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高一英语人教版必修四导学案 Unit 4 Body language

高一英语人教版必修四导学案 Unit 4 Body language
高一英语人教版必修四导学案 Unit 4 Body language


UNIT4 Body language

Warming up and reading Learning aims

1.Learn the new words

2.Understand the meaning of BL

一. Learning difficulty point and important point

1.Grasp important words

2.Improve the reading skills

三.Learning Procedures

Step1.Warming up

1.Look at the pictures below.What are these people communicating?

2.What are the following facial expressions?

3.What do people in different countries usually do when meeting?


1. What is the purpose of language?

2. How can you tell someo ne’s feelings even if they do not speak?

3.What would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages?

4.What do you think “body language” means?

5.What is body language?


1.Learn new words :local . represent. approach .major. express. curious .general .avoid .misunderstanding .close . see sb do. likely to do . in defence .


Divide the passage into four parts and find out the main idea of each part. Part 1 : (Para1):

Part 2: (Para 2 and 3) :

Part 3: (Para 4 and 5):.


How do different international students behave when they greet people? Complete the chart with information from the passage.

【归纳小结】 Body language is different/ varies from culture to culture. Not all members of all cultures behave in the same way. We should try to understand and respect ea ch other’s culture in order to make good communication.

Reading – III ( 3m )

【当堂训练】 Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1. Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet.

2. Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing.

3. Japanese will bow to others as greeting.

4. People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.

5. Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries’ body language are bad.

6. People from different countries may have a major misunderstanding while greeting each other.

7. The physical distance from each other that people are comfortable with generally depends on the culture.

8. All members of a culture behave in the same way.

Choose the best answer.

1. What did the writer go to the Capital International Airport for yesterday?

A. To see off his friend.

B. To meet international students.

C. To buy a flight ticket.

D. To meet some visitors coming from several countries.

2. Where is Tony Garcia from?

A. Britain.

B. Japan.

C. Colombia.

D. Canada.

3. From Paragraph 2 we know that Japanese prefer to ____ when they are introduced to others.

A. bow

B. shake hands

C. kiss each other

D. touch others’ shoulders

4. According to the text, men from the Middle East often ____.

A. nod heads and wave hands to girls

B. touch others’ heads when they first meet


Period 1 Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading&Comprehending 学习目标》1.深入理解课文,掌握课文中基础知识,培养快速阅读、整体理解的能力。2.自主学习,合作探究;学会根据人物心理活动理解课文的方法。3.深刻理解拥有大自然和自由的美好;激情投入,疯狂朗读。 重点:理解人物心理活动。难点:长难句分析。 1.在预习时,要把课文通读两遍,先(第一轮)通读教材,完成表层理解题,(第二轮)再勾画出文中的疑难点。 2.完成时间30分钟。 I 背景展现 This is a true story. It took place in Amsterdam,Holland in the early 1940s after the German Nazis had occupied(占据)most of Europe. The Nazi Party ruled Germany from 1933,。1945. One of their key policies was to kill all the Jews in Europe. If any persons known to be Jews were found,they would be sent to concentration camps(集中营)farther east, mostly in Poland. families were separates and transported in trains For many. days,they went without food,water,sanitation(卫生)or fresh air. To avoid this terrible fate, some Jewish families went into hiding,often with the help of non-Jewish friends. This diary was written during the time when Anne and her family moved to escape from being killed by Nazis. 一、一轮阅读做题目


Bodylanguage阅读课教学设计 一教学目标: 知识与技能: 理解、内化、运用以下生词及词组—fold、anger、vary、thub、crazy、od、part、hug、bo、pal、shrug、incredible、pat、getthrough、teardon、chart 获取关于bodylanguage的相关信息,且进行siing,scanning,carefulreading,generalization,guessi ngeaning等阅读技能训练。 充分利用多媒体,强化学生自主学习的意识,培养学生组织语言、运用语言的能力。 过程与方法: 培养学生通过自主学习和合作学习,获取信息和处理信息的能力。 培养学生质疑意识,分析问题、解决问题、综合问题的能力和创造性思维能力。 情感态度价值观: 在有趣的话题激励下,诱导学生积极参与,充分调动他们学习的兴趣。 使学生了解身势语在各国人民交往中的重要性。了解在各国相同身势语所表示的不同交际含义。增强对中外“身势

