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1.——Can I smoke here? ——Sorry. We don’t allow _______here.

A.people smoking B.people smoke C.to smoke D.smoking



试题分析:句意:--我可以在这里吸烟吗?---对不起,我们不允许在这里吸烟。allow sb to do 允许某人做某事;allow doing允许做某事。根据句意故选D。


2.________on this report,the English government decided to ask Captain James Cook to go and look for this continent.

A.Having based B.Basing

C.Based D.To be based



考查非谓语动词。be based on以……为基础。在句中作状语,故用其based。选C。

3.It didn’t take a long time for the connection between the missing money and our partner’s new car ______.

A.to make B.to be made C.making D.being made



本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“丢钱和我们伙伴的新汽车的关系很长时间才被发现”。题干用了一个句型“It+takes/took+时间段+for+sb.+不定式”,表示“某人干某事花费了多长时间”,the connection和make之间是被动关系,因此,用不定式的被动形式。故选B。


汉语思维习惯和表达习惯是中国学生做英语试题的头号障碍,要克服这种障碍,必须理解动作和动作对象之间的语态关系。本题考查的是短语make connection, make是谓语,connection作make的宾语,此题的难度是把make变成了被动语态的不定式。

4.He got up late and hurried to his office, _______ the breakfast untouched.

A.left B.to leave

C.leaving D.having left




考查非谓语动词。句意:他起晚了,没有吃早饭就匆忙赶往办公室。he与leave是主谓关系,即他让......处于某种状态,应该用现在分词表伴随状况,排除A、B;“hurried”和“leaving”两个动作是同时发生的,当两个动作有时间先后关系时,需要使用现在分词的完成式,排除D;leave the breakfast untouched没有动早餐,故选C。

5.(天津)I didn't mean ___________anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help_______ it.

A.to eat;to try B.eating;trying

C.eating;to try D.to eat; trying


【解析】考查短语固定搭配。句意:我不打算吃任何东西,但冰淇淋看起来如此的好以至于我忍不住的要试一试。固定短语短语mean to do(打算做),couldn’t help doing忍不住做。故选D。

点睛:本题考查动词短语固定搭配。同学在平时学习中要多把握动词不同搭配的不同含义,本题需要区分“mean to do打算做”与“mean doing意味着做”和“can’t help to do sth.不能帮助做”与“couldn’t help doing忍不住做”之间的含义。

6.The message is very important, so it is supposed _______ as soon as possible.

A.to be sent B.to send C.being sent D.sending




考查固定搭配。句意:这则信息非常重要,因此它应该被尽快地传达到。be supposed to do sth.表示“理应做某事”,是习惯搭配,而且send和the message 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故使用被动语态形式。故选A。

7.When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say. A.thinking of B.to think of C.thought of D.think of




考查非谓语动词。句意:当Peter在公众场合说话的时候,他总是很难想到合适的说话的内容。have trouble(in) doing sth 做某事有困难。故选A项。

8.Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English ________ in a short period.

A.improved B.improving

C.to improve D.improve



宾语written English与improve之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作宾补。

9.The woman, when _______ how her husband was injured, began to cry.

A.asked B.to ask

C.asking D.ask



10.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, _____the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

A.Attend B.To attend C.Attending D.Having attended 【答案】C


主句 .Distinguished guests and friends are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. Attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning非谓语动词作伴随状语。

11.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, _____the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.

A.Attend B.To attend C.Attending D.Having attended 【答案】C


主句 .Distinguished guests and friends are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. Attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning非谓语动词作伴随状语。

12.Today there are more airplanes____ more people than ever before in the skies.

A.carry B.carrying

C.carried D.to be carrying





【名师点睛】非谓语动词的做题步骤1、判定是否用非谓语形式。方法:看看句子中是否已有了谓语动词了;2、找非谓语动词的逻辑主语。方法:非谓语动词的逻辑主语一般是句子的主语。3、判断主被动关系。方法:非谓语动词与其逻辑主语的主动还是被动关系。4、判断时间关系。方法:分析句子,看看非谓语动词所表示的动作发生在谓语动作之前、之后还是同时。之前常用 done; 之后常用to do; 同时常用doing.从本题来看主句的主语airplanes与动词carry构成逻辑上的主动关系,因此用v.-ing形式作定语。

13.The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune ______.

A.is made B.would make

C.was to be made D.had made



试题分析:考查时态。句义:在澳大利亚的黄金的发现让成千上万的人相信要发财了。A. I made 一般过去时B. would make过去将来时C. was to be made 表过去将来且命中注定D. had made 过去完成时,根据句义是过去完成时,所以AD不对,根据题干黄金的发现所以注定要发财,所以C正确。


14.(北京)_________ along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience A.Travel B.Traveling

C.Having traveled D.Traveled


【解析】考查动名词。句意:沿着丝绸之路旅行是一次既有趣又有益的经历。“____ along the old Silk Road”做主语,要用动名词,故B选项正确。


15.(湖南) There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,

___________ at the night sky.

A.to stare B.staring

C.stared D.having stared





16.The airport ________ next year will help promote tourism in this area.

A.being completed B.to be completed

C.completed D.having been completed



试题分析:考查非谓语动词。此处to be completed表将来、被动。句意:将于明年建成的机场会有助于促进这个地区的旅游业。

【名师点睛】这是考查非谓语动词做定语的用法,句中关键词next year说明动作是将要发生。而The airport和complete是被动关系,用不定式的被动做定语。

17._____________in the poorest area of Glasgow, he had a long, hard road to becoming a football star.

A.Being raised B.Raising

C.Raised D.To raise






18.______in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching.

A.To absorb B.To be absorbed

C.Absorbed D.Absorbing




考查非谓语动词。句意:全神贯注于绘画中,约翰没有注意到晚上到了。短语be absorbed in全神贯注于,在句中作状语,省略be动词,故选C。




19.Young people may risk deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day.

