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【成才之路】2014-2015高中英语外研版必修3同步练习:Module 6 第3课时Cultural Corner]

Module 6第三课时


1.When the air temperature is below________(冰点),the creature's body temperature drops,too.

2.The children skated round and round the________(结冰的)lake.

3.It is________(荒谬的)to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

4.The car windows broke into pieces when the two cars________(撞)into each other.

5.This fire last night caused________(巨大的)damage.

6.I will never forget the________(有雾的)night when I was helped by a kind person.

答案:1.freezing 2.frozen 3.ridiculous 4.crashed 5.enormous 6.foggy


1.Health is________________________(重要的多)than wealth.

2.It must have seemed a good idea________________________(在当时).

3.Most of the tallest buildings in the world were built________________________(在20世纪90年代).

4.________________(实际上),the second tallest building in the US is over 75 years old.

答案:1.much more important 2.at the time 3.in the 1990s 4.In fact













1.It was the longest bridge in the world until 2008.

2.The TV tower is up to 180 meters high.

3.About 50 000 stones were used in the construction of the temple.

4.Three people were injured when their car crashed into a tree.

5.Li Na won the competition,which gave us a great surprise.


1.You can't be careful enough to drive on the________(freeze)road in ________(freeze)weather.

答案:frozen;freezing句意:在极冷的天气里,在结冰的路上开车的时候,你怎么小心都不为过。frozen road结冰的道路;freezing weather极冷的天气。

2.Both sides have been at________war for three years and it's hoped that the talk can bring________end to the war as soon as possible.

答案:/;an考查冠词。句意:双方交战已经三年了,大家都希望这次会谈能尽快结束战争。be at war“处于战争状态”,不加冠词;bring an end to sth.“结束……”,需要不定冠词。

3.His explanation was so confusing that I could hardly make any________of it at all.

答案:sense句意:他的解释很令人迷惑,我几乎不能理解。根据关键信息explanation 和confusing可知后面是说我不能“理解”它。make sense of是固定短语表示“理解”。

4.I have decided to pay a visit________my grandmother this weekend.

答案:to句意:我已经决定在本周末去探望我奶奶。pay a visit to sb.拜访/探望某人。

5.When the clock________twelve,all the lights went out.


6.According to the report,in Qingdao,the first subway under________(construct)will have been completed by the end of 2014.


7.While studying,fix your mind on what is really important,or you will end________remembering nothing.

答案:up句意:学习的时候,把注意力集中在真正重要的内容上,否则你将什么也记不住。end up结束,end up doing sth.最终做成某事。

8.I was chatting with my friend on the Internet when the computer suddenly________.


9.—Can your factory really afford a large________of(大量的) food for the people in the flooded area?

—I believe we can because we have a________of workers.

答案:amount;number句意:——你们工厂能负担得起被淹地区的人们的大量的食物吗?——我相信我们能行,因为我们有大量的工人。第一个空修饰food(不可数名词),an amount

of;第二个空修饰workers(可数名词复数),表示“大量的”要用a number of。a large amount of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)。

10.Buses here are always crowded with passengers,so I prefer________(cycle)there rather than take a bus.

答案:to cycle句意:这里的公交车总是挤满了乘客,因此我宁愿骑自行车也不愿意乘公交。考查prefer to do rather than do=prefer doing to doing“宁愿……也不愿意……”。


It was before Christmas.The spirit of the season had not yet caught up with me.Quickly,I filled my shopping cart with some things and went to the long checkout lines.I picked the__1__one,but it looked as if it would be__2__a 20-minute wait.

In front of me were__3__small children—a boy of five and a younger girl.The girl__4__a beautiful pair of shiny,golden shoes and__5__them as though they were her treasures.

The clerk showed them the__6__.“That will be $ 6.09,”she said.The boy__7__some bills on the stand while he__8__his pockets.He finally came up with $ 3.12.“I guess we will come back some__9__time,maybe tomorrow.”With those__10__the little girl began to cry.“But Jesus would have loved these__11__,”she cried.“Well,we'll go home and work some more.Don't cry.We'll come__12__,”he told her.

Quickly I handed $ 3 to the__13__.These children had waited in line for a long time and,__14__all,it was Christmas.Suddenly a pair of arms came around me with a__15__,“ Thank you,lady.”The girl said,“My Sunday teacher said that the streets in the heaven were made of shiny__16__,just like these shoes.Our mommy is sick and she is going to__17__.Daddy said that she might go before Christmas,to be with Jesus.I think my mom will be beautiful__18__on those streets to__19__these shoes.”

My eyes filled with tears.Silently I thanked God for using these children to__20__me of the true spirit of giving.


