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71. Directions:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Every culture has set rules about how people should act. Patterns of good behavior, or manners, show respect and care for others. Yet the details of how to express respect vary.

Greeting people cheerfully is almost always considered polite. But it's more important in some cultures than others. For example, when you enter a store in France, you should always greet the person working there. Other cultures also value greeting people. But of course the greetings vary as people speak different languages.

When I was growing up in the United States, I once participated in a performance at my church. Afterward, someone gave me a compliment, but I felt like I had done a bad job. So I tried to refuse the compliment, saying, "No, I didn't do that well. " My mother got my attention and told me that was very rude. Later I learned that refusing a compliment is accepted and even approved of in China.

Some of the biggest cultural differences have to do with table manners. In North America, it's polite to eat as quietly as possible. That means chewing with your mouth closed and not slurping(吃东西时发出的声音) your soup. The same goes for burping (打嗝). But in parts of Asia slurping shows that you are enjoying your meal. And burping is a sign of being full and content.

There are also differences in how people eat across cultures. For example, in North America and Europe people use forks to bring food to their mouths. But in Thailand, a fork is only used to push food onto a spoon. In India and the Middle East, people eat with their hands. But eating with the left hand is forbidden. This is because the left hand is considered unclean.

Yet there are also similar points across cultures. Saying "please" and "thank you," for example, is almost always polite. If you show appreciation and try to follow local customs, people will generally respond well. Showing kindness can bring people together, no matter what culture they come from.

答案:71. It's about culture difference. Greeting cheerfully is polite anywhere.Refusing compliments is rude in America but acceptable in China. Making a sound while eating is impolite in North America but not in parts of Asia. For example, people eat differently with people in some areas preferring folks while some with hands. Anyway, similarities still exist like saying "please" and "thank you". (60w)

The Role of Humility at Work

There are many qualities that leaders must develop if they wish to have a meaningful impact in the workplace. But among these many important qualities, the value of humility seems to be frequently overlooked. Part of this is due to common misconceptions about what it means to be humble.

Humility tends to be overlooked in the workplace because it is frequently misinterpreted as a “weak” quality. We have been led to believe that people who are humble are easily bulldozed (欺负) by others and aren’t willing to stick up for themselves. Many define humility as having a low opinion of oneself. While this may be one widely accepted view of humility today, it is actually a far cry from the true meaning of the word—and the way it should be applied in leadership. Humility isn’t about being passive and weak. It’s about showing respect to others and recognizing truth in all situations, including in the workplace.

A humble professional sounds like the type of person that most of us would prefer to interact with on a daily basis. It is the type of person that can become a truly effective leader. “Humble leaders must be willing to evaluate criticism to determine if it’s valid or not,” said Christopher Ferry, founder of Boca Recovery Center. “The best leaders are willing to admit when they are wrong and view mistakes as learning opportunities so they can turn them into something transformative. In all my work developing the leadership skills of managers, if I could give them any quality with a magic stick, it would be humility.”

Though humility is often underrated by world at large, it’s essential if you want to be successful as a leader, not just at work but in life. Reject your idea to boast or lift yourself above anyone and decide to be at the service of others.

答案:Humility plays a vital role at work. Though often neglected and mistaken as a symbol of weakness, humility is actually about respecting truth and others. Humility is crucial in leadership because humble leaders have a positive attitude to criticism and mistakes and can turn these into improvements. Therefore, try to be humble both at work and in life. (58 words)

It’s natural to feel the need to contr ol something when everything around you feels out of control, and you feel helpless. When a friend of mine first heard about the coronavirus outbreak, she got down on her hands and knees and cleaned her kitchen floor. She told me,“My floor wasn’t even dirty, but doing something constructive made me feel in control and that I was holding on to my power, despite the desperate circums tances.”

Your most powerful weapon against uncertainty is your perspective because nobody and no situation can take that from you unless you give it away. Your perspective can victimize or empower you. When you look for the upside in a downside situation a nd figure out what you can control and what you can't, it’s easier to accept whatever is beyond your control.

Small gestures during hard times gentle worry and concern. Often during emergencies and crises, people start performing acts of kindness at random. Helping others through a crisis by performing good deeds can make you feel in control. The obvious benefit when you reach out to help someone else is that you get a break from your own worries for a while. Contributing, giving, volunteering, donating and performing kind acts, no matter how small or brief, connect you to other people (and animals) in a deeply meaningful, humane way. So practice doing small gestures for others and yourself.

