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Unit 7 when honesty disappears

Unit 7 when honesty disappears
Unit 7 when honesty disappears

Unit 7 when honesty disappears


1.To discuss some social phenomenon about dishonesty

2.To further understand the text

3.To apply the phrases and patterns

4.To master the essay writing skill

5.To listen and understand

Ⅱ Teaching Focus and Difficulties

1. understand the structure of the text

2. apply the writing skills to organizing a paragraph

ⅢTeaching aids

Multimedia, chalk and blackboard Warming up activities

Ⅳ Teaching Procedures:

Pre-reading Activities

Step 1. Greetings

Greet the whole class warmly.

Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading

Show them some pictures on the screen, and ask them:

1. What does each picture depict?

2. What are the common problems these pictures expose?

Step 3. Fast reading

Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questi ons on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.

Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts.

Part1 (para.1) Problem Part 2 (para.2-4)Causes and Solutions Part 3 (Para.5-6) Evaluation Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.

Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 4. Preparation for details of the text on the screen

Students are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class. Words and Phrases:

Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understanding and using foreign language. Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative ap proach and total physical response method.

Words and Phrases:

Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understanding and using foreign language. Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative

approach and total physical response method.

1.(Para.1)not to mention sth. 更不用说某事了All they have to do is pressing a button, and they can seeshows of every kind, not to mention the latest exciting football match. 他们只需按一下开关就可以看到各种各样的文艺节目。至于最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。

2.(Para.1)rip off盗窃He was arrested by the police for ripping off a watch after he walked into the store. 他被警察抓了,因为他走进商店后偷了一块手表。

3.(Para.2) exaggerate: v. make sth. seem better, larger, worse, etc. than it really is 夸大;夸张;言过其实

Shelly admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the difficulty of her job. 谢莉承认,她有时候确实夸大了自己的工作难度。

4.(Para.4)cope with(成功地)处理To my delight, he was able to cope with the stress of his study. 令我高兴的是,他能够处理学习的压力。

5.(Para.4)Launch / wage a campaign发起一场运动

To improve the staff’s comprehe nsive quality, the company launched a massive educational campaign.


6.(Para.4)plagiarism: n. [U] when sb. uses another person’s words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own 剽窃;抄袭

More than half of the teachers in the survey said they thought plagiarism from the Internet was a serious offense.

7.(Para.4) all but: everything or everyone except sth. or sb. 除…外全部All but one of the passengers were killed in the accident. 除了一个乘客外,其他人都在这起事故中丧生。

8.(Para.4) reveal:vt. Make known sth. that was previously secret or unknown 揭示;揭露;透露

Many women do not want to reveal their true age in front of others. 很多女性不愿意在别人面前透露自己的真实年龄。

9.(Para.6)be confined to sth.局限于···For the young, the hunger for knowledge is strong, and it is not confined to any time or place. 年轻人对知识的渴望是非常强烈的,并不受任何时间或地域的限制。

10.(Para.6)descend into …陷入···状况They have taken effective measures so as to prevent the city from descending into chaos and bloodshed. 他们采取了有效措施,阻止了整个城市陷入混乱和流血。

Step 5: While-reading Activities Language Points:

1.As numerous accounts of cheating, lying, and fraud crowd our newspaper pages and TV news, it seems that honesty is a rapidly vanishing value. (Para. 1) Meaning: From our newspapers and TV news, we read countless reports about people cheating,lying, and deceiving. Honesty as a valuable merit seems to be disappearing quickly.

2. But are these reports truly accurate or do they exaggerate the situation? (Para. 2) Meaning: But are these reports correct and exact or do they make the situation look worse than it really is?

3.If this is indeed the case, it’s deeply troubling as today’s students are tomorrow’s

leaders! (Para. 2)

Meaning: If such a situation does exist, it is very worrying because today’s students will become leaders in the future!

4.Modern students who want to fake a term paper don’t have to browse long. (Para.3) Meaning: Nowadays, students don’t need to spend a long time “stealing” online papers and ideas to be used in their own term paper.

5.Long ago, all American schoolchildren knew the historical story of how Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he had overcharged a customer. (Para. 5) Meaning: According to historical records, Abraham Lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he had overcharged a customer. The story with its moral virtue has been passed on from generation to generation. The author uses this story to show what he is to convey in this article.

Step 6: Typical patterns:

Purpose: Further understand the text (Train further reading ability)to find out some difficult sentences and details of the text.

Method: Read the text together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, grammar-translation approach and total physical response


Typical patterns:

1. Travelers ripped off so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain $3 million to replace them. Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world. 去年一年,一家大型连锁酒店的大量毛巾被游客偷走,酒店因此花费了300万美元来添置新毛巾。尤其令人担忧的是,世界范围内有关学生不诚实行为的报道越来越多。

Sb. did sth.. / sth. happened. Especially troubling / surprising/annoying are the reports / facts that…用于表达“表述一种更令人担忧/吃惊/烦恼的现象或者事实感受”。应用:投币坐车本来是给市民提供方便,然而仅一个月公交公司收就收到很多的残币,更令人气愤的是仅假钞的数额就多达三万元。

The use of slot machine was aimed at facilitating the citizens, but within one month alone the public bus company received lots of incomplete coins. Especially irritating is the fact that fake money alone amounted to 30,000 Yuan.

2. Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating. 有些人担心,曾经被奉为最棒的学习工具的互联网会成为作弊者最得力的帮手。Sth., once hailed as sth., could become sth. 用于表达“表述一种事物或者一个人今昔境况的对比”。

应用:曾经是一位美国警察,被称赞为英雄,现被控告有强奸等几项罪名,已被抓捕。A former US police officer, once hailed as a hero, has been arrested and charged with rape and other crimes.

3.Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who practices it. 不管是否会被发现,不诚实都会给任何一个作弊者带来不利影响。Whether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious), sth. will have an effect on sb.用于表达“表述不管在什么情况下某事都可能产生影响”。


甚至会毁了前程。Whether checked out or not, presenting another per son’s ideas as one’s own may have bad effect on his name or even damage his future.

应用2:不管承认与否,今天,我们学会了追赶时间,却没有学会耐心等待;我们拥有的财富越来越多,道德品质却日益沦丧。Whether admit it or not, today we’ve learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals. Step7. Consolidation Retell the passage according to the topic sentences. Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily.

Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

Step 8. Discussion

1.In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declaration in the exam. Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not?

2.Sometimes people tell white lies to avoid hurting others’ feelings. Should these people be considered honest or dishonest?

3.Sometimes doctors do not tell the truth to their patients about their conditions. Do you approve of this practice? Why or why not?

Step 9. Assignments

Review the key points of Section A; Finish the exercises after class; Finish online ho mework; Preview Section B.

Write a speech or essay entitled with What Steals Our Leisure Time. You may apply a s many expressions from the text as possible to your writing.

