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鸟类迁徙Bird migration

Student having difficulties in writing term paper


Conversation:term paper of bird migration

Listen to a conversation between a student and his Biology professor.

S: Dr. Russell, I was hoping to discuss my term paper with you I'm getting a little bit stuck here.

P: Of course, so...what do you have so far? What's your topic?

S: Well, I wanted to write about bird migration, but I'm having trouble finding enough sources.

P: You're having trouble finding sources on bird migration

S: No, actually, on the particular aspect of bird migration that I want to write about.

The thing is, I wanted to write specifically on early theories of bird migration...describe some of the theories. Like how Aristotle thought that birds changed into different species during the winter. Or how other

naturalists thought that bigger birds carried smaller birds to warmer spots for the wintertime. But I've only got a couple of books to work with right now.

P: Hm...I have to admit that it's an interesting topic, and you certainly seem excited by it. But remember I told you all to ask yourselves how your

topic is going to help you show that you can apply what you've learned this semester. A summary or description is not really what I'm looking for as much as your analysis of a certain topic.

S: I guess it's not really what we're supposed to do, huh

P: Right. So, how about we think about some other ideas for your paper. I mean you don't need to discard the idea completely... but... take a really different focus. Um... for example...you could present what you think are some reasons-the rationale-behind some of the erroneous theories early naturalists had. But, you'll be supporting your views with current research; those are the sources you'll need to seek out.

S: Ok, I think I see what you're saying. So, like today...today we know that lots of small birds migrate at night, but maybe `cause people didn't see them-didn't see the small birds migrating-they only saw bigger birds, like geese migrating during the day. They thought that the big birds were carrying the small ones under their wings.

P: There you go! That's exactly what I mean. You're showing that you're thinking about the topic, not just telling me what you read.

S: Ok, I also have a really cool example of a migratory bird that I'd like to discuss in my paper. It's the Common Poorwill—I mean it seems that some Ornithologists believe that the Common Poorwill really does hibernate instead of migrating-that it's maybe the only bird that does.

P: If I were you, I would stick just with migration research. Remember, this is only a 15-page paper.

S: Ok, I see your point.

P: But it's great that you're finding this all so interesting. I want you to come back to see me in a week so we can take a look at the new direction in your paper and evaluate the sources you've found in the meantime.


Male Student:老师,我想跟你讨论一下我的学期论文。我卡住了,找不到这方面足够的数据。)

Female Professor:You can’t find enough sources on bird migration


Male Student:I wanted to write on theories early bird migration. 关于Aristotle对于这个题目的看法等等。

Female Professor:哦~你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。不要只是做 summary or description,我想要看到你的special analysis。

Male Student:我想,总结和描述是不够的。

Female Professor:没错,不如我们想想其他的方向。其实你不需要完全放弃discard之前找的数据,你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。可以写现在的新研究(current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥以前的(historically) old theory。

Male Student:我想可以写bird migrate at night。以前人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是,因为小鸟在夜间迁徙,人们看不到。

(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)

Female Professor:对,这正是我说的,你要展示你对这个主题的想法,而不是你读了哪些数据。

Male Student:I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter.

Female Professor:如果我是你,我就不会在一份15页的论文中写这么多。

Male Student:我知道妳的意思了。

Female Professor:希望你一周内再来找我,看看论文的新的方向(new direction)进行得如何。


托福听力功能题及态度题 功能题 在新托福听力中, function功能题占大约15%的比重。那么考生要学会识别function 功能题并把握其解题技巧。 首先我们看看功能题的典型提问方式: What is the purpose of the lecture? What does the professor imply when she says this? Why does the professor say this? What can be inferred from the student’s response? 其次我们学习下功能题的解题技巧 解答这类题目,考生需要注意重听的某句话在重听的小层次中所起到的作用。单独看这句话,可能考生无法判定它的功能。那么放在语境中,考生才能更好地把握其功能。 而在托福听力中常见的功能的分类有解释,总结,建议,鼓励,强调,纠正错误等。此外考生可以根据这些常见的功能分类,分析可能出现的考点,利用听力过程中的笔记把握重点内容。在记笔记的过程中注意把握语气、语调的升降。这些都是功能题常出现的考点。有重点地把握这些能够更好地把握功能题,并提升功能题的正确率。 态度题 在P类问题(Pragmatic Understanding Questions)中,态度题所占的比重相对较少。但是不可忽视其重要性。下面我们来看看托福听力中态度题的一些情况。 态度题的典型提问方式: What is the professor’s opinion of …? What can be inferred about the student when he says this?


