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范围(重点注意有下画线的内容) ((((((((((((1) 选择词汇

范围:其中两个练习(p222 exercise one; p225 exercise two;p229 exercise three ;p233 exercise

four; p236 exercise five ;p240 exercise six)


阅读理解范围:(p296 exercise six、p301 exercise Seven、以及大学英语5《综合练习习题与


翻译范围:英译汉(上述六个阅读理解练习后的part II Sentence Translation) (3) 完型填空

范围:两篇中选一篇(p350 exercise three; p351 exercise four; 以及大学


题与解答》中的完型填空练习题第4、5 。)


重点注意P370 exercise Ten; p370 exercise Nine(注意exercise one ---exercise seventeen 都留



(1) 词汇练习一p222

1(D avoid为“避免”,avoid doing something 避免做某事; 2. C diversion为:“转移”,a diversion of attention 转移注意力; 3(A identity 为:“辨别”。

4(C suggestion 为“建议”。

5(B derive something from something 从某物中剥夺某物; 6(D as far as I’m concerned 就我所知;

7(A related to … 与…相关;

8(D transfer something to something 把某物转移成某物; 9(B extend to… 扩展到…;

10. D available… 存在的;

11. B stage 展出;

12(A access 路径;

13(B worthwhile 值得的;

14(D remind somebody of something 提醒某人某事;

15(D considerate 体贴的;

16(C bump my head against 把头撞到;

17(A chance 机会;

18(D previous 之前的,以前的;

19(C be absorbed to do something 被吸引做某事;

20(C be focused on something 被集中于某事;

21(B all of a sudden 突然;

22(A get about something 传播;流传; 23(D a narrow escape from death 狭窄的逃生路径;

24(C now that 既然;

25(B vigorous 充满活力的;

26(B suppose 假设;

27(D puzzle 难题;

28(A mark 做记号;

29(B get on with somebody 与某人相处; 30(B set about doing something 着手做某事; 31(B take somebody’s place 代替某人 32(A childish 幼稚的;

33(C enjoy something from doing something 从做某事当中享受做某事;

34(B favorite 最喜爱的;

35(C violence 暴力;

36(B hit somebody in the head 撞击某人头部; 37(A except 除了…之外;

38(D resort to something 诉诸于某事; 39(C be neglected 被忽视;

40(D survive 在…中生存;

41(C catch sight of … 看到;

42(B compliment 赞美,恭维; 43(B look into… 研究,调查; 44(D comfort 安慰;

45(D be interrupted 被打扰;

46(C minor 次要的;

47(D declare 宣布;

48(A take advantage of … 利用; 49(D 启程,出发;

50(A 出发,动身;

51(B pick up 挑选出;

52(C likely 有可能的;

53(C expect 期待;

54(B lead to… 导致;

55. D sensitive 敏感的;

56. B be apt to … 易于…

57. C spoil 溺爱;

58( A alike 相似的;

59( B contact 联系;

60( B be conscious of… 意识到。 (2)词汇练习二p225

1. C be at odds 发生争执;

2( B dissuade somebody from doing something 说服某人做某事;

3( C to one’s disappointment 令某人失望;

4( C promotion 提升;

5( B average 平均的;

6( A distraction分散注意力; 7( A chattering 唠叨,喋喋不休的; 8( D literate 有文化修养的; 9( D pastimes 消遣时间;

10(C nightmare噩梦;

11(C exception 例外;

12(C consume 消费;

13(D afford 提供,给予;

14(B cause造成;

15(C affect 影响;

16(D pool 共用;

17(D deny 否定;

18(B authority 权力;

19(A property 财产,资产; 20(D proportion 比例;

21. B reveal 揭露;

22(A excess 过度,过分;

23(C specific 专门的;

24(C chance机会;

25(B attend参加比较正式的场合; 26(B recall回想起;

27(A bring 带来;

28(D mistake错误;

29(B anywhere 到处;

