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Unit 6 A three-way marriage

Unit 6 A three-way marriage
Unit 6 A three-way marriage

Unit 6 A three-way marriage?

Vocabulary Task

Script and Answers

1. A: Hi, Julie, fancy meeting you here! Where is George?

B: Oh, he is busy, Georgia. Hey, isn’t this a nice digital camera? A: Yeah, I just bought it to take picture of little Barbara.

B: ... and keeping track of every step she takes?

2. A: ... Hello! This is Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln speaking! We are not in at the ...

B: Hi! Rosemary! Pick up the phone! I know you’re there ...

A: (My goodness!) Hello, Linda, what’s up? You know, I’m in the mi ddle of ...

B: Dishwashing this time?! Why don’t you arrange for somebody else to do the job? You poor housewife!

3. A: Is the girl sitting over there Doria?

B: Which one? ... Oh, yes, definitely! Pity she is no longer the happy-go-lucky girl she was back in the middle school ...

A: What happened?

B: She was literally torn apart when her stepmother died. It seems that she has never recovered since.

4. A: Hello again, you two little love birds ...

B: Come on, Jasmine! Don’t be so ... Where is Jackie?

A: Who is Jackie?! I don’t know anyone by that name ...

B: If you would stop being funny and he were less devoted to his work, things would be much better ...

5. A: Hello, dear Evelin, this is Grandpa. Are you coming to join us for Christmas?

B: I’m trying to arrange my work so that I can visit you and Grandma.

I miss you so much.

A: We too. Grandma will be delighted.

B: Tell her not to bother with the arrangements for the holiday. I can help when I arrive.

Listening Task

1. Pre-listening Activity

Answers for Reference

1. Draw a dish on the table.

2. Draw a pen.

3. Draw a needle in the woman’s hand.

4. The child needs a schoolbag to go to school.

2. Listening Activity

Now listen to the monologue carefully.

1) First Listening


a) Female.

b) Since a wife is supposed to do all the household chores for the family and she takes good care f the husband and children, isn’t it a good thing to be served well by a wife?

c) Sarcastic.

2) Second Listening


a) I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife. And, not altogether incidentally I am a mother.

b) As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife?

c) I want a wife who will wash t he children’s cloths and keep them mended.

d) I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, ...

e) ... who arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc.

f) I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after me.

Script and Answers to Self-study

She wants a “wife”

I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am a wife. And, (1) not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene (2) fresh from a recent divorce. He had a child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. As I thought about him while I (3) was ironing one evening, it suddenly (4) occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife?

I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to (5) kee p track of the children’s doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children’s clothes and (6) keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturing attendant to my children, who (7) arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life (8) with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. (9) Needless to say,

my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while she is working.

I want a wife who will take care of my (10) physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will (11) pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, (12) replaced when needed, and who will see to it that my (13) personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals. I want a wife who will not bother me with (14) rambling complaints about a wife’s duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my (15) course of studies. And I want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have written them.

Real World Listening

1. Predict


The husband fell in love with another woman but he still loved his wife. The relationship between the man and the other woman kind of opened him up and improved the relationship with his wife, as the wife commented. The other woman whom he fell in love with didn’t expect such a relationship b ut she wanted a family and she wanted a “wife”/ family to take care of her children.

2. Get the Main Ideas


1. He claimed that he loved his wife, too, plus the latter is the mother of his two children, and that he didn’t want to break the family.

2. 1) The relationship between the husband and wife improved, in a way.

2) The relationship with Patti kind of “opened up” the man.

3. Though she didn’t grow up picturing it for her marriage, Patti has no other way out but to accept the fact.


A three-way marriage?

Man: I had been married to Mindy for eight years when Patty and I ... Reporter: You and Patty work in the same firm as lawyers?

Man: Yes.

Reporter: And you fell in love with Patty?

Man: I did.

Reporter: You were no longer in love with Mindy?

Man: Well, the fact is, my marriage did seem dead. I was meeting Patty,

I fell in love with her. I thought of leaving Mindy, but I realized I couldn’t, I loved her too, plus she is the mother of my two children, and I didn’t want to break up the famil y.

Reporter: You were in love with two women?

Man: Yes. And I could either tear things apart or I could try to bring everything together. So t he three of us sat down and talked and we decided to try this.

Reporter: This being the three of you.

Man: Yes. That was two years ago, and since then, Patti and Mindy have become close, and we decided to have a child together.

Reporter: And you think that justifies you in being joined in matrimony, as a threesome?

Man: Well, we are a family, Miss Lake. Convention al? No. But we’re happy, we’re devoted to each other, the kids live in a home with love and trust and security. How many people in this room can make the same claim?

Mindy: At first I was devastated-- my husband having an affair, I was destroyed.

Reporter: How did you respond?

Mindy: I cried for about two weeks. I think one of the reasons why it was so painful is that, it came at a time when our relationship seemed stronger than ever ...

