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General Introduction to Yinxu

Hello everyone, welcome to Anyang ,welcome to Yinxu. It’s my great honour to being your personal guide .

First I will make a general introduction to this place .

As the ancient capital city of later period of Shang Dynasty , Yin Ruins is more than 3,000 years old .Around 1300 BC ,the 20th Shang king Pangeng relocated their capital city here , present Anyang but historilly called Yin . It lasted 255 years ,12 kings for 8 generations . At last , in 1046 BC ,the city declined after the dynasty was overthrown . So the place became ruins, and was called Yinxu in the history. Therefore,today we call it Yinxu is just to mean the ruins of Yin Dynasty .

(Yinxu in China ,is just like Pyramid in Eygpt , Harappa city site in India , and it’s the witness of the long history and splendid culture of China .)

Well ,we see th e tablet ahead “ The Cradle Of Chinese Writing ”,it is to tell you Anyang is the birthplace of the Oracle Bone Inscription , just means the cradle of Chinese character .The Chinese character upward is written by our famous calligrapher Mr. Shengpeng.

The gate was designed according to the pictograph “gate ” in Oracle Bone Inscription . The black decorative pattens obviously have the feature of the Shang times . Its designer is Mr. Yanghongyun , the famous

expert of ancient architecture of China . The five characters on the forehead were inscribed by Mr. Zhou Gucheng . Most important , you can see on both sides of the gate ---Gold sculptures, one of the earliest image of drago n . Of course ,it’s created according to one jade that excavated from Fuhao’s tomb. At last you will see the original place .

Through the gate we can see the Great Simuwu Qua dripod , it’s the heaviest bronze vessel of all of the world up to now . But this one is two times enlarged ,a replica. In Chinese quadripod is called Ding , and symblizes power and different degrees.

Okay , first we will go to see the Yinxu Museum .


Now you have arrived at the Exibitionhall of the excavation history .

First of all ,we see Wang Yirong .During Qing Dynasty , here were fields , the local person found a lot of ancient bones underground . They believed that the bones is a kind of Chinese medicine. Up to the year 1899 , the famous educationist Wang Yirong bought the Chinese medicine “drag o n bone” ,he found a lot of interesting inscriptions on it. He studied on it .Then we know this is the earlist character of China.

After Wang Yirong , so many people studied on the interesting inscriptions, for example : Liu E ,Luo Zhenyu ,Wang Guowei , and Guo Moruo.

Second , let’s see the back , you can know the formal exavation of


From the year 1928 to present ,we have found the palace sites , the Royal Cemetry sites ,and a large number of Oracle Bones .

Also you can see many tools the excavaters used. There are: Compass, calipers, a variety of kerosene lamps, cameras, radios, scales, test tubes, straw hat, water bottles, a variety of mining tools and so on .

At the end ,this hall was built on the original site .


Next spot we’ll look at is the model of YH127 Deposit of oracle bones ,unearthed in 1936. The original deposit, weighed 6 ton, was divided into 17,096 fragments, including 8 pieces of ox bones, and 300 pieces of complete turtle shells. It recorded plenty of informations of agriculture, military affairs, politics and so on. It was named the world’s earliest library. At the bottom of the pit, there was a twisted human skeleton lying on his side on the oracle bones. The excavators held that this skeleton was buried at the same time with the oracle bones, and perhaps he was the person who was in charge of the oracle bones.

On the walls, you can see the pictures taken at that time. You can find that the excavation of this pit is scientific. For it’s too big to be cleaned and sorted out in a short time in the field, the earth lump of the oracle bones was decided to be cased in a specially-made wooden box and carried to

Nanjing to continue the cleaning and sorting work in rooms. Since the box with bones weighed 6 tons, they organized 64 workers to carry it, from the excavation place to Anyang train station, they spent two days and nights. Then it was transported to Nanjing by train, and protected well when the staff opened the cover. According to the later research, the oracle bones of this pit all belong to the period of emperor Wuding. And the bones with characters written in red or black ink were found in this pit.

There were also many shells of sea turtles found, the largest piece of shell is 44cm long and 35cm wide. The experts identified that it was from the Malay Island.


Now we will enjoy the chariots of Shang Dynasty ---The Exibitionhall of chariots during Shang times.

Coming into the exibitionhall we can see six chariots and a piece of road remains .They are original things ,but not the real place .

During Shang times ,it was a slave society .People did not know what was death , they just thought they would went to the other world . So they would take the things together with them when they died . So the things here were burial things . More things in chariot symblize higher degrees .

The two replecas will tell you how to use the chariots.

The front part is called Heng , used as a steering wheel , the two crosses are called E ,used to hit the neck of the horses , the straight part called Yuan , is the carrige , with two wheels ,also have hide rounded , and it can make the chariots more comfortable .

The straight one is earlier , the curve one is later . Of course , the later one is more comfortable .Also you can see a dragon head that indicates only kings or nobles can use it .


Out of the Exhibition Hall of No.YH127 oracle bone deposit pit, we’re going to visit FuHao’s Tomb. FuHao, who is the wife of emperor Wuding of the Shang dynasty, is the first woman general in Chinese recorded history. She was both intelligent and brave and good at martial arts. Once, she led 13,000 selected soldiers on northern, western and eastern expeditions and conquered over 20 states, after her death, Wuding buried her with a large number of funerary items, and built a temple hall on the munsoleum. For FuHao’s tomb was buried in the palace area, not in the mausoleum area, it remained complete for thousands of years, and is the only well-reserved tomb of Shang royal members. Through the way, you must be attracted by the sensational sculptures, such as dragon, pheonix and so on. Those are the copies of the wares in FuHao’s Tomb.

