2002) 。好的新闻标题常常具有简约、醒目、概括、风趣的特点(刘宓庆,1998 :82) 。标题翻译的好坏,直接影响着整篇新闻翻译的交际效果和读者的兴趣。纽马克认为:“Normally, as a translator, you are entitled to …change? the title of your text . ”(2001 : 156) 因此,除了极少数采用语义翻译外,译者都在标题翻译上下了很大功夫用交际翻译法处理。 标题翻译应积极地揭示新闻内容, 兼顾中英文标题的差异性和考虑读者的接受能力, 可采用以下三种策略: 其一, 如果标题含义明白、直接而且信息功能强烈, 译成目标语后读者不至于产生理解上的困难, 则可直译或基本直译, 例如: “Looking Back to Look Ahead——回首往昔展望未来”; “Olymp ics Begin in Style; Swimmer Takes 1st Gold——奥运会隆重开幕泳将夺首枚金牌”, 但中英文采用通栏标题或对仗式标题, 不完全一致。其二, 标题译成目标语能保留原文的重要信息和审美价值, 又不至于使读者产生理解上的困难。例如: “A V ow to Zip his Lips (夸张) ——誓要守口如瓶”; “So lar System Search from Space (头韵) ——从太空对太阳系进行探索”。“Zip”和“守口如瓶”并不对应, 但译文和原文对接受者的作用和接受者


最新时政新闻(两会)英汉词汇翻译 1.新思想 new thought 2.新常态 new normal 3.新增长目标 new growth target 4.新反腐模式 New anti-corruption model 5.民生 people's livelihood 6.扶贫 poverty alleviation 7.国防 national defense 8.改革开放40周年 40 years of reform and opening up 9.中国梦 the Chinese Dream 10.人类命运共同体 a community with shared future for humanity 11.五位一体economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress 12.四个全面 the four-pronged comprehensive strategy 13.一带一路 the Belt and Road Initiative 14.文化自信 cultural confidence 15.获得感 sense of benefit 16.成就感 sense of achievement 17.城市群 city cluster 18.低碳城市 low-carbon cities 19.智能制造 intelligent manufacturing 20.中国制造2025 Made in China 2025 21.工匠精神 craftsmanship spirit 22.中国天眼:500米口 径球面射电望远镜 (FAST) China's Eye of Heaven: The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) 23.国产航母 domestically built aircraft carrier 24.国产客机 homemade passenger jet 25.数字家庭 digital homes 26.数字经济 digital economy 27.人工智能 artificial intelligence 28.第五代移动通信 5G mobile communications 29.自媒体 We-Media 30.自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones 31.医疗改革 medical reform 32.国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 33.居民消费价格 Consumer Price Index (CPI) 34.税收减免 tax reduction and exemption 35.去产能 reducing excess capacity


新闻英语标题翻译:语态 英语新闻标题中的动词表示被动语态时,被动语态结构“be+过去分词”形式中的助动词“be”,通常被省略,也经常不用“by”来引出动作的执行者,剩下的过去分词在标题里就可直接表示被动意义,读者切忌将之误解为该动词的过去式。如: Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With Bread Knife. (A Girl Of 18 Raped After Threat With A Bread Knife.) 餐刀威逼下,18岁少女遭强暴。 Van Goghs Recovered After Theft. (Van Goghs Are Recovered After The Theft.) 梵高名画窃而复得。 Father Jailed For Murder Of Daughter. (Father Is Jailed For The Murder Of His Daughter.) 谋杀亲生女儿父亲锒铛入狱。 其实,读者在广泛接触英语报刊时会发现,新闻标题使用动词主动语态的频率远远超过被动语态。因为从修辞学角度而言,主动语态比被动语态更加生动多彩且富有感染力,所表达的意义更为直接,或更具有说服力,使读者感到真实可信,读来朗朗上口,流利自然。英语新闻标题只有在事件或动作的接受者比执行者更重要时才使用被动语态,突出强调宾语部分,以引起读者注意。这是因为读者读报时的心理状态同看书或查阅资料时的情况不尽相同。人们往往是在就餐时或上班途中、候车、饭后用茶等较空闲时看报的,阅读时思想往往不是完全集中的。只有当他们看到一条特别能引起他们兴趣的标题时,才会把注意力全部集中起来,全神贯注的看下去。因此,英语新闻标题有时为突出动作的承受者通常采用被动语态,目的在于抓住读者的注意力。