30(C contend争斗,竞争; 31(A leave 留在;

32(C in the end 最后;

33(B immediately立刻地; 34(A be engaged in doing something 专心做某事;

35(C alive 活着的;

36(D give off 发出;

37(B distinguish from… 将…与…区别开来;

38(A adventure 冒险;

39(A potential 潜力;

40(B set aside something 留下;搁置。 41(D lay out something 展出; 42(B communicate with somebody 与某人交流;

43(A permanent 永久的;

44(A be supposed to do something 打算做某事;

45(D amount to … 总数为; 46(A be condemned to something 被宣判为;

47(B finally 最后;

48. C expression表情;

49(C efficient有效率的;

50. D contrary to something 与...相反; 51(B on some account 解释,说明; 52(D point 观点;

53(C incentive刺激,激励。 54(A arise 由此产生;

55(B acquire 获得;

56(D chase 追逐;

57(D at an awkward time 令人尴尬的时间; 58(B steer 为…掌舵;

59(D opponent 敌手;

60(B by origin 原始,起源。 (3) 词汇练习三 p229

1. C reputation 名声;

2. B plain 赤裸裸的;

3. D costs 不惜任何代价;

4. B rate 比…比率;

5. B look up 查;

6. B appears 表现出来;

7. D come up 发生;

8. A consume 消费;

9. D sensible 头脑清楚的,明智的; 10.A lay “lay awake all night” 彻夜未眠; 11.D rising 上升;

12.C spread 传播;

13.D opposite “do the opposite” 做相反的事物;

14.B committed 犯罪;

15.C offended 冒犯;

16.A sight “in sight” 被看到; 17.A busy “be busy with” “正忙着,正做着”

18.D look up 查;

19.B By the way 顺便提及;

20.D involves “包含,涉及”强调目的性; 21.D calls for 需要;

22.C sensational “轰动的”; 23.D appeals “对…有吸引力”; 24.B distribution “地理分布” 25.A economical “节俭的”; 26.A ignore “有意忽视(主观)”; 27.D depressed “萧条的,不景气的” 28.B diverse “多种多样的,形形色色的”; 29.A ingredient “混合物成分”; 30.A abolish “废除”;

31.A positive “积极的”;

32.C event “有重大意义的事件或运动会的比赛项目”; 33.B generates “generate electricity”含义为“发电”; 34.B obligation “under obligation”指“有义务”; 35.B reinforcing “修补,加固”;

36.D spectacular “壮观的”;

37.D samples “样品”;

38.A counting on “指望,依靠”;

39.B assert “assert oneself”指“坚持自己的权利,表现自己的权威”;

40.A instinct “本能”;

41.D company “同伴”;

42.B ori ginates “originate from…”意思为“源自于…”; 43.B average “well above average”意思为“远在一般以上”; 44.A adopted “习惯于”;

45.D figure “figure out” 意思为“搞清楚,想清楚”; 46.A external “外部的”;

47.B at ease “放松”;

48.C complacency “自满”;

49.A fruitful “有成果的”;

50.A extent “程度”;

51.A f lavor “in flavor of…”含义为“赞同”;

52.C avoidable “可回避的”;

53.C attached “attached school”意思为“附属学校”; 54.B assuming “假定,假如”;

55.A intuitive “直觉”;

56.A despite=in spite of “不管,不顾”;

57.D precisely “清楚地”;

58.D policy “政策”;

59.C encounter “多指事先未预料到的会面或遭遇到某事”; 60.B effect “影响”。

(4) 阅读理解和翻译

P286 Part II Sentence translation 21-25

Answer: P470: 21-25.

P291 Part II Sentence translation 21-25

Answer: P471:21-25;

P295 Part II Sentence translation 21-25

Answer: P472-473:21-25. (5) 完型填空

参考P487 exercise 5和P488 exercise 7. (6) 作文

1、P499 练习九 The Young and the Old

2、P500 练习十 Electricity and Our Life 写作注意事项:




