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桥梁工程 外文翻译
桥梁工程 外文翻译











2008年的10月,登比郡县会议拨款近300,000美元用于Pont Telpyn 桥的旧桥加固,那是座还附带着7.9m宽的小路的桥梁。这项历史桥梁保护工作意味着在进行加固工作的同时要保持桥梁的原貌不变,需要采用不锈钢为核心,通过结构钻孔灌浆。能提供此技术的只有一家承建商。这条河曾经部分转移。在一次夏季洪水时,桥跨下的临时支撑绊住了一颗大树和其它一些碎屑物,而且一个桥墩基础遭受了严重的冲刷毁坏。这座桥不得不暂时封闭,关闭交通。最终的总损失可能达到了623,000美元。






2008年10月,在工人们意识到危险的到来并逃走后的一些时间后,施罗普下令拆除Sheinton 桥。在后期的洪水检查期间,一些严重的冲刷被发现后,人们开始了整治。






通信工程专业英语翻译 JXTA is a crystallization by Sun company's chief scientist Bill Joy's more than twenty years of brewing."JXTA technology is a platform for Network programming and calculation.To solve the modern distribution calculation especially peer-to-peer (Peer to Peer, P2P) in the calculation of the problem".[1] JXTA research project,which will provide a new framework that make the user more convenient to access to connect on the Internet's personal computer resources, thus further expand Internet 's space. At the same time JXTA is also the Sun's "ONE Internet" strategic continuance, and will take a more positive attitude to compete with the .net strategy of Microsoft and Hailstorm plan . JXTA agreement defines a set of six agreement based on XML, the organization of node into node group, release and found some resources, communication and mutual monitoring provides standardized method.(Endpoint Routing Protocol,ERP) is used for node found routing.To send a message to other nodes, and through the potential firewall and connection.(Rendezvous Protocol,RVP) s used for the nodes in the group to spread information.(Peer Resolver Protocol,PRP) is Used to one or more points to send general inquiries, and receive the response of inquiries.


外文文献原文+译文 原文 The study on the design of neuter clothing H ous e W Abstract Social and economic development, social thought, opening up and the progress of science and technology, men and women style presented the diversified pattern of neuter the fuzzy gender differences in style, from the beginning of non-mainstream des ign till n ow has develop ed i nt o on e of the mains t ream fas hi on d es ign style. Fashion brands have launched in recent years, the neutral flavor of fashion, neuter clothing market share of more and more, neutral fashion, with its broad group of sex leads the urban street fashion. Neutralization of free and open way of life style, gave people a comfortable and enjoyable. K ey words: Neut e r; Cl ot hing; Gender roles; Design 1 Introduction The beginning of the 20th century the rise of the feminist movement, make the neutral clothing as a kind of style into the line of sight of people. In the 90 s, the neutral clothing has used by each big brand clothing as one of the fashionable e lement s, s uc h a s dust coa t w i th a ne ut ral style, s ui ts, t-shirt s and j e ans have bec om e people like everyday clothes. Neuter clothing style is a simple, pure; reject all multifarious mincing, personalized style. As a special kind of clothing style, neuter clothing fashion has been intensified in the social life, so it is necessary for us to study the clothing neutralization phenomenon, to study its causes and the development of sociology. This article mainly from the sociological association as well as the relationship between men and women clothing and gender status in the society, which is based on analyzing the change of the study the social basis of the neutral clothing appear; Again from the social system, economic development, cultural trend and fashion designers to the influence of the neutral clothing style, etc., it is concluded that the neuter clothing phenomenon is the development of social consciousness, the sexual role transformation, the new clothing design trends are affecting the results.