Reporter: While he was engaged with another woman?

Mindy: I didn’t kn ow that. All I knew is that we were laughing together again, talking, being affectionate-- that had been missing for a long time. Reporter: Just a second. You said that you were laughing, talking and loving each other more once he started this affair?

Mindy: Strangely enough.

Reporter: Why, do you think?

Mindy: Well, his relationship with Patti kind of opened him up. Maybe that helped my relationship with him ... I can’t sort it out.

Patti: I would be the evil other woman, yes.

Reporter: You seem to wear the badge proudly.

Patti: I work. I wanted a family. I didn’t really want to turn my kids over to a nanny. As nuts as it sounds, in addition to getting a husband, I am marrying the mother of my children.

Reporter: And it, it does sound nuts.

Patti: You don’t have to tell me that ...

Reporter: Surely you didn’t grow up picturing this for your marriage? Patti: No ..

Reporter: You sounded a little sad with that answer.

Patti: I grew up with the same dreams as everybody else. I dreamed of my

wedding day, had vis ions of my little house, my garden ... It didn’t work out exactly according to plan ...


人教版五年级上册《窃读记》教学设计 教学目标: 1.知识与技能: 认识生字,正确读写文中词语,并有感情地朗读课文。 抓住主要内容,体会“窃读”的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望并受到感染。 学习作者通过细致入微的动作描写和心理描写来表达感情的方法,体会作者用词的准确生动。 2.过程与方法:采用“自读自悟”,渗透“读、思、议、悟、写”等学法。 3.情感态度与价值观: 重点感悟描写“我”动作和心理活动的语句。体会作者热爱读书的思想感情,激励学生热爱读书,奋发向上。 教学重点:抓住主要内容,体会“窃读”的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望并受到感染。 教学难点:抓住主要内容,体会作者的情感,领悟一些表达方法。教具准备:课前搜集读书名言及故事;制作由重点词句组成的多媒体课件。 教学过程: 一、激发谈话,导入新课。

同学们,书籍能使我们增长知识、开阔视野、陶冶情操,读书是一种享受、一种快乐。读一本好书就好比吃上一顿美味佳肴。那么,你们有没有这样的经历与感受呢? 今天我们学习一篇和读书有关的文章。板题,看到这个课题你有什么感受?会想些什么?(觉得题目怪,想知道文中写了件什么事?窃是什么意思?只听过“偷窃、窃贼”那“窃读”是什么意思?读书是件光彩的事,作者为什么要窃读?怎么窃读?窃读对作者有什么影响或改变?) 二、初步感知,从“窃”中品味爱书之情。 1.带着刚才的问题浏览课文,从文中找出答案。 2.看看哪句话直接写出了作者“窃读”的滋味?勾画出句子,并谈谈你的理解。(“我”渴望读书,而又无力购买,因此只好窃读,即只读不买。“我”在阅读中感受着书籍带来的智慧与快乐,却时刻害怕被店员或老板发现受到训斥和驱赶,这种对书的沉迷,书外世界的担忧与紧张构成了一种复杂、难以言说的心理感受,这就是窃读的滋味。) 三、深入感知。 1.读书既是一种精神享受,也是一种思维的体操。读书也需要思考,比如,思考我读懂了什么?对我有什么作用?我感受到了什么……《窃读记》写的是作者小时候的一段生活经历,这样的文章,作者肯定有很多的感触,也是我们读书时需要特别留意,应仔细咀嚼的。你


人教版五年级上册单词表和常用表达法 Unit1 Is he young? 他年轻吗? No,he isn ’t.不,他不年轻。 What ’s she like?她什么样? She ’s kind.她很和蔼。 Unit2 old 老的,年纪大的 young 年轻的,岁数不大的 funny 滑稽的,可笑的 kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的 strict 要求严格的,严厉的 polite 有礼貌的,客气的 hard -working 工作努力的,辛勤的 helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的 clever 聪明的,聪颖的 shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的 know 知道,了解 our 我们的 MS 女士 will 将要 sometimes 有时,间接 speak 会说,会讲(某种语言),用(某种语言)说话 finish 完成,做好 robot 机器人 him 他 Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 read books 看书 play football 踢足球 cooking 烹饪,烹调 often 时常,常常 do homework 做作业 weekend 周末 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch TV 看电视 park 公园 tired 疲倦的 sport 体育运动 play sports 做体育运动 should 应该,应当 schedule 工作计划,日常安排

What do you have on Thursday?星期四你有什么课? I have maths,English and music.我有数学,英语和音乐课。 Do you often read books in this park?你经常在这个公园里看书吗? No,I don ’t.不,我不经常在这里看书。 Unit3 What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? A sandwich ,please. 请给我一个三明治。 What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? I'd like some water. 我想喝点水。 What's your favourite food ? 你最喜欢吃什么食物? Noodles.They are delicious. 面条,面条很好吃。 favourite 特别喜爱的 food 食物 Dear 亲爱的(用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前) onion 洋葱,葱头 hot 辣的,辛辣的 sweet 含糖的,甜的 drink 喝,饮 thirsty 渴的,口渴的