语”差异的敏感性,培养世界意识;通过文化地域对比,加深对祖国相关知识的理解,增强对祖国的热爱之情。 二教学重点: 训练学生的略读与扫读技巧是本课的重点。根据英语课程标准关于语言技能的教学建议,略读与扫读是阅读教学的基本技能之一,是学生必须掌握的。 三教学难点: 怎样使学生理解不同国家的身势语,正确的使用身势语及比较各国身势语的不同是本课的难点。根据英语课程标准,文化意识是内容标准之一,要求学生掌握一些行为规范、风土人情等方面的知识,这有利于培养学生的世界意识,有利于形成跨文化交际能力。 四学习方式设计: 个体探究。 在完成较简单直观的任务时以个体探究为主,鼓励学生有独立自主的思维意识。 合作学习。 当面对难度较大的学习任务时鼓励学生采取小组合作的方式,这是因为“合作学习”更方便英语的交流和体验,有利于培养学生与他人合作的能力,同时信息差异也更能激燃起学生的“创新火花”。 五教学策略及教法设计:


Chapter1.Body language Listening, Speaking, Using English, Writing 一、章节分析(Section Analysis ) (一)综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。针对高一新生情况using language 的任务是培养学生如何正确有效的使用字典,为以后的学习打下基础。 (二)目标 Listening 1帮助学生通过抓关键词培养其听力理解能力。 2听说结合,提高听力教学效果。 Speaking 1帮助学生运用本课关于肢体语言信息,培养他们良好的礼议。 2鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会推荐自己及如何评价他人。 Using English 1帮助学生如何有效的使用字典。 2培养学生自习自研能力。 Writing 1了解书信式“提醒单(reminder )”和邀请信的写作思路。 2掌握写作方法。 3根据简要提示写出符合要求的reminder as well as 邀请信。 (三)重点和难点 Listening 培养学生抓关键词汇:adj /adv attentively; politely; serious ,nervous n art; steps; movements; sages; points messages v dance Speaking 通过表演掌握如何推荐自己以及如何评价他人,同时能运用Do’s 和Don’s 句型。Using English 了解字典中不同符号的含义以及如何能有效地运用字典,培养自学能力。 Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的short messages 并能采用生生互评。


高一英语学案 Units 9-10 (B1) 【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语 1.add用法小结: (1)的基本意思是“增加、添加,加上”,一般作及物动词,后接名词、数词等作宾语。 例如: Add more hot water to the soup – it is too salty. 在汤里多加点热水–太咸了。 Add a few more names of laborers to the list. 名单上再加上几个工人的名字。 (2)表示“加;加起来”的意思。 例如: If you add 4 to 3,you get 7. 四加三得七。 Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。 (3)表示“补充说;又说”。 例如: I should add that we are very pleased. 我要补充的是我们非常高兴。 I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result. 我还要补充说一下,我们对测试结果表示满意。 (4)常用短语: ●add something to something: add fuel to the fire: 火上浇油 ●add up/together: 加算;合计He wrote down the weight of each stone and then added up/together all the weights. 他把每一块石头的重量记下来,然后把所有的重量加在一起。 T he various facts in their report just don't add up. 他们报告中的各方面材料根本串不起来。 ●add to: 增加 Our coming added to your trouble. 我们的到来给你们增加了麻烦。 ●add up to:总计达到…,总和为…,总数达…: His debts added up to 40,000 dollars. 他的债务总计达到40,000美圆。 2.remind用法小结:remind作为及物动词,常与of, to infinitive, that连用,意思是“使想起;使记起;提醒”。 例如: Remind me to write to Mother. (后接somebody to do something ) 提醒我给妈妈写信。 This reminds me of last year. (后接somebody + of + something) 这使我想起去年的事。


预习导学 Unit 5 Music 第一课时Warming up ﹠vocabulary 本单元重点单词,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1.classical 2.folk 3.jazz 4. musician 5.pretend 6.attach 7.form 8.passer-by 9.earn 10.extra 11.instrument 12.perform 13.performance 14.pub 15.cash 16.studio https://www.sodocs.net/doc/715393911.html,lionaire 18.actor 19.rely 20.broadcast 21.humorous 22.familiar 23.attractive 24.addition 25.dip 26.confident 27.brief 28.briefly 29.devotion 33.sensitive 30.afterwards 34.painful 31.invitation 32.beard 本单元重点词组,请写出下列单词的汉语意思: 1. d ream of 5.play jokes on 2. t o be honest 6.rely on 3. a ttach…to 4.in cash 7.be/get familiar with 8. a bove all 9. s tick to 10. or so 11. break up 12. by chance 13. in addition 14. sort out 实战演练 一、词汇学习 1.古典英语5. 民乐9. 蓝调13. 轻音乐 2. 摇滚乐 6.乡村音乐 10 嘻哈音乐 14. 乐队 3. 说唱 7. 交响乐 11. 流行音乐 15. 音乐家 4. 爵士乐 8.合唱 12.西方音乐 二、根据首字母填写单词 1. The ball r down the hill. 2. A the stamp to the front of your letter. 3. Many fans were once impressed by Jay’s wonderful p . 4. As babies, we r entirely on others for food. 5. I’m very sorry. To answer this question is beyond my a . 6. He’s a f figure in the neighborhood. 7. As far as I know, Miss Gao enjoys listening to f music very much. 8. His d to his wife and family is touching. 9. They s all that they had when they were abroad. 10. You are far too s about her words. 预习导学 一、根据课文的内容填空 第二课时Reading If we are ourselves, most of us have being famous sometimes in our lives. Most musicians often meet and a band .Sometimes they play in the street to so that they can earn some money and this also gives them a to realize their dreams. There was once a band started in a different

Body language 课文

Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. Just at that moment, however, Akira bowed so his nose touched George's moving hand. They both apologized - another cultural mistake! Ahmed Aziz, another international student, was from Jordan. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as I introduced myself. I moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my


Unit1 Friendship part 1 (new words) Learning Aims(学习目标): 1.Understand the meaning and usage of words in warming-up and reading 了解并掌握重点词汇 2.Practice using some important words in bold . Learning importance (学习重点): key words Learning procedure:: 1.add up合计,加起来;合情理 add up to加起来达到,总计为;add to增添add...to...把……加到……里 eg. 1.Add up your score and see how many points you get. 累加你的分数, 看你得多少分。 2.The numbers add up to exactly 100. 这些数字的总和恰好是100。 Exercise: The heavy rain _________the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.大雨增加了营救被掩埋群众的困难。 2.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;v. upset,upset,upsetting 使不安;使心烦;打乱;扰乱;打翻be upset about/at/over为……烦恼It upsets sb.that...让某人心烦的是…… eg. 1.There is no point being upset about it. 犯不着为此事而难过。 2.I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. 对不起, 我没想要让你不高兴。 3.It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about that.让他不高兴的是, 谁也没把那件事告诉他。 4.She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. 他的不辞而别让她感到不安。 夯实基础 (1)用upset的适当形式填空 ①She sounded _______________when I said you couldn’t come. 3.ignore v.不理睬;忽视;不顾 ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道out of ignorance出于无知ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant of不知道…… eg.1. You will ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down. 你会不顾铃声, 而是去某个安静的地方安慰你的朋友。 2.We can’t afford to ignore their advice. 我们不能不考虑他们的劝告。 夯实基础(1)用ignore的适当形式填空 ①They fought a long battle against prejudice and_______________. 4.calm adj.镇静的,沉着的(not excited,upset,etc.);风平浪静的;无风的;v.(使)平静,(使)镇静calm sb.down使某人平静下来keep/be/stay calm保持镇静calm down平静 镇静 下来 eg. 1.We waited inside until things calmed down. 我们待在室内等着, 直到一切都恢复了平静。 2.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. 他深深吸了几口气, 使自己平静下来。 3.It is important to keep calm in the face of danger. 在面临危险时, 保持镇静是重要的。Exercise:(1)I t is not easy to ____ the excited man _____. 5.concern v.影响 ;涉及 与……有关 be connected with ;让 某人 担忧 be worried about ;n.担心,忧虑;关心concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的;感兴趣的as far as sb.be concerned就某人而言 concerning prep.关于 eg.1.Can you tell us what concerns you most? 你能告诉我们什么让你最担忧吗? 2.More and more people are showing concern for the safety of school buses.越来越多的人在关注校车的安全问题。 3.As far as I’m concerned, I disagree with his idea. 就我个人而言, 我不同意他的想法。Exercise: It is love and __________that have brought about the great changes. 6.go through经历,经受 experience ;仔细查看 go o ver ; 法律等 通过;用完 use up ;浏览 look through get through通过;接通电话;用完look through浏览;往……里面看break through冲破;突破 eg.1.The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died. 这个可怜的女孩自父母去世后经历了许多苦难。 2.The doctor will go through the operation soon. 那位医生很快就会做完手术了。 3.I went through the students’ papers last night. 昨晚我仔细阅读了学生们的论文。 7.set down放下 put down ;记下 write down ;登记;让……下车 set off动身;引爆;引起set up竖立;建立;张贴set an example树立榜样be set in以……为背景eg.1.You had better set down your idea before you forget it. 你最好把你的想法写下来, 以免忘记。2.She has set a good example for us. Exercise: 1.The bus stopped to _____________an old lady. 公共汽车停下来让一位老太太下车。 2.Please help me _____________the names of all the students. 请帮我把所有学生的名字都登记下来。 8.in order to为了 in order not to do...为了不做…so as to do...为了做…in order that/so that后接从句,为了…… eg 1.In order to pass the exam, he studied even harder. 为了通过考试, 他学习更加努力。 2.He went to sleep early in order to get up early the next day. 为了第二天早起, 他早早地就睡觉了。Exercise: 1..__________________encourage the students to take outdoor exercise ,our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10. 为了鼓励学生进行户外锻炼,我们学校在四月十号组织了爬山。 特别提醒 in order to与so as to都可以表示目的,但so as to不能用于句首,而in order to既可置于句首,也可置于句中。两者都可转换成in order that/so that引导的状语从句。 9.power n.能力;力量;权力;动力 come to/into power掌权;上台in one’s power在某人的掌控中