1.A.shortest B.longest

C.biggest D.smallest

答案:A逻辑推理题。由下文“20-minute wait”可知买完东西到收款台付钱当然是拣队伍最短的。故选A。

2.A.at most B.at least

C.more than D.less than

答案:B逻辑推理题。由but转折词可知虽然作者找了队伍最短的一列去排队,但看起来至少还得等待20分钟。at least至少;at most至多;more than多于;less than少于。

3.A.few B.five

C.two D.some

答案:C前后照应题。由后面的补充说明a boy of five and a younger girl可知在我前面的是两个小孩,故选C。

4.A.took B.carried

C.brought D.caught


5.A.watched B.looked

C.thought D.treated


6.A.price B.card

C.money D.expense

答案:A前后照应题。由后面That will be $6.09...可知收银员告诉了他们价格,故选A。

7.A.picked B.left

C.laid D.let


8.A.found B.searched

C.searched for D.looked for

答案:B词语辨析题。搜查某地找某物用search,这里指男孩在口袋里找钱。search for 和look for后面都是直接跟要寻找的东西。

9.A.another B.more

C.other D.others


10.A.statement B.saying

C.words D.announcement


11.A.goods B.gifts

C.presents D.shoes


12.A.back B.home

C.here D.over

答案:A习语搭配题。这里指“回来”,故用come back。

13.A.children B.girl

C.clerk D.boy


14.A.at B.after

C.in D.of

答案:B习语搭配题。after all毕竟,符合句意。at all根本,全然;in all总共。

15.A.boy B.girl

C.voice D.sound

答案:C词语辨析题。这里指女孩的声音,故用voice。sound指自然界万物的声音;后面已有The girl said,故B项不符合句意。

16.A.silver B.gold

C.stones D.bricks


17.A.hospital B.sky

C.heaven D.clinic


18.A.walking B.standing

C.running D.staying


19.A.serve B.match

C.suit D.fit


20.https://www.sodocs.net/doc/713343043.html,rm B.warn

C.cure D.remind

答案:D习语搭配题。作者感谢上帝用这些孩子来提醒自己真正给予的精神。remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事;inform sb.of sth.告知某人某事;warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事;crue sb.of sth.




The Hoover Dam,built in 1931,is named after the former President Herbert Hoover.The Colorado River made the dam necessary,which begins high in the Rocky Mountains.Heavy snow falls on the Rocky Mountains.The snow is so deep in some areas that it will stay on the around well into the hot days of summer.But the snow does melt.Cold ice water travels down the mountains and forms several rivers.These rivers link together and form the beginnings of the Colorado River which flows through,or provides water for the states of Wyoming,Colorado,Utah,New Mexico,Arizona,Nevada and California.Then it crosses the border into Mexico.

The Colorado River has always been extremely powerful.It created the huge Grand Canyon.The water cut hundreds of meters deep into the desert floor of Arizona.The Grand Canyon was cut into the desert floor beginning thousands of years ago.But the power of this river has been demonstrated(证实)in more modern times.Between 1905 and 1907,the Colorado River caused great amounts of flooding in parts of Arizona and California.In two years of flooding,the Colorado River filled the ancient lake called the Salton Sea.The flooding also flooded homes,towns and farming areas.Many people were forced to flee their homes.

In 1918,Arthur Davis advised the government to build a dam to control the Colorado River.He said the dam should be built in an area called Boulder Canyon on the border between the states of Arizona and Nevada.On November 24,1922,officials signed a document in New Mexico.

When the Hoover Dam was finished in 1936,it was the largest dam in the world.And it was the largest power producer that used water power to make electricity.Today this title needs discussing.But Hoover Dam is still a huge and interesting place.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The function of the Hoover Dam.

B.The history of the Hoover Dam.

C.The construction of the Hoover Dam.

D.The beautiful scenery of the Hoover Dam.


2.From Paragraph 1,we learn that________.

A.the dam was built in the plain areas

B.the snow in the Rocky Mountains will not melt even in summer

C.the Colorado River flows through nine states

D.the water of the dam comes from the snow on the Rocky Mountains



3.The underlined word“flee”in Paragraph 2 probably means“________”.

A.come from B.stay at

C.escape from D.rush in


4.From the passage,we learn that the Hoover Dam______.

A.was designed by Arthur Davis

B.was built only to provide water for the dry desert areas

C.was completed more than seventy years ago

D.was built in New Mexico


5.It can be inferred from the passage that________.

A. the Hoover Dam is no longer the largest one in the world today

B.there are few visitors to the Hoover Dam today

C.the dam is named after the former president

D.the construction of the dam took five years



This weekly four-day physical activity schedule will get your kids excited about being active.


When the kids get home from school,don't let them go straight to the TV and get settled in.Encourage them to get moving and get off the couch(沙发)by giving them a pedometer(计步器).Pedometers are the most fun when parents also use one because that turns stepping,walking and running into a game to see who can get the most steps.


The kids have done a great job so far this week,but now they are expecting for a while more TV time.Instead of turning on cartoons,let them watch fitness movies made just for kids.These movies encourage watchers to get up and dance along to kid-friendly music.