Unit 6 A French Fourth Key to the Exercises Text Comprehension I.Decide which of the following best states the author's purpose of writing. A II.Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false. 1.T (Refer to Paragraph 2. "People don't have barbecues in Paris apartments, and most other Americans I know who have settled here suppress such outward signs of their heritage) 2.T (Refer to Paragraph 3. "... so American history is mostly something they have learned -- or haven't learned -- from their parents.") 3. F (Refer to Paragraph 4. They do not try to completely conceal the dark side of American society but try to keep their children from such follies of American society as school shootings.) 4.T (Refer to Paragraph 11.) 5. F (Refer to Paragraph 12. Globalization is both beneficial and detrimental. It helps to blur the clear-cut divide between cultures on the one hand but makes children less than fully immersed in a foreign world on the other.) III.Answer the following questions. 1.Refer to Paragraph 1. For one thing, hanging out the American flag is the only thing he can do in Paris to celebrate Independence Day, which is part of his national heritage. For another, he wants to use this opportunity to teach his children about American history and as a reminder of their American identity. 2.Refer to Paragraph 4. The children seldom mix languages up because they have acquired French at school and English through communication with their English-speaking parents. And they seem to know when to use which. 3.Refer to Paragraphs 4 and 8. The benefits of raising children in a foreign culture, as the writer suggests, include acquiring a foreign language and culture and staying away from the follies of the native culture. 4.Refer to Paragraph 12. Globalization is like a double-edged sword to the growth of children in a foreign culture. On the one hand, it helps to reduce the differences between the foreign culture and the native culture, and facilitates the physical and spiritual re-entry into the native culture. On the other hand, it unfortunately makes it more difficult than ever for children to be fully immersed in the foreign culture.


人教版五年级上册语文第一单元试卷班别:姓名:座号:得分: 第一部分:基础知识积累与运用。(30分) 一、看拼音,写汉字。(6分) wūyán chōnɡ zú bàn lǚ ( ) ( ) ( ) yú lè bèi sònɡ biān xiě ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、辨别形近字,并组词(4分) 婪()尝()忧()呕() 焚()偿()扰()区() 三、找出错别字画上“”,改正后写在括号里。(4分) 1、我会豪不犹预地回答:“我会选择一本书。”()() 2、同学们应该真惜时间,尊守纪律。()() 四、把下面的词语补充完整。(6分) ()盆大()如()如()()()不同 牵()挂()()()不忘()()吞枣 五、选词填空。(4分) 鼓励激励继续陆续 1、爸爸()我努力学习,长大了为国争光。 2、他的英勇事迹永远()着我们前进。 3、同学们()来到操场上,等待文艺晚会的开始。 4、站累了,我就换条腿()读书。 六、判断对错。对的打“√”错的打“╳”(2分) 1、“走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。”这是比喻句。 () 2、季爷爷告诉苗苗,21世纪的青年应该中西贯通,古今贯通。() 七、先把下面的句子补充完整,然后再写一句你从课外学来的有关读书的句子。(4分) 1、一日无书,。 2、读书破万卷,。 3、黑发不知勤学早,。 4、 第二部分:阅读积累与运用。(30分) 一、阅读《窃读记》选段,回答问题。(12分) 我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,

但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” …… 我低着头走出书店,脚站得有些麻木,我却浑身轻松。这时,我总会想起国文老师鼓励我们的话:“记住,你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 1、在文中找出下列词的近义词。(2分) 躲藏()光临()勉励()充分() 2、这片段主要写了(2分) 3、用“~~”画出表达“我”复杂心情的句子。从这句话我体会到 。(3分) 4、联系课文和生活实际,写写你对“你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 这句话的理解。(3分) 5、读文后,你一定能写出一些关于读书、学习的成语或名言吧。(2分) 成语:、 读书名言: 二、阅读短文,回答下面问题。(18分) 的巴尔扎克 法国大作家巴尔扎克一生都勤奋写作。一把咖啡壶,支持着他一天写十几个小时的文章。 一次,他写一部小说已经()写了一个通宵,可他还没有停笔的念头,快到中午时,巴尔扎克累(lěi lèi)得实在()不住了。碰巧,有位朋友拜访他,巴尔扎克对他说:“我睡一会儿,请你过一小时后叫醒我。记住啊,就1小时。”朋友点头答应。 一小时很快就到了。朋友看见巴尔扎克睡得那么香,心想:“他为了挤(jījǐ)时间写作,一点儿也不顾及身体,就让他这一次好好睡一觉(jué jiào)吧。”于是,这位朋友没有()把巴尔扎克叫醒。一会儿,巴尔扎克自己醒了,他一看手表,呀!自己竟然睡了近两个小时。他马上生气了。对着朋友吼起来:“你,你,你为什么不叫醒我,你可知道我已经()了多少时间