汉英新闻翻译理论与实践-汉语言文学 汉英新闻翻译理论与实践 祝东江 摘要:随着中国国力的增强和国际地位的提升,为了对外宣传的需要,越来越多的汉语新闻被翻译成英语。在这个过程中,有成绩,也有不足。本文通过系统分析新闻翻译,尤其是汉语新闻翻译的特点、原则,系统介绍了汉语新闻的标题、导语和正文的翻译方法和策略。 关键词:汉语新闻特点和原则翻译策略 随着我国经济的高速发展和社会的不断进步,我国在国际舞台上的地位空前提高,在许多重要国际场合都能看到中国元素,听到中国声音。相对世界强国来说,我们的对外传播力度、强度、精准度都难以与之相比。目前,中国面临的一个迫切需要解决的问题就是如何对外介绍自己。[1]如果有一批新闻业务精通,英语应用娴熟,国际视野开阔的新闻写作者或翻译高手,我国的对外传播就能顺利开展,就能在很大程度上扭转我国目前在国际舞台上的被动局面,树立在国际上的形象。 一、对外传播及特点 对外传播是通过中国人自主创办或与外国人合办的报纸、杂志、广播、电视等传播媒介,以境外人士为主要传播对象,以让世界了解中国为目的而进行的新闻传播活动。对外新闻报道有以下3个特点[2]:1.有明确的针对性和目的性。对象是能够阅读和听懂英语的外国人,其目的是让外国人熟悉和了解中国新闻事件,明白中国的观点,创造有利于中国的舆论环境,并帮助树立有利中国国际形象。2.采用西方思维方式和写作方法。根据他们的实际接受水平,以他们的语言


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 浅析《雾都孤儿》中象征手法的运用 2 关于《飘》的中译本的翻译策略分析 3 4 从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义 5 语音歧义和语义歧义的语言学分析 6 中西校园流行语的文化对比 7 美国总统就职演说中隐喻的语用功能分析 8 浅析莱辛在《屋顶丽人》中的女权主义思想 9 论《荆棘鸟》中德罗海达的寓意及其对命运的影响 10 美国犹太文化与传统犹太文化的冲突——浅析《再见吧,哥伦布》 11 论奥斯卡?王尔德的艺术道德观 12 对《儿子与情人》中的自然环境描写的研究 13 华兹华斯的浪漫主义文学在《嘉莉妹妹》中的再现 14 英语广告语的语言特色分析 15 中英道歉语的比较分析 16 英语广播新闻与报纸新闻的文体比较 17 The Darkness in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales 18 “I”and Rebecca--A Study on the Comparison of Two Female Characters in Rebecca 19 汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移 20 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用 21 浅析造成盖茨比悲剧的因素 22 浅析阿里巴巴的创新盈利模式 23 An Analysis of the Main Characters in Twilight-eclipse 24 论基督教教义对美国人慈善观的影响 25 母语正迁移在初中英语教学中的研究与应用 26 《高老头》主人公人物性格分析 27 爱神简论 28 《呼啸山庄》中男主人公希斯克利夫复仇动机分析 29 浅析理发师陶德一剧中歌词的妙用 30 跨文化交际中的语用失误分析及策略研究 31 隐喻视角下的政治新闻语篇分析 32 论交际法在组织课堂教学中的重要性 33 浅谈毕业生求职面试技巧 34 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同 35 商标翻译及商标翻译中的文化禁忌 36 中西服饰文化差异对语言的影响 37 《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》中母子关系的对比 38 委婉语在商务英语中的应用 39 浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较 40 暗喻的英汉对比翻译 41 论约翰?多恩诗歌中的张力 42 The Changes of Women’s Status in China and Western Countries