高一英语 导学案

高一英语导学案 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Superhero(第一课时) Learning objectives: 1. To master some useful expressions; 2. To learn about the story of Christopher Reeve; 3. To read a text carefully to find some information. Teaching difficulties: 1. To read a text quickly to find specific information 2. To retell the text with the help of the key words 3. To master some important phrases. Teaching aids: the computer and the blackboard Teaching procedures: 1. Revision 1. come _____ 达到某种状态 2. ____ money集资,募捐 3. ____ one’ s atte ntion吸引某人的注意力 4. ____ suicide自杀 5. get ____ 融洽相处;进展 6. get involved ____ 参加,参与 7. react _____ 对……作出反应 8. be confident _____对……有信心 9. ____ through 使从(受伤)中活过来;渡过难关 2. Lead in T: Shows the students some pictures and ask the students to guess who they are according to the pictures. Who is he? Do you know him? S: T: Yes, a Spiderman, a Batman, the Flash, and Captain America. These are superheroes in these films, right? And who is your superheroes. Ok, today we will learn a new superhero- Christopher Reeve.( the teacher writes the key words on the blackboard) 3. Fast reading Read the text quickly and answer these questions. Choose the best answer according to the text. ( Ask the students to answer these questions by individuals or in groups.) 1. Christopher Reeve is famous as a(n) _______. A. actor B. player C. doctor D. superman 2. After Christopher fell from his horse, ________. A. he couldn't breathe B. he made speeches all over the world C. he became a doctor D he couldn' t walk


身体语言的秘密 s o f B o d y L a n g u a g e 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

1 A walk to convey power; a greeting that gets the upper hand; a gesture that can hide a lie, body language can betray us. When a president is under pressure, or a celebrity is in the media glare, look beyond the words, their body language says it all. This is a certain poise, self-touch gesture, hot spot, or micro-expressions. In this special, experts will dissect the body, the face and the voice—It’s about our country. —to reveal its hidden meanings, its secrets. This is a world where what we say is all important. — They said this day would never come. —We hang on every word.—Tomorrow we begin again. Thank you. —But are we getting all the message — Older, darker, mean psychopaths, serial killers hang around… Research has shown that just 7% of human communication is through the actual words. 93% of what we communicate with others is non-verbal.— Bang, bang, bang! —93%! Think about that. 93%! So it’s our tone of voice, our pitch, our posture, micro-expressions on our face and different gestures that we might use. So we put all the