A.to go B.to have gone

C.going D.having gone



risk意为冒……的危险,用法为risk doing something,冒险干某事,因此排除AB, D项中额having done意为已经干了某事,与此处句意不符,因此选择C项,句意为,如果年轻人每天都暴露在非常吵闹的音乐声中,他们可能有耳朵失聪的危险。


20.When we saw the road ________ with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A.block B.to block

C.blocking D.blocked




考查非谓语动词。句意:当我们看到路上被雪覆盖时,我们决定在家里度假。此处用非谓语动词作宾补,动词block与see的宾语the road之间为被动关系,构成短语see sb/ sth done。故选D。

21.--You’ve made great progress in your studies of English, haven’t you?

-- Yes, but much________.

A.remains to do B.is remained to do

C.is remained to be done D.remains to be done




考查非谓语动词。句意:—你的英语学习取得了很大的进步,是吗?—是的,但还有很多工作要做。根据句意和结构可知remain表示“仍然”,不能用被动语态,而且much和do 是被动关系,表示将要发生的事情,用不定式,因此应使用不定式的被动式。故选D。

22.The girl is so grateful whenever she remembers my brother and me ____ her from the icy water.

A.to have saved B.to save C.saving D.saved




考查非谓语动词。句意:这个女孩是有感恩之心的,无论何时她都记得我和我弟弟把她从冰水里救出的情形。固定短语:remember sb. doing sth记得某人做过某事。故C选项正确。

23.Beijing's new international airport ___________ into use in 2019 will serve 72 million passengers annually.

A.being put B.to be put

C.put D.putting




考查不定式作定语。句意:将于2019年投入使用的北京新国际机场将会每年为7200万乘客提供服务。put into use与其逻辑主语Beijing's new international airport构成动宾关系,且根据时间状语in 2019可知,此处应使用不定式的被动形式to be done,to be done表将来,被动。故选B。



1) 一般式(to do):强调与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,或发生在谓语动词的动作之后。

I hope to see you again. = I hope tha t I’ll see you again. 我希望再见到你。

2) 完成式(to have done):表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。

I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble. 很抱歉给您带来这么多麻烦。

3) 进行式(to be doing):表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。

He seems to be eating something.

4) 被动式(to be done):表示将来,被动的动作。

There will be a new skyscraper to be built here.这儿将建一座新的摩天大楼。

5)否定式(not to do):

He was told not to leave without permission.他被告知不能在未经许可的情况下离开。

在本题中,首先,put into use与其逻辑主语Beijing's new international airport构成动宾关系;其次,且有很明显的表示将来的时间状语in 2019,故应使用不定时的被动形式to be done。

24.(2009·陕西高考)I still remember________to the Famen Temple and what I saw there. A.to take B.to be taken

C.taking D.being taken




考查非谓语动词。句意:我仍旧记得被带去法门寺和在那里看到的。remember to do sth.“记得要做某事(该动作未发生)”;remember doing sth.“记得做过某事(该动作已经发生)”。依据后文的“what I saw there”可知这里说的是记得已经发生的动作;再者take的宾语就是句子的主语,二者之间是动宾关系,应用被动形式,所以选being taken。故选D。

25.The ______ boy was last seen ______ near the bank of the lake.

A.missing; playing B.missing; play C.missed; played D.missed; to play




考查非谓语动词。句意:那个失踪的男孩最后被看见时正在湖边玩。missing是形容词,作boy的定语,意思是“失踪的”。was last seen playing表示被看见时正在玩,play作宾语补足语,表示动作在进行,用现在分词。结合选项,故选A。

26.A total of 19 Golden Rooster Awards ______, The Wandering Earth took home the award the Best Picture.

A.to present B.having presented C.being presented D.presented




考查独立主格结构。句意:在颁的19个金鸡奖中,《流浪地球》获得了最佳影片奖。分析句子可知,A total of 19 Golden Rooster Awards ______是独立主格结构,a total of 19 Golden Rooster Awards和present之间为被动关系,且这个动作已完成,故用过去分词presented





其结构为:名词/代词+to do/ doing/done/adj/ adv/ n


因为前后两部分有独立的主语,且没有连接词,故判断前面部分是独立主格结构,名词a total of 19 Golden Rooster Awards和present之间为被动关系,且这个动作已完成,故用过去分词presented表被动和完成。

27.____,the student insists that he be separated from his desk-mate,who is naughty.

A.To avoid being affected B.To avoid to be affected

C.Avoiding being affected D.Avoiding to be affected




考查非谓语动词。句意:为了避免受到影响,这些学生坚持要求他应该和他同桌分开,(因为)他同桌非常的淘气。固定短语avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,如果为被动,则为avoid being done,由此排除B、D;从句意来看,逗号前面部分应该是目的状语。而放句首的目的状语一般就是不定式,而不是现在分词。由此排除C,故选A。





如:He insisted that he was right. 他坚持说/认为他是对的。

2)如果insist翻译为“坚决主张/要求”,即宾语从句的动作当时尚未发生,此时宾语从句必须采用虚拟语气,构成为从句谓语动词用“(should) + 动词原形”,其中should可以省略。如:He insisted that he (should) be praised for what he had done.

3)此题中的insist所引导的宾语从句采用了虚拟语气,即he be separated... = he should be separated...

28.New York is the fashion capital of the world, says a new study on Feb 4. 2014 by the Global Language Monitor (GLM), Pairs ____ second, with Shanghai ______10th while Hongkong 20th. A.coming, ranks B.come, ranked C.comes, ranking D.coming, ranking



29.________ nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel.

A.Having spent B.To spend

C.Spent D.To have spent




考查非谓语动词。句意:已经花完了几乎所有的钱,我们无法支付住宾馆的费用。动词不定式表将来和目的,根据句意可知,“花钱”的动作发生在过去,排除B、D;过去分词表完成和被动,we与spend是主谓关系,应该用现在分词,排除C;当两个动作有先后关系时,用现在分词的完成式,现在分词的完成式在本句相当于because we have spent nearly all our money,表原因。故选A。

30.I had been betrayed by those who I trusted several times, ______ in a suspicious attitude towards everything and everyone.

A.resulted B.having resulted C.resulting D.to result




考查非谓语做结果状语。句意:我曾被我信任的人背叛过几次,导致我对每件事和每一个人都抱着怀疑的态度。“result in...”为固定搭配,意为“导致”。前一句“我曾被我信任的人背叛过几次”,导致后面的结果“我对每件事和每一个人都抱着怀疑的态度”。前一句导致后面的结果,此处要用动词的ing形式作结果状语,因此选C。

31.The old couple sat in front of the house every evening, happy _____ those lovely children running and playing around.

A.to watch B.watching C.watched D.to have watched 【答案】A



考查非谓语动词。句意:这对老夫妇每天晚上都坐在房子前面,开心地看着可爱的孩子们跑来跑去。本句中的happy...是形容词短语做状语,表示句子主语The old couple的状态;由句子中的happy可知,其后应接动词不定式表原因,即(the old man is) happy to...故选A项。

32.The young man, ________ in heavy traffic on the way, got home an hour later than usual. A.catching B.caught.

C.having caught D.to be caught



试题分析:句意:这个年轻人,在路上堵车了,比往常到家晚了一个小时。Be caught in“陷入”,做状语时省掉be动词,表示状态,选B。


33._______ with all sorts of affairs, the manager had little time to have a good sleep. A.Occupying B.Being occupied

C.Occupied D.Having occupied





34.The recent financial crisis into account, the Japanese boss back on the number of employees working for him.

A.taking; cuts B.was taken; cut

C.taken; cut D.to take; cutting




考查过去分词和一般过去时。句意:考虑到最近的金融危机,日本老板削减了为他工作的员工人数。分析句子可知,本句为一般过去时,主语为故the Japanese boss ,谓语为cut。The recent financial crisis 与take在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词。C选项正确。

35.--- What do you know made Sarah so upset?

--- giving away state secrets.

A.Charged with B.Being charged with

C.Accusing of D.To be accused of




考查动名词。句意:---你知道是什么让莎拉这么不高兴吗?---她被指控泄露国家机密。sb be charged with“某人因…而被控告”。第二句的主语为动名词Being charged with作主语,还可以用being accused of。故B选项正确。

36.The man fell to the ground, his left foot_____ and blood ____ down from his mouth. A.breaking;running B.broken;running

C.breaking ; run D.broken; run




考查独立主格结构。句意:那人摔倒在地,左脚骨折,血从嘴里往下流。当分词做状语的时候,如果分词的逻辑主语与句子主语没有关系,就在分词的前面直接加上逻辑主语,形成独立主格结构,该结构在作用上相当于一个状语从句。本句中的第一空的名词his left foot与动词break构成逻辑上的被动关系,故使用过去分词。第二空的名词blood与动词run构成主动关系,故使用现在分词。故选B。

37.A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _____your muscles relaxed for over half an hour. A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave





38.---_________ makes your son feel blue today?

---_________ to watch his favourite cartoon Paw Patrol.

A.What it is that; To be forbidden B.What is that; Forbidden

C.What is it that; Being forbidden D.That is what; Having forbidden




考查强调句型和非谓语动词。句意:——是什么让你儿子今天心情不好?——不让他看他最喜欢的卡通《狗狗巡逻队》。分析句子结构可知,第一空为强调句型的特殊疑问句,即:疑问词What+ it is+ that+其余部分;第二空为非谓语动词,作主语用动名词,且son与forbide之间是被动关系,所以用Being forbidden,故C项正确。


注意强调句型的特殊疑问句形式为:疑问词+ it is+ that+其余部分,根据句意“是什么让你儿子今天心情不好?”判断疑问词用what,即:What is it that makes your son feel blue today?

39.––Do you mind if I smoke here?

––I suggest you go to the separate room ______ for smokers.

A.to reserve B.reserving

C.reserved D.being reserved




考查非谓语动词。句意:—如果我在这里抽烟你介意吗?—我建议你去为吸烟者预留的单独房间。A. to reserve表主动和将来;B. reserving表主动;D. being reserved 表正在被留;C. reserved是过去分词。此处与前面的room是逻辑动宾关系,应使用过去分词,表被动,意思是:被预留的房间,符合句意,故选C。

40.With a lot of difficult problems ________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time. A.settled B.settling

C.to settle D.being settled





不定式to settle作定语表示现在或将来要解决的难题;过去分词settled作定语表示已经解决的难题;现在分词的被动式being settled作定语表示正在被解决的难题。所提供的语境the newly-elected president is having a hard time说明新任总统现在和将来都有难以解决的问题,所以要用to settle作定语。故选C项。



with结构:with + 宾语(名词或代词)+ 宾补(介词短语,形容词,副词现在分词,过去分词,不定式),是一个独立主格结构,在句中做状语,可表原因,伴随等。

The teacher came in with a book in his hand.老师手里拿着一本书进来了。

With a lot of work to do, I have no time go out with you.(不定式表将来动作)有许多工作要做,我没时间和你一起出去。

We found the house easily with the little boy leading the way.(现在分词表示主动动作,即分词所表示的动作是由with后的宾语发出来的)

With all the things she needed bought, she went home happily.(过去分词表示被动,with后面的宾语与过去分词之间是被动关系)


