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Date Time Itinerary Flight/Train No. Detailed Information 2 April ,2012 14:10-19:10 Hangzhou-Kuala Lumpur Air Asia D7303 Arrival at Kuala Lumpur

2 April ,2012 All day Kuala Lumpur Visit Attractions in Kuala Lumpur

3 April ,2012




Air Asia AK1241 Arrival at Kolkata Afternoon Kolkata

Visit Attractions in Kolkata 4-10 April ,

2012 All day


Visit and Stay in Kolkata

10 April, 2012


Kolkata Central - Jaipur Take train to Jaipur 11-14 April ,


All day


Arrival at Jaipur ,visit Wind

Palace/Hawa Mahal 15-17 April ,

2012 All day


Visit City Palace,Amber Fort,Central Museum 17 April, 2012

Afternoon Jaipur-Agra

By Bus

18-20 April ,


All day

Agra Visit Taj Mahal Mausoleum ,Agra Fort

21-22 April ,

2012 All day


Visit Fatepur Sikri 23 April, 2012

Afternoon Agra-New Delhi

By Train

Arrival at New Delhi

24-27 April ,


All day

New Delhi

Visit Indian Gate ,Jama ,Raj Ghat ,Qutab Minar ,

Lakshmi Narayan ,Mausoleum of Humayun

28 April,


Afternoon New Delhi-Kolkata By Train

29-30 April,


All day Kolkata Stay in Kolkata

1 May, 201

2 17:35 Kolkata-Kuala


Air Asia


Departure from


2 May,2011 00:10 Kuala Lumpur

Arrival at Kuala

Lumpur, transfer to





Air Asia


Arrival at

Hangzhou, China

Traveller signature:


VISA APPLICATION FORM FOR P.R.C. NATIONALS NOTE : i) Two forms to be filled in by each applicant. ii) Three recent passport size photographs to be attached with the application. iii) This form should be printed on A4 size paper. Forms which are incorrectly filled in or are illegible or incomplete in any respect cannot be processed. If information furnished is found Photograph to be incorrect, visa is likely to be refused or cancelled if already given iv) Please ensure that your passport is valid for six months v) Visa fee to be paid in Renminbi in cash. vi) Applications accepted from 8 AM to 3 PM (Monday to Friday). vii) Collection of passports from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m(Monday to Friday) 1. Full Name (in block letters) Mr/Mrs/Miss__________________________________________ 2. Full Postal Address (House No.; Street; District/town; country; province) (i) Office/Work Unit: _________________________________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________________________Tel: (ii) Residence: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________Tel: ________________ 3. (a) Father’s Name (in full) : ____________________________________________________ His present Occupation and Address: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ (b) Husband’s Name (in full): __________________________________________________ (in case of married woman) His nationality: ______________________ His occupation: ________________________ His office address: _________________________________________________________ 4. Date of Birth: _______________________ 5. Place of Birth: _________________________ 6. Present occupation in detail (with designation/rank), name of employer or if in business the nature of business:____________________________________________________________ 7. Details of Passport held: No. ________________ Category ___________________ Date of Issue: _______________ Issued by Place of Issue: PLEASE TURN OVER


Checklist for Tourist Visa applications 旅游签证申请审核表

Inqui r y Of f i c er to del e te a s a ppr opr i at e(资料审核员根据适用情况选择) 1.T he a ppl i ca nt ha s c onf i r me d t hat s/he ha s no ot her doc ume nt s t o sub mi t OR 申请人已经确认她/他不提交其他文件 或者 2.T he a ppl i ca nt ha s s ubmi t t e d t he s upport i ng doc u me nt s a bove.I ha ve a dvi se d hi m/he r t ha t fa il ur e t o sub mi t a ll ne ce s s a r y doc u me nt s ma y r e sul t i n the a ppli c at i on t aki ng mor e t ha n nor ma l pr oce s si ng ti me or bei ng r ef us e d,but s/he ha s c hose n t o pr oc ee d wi t h t he a ppl i c at i on 申请人已经递交了上述文件,我已通知其不提交所有必要文件会导致被拒签,但其选择继续提交请。 ------------------------------------------- ------------------- Na me& Si gnat ur e of I nquir y Of fi c e r(资料审核员签名) Da t e/日期:


Checklist for Business Visa Applications 商务签证申请审核表 Name: __________________________ (姓名) Passport No.: ____________________ (护照号)Purpose of Visit:_______________________ (访问目的) Period of stay:_________________________ (逗留期) Yes 有 Remark 备注 Official use: doc present 官方使用 1. Hard copy of the completed and signed on-line application form. (Signature on application form and passport should be the same) 完整填写并由申请人本人签名的在线申请表。(护照与申请表签名需一致) 2. Proforma for Business Visa. 商务签证的附加表格。 3. Correct fee. 费用正确。 4. Two appropriate photos. (2*2 inch /5*5cm with white background. Photo should be clear, scanned photo is not acceptable) 2张照片。(白色背景,2*2英寸 /5*5厘米,不接受使用扫描或不清晰的照片) 5. Passport copy of the data page(X2) and last page (with signature) and any special endorsement, Resident permit/Work permit/Chinese Visa (in case of foreign nationals). Signature on the passport only with ink is acceptable. 护照复印件:首页两份、尾页(含签名)及其它备注各一份;外国人提供居留或工作许可或中国签证页复印件。必须使用墨水笔在护照上签名。 6. ID card (copy of both sides). 身份证复印件(正反面)。 7. Invitation Letter from recognised Indian Organisation. (See Instruction of Invitation Letter) 有资质的印度机构签发的邀请函。(参看邀请函的内容及格式要求) 8. Certificate of Incorporation of Indian Company. 印度公司的注册证明。 9. Dispatch letter from the duly recognised Chinese company. (See Instruction of Dispatch Letter) 中方公司派遣函。(参看派遣函的内容及格式要求) 10. Copy of Business License of the Chinese Company, and authenticated in English, both with the original chop of the Company. 中方公司的营业执照复印件及英文翻译件,加盖中方公司的公章。 11. CCPIT Certificate of Incorporation of the Chinese Company. Photocopy of the same is acceptable, with the original chop of the Company. 中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)认证。可接受认证书复印件,需在复印件上盖公司的公章。 12. Travel itinerary with applicant’s signature. 申请人签名确认的行程安排。 The applicant has submitted the supporting documents above and is aware that application documents will be assessed by the Visa Section at the Consulate General of India. The issue of visa/duration/entries to be granted is sole discretion of the Consulate. Visa Application Centre plays no part in decision making process of visa application. 申请人已经递交了上述文件,并了解签证决定权在领事馆,签证申请中心无权干预签证审批结果。 VISA Fee(签证费)NAME OF TRAVEL AGENT 代理名称 Service Fee(服务费) Courier Fee(If any)快递费(如选)ADDRESS 地址 Other Fees(其他费用)TEL 电话 ------------------------------------------- ------------------- Name & Signature of Inquiry Officer Date / 日期(资料审核员签名) ------------------------------------------- Applicant’s Signature / 申请人签名


意大利签证在职证明样 本 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

证明(Certificate) 兹有我公司女士(护照号),从年月在我公司担职务,月薪元,欲利用假期,于年月前往欧洲旅游,为期天。旅游需要的所有费用,均由其本人承担。 我公司确保她遵守当地法规,保证其在旅游活动结束后准时回国,并仍保留其原职务,请贵领馆给予签证的方便。 Hereby confirmed that Ms. (Passport NO.) is employed by our company as since . Her salary is about yuan/month。She intends to spend her holiday in Europe in , totally days. During her journey, all expenses will be afforded by herself. We make sure that she will obey the local laws and regulations, and further guarantee that after her journey, she will come back on schedule. We will resume her position in our company. Please kindly consider issue the visa to her. 单位名称: 单位地址: 人事经理签字:(手写签名) 联系电话:╳╳╳╳ 日期: 盖单位公章 注: (此段话不要打印上去) 1此单位证明要用单位正规信纸打印,有公司抬头+LOGO,页脚有地址,电话和传真 2在职证明上需写清签字人头衔,常规签字人为人事经理;出行人不能为自己签名;同行的客人不能相互签字;若在家族企业工作,直系亲属不能作为签字人;如申请人本人是法人代表,请企业人事负责人签名,不可以自己签名 3领导签字和联系电话非常重要,联系电话必须为办公室座机,最好总机转(请将分机号写清)+直线电话.保证电话工作时间有人接听,以便领馆电话问询