A Clear Look at Internal Controls: Theory and Concepts Hammed Arad (Philae) Department of accounting, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran Barak Jamshedy-Navid Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Kerman-shah, Iran Abstract: internal control is an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error. Internal Control is a major part of managing an organization. It comprises the plans, methods, and procedures used to meet missions, goals, and objectives and, in doing so, support performance-based management. Internal Control which is equal with management control helps managers achieve desired results through effective stewardship of resources. Internal controls should reduce the risks associated with undetected errors or irregularities, but designing and establishing effective internal controls is not a simple task and cannot be accomplished through a short set of quick fixes. In this paper the concepts of internal controls and different aspects of internal controls are discussed. Keywords: Internal Control, management controls, Control Environment, Control Activities, Monitoring 1. Introduction The necessity of control in new variable business environment is not latent for any person and management as a response factor for stockholders and another should implement a great control over his/her organization. Control is the activity of managing or exerting control over something. he emergence and development of systematic thoughts in recent decade required a new attention to business resource and control over this wealth. One of the hot topic a bout controls over business resource is analyzing the cost-benefit of each control. Internal Controls serve as the first line of defense in safeguarding assets and preventing and detecting errors and fraud. We can say Internal control is a whole system of controls financial and otherwise, established by the management for the smooth running of business; it includes internal cheek, internal audit and other forms of controls. COSO describe Internal Control as follow. Internal controls are the methods employed to help ensure the achievement of an objective. In accounting and organizational theory, Internal control is defined as a process effected by an organization's structure, work and authority flows, people and management information systems, designed to help the organization accomplish specific goals or objectives. It is a means by which an organization's resources are directed, monitored, and measured. It plays an important role in preventing and detecting fraud and protecting the organization's resources, both physical (e.g., machinery and property) and intangible (e.g., reputation or intellectual property such as trademarks). At the organizational level, internal control objectives relate to the reliability of financial reporting, timely feedback on the achievement of operational or strategic goals, and compliance with laws and regulations. At the specific transaction level, internal control refers to the actions taken to achieve a specific objective (e.g., how to ensure the organization's payments to third parties are for valid services rendered.) Internal control


公共行政经典著作导读参考文献 第一讲公共行政学的产生与早期研究式的确立 威尔逊:《行政学之研究》,《国外政治学》1987年第6期、1988年第1期中文版。 古德诺:《政治与行政》,华夏1987年中文版。 泰罗:《科学管理原理》,中国社会科学1990年版。 法约尔:《工业管理与一般管理》,中国社会科学1998年版。 供进一步阅读的文献: 登哈特:《公共组织理论》第3章,中国人民大学2003年版。 沙夫里茨、海德编:《公共行政学经典》,中国人民大学2004年英文版,第14-26页,第27-29页。 第二讲古典官僚制理论与正统公共行政学体系的确立 马克斯·韦伯:《经济与社会》,商务印书馆1997年版。 怀特:《行政学概论》,商务印书馆1947年中文版。 供进一步阅读的文献: 登哈特:《公共组织理论》第2章,中国人民大学2003年版。 古利克、厄威克:《行政科学论文集》,纽约:美国国家公共行政研究所1937年版。 厄威克:《行政的要素》,纽约:皮特曼1949年版。

第三讲传统公共行政学的终结 达尔:《公共行政科学:三个问题》,R. Dahl, “The Science of Public Administration: Three Problems,”Public Administration Review: 7 1947):1-11 H. Simon, “A Comment on 'The Science of Public Administration,'”Public Administration Review:7 1947): 200-203 西蒙:《行政格言》,见沙夫里茨、海德编:《公共行政学经典》,中国人民大学2004年英文版,第127-141页。 西蒙:《管理行为》,经济学院1988年版。 沃尔多:《行政国家:美国公共行政的政治理论研究》,纽约:罗纳德1948年版。 供进一步阅读的文献: 沙夫里茨、海德编:《公共行政学经典》,中国人民大学2004年英文版。 登哈特:《公共组织理论》第4章,中国人民大学2003年版。 第四讲公共行政学的丛林时代 拉斯韦尔:《政策科学》。 雷格斯:《行政生态学》,商务印书馆1985年版。 卡斯特、罗森茨韦克:《组织与管理——系统方法与权变方法》,