高考英语答题技巧解题方法集锦 (仅供参考) 听力测试的主要形式有:对话理解,短文理解。对话理解是考查学生在一定语境或情景中所表现出的快速反应、推理判断能力;短文理解则是在此基础上考查学生对一个结构比较完整,意义相对连贯的语段的理解能力,是一种高层次、有难度的听力测试形式。 【高考英语听力考试的测试点】 1、理解对话的主旨大意 2、获取对话中具体信息 为了说明和解释主旨,对话或独白中需要一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物、年代、价钱等,这些信息对理解对话,把握对话主旨是不可缺少的内容,且在试题中占相当大的比例。这类题要求学生在听清,听懂信息的同时,还要对所听到的信息做简单的处理。有的也需要考生进行简单的计算。 3、推断对话发生的背景、地点及对话者之间的关系。对对话背景、地点、 对话者之间关系的理解程度,体现了一个人对口语的理解能力。 4、理解领会对话的观点、态度及意图 这类考题要求考生不但能理解录音原文的主旨大意,而且还要通过文中的重要细节、具体事实,揣摩、推断说话者的意图、观点和态度等,这类题能测试出考生在听力方面的综合素质。 【培养良好的听力习惯,掌握正确的答题技巧】 多听是提高听力的前题,但如何去听,如何获得准确的信息,则就不是多听听能解决的问题了。多听是增强语感,提高听力之本,若再加上正确的听力方法,掌握必要的技巧及对策,则可获得事半功倍的效果。 1、利用听录音前的时间,迅速地捕捉每个小题题干选项所提供的信息,预

测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容,这样听录音材料时就有的放矢,有所侧重,提高答题的准确率。 2、克服犹豫不决的毛病,对自己有把握的试题应快速作答,对无把握的试 题也要在所听信息的基础上排除错误选项,进行优化处理。不会作答的,立即暂时搁置,准备听新的题目。 3、目前高考听力测试中短文理解大部分是记叙文或讲话稿,所以听录音时 重在听懂每句话的意思和内涵,注意捕捉文中所涉及的人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how long,how soon,how much)、数字(how many/how much)、选择(which…)等,以便检查答案。 4、注意听短文的首句和首段,文章的开首和开首段,往往是对短文内容的 概括,如讲话目的、主要内容、作者、论点、故事发生的时间、地点及事由等。 5、不管听什么材料,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上,千万不能只 停留在个别单词或单句上,听不清时马上放弃,不要强迫自己听清每一个词,要把重点放在听关键词即实词上,一边听一边把要点及回答问题的关键词记下来。 【单项填空答题技巧、解题方法】 单项填空主要考查三个方面:1、英语语法知识;2、对近义词或习惯用语的辨析;3、日常交际用语。这三个方面各有其内在规律,因此了解这些规律,掌握这些规律,就能逐渐形成答好单项填空题目的解题技巧。高考的学生要想快又准地做好单选题,必须具备下列技巧: 1、题眼法:"题眼"是指题干中的关键词或关键符号,它具有提示信息的作 用。一旦抓住了它,就能掌握选择的依据。 2、还原法:把倒装式、强调式或疑问式的题干变换为陈述句,再选就容易 多了 3、归类法:根据句意,把选项分组归类,缩小范围,提高做题的速度和准


初三英语专项训练之单项选择 单项选择题是同学们平时练习的常见题型,也是中考考查基础知识的重要题型,其内容涉及词汇、句型、习惯用语、语法、交际功能、文化常识等。 近几年来单选题减少了对语法结构的考查,增加了对语境的考查,采取语义、语法相结合的方式,题目覆盖面广,灵活多样,交际性强,体现了新课标中提倡交流、强调运用、鼓励创新的理念。 单选题的命题趋向:所选材料突出新颖性、与时俱进的特点(如:国内、国际大事);命题内容会近一步体现各学科之间的相互渗透与融合;命题形式会更加丰富多彩(如:表格、图表、实物图片、交通标志等);命题的切入点会进一步突出语言的实际运用(如:社会实践调查、现在信息工具的使用、生活常识等)。只要基本功扎实,具备解题技巧,不是很难的题型。 一、开放性试题: Jane, your dress is beautiful. — A.No, it isn’t.B.Really? C.Thank you. Shopping with me? —Sorry. I have a lot of clothes . to wash B.washed C.wash D.to be washed Do you mind me smoking here? —_____. Look at the sign. It says, "No smoking." A. It doesn't matter B. No, I don' t C. You' d better not D. Never mind —Hello! Gould I borrow your CD Player tomorrow, please?—Sorry! Gould you speak more loudly, please? 'm afraid not on for a moment, please 's a bad line line is busy .How miss him! You can use QQ or UC to talk with him and see him .Really? !P1ease show me how I can do it 1 Shenyang lies the north of Dalian. A. in B. to C. on D. over Could you tell me if there is a flight to Dalian in the morning on July 3rd? —Just a minute, please. I have to ______. at the map my computer TV it up in a dictionary Can you tell me which sign of the following means “NO PARKING”? 二、 、 1 This is song I’ve told you about. Isn’t it beautiful one? A.the /the B.a/a C.the /a 、考查学生掌握名词和数词情况: Are there any on the farm ? —Yes , there are some .A.horse B.duck C.chicken D.sheep A. eggs B. meat C. vegetables D. fruit 3In our city people have moved into their new houses. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousands of Do you know the woman in the red dress ? —Certainly . She’s Mrs Xu. She teaches chemistry . A.our B.us C.we D.ours A latest English newspaper ,please! —Only one copy left .Would you like to have ,sir? .it B.one C.this D.that Bill, is this your book? —Yes, it’s . A.yours B.his C.mine ,Tom, you'11 bang your head.Ouch! My head! woo.... .or B.and C.but D.so —I like riding fast . It’s very exciting.—Oh ! You mustn’t do it like that , it may have an A.and B.or C.so D.but 3Edison never gave up, he failed many times. A.and B.though C.or 1Did you do anything your mother on Mother's Day? Yes.I gave her a nice card and cooked her a .to B.for C.With D.at 2The twins were born a Friday evening . A.in B.at C.on D.of —What do you call this in English? —It's a stamp. It is used _____ sending letters.