Arriving at the square, we’ll see a beautiful status 3.5 meters high. That’s FuHao, our first woman general. She holds her favorite weapon yue. At

her back is the sacrificial hall. When Wuding missed her, he came here. This way please, we’ll go down into the tomb to visit. The FuHao’s tomb was unearthed in 1976, 5.6m long, 4m wide and 7.5m deep. It’s burial chamber under the foundation was in the shape of a shaft with many kinds of funerary objects buried in 7 layers. There were over 1928 pieces of objects unearthed from the tomb, including bronze vessels, jade wares, stone wares, bone implements, potteries and so on. In addition, there were over 6880 cowries. In 1999, FuHao’s tomb was restored.

Out of FuHao’s tomb, in the north stands the stone to memory Chairman Mao’s inspection in 1952, see, our leader has paid much attention to the Yin Ruins.

Now, my commentary is over, thank you for your listening all the way, and welcome your visit next time, thanks again!


安阳殷墟博物苑导游词(精选3篇)安阳殷墟博物苑导游词(精选3篇) 作为一位尽职的导游,通常会被要求编写导游词,导游词是我们引导游览时使用的讲解词。导游词应该怎么写才好呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的安阳殷墟博物苑导游词(精选3篇),欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 安阳殷墟博物苑导游词1各位游客: 现在我们已经到达了殷墟博物院内部,殷墟博物院犹如一座展现华夏历史瑰宝的艺术殿堂,它给人以古代文明的陶冶。殷墟博物院闻名于世有三个非常重要的因素:甲骨文、青铜器和都城。请大家移步换景,随我来一一体验。 首先让我们来看看进苑这座大门,它是由北京著名古建筑学专家杨宏勋教授专门设计的,整座大门庄严大方,朱彩雕墨,古风古韵、古香古色透着几分宁静与庄严、沉默与矜持。 如果说青铜器是使殷墟闻名于世的第二个因素,那么第三个因素就是都城了,现在呈现在我们面前的就是建在商城遗址上复原的仿殷大殿,它好似殷都的心脏,是商王朝拜议事的重要场所,这座建筑是采用“茅茨土阶,四重阿屋”的建筑方式,也就是茅草盖顶,夯土台阶,四面斜坡,双重

屋檐使整个大殿显得庄严辉煌。 请大家往前方看,呈现在我们面前的就是著名的司母戊大方鼎,它是我国迄今发现最早的记载量最大的青铜器,它1939年从王陵区出土,通高1.33米、长1.1米、直径0.78米,重达875公斤,是目前为止世界上所发掘的最大的一件青铜器,是我们的国宝,如此重大的器物,浇注起来特别的困难,可见当时我国的冶炼技术是何等的高超。鼎最开始的作用只是用作煮肉的锅,后来随着社会生产力的发展,逐渐变成了权利和地位的象征。 现在就请大家随我进殿去欣赏一下陈列在里面的甲骨文吧,在安阳殷墟出土的甲骨文是世界上最早的文字之一,因其刻在龟甲和兽骨上而得名,甲骨文记载了当时商朝的政治、经济、文化、军事、天文、历法和祭祀等各种活动,成为研究商代历史的珍贵资料。甲骨文被我们当代人重新认识以前,人们把可有珍贵文字的骨片当做类似于我们今天的蚊香来用,有的甚至那他来垫桌子,塞墙角。当我们脚下这块土地还是农田的时候,人们经常会从地里挖出一些骨片,人们一直把他当做一种可以止血的药材——龙骨。知道1899年我国著名金石学家王懿荣先生生病买药时发现中药“龙骨”上刻有奇怪的刻画,经过仔细研究,他认为“龙骨”上的刻画是商代的文字,是我国最早的文字——甲骨文,王懿荣先生因此被人称为是“甲骨文之父”。



安阳殷墟博物馆导游词殷墟作为世界文化遗产之一,承载着一段历史。位于废墟上的殷墟博物馆以最简单的形式展示了中国古代灿烂的青铜文化,将殷商王朝所创造的具有突出的普遍价值的文化传递给观众。安阳殷墟博物馆导游词一:各位游客:大家好! 有一首歌叫《常回家看看》,有一个愿望叫常出去转转,我仅代表我们旅行社欢迎大家到河南来转转,各位远道而来一路上辛苦了,敝姓张,是大家在河南省内的地接导游员,站在我身边的这位十分稳重的先生是我们本次旅游的安全保障员,司机张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术纯熟,对我省内的路况了如指掌,用我们河南话说就是“张师傅,中!”所以请大家放心的观光旅游,享受我们河南的大好河山。今天,能够前来为大家服务,我和张师傅都感到十分的荣幸,也请大家不要拘谨,有什么需要遇到任何问题尽管来问我们,我们叮当竭尽全力帮助大家,只有您住得舒心、吃得放心、玩的开心,才是对我们工作最大的肯定。那么,我先预祝大家旅途愉快,收获一段美好的记忆。我先向大家介绍一下我们今天的行程,现在是早上7点,我们出发前往安阳殷墟博物院,中午我们留在安阳市用餐,下午两点钟我们将会返程回郑州,以方便您按时踏上归途。我们的旅游车走走京珠高速途径新乡、鹤壁等市约行驶三个小时就会到达我们今天的目的地安阳殷墟博物院。此刻您看向四周,看到的是繁华的郑州市区,说道我的家乡郑州啊,真是有说不完的话,郑州古属豫州,公元前1027年周武王灭殷后封此地为管国,东汉时则称为管城,时至今日,我们仍能从郑州市区县的名称中寻找到历史的踪迹,如:管城区。到了隋文帝天皇三年,才有了