Positive action is supposed to be taken to ensure you a sense of control. Make “cans”out of “cannots”and focus on what you can control. Take advantage of this restrictive time to clear clutter out of your basement, pull weeds in the garden, organize drawers, closets, and bookshelves, or get caught up on fun hobbies you've neglected for a while. Focus on a thought, person, pet, or object that stir hope and positivity within you. Hope always exists alongside of despair.

答案:For reference:

Strengthening or retrieving a sense of control is a natural demand. First, good perspective is of the greatest help, for evaluating the situation properly brings a clearer picture. Second, kind behaviors during tough times can secure you a sense of control as well. Third, actions and thoughts of positivity also help as they may create hope and optimism.

It’s essential to feel you can control something in a crisis or emergency. Positive perspective is the most important, since it will ensure you confidence and power to pull through the difficult situation. Then doing small good deeds can free you from worry temporarily by helping others. Lastly, take some positive action to arouse the hope within you.


Coco-Cola’s Innovative Solution to Plastic Pollut ion

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing problems of the 21st Century with plastic waste almost everywhere. It is estimated that just in 2016, the world produced over 320 million tons of plastic, and this number is set to double by 2034.

Plastic waste even makes its way into our oceans with 8 million pieces of plastic pollution per day polluting our waters and destroying the habitat for hundreds of species. It is now believed that there may be around 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean weighing in total up to 269,000 tons.

It’s been crystal clear for a long time that the situation is horrible and something needs to be done, and fast. Luckily, Coca-Cola stepped up to the challenge and came up with one innovative and rather effective solution. The firm is replacing its plastic wrapping in Europe with a new paper board technology.

This new tech is called the KeelClip and it is a first for the non-alcohol ready-to-drink (NARTD) industry. Using KeelClips, Coca-Cola aims to remove all plastic wrap from its can multipacks in all European Union markets by the end of 2021. The firm is optimistic that the move will save 2,000 tons of plastic and 3,000 tons of CO2 annually.

“Innovation is a key principle of our sustainable packaging work and the application of this fully recyclable paperboard KeelClip?, which is composed of a top board that the cans clip into and a central cardboard ‘keel’ -- similar to a ship’s keel -- that stabilizes the pack, is another example of how we are delivering on our commitment to remove all unnecessary and hard to recycle single-use plastic from our products. We hope this eco-friendly initiative is a conscious approach to dealing with plastic poll ution,” said Joe Franses, Vice President, Sustainability at Coca-Cola European Partners.


With plastic wastes invading the ocean and threatening marine lives, plastic pollution is among the most serious problems on the earth. To deal with the situation, Coca-Cola thinks of a creative solution called KeelClip, which substitutes paper board for plastic wrapping, thus saving lots of plastic and CO2 annually. The case shows innovation behind Coca-Cola’s commitment to sustainable eco-friendly packaging. (60 words)

Main points:

1.Plastic pollution is globally urgent.

2.Plastic pollution has invaded into oceans.

3.Coca-Cola replaces plastic wrapping with a paper board technology.

4.The KeelClip will save plastic and CO2.

The move shows Coca-Cola’s innovation an d commitment to sustainable eco-friendly packaging.

Does your memory fail as you age?

I’m 62 years old. Like many of my friends, I forget names that I used to be able to recall effortlessly. When packing my suitcase for a trip, I walk to the bedroom and by the time I get there, I don’t remember what I came for. And yet my long-term memories are perfect. I remember the names of my third-grade classmates, the first record album I bought, my wedding day.

This is widely understood to be a classic problem of aging. But the problem is not necessarily age-related. I’ve been teaching undergraduates for my entire career and I can prove that even 20-year-olds make short-term memory errors —loads of them. They walk into the wrong classroom; they show up to exams without the required No. 2 pencil; they forget something I just said two minutes before. These are similar to the kinds of things 70-year-olds do.

The relevant difference is not age but rather how we describe these events, the stories we tell ourselves about them. Twenty-year-olds don’t think, “Oh dear, this must be early-onset Alzheimer’s(早老性痴呆症).” They think, “I really need to get more than four hours of sleep.” The 70-year-olds observe these same events and worry about their brain health. This is to say that every error of short-term memory doesn’t necessarily indicate a biological disorder.