新东方听力点题班预测 第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识 (2) 2014.11.29NA (2) 2014.11.29NA (10) 2014.10.25NA (14) 2014.9.19NA (19) 第二部分:大陆点题预测机经及背景知识 (24) 2014.3.2 ML (24) 2014.3.15 ML (27) 2014.3.16ML (31) 2014.3.22 ML (33) 2014.3.23ML (37) 2014.4.12ML (39) 2014.4.19ML (41) 2014.5.11ML (43) 2014.5.17 ML (45) 2014.5.25ML (46) 2014.6.15 ML (50) 2014.6.21ML (51) 2014.6.28ML (54) 2014.6.29 ML (56) 2014.7.6 ML (59) 2014.7.12 ML (62) 2014.8.16 ML (64) 2014.8.23 ML (66) 2014.8.30 ML (68) 2014.9.14 ML (70) 2014.9.21 ML (71) 2014.9.27 ML (73) 第三部分:新托福听力经典加试完整版 (76) 第四部分:2013年北美全年听力机经100词 (84)

第一部分:北美点题预测机经及背景知识 2014.11.29NA 第一部分/Section 1 对话/conversation:学生与心理学(psychology)教授谈论urban legendary 男学生找到心理学教授谈论期末作业。因为学生错过了很多课(missed many classes),老师关切的问上课是否跟得上,学生说借了笔记看,因此都跟得上讲课,他找老师想谈论一下期末作业。学生说,他知道期末作业有写final paper 和final project两个选择。老师说,由于学生错过太多课,final paper is not an option , you may choose final project.学生说正有此意,并且想写urban legendary (都市传奇)这个主题。他的灵感来源是一篇关于urban legendary 的论文。老师表扬说这是一个很好的主题,可以取材于local,比如学校图书馆就有一个流传广泛的legendary, 说是图书馆由于建造失误的原因,基地不牢,在不断下沉(细节题)。老师问学生想从哪方面入手写。学生回答说细节(details)使得legendary很有趣,那篇关于urban legendary的论文表明,人们在重述urban legendary时差别很大。有的人重述urban legendary的时候平铺直叙,只说事实,有的人添油加醋,加入了很多细节。老师要求举例说明。学生说,论文中说,一个人描述legendary时只说事实,a women eat lunch,另一个人却说:my classmate’s cousin eat lunch in the restaurant nearby the school’s library。那篇论文研究了urban legendary加入细节后的可信度和传播频率:after added details, how much of the urban legendary people believe and how often it will be retold. 学生还谈到论文的结论(finding)是出乎意料的: 加入太多细节的urban legendary既不影响它的可信度也不影响它的传播频率(细节题)。老师也同意这个结论令人吃惊,并问学生在final project中想加入什么新的研究内容。学生回答,他会研究不同的话题(different topics)对于urban legendary 的可


历年托福听力考试真题下载十(原文+音频) 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年5月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2005年5月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2005年5月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Part A 1. M: Do you know when the next train is I need to be at the Museum of Fine Arts by 10:30. W: Actually there is a shuttle bus at 10 that takes you directly there. And it’s only a 25-minute ride. Q: What does the woman imply 2. M: It was such a great weekend. I saw two really good movies on the play. What did you do W: What you were supposed to be doing Studying! Did you forget we have an exam today Q: What does the woman mean 3. W: So what are they supposed to be building over there Another gym M: Isn’t that where the new library is going Q: What are the speakers talking about 4. W: Do you mind if I use your computer to write a history paper Mine’s out for repairs. M: Sorry, I am in the middle of typing something and it’s gonna be a while. You know, the computer lab is still open. Q: What does the man imply the woman should do 5. M: Hi Gina, that’s a really cool watch. Where did you get it W: Well, my sister works at the jewelry store right off campus.


TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则 1.听见什么,选什么原则 该原则为“TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则”之首,因为其它九大原则都建立在它的基础之上。 2.重复原则 听段子时,要特别注意那些“重复率高的词或概念”。因为重复率高的东西容易引起我们听者的注意。毕竟托福的测试对象是我们这些把英语作为第二语言的人,所以ETS 的考点也只能是那些对我们而言,通过努力能听懂的地方。 Bonus: 段子中“重复率最高的词或概念”很可能就是这个段子的主题(TOPIC)。 3.建议原则 听段子时,要特别注意那些“含有建议含义的词或结构”。因为无论段子还是对话,建议的地方永远做考点。 Multiply: 历年TOEFL听力段子中最常考的建议类结构汇编: 1) You should 2) I suggest / I propose / I recommend 3) proposal / tips / suggestion / advice/ recommedation 4) had better do sth. / be better off doing sth. 5)How about…? / What about…? 6)Why not…? / Why don’t you…? 7)If I were you, I would…/ I wouldn’t… 8)Would it make things go faster if you…? 9)Maybe / Perhaps you… 10) How does … sound? 4.强调原则 乍听上去,强调原则显得很笼统。其实具体可分为两大类:语义强调和语气、语调强调。 语义强调包括含义强调、解释强调、举例强调、级别强调、结论强调、对比强调等六种。 语气、语调强调包括重音强调、停顿强调、清晰强调等三种。 下面我们就来一一论述,先讲“语义强调的六大分支”。 1)含义强调: 听段子时,要特别注意那些“本身含义上就给我们以震撼或触动的词或结构”。比如:“Especially”一词后面的内容一定是考点,因为它本身就表示“尤其是”,体现了ETS的“求异思想”。再比如:“new theory”周围也一定存在考点,因为这体现了ETS的“求新思想”。有时ETS为强调某事,还特意用一些极其显而易见的表达方式提醒我们,例如:“indeed(真正得)”、“certainly(当然)”、“Just remember (一定要记住)”、“And again.(再说一遍)”、“special feature(特殊的特征)”、“Most importantly(最为重要的是)”、“One thing I should mention(我应该提及的是……)”、“Make / Be sure to…(一定要……)”等等。更多的含义强调词还靠大家自己积累和体会。 2)解释强调: 听段子时,要特别注意那些“本身含义上带有解释性质的词或结构”。比如:“…,


TPO Listening Exercises Subject: Animal Sciences Your Name: Your Class:

TPO1 Lecture 4 is the main topic of the lecture The types of habitats marmots prefer Methods of observing marmot behavior Feeding habits of some marmot species Differences in behavior between marmot species to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation They do not hide from humans They reside in many regions throughout North America They are active in open areas during the day Their burrows are easy to locate the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmot's name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Displays aggressive tendencies is family oriented says active during the winter reason does the professor give for the difference in marmot behaviour patterns? Type of food available The size of the population Interaction with other marmot species



新托福听力经典加试完整版 第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper ?文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。”

男 student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法 etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做 summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男 student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女 Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究 (current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男 student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent)


听力训练:托福考试听力真题100个短语 1 a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2 a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3 and how 的确 A: She’s a good dancer. B: and how. 4 a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of time. 5 a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。 If you need my help, do let me know. Just remember I am a phone call away. 6 a while back 不久以前 7 all along 一直 I knew it all along. 8 anything but 绝对不 I was anything but happy about going.

9 account for 解释 How do you account for it? 10 after all 到底 A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine, B: I see. Then there is nothing to worry about after all. 11 allergic to 对|……过敏 Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch. I must be allergic to something. 12 at sb’s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any time. 13 around the clock 24小时不停 Martha studied around the clock for management exam. 14 as far as I know 就我所知 15 at home with 对…..很熟悉 She is at home with problems like this. 16 back out 1) 退出 A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute


托福考试听力有几道题 托福听力考试由是两个部分组成的,每个托福听力部分是由一段对话和两个讲座组成,在每个部分的考试时间上每个部分需要听的录音大约是20分钟加上答题时间是10分钟,这样每个部分则需要30分钟的时间。如果遇到托福听力加试的话,听力加试中的一个部分也是由一段对话和两个讲座组成的,则也需要30分钟。所以托福听力在没有加试的情况下是60分钟,如果遇到托福听力加试,听力考试的时间延长至90分钟。 托福听力连录音+做题一起一共有60分钟时间,每部分听力题目播放时间各20分钟左右,剩余是答题时间各10分钟左右。其中托福听力section10分钟答题时间。一个section做题时间有没有限制呢? 如果有的话多少时间? 托福听力两个section答题十分钟,每道选择题不计时。在播放听力时不计时。一般会遇上听力加试,时间和前两个section一样。 每个section10分钟答题时间,也就是说十七道题十分钟作答完成。这个时间是卡死的。做不完就懵了。 听力10分钟答题,考生要注意把握好时间,在平时模拟练习的时候自己掐一下时间。否则上场会慌。如果大家没有注意时间,后来的题目都很容易答不完。 托福听力答题时,选择答案后,自己点确认,才会跳到下一个问题。读题的时间是够够的,通常都会剩余。 托福听力题目播放的时候屏幕上会显示总共的播放进程,让你知道自己听了多少,还要听多少,有点像播放器下面的长条条似的。屏幕上有时候还会显示新给的学术名词。每放完一组就会问题,准备好继续答了你可以趁机休息一下。这是网友的托福听力section问题的经验分享。 扩展阅读:托福听力5大出题规律 一、矛盾规律 从托福听力真题可以看出,对话板块一定是建立在矛盾上的。如果没有矛盾的存在,那么就不会有对话。具体一点,比如说:男生是校队的,每周上课时间要去比赛,但是又怕耽搁课程,所以就问女生怎么办。正因为又上课和比赛这对矛盾,所以才产生了对话.所以,在做对话题的时候,你要搞清楚矛盾是什么,这样对做题又很大的帮助。 二、性别规律 在托福听力题型中,女性永远是光明正确的,男性永远是窝囊倒霉的。男生总是生活在女生的细心关怀呵护下。所以,一旦在对话题中你遇到男女对话(其


第一篇:关于鸟的迁徙的论文写作 Conversation: Student having difficulties in writing term paper 1.文章回顾 男student: Professor, I hope to discuss my term paper with you. I got stuck in writing the paper on bird migration. I have difficulties in finding enough materials about bird migration. (老师,今儿,我想跟你说说我的学期论文的事儿。我卡住了,找不到这方面的资料。) 女Professor: You can’t find enough material on bird migration?(语调上扬,最后一题,重听题的考点。) 男student: I want to write about early bird migration.( 要写的paper是关于古代鸟类迁徙的,所以资料不够。) 女Professor: “哦你确实找到了一个好的题目,但是你要知道我的要求是你们的论文要反映你们这学期学了什么。” 男student: 想写关于Aristotle关于这个题目的看法etc. 女Professor: I want you to apply what you’ve learned to your paper. (希望他们运用所学知识研究来完成paper.) 不要只是做summary or description. 我想要看到你的special analysis. 男student: 但是,我觉得我找的资料中有错误的。(I think ….wrong)这就是为什么我不想用资料。 女Professor: 你不要完全放弃以前找的资料(discard). 你可以换种想法,用rational 的方式。这就是我们说的critical thinking,不一定非要同意资料。可以写以前的(historically) old theory, 然后现在的这些新研究(current research) 如何支持(support)或者驳斥这些theory. 男student: 我想可以写bird migrate at night。