土火之艺——馆藏历代陶瓷展览 Exhibition of Pottery and Porcelain through Dynasties 2009/11/17 前言 水、土、火的碰撞,产生了绚丽多彩的陶瓷文化。陶器是全人类共同拥有的财富。而瓷器是中华民族对世界文明的重要贡献,中国因此而拥有了“瓷之国度”的美称。 早在新石器时代,我们的祖先就已经学会制造和使用陶器。商周时期出现了原始瓷。成熟的青釉瓷器烧成于一千八百多年前的东汉时期。经过三国两晋南北朝的初步发展,到了唐宋时期,我国的制瓷业进入第一个发展高峰。明清时期,我国陶瓷业发展到了巅峰阶段。 至少在唐代,我国已开始大量出口陶瓷器。此后历经宋、元、明、清各朝,日益发展,长久不衰。从东海和南海通向东亚、东南亚、中西亚、非洲、欧洲以及美洲的各条航线,无不见证了这一辉煌。因此这条海外贸易通道也被称为“陶瓷之路”。 广东最早的陶器出现在新石器时代早期。晋代开始出现青釉瓷器。唐、宋、元时期广东的制瓷业飞速发展,并大量输出国外。明、清时期,石湾陶器、广彩瓷器成为斐声中外的著名品种。 一部中国陶瓷史,反映的不仅仅是整个中国文化史的面貌,而且也书写了经济贸易史、工艺美术史、航海史、对外贸易史等方面的华彩篇章。 Introduction Collision of water, clay and fire gave rise to colorful pottery and porcelain culture. Pottery is a treasure of humankind. However, porcelain is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to the world civilization. China won its name as "Country of Porcelain". As early as the Neolithic Age, Chinese people had already got to know how to make and use pottery. Proto-porcelain had been made in the Shang Dynasty. Mature green glazed porcelain was made in the Eastern Han Dynasty and had well developed in the Three Kingdoms, the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties, and the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry reached its first peak of development. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chinese ceramic industry developed to a summit stage. Porcelain had begun to export in the Tang Dynasty. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, large quantities of pottery and porcelain exported from the East Sea and


最新安阳殷墟导游词作文5篇 殷墟现存遗迹主要包括殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址、殷墟王陵遗址、洹北商城、后冈遗址以及聚落遗址(族邑)、家族墓地群、甲骨窖穴、铸铜遗址、手工作坊等.以下是小编整理的安阳殷墟导游词作文5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 安阳殷墟导游词作文(1) 各位团友,早上好! 一片甲骨惊天下 ,热烈欢迎大家来到甲骨文的故乡参观,我仅代表河南青年旅行社欢迎大家的到来,初次为大家服务,我感到十分高兴,我叫席营,毛主席的席,大家可以叫我小席,坐在我右手边的是司机马师傅,马师傅有丰富的驾驶经验,相信我们一路将畅通无阻,一马平川.虽然我的年纪很小,社会经验也不丰富,但大家一定要相信我,信任我,希望大家能给我一次学习的机会,我和马师傅将竭诚为大家服务,祝愿大家能在安阳度过一段美好而难忘的时光. 首先我来说一下今天的行程安排,现在是早上8点,我们将到国际饭店就餐,9点整准时从饭店出发前往景点殷墟,大约30分钟的路程,抵达景点,11点半乘车返回,下榻国际饭店,下午2点,我们将到中国最早的监狱犹里城参观游览,晚上5点返回国际饭店. 现在我们的大巴已经缓缓的驶出了安阳火车站,细心的朋友会发现安阳的公交车上都印着古代战车的图案,不错,安阳是中国七大古都之一,也是中华民族古老文化的发祥地之一,它位于河南省最北部,是河南的北大门,中国最早的文字甲骨文和世界最重的青铜器司母毋大方鼎,都出土于安阳.1899年甲骨文的发现不但结束了仓颉造字的神话,也使一个名不经传的小屯村举世闻名. 甲骨文是中国现存最古老的成系统的文字,因文字刻在甲骨,兽骨之上故名甲骨文,它主要用于殷人占卜,记事,由于武王伐纣,殷商失国埋卜,甲骨文被掩埋于地下长达3000多年,直到1899年清朝王懿荣首先发现,当年我们脚下这片土地还是片农田,周围的村民经常在泥土中挖出一些甲骨.但当时他们并不知道这是什么,就随便扔掉了. 后来村里的剃头匠李成,为顾客剃头时,经常会划破头皮,他没钱买药,就用这些骨片磨成粉末涂在伤口上,竟然止住了血,才知道这便是中药的一味,换作龙骨.于是开始大量地买到药店.当时的药店大多只收购不带字的龙骨,所以许多农民把骨片上的字刮掉后再出售,幸好有些甲骨卖带京津两地,被王懿荣发现,并确认