只能接-ing作宾语的动词口诀: 喜欢花费忙着想象忍不住想要结束练习enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事spend...doing sth. 花费…做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做… imagine sb. doing sth. 想象…做某事 can't help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 finish doing sth. 完成做某事practice doing sth. 练习做某事 错过建议保持介意值得考虑 miss doing sth. 错过做某事suggest doing sth. 建议做某事 keep (on) doing sth. 保持(继续)做某事mind doing sth. 介意做某事 be worth doing sth. 值得做某事 介词+doing be good at doing sth擅长做某事 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣insist on doing 坚持做某事 be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事thank sb. for doing sth. 谢谢某人做某事be tired of doing sth. 厌烦做某事 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 put off doing 推迟做某事 stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事give up doing sth. 放弃做某事without doing sth. 没有做某事think about doing sth. 考虑做某事What ∕ How about doing 做某事怎么样?


各种从句单句改错题: 1. I can't understand all what he said. 2. Which is known to all, my school is a good one. 3. Is this school that you visited yesterday 4. I'll never forget the day when I spent in that village. 5. This is the factory in that I once worked. 6. I don't like anything which he gave me. 7. I still remember the places and the people whom I saw there. 8. She prefers such books like that one. 9. That he did is not right. 10. The fact which he was ill made us worried. 11. He said he will stay here for some time. 12. Teacher told us that the moon turned around the earth. 13. Please tell me what the matter was. 14. I don't understand how did he do it. 15. The problem is we are short of money. 16. The reason why he was late was because he was iii. 17. Spring is coming, because trees are getting green. 18. For he was ill, he was absent. 19. He died until last year. 20. I won't go unless it is not fine tomorrow. 主谓一致单句改错题: 1. Your family is very kind. I’ll never forget the favor you’ve done me. 2. When and where to build the new school haven’t been decided. 3. Three quarters of the land is covered with green grass while the rest are covered withpine trees. was standing at the side of the car,talking to two men who was helping him to repair it. 5. On each side of the street stands a lot of trees. 6. Playing football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. 7. The students in our school each has known the meaning of WTO. 8. The number of people who own cars are increasing. 9. Such people as he is to be punished. were Tom and John who played a trick on the old man. not all information are good to society. evening she told me that something happened when their parents was out. 13. Her parents were in Shanghai, and so was his. 14. As is known to us all, remembering English words are not easy.


高考英语做题技巧 专题一:高考英语阅读理解题解题技巧 一、四选一型阅读 高考阅读不同文体按照题型分类主要分为五大类:细节题、推理题、主旨大意题、词义句意猜测题、结构顺序题。 1、细节题解题技巧 细节题,顾名思义,就是指针对文章的某个细节而设置的试题。细节题的命题方法很多,如可能是对某个细节用同义结构转换后进行考查、也可能是将文章中的几个细节(通常是四个)放在一起要求考生判断是非(选出正确的一项或选出错误的一项)或对几个细节进行排序等。解答这类试题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干或选项中的线索词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案(此时要特别注意一些常见的同义转换)。现在围绕上述的定位理论,引申出几个小的技巧: (1)关键信息定位法。这个主要是细节题,如涉及到数字(日期、时间、价格等),就可以在文章中快速圈出数字,再找出目标数字及相对应的细节作息,还有人物姓名、地点名词等等,其他的还包括一些提示情节发展,或条纲性关键字眼,如First,Next,Finally等等。小结:在阅读中,精准快速的定位加上正确的理解力才能保证做题的量与质。定位法是需要在做题的过程中有意识的培养的,做题的技巧也是可以总结的,关键是要自觉培养这种分析归纳和总结的意识以及能力。 2、推理题解题技巧 推断题定义:在理解原文字面意思的基础上,通过对语篇逻辑关系的分析和细节的暗示,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得到文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。 出现特征:在考题中经常出现的词有infer,imply,indicate,conclude,learn from,probably,most likely,prove /according to等。 3、主旨大意题解题技巧Topic/Title型-使用逆推法 (1)要在阅读原文基础上,仔细考虑选项是否与文章主题有密切联系 (2)再看选项对文章的概括性或覆盖面如何 (3)要注意题目是否过大或者过小 (4)要避免下列三种错误:概括不够(多表现为部分代整体,导致范围过小),过度概括(多表现为扩大范围),以事实、细节代替抽象概括的大意。 4、词义句意题解题技巧 要求考生通过阅读上下文,结合中学生应有的赏识来推测尚不熟悉的词或者词组的意思。出现特征:划线或者引号 解题方法之一:根据上下文,往往是本句中的同位关系进行猜测。 5、结构顺序题解题技巧 常见提问方式: How is the passage organized? Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? The author develops the passage mainly by…. 解题思路: (1)注意主题段。主题段通常在文章的开头,简要概括文章的中心思想, (2)找出或者总结每段的主题句。主题句可能在段落的开头,也可能出现在段落的中间或末尾。如何确定主题句的方法见主旨题之main idea型。 (3)最后根据每段主题确定段与段之间的结构关系,承上启下,使文章行文连贯,逻辑严