So how do we account for our subjective experience that older adults seem to search for words and names with difficulty? First, there is a generalized cognitive(认知的)slowing with age — but given a little more time, older adults perform just fine. Second, older adults have to search through more memories than younger adults to find the fact or piece of information they’re looking for. Your brain becomes crowded with memories and information. It’s not that you can’t remember — you can —it’s just that there is so much more information to sort through.

答案:The author thinks that short-term memory failure, which both old and young suffer from, isn’t necessarily age-related, though different age groups find different reasons for it. The old seem to have a poorer short-term memory because of natural cognitive slowing and too much information to search for. (47 words)

High level of deforestation continues

We are all aware of the threats our planet is facing. Experts agree that it’s mainly us humans who are responsible for the destruction of the environment. One of the most destructive activities we are carrying out is cutting down forests—deforestation. This is done for many reasons, such as providing wood for fuel, making land available for housing or for creating space for more cattle to graze (吃草) on. This has been most noticeable in Brazil, which is home to the world’s largest rainforest. Deforestation there has hit its highest rate in a decade, according to official data. Over the course of a year, an area about five times the size of London has been destroyed.

The amount of deforestation in the Amazon and in other tropical (热带的) regions has actually seen a decline but the figures are still large. Global Forest Watch say that in 2018, an area equivalent to 30 football fields were cut down every minute. Frances Seymour from the World Resources Institut e says that “If you look back over the last 18 years, it is clear that the overall trend is still upwards. We are nowhere near winning this battle.”

What’s special about places like the Amazon is that they are primary forests which exist in their original condition with some species of trees dating back thousands of years. This habitat is home to unique and rare animals and is critical for sustaining biodiversity (生物多样性). The BBC’s environment correspondent, Matt McGrath, says “These old forests really matt er as stores of carbon dioxide, which is why the loss of 3.6 million hectares in 2018 is concerning.”

Brazil has taken some steps to try and decrease deforestation by introducing government policies including fines for breaking land use regulations and illegal logging. And International campaigns to stop the trade of soy and beef farmed on deforested parts of the Amazon have also had a significant impact.


1. The most serious environmental destruction from humans is deforestation, which is most severe in Brazil.

2. Although declining in tropical regions, the figures of deforestation are still large and the trend is continuing.

3. Primary forests are important because of biodiversity and carbon dioxide storage.

4. Brazil has taken measures to decrease deforestation and international campaigns have also joined in the effort.

The most serious environmental destruction from humans is deforestation, which is most severe in Brazil. Although declining in tropical regions, the figures of deforestation are still large and the trend is continuing. Primary forests are important because of biodiversity and carbon dioxide storage. Brazil has taken measures to decrease deforestation and international campaigns have also joined in the effort.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine, which has been used for medicinal purposes, is the use of plants to treat diseases. Many herbalists use the entire plant, from the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots, in the form of everything from teas to pills. These plants contain natural, chemical things that can treat the body for a variety of diseases,such as allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, chronic fatigue, and cancer, among others.

Nowadays an increasing number of people prefer to adopt these plants to treat their diseases because, compared with chemical medicine, herbal medicine has its own advantages. Herbal medicine and remedies are more effective than chemical medicine for certain diseases. The chemical medicine given by a chemist could have certain negative side effects. However, many of the herbal medicine and remedies do not have negative side effects. If any, they are softer than chemical medicine. Obesity is the cause of many of the health problems. Herbal medicine can help weight loss more effectively and improve overall health.

However, the cure using herbal medicine and supplements would take some time, and therefore people are supposed to possess enough patience. Worse still, herbal medicine contains a variety of ingredients and people have to be sure that their body agrees with the ingredients and that it is not allergic (过敏).

A point worth mentioning here is that herbal remedies and medicine for certain illnesses may have negative side effects. These side effects may not be shown at once, but would take months or even years. In the early stages, if the herbal medicine is not agreeing with you, it is wise to stop using it.

When used correctly and directed by doctors, herbs can help treat a variety of diseases. But keep in mind that the herbal medicine industry is not regulated, so herbal products are often misleading and may contain additives that are not listed on the label. Some herbs may cause allergic reactions or interact with other drugs, and some are poisonous if used improperly or at high doses. Taking herbs on your own increases your risk.