Get the whole family out of the house together and over to a park.Bring lots of sports equipment,pack a healthy picnic and have a family competitive sports day.Kids and adults get into

groups and play against each other in tennis,basketball or soccer.After everyone has played hard for a couple of hours,stop for a picnic and then if your family isn't too tired,go back and play some more.


Every child loves to play video games and there is no better time to allow kids to play them than on Sunday when no homework is due.But don't let them play a game that forces them to sit down for hours.Dance games with a floor mat(垫子)to help kids follow the dance moves are popular with kids.

6.What's the best title for the passage?

A. How to Make Children Like Activities

B.A Weekly Four-day Physical Activity Plan for Kids

C.Physical Activities Are Important to Kids

D.A Plan That Will Do Much Good to Kids


7.Parents are advised to use a pedometer together with their kids because________.

A.they can give their kids some advice about walking

B.it can prevent them from watching TV too much

C.this will allow them and their kids to have a fun competition

D.their kids will not use it if they don't

答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Pedometers are the most fun when parents also use one because...”可知父母和孩子一起使用计步器进行竞争是最有趣的活动。

8.On Thursday when a kid wants to watch TV,his parents should________.

A.let him watch it for a short time

B.watch cartoon with him

C.take him out for a walk instead

D.show fitness movies to him

答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Instead of turning on cartoons,let them watch fitness movies made just for kids.”可知,作者建议家长让孩子看有关健身的电影。

9.The author advises a family to have a meal on Saturday________.

A.in a park B.in a mountain

C.in a restaurant D.at home


10.According to the author,the best time for a kid to play video games is________.

A.Tuesday B.Thursday

C.Saturday D.Sunday

答案:D细节理解题。根据文章第五段第一句“Every child loves to play video games and there is no better time to allow kids to play them than on Sunday when no homework is due”可知,孩子玩游戏的最好时间是周日。



【全国新课标卷题型】Once upon a time there was a girl who was beautiful, but lazy and careless. Nowhere can people find a girl like her,__1__was so ill-tempered when spinning (纺织). If there was a little knot in the cotton, she at once pulled out all of it, and__2__(throw) it about on the ground beside her. She had a servant who was hardworking.__3__gathering together the discarded (丢弃的) cotton, cleaning it and spinning it well, she made a beautiful dress out of it for__4__.

A young man, who looked forward to__5__(marry) a good wife, courted (求婚) the lazy girl, and the wedding was about to take place.__6__the eve of the wedding, the hardworking girl was dancing in the hall merrily in her__7__(beauty) dress, and the bride said, “Ah, it is because I discarded the cotton__8__the girl can make such a beautiful dress!”

The young man heard this, and asked the bride what she meant by it. So she told him that the girl was wearing a dress made from the cotton which she had thrown__9__. When the young man heard this, he knew it was a lazy girl whom he was going to marry, while in the hall__10__(stand) a poor hardworking girl. So he gave up the bride and went to the other girl, and chose her as his wife.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


1.who who引导定语从句,修饰a girl。


3.By by doing sth“通过做某事”。


5.marrying look forward to中的to为介词,后接动名词做宾语。

6.On on the eve of“在……的前夕”。


8.that本句是强调句,强调because I discarded the cotton。

9.away throw away“扔掉”。


【辽宁卷题型】Ola: Steven, do you like my sports car?

Steven: Wow, I love it ! I used to always want to drive a green Jaguar(捷豹). Is it__1__good condition?

Ola: It looks good on the outside,__2__the inside is a different story. It needs a lot of servicing before it can go out on the roads again.

Steven: What's__3__with it?

Ola: Well, first of all, it needs a new engine,__4__is extremely expensive. And the heating controls don't work anymore, so it always feels like it's about 100 degrees centigrade in the car—even in the summer!__5__,the brakes don't really work that well anymore either.

Steven: When's the last time you had it__6__(service) ?

Ola: It must have been a few years ago.

Steven: I thought all cars__7__(need) regular servicing on a yearly basis.

Ola: They do. Once my son is born, there is no__8__to drive this car anymore. It has only two seats, you know!

Steven: __9__don't you get it all fixed?

Ola: It costs more than you think to run a car—especially when there are so__10__ things wrong with it!

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


1.in考查介词。此处为“这辆车状况良好吗”。in good condition表示“处于良好的状态”。


3.wrong考查常用表达。“What's wrong with sb./sth.?”常用来询问某人或某物出什么毛病了。

4.which考查定语从句。根据上下文语境可知,此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为a new engine,关系词在从句中作主语,所以用which。


6.serviced考查非谓语动词。have sth. done这一结构表示“让某事被做”,故用过去分词。



9.Why考查连词。此处为表示建议的表达,Why don't you.../Why not...表示“为什么


