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On the New Year’Eve during last winter holiday, I was chatting with my friends on the sofa, sending greetings and grabing red envelopes. Unexpectedly, mom asked me:’Can you teach me how to use it?” At that second, I was shocked, from head to toe: at that second, I daren’t to raise my head; at that second, I answered YES with out the least hesitation. Then I raised my eyebrow and cast a glance at her. She was so happy that every wrinkle on her face jumped with smile.

I came to her and sat on the edge of her sofa. Mom took out her phone from her pocket and gave it to me with an expectant look. Ireach it and intended to open WeChat. That was the longest time I ‘ve ever experienced to open an app---Mom didn’t know how to clean up the storage, she had no sense to manage it.

Mom told me one of her friends once asked her if she could use WeChat and showed off that she always chatted with her son. Mom felt a little bit embarrased then.She had been waiting for my return since then. And this time she grasped the chance.

I told her how to receive the massage, how to add friends, how to scan the code when she finishes shopping, and how to look through the moments and send them. She listened carefully, to every word I said.

We are so lucky to live in so advanced a society, where we can use not only WeChat but other tools to communicate with each other and get the latest information breezily. Technology development bring us convenience, more importantly, we should make this development valuable. WeChat is just a tool, the family

bond, the friendship, and the love among us make it valuable. Without these elements, it’s meaningless!

So mom and I make it a rule to send pictures to each other everyday. Last Sunday morning, when I was sleeping, my phone rang. And I opened my WeChat, guess what! Mom sent me a red envelope! She was so cool, right?


品牌故事的影响初探 摘要:在市场上流通的商品种类繁多,为了在激烈的竞争市场中胜出,企业不遗余力地推广品牌战略,不断扩大自己的市场份额。数字化网络时代,人们的视野更加广阔,消费者的选择越来越多,在这种背景下,企业推行的具有传播性的品牌故事策略能迅速、广泛地通过人们的阅读传递品牌的理念,得到消费者的认可。 关键词:品牌;故事;消费者 一、品牌故事 (一)品牌 品牌是一种抽象化的概念,是一种能给企业带来溢价、增值的具有经济价值的无形资产,是同竞争对手的产品区别开来的重要标志。 对于企业产品而言,它包含了核心产品、附加产品、形式产品,还有就是品牌。品牌给企业产品附加了文化内涵和产品信任度,是企业产品或核心价值观的体现,它的最终目的是为了得到消费者认同,从而促使消费者产生重复购买的消费行为,让消费者形成极强的品牌忠诚意识。不同的品牌标榜着企业不同产品差异性的存在,这也是企业之间相互区别并尽可能在目标市场取得领导地位使用的重要策略。品牌的存在会唤起消费者对该产品使用过后的记忆,为将来的消

费决策形成依据。 (二)品牌故事化 品牌故事化,是将品牌赋予富有内涵的、情感的、生动简洁的、积极的并且不同于竞争对手的故事情节。企业进行的品牌故事推广活动也是产品品牌塑造的过程。 品牌故事可以在与消费者的营销沟通过程中唤起消费者对该品牌的联想和感受。消费者对品牌故事广告的热衷度高于专注于强调产品本身的广告。正是这种抽象的感觉影响了消费者的购买行为。假定,第一步是品牌故事吸引了消费者并且促使了消费者购买行为的发生,那么第二步品牌产品的购后体验是让消费者作出再次购买该产品决策的依据。在此之后,消费者对该品牌的产品有更全面的认识,好的品牌故事和满意的购后体验可以提高消费者对品牌的认可度。品牌故事和消费者之间是双向影响的关系,品牌故事影响着消费者的购买行为,消费者对品牌故事的反映是企业对品牌故事改进的重要依据。品牌故事和消费者之间的关联可以用图1表示。 二、品牌故事的影响 企业将品牌赋予故事内涵,推行品牌故事战略能影响企业、竞争者、消费者三者的状态。 (一)对企业而言 企业实行品牌故事战略是为了区别竞争对手,抢占市