答案:Herbal medicine, abstracted from entire plants in various forms, is a way to treat some disease. It has more advantages over chemical medicine owing to its better effectiveness and milder side effects. However, herbal medicine also has disadvantages like time-consuming recovery, possible allergy. Therefore, it is advisable for us to use herbs cautiously in case of potentially risky consequences. (59 words)


Students who have used electronic cigarettes by the time they start ninth grade are more likely than others to start smoking traditional cigarettes and other tobacco products within the next year, according to a new study funded by the National Institutes of Health. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, deliver nicotine to the lungs by heating a liquid solution that contains nicotine and other chemicals to produce a spray that the user takes in.

As part of a survey of substance use and mental health among high school student in Los Angeles, the study compared the start of tobacco use among 222 students who had used e-cigarettes, but not any other tobacco products, and 2,308 who had neither used e-cigarettes or any other tobacco products when initially surveyed at the start of ninth grade. The 2,530 students who initially reported never using tobacco underwent follow-up assessments after six and twelve months. Students were asked about lifetime and past six-month use of e-cigaretts or any other forms of tobacco products.

During the first six months after being surveyed, 30.7 percent of those who had used e-cigarettes started using tobacco products, such as cigarettes, and cigars, compared to only 8.1 percent of those who had never used e-cigarettes. Over the following six months leading into the start of 10th grade, 25.2 percent of e-cigarette users had used tobacco products, compared to just 9.3 percent of nonusers.

“While teen tobacco use has fall en in recent years, this study confirms that we should continue to closely watch teen smoking patterns,” said NIDA Director Nora D. V olkow, M.D. “Parents and teens should recognize that although e-cigarettes might not have the same harmful effects of regul ar cigarettes, they do carry a risk of addiction.”

“Recreational e-cigarette use is becoming increasingly popular among teens who have never smoked tobacco,” said Adam M. Leventhal, Ph. D., the first author on the study. “While we cannot conclude that e-cigarette use could ultimately lead to the spread of smoking-related illness.”

答案:A new study showed early exposure to e-cigarettes may cause teens’ tobacco smoking. Comparing the start of tobacco use between students with e-cigarettes experiences and nonusers, the survey reveals a significant increase of smoking tendency in the former. With the popularity of e-cigarettes, it’s worth considering its harmful effects and paying attention to teens’ smoking patterns.

Britain’s Buses are Getting Emptier

In Britain, buses account for more public - transport trips than trains, tubes and trams put together. People love them, in theory: one poll by Transport Focus, a consumer group, found that 74% of young people think they are a good way of getting around and 85% believe it is important for a place to have a good bus service. There is just one problem. In practice, Britions are taking buses less and less.

Why are London buses emptier? One thing that has changed is young people’s behavior. The young are heavy bus users when they travel. But, increasingly, they do not travel. According to Transport for London, the average 17 - to 24-year-old took 2.3 transport trips per day in the year 2011- 12 but only 1.7 in 2018 - 19. The National Travel Survey confirms that no group has cut back harder on travel since the early 2000s than teenagers. Young people are more diligent these days, and stay in school for longer. They can do the things that young people love to do on their phones, without going out.

The other big bus users are the poor and the old, especially outside London, but both are turning away from buses to cars. Lower lending standards have made cars easier to acquire; a fuel-tax freeze and fuel-saving engines make them cheaper to run. Cars are ever more comfortable and easier to operate, with parking-assist technology and lane-drifting alerts to help starters. Outside London, the average free bus pass was used 90 times in the year 2010-11 but only 74 times in 2018-19, according to the Department for Transport.

Finally there is the gig economy (零工经济). Online shopping and Uber probably substitute of bus trips as well as private car journeys. And they put new vehicles on the roads, which slows everything down. The number of light-goods vehicles in London has risen by 28% since 2012. Tony Travers of the London School of Economics points out that bus speeds have fallen slightly in the capital, even though private cars have almost been cleared up from the city center. The average London bus now travels at 9.3 miles per hour. Just as people become less inclined to run after buses, they are becoming easier to catch.


How Do Our Phones Affect Our Parenting?

As a pediatrician (儿科医生), I have researched how mobile phone use affects family dynamics. The parent-child relationship is central to children’s social and emotional health and life success — yet I also see how more and more family interactions interrupted by mobile devices … including my own.