高一英语导学案 主备者:杨静 一、Lesson subject: M3 U5 Canada---“The True North” 二、Teaching type: Reading and important language points 三、Teaching aims: 1.grasp words and expressions in the passage. 2. Master the noun clauses--- appositive clause 3.Talk about the basic information about Canada— location, main cities, customs and cultural diversity. 4.Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps. 四、Teaching emphasis:1.Learn the new words and phrases in the passage. 2.Learn to use the noun clauses---appositive clause correctly 3.Learn to express directions and positions. 五、Teaching difficulties: 1.The noun clauses---appositive clause 六、Teaching methods: self-study , cooperation . Inquiry 七、Class time: 6 period 八、Learning process: (一)self-study A. Words 1、景色;风景n.______________ 2、测量;衡量;判定v.&n.计量制;计量单位;措施________________ 3、在船、飞机、火车或公共汽车上prep.& adv________________ 4、在……之内prep._______________ 5、证实;证明;批准vt ________________ 6、接近;大约adv. ________________ 7.在附近adv.& 附近的;邻近的adj.________________ 8、行李n.________________→______________(同义词) 9、聊天;闲聊n.& vi________________ 10、边;边界n. & 与......接壤v.________________ B. Vocabulary Enlargement 1、.包围;围绕vt.& vi_______________ 2、使印象深刻;使铭记vt.______________ 周围的事物;环境n_______________ 给人深刻印象的;感人的adj.______________ 周围的adj_______________ 印象n._____________ 3、混合;调配vt.&vi.______________ 4、混合;调配vt.&vi. ______________ 混合(物);混合状态n.______________ 混合(物);混合状态n.______________ 5、距离;远方n.______________ 6、传统;风俗n._____________ 远的;远方的adj. ______________传统的adj._____________ 7、使恐怖;恐吓vt.______________ 8、富有的;富人;有钱人adj.& n____________ 恐惧n. _____________财富n.___________ 恐惧的;受惊吓的adj. ______________


P2语篇领悟答案 1.cultures 2.own 3.a 4.they5.may 6.each7.women8.with9.in10.feelings P4 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 身体语言是与人交流的一种方式。然而,并非所有的人都可以用同一种身体语言进行交流,有着不同文化背景的人们对彼此的手势很有可能产生误会。比如,我们向某人点头时表示我们同意他的观点,但在有些国家点头表示的是反对;我们认为交谈时正视别人表示我们在认真倾听,但在有些地区却意味着敌视。即使在同一个国家的不同地区也会有不同的身体语言。因此,如果你身在国外,了解当地的身体语言是非常重要的。 Body language is a way of communication. However,not everybody can use the same body language to communicate with others. People from different cultures may misunderstand the gestures they use. For example,when we nod at somebody we mean we agree to his opinion. But in some countries nodding one's head means disagreement. We will look at somebody in the eye to show that we are listening to him attentively,while in some districts,it means hostility. People may have different body languages even if they live in the same country. Therefore it is very important for you to have a good understanding of the body languages there if you are in a foreign country.