Life in a violin case T opic: Dreams T ext: life in a violin case About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and discussion of the passage itself. Introduction to the Topic Spring Hill College Spring Hill College is the first Catholic (天主教的) college in the Southeast of the USA, the third oldest Jesuit (耶酥会会士) college in the country and the fifth oldest Catholic college in America. It is a four-year, coeducational (男女同校的), liberal arts (文科) and sciences institution located near the Gulf Coast in Mobile, Alabama. For more information, please visit Preview Questions (1) What factors is the most important in realizing your dream? (2) What may have to be given up for the realization of your dream? ⅣEmphasized Points N ew Words (1) violin (2) occupation (3) community (4) wolf (5) satisfaction (6) abroad (7) mild (8) primary (9) condition (10) bring up (11) in view of (12) keep the wolves (13) as a consequence (14) run into (15) seek out


人教版五年级上册语文课文第一课 窃读记 作者:林海音 转过街角,看见饭店的招牌,闻见炒菜的香味,听见锅勺敲打的的声音,我放慢了脚步。放学后急忽忽地从赶到这里,目的地可不是饭店,而是紧邻它的一家书店。 我边走边想:“昨天读到什么地方了?那本书放在哪里?左边第三排,不错……”走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。我可以安心了。但我又担忧那本书会不会卖光,因为一连几天都看见有人买,昨天好像只剩下一两本了。 我跨进店门,暗喜没人注意。我踮着脚尖,从大人的腋下钻过去。哟,把短头发弄乱了,没关系,我总算挤到里边来了。在一排排花花绿绿的书里,我的眼睛急切地寻找,却找不到那本书。从头来,再找一遍。啊!它在这里,原来不在昨天的地方了。 急忙打开书,一页,两页,我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着。我很快乐,也很惧怕——这种窃读的滋味!

我害怕被书店老板发现,每当我觉得当时的环境已不适宜再读下去的时候,我会知趣地放下书走出去,再走进另一家。有时,一本书要到几家书店才能读完。 我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” 当饭店飘来一阵阵菜香时,我已饿得饥肠辘辘,那时我也不免要做白日梦:如果口袋里有钱该多好!去吃一碗热热的面条,回到这里时,已经有人给摆上一张沙发,坐上去舒舒服服地接着看。我的腿真酸哪,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时又靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息。 每当书店的日光灯忽地亮起来,我才发觉已经站在这里读了两个多钟头了。我合上书,嗯了一口唾沫,好像把所有的智慧都吞下去了,然后才依依不舍地把书放回书架。


医学英语教程-生物医学 Unit 6 Reading A The Kidney and Its Working Unit 肾及其工作单位 For many diners, eating tender, pale green shoots of asparagus is a pleasurable springtime event, but the gastronomic experience has a peculiar sequel:The next time they urinate ,even if just 20 minutes after eating, they notice the characteristic scent of asparagus. A chemical in the food crosses the gut ,enters the bloodstream, is filtered out by the kidneys, and appears in the urine with amazing speed. Actually, the chemical is acted on no faster than any other compound. The kidneys are simply marvels at processing body fluids and filtering out the urea; the sodium ,potassium ,or chloride ions ;and the glucose, water ,and other materials that need to be excreted. The key to a kidney's rapid functioning lies in its complicated internal structure and in the effcient plumbing system of which it is a part. 对许多用餐者来说,吃到浅绿鲜嫩的芦笋是春季的一大享受,但享用完这种美食后会有一个奇特的后续:即使饭后仅20分钟,人们便会在上厕所时注意到尿液中有芦笋特殊的气味。芦笋中的某种化学物质以万分惊人的速度穿过肠子,进入循环的血液,并被肾脏过滤出来,最后出现在尿液中。事实上,这一化学物的作用并不比其他化合物更快些。起到加速体液循循环并过滤出尿素,钠、钾、氯离子、葡萄糖、水及一切需排泄的这些惊叹不已的作用的是肾脏。肾脏能快捷地发挥作用的关键就在于其复杂的内部结构,以及它作为其中一部分的高效率管道系统。 The Kidneys and Other Organs of the Excretory Systerm 肾脏和排泄系统的其他器官 It is sometimes stated that urination is our most compelling bodily function. You will probably agree if you have ever been hungry, tired ,cold ,and had a full bladder simultaneously and can recall the order in which you addressed those needs. This urgency has to do with the necessary waste removal role of the excretory system and with the system's particular anatomy. 人们有时说排尿是我们身体最急迫的功能。如果你曾经有过饥饿、疲倦、寒冷及膀胱满胀等感觉并能回忆起你处理这些身体需要的顺序,你就会同意以上那种说法。这种急迫感与排泄系统必要的排废作用和该系统特别的解剖结构有关。The main organs of the excretory system are the two plump, dark red, crescent- shaped kidneys, each about the size of an adult's fist and located high in the abdominal cavity behind the stomach and the liver. For each kidney to carry out its vital blood-filtering activities ,it must receive a large, steady flow of blood. 排泄系统的主要器官是两个圆满的、暗红色的、月牙状的肾脏。每个约有成