Introduction of Shaanxi History Museum Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shaanxi History Museum. First, I want to give you a brief introduction of this museum. Shaanxi History Museum is a sizable national museum with a wide range of artifacts, about 375,000 historical and cultural relics, which were all excavated in Shaanxi Province. It covers an area of 70,000 square meters, with a floor space of over 50,000 square meters. Shaanxi Province had been the cradle of the ancient Chinese civilization. And people often say that the ancient history of Shaanxi is a microcosm of Chinese history. The museum shows a great deal of elegance and originality in style. It was designed by Zhang Jinqiu, a very famous female architect in China, and assumes the architectural features of ancient Chinese palaces and courtyards of Tang Dynasty. PREFACE HALL Now we are in the hall. The giant stone walking lion was originally erected in front of Shunling Mausoleum, the tomb of Empress Wu Zetian’s mother of the Tang Dynasty. With its exquisite craftsmanship and imposing appearance, the lion is believed to rank the first in Asia. Since lion and their carving skills were introduced to China from Afghanistan through the Silk Road in ancient times, so this lion also represents the cultural exchange between China and other countries. THE MAP OF SHAANXI PROVINCE Lying in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and in the eastern part of the northwest region of China, Shaanxi Province serves as the gateway to the northwest of the country, and offers a link of communication between the Southwest, Northwest and East China. Shaanxi Province covers the area of about 205,800 square kilometer, and has the total population of 37 million. Topographically, Shaanxi Province can be divided into three natural regions. The top part is the Loess Plateau in the northern part of Shaanxi Province. The middle part is Guanzhong Plain, and here is Xi’an city where 13 dynasties set their capitals during 1,100 years in Chinese history. The southern part of the Shaanxi Province is mainly about some mountainous regions. This is Qingling mountainous region, which is not only the natural boundary in separating the northern and the southern part of China but also the watershed of the two greatest water systems in China—the Yellow River system and the Yangtze River system. THE PREHISTORIC AGE


初中英语语法之形容词比较级和最高级讲练 (一)一般句式的构成: A + is / are+ 形容词比较级+ than + B A 是主格 B 是宾格 如:She is taller than me. 主格形容词比较级宾格 (二)英语形容词比较级的构成 英语形容词比较等级有三个:原级,比较级和最高级。 形容词比较等级形式变化有规则的和不规则的两种。 规则变化 1)单音节词末尾加-er(比较级),-est(最高级) 【例】原级比较级最高级 great greater greatest small smaller smallest clean cleaner cleanest 2)单音节如以e结尾,只加-r(比较级),-st(最高级) 【例】fine finer finest wide wide wider widest 3)闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er(比较级),-est(最高级) 【例】big bigger biggest hot hotter hottest red redder reddest 4)少数以-y,-er,ow,-ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er(比较级),-est (最高级)。以-y结尾的词,如-y前是辅音字母,则变y为-i,再加-er和-est。以-e结尾的词只加-r和-st。 【例】clever cleverer cleverest narrow narrower narrowest able abler ablest easy easier easiest 5)其它双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单词more和most。 【例】careful more careful most careful difficult more difficult most difficult delicious more delicious most delicious 不规则变化 原级比较级最高级 good/well better best bad worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther/further farthest/furthest 注:有些形容词一般没有比较等级。如:right, wrong, woolen等。


邢台天河山导游词3篇 天河山景区是国家AAAA级风景区、河北省重点风景区、河北省地质公园。景区文化底蕴丰厚。下面是邢台天河山导游词,希望可以帮到大家。 篇一:邢台天河山导游词 各位游客: 大家好。欢迎大家到中国爱情山——天河山观光游览。我是导游员------,非常高兴能为大家服务,我一定尽我所能,为大家做好导游工作。在旅途中,大家有什么问题和要求,尽管向我提出,我会尽力帮助大家解决。俗话说,有缘千里来相会,我们今天能聚在一起,同游天河山,是缘分。让我们珍惜这美好时光,同时,也希望通过今天的旅游,大家能了解天河山,喜欢天河山,下次带您的朋友和家人再游天河山。我们欢迎您的再次光临。 为了大家能安全、愉快地观光游览,我强调一下安全注意事项: 第一、景区面积大,山势险,岔路多,希望大家要随团参观,不要掉队,以免走失。要互相帮助,前后照应。带小孩的游客,要照看好自己的孩子,防止意外事故的发生。 第二、景区内植被繁茂,请大家爱护花草树木。还要特别提醒爱抽烟的朋友,景区内千万不要抽烟,以免引发火灾。 第三、希望大家注意保护环境,把果皮、纸屑、塑料袋、饮料瓶放在垃圾筒内,为景区的美化、净化贡献一份力量。