新闻英语翻译研究文献综述新闻英语,即“新闻报道文章中所使用的英语 ,具有新闻特性、适合新闻报道要求、适应新闻信息传播需要的语言” (张建,2004),成为了对外宣传的重要工具,特别是进入新世纪以来,对新闻翻译这一领域的关注日益增强,近年来,我国学者关于这方面的研究也逐渐逐渐多元化,从现有文献来看,主要集中在新闻本身的文体特点及翻译方法、新闻翻译理论、新闻翻译原则等方面。 1 新闻文体特点及翻译方法的研究文献综述徐泉、王婷(2001)总结出新闻文体的如下特点:1.用词新颖,精巧别致;2.句式多样富于弹性;3.巧用时态,布局呼应;4.频繁使用被动语态,重点突出;5.结构合理层次分明;6.善用修辞,讲求效果。就语法层面的翻译而言,李侠(2004)分析了英语新闻句子的四大特点:1.信息量大;2.结构简单; 3.语法手段丰富; 4.名词修饰语前置。李认为在翻译英语新闻时, 必须遵循汉英两种语言的规律和使用习惯,努力增强译作的准确性和可读性, 并提出了英语新闻句子汉译的 3 种方法: 1.化长为短; 2.调整句子中各部分的顺序与敢减敢删;3.使用四字格结构。曾尼(2010)从新闻英语的标题、词汇和时态及语态的角度,论述了新闻英语的一些文体特征。比如,由于报刊篇幅有限,新闻事件在语法方面的一个重要特点就是句型的高度扩展,结构严谨,句式简短精练,语言简洁是受人们称赞并为人们所追求的风格。郑连勋、郑?(2011)认为新闻英语的问题与其他形式的新闻问题相同,拥有许多属于自己的独特语言。在理解其用词特点的基础上面,代词、复合词、外来词等应用方式,也是新闻英语用词方面的关键,从英语新闻报道展开分析,以借代词、引申词、复合词、外来词、小词语缩略词、临时造词等方面为例探讨了英语新闻当中的用词特点。不少学者就这些文体特点的翻译进行了单项阐述。王治江(2001)提出了新闻外来词语音译中应注意的原则,即人名和地名中翻译要统一,不仅要译出指称意义,还要译出联想意义,但要避免产生贬义联想。范晓航(2003)认为在外文报刊翻译中运用短小精悍的汉语四字格可使译文笔墨经济,以少胜多,也可使译文整齐匀称、韵律感强。肖爱萍( 2004)分析了英文报刊中复合词的特点并提供了直译、意译和重组三种翻译方法。龙江华(2005)采用随机抽样及处理得出了新闻英语文体中被动语态出现频率在各类文体中最高的结论。认为被动语态同时具有缓和语气、强调动作承受者,使语篇话语衔接和连贯的作用。他较系统地归纳出了依据具体语境对新闻英语中被动语态进行翻译的方法:1.译成汉语中的被字句;2.译成汉语中有标志的被动句,运用“受、挨、遭、给、由、让、加以、予以、得到、受到、是”的对等词来代替“被”字;3.译成无标志的被动句;4.译成汉语的主动句。还有学者从新闻英语修辞手法角度进行研究。田传茂、许明武(2001)对报刊科技英语中积极修辞(隐喻、移就、夸张、拟人)的作用和翻译方法进行了详细探讨。胡光(2004)对英汉两种语言中比喻的喻体形象进行了比较在此基础上提出了新闻英语汉译时对喻体现象的处理方法:1.保留喻体二2. 替换喻体;3.省略喻体。此外,在新闻写作中,标点符号有其独特功能。但在报刊新闻英语翻译中,人们往往忽略标点符号在行文表意方面的重要作用。为此,马芜、田小勇(2003)探讨了新闻英语中出现频率较高的 3 种标点符号即逗号、冒号和破折号的正确理解与翻译。在英语新闻中,标题被视作全文的缩写。为了吸引读者,编辑往往运用各种修辞手段,力争使新闻标题更具吸引力。这为英语新闻翻译带来挑战。鉴于此,有关新闻标题翻译的文章占了 20%的高额比例。唐见端(2005)认为为了把原标题的意义和风格以汉语形式再现出来 , 在翻译过程中必须采取以下翻译方法:1.直译或基本直译新闻标题;2.翻译中添


英语新闻翻译 题目:C东北亚国际动漫作品比赛开幕ACG WORKS COMPETITION 【导语】昨天,2010中国长春东北亚国际动漫教育与产业发展研讨会暨国际动漫作品比赛开幕。 The 2010 China Changchun Northeast Asia International ACG Education and Industry Development Seminar, as well as the ACG works competition kicked off yesterday. 【正文】共有来自国内及英国、美国、韩国、日本、澳大利亚等十多个国家和地 区的60多个大专院校的4000多件作品参加角逐。12日至14日,来自国内及英 国、葡萄牙等十多个国家的30多位著名动漫专家学者和企业精英,将进行15 场演讲以及6场校园行系列学术讲座。 开幕式上,吉林艺术学院分别与东北亚文化创意科技园签订了全面合作 框架协议,与长春电视台签订了共建《发现长春》栏目协议,与韩国FiNE动漫 有限公司签订动漫教育与产业合作协议。 接下来的几天里,中外动漫专家将结合国内外动漫现状就动漫教育与动 漫发展展开研讨,并将对入围的动画和漫画作品进行评奖。 Over 4000 ACG works will enter in the rivalry. They are from more than 60 colleges or universities at home and from over 10 foreign countries and regions, including Britain, America, South Korea, Japan and Australia. ththIn addition, from 12 to 14, 15 speeches and 6