xxx年下学期五年级数学教学计划 一、学情分析 五年级班共有学生人,大部分学生对数学比较感兴趣,接受能力较强,思维活跃,学习态度较端正;班级整体学习成绩欠佳,在升级考试中成绩还需努力;班纪班风良好。但从上学年的知识质量验收的情况看,存在一定的两极分化现象,后进生人数不少;有相当一部分男同学学习自觉性差,不能及时完成作业,对于学习数学有一定困难。所以在新的学期里,在重点抓好基础知识教学的同时,还要注重培养学生良好的学习习惯,更要加强后进生的辅导和优等生的指导工作,全面提高合格率和优秀率. 二、教材分析 这一册教材包括下面一些内容:小数乘法,小数除法,简易方程,观察物体,多边形的面积,统计与可能性,数学广角和数学综合运用等。 (一)数与代数方面,本册教材安排了小数乘法,小数除法和简易方程。简易方程中有用字母表示数、等式的性质、解简单的方程、用方程表示等量关系进而解决简单的实际问题等内容.(二)空间与图形方面:包括观察物体和多边形的面积两单元.(三)统计与概率方面,本册教材让学生学习有关可能性和中位数的知识。(四)用数学解决问题方面,教材一方面结合小数乘法和除法两个单元,另一方面安排了“数学广角”的教学内容。(五)本册教材还安排了两个数学综合应用的实践活动。 小数乘法,小数除法,简易方程,多边形的面积,统计与可能性等是本册教材的重点教学内容。 三、教学目标 这一册教材的教学目标是,使学生: 1、比较熟练地进行小数乘法和除法的笔算。 2、在具体情境中会用字母表示数,理解等式的性质,会用等式的性质解简单的方程,用方程表示简单情境中的等量关系并解决问题。 3、探索并掌握平行四边形、三角形、梯形的面积公式。 4、能辨认从不同方位看到的物体的形状和相对位置。 5、理解中位数的意义,会求数据的中位数。 6、体验事件发生的等可能性以及游戏规则的公平性,会求事件发生的可能性;能


人教版小学语文五年级上册课文 1 窃读记 转过街角,看见饭店的招牌,闻见炒菜的香味,听见锅勺敲打的的声音,我放慢了脚步。放学后急忽忽地从赶到这里,目的地可不是饭店,而是紧邻它的一家书店。 我边走边想:“昨天读到什么地方了?那本书放在哪里?左边第三排,不错……”走到门口,便看见书店里仍像往日一样挤满了顾客。我可以安心了。但我又担忧那本书会不会卖光,因为一连几天都看见有人买,昨天好像只剩下一两本了。 我跨进店门,暗喜没人注意。我踮着脚尖,从大人的腋下钻过去。哟,把短头发弄乱了,没关系,我总算挤到里边来了。在一排排花花绿绿的书里,我的眼睛急切地寻找,却找不到那本书。从头来,再找一遍。啊!它在这里,原来不在昨天的地方了。 急忙打开书,一页,两页,我像一匹饿狼,贪婪地读着。我很快乐,也很惧怕——这种窃读的滋味! 我害怕被书店老板发现,每当我觉得当时的环境已不适宜再读下去的时候,我会知趣地放下书走出去,再走进另一家。有时,一本书要到几家书店才能读完。 我喜欢到顾客多的书店,因为那样不会被人注意。进来看书的人虽然很多,但是像我这样常常光顾而从不购买的,恐怕没有。因此我要把自己隐藏起来。有时我会贴在一个大人的身边,仿佛我是他的小妹妹或小女儿。 最令人开心的是下雨天,越是倾盆大雨我越高兴,因为那时我便有充足的理由在书店待下去。就像在屋檐下躲雨,你总不好意思赶我走吧?我有时还要装着皱起眉头,不时望着街心,好像说:“这雨,害得我回不去了。”其实,我的心里却高兴地喊着:“大些!再大些!” 当饭店飘来一阵阵菜香时,我已饿得饥肠辘辘,那时我也不免要做白日梦:如果口袋里有钱该多好!去吃一碗热热的面条,回到这里时,已经有人给摆上一张沙发,坐上去舒舒服服地接着看。我的腿真酸哪,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时又靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息。 每当书店的日光灯忽地亮起来,我才发觉已经站在这里读了两个多钟头了。我合上书,嗯了一口唾沫,好像把所有的智慧都吞下去了,然后才依依不舍地把书放回书架。 我低着头走出书店,脚站得有些麻木,我却浑身轻松。这时,我总会想起国文老师鼓励我们的话:“记住,你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!” 2 小苗与大树的对话 时间:1999年8月21 日