人们大多只看到大鸟,所以认为小鸟在大鸟的翅膀下迁徙什么的,其实新发现是因为小鸟晚上飞(通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图change the topic from ancient to recent) 女Professor: That shows your thinking. (对,这样就是我们需要的思考能力) 男student: 我想写一种不迁徙而是冬眠的鸟。I want to write about the birds that do not migrate. They hibernate during winter. 女Professor: 如果我是你,我就不会在一份15页的论文中写这么多。(If I were you , I would not….. The paper is 15 pages…)不过,想法挺不错。建议你以后每周(in a week)都来找我,看一下他写论文的新的方向(new direction)进行得如何。 2.题目 问题一:Why does the student go to see the professor? 答案:C(3)he cannot find enough material in writing his paper. 问题二:How does the professor help the student? 答案:A(1)change the topic from ancient to recent 问题三:学生的论文中包括什么? 答案:1. ANALYSIS 2.教授的建议 问题四:Why does the student mention night migration ? 答案:A (1) 通过说这个topic来验证自己理解了老师的意图he understands what the teacher said. change the topic from ancient to recent. 问题五:listen again(女Professor说的:啊,你没找到鸟类迁徙的资料?) 答案:B (2) 教授认为找资料很简单(…is easy….) 第二篇:关于植物的分类,用大王花举例 Lecture: Rafflesia 3.文章回顾 教授一开始就介绍植物分类,提到分类中的species种,genus属,order目。说植物的classification 很难,一些特性比较特殊的植物特别是这个样子。提出植物的分类不能完全依靠它flower的形态和特性。提到Rafflesia(大王花),开花石会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。但是Indonesia有一种植物M,它的flower很特别,超级大(图片显示它的直径有一个手臂这么长,颜色为绛红),有难闻的味道,最后发现他们不是一个order 的。 大王花生长在很恶劣的环境中,其它的植物都不能生长(题目一:它生长在什么样的环境当中?)这种植物有食物的来源,但是它还是会抓insect吃,因为它不能从土壤中得到足够的营养,所以要通过这种方式来获取所需的营养(题目二:为什么吃虫?) 然后教授说了它怎么抓虫的。经过很长时间的研究,专家发现它和violet(紫罗兰)、willow(柳树) 等是属于一个order的,后提到幼时的violet,也会散发那种smell的。 提到共存(考题)。另一种南美洲的植物和它是同一目的,但是花很小,味道也不难闻,与蓝莓共生coherent。学生提问不能测DNA 吗,教授说这种大花基本不进行光合作用,没法提取一般植物能提取到的DNA。在DNA分析技术成熟之前根本无法将他们并为同类,由于他们的特征差异太大。 教授还提到这种植物的交配不易,其一气味难闻致使传蜜的动物不易接近,其二它每年只开一次花,且花分雌雄。所以要这么多先天条件凑齐不易,所以很少有人有机会看到开花的全过程(考题)。结论,不可以貌取人。 后来又讲了这种花很有可能灭绝,原因是要fly帮忙运花粉,要同种的花在一起等等,要这些条件同时发生,是小概率事件。 题目 问题一:What is the main topic of this lecture? 答案:是说分类很难,尤其是特征很变态的 问题二:大王花的特点 答案:1. HUGE 2. 让FLY来传粉 问题三:教授说M植物属于B类的,是什么意思? 答案:M植物与大王花不是同一类的