新闻时政短语英文翻译汇总(一) 1.to foster a culture of clean government 廉政文化建设 2. the implications of social harmony the characteristics of harmonious society 和谐社会的内涵 3. scientific outlook on development 科学发展观 4. harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony 和谐共赢 5. social assistance (aid) system 社会救助体系 6. become increasingly prosperous 日益昌盛maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 7. enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness 增强综合国力和国际竟争力 8. bring about development and prosperity 实现发展繁荣 9. cadre and personnel system 干部人事制度 10. system of dual control over cadres 干部双重管理体制 11. non-traditional threats to security 非传统安全威胁 12. leadership system against corruption 反腐败领导体制 13. outdated governance 不合时宜的社会治理模式 14. urban social security system 城镇社会保障体系 15. new thinking on energy development 新能源观 16. innovation-oriented country 创新型国家 17. foster integration with the global economy 促进全球经济一体化 18. export processing zone 出口加工区 19. maintain prolonged stability 长治久安 20. the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities 党的民族政策 21. Party and government organs 党政机关 22. duplicate law enforcement 多重多头执法 23. system of public servants 公务员制度



MARGIE NEWMAN: "When you can go to a place and not only see what's next and see how to better use what's already here, but also connect with people who love it as much as you do, it's just kind of a special thing. A lot of people call South by Southwest Interactive the geek spring break. And that's pretty accurate." 纽曼:“当你来到这里,不仅能看到下一个技术热点,了解如何更好的运用当前科技。还可以和有着相同兴趣的人一起交流。这是非常特别的经历。很多人把SXSW盛典称为奇客春假(怪人云集),这是相当准确的。 South by Southwest Interactive has seen the successful launch of several products. It helped push Twitter into mainstream popularity in two thousand seven. In two thousand nine, a company called Foursquare launched its mobile networking service at the festival. The service lets friends tell other friends where they are by "checking in" using a mobile application or a text message. Foursquare's owners say they now have more than six and a half million users around the world. SXSW盛典见证了几个产品的成功推出。2007年该盛典推动了Twitter的普及。2009年,一家名为Foursquare的公司在SXSW盛典推出了手机网络服务。这项服务允许朋友之间通过手机程序或短信“检入”(checking in)分享自己所处的地理位置。Foursquare公司表示,现在他们在全球拥有超过650万用户。 Margie Newman says quick response codes are big news at this year's festival. The codes turn URLs and text into barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone or a QR code reader.


新闻翻译一、新闻结构简介 1 标题(Headline)2 导语(Lead)3 主体(Body)二、新闻标题的翻译 1 标题的语言特点 1.1 特殊表达――省略2008 Olympic security budget ready for approval 译文:2008北京奥运安全预算正待批新闻翻译Hungry dog saves abandoned baby 译文:一条饿狗救弃婴Nations favours US-DPRK contact 译文:联合国看好美朝接触――时态Car bombs kill 7, wound 19 译文:汽车连环爆炸,7死19伤Song reaches Beijing 译文:宋楚瑜抵达北京新闻翻译Subway to Change Locals' Lives No.1 Line to Start Construction on 28th 译文:改变市民生活的地铁1号线28日动工EU not to ease visa barriers 译文:欧盟将不放松签证障碍Across US, residents opening homes to Katrina refugees 译文:全美居民为“卡特里娜”飓风灾民敞开家园US congress sending $10.5B in relief aid 译文:美国国会送出105亿美元救济――语态UN’s paramount role stressed at memorial New concept wanted to solve water shortage 新闻翻译 1.2 词汇特点――多用短小词World eyes mid-East peace talks 世界关注中东和平谈判(eyes = watches) Beijing: Tokyo must back words with actions 中国认为:日本必须拿出行动支持自己的言论(back=support)Suspects held 嫌疑犯被捕(held = arrested)――广泛使用缩略语EU may free Chinese goods next month 欧盟下月可能放宽中国纺织品出口(EU = European Union) 新闻翻译ICBC and CCB step up co-operation 中国工商银行和中国建设银行加强合作(ICBC = The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, CCB = China Construction Bank)New SARS medicine seems to show promise 新型非典药物展露希望(SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome)2 标题的翻译技巧 2.1 增减词法Astronauts cheered in Houston 美国宇航员在休斯顿欢庆胜利新闻翻译Song reaches Beijing 台湾亲民党主席宋楚瑜抵达北京China demands for bombing Probe and apology 中国要求北约就轰炸中国驻南使馆事件进行全面调查和道歉Animal world captured in movies 电影中的动物世界 2.2 用词新颖别致Fly me to the moon? That'll be $100 million 你想绕月旅行吗?一亿美元让你梦想成真Super girls: boon or farce? 超级女声:庆典还是闹剧?新闻翻译 2.3 言简意赅富有文采NASA sends shuttle to space, debris fears arise “发现”号顺利升空碎片脱落引悬疑3 练习1) Discovery to take another try at landing 2)Man recalls being first Disneyland visitor 3)Maradona owns up to 'Hand of God' 4)Schroeder 'nominated for Nobel peace prize' 新闻翻译三、新闻导语的翻译 1 导语的要素who(什么人)、what(什么事)、when(什么时候)、where(什么地点)、why(为什么)、how(怎么回事) 2 导语的翻译技巧开门见山内容准确NASA successfully launched space shuttle Discovery on Tuesday, but anxiously