八年级(上)英语学科导学案 Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister? (Section A) 教师寄语:Complacency is the enemy of study.学习的敌人是自己的满足。 一、学习目标:(learning aimis) 1) Talk about personal traifs2) Compare people. 二、教学重点、难点 形容词和副词的比较等级的形式及运用 三、知识链接 谈论有关人的外貌及性格特点。 What’s she like? She’s pretty and outgoing. What does she look like? She’s tall with long hair. 四、学法指导:讲授法、交际法、归类法、听说法 五、导学过程 一)预习课本Pages31—33,找出下列词组和句子。 (1)我比我妹妹更开朗。(2)留着更短的头发 (3)比萨姆更镇静(4)谢谢你的上次来信。 (5)这是我的照片。(6)我的孪生妹妹 (7)正如你所看到的(8)在某些方面 (9)看起来一样(10)看起来不同 (11)我们两个都喜欢运动。 (12)我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。 (13)不止一个妹妹(14)有一些共同的东西 (15)刘英不如她姐姐擅长运动。(16)比刘丽健谈 (17)两个女孩都经常参加聚会。 (18)比我更开朗一点(19)和我一样 (20)我们两个都很文静。(21)我比她高一点。 (22)我们两个都是女孩。 二)掌握下列知识点 1、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法: 1)概述:绝大多数形容词、副词有三种形式,原级,比较级和最高级, 以表示形容词说明的性质在程度上的不同。 形容词、副词的原级: 形容词、副词的原级形式就是词典中出现的形容词的原形。例如: poor,tall,great,glad,bad 等。 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级: 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级形式是在原级形式的基础上变化的。 当两种物体之间相互比较时,我们要用形容词或副词的比较级; 相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,我们就要用形容词或副词的最高级。 Tom 1.72m Jim 1.82m 14岁 Mike 1.92m 16岁


高二英语UNIT 6A 重点单词: on the telephone; make up; only just; have time for doing sth; with holes in it; that is ; of the same size; date from; hand out; keep a bank; a kind of; sooner or later; add to; pick up; run into; for sale 重点语法 复习1~5单元所学语法 重点句型: 1)I didn’t know you wanted it. 2)It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier 3)Excuse me for ringing you so late in the evening. 4)It is common to have the head of a famous person on one side. 5)It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe. 6)Possibly this person died without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden. 7)However, do keep the envelope if it is the first date when that particular stamp is used. 一单项选择 1. The captain ____ all his soldiers before him, telling them to get ready for the fight. A. collected B. gathered C. selected D. elected 2. He is ____ of his ____ conduct. A. ashamed, shameful B. shameful, ashamed C. shameful, shameless D. shameless, ashame 3. He said he couldn’t ____three weeks away from work. A. waste B. spend C. afford D. cost 4. The maths problem is very difficult, for they have tired ____. A. every means possible B. every mean possible C. possible every means D. every possible mean. 5. ____ plastics, the machine is not heavy. A. made B. to be made of C. having made of D. to make of 6. How long is it ____ you came to the school? A. after B. since D. until D. from



教学目标: 知识与技能:认识色彩的对比,使学生能利用对比色来装点自己的生活。 过程与方法:进行对比色的涂色练习。 情感态度价值观:培养学生对色彩的辨别以及对色彩对比的初步认识,以及对美的感知。 教学重点:认识色彩的对比。 教学难点:如何运用对比色。 教学用具: 教师:水粉颜料,毛笔,调色盘,笔洗,报纸,抹布 学生:水粉颜料,毛笔,调色盘,笔洗,报纸,抹布。 教学过程: 1、欣赏: (1)出示色环图片,让学生认每一种颜色。 (2)比较: 相同的主体,不一样的背景,两幅图有什么不同. 2、发现: (1)当一种颜色出现在另一种颜色上,人们在视觉上便会比较两种颜色.当两种颜色相差得远时,就会特显出另一种颜色.这就是对比了. (2)观察色轮,发现三原色中任何两色相混所得的间色与另一原色互为对比色,即互为补色关系。 (3)在色相环上,直线相对的两种颜色配合,会产生强烈的对比。如红与绿、橙与蓝、黄与紫都称为对比色。 (4)引导学生欣赏课例,通过欣赏使学生认识到强烈对比使画面响亮,生气勃勃,可以更形象更生动地衬托出主体。 3、实践: (1)用对比色组织一幅画面。 (2)学生作业,教师巡回指导。 4、学生的作品展评:根据本节课的要点开展点评。