中考英语单项选择的解题技巧 中考“易筋经”之拿分技巧 单项选择包含了比较多的基础知识点,其中主要考察的是词汇和语法,但是随着每年中考一步步的改进,更注重学生的实际运用能力了。纯粹考语法的题目在逐渐减少,取而代之的是在着重考查单词、词组在特殊语境中的含义。因为考生易被干扰项迷惑,从而失分。所以要注意不要形成思维定势。 在记单词、词组的固定搭配时,更应该注重自己归纳总结。比如那些动词后跟动词不定式,哪些动词后接动名词,那些动词既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词。除此之外在做单选时一定要注意养成良好的习惯,审清题目,这样在做题时既能节省时间,又能提高正确率。 当然由于单选的命题有重点突出,覆盖面广;答案唯一,选对不易;重视语境,强调情景;迷惑性大,综合性强等特点,所以在做单选时还应牢记下面的“六脉神剑”。 中考“六脉神剑”之注意事项 第一招:注意题干中暗示信息 现在的考试中不再像以前那样,直接告诉题意,而是把题置于一个特定的环境。题干上常暗含题意,这种暗示信息,就是答题的关键。例如:(07年陕西中考题——单选部分第一道题) ——Would you like some ________ ? ——No, thank you. I‘m not hungry at all. A. tea B. water C. bread D. coffee 本题是考查名词的用法,从题干上可知A、B、C、D四个选项都可以,这时我们看到答句中有I‘m not hungry ,意思是“我不饿”,故选C. 第二招:注意积累知识,牢记固定搭配 (08年陕西中考题——单选部分第六道题) His parents often encourage him _________ hard. A. work B. working C. to work D. works 本题是考查动词的用法,从题干可知考encourage的用法,后面跟动词不定式,故选C.所以一定要多去积累相关的动词,联想记忆。


非谓语动词口诀版 GE GROUP system office room 【GEIHUA16H-GEIHUA GEIHUA8Q8-

只能接-ing作宾语的动词口诀: 喜欢花费忙着想象忍不住想要结束练习 enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事spend...doingsth.花费…做某事bebusydoingsth.忙于做…imaginesb.doingsth.想象…做某事can'thelpdoingsth.忍不住做某事feellikedoingsth.想要做某事finishdoingsth.完成做某事practicedoingsth.练习做某事 错过建议保持介意值得考虑missdoingsth.错过做某事

keep(on)doingsth.保持(继续)做某事minddoingsth.介意做某事beworthdoingsth.值得做某事 介词+doing? begoodatdoingsth擅长做某事beinterestedindoingsth.对做某事感兴趣insistondoing坚持做某事beusedfordoingsth.被用来做某事thanksb.fordoingsth.谢谢某人做某事betiredofdoingsth.厌烦做某事beafraidofdoingsth.害怕做某事putoffdoing推迟做某事 stopsb.fromdoingsth.阻止某人做某事giveupdoingsth.放弃做某事

thinkaboutdoingsth.考虑做某事 What∕Howaboutdoing做某事怎么样 此to?非彼to lookforwardtodoingsth.(盼望)payattentiontodoingsth.(注意)beusedtodoingsth.(习惯于)preferdoingsthtodoingsth.(更喜欢)devotetodoingsth(致力于)makeacontributiontodoing(做贡献) 只能接不定式作宾语的动词口诀: 决定想做计划需要同意,能做被用来做的事 decidetodosth.决定做某事 want∕wouldliketodosth.想做某事


单项选择题是这些年来英语试卷一直采用的一种题型。单项选择的题型虽然比较简单,但是越来越注重学生的知识综合运用能力。同时,这种题型包含了词汇、固定搭配、词形变化和语法等多方面知识。 一道单项选择题,不再是单独地测试某一知识点,而是将几个知识点综合起来进行能力考查。同学们如果想在单项选择方面少丢分,甚至不丢分,在掌握基础知识的前提下,还需要掌握一些必要的解题技巧。 下面是常老师给大家分享的一份单项选择题解题技巧,可以帮助同学们快速提高答题速度和正确率,同学们一定要仔细学习。 ◆◆ 单项选择解题技巧 ◆◆ 1准确判断所需词性 Is the elephant from _____ ? A. African B. Africa C. Asian D. Indian 解析 在本题中,from是介词,如果学生能够掌握在英语中介词后面只能使用名词、代词和动名词,就能准确地选出B,因为四个选项中只有B项是名词,其他三项都是形容词。 本题没有上下文,不知道大象来自哪个洲,只和词性有关系。词性选对了,答案也就对了。2准确排除干扰项 We are busy. We have _____ to do. A. many homeworks B. a lot of homework

C. many homework D. a lots of homework 解析 在本题中,无需看题,使用排除法,就能选出答案。 homework 是一个不可数名词,所以没有复数,也不能用many 修饰。这样A和C两个选项被排除了,a lot of 和lots of 是两个固定短语,a lots of 是个错误短语,这样D也被排除了,只剩B这个准确答案了。 3记准固定搭配 My cousin and I often _____ on Sundays. A. play football B. play the football C. plays the football D. plays football 解析 在本题中,play football 是固定短语,play 和球类之间没有任何冠词,所以B和C同时被排除了。主语是my cousin and I,所以play 不加s,D也被排除了。只剩下A是准确答案了。 4牢记动词的固定用法 I like _____ very much and I'd like _____ with my friends this afternoon. A. swimming;to swim B. to swim;swimming C. swimming;swimming D. swim;to swim 解析 在本题中,考查了两个固定短语,前者是like doing,后者是would like to do,分辨清楚这两个短语结构,就能准确选出A。


2019年高考英语短文改错专题--非谓语动词(含答案) his father died, left the family even worse off. will have trouble learn English well in a year. crossing the street,she was killed by an ambulance speeded by. ’s up to you decide whether to eat out or at home. our way home,we couldn't help to talking about what we had experienced. accepting for the job, you’ll be informed soon. host parents took good care of us,which made us feeling at home. warned of the danger in the street at night, she went home with a friendaccompanying her. took me a little while figure out these differences,but it was fun. must take some measures to preserve the endangered animals from killed. ’m looking forward to hear from you as soon as possible. fact, Americans make go to the baseball game a favorite summer outing nowadays. did all thatI could express myself clearly but my speech was a total failure. should have the courage to admit have broken the window. in a beautiful and quiet neighborhood,the house is big enough to enable you to have a room of your own. father as well as his three children goes skating on the freezing river every Sunday afternoon in winter. had to look for a place along the street to get his bicycle repairing. their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. to the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did. woman was observed follow him closely.