Italy travel itinerary First day The second day August 15th ~ August 16th 08.15 flight: HU7858 Guangzhou Baiyun Airport - Xian Xianyang Airport, 19:55 off, 22:40 08 16 flight: HU7971 Xian Xianyang Airport - Fiumicino Airport, Rome, 01:00 departure, 06:25 arrival Check Inn Hotel upon arrival. Traffic: aircraft 酒店:埃科酒店(Ecohotel) The second day August 16th After breakfast will visit Colosseum square; visiting Spanish Plaza; watch the Trevi Fountain Traffic: walking酒店:埃科酒店(Ecohotel) The third day August 17th Visit Pantheon; roam Piazza Navona and Venice square. Traffic: walking酒店:Hotel Martelli(马尔泰利酒 店) The forth day August 18th Visit Arco di Costantino Visit the Emmanuel S Memorial and the four river fountain Traffic: walking酒店:Hotel Antico Doge(安缇卡 道奇酒店) The Fifth Day August 19th 威尼斯Venice 早餐后游览威尼斯。威尼斯整个城市建筑在水上,出门或徒步或乘舟,是世界上唯一没有汽车的城市,全市共有轮船、汽艇5000多艘。“贡多拉”上华丽而迷离的情调,是世界游客永远的梦。我们前往威尼斯本岛游览在千万只飞翔的和平鸽中屹然耸立的圣马可大教堂、圣马可广场,历史陈迹叹息桥、欣赏水晶玻璃制作(共计3小时);下午您将参观总督府(40分钟)和科雷尔博物馆(40分钟);您还可以自费乘坐贡多拉在运河上漂荡,沿途经过科雷尔博物馆、黄金宫、雷雅托桥等文艺复兴时期建筑。盈纤细、造形别致的贡多拉已有千多年的历史,它静静停靠在岸边,时刻准备着用身


意大利签证(个人旅游)申请材料清单: 1、护照原件:至少还有半年的有效期,并至少留有连续2页的空白签证页,旧版护照尾页要有签名;如有用过的旧护照,最好提供原件。 2、两张(冲洗的)照片:3.5 cm x 4.5 cm正面免冠白底彩色近照(近6个月内)。 3、本人身份证正反面复印件,所在户口本所有信息页的复印件。 4、已婚人员需提供结婚证复印件,离异的需提供离婚证复印件,未婚人员免此项。 5、*在职人员需提供:a) 在职准假证明(有模版)原件;b) 公司营业执照副本或组织机构代码证副本的复印件,须加盖公章。 *退休人员需提供:a) 退休证原件;b) 银行打印的近6个月的养老金流水单原件,以下资金、资产证明照样提供。 *家庭主妇免此项。 *自由职业者和无业人员需提供:相关机构或居委会开出的有关证明原件,请具体咨询。 *在读学生和学龄前儿童需提供:学生证和在读证明原件,及外交部认证的有关公证书原件,请具体咨询。 6、银行卡(信用卡除外)或活期存折最近六个月的进出账流水单原件(有银行章,余额最好在5万元以上;如申请人未满18岁或无业,也可以提供父母或配偶的活期流水账单)。 7、如之前有定期存款,请到银行开具(中英文)存款证明,并提供此原件。(也可以提供配偶的) 8、房产、车产、股票、证券等资产证明复印件。(也可以提供配偶的) 9、往返中国机票预订单(由我司负责)。 10、申根全程酒店预订单(由我司负责)。 11、覆盖申根全程的旅行医疗保险(我司可以代买,保费如下,实报实销)。 12、需申请人认真、完整填写《意大利签证个人资料表》,此表信息是填写《申根签证申请表》的重要依据。 13、需申请人本人在《申根签证申请表》等三份表格上签名。 报价包含:意大利使领馆及签证中心所收取的签证服务费,专业指导,有关材料翻译、代填申请表、行程设计、机票/酒店订单、材料整理、代递代取等一站式的综合服务费; 报价不含:境外申根医疗保险。 作业时间:面试后两天出结果。 备注: 1、提供材料必须真实,递交意大利使领馆的所有资料领馆均不予退回,如因材料不实或不详细,导致拒签将由申请人自行负责; 2、有关签证资料上公布的签证有效期和停留天数,均以签证官签发的签证内容为唯一依据; 3、签证是否可以成功,取决于意大利使领馆签证官的直接审核结果;若万一发生拒签状况,申请人应自然接受此结果,本公司仅提供专家咨询和专业的协办服务; 4、签证未有结果请不要出机票,否则一切损失将由申请者自行承担; 5、行程单、机票/酒店预订单由我公司负责; 6、申根国家旅行医疗保险的保费另计,以覆盖申根全程的时间段购买,我司可以代买:1-10天75元,11-15天100元,16-20天120元,21天-30天165元,31-60天300元,61-90天440元; 6、如果是第一次申请欧美澳签证,请申请人积极配合签证材料的准备工作,以上证明个人经济财力方面的材料请尽量提供,越多越好。