教学目标: 1、认识邻近色,掌握邻近色的调配规律。 2、用邻近色进行涂色练习。 教学重点:认识邻近色并掌握其调色方法。 教学难点:如何运用邻近色表现出和谐的色彩搭配和完整的画面效果。 教学准备: 教师:水粉颜料和绘画工具。 学生:水粉颜料,毛笔,调色盘,笔洗,报纸,抹布。 教学过程: 1、引导欣赏: (1)播放录象,欣赏生活中的邻近色画面 (2)出示课题——“色彩的和谐”。 (3)复习对比色,比较邻近色与对比色的区别。 2、目标发展: (1)什么是邻近色?(出示色轮) 在色环上,相邻近的色彩,称为邻近色。如: 黄——黄绿——绿红紫——紫——蓝紫黄橙——橙——红橙(2)寻找邻近色(师生互动) A、家居图片 B、生活图片 C、建筑图片 (3)欣赏画家作品,找出邻近色,并说说邻近色在画面中产生的效果:和谐(4)师示范邻近色的调配方法 3、实践活动: (1)作业:用邻近色组织一幅画面。 (2)学生动手操作,教师巡视指导。 4、作业展评。


新课程标准人教版五年级数学上册 全册教案

第一单元小数的乘法和除法 教学要求: 1、使学生理解小数乘、除法的意义,掌握计算法则,能够比较熟练地进行小数乘、 除法笔算和简单的口算。 2、使学生会用“四舍五人法”截取积、商是小数的近似值。 3、使学生理解整数乘法运算定律对于小数同样适用,并会运用这些定律进行一些小 数的简便计算。 教学重点: 1、使学生掌握乘、除法的计算法则。 2、能正确地进行小数乘、除法的笔算和简单的口算,提高学生的计算能力。 3、能正确应用“四舍五入法”截取积、商是小数的近似值,并能解决有关的实际问题。 4、会应用所学的运算定律及其性质进行一些小数的简便计算。 教学难点: 1、在理解小数乘、除法的算理和算法的基础上,掌握确定 小数乘法中积的小数点位置和小数除法中商的小数点位置的方法。 2、会把除数是小数的除法转化成除数是整数的除法,并能正确的进行计算。 1. 小数乘法 第一课时 教学内容:小数乘以整数、一个数乘以小数 教学要求: 1、使学生在理解小数乘以整数的意义的基础上掌握小数乘以整数、一个数乘以小数 的意义和小数乘以整数、一个数乘以小数的计算方法。 3、培养学生的迁移类推能力。 4、引导学生探索知识间的练习,渗透转化思想。 教学重点:小数乘以整数的意义。 教学难点:确定小数乘以整数的积的小数点位置的方法。 教学过程: 一、激发: 1、填表。(投影出示) 填得数后,引导学生观察: (1) 先从左往右观察因数、积的变化规律。 (2) 再从右往左观察因数、积的变化规律。 引导学生概括:

一个因数不变,另一个因数扩大(或缩小)10倍、100倍、1000倍……积也扩大(或缩小) 10倍、100倍、1000倍…… 2、引新:上学期我们学习了整数乘法的意义和积的变化规律,小数乘法是不是也有这样的规律呢?想通过自己的努力掌握这部分知识吗?今天我们就来研究有关小数乘法的知识,首先小数乘以整数。 二、尝试: 1、小数乘以整数的计算法则。 ⑴小数乘法可以怎么算?(依照整数乘法用竖式计算) 板书: 6.5 × 5 ⑵生试算,指名板演。 ⑶生算完后,学生计算过程。 ⑷示范: 6.5 扩大10倍 6 5 × 5 × 5 3 2. 5 3 2 5 缩小10倍 ⑸回顾对于6.5×5,刚才是怎样进行计算的? 使学生得出:先把被乘数6.5扩大10倍变成65,被乘数6.5扩大了10倍,积也随着扩大了10倍,要求原来的积,就把乘出来的积325再缩小10倍。 ⑹做一做:14个9.76是多少? 引导学生明确:被乘数是一位小数,积是一位小数:被乘数是两位小数,积也是两位小数。 如果被乘数是三位小数呢?(积的小数位数和被乘数的小数位数相同) ⑻怎样计算小数乘以整数? ①先把小数扩大成整数; ②按整数乘法的法则算出积; ③再看被乘数有几位小数,就从积的右边起数出几位,点上小数点。 2、一个数乘以小数的计算方法。 (1) 让学生讨论:刚刚学习小数乘以整数的计算方法时,是把小数转化成整数进行计算的。现在能否还用这个方法来计算 6.5×0.5和6.5×0.82 呢? 如果能,应该怎样做?(指名口答,板书学生的讨论结果。) 示范: 6. 5 扩大10倍 6 5 × 0. 5 扩大10倍× 5 3.2 5 缩小100倍 3 2 5


第一课《窃读记》教学设计 学习目标 1.认识7个生字,会写14个生字。正确读写?窃读、炒菜、锅勺、踮起脚、饥饿、惧怕、充足、屋檐、一碗、真酸、支撑、书柜、哎哟?等词语。 2.有感情地朗读课文。 3.抓住主要内容,体会窃读的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望,并受到感染。 4.学习作者通过细致入微的动作描写和心理描写来表达感情的方法,体会作者用词的准确生动。 5.通过开展综合性学习活动,使读书真正进入学生的生活中。 学习重点:住主要内容,体会作者的情感,领悟一些表达方法。 学习准备:前搜集读书名言;制作由重点词句组成的多媒体课件。 课时安排::3课时 学习过程品读书滋味(第一课时) 一、导入:上节课,我们进行了读书交流,从交流中我感觉到读书真的很重要。在阅读中,我们不仅能获得知识、学会思考,而且会得到情感的陶冶和精神的享受。这节课,就让我们去品读书滋味,跟着《窃读记》融入书的海洋,和作者林海音共同感受一番读书的滋味吧。(板