高考英语单选题十大解题技巧 第一招:还原法 高考命题常以复杂的句型来增加考题的难度,有意给学生造成理解和判断上的困难。面对这种题型,考生要能透过复杂的语言环境,结合语法结构,还原出“庐山真面目”。这样题目就会变得简单,答案就会一目了然。这种结构常为:1)将疑问句还原为陈述句;2)将强调句还原为陈述句;3)将感叹句还原为陈述句;4)将倒装句还原为正常语序;5)将被动语态还原为主动语态。 1. 将疑问句还原为陈述句 【典型考题】例1:Is this school_______ you visited last month? A. one B. the one C. that D. what 【指点迷津】这是一个一般疑问句,如果不用还原法考生会误把this school 分析成定语从句的先行词,反而掉进C项that这个陷进。如果把句子还原成陈述句This school is you visited last month,考生就可以看出这个定语从句缺少先行词the one和引导词that / which。the one 特指this school,that / which作宾语可以省略。因此答案是B项the one。 例2:What have we said _______ her so unhappy? A. makes B. to make C. made D. had made

【指点迷津】答案为B。这是一个特殊疑问句,如果把句子还原成We have said what _______her so unhappy,显然to make 作结果状语。但如果把该句错还原成What we have said _______her so unhappy,就成了主语从句,结果掉进陷阱,误选成C 项made。 2. 将强调句还原为陈述句 例1:—Where did you get to know her?—It was on the farm _______we worked.(20XX年山东卷)A. that B. there C. which D. where 【指点迷津】这是一个强调句型,强调地点状语on the farm。如果把句子还原成陈述句It was on the farm where we worked that I got to know her,考生就可以看出on the farm后where引导了一个定语从句,且省略了that I got to know her这一结构,因此答案是D项where。 3. 将感叹句还原为陈述句 【典型考题】________different life today is_______ what it was 30 years ago! A. How;from B. What a;from C. What;from D. How;with 【指点迷津】这是一个感叹句,如果把句子还原成陈述句Life today is different from what it was 30 years ago.再变为感叹句就很容易选出正确答案A项。但是如果本题不用还原法而直接选择则会很容易掉进陷阱B,错选成What a;from。


非谓语动词英语学习口诀包含动名词、动词的不定时顺口溜 非谓语动词包括动词不定式,动词的过去分词和动词的-ing形式三种。请看下面的方法,将有助于记住不定式及动名词。 1、动词的不定式 ①不定式有标记,to与动词连一起。 ②没有人称数变化,动词特点它具备。 ③主宾定状表补语,唯独作谓不可以。 ④not 加上不定式,否定结构要牢记。 ⑤疑问词与不定式,构成短语有意义。 ⑥仔细推敲多思考,准确判断有依据。 解析: ①“to+动词原形”是它的基本构成形式,即不定式的标记。 ②它没有人称和数的变化,不管主语是任何人称,单数还是复数,动词不定式都没有变化。但它仍保留动词的特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语。 ③它具有名词、形容词和副词三大特点,所以,它在句中可以作主语、宾语、定语、表语、状语和宾补。 ④“not +动词不定式”是它的否定形式,不要受其他否定式的影响,要记住规律。 ⑤疑问代词what, who, whom, which和疑问副词where, when, why , how加上不定式在句中可以做主语,宾语、表语、状语。 ⑥通过以上分析,只要仔细研究,把不定式的功能用法搞清楚,在应用时就能作出准确的判断。 2、动名词: 哪些动词后面只能接动名词,下面的顺口溜有助于记忆。 喜欢、考虑不可免(enjoy, consider, escape, avoid) 停止,放弃太冒险(stop, give up , risk) 反对想象莫推延(mine, imagine, delay, put off) 要求完成是期望(require, finish, look forward to.) 建议继续勤*练(suggest, go on, practise) 不禁原谅要坚持(can’t help, excuse , insist on) 继续注意使成功(keep on, mind, succeed in)


(1)David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the car. (wanted 后加to) (2)…rather than go into the forest and getting lost. (getting 改get,) (3)David pointed to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village. (leading 改为lead,) (4)I went back to get David and helped him to stood up. (stood 改为stand,) (5)Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building. (climbed 改为climb) (6)Modern people know more about health,have better food,and to live in clearer surroundings. (去掉live 前的to) (7)The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world. (improve前加to)(8)…you pay the cost of send a postcard,the librarian will write to you. (send改为sending,) (9)…and let you to know when the book you want has returned.(去to) (10)I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays. (have改为having) ( (11)I had always wanted return to the village after moving away. (return前加to) (12)It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home. (drove改为drive) (13)I look forward to hear from you soon. (hear改为hearing)(14)Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit. (第一个play改为playing)(15)I was often a little tired after a day’s work and watch TV demands very little effort. (watch改为watching) (16)I’d like very much come but I have an examination on Monday