用于多跳认知无线电网络的分布式网络编码控制信道 Alfred Asterjadhi等著 1 前言 大多数电磁频谱由政府机构长期指定给公司或机构专门用于区域或国家地区。由于这种资源的静态分配,许可频谱的许多部分在许多时间和/或位置未使用或未被充分利用。另一方面,几种最近的无线技术在诸如IEEE802.11,蓝牙,Zigbee之类的非许可频段中运行,并且在一定程度上对WiMAX进行操作;这些技术已经看到这样的成功和扩散,他们正在访问的频谱- 主要是2.4 GHz ISM频段- 已经过度拥挤。为了为这些现有技术提供更多的频谱资源,并且允许替代和创新技术的潜在开发,最近已经提出允许被许可的设备(称为次要用户)访问那些许可的频谱资源,主要用户未被使用或零星地使用。这种方法通常被称为动态频谱接入(DSA),无线电设备发现和机会性利用未使用或未充分利用的频谱带的能力通常称为认知无线电(CR)技术。 DSA和CR最近都引起了无线通信和网络界的极大关注。通常设想两种主要应用。第一个是认知无线接入(CW A),根据该认知接入点,认知接入点负责识别未使用的许可频谱,并使用它来提供对次用户的接入。第二个应用是我们在这个技术中研究的应用,它是认知自组织网络(CAN),也就是使用 用于二级用户本身之间通信的无许可频谱,用于诸如点对点内容分发,环境监控,安全性等目的,灾难恢复情景通信,军事通信等等。 设计CAN系统比CW A有更多困难,主要有两个原因。第一是识别未使用的频谱。在CW A中,接入点的作用是连接到互联网,因此可以使用简单的策略来推断频谱可用性,例如查询频谱调节器在其地理位置的频谱可用性或直接与主用户协商频谱可用性或一些中间频谱经纪人另一方面,在CAN中,与频谱调节器或主要用户的缺乏直接通信需要二级用户能够使用检测技术自己识别未使用的频谱。第二个困难是辅助用户协调媒体访问目的。在CW A中存在接入点和通常所有二级用户直接与之通信(即,网络是单跳)的事实使得直接使用集中式媒体接入控制(MAC)解决方案,如时分多址(TDMA)或正交频分多址(OFDMA)。相反,预计CAN将跨越多跳,缺少集中控制器;而对于传统的单通道多跳自组织网络而言,这个问题的几个解决方案是已知的,因为假设我们处理允许设备访问的具有成


文献出处:A Dehghani. The application of digital printing in fashion design [J]. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2015, 16(2): 263-271. 原文 The application of digital printing in fashion design A Dehghani Abstract The appearance of digital printing for textiles printing provides a new train of thought, digital printing with the current textile fabric printing a variety of requirements of the market of printing technology, including high quality printing precision, high efficiency of printing on reaction time and the printing of the diverse demand, these advantages directly promoted the digital ink jet printing in the rapid development of textile fabric printing direction. In this paper, the design method of the digital printing design of different style and means of decoration and design method in the fabrics for summary, it is concluded that digital printing design cuttings in fabric printing, clothing apparel printing method and the application of the traditional fabric secondary design and decorative effect. Through the above research, digital printing and garment design and garment style between the relationships between the shapes, thereby further to bring into full play the advantages of



内部控制透视:理论与概念 摘要:内部控制是会计程序或控制系统,旨在促进效率或保证一个执行政策或保护资产或避免欺诈和错误。内部是一个组织管理的重要组成部分。它包括计划、方法和程序使用,以满足任务,目标和目的,并在这样做,支持基于业绩的管理。内部控制是管理阶层的平等与控制可以帮助管理者实现资源的预期的有效管理的结果通过。内部控制应减少或违规错误的风险关联未被发现的,但设计和建立有效的内部控制不是一个简单的任务,不可能是一个实现通过快速修复短套。在此讨论了内部文件的概念的不同方面的内部控制和管制。 关键词:内部控制,管理控制,控制环境,控制活动,监督 1、介绍 环境需要新的业务控制变量不为任何潜在的股东和管理人士的响应因子为1,另外应执行/她组织了一个很大的控制权。控制是管理活动的东西或以上施加控制。思想的产生和近十年的发展需要有系统的商业资源和控制这种财富一个新的关注。主题之一热一回合管制的商业资源是分析每个控制成本效益。 作为内部控制和欺诈的第一道防线,维护资产以及预防和侦查错误。内部控制,我们可以说是一种控制整个系统的财务和其他方面的管理制定了为企业的顺利运行;它包括内部的脸颊,内部审计和其他形式的控制。 COSO的内部控制描述如下。内部控制是一个客观的方法用来帮助确保实现。在会计和组织理论,内部控制是指或目标目标的过程实施由组织的结构,工作和权力流动,人员和具体的管理信息系统,旨在帮助组织实现。这是一种手段,其中一个组织的资源被定向,监控和测量。它发挥着无形的(重要的作用,预防和侦查欺诈和保护组织的资源,包括生理(如,机械和财产)和乙二醇,声誉或知识产权,如商标)。在组织水平,内部控制目标与可靠性的目标或战略的财务报告,及时反馈业务上的成就,并遵守法律,法规。在具体的交易水平,内部控制是指第三方采取行动以实现一个具体目标(例如,如何确保本组织的款项,在申请服务提供有效的。)内部控制程序reduce程变异,导