历年托福听力考试真题下载五(原文+音频 为了让同学们更好地备考托福听力,下面小马编辑为大家整理了历年1月份托福听力考试真题,并附有文本和听力音频,供同学们进行下载练习。 以下是2002年1月托福听力考试真题音频: 部分 2002年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下: Never be unduly elated by victory or depressed by defeat. Part A 1:A: With so little time left to study for the history final. I think we should concentrate on going over our lecture notes. B: That sounds good. At least we have an idea what Prof. Martin thinks important. Q: How do the students plan to prepare for the exam? 2:A: Sorry I'm late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was backed up for a miles(排起长龙. B: Tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night. Q: what does the man mean? 3:A: u said u wanted to borrow my camera for Prof. Wilson's assignment. Well, here it is. B: I know this is precious to you, and I'll take good care of it. I hate using other people's things, especially expensive equipment like this. Q: according to the conversation, what will the woman do?


托福听力十大黄金原则 第一节TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则我深信,这十大原则不仅适用于TOEFL听力的段子,也适用于其它比如IELTS,四、六级,考研等考试的听力段子。可以说:一次学会,一劳永逸。 1.听见什么,选什么原则该原则为“TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则”之首,因为其它九大原则都建立在它的基础之上。 2.重复原则听段子时,要特别注意那些“重复率高的词或概念”。因为重复率高的东西容易引起我们听者的注意。毕竟托福的测试对象是我们这些把英语作为第二语言的人,所以ETS的考点也只能是那些对我们而言,通过努力能听懂的地方。Bonus: 段子中“重复率最高的词或概念”很可能就是这个段子的主题(TOPIC)。 3.建议原则听段子时,要特别注意那些“含有建议含义的词或结构”。因为无论段子还是对话,建议的地方永远做考点。Multiply: 历年TOEFL听力段子中最常考的建议类结构汇编:1)You should 2)I suggest / I propose / I recommend 3)proposal / tips / suggestion / advice/ recommedation 4)had better do sth. / be better off doing sth. 5)How about…? / What about…? 6)Why not…? / Why don’t you…? 7)If I were you, I would…/ I wouldn’t… 8)Would it make things go faster if you…? 9)Maybe / Perhaps you… 10) How does … sound? 4.强调原则乍听上去,强调原则显得很笼统。其实具体可分为两大类:语义强调和语气、语调强调。语义强调包括含义强调、解释强调、举例强调、级别强调、结论强调、对比强调等六种。语气、语调强调包括重音强调、停顿强调、清晰强调等三种。下面我们就来一一论述,先讲“语义强调的六大分支”。 1)含义强调:第一节TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则听段子时,要特别注意那些“本身含义上就给我们以震撼或触动的词或结构”。比如:“Especially”一词后面的内容一定是考点,因为它本身就表示“尤其是”,体现了ETS的“求异思想”。再比如:“new theory”周围也一定存在考点,因为这体现了ETS的“求新思想”。有时ETS为强调某事,还特意用一些极其显而易见的表达方式提醒我们,例如:“indeed(真正得)”、“certainly(当然)”、“Just remember(一定要记住)”、“And again.(再说一遍)”、“special feature(特殊的特征)”、“Most importantly(最为重要的是)”、“One thing I should mention(我应该提及的是……)”、“Make / Be sure to…(一定要……)”等等。更多的含义强调词还靠大家自己积累和体会。 2)解释强调:听段子时,要特别注意那些“本身含义上带有解释性质的词或结构”。比如:“…, which is / that is…(那就是说……)”显然,“which is / that is…”引导的定语从句是ETS为防止我们考生听不懂前面的内容(生僻的词或概念),而特意添加上去,用来进一步加以解释的。所以这种解释性的定语从句理所当然就成了强调考点所在的重要标志。类似的结构如“What I mean is…”、“All that means is…”等等不胜枚举。 3)举例强调:听段子时,要特别注意那些“带有举例或列举性质的词或结构”。比如:“for example…(例如……)”因为例子总比道理简单易懂得多。ETS清楚地知道:考生明白了后面的举例,自然也就理解了前面的概念,然后再考前面的概念也就顺理成章了。这点显然跟解释原则类似。所以这种举例或列举式的结


TPO Listening Exercises Subject: Animal Sciences

Your Name: Your Class: TPO1 Lecture 4 12.What is the main topic of the lecture ●The types of habitats marmots prefer ●Methods of observing marmot behavior ●Feeding habits of some marmot species ●Differences in behavior between marmot species 13.According to the case study, why are marmots ideal for observation ●They do not hide from humans ●They reside in many regions throughout North America ●They are active in open areas during the day

●Their burrows are easy to locate 14.Drag the appropriate description of each marmot species' behavior to the box below the marmot's name Click on a phrase. Then drag it to the space where it belongs. One of the phrases will not be used Displays aggressive tendencies is family oriented says active during the winter 15.What reason does the professor give for the difference in marmot behaviour patterns? ●Type of food available ●The size of the population ●Interaction with other marmot species ●Adaptations to the climate 16.Why does the professor say this() ●To inform the student that his definition is incorrect ●To suggest that the student did not do the reading ●To encourage the student to try again


托福听力考情回顾 托福听力都考了些什么呢?哪些是托福听力考试的重点呢? 今天给大家带来了托福听力考情回顾,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 托福听力考情回顾,托福听力都考了什么? 一.托福听力没有经典加试 但是事实是从20XX.3.4 开始ETS就已经正式宣布取消了经典加试。所以还有想临时抱佛脚考前背题背原文的同学可以打消这个念头了,就把经典加试当成普通的题目练习就好。ETS不仅取消了经典加试,而且A,B,C,D 四套卷子组合,考生的题目不同,加大了预测难度。 二.托福听力话题未变 1.托福听力话题有哪些 “不变” 的是听力话题。对话还是办公室和学生服务两大场景,讲座依然维持四大学科的分布特点,包括: 生命科学:动物,植物,微生物,海洋生物学 自然科学:天文,地理,环境,气象, 物理,化学, 光谱学