Unit5 Honesty复习进程

Unit5 Honesty 一、教学目标Key words 1. honesty note near suppose promise lie threaten silent greatly trouble suddenly pocket throw fly rest branch tree midnight wake cry trust truth hurt deceive selfish deeply sleep awake daylight quietly straight carefully ground send 2. Useful Expressions away, at midnight, take on, …stay away from, tell a lie, take…out of…, throw s all come to oneself, that'3. Language Skills 析1)Listening:听一段关于“抱怨”的对话,要求学生能听懂材料内容,辨其中的细节,并根据所给的材料填充所缺的信息。s my fault. Please forgive me. 学习:“说明原因”的常用语句:It'2 )Speaking并能运用以m very sorry. It won' t happen again. It was careless of me to do…I'上语句进行交际。分钟内读完,正确理解课文内容;精度后能准3-4 :要求学生在3)Reading 确把握课文信息,并掌握文中的主要语言点。要求学生能运用所学语句及句型,些一封电子邮件,对好友刘涛)4Writing: 题提出建议。遇到的问 把直接引语变成4. Grammar Focus: Turn the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech ( 间接引语) Warming Up &第一课时:New Words 教学目标:一、 语言知识与语言技能:1. study hard, want to cheat in the )学习在考试之前心里状态的英语表达,如:1 等。exam, be afraid of : 2)掌握下列词汇和短语study hard, cheat in the exam, be afraid of, tell sb. not to do sth., agree to do …sth. 端正学习态度;3)能结合插图内容交流想法2.情感态度与价值观目标:认识到“诚信”是最重要的人格表现。二、重点和难点:be afraid of, cheat in the exam, tell sb. not to do sth.流利运用下列句型:1) 等。用英语对别人提出忠告。2) 三、教学内容及方法:学习单词表中的单词,重点单词做简单说明讲解。Do you study hard enough? Are you afraid of exam? What 1. 导入:提出问题: will you do if your friend wants to cheat in an exam? 让学生相互合作,根据每幅图片相关的信息,试着编几研讨、探究与实践2. 个小对话。根据生活中的真实情况,回答下面的两个问题:3. What will you do if your friend is dishonest? 1 )2)Will you help him or her to cheat your teacher?


Unit5 Honesty 一、教学目标 1.Key words honesty note near suppose promise lie threaten silent greatly trouble suddenly pocket throw fly rest branch tree midnight wake cry trust truth hurt deceive selfish deeply sleep awake daylight quietly straight carefully ground send https://www.sodocs.net/doc/701880639.html,eful Expressions stay away from, tell a lie, take ? out of ?, throw ? away, at midnight, take on, come to oneself, that 's all https://www.sodocs.net/doc/701880639.html,nguage Skills 1) Listening :听一段关于“抱怨”的对话,要求学生能听懂材料内容,辨析其中的细节,并根据所给的材料填充所缺的信息。 2)Speaking :学习“说明原因”的常用语句: It 's myf ault. Please forgive me. I 'm very sorry. It won 't happen again. It was careless of me to do ?并能 运用以上语句进行交际。 3)Reading:要求学生在 3-4 分钟内读完,正确理解课文内容;精度后能准确把握课文信息,并掌握文中的主要语言点。 4) Writing: 要求学生能运用所学语句及句型,些一封电子邮件,对好友刘涛遇到的问题提出建议。 4.Grammar Focus: Turn the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech ( 把直接引语变成间接引语 ) 第一课时: New Words & Warming Up 一、教学目标: 1.语言知识与语言技能: 1 )学习在考试之前心里状态的英语表达,如: study hard, want to cheat in the exam,

Unit 5 Honesty

Unit 5 Honesty Good morning, everyone, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is English for Vocational School Basic ModuleⅡUnit5(Honesty) I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts: Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching materials. Part1 teaching materials. This part is about a story “Whose Fault”. By studying of this part , we’ll enable the students to know honesty is very important in our life. Many students always stay away from class. This story is related to students’school life and the content is easy for them to understand, it also can improve their learning interest. This period plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit. If the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit. At the same time, it can improve the students’ reading ability, especially their skinning, scamming and summarizing ability.So, I think the teaching aims are as follows: T eaching Aims and demands: 1. Knowledge objects: a) The Ss can use the key words and the main phrases: stay away from ,keep silent, take…out of, throw…away, fly with wind,