书课题) 二、一品读书滋味,丰富阅读体验 1.初读课文,读准生字词。2.谈一谈,通过第一遍读文章,你读懂了什么味? 三、二品读书滋味,体会音乐美 1.接读课文。2.接读的学生来说说读书的滋味;听书的学生来说说听书的滋味。 教师引导学生体会到书给我们带来的声音美、音乐美,这也是一种读书的滋味。 3.根据自己对窃读的理解,对接读的同学进行评价。在评价中进一步朗读,评价后进一步练读。 四、三品读书滋味,感悟读书乐趣:啊,读书有千百种滋味。让我们回到林海音的时代,回到她窃读书的书店,一起来感受一下窃读的滋味。 1.自由读课文。读完后划出说明窃读滋味的句子。 ?我很快乐,也很惧怕──这种窃读的滋味!? 2.默读课文,边读边画。我们此时此刻无法亲身体会到窃读的滋味,但是,如果一篇文章写得好,就能让我们如临其境,就能和作者的情感一起跳动。再去仔细的读读课文吧,这种窃读的滋味──我很快乐,


第一课《窃读记》教学设计 教学目标 1.认识7个生字,会写14个生字。正确读写?窃读、炒菜、锅勺、踮起脚、饥饿、惧怕、充足、屋檐、一碗、真酸、支撑、书柜、哎哟?等词语。 2.有感情地朗读课文。 3.抓住主要内容,体会窃读的复杂滋味,感悟作者对读书的热爱,对求知的渴望,并受到感染。 4.学习作者通过细致入微的动作描写和心理描写来表达感情的方法,体会作者用词的准确生动。 5.通过开展综合性学习活动,使读书真正进入学生的生活中。 教学重点:住主要内容,体会作者的情感,领悟一些表达方法。 教学准备:前搜集读书名言;制作由重点词句组成的多媒体课件。 课时安排::3课时 教学过程品读书滋味(第一课时) 一、导入:上节课,我们进行了读书交流,从交流中我感觉到读书真的很重要。在阅读中,我们不仅能获得知识、学会思考,而且会得到情感的陶冶和精神的享受。这节课,就让我们去品读书滋味,跟着《窃读记》融入书的海洋,和作者林海音共同感受一番读书的滋味吧。(板书课题) 二、一品读书滋味,丰富阅读体验 1.初读课文,读准生字词。2.谈一谈,通过第一遍读文章,你读懂了什么味?三、二品读书滋味,体会音乐美 1.接读课文。2.接读的学生来说说读书的滋味;听书的学生来说说听书的滋味。教师引导学生体会到书给我们带来的声音美、音乐美,这也是一种读书的滋味。

3.根据自己对窃读的理解,对接读的同学进行评价。在评价中进一步朗读,评价后进一步练读。 四、三品读书滋味,感悟读书乐趣:啊,读书有千百种滋味。让我们回到林海音的时代,回到她窃读书的书店,一起来感受一下窃读的滋味。 1.自由读课文。读完后划出说明窃读滋味的句子。 ?我很快乐,也很惧怕──这种窃读的滋味!? 2.默读课文,边读边画。我们此时此刻无法亲身体会到窃读的滋味,但是,如果一篇文章写得好,就能让我们如临其境,就能和作者的情感一起跳动。再去仔细的读读课文吧,这种窃读的滋味──我很快乐,也很惧怕。你是从哪儿感受到的?把描写作者动作和心理活动的语句画下来,多读一读。 结合画出的描写动作和心理活动的语句来说说自己的体会。 ?我已饿得饥肠辘辘,那时我也不免要做白日梦……?作者读书,常忍饥挨饿的。?我的腿真酸哪,不得不交替着用一条腿支撑着,有时又靠在书柜旁,以求暂时的休息。?从这些动作中可以看出,作者读书太累了,腰酸了,腿疼了,脚也麻了。一直站两个多小时,收获很多,也付出很多。…… 五、四品读书滋味,渗透阅读方法的指导 现在,你能感受到作者窃读的复杂滋味了吗?看来,读书还真得要细读,遇到像这样的好书(指课本)得细细地去品读,才能读出书中的更多味道。 小组内分段朗读课文,各自说说自己读后的新滋味。 六、我的收获:通过读《窃读记》,你有哪些收获? 做阅读记录卡(第二课时) 一、回顾课文:上节课我们学习了《窃读记》,让我们再读一读课文,回顾一下窃读的滋味。