下面我给大家介绍天河山旅游区概况。 天河山旅游区位于河北省邢台县清泉村,距邢台市区65公里。景区横跨晋、冀两省,面积30多平方公里。是融塞北风光、峡谷奇观、水乡风韵于一体的观光旅游区。旅游区分为四大主题区域:爱情广场游乐区,九天银河观光区、夫子岭休闲度假区、老牛眼生态探险区。 大约在14——18亿年以前,这里曾是一片汪洋,由于地壳变动,使山体形成褶皱,再经过数亿年的流水切割、风雨侵蚀,形成了今天天河山的峰峦叠嶂、峡谷川流。景区内奇峰林立,怪石嶙峋,清泉筝鸣,群瀑飞雪,芳草萋萋,绿树掩映。为满足广大游客多元需求,景区整合自身独有资源,秉承生态天河、人文天河、体验天河的总体理念,倾力把天河山打造成爱情之山、浪漫之山、欢乐之谷。天河山旅游区主要景点有:天河湖、爱情广场、鸳鸯池、蝶仙谷、九天银河、浴仙池、情人谷、牛郎庄、月老峰、清凉谷、七仙柳、夫子岭、圣母庙、林海草原、灵应頂、龙脊岭、原始橡林、天河渡、二郎峡、天下第一牝等五十多处。另外,还有中国人民银行的前身——冀南银行旧址、八路军一二九师医院旧址、烈士岩、藏金洞等红色旅游景点。其中,蝶仙双飞、仙池沐浴、仙峰盟誓、圣庙许愿、玄牝悟道、织锦赛巧、观日听涛、生态探险为天河山八大景观。现在,天河山已成为旅游观光的名景胜地,婚纱摄影的外景拍摄地,素质拓展的培训基地,太行猕猴保护基地。尤其是激情漂流项目,落差大,水流急,惊险刺激,被游客誉为"中国情侣第一漂"。欢迎你参观、参与。 天河山是牛郎织女故事的原生地,天河梁的下面有个小村庄,名叫牛郎峪,牛郎就出生在那个小村子里,后来老牛牵线,牛郎织女结为连理,共同演译了牛郎织女的爱情故事。五十年代初长春电影制片厂拍摄电影《天河配》时,这里曾是主要外景拍摄地,当地许多村民还扮演过群众演员角色。天河梁周围有很多处历史遗存,有自然形成的地名、村落,如南天池、牛郎峪、织女寨等。经多位民俗和历史学家考证,牛郎织女的故事就发生在天河山一带。2005年,天河山景区因天下第一牝、牛郎织女故事原生地以及《天河配》外景拍摄地而在国家工商行政管理总局注册为中国爱情山。 天河山景区雄、奇、险、秀、幽交相生辉,既有北国风光雄伟之姿,又有江南神韵山水俏丽之容。景区年平均气温18℃,盛夏之时,这里仍凉爽宜人。景区内原始次生林古木参天,奇花异草遍地皆是,珍禽异兽随处可见。空气中氧负离子含量是城市的几十倍,是休闲度假、新婚度蜜月的绝佳去处。


各位游客朋友: 欢迎您来到甲骨文的故乡参观,希望通过我的讲解能使您对殷商文化有一个大致的了解。 “一片甲骨惊世界”。1899年甲骨文的发现不但结束了仓颉造字的神话,也使一个普普通通的名不见经传的小屯村举世闻名。随着对安阳殷墟的全面发掘,一个古老王朝的都城遗址及光辉灿烂的殷商文化昭然于世。殷墟,是商朝后朝的文化遗址,位于安阳市的西北郊。它的范围是以小屯村为中心,包括分散在村北和村西洹河两岸的一些地方。据史书记载和夏商周断代工程断定,公元前1300年,商朝第20位国王盘庚把都城由山东“奄”(今曲阜)迁到“殷”(今安阳小屯),并在此建立都城,经历8代12王,共254年。从此,这里成为殷商王朝政治、文化、经济的中心。到公元前1046年,周武王伐纣来商以后,这片土地逐渐荒芜,变成了一片废墟,史称“殷墟”。 1961年,国务院把殷墟公布为全国首批重点文物保护单位。为了保护和利用殷墟,使其不再遭受人为破坏,经国家有关部门的批准,在殷墟宫殿区遗址上兴建了“殷墟博物馆”。 殷墟之所以闻名世界,有三个非常重要的因素:甲骨文、青铜器和都城。首先就是甲骨文(有关甲骨文的情况稍后再介绍)。我们先来看看进苑的这座大门,这座门是由北京著名古建筑学专家杨鸿勋教授专门设计的,它是仿甲骨文的“门”字的写法而建。它看似简单,却是最原始的大门,可称其为华夏“门”的鼻祖。我们再看看门框上的这些图案,浮雕着凤、虎、饕餮和蝉等花纹。门额苑名由著名历史学家周谷城先生题写。整个苑门庄严大方,朱墨雕彩,古风古韵,古香古色。门两侧墙上浮雕殷代龙形玉决,仿佛显示我们都是龙的传人。此苑门和仿殷殿建筑的人文景观已经成为古都安阳的象征。 当世界上多数民族还停留在石器时代,生活在这里的人们,已经进入青铜时代。这也正是殷墟闻名于世界的第二个原因。 您现在看到的这件青铜器,就是著名的司母戊大方鼎的仿制品。司毋戊鼎1939年从王陵区出土,通高1.33米,长1.10米,宽0.78米,重达875公斤,是迄今为止世界上所发掘的最大的一件青铜器,是我们的国宝。如此大的重器,浇铸起来特别困难。据估计制造这样的重器需要明确的分工和协作,从炼铜的浇铸,从制模到拆范需要130多人同时施工。青铜器中,铜、


博物馆英文欢迎词 篇一:大连英文导游词 半日游导游词 行车路线: 大连港—港湾桥—人民路—中山广场—延安路—大外—胜利路—观景台(停车15分钟)--胜利路—花园广场—五四路—鲜花大世界门口(停车15分钟)—附属医院后身—五四路---中山路—星海广场(停车20分钟)--滨海路---北大桥(停车10分钟)--老虎滩群虎雕像(停车,卫生间15分钟)--中南路—朝阳街—鲁迅路—友谊商城(40分钟) BusRoute 1.dalianHarbor 2.HarborBridge 3.RenminRoad 4.zhongshanSquare 5.Yan‘anRoad 6.dalianUniversityofForeignLanguages 7.ShengliRoad 8.GreenmountainViewingPlatform(parkingfor15minutes) 9.ShengliRoad