社会科学:考古,人类,社会,历史,政治,心理,语言,哲学,商业经济 艺术:艺术史,文学,绘画,音乐,舞蹈,戏剧,电影,摄影,建筑,雕塑 2.托福听力高频话题 那么考试频率比较高的是哪些科目呢? 生命科学:动物植物生态 自然科学:天文地质物理化学 社会科学:考古心理人类商业 艺术:绘画音乐建筑雕塑 最近几场考试基本都会遇到天文学和考古学的*,所以最近要考试的同学一定要注意,如果你正好这几个学科比较薄弱,一定要在考前多加复习相关话题的*和词汇,考试过程中非常有可能遇到相关话题的真题。 三.托福听力经典真题回忆 相似话题经常出现,而且不仅听力考,阅读也会考到相关话题,也可谓是“一通百通”,“一劳永逸”,提醒大家复习时一定要

注意这些高频考点,因为真的可能会遇到。平时扎实复习,不要在考场上再追悔莫及啦。比如: 米开朗基罗Michelangelo 2018.11.11 真题-职业画家需要妥协,设计和用材 官方真题Official35Lecture3-frescos壁画,西斯廷教堂创世纪需要协作 10.28阅读真题-frescos壁画 玛雅文明Maya 2018.11.11 真题-人们对玛雅文明认知的改变 官方真题Official52Lecture4-Maya civilization 玛雅文明 官方真题Official36Lecture2-Maya ruins 玛雅遗址 彗星Comets 2018.11.25 真题-彗星形状 官方真题Official26Lecture3 -orbits of comets 彗星轨道 板块Tectonic Plate 2018.10.28 真题-亚欧板块和美洲板块分裂产生太平洋火山地震

老托福听力93篇(33-34)-Today I want to talk about

老托福听力93篇(33-34)-Today I want to talk about 33 Today I want to talk about the Earth's last major climatic shift, at the end of the last ice age. But first, let's back up a moment and review what we know about climatic change in general. First, we defined "climate" as consistent patterns of weather over significant periods of time. In general, changes in climate occur when the energy balance of the Earth is disturbed. Solar energy enters the Earth's atmosphere as light and is radiated by the Earth's surface as heat. Land, water, and ice each affect this energy exchange differently. The system is so complex that, to date, our best computer models are only crude approximations and are not sophisticated enough to test hypotheses about the causes of climatic change. Of course, that doesn't keep us from speculating. For instance, volcanic activity is one mechanism that might affect climatic change. When large volcanoes erupt, they disperse tons of particles into the upper atmosphere, where the particles then reflect light. Since less light is entering the system of energy exchange, the result would be a cooling of the Earth's surface. Of course, this is just one possible mechanism of global climate change. In all probability, a complete explanation would involve several different mechanisms operating at the same time. 【生词摘录】 1. climatic: adj. connected with the weather in a particular area 气候的 2. ice age: one of the long periods of time, thousands of years ago, when ice covered many northern countries 冰川期,冰河时代 3. consistent: adj. always having the same beliefs, behavior, attitudes, quality etc(信仰、行为、态度、品质等)一贯的,一致的;始终如一的 4. disturb: v. to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing by asking a question, making a noise etc 干扰,打扰;使中断 5. radiate: v. if something radiates light or heat, or if light or heat radiates from something, it is sent out in all directions 辐射(光或热);(向四面八方)发射 6. crude: adj. not developed to a high standard or made with great skill 粗制的 7. approximation: n. [C]a number, amount etc that is not exact, but is almost correct 概算,近似值 8. hypothesis: n. [C]plural hypotheses, an idea that is suggested as a possible way of explaining a situation, proving and idea etc, which has not yet been shown to be true 假设,假说 9. speculate: v. to think or talk about the possible causes or effects of something without knowing all the facts or details 猜测,推测 10. disperse: v. if something disperses or is dispersed, it spreads over a wide area(使)消散;(使)分散 11. cooling: n.[U]the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature 冷却 34 I know you're anxious to get your permits and get started. But there're just a few things I'd like to mention that might help you avoid trouble during your stay. First of all, make sure you carry adequate water. You'll need it if you're hiking, especially in this heat. A good rule of thumb is to bring one gallon per person per day this time of year. Don't try to rely on the park's natural springs to supply all your water needs. And please, do not use soap in the springs. It's your responsibility to protect the park's natural features. For those of you staying beyond the weekend, make sure that you set up camp well away from dry creekbeds. We may get some heavy rainfall, and those creekbeds could quickly