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/6110353257.html, 浅谈汉译英新闻翻译的增译和删译 作者:李真真 来源:《校园英语·中旬》2015年第10期 【摘要】计算机翻译迅速发展的今天,笔者认为文学翻译和新闻翻译将成为人工翻译的最后两个阵地。文学翻译始终是翻译界的“宠儿”,而新闻翻译却长期受到冷落。笔者认为,在“走出去”的过程中,新闻翻译的地位更为重要,因为其影响直接、受众普遍。本文将浅谈汉译英新闻翻译中的增译和删译情况。 【关键词】新闻翻译汉译英增译删译 一、引言 新闻报道文体,是指严肃的非专业性报纸、杂志等宣传工具在报道或评论政治、时事性的事件时所使用的文体(王佐良、丁往道,1987)。作为信息型文本,首要任务是准确地再现原文。今天,新闻翻译担任着让世界了解中国、塑造中国良好形象的重要任务。太过忠实的翻译可能会引起语义模糊,甚至有损中国形象。20世纪80年代,赖斯和维尔米尔提出的目的论认为:译文目的决定翻译策略。这意味着为了满足预期目的,翻译可以适当地偏离原文。Bielsa 和Bassnett甚至指出:“在新闻翻译中究竟有没有一个真正的原文?”(Bielsa & Bassnett,2009) 新闻翻译除了要遵循信息文本一般的翻译原则,还要考虑到新闻的特殊性。在实际的翻译中,译者应做出适当的增译和删译。笔者从《今晚报》翻译中找到了一些具体的实例来辅助说明。 二、增译 中英两种语言的表达习惯不同,中国和英语国家在政治、经济、文化方面也存在很多差异。为了使目的语读者获得和源语读者同样的效果,译者往往要添加背景信息加以解释,以提高译文的可读性。 例一:原文:对我们来说,今年的主要开销就是红包。 译文:This year,our main expense is giving Hongbao (“lucky money” wrapped in red envelopes) 评注:新闻是一种直接且有效的文化传播手段,像“红包”这样的文化特色词应直接音译,但读者可能不明白。笔者认为此处应添加解释来有效传递信息和传播文化。


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 外文: Communicating uncertainty - how Australian television reported H1N1 risk in 2009:a content analysis Abstract 1.Background: Health officials face particular challenges in communicating with the public about emerging infectious diseases of unknown severity such as the 2009 H1N1(swine …flu) pandemic (pH1N1). Statements intended to create awareness and convey the seriousness of infectious disease threats can draw accusations of scaremongering, while officials can be accused of complacency if such statements are not made. In these communication contexts, news journalists, often reliant on official sources to understand issues are pivotal in selecting and emphasising aspects of official discourse deemed sufficiently newsworthy to present to the public. This paper presents a case-study of news communication regarding the emergence of pH1N1. 2.Methods: We conducted a content analysis of all television news items about