My interest in the topic began in 2010. I worked for a year as a pediatrician in the suburbs outside of Seattle. Many of the parents bringing in their sick kids worked at tech companies and were early adopters of mobile devices. During my training, I had gotten used to children playing with handheld gaming devices, but this was different: parents texted during health-related conversations (were they really processing what I was saying?); looked up medical information online to check my accuracy (was this a sign of parent anxiety?); and used videos to stop children from crying (this was pretty helpful during ear exams, but is it OK other times, I wondered?).

I was fascinated by the cultural change America was experiencing with the rapid adoption of mobile devices. But as

a pediatrician, I had no idea what to do about it. So when I moved to Boston for training in Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, I decided to explore the topic in more depth.

I started my research by observing families in fast food restaurants — and the results were pretty eye-opening: when parents’ attention was highly absorbed in their smartphones, parents talked less to children; responded slower (or not at all) to child bids for attention; and sometimes overreacted to child behavior.

Our more recent studies show that in the long-run, parent technology use during parent-child activities leads to more difficult child behavior — wh ich in turn leads to more parent technology usage. It’s a vicious cycle: when kids stress us out, we often go to our phones for escape or to avoid interaction, and this interrupts time with kids or makes them annoyed, and they might react with difficult behavior, and so on.

As a working mom of two young boys, I knew how this child-phone multitasking felt to me, but I wanted to hear what others thought. So I interviewed 35 parents from diverse backgrounds in Boston to understand their experiences. They told me they have never felt their brains split in so many directions —like all the matters of the world could intrude upon home time and “land in their lap”. They expressed both relief and despair when their phones were broken or lost, because while this made it easier to “single-task” on their kids again, they also felt cut off from friends and information.

答案:My experience as a pediatrician aroused my interest in the effects of smart-phones on parenting. My further research and interviews reveal it is difficult to balance both children and phones. Parents may overlook their children when focusing on their phones and cause their children’s difficult behavior while they may feel isolated when looking after their children without phones. (58 words)

Now, it may seem strange to learn from someone who writes about pretty dresses every day, but: you don’t have to be pretty and you don’t have to spare no effort to be pretty just to please others. You don’t have to feel bothered for your plain looking that makes you unnoticed. After all, every one of us, whether charming or not, is a drop in the ocean and you don’t owe prettiness to anyone.

Admittedly, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be pretty if you want to. Being pretty is pleasant, fun, refreshing and satisfying, making people feel delighted and smile at you unconsciously. But in terms of importance, prettiness stands several steps down from happiness, is way below health, and if done as an obligation, can be far away from independence.

But what does you-don’t-have-to-be-pretty mean in everyday terms? It means you don’t have to blame your parents for not giving you the world-desired appearance and that you don’t have to apologize for wearing things that are held to be “unflattering” or “unfashionable”— especially if, in fact, they make you happy on some level deeper than just being pretty does. As long as you are clean, covered enough, and have bandaged any open wounds, you can wear any color or style you please, holding your heads high, if it makes you happy.

Prettiness, it’s sad to say, can have a shelf life. It’s so tied up with youth that, at some point (if you’re lucky), you’re going to have to graduate from prettiness, sometimes before you know it. But you won’t even get there if you think you have to follow all the signs that say “this way to prettiness”. You get there by travelling the route you find most interesting.

答案:You needn’t be obsessed with prettiness. Being pretty is inferior to being happy, healthy and independent. In d aily life, don’t feel sorry for not having pretty appearance or wearing pretty things. You can choose what you like as long as they keep you clean and decent. Prettiness has a lifespan and being yourself is the surest way to it.

Teaching Children about Forgiveness

If you’ve seen your children struggle to forgive someone for hurting them, you know that forgiveness is complicated. After all, forgiveness is complicated for adults, too. At times, we wonder why we’re trying to forgive someone anyway; lat er, we might think we’ve forgiven them, only to experience a sudden burst of anger. Indeed, it takes many years for us to grasp the meaning of forgiveness as we grow up.

It’s understandable that children may feel hurt or angry when a friend does something less-than-kind to them. Maybe the friend said something unkind or broke something precious, embarrassed them, excluded them, or told their secrets. Children may be tempted to get even with a friend who’s done them wrong, by doing something worse or telling everyone how terrible the friend is, but trying to get revenge only escalates (升级) the conflict.