高一英语导学案 第一部分课本知识复习 Module 1 Unit 1 School life [目标要点] 一、重点单词二、重点短语 1、_________vt.出席,参加1、___________注意 2、_________vt.获得;赚,挣得2、___________(书的)封底 3、_________n.&vt.尊敬,敬重3、___________一代又一代 4、_________vt.赢得,取得;实现,成就4、__________平均 5、_________n.学分;成绩;等级5、__________过去常常做 6、_________n.文学6、___________逐字地 7、_________adj.一般的,普通的;平均的7、___________首先 8、_________adj.具有挑战性的8、___________介绍……给…… 9、_________adj.额外的,外加的9、___________和……约会 10、_________vt.&vi.准备10、___________培养对……的兴趣 11、_________vt.放弃11、___________捐赠……给…… 12、_________vt.思念,想念12、___________忘记去做…… 13、_________vt.经历,体验13、___________作决定 14、_________vt.介绍14、___________把……和……相比 15、_________adj.从前的,以前的15、___________轮流做…… 16、_________n.文化16、___________告知…… 17、_________vt.捐赠;赠予17、___________对……负责 18、_________vt.陈列,展览18、___________由……组成 19、_________ vt.&vi.遗憾,抱歉;后悔,惋惜19、___________提出 20、_________ vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成20、___________签名 三、词汇联想 1、achieve vt. _____________ (n.) 6. preparation n. ___________ (v.) 2、German n. _____________ (pl.) 7. require vt. ______________ (n.) 3、immediately adv. __________ (adj.) 8. scary adj. _______________ (v.) 4、develop vt. _____________ (n.) 9. nature n. _______________ (adj.) 5、inform vt. ______________ (n.) 10. please v. _______________ (n.) 四、重点句型 1.____________________________(被洪水围困)is an experience. 2.I think _________________________________(保护环境的最佳方法)is to plant more trees. 3.Think it over and you‘ll find it is _______________________(不象你想象的那样难). 4.Making an appointment with tomorrow ____________________ (听起来)a romantic idea. 5. The most important thing _______________(我们应该注意的)is the first thing I have said. 6.The boy spent most of his spare time _________________________ (在网上冲浪). 7.The man ___________________________________(正在和我爸爸握手的)is our headmaster. 8._____________________________________(你本应该把作业完成的)before turning on the TV set, but I‘m sorry you didn‘t. 五、【语法精讲】 关系代词在定语从中的应用

必修四unit 4 body language课文翻译

沟通:没问题吗? 昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们大学的学生会去首都国际机场迎接今年的国际学生。他们是来北京大学学习的。我们会先带他们去宿舍,然后去学生餐厅。等了半个小时后,他们的航班到了,我看见几个年轻人进入等候区,好奇地环顾四周。观察了他们一分钟后, 我便过去和他们打招呼。 第一个到达的是来自哥伦比亚的托尼·加西亚。紧接着是来自英国的朱丽.亚史密斯。在与他们碰面并介绍他们彼此认识后,我(对看到的情景)感到很吃惊。托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩膀,并亲吻了她的脸颊! 她后退了几步,看上去有些吃惊,她举起双手,仿佛在自卫。我猜想这里可能有个大的误会。然后日本的永田明笑着走了进来,同时来的还有来自加拿大的乔治.库克。我为他们作了介绍后,乔治把手伸向了这位日本学生。然而,就在那时田永明鞠了一躬,所以他的鼻子碰到了乔治伸过来的手。他们互相道歉——这又是一个文化上的误会! 另一个国际学生艾哈迈德·阿齐兹,来自约旦。我们昨天见面,我作自我介绍的时候,他靠我很近。我往后退一点,但他又走向前问了我一个问题,然后同我握手。当来自法国来的达琳.库隆从门口匆忙进来时,她认出了托尼·加西亚微笑的面孔。他们握了握手,然后在对方的面颊上吻了两下,因为法国成年人见到熟人就是这样做的。相反,艾哈迈德阿齐兹只是朝女孩子们点了点头。来自中东或其他一些穆斯林国家的男士在谈话时通常站得离其他男士很近,但一般不会和女士接触。 随着认识的国际朋友越来越多,我也了解到更多不同文化背景下的“身体语言”。各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,相互接触和相互所感到舒适的程度也并不一样。用口头语言交流的同时,人们还使用不出声的语言,通过身体间的距离、动作或姿势来表达他们的感情。比如, 英国人通常不会站在离别人很近的地方,也不会一见面就(用身体)触碰陌生人。不过,来自西班牙、意大利或南美国家的人会站在离别人很近的地方,而且更可能(用身体)接触对方。现在世界上大多数人见面要互握手问候,但有些文化(背景的人)会使用另外一些寒暄方式。比如日本就更喜欢鞠躬。 这些行为都无所谓好坏,只不过是文化发展的不同方式而已。然而,我发现肢体语言的文化风俗是多元的——同一种(民族)文化中也并非所有成员的行为都一样。但总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界,学习不同国家的习俗肯定能帮助我们避免交往中的困难。