10.GardenSquare 11.wusiRoad 12.atthegateofTheFreshFlowerworld(parkingfor15minutes) 13.Backoftheaffiliatedhospital 14.wusiRoad 15.zhongshanRoad 16.XinghaiSquare(parkingfor20minutes) 17.BinhaiRoad 18.northBridge 19.TigerSculpturesonTigerbeach(parking,toiletfor15minutes) 20.zhongnanRoad 21.chaoyangStreet 22.LuxunRoad 23.FriendshipShoppingmall(40minutes) (码头引导客人上车,清点人数致欢迎词)首先自我介绍:我叫XXX,我来自XXX旅行社,我们的司机师傅姓X,我们可以称呼他X师傅,大家今天在大连的游览就是由我们两位为大家服务。(Guidethegueststogetonthebusatthedock,countthenumberoftheguests,mak eaself-introductionanddeliverawelcomingspeech) Goodmorningtoeveryone!Firstofall,i ‘dliketointroducemyselftoyou:i'm....,fromchinaTravelagency.ourdr ivertodayis….wecallhim......welcometothebeautifulcoastalcityofdalian!Pl


四、殷墟王陵遗址 殷墟王陵遗址,是商代后期王陵墓葬群,也是殷墟申报世界文化遗产的重点区域之一。殷墟王陵遗址不仅形象地揭示了商代奴隶制社会残酷的杀殉制度,而且辉煌地展现了殷商时代青铜器文化的卓越成就,被国际遗产专家誉为世界上第二个古埃及,堪与金字塔王陵相媲美。 1. 殷墟王陵遗址的分布 殷墟王陵遗址位于洹河北岸侯家庄西北冈、武官村北地的高地上,与殷墟宫殿宗庙遗址隔河相望。 殷墟王陵区包括东、西两区。自1934年起,这里共发掘13座王陵大墓(包括1座未完成大墓)、2000余座陪葬墓和祭祀坑。其中,西区有8座大墓,分成4排,一南一北分布,最西为M1500、M1217号,最东为M100 1、M1550号,位于中间东北部的为M1004号,西北部为M1003号,南部为M1002号,居中位置为M1567号;东区有5座大墓,其中4条墓道大墓1座,为M1400号,2条墓道大墓3座,分别为M1443、M1129和50WGKM1号(武官大墓),1条墓道大墓1座,为M260号。这些大型墓葬均为南北向,墓形呈亞字形、中字形、甲字形等,被学者认定为殷商后期的王陵。(图三六) 殷墟王陵遗址北门 殷墟王陵遗址鸟瞰 (图三六) 在殷墟王陵遗址中,规模最大、墓道最长的是M1217号大墓。其墓室平面呈亞字形,墓室南北长18.4米,东西宽18.1米,墓口至墓底深15.4米,东、西、南、北四条墓道分别长28.9米、25米、60.4米、41.55米。

殷商考古专家杨锡璋认为,在殷墟王陵墓葬中,只有四条墓道的大墓才符合国王的身份。他对殷墟王陵西区大墓进行考古分期,提出最早的M1001、M1550、M1400号墓分属殷王武丁、祖庚、祖甲,其次的M1004、M1002、M1500、M1217号墓分属殷王廪辛、康丁、武乙、文丁,后期的M1003号墓为殷王帝乙之墓。至于那座未完成的只有墓室而未筑墓道的“空大墓”,本应为殷王帝辛(殷纣王)而修筑,只是因周武王伐商,帝辛自焚而死,未能如愿埋入。这座“空大墓”也成了失落千古的殷陵掌故。 在王陵遗址的东区和西区,还分布着2000余座小墓葬,其中东区已发掘1383座,西区发掘104座。这些墓葬除少数为陪葬外,大多是祭祀坑,是商王祭祀祖先的遗迹。这些祭祀坑呈长方形、方形等,集中而又有规律地成组排列。 安阳市为了殷墟申报世界文化遗产,于2001年新征地11.2公顷,对殷墟王陵遗址墓室和祭祀坑遗迹采用地下封存、地上标识的展示方法,先后完成了M260号大墓复原展示和保护房工程、12座王陵大墓以植侧柏标识,480余座祭祀坑、兽祭坑展示工程、殷陵馆改造、文物陈列展示、遗址绿化和道路建设等工程。有效地解决了殷墟王陵遗址的保护与展示问题,改善了殷墟王陵内部的环境。游客登上王陵区新建的瞭望台,即可看到殷墟王陵所展示的诸多大墓和祭祀遗迹景观。 殷墟王陵遗址的保护与展示工程,经过五年的施工,现已成为一个初具规模的集文物保护、学术考察、宣传教育和旅游观光为一体的文博单位。 2. 亞字形墓室的象征 殷代国王构筑的大墓亞字形椁室,形制比较复杂,比营建一般方形、中字形、甲字形陵墓困难,而且又费工料。后人对此多有揣测。 国内有学者认为,构筑这种亞字形墓室并非为了美观,而是自有一定的涵义,应该是当时丧礼的一种,象征着贵族社会的礼制建筑。也就是说,这种亞字形墓室可能是古代宗庙明堂建筑的象征,表现了后者最具代表性的亞字形特征。殷代的王公贵族死后,地上的亞字形建筑是他们的灵魂寄托所,而地下的亞字形椁室则是他们的尸体埋葬处。 英国也有学者认为,这种亞字形墓室具有某种特殊的含义,反映了殷人的宇宙观。亞字形是殷人心目中的土地之形,当时按亞字形来划分土地、上界、下界,亞字形所代表的土地可分成中央和四方五部分。这一形式也是中庭连四厢的布局,人站立于四个方向的中央,最易取得和谐之感;而死者安睡在亞字形椁室的中央,灵魂可直接享受四方供品。 “亞”字形墓有M1001号、M1002号、M1003号、M1004号、M1400号等8个,其中M1001号武丁墓是殷墟比较典型的一座大墓,从中可以窥见殷代王陵的基本形制和埋葬情况。(图三七) A