Unit 5 Honesty

Unit 5 Honesty 1、Stay away from school 2、Go swimming 3、Ask Sb. to do sth. 4、Wait for (Sb.) 5、Give sth. to Sb. 6、Run away from home 7、Tell lies ted a lie 8、Keep silent 9、Take……out of…… 10、Threw away 11、Fly with wind 12、At midnight 13、Find Sb. doing sth. 14.What`s the matter? 15.Tell the truth 16.Be over Class is over/school is over 17.not/never……any more 18.Take on Don`t take on sleep 19.Lie down 20.Cry oneself to sleep 21.Climb up onto the lranch 22.Take the note back https://www.sodocs.net/doc/701880639.html,e to oneself 24.That`s all 25.Get up quietly 26.Go out Unit 6 Is Money so Important? 1.earn much money 2.See Sb. Doing sth. 3.Famous brand clothes 4.Being driven to school in a car 5.Remind Sb. Of sth. 6.Developing country 7.Developed country 8.Instead of 9.Enjoy it for oneself 10.Show off 11.Be different form 12.The focus of attention 13.Without making any distinction 14.Not all the people……(部分否定) 15.At the same time 16.at the same time 17.earn one`s living 18.Life is difficult 19.Grow up 20.Be known as 21.Be known for/be famous for 22.Be proud of 23.Most important of all 24.On earth 25.You always think you are that great 26.You see, that`s what I mean 27.Turn green 28.Nobody admires you just because you are rich 赚很多钱 看见某人在做某事 名牌衣服 坐私车上学 是某人想起某物 发展中国家 发达国家 代替,而不是 自己享用 炫耀 与……不同 关注的焦点 不加任何分辨 不是所有的人 同时 努力工作/努力学习 糊口,谋生 生活不容易 长大 作为…而出名,被认为是… 因为……而出名 以……为荣,为……而自豪 最为重要的是 到底,日根结底,终归 你总以为你是那么了不起、 要知道那就是我的意思 嫉妒,不服气 没有人会因为你有钱而欣赏你旷课 去游泳 要求某人做某事 等待 把某物给某人呢 离家出走 撒谎 保持沉默 从……拿出…… 把……扔掉…… 随风飘飞 午夜 发现某人在做某事 怎么了 说实话 结束/过去 下课/下学 不再 承受,激动不安 别太当回事了! 躺下 哭着入睡 爬上树 取回纸来 苏醒过来 就这样 悄悄地起床 出去

Unit 5 Honesty语言点

Unit 5 Honesty Reading Whose Fault Para.1--Para. 4 ⅠWords 1.诚实n. / 诚实的adj. 2.错误n. 3.停留v 4.校长n. 5. 猜想,认定v. 6.校长n. 7.便条n. 8. 许诺,答应v. 9.谎言n. 10.威胁v. 11.恳求v. 12. 沉默的adj. 13.极大地adv. 14. 困惑,不安v 15.突然地adv. 16.扔掉v. 17.放飞v. 18)树枝n. II Phrases 1. 逃离_________________________ /________________________________ 2. 去游泳________________________ 3. 让某人做某事____________________ 4. 等候______________________ 5. 和....步行回家_______________________ 6. 给某人某物__________________ 7. 一定做某事_______________________ 8. 说谎_________________________ 9. 保持沉默_________________________ 10. 从........取出____________________ 11.扔掉_________________________ 12. 随风飞走__________________________ III Language points 1. Bill ________ ______________ __________ ______________ one hot day and ____________ _________________. 炎热的一天,比尔逃学去游泳了。 ※ stay away from ... = run away from ...逃离.... ; 远离...... E.g. He _________ ________ __________ ______________ today. 今天他没上班。 ※stay up 熬夜,通宵不睡 E.g. He _________ ________ yesterday evening. 昨晚他通宵没睡。 2 . The headmaster _________ a note ______Bill’s father and __________ Bill’s brother Joe ________ ________ it home. 校长给比尔的父亲写了一张便条,并且让比尔的弟弟乔把它带回家。 ※ write to sb. 给某人写信 E.g. I _______ _______ ________ _______ last week . 上周我给我的哥哥写了一封信。 ※ write down _____________ E.g. I _________ ________ _______ the teacher said just now. 我记下了老师刚刚所说的一切。 ※ ask sb. To do sth. _______________________ E.g. I ______ ______ _______ _______ it again. 我请他再说一遍。