Parents can play an important role in teaching children about forgiveness. Children watch how important adults in their lives respond when someone does something unkind. Do they complain to others or speak directly to the person involved? How long does it take them to get over being mad or hurt? How do they get over it?Parents can teach their children about the value of forgiveness by regularly practicing it in their own lives.

Sometimes parents can talk with their children about forgiveness, based on where kids are in their cognitive (认知的) and emotional development. For example, children need to understand that no one is perfect, so generously forgiving a well-meaning friend is a caring thing to do. If parents can help children see things a little more from other people’s perspective, this will make forgiveness easier. These conversations can change the way children think about forgiveness and help them emotionally recover when they inevitably experience harm and unfair treatment from others in life.

答案:Forgiveness is complicated and chil dren’s understanding of forgiving develops as they grow older. Children may feel angry and want to revenge when they feel hurt or wronged. Parents need to be good role models themselves and have age-appropriate discussions with children to help them see th ings from other people’s perspective and better understand forgiveness. (54 words)

Building a Greener Future

Year after year, Earth’s precious resources are becoming increasingly scarce. Still people need materials to build new houses, office buildings and schools. There’s only one solution to this problem: do more with less. That’s what sustainable construction is all about. Advocates of sustainable construction believe the entire building process can be done without harming the environment, and by doing so, the earth is kept sustainable for future generations. To make these green buildings possible, however, the process must be implemented from the beginning.

Picture a city government that wants to build a green office building. The first thing these city planners would do is select a site with a small environmental impact. Ideally, they would choose a site that had already been developed, thus keeping the forests and grasslands protected.

Next, city planners would turn their attention toward the construction process. Only green materials could be used to build their office towers. These include wood, steel, and other materials that have been recycled from destroyed buildings. If possible, they have been manufactured, recovered, or resourced locally. The closer that these green materials are to the construction site, the less energy is wasted getting them to where they’re needed.

Maintenance costs are the next important factors that need to be considered. City planners would design heating and cooling systems that use as little energy as possible. They would fit solar roof panels that will absorb the heat from the sun to power the building. Toilets and sinks designed to minimize water waste would be fitted throughout the building. These efficienci es don’t just help to protect the environment; they can save money over the long run as well.

After all this was finished, the city planners would relax and maybe even throw a party. They have designed a building that was green at every step -- the golden rule of sustainable construction.

答案:Sustainable construction is the solution to scarce resources and helps protect the environment. First, it means choosing a site which produces minimal environmental impact. It also involves using green recyclable and locally produced materials. Lastly, it is important to take measures like using sustainable energy to reduce maintenance cost. Therefore, sustainable construction focuses on making the whole building process green. (60)

Scottish summers set to keep getting warmer, study shows

Cold, wet summers could become a thing of the past in Scotland, according to a new study. Researchers from Edinburgh and Oxford universities and the Met Office, the UK’s official weather service, say that summer temp eratures of 30°C could become common in the future because of climate change.

Climate change is long-term changes in the world’s weather patterns, including rising temperatures. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), farming and cutting down forests are a major cause of changing weather patterns around the world. When fossil fuels are burned, for example, they release gases such as carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These gases are called greenhouse gases. Their emissions contribute to climate change.

People experienced hot and dry conditions during a heatwave in the summer of 2018. The team found that climate change would lead to those conditions becoming more frequent in Scotland. Lead researcher Professor Simon Tett, from Edinburgh University, said that carbon dioxide emissions had to be cut around the world in order to prevent this from getting worse.

The study also looked into the direct effects of the unusual weather in 2018 on people, animals and landscapes in Scotland. Among these were a thirty per cent increase in demand for water, an increase in harmful insects such as flies and mosquitoes, and a fall in the amount of peas, potatoes, carrots and onions that were harvested. The populations of some types of birds declined because of a lack of water. There was also disturbance to trains because rails were bent by the heat.

Tett explained, “Despite its cool climate, Scotland must start to prepare now for the impact of high temperature extremes. The bottom line is that heatwaves have become more likely because of the climate change caused by human activities.”

答案:A study shows that Scotland is expected to have hotter and drier summers due to global climate change resulting from harmful human activities like greenhouse gases emission. Moreover, it reveals that the dryness and hotness of 2018 summer directly caused disastrous consequences to creatures, vegetation and transportation in Scotland. Actions should be taken before things get worse. (57 words)