■ ?????? ???? [?? ?17???] (第一页/ Page1) 签证发给申请表 APPLICATION FOR VISA <申请表填写方法> ? 申请人须以事实为根据,并将在以下空格处完整记载。 ? 申请人必须用韩文,英文或中文填写以下申请表。 ? 在相关选项的“[ ]”内打钩。 ? 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容。 ? You must fill out this form completely and correctly. ? You must write in block letters either in English or Korean. ? For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply. ? If you select ‘Other ’, please provide us with more information in the given space. 1.8 您以前出境或入境韩国时是否使用过其他姓名?(根据个人真实信息填写) Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea? 否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] → 如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If ‘Yes ’please provide details 1.9 您是否拥有双重国籍? Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ](根据个人真实信息填写) → 如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If ‘Yes ’please write the countries ( ) ? 签证发给认定书持有者直接移到第12部分(誓约),填写以下空格后提交申请表(不用写第3~11部分) Those who have confirmation of visa issuance must move to section 12 (Declaration) to complete this from (Those with visa issuance confirmation must not fill out section 3~11). 210mm ×297mm[??? 80g/㎡(????)]


TO: VISA SECTION Dear Visa Officer, Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)has worked in our company since XXXX-XX-XX (申请人入职时间:年月日). He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and the other Schengen countries from XX.XXXX to XX.XXXX (出国日期某年某月某日).All the expenses including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself. He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and will continue to work in our company after his/her visiting to Schengen countries. Name Sex Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Monthly Salary Length of Contract Sun Hui M 1963.05.26 G7******* Director 7800 2007.03.15-2015.03.14 Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Best Regards, Name of the leader:XXX(领导人姓名) Position of the leader:XXX(领导人职位) Signature:(领导的签名) Company Stamp:(公司盖章) Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXX Registrationg No.:XXXXXX 注: 1. 在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式;同一个团组不可 用同一个在职模板; 2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写客人的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中; 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中; 4.请不要将“意大利签证在职证明参考模板”字样保留在完成的在职证明中; 5.请注意人称代词,保证全文“她”或“他”的一致性; 6.译文如下;


(第一页/ Page1)签证发给申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA *签证发给认定号码Confirmation No. ?签证发给认定书持有者只需填写第1,10和12部分即可。 Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea? 否No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] →如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide details (姓Family Name , 名Given Name ) 1.9 您是否拥有双重国籍? Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 否No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] →如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please write the countries ( ) 2.7 最近5年内是否访问过其他国家(韩国除外)Have you travelled to Korea in the last 5 years?