高三英语动词解题技巧分析及练习题(含答案) 一、单项选择动词 1.It's strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgement they ________. A.match B.accept C.reserve D.deserve 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词。A. match匹配;B. accept接受;C. reserve保留,预约;D. deserve 应得,值得。句意:奇怪的是,在我们的社会中一些基本的职业很少受到应得的尊重和认可。根据句意可知选D。 考点:考查动词 2.Studies suggest that babies learn to _________ voices before birth. They can recognize their mother's voice among a group of women. A.suspect B.compromise C.discriminate D.inspect 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。A. suspect怀疑;B. compromise妥协; C. discriminate辨别;D. inspect 检阅。句意:研究表明婴儿在出生前就能辨别声音,他能在一群女人中听出妈妈的声音。根据“They can recognize their mother’s voice among a group of women.”可知此处表示“辨别”,故C项正确。 3.One of the best ways to show confidence is to do it slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous people rush things to their nervousness. A.ignore B.mask C.govern D.modify 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词辨析。句意:展示自信的最好方法之一是慢慢来,而不是操之过急。紧张的人会匆忙做事来掩饰他们的紧张。A. ignore忽略;B. mask掩饰;C. govern统治;D. modify修饰。mask为动词,是掩饰的意思,符合句意。故B选项正确。 4.I’ll get the taxi from the station to ________ you the trouble of coming to collect me. A.counter B.save C.abandon D.rid 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词。A. counter反击; B. save节约,挽救; C. abandon遗弃; D. rid去


【单项选择】单项选择解题技巧 单项选择题是这些年来中考英语试卷一直采用的一种题型。在英语中考过程中,单项选择的题型虽然比较简单,但是同时,这种题型包含了词汇、固定搭配、词形变化和语法等多方面知识。 一道单项选择题,不再是单独地测试某一知识点,而是将几个知识点综合起来进行能力考查。 初中英语单项选择题的考点主要分布在:名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、冠词、连词、介词、情态动词;时态、语态;词义辨析、语序、各种不同的从句及交际用语上。 学生如果想在单项选择方面少丢分,甚至不丢分,在掌握基础知识的前提下,还需要掌握一些必要的解题技巧。 先做好以下几个方面: 1.牢记考试需要掌握的单词和固定短语,同时要熟悉单词的词性和词形变化。 2.掌握名词可数与不可数,可数名词的单复数形式。 3.根据上下文正确使用连词。 4.熟练掌握英语中的就近原则和主谓一致原则。 5.掌握介词的使用方法。 6.熟悉日常交际英语。 7.熟悉人称代词的各种形式以及它们所做的句子成分。 8.准确使用定冠词和不定冠词。 9.仔细区分同义词和同形词。10.掌握一定数量的固定句式。11.牢记动词和介词、副词的固定搭配。12.熟悉上下语境。 直接利用相关语法知识,通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索,从而得出正确答案的解题方法。例:--Will you come to the net bars(网吧)with me﹖--Sorry.My mother always tells me______ there.A. not go B. go C. not to go D. to go根据句意可知此题考查动词不定式的否定形式,即tell sb. not to do sth.,故此题应选C。 许多题目中都有这样一些词,它们对于快速而准确地判定答案起着至关重要的作用。我们称这些词为关键词key words。找到句中的关键词,也就找到了解题的突破口,例:--He hardly hurt himself in the accident,______ ﹖A. doesn't heB. didn't he C. did heD. does he该题中hardly与hurt是起关键词作用的。凡陈述部分含有hardly, never, little, few等否定意义的词时,反意疑问句用肯定形式;而hurt一词的过去式与原形相同,此处hurt未加s,应为过去式。因此本题答案C是正确的。


非谓语动词口诀 非谓语动词亦称非限定性动词,其形式有三,即:to do, -ing和-ed。其中-ing可称为动名词亦可称为现在分词。依据句法功能而定。它们是中学英语教学中的重点、难点,也是中考和高考的考点。与谓语动词有着质的区别---不能作谓语。而又与谓语动词有着密切联系---表示一个动作或状态,而且可以有自己的宾语、状语、逻辑主语、时态和语态。由于它们的非限定性,使得它们在句法功能中比谓语动词显得更加灵活,更加抽象,更加难以理解,难以使用。从而使中学生容易与谓语动词混为一谈,造成交织使用。在听、说、读、写的实际操作中常常犯错。尤其是及物动词之后的宾语形式。有些动词之后只能用to do,有些只能用-ing,有些之后两种形式均可用,意思基本相同。而有些之后意思不同。有些之后的补足语用to do,有些用原形do,有些用doing。及-ing形式在何种情况下叫动名词,何种情况下叫现在分词等一系列的问题。一直是英语学习者的困惑和障碍。为了便于记忆和灵活运用,本文特以“口诀”的形式,分类予以累述,其目的是增强中学生学习的兴趣,化难为易,化繁为简,浓缩重点排除学习困难,同时有助于熟记英语中常用动词。从而达到快、准、捷的学习效果。 一、不定式宾语两希望 两个希望一期望,假装渴望与切望。 没有计划与安排,准备学会两选择。 manage想请两决定,help提出agree。 要求不定式作宾语,25词答应不敢抗拒。 wish hope expect, pretend long desire. fail plan arrange, prepare learn choose elect. manage want ask decide determine, help offer agree. demand, promise dare refuse. eg.I want to speak English. He decides to go out. 二、动名词作宾两原谅 两原谅劝告两避免,承认设想想象之冒险。 坚持完成练习保持喜欢,反对否定正视讨厌。 建议介意错过考虑,着手延期忍受放弃。 包括情不自禁阻防某人,值得习惯忙于盼望想要允许动名来作宾。 excuse pardon advise avoid escape. admit imagine fancy risk. insist on finish practice keep enjoy. object to deny face dislike. suggest mind miss consider, set about put off(delay)stand(bear/put up with)give up(get rid of). include can't help prevent(prevent, stop, keep sb from) be worth be/get used to be busy look forward to feel like allow/perm it。 eg. I finished writing a composition. He is used to living here. 三、不定式动名作宾意不同 1.忆起忘记真遗憾,动名作宾事以前, 今后切莫再遗憾,可用不定式来避免.(意思仪限一般式) remember forget regret mean eg.You must remember to bring your dictionary this afternoon.Do you remember giving me that book? (You have already given me that book, Do you remember it?)