第4版块科技新闻类题材 一、背诵政府工作报告相关表达 二、英译汉: 1. (浙江工商大学2014)Before we replace angst about housing, mortgages and credit markets with anxiety about rising oil prices, consider what we've learned in the past several months. We had a housing bubble; that's now obvious. But how did it happen? Why was its bursting so painful? Without answers, we can't hope to reduce chances of a repeat. Boil it down to the three R's: rocket scientists, regulators, and ratings agencies. The rocket scientists are the wizards of Wall Street who invented securities that supposedly dispersed risk widely but actually created much more leverage than proved wise. In a modern capitalist system, regulators provide guardrails to keep markets from driving the economy off a cliff. The regulators failed. Whether regulators should or could have restrained innovation on Wall Street or prohibited business deals between consenting, sophisticated adults is a tough question. Among their many failings, the regulators allowed lenders to make a fundamental mistake: To lend not against the borrower's cash flow and income, but instead to lend against the seemingly inexorable increase in the value of the collateral. Mortgages were made to people who couldn't afford the payments because the lender (or investor) figured that if the borrower defaulted, the house would always be worth more than the loan. Then there are the rating agencies, mainly Moody's and Standard & Poor's. 'Credit-rating agencies assigned high ratings to complex structured subprime debt based on inadequate historical data and, in some cases, flawed models,' the Financial Stability Forum, a collection of regulators and central bankers, said in an April report. 'As investors realized this, they lost confidence in ratings of securitized products more generally.' But investors who relied on the rating agencies -- particularly supposedly sophisticated pension funds and other institutions -- are at fault, too. Rating firms became a crutch for investors who simply didn't want to spend the time and money required to be prudent investors at a time when low interest rates had everyone reaching for higher returns without contemplating the higher risks. A little 'back to basics' in banking and investing would go a substantial way toward avoiding a repeat of the Panic of '08. 2. (南开大学2012)Unintended consequences can be a byproduct of sweeping change. When Henry Ford invented the automobile, the world was transformed by its speed and convenience, but few people considered what millions of automobiles might mean for the world's energy supply and climate a century down the road. Similarly, with the proliferation of the personal computer, businesses and consumers quickly realized the cost-and time-saving benefits of the Internet, e-mail and high-speed broadband. Information technology transformed the information age -- and global commerce -- by making it dramatically easier to manage information, communicate, perform research, play and shop. Nowhere is this more evident than in our nation's efforts to reduce energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. The days when businesses could send a product into the marketplace


University Challenge Slim down, focus and embrace technology: American universities need to be more businesslike. Barack Obama invited a puzzling group of people into the White House on December 5th: university presidents, who are at the heart of a political firestorm. Mr. Obama is trying to channel the anger. The White House invitation complained that costs have trebled in the past three decades. Arne Duncan (阿恩·邓肯), the secretary of education, has urged universities to address costs with “much greater urgency”. A sense of urgency is justified: ex-students have debts approaching $1 trillion. But calm reflection is needed too. America’s universities suffer from many maladies besides cost. And rising costs are often symptoms of much deeper problems: problems that were irritating during the years of affluence but which are cancerous in an age of austerity. The first problem is the inability to say “no”. For decades American universities have been offering more of everything ── more courses for undergraduates, more research students for professors and more rock walls (硬件设施) for everybody ──on the merry assumption that there would always be more money to pay for it all. The second is Ivy League envy. The vast majority of American universities are obsessed by rising up the academic hierarchy. Ivy League envy leads to an obsession with research. This can be a problem even in the best universities: students feel short-changed by professors fixated on crawling along the frontiers of knowledge with a magnifying glass. At lower-level universities it causes dysfunction. American professors of literature crank out 70,000 scholarly publications a year, compared with 13,757 in 1959. Most of these simply molder: Mark Bauerlein of Emory University (埃默里大学的马克·博伊尔莱因) points out that, of the 16 research papers produced in 2004 by the University of Vermont’s literature department, a fairly representative institution, 11 have since received between zero and two citations. The time wasted writing articles that will never be read cannot be spent teaching. In Academically Adrift Richard Arum (理查德·阿鲁姆) and Josipa Roksa (约西帕·罗克莎) argue that over a third of America’s students show no improvement in critical thinking or analytical reasoning after four years in college. Popular anger about universities’costs is rising just as technology is shaking colleges to their foundations. The internet is changing the rules. Star academics can lecture to millions online rather than the chosen few in person. Testing and marking can be automated. And for-profit companies such as the University of Phoenix are stripping out costs by concentrating on a handful of popular courses as well as making full use of the internet. The Sloan Foundation (斯隆基金会) reports that online enrolments grew by 10% in 2010, against 2% for the sector as a whole. Many universities’ first instinct will be to batten down the hatches and wait for this storm to pass. But the storm is not going to pass. The higher-education industry faces a stark choice: either adapt to a rapidly changing world or face a future of cheeseparing. It is surely better to rethink the career structure of your employees than