《行政管理学》主要参考书目 期刊 1. Public Administration Review 2.中国社会科学 3.社会学研究 4.公共管理学报 5.政治学研究 6.公共行政评论 7.中国行政管理 8.甘肃行政学院学报 书目 以下需要进一步分类 1.[美]戴维·H·罗森布鲁姆/罗伯特·S·克拉夫丘克:《公共行政学:管理、 政治和法律的途径》,张成福等译,中国人民出版社,2002年版。 2.[美]杰伊·M·沙夫里茨、艾伯特·C·海德:《公共行政学经典》(英文), 中国人民大学出版社,2004年 3.[美]丹尼尔·耶金、约瑟夫·斯坦尼斯罗:《制高点—重建现代世界的政府与市场之争》, (段宏等),北京:外文出版社,2000年版。 4.[澳]欧文·E·休斯:《公共管理导论》,(彭和平等),北京:中国人民大学出版社,2001 年版。 5.[英]简·莱恩:《新公共管理》,(赵成根等),北京:中国青年出版社, 2004年版。 6.[美]乔治·弗雷德里克森:《公共行政的精神》,(张成福等),北京:中国人民大学出版 社,2003年版。 7.[美]B·盖伊·彼得斯:《政府未来的治理模式》,(吴爱民等),北京:中国人民大学出 版社,2001年版。 8.[美]罗伯特·B·登哈特:《公共组织理论》,(扶松茂等),北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2003年版。 9. [美]珍妮特·V·登哈特、罗伯特·B·登哈特:《新公共服务:服务,而不是掌舵》,(丁 煌),北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004年版。 10.[美] 安东尼·唐斯:《官僚制内幕》,(郭小聪等),北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006 年版。 11.[美]戴维·约翰·法默尔:《公共行政的语言——官僚制、现代性和后现代性》,(吴琼), 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年版。 12. [美]文森特·奥斯特罗姆:《美国公共行政的思想危机》,(毛寿龙),北京:上海三联 书店,1999年版。 13. [美]特里·L·库珀:《行政伦理学:实现行政责任的途径》,(张秀琴),北京:中国人 民大学出版社,2001年版。



翻译: 5G无线通信网络的蜂窝结构和关键技术 摘要 第四代无线通信系统已经或者即将在许多国家部署。然而,随着无线移动设备和服务的激增,仍然有一些挑战尤其是4G所不能容纳的,例如像频谱危机和高能量消耗。无线系统设计师们面临着满足新型无线应用对高数据速率和机动性要求的持续性增长的需求,因此他们已经开始研究被期望于2020年后就能部署的第五代无线系统。在这篇文章里面,我们提出一个有内门和外门情景之分的潜在的蜂窝结构,并且讨论了多种可行性关于5G无线通信系统的技术,比如大量的MIMO技术,节能通信,认知的广播网络和可见光通信。面临潜在技术的未知挑战也被讨论了。 介绍 信息通信技术(ICT)创新合理的使用对世界经济的提高变得越来越重要。无线通信网络在全球ICT战略中也许是最挑剔的元素,并且支撑着很多其他的行业,它是世界上成长最快最有活力的行业之一。欧洲移动天文台(EMO)报道2010年移动通信业总计税收1740亿欧元,从而超过了航空航天业和制药业。无线技术的发展大大提高了人们在商业运作和社交功能方面通信和生活的能力无线移动通信的显著成就表现在技术创新的快速步伐。从1991年二代移动通信系统(2G)的初次登场到2001年三代系统(3G)的首次起飞,无线移动网络已经实现了从一个纯粹的技术系统到一个能承载大量多媒体内容网络的转变。4G无线系统被设计出来用来满足IMT-A技术使用IP面向所有服务的需求。在4G系统中,先进的无线接口被用于正交频分复用技术(OFDM),多输入多输出系统(MIMO)和链路自适应技术。4G无线网络可支持数据速率可达1Gb/s的低流度,比如流动局域无线访问,还有速率高达100M/s的高流速,例如像移动访问。LTE系统和它的延伸系统LTE-A,作为实用的4G系统已经在全球于最近期或不久的将来部署。 然而,每年仍然有戏剧性增长数量的用户支持移动宽频带系统。越来越多的