(第二页/ Page2) 2.8.同行家属Are you travelling to Korea with any family member ? 无 No [ ] 有 Yes [ ] →如您选择“有”,请写具体内容If ‘Yes’ please provide details of the family members you are travelling with 3. 职业/ EMPLOYMENT 3.1职业What are your current personal circumstances ? 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容 3.2.职业详细信息Employment Details 4. 邀请人信息/ DETAILS OF SPONSOR 4.1邀请人/邀请单位Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ? 无No [ ] 有 Yes [ ] →如您选择“有”,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide details 5. 访问经费/ FUNDING DETAILS 5.1访问经费(以美元为准) Estimated travel costs(in US dollars) 5.2访韩费用支付者 Who will pay for your travel-related expenses? (any person including yourself and/or institute) Address in Your Home Country 6.2现居住地Current Residential Address *仅限于现居住地与本国地址不同者 / Write if it is different from the above address


如何开具意大利签证在职证明 2012-11-1509:51:39万国通编辑 轩轩经常给意大利签证申请人写在职证明/派遣函或者把中文版的在职证明/派遣函翻译成英文.在轩轩写在职证明的时候经常会发现申请人的在职证明的一些问题.而且经常会遇到客户询问如何写在职证明/派遣函.什么样的在职证明符合使馆的要求.而且,有些客户以商务目的出行,不写派遣函,写在职证明.去意大利探亲居然下派遣函.虽然现在意大利使领馆的政策非常人性化,对于一些规定的执行并不是很严.但是如果签证官或者中秘比较死板,较真,那么绝对会因为这些小错误,小细节被拒签.因为这种错误被拒签实在是不值得,也不应该. 轩轩签证百科普及:申请人的工作证明可以叫做在职证明和派遣函.申请以商务为目的前往意大利的人士的工作证明叫做派遣函;申请一大探亲,访友,旅游为目的前往意大利叫做在职证明;申请以文 化交流/体育运动交流为目的前往意大利的在职证明叫做派遣函. 根据轩轩的工作经验和的要求,申请人的工作证明应包括以下几点: 1.意大利签证申请人所在公司的公司的英文信函,用公司正规抬头纸打印,抬头纸应有公司的中英文名称,公司地址,联系电话和传真.轩轩解释:这是申请人的工作证明的基本要求,很多公司的抬头纸没 有英文的公司名称,英文地址和联系方式.这个没关系,可以在工作证明的书写内容中加上英文的公司名称,公司英文地址和联系方式.但是,申请人不能没有公司抬头的纸来敷衍了事,这样的工作证明很多 签证处和签证中心都是不接受的. 2.申请人的工作证明应该是打印版,不是手写版,申请人的工作证明打印在公司抬头之后,需要加盖公司公章并由负责人签字.轩轩解释:工作证明的全部内容都要打印在抬头纸上,就连负责人的职务和 姓名拼音都要打印在抬头纸上,之后由负责人手写签中文名.


赴印度签证单位介绍信范文_介绍信 赴印度签证单位介绍信范文 发布时间:2020-04-15【篇一】印度驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴印度xx公司邀请于201x年x月x日至201x年x月x日去印度参加为期2周的xx 公司的产品培训,批准他到印度为期2周假期,不会滞留不归。此证明仅为申请印度公务签证使用。至此单位公章:日期:201x年x月x日【篇二】印度驻华大使馆:XXX,身份证号:XXX,为XXX(单位名称)员工。自XX年几月至今一直在我单位任某职。我单位在XX时间段准他休假,批准他到印度旅游,不会滞留不归。请予协助办理其签证事宜。单位公章:日期:201x年x月x日赴印度签证单位介绍信范文相关内容:赴马来西亚签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】马来西亚驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。 赴越南签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】越南驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴越南xx公司邀请于201x年x 月x日至201x年x月x日去越南参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准他到越... 赴朝鲜签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】朝鲜驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴朝鲜xx公司邀请于201x年x 月x日至201x年x月x日去朝鲜参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准他到朝... 赴蒙古签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】蒙古驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴蒙古xx公司邀请于201x年x 月x日至201x年x月x日去蒙古参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准他到蒙... 赴法国签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】法国驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴法国xx公司邀请于201x年x 月x日至201x年x月x日去法国参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准他到法... 赴俄罗斯签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】俄罗斯驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴俄罗斯xx公司邀请于201x 年x月x日至201x年x月x日去俄罗斯参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准... 赴伊朗签证单位介绍信范文 【篇一】伊朗驻华大使馆:xx自201x年3月份至今一直在xx有限公司任职,职位是技术工程师,负责合作伙伴在中国市场的产品技术支持。应合作伙伴伊朗xx公司邀请于201x年x 月x日至201x年x月x日去伊朗参加为期2周的xx公司的产品培训,批准他到伊... 2020关于单位介绍信格式及范文 一、介绍信的概念介绍信是介绍派出人员的身份和任务的专用信件。二、介绍信的作用 1.介绍信主要用于联系工作、洽谈业务、参加会议、了解情况时的自我说明。 2.对于持信人而言,介绍信具有介绍、证明双重作用。