安阳殷墟博物苑导游词(通用3篇) 安阳殷墟博物苑导游词 作为一名导游,通常需要准备好一份导游词,导游词是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的讲解词。怎样写导游词才更能起到其作用呢?下面是为大家收集的安阳殷墟博物苑导游词,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 安阳殷墟博物苑导游词1各位游客: 现在我们已经到达了殷墟博物院内部,殷墟博物院犹如一座展现华夏历史瑰宝的艺术殿堂,它给人以古代文明的陶冶。殷墟博物院闻名于世有三个非常重要的因素:甲骨文、青铜器和都城。请大家移步换景,随我来一一体验。 首先让我们来看看进苑这座大门,它是由北京著名古建筑学专家杨宏勋教授专门设计的,整座大门庄严大方,朱彩雕墨,古风古韵、古香古色透着几分宁静与庄严、沉默与矜持。 如果说青铜器是使殷墟闻名于世的第二个因素,那么第三个因素就是都城了,现在呈现在我们面前的就是建在商城遗址上复原的仿殷大殿,它好似殷都的心脏,是商王朝拜议事的重要场所,这座建筑是采用“茅茨土阶,四重阿屋”的建筑方式,也就是茅草盖顶,夯土台阶,四面斜坡,双重屋檐使整个大殿显得庄严辉煌。 请大家往前方看,呈现在我们面前的就是著名的司母戊大方鼎,

它是我国迄今发现最早的记载量最大的青铜器,它1939年从王陵区出土,通高1.33米、长1.1米、直径0.78米,重达875公斤,是目前为止世界上所发掘的最大的一件青铜器,是我们的国宝,如此重大的器物,浇注起来特别的困难,可见当时我国的冶炼技术是何等的高超。鼎最开始的作用只是用作煮肉的锅,后来随着社会生产力的发展,逐渐变成了权利和地位的象征。 现在就请大家随我进殿去欣赏一下陈列在里面的甲骨文吧,在安阳殷墟出土的甲骨文是世界上最早的文字之一,因其刻在龟甲和兽骨上而得名,甲骨文记载了当时商朝的政治、经济、文化、军事、天文、历法和祭祀等各种活动,成为研究商代历史的珍贵资料。甲骨文被我们当代人重新认识以前,人们把可有珍贵文字的骨片当做类似于我们今天的蚊香来用,有的甚至那他来垫桌子,塞墙角。当我们脚下这块土地还是农田的时候,人们经常会从地里挖出一些骨片,人们一直把他当做一种可以止血的药材——龙骨。知道1899年我国著名金石学家王懿荣先生生病买药时发现中药“龙骨”上刻有奇怪的刻画,经过仔细研究,他认为“龙骨”上的刻画是商代的文字,是我国最早的文字——甲骨文,王懿荣先生因此被人称为是“甲骨文之父”。 接下来我们要参观妇好墓,只是中国历史上第一位女将军妇好的墓地,面前的这个建筑就是妇好享堂,而这尊汉白玉雕像就再现了华夏最早的巾帼女将妇好生前的飒爽英姿。妇好是武丁的妻子,她能文擅武,深受武定宠爱,她曾多次参与国家政事,为武丁的江山社稷立下了汗马功劳。据甲骨文记载,她最多一次带了13000多人,不少的


安阳殷墟 沿途讲解 各位游客朋友们大家好,首先我代表郑州旅行社欢迎大家来到美丽而又历史悠久的的河南,我是你们的地接导游,大家可以叫我翟导或者小翟,坐在我身边的这位是咱们的司机王师傅,本次旅程就有我们王师傅保驾护航。感谢缘分让我们相遇,使我荣幸的成为大家的导游员,我将尽自己最大的努力为大家提供一个舒适愉快的旅程,希望大家把放心交给我们,我们一定会努力把开心还给您。今天天气寒冷,空气干燥,气温是5-8摄氏度,请大家注意御寒,多喝水,保证健康的体魄踏上我们愉快的行程。在此,预祝大家游地尽兴玩的开心! 我们现在所走的是连接北京、广州、珠海等南部重要城市的京港澳高速,再有三个小时的路程,就要到了今天咱们要参观游览的目的地,安阳殷墟景区,我们在那里的游览时间为3小时,下午五点返回。在这里呢,我先给大家简单的介绍一下郑州。 郑州地处中国地理中心,是全国重要的铁路、航空、高速公路、电力、邮政电信主枢纽城市,有“历史文化名城”、“全国文明城市”、“国家园林”等荣誉称号刚才我们经过的二七纪念塔是郑州的标志性建筑之一,它位于二七广场,建于1971年,钢筋混凝土结构,是中国建筑独特的仿古联体双塔,它是为纪念京汉铁路工人大罢工而修建的纪念性建筑物,06年被列为全国重点文物保护单位。 美景与美食相配,说到这,不得不提及郑州的烩面。郑州烩面是河南面食的代表作之一,它大兴于二十世纪八十年代,得益于改革开