文献信息: 文献标题:Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture (高科技文化时代服装设计的演变) 国外作者:Galina Mihaleva,C.Koh 文献出处:《International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation》,2016,10(7):2447-2451 字数统计:英文2079单词,11462字符;中文3549汉字 外文文献: Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture Abstract Fashion, like many other design fields, undergoes numerous evolutions throughout the ages. This paper aims to recognize and evaluate the significance of advance technology in fashion design and examine how it changes the role of modern fashion designers by modifying the creation process. It also touches on how modern culture is involved in such developments and how it affects fashion design in terms of conceptualizing and fabrication. By comparing case studies, existing fashion design examples and crafting method experimentations; we then spot patterns in which to predict the direction of future developments in the field. A breakdown on the elements of technology in fashion design helps us understand the driving force behind such a trend. The results from explorations in the paper have shown that there is an observed pattern of a distinct increase in interest and progress in the field of fashion technology, which leads to the birth of hybrid crafting methods. In conclusion, it is shown that as fashion technology continues to evolve, their role in clothing crafting becomes more prominent and grows far beyond the humble sewing machine. Keywords: Fashion design, functional aesthetics, smart textiles, 3D printing. INTRODUCTION It is common knowledge that the environment we live in greatly influences the

管理 审计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 内部控制爆X炸

外文出处:Maijoor S. The Internal Control Explosion[J]. International Journal of Auditing, 2000, 4(1):101–109. 内部控制爆炸① 摘要:Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已内部控制爆炸然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 关键词:机构理论;公司治理;外部审计;内部审计;内部控制制度;管理控制 1 概述 Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。例如,在最近的对于欧洲联盟内外部审计服务的内部市场形成的辩论中,监管建议建立关于内部控制和内部审计制度。虽然对有关内部控制的价值期望高,但Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制是对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 在审计和公司治理的公共政策辩论中,内部控制的概念越来越得到重视。公共越来①Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research and Education Center (MARC), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands s.maijoor@marc.unimaas.nl Fax: 31-43-3884876 Tel: 31-43-3883783


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编号: 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (译文) 学院:信息与通信学院 专业:通信工程 学生姓名: 学号: 指导教师单位:信息与通信学院 姓名: 职称: 2014年 2 月9 日 Radio network planning process and methods for WCDMA Abstract This paper describes the system dimensioning and the radio network planning methodology for a third generation WCDMA system. The applicability of each method is demonstrated using examples of likely system scenarios. The challenges of

modeling the multiservice environment are described and the implications to the system performance simulations are introduced. Keywords: Telecommunication network planning, Mobile radio- communication, Code division multiple access, Wide band transmission, Multiple service network, Dimensioning, Simulator, Static model, Dynamic model, Cellular network. Resume(?) Contents I.Introduction II. Initial planning, system dimensioning III. Detailed planning process IV. Example dimensioning case and verification of dimensioning with static simulations V. Comparison of a static to a dynamic network simulator VI. Conclusion INTRODUCTION As the launch of third generation technology approaches, operators are forming strategies for the deployment of their networks. These strategies must be supported by realistic business plans both in terms of future service demand estimates and the requirement for investment in network infrastructure. Evaluating the requirement for network infrastructure can be achieved using system dimensioning tools capable of assessing both the radio access and the core network components. Having found an attractive business opportunity, system deployment must be preceded by careful network planning. The network planning tool must be capable of accurately modeling the system behaviour when loaded with the expected traffic profile. The third generation cellular systems will offer services well beyond the capabilities of today's networks. The traffic profile, as well as the radio access technology itself form the two most significant challenges when dimensioning and planning a WCDMA based third generation system. The traffic profile describes the mixture of services being used by the population of users. There are also specific system functionalities which must be modelled including fast power control and soft handover. In order to accurately predict the radio coverage the system eatures associated with WCDMA must be taken into account in the network modeling process. Especially the channel characterization, and interference control mechanisms in the case of any CDMA system must be considered. In WCDMA network multiple services co-exist. Different services (voice, data) have different processing gains, Eb/N0 performance and thus different receiver SNR requirements. In addition to those the WCDMA coverage depends on the load characterization, hand over parameterization, and power control effects. In current second generation systems' coverage planning processes the base station sensitivity is constant and the coverage threshold is the same for each base station. In the case of WCDMA the coverage threshold is dependent on the number of users and used bit rates in all cells, thus it