公司页眉 Dec. 26th, 2013 Indian Embassy, Beijing Sub: India Visit Itinerary To whom it may concern, The undersigned, senior manager of ABC, will go to India from 12th of Jan., 2014 onward to meet our Indian customers, including XXX, for technical/commercial discussions on power plant projects and related equipment supply and after that he will go to plant sites for erection & commissioning training for about three months. By the middle of March of 2014, he will leave India to meet the requirement of each stay not exceeding 90 days and then he will immediately go back to India to continue technical/commercial meetings with other customers in India on the upcoming power plant projects. So the undersigned requests to obtain a valid visa with multiple entries for six months. Thanks and Regards, ABC 申请人姓名 公司信息


Consolato Generale d’Italia Consulate General of Italy 意大利领事馆 Domanda di visto Nazionale (D) National Visa (D)Application Form 国家签证(D)申请表 Modulo gratuito This application form is free 此表格免费提供

Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso della tassa corrisposta. I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费. Applicabile in caso di domanda di visto per ingressi multipli (casella n. 24) Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24) / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24) Sono a conoscenza della necessità di possedere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria di viaggio per il primo soggiorno e per i viaggi successivi sul territorio degli Stati membri. I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status. 本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用 Sono informato/a del fatto e accetto che: la raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la mia fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle mie impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e i miei dati anagrafici che figurano nel presente modulo di domanda di visto, così come le mie impronte digitali e la mia fotografia, saranno comunicati alle autorità competenti degli Stati membri e trattati dalle stesse, ai fini dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla mia domanda. Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla mia domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento, revoca o proroga di un visto rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema d'informazione visti (VIS) per un periodo massimo di cinque anni, durante il quale essi saranno accessibili alle autorità competenti per i visti, quelle competenti ai fini dei controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne e negli Stati membri, alle autorità competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo negli Stati membri ai fini della verifica dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari sul territorio degli Stati membri, dell'identificazione delle persone che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni e dell'esame di una domanda di asilo e della designazione dell'autorità responsabile per tale esame. A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione, dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi. L'autorità dello Stato membro è responsabile del trattamento dei dati. Sono informato/a del mio diritto di ottenere, in qualsiasi Stato membro, la notifica dei dati relativi alla mia persona registrati nel VIS e la comunicazione dello Stato membro che li ha trasmessi e del diritto di chiedere che dati inesatti relativi alla mia persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla mia persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Su mia richiesta espressa, l'autorità che esamina la mia domanda mi informerà su come esercitare il mio diritto a verificare i miei dati anagrafici e a rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come delle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale dello Stato interessato. Le autorità di controllo nazionali di tale Stato membro saranno adite in materia di tutela dei dati personali. Dichiaro che a quanto mi consta tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della mia domanda o l'annullamento del visto già concesso, e che possono comportare azioni giudiziarie ai sensi della legislazione dello Stato membro che tratta la domanda. Mi impegno a lasciare il territorio degli Stati membri prima dello scadere del visto, se concesso. Sono informato/a che il possesso di un visto è soltanto una delle condizioni necessarie per entrare nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. La mera concessione del visto non mi dà diritto ad indennizzo qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (CE) n. 562/2006 (codice frontiere Schengen) e mi venga pertanto rifiutato l'ingresso. Il rispetto delle condizioni d'ingresso sarà verificato ancora una volta all'atto dell'ingresso nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form and the taking of my photograph and, if applicable, the taking of fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning me which appear on the visa application form, as well as my fingerprints and my photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on my application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) (1) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfill these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to