放、流动人口大量增加、餐饮业需求大增,先是老字号“合记”的羊肉烩面独领风骚,然后是萧记三鲜烩面异军突起,并快速发展,二十年间成为郑州市餐饮的城市名片,一碗在手,酣畅淋漓的烩面别具另种风情。 车过鹤壁,我们就进入了安阳境内。安阳是一个有着3000多年历史的古城,历史悠久,文化灿烂,具有深厚的历史文化底蕴,是中国八大古都之一,《周易》的发祥地,我国历史上第一个有文字和文物可考的长期稳定的都城。同时被国际友人称为“世界第八大奇迹”的三千里人工长河——红旗渠也在这里。 殷墟位于安阳市西北2.5公里小屯村附近的洹水两岸,是一处规模巨大的商代文化遗址,商代后期盘庚迁殷至纣灭亡历经八代十二王。周武王伐纣后,逐渐荒废,因而称为“殷墟”,殷墟之所以闻名世界,有三个非常重要的因素:甲骨文、青铜器和都城。 一路走来一路聊,说话间我们已经到了景区的停车场。下车之前再次提醒大家:我们的旅游车是蓝白相间的宇通车,车牌号是豫A12345,我们的导游旗是黄色的,我的手机号是12345654321。好了,朋友们,现在就请您关好门窗,带上您的随身物品,随我下车一起去领略安阳殷墟景区的神奇魅力吧!


湖北省博物馆英文导游词 Good morning ladies and gentlemen; Today, we will go to visit Hubei Provincial Museum. On the way to the museum, I ‘d like to show a present to express my warmest welcome to you. You may wonder what the present is. Well let me introduce it to you. The music you are going to listen to is the very gift. Now, please enjoy the music. Have you ever listened to the music? And what musical instrument is used to play the beautiful melody? That’s the serial bells, a wonder in the wor ld. Indeed a wonder in the world. Every year tourists from all over the world continuously come to visit them and appreciate the programs played by it. Each year they return with unforgetable memory. The building with red wall and green tiers before us is the very museum, Hubei Provincial Museum. Constructed in 1953, the museum is the center for collecting, studying, preserving and displaying historical and cultural relics in Hubei. More than 700,000 ancient relics are stored up in it. There is a collection of 100,000 books on history,


形 容 词 的 比 较 级 和 最 高 级 变 化 规 则 B.部分双音节与多音节的词比较级在原级之前加more, 最高级在原级之前 加most beautiful---more beautiful---most beautiful interesting--- difficult--- C.不规则变化的形容词: little / few(原形)- less (比较级)- least(最高级) good(原形)- better(比较级)- best(最高级) bad (原形)- worse(比较级)- worst(最高级) far (原形)-- further—furthest 例句: Tom is tall. John is tall. Bob is tall. I'm as tall as you. Tom is as tall as John.

Bob is taller than John. John is the tallest of the three. John is the tallest in his class. 写出以下各形容词的比较级和最高级: 1. nice ______________________ 2. fat ____________________ 3. slow _____________________ 4. dry ____________________ 5. happy ____________________ 6. wet ____________________ 7. much ____________________ 8. ill _____________________ 9. little _____________________ 10. bad ___________________ 11. thin ______________________ 12. far ____________________ 13. early _____________________ 14. careful_________________ 15. exciting ___________________ 16. busy __________________ 2. 根据句意,用所括号内所级形容词的比较等级形式填空: 1. Mr. Smith is _________ man in this office. (rich) 2. Winter is _________ season of the years. (cold) 4. It is much _______ today than yesterday. (hot) 5. She is a little ________ than her classmates. (careful) 6. ________ people came to the meeting than last time. (many) 7. Which book is ________, this one or that one? (easy) 8. My room is _______ than yours. (small) 9. Hainan is _______ from Beijing than Hunan. (far) 10. Skating is _______ than swimming. (exciting) 11. Jim is _______ than all the others. (honest) 12. Things are getting _______ and _______. (bad) 13. The higher you climb, the _______ it will be. (cold) 14. Now his life is becoming ________ and _______. (difficult) 用适当形式填空: 1. Bob is _________ ( young ) than Fred. but ___________ (tall) than Fred. 2. Almost all the students' faces are the same ,but Li Deming looks _______ (fat) than before after the summer holidays. 3.Which is _________ (heavy), a duck or a chicken? 5.-- How _________ (tall) is Sally? --She' s 1.55 metres ________ (tall). What about Xiaoling? -- She' s only 1.40 metres ________ (tall). She is much _______ (short) than Sally. She is also the _______ (short) girl in the class. 6. He is ______ (bad) at learning maths. He is much _______ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English. 7. Annie says Sally is the ________ (kind) person in the world. 8. He is one of the_________(friendly) people in the class, I think. 9. A dictionary is much _________ (expensive) than a story-book. 10. An orange ia a little ______ (big) than an apple, but much ________ (small) than a watermelon.