Direction: 如今微信(WeChat)走进了人们的生活,为大家带来诸多便利,但有些人也随之成为“微信控”(WeChataholic),请你就此事写一篇文章。你的文章必须包括: ·对此现象的描述 ·你对“微信控”的看法 ①In present-day society, Internet has played an important role in our daily lives, while the new form of communication “WeChat” is②gaining increasingly more popularity among people. Naturally,a great number of people have become “WeChataholic”, which means they keep staring at the mobile phone all the time and can’t live without it. WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with others, ③However, the negative effects of being addicted to WeChat far overweigh its advantages. To begin with,the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, espec ially for teenagers who are physically immature. In addition, ④people who are buried in WeChat may easily ignore the people around them and may be separated from their sur roundings, which ⑤cause a potential threat to people’s interpersonal relationships.⑥Last but not least, the overuse of WeChat ruins the normal running of our lives, directly reducing the efficiency of people’s daily work and study. In conclusion,we should make full use of the value of WeChat, and reduce its disa dvantages to the minimum as well. ⑦Only in this way, can we surely make better use of WeChat. 内容分析:本篇文章考察的是典型的议论文,要求学生针对最近热门的话题“微信热”进行现象的描述和观点的阐述。所以行文可以大致分为两大板块。第一部分介绍背景和描述现象,说明微信在人们中的流行,以及从而诞生的微信控一族。这部分考察了学生的描写叙述能力。而第二部分的议论则更考察学生的逻辑和分析能力,可从几个方面按顺序阐述你对于微信控的看法。 精彩亮点分析: 亮点一:开门见山,说明互联网时代的重要性,介绍背景。使用短语sth plays an important r ole in(在…扮演着重要的角色)。 亮点二:引入话题,微信走进了人们的生活。Sth gains increasingly more popularity among people(在人们中悄然流行起来)。平日里积累的短语在写作时需要有效激活。 亮点三:议论分析,弊大于利。表示利弊的词汇可以多背诵一些,如advantage,disadvantag e,positive effect,negative effect等。可用far overweigh表示“远大于”。 亮点四:使用定语从句丰富句式的多样性。be buried in 表示“对…沉迷”适用于许多话题。亮点五:使用cause a potential threat to(对…构成潜在威胁),不失为议论必备短语。 亮点六:注意逻辑词的使用,尽量避免简单的逻辑词如firstly, secondly等。可适当地积累一些短语代替,增强逻辑性。 亮点七:结尾总结,言简意赅,使用倒装句。Only in this way, can sb do sth(只有…才能…) 写作贴士:议论文的写作不能简单机械地背诵模版,需要把平时积累的相应短语、句式巧妙地糅合到文章中。同时,注意训练记叙描写的能力,夹叙夹议是高考写作的总体趋势。


The popularity of WeChat WeChat, known as Weixin in china, is a mobile phone text and voice messaging communication service which is developed by Tencent. Users can access it across a variety of platforms including Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and Symbian. In less than two years,WeChat has registered 200 million users and its overseas markets is rising rapidly. Up to now WeChat is already one of most popular chat applications which are used in mobile phones. Undoubtedly, WeChat is definitely a wonderful invention that changed the world. Why does WeChat become so popular in such a short time? As far as I am concerned, it is so easy to use WeChat. You can register WeChat with your phone number, and add your friends Number in your contact list, then you can start your conversation by tapping the voice button. It's using just like a interphone. In the second place, WeChat is powerful. It can send messages of voice, video, photo and text. Various informations could be sent to your friends, from which receivers could enjoy the best pleasure. In the third place, WeChat is supported on Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, and 4G data networks, by which you can chat with your family or friends in a brand new way by using your phone no matter when and where. But you don't need worry other things, such as basic fees. As we can see, WeChat is becoming one of the first services of technology from China to tap an international customer base and to entertain more users outside the home country than domestically and it has 700 million registered users all over the world up to now. It is definitely a wonderful invention that changed our life style. However, as a matter of fact, the potential dangers of WeChat to the users could not be ignored. First,so many people immerse themselves in Wechat and waste a lot of time. In addition, some functions of the Wechat may lead to crimes. Therefore, I insist that we should make the best use of it, but we s houldn’t spare too much time on it. Only in this way, can we enjoy it better.


身边的国外品牌 未来国家与国家的竞争其实就是企业与企业的竞争、品牌与品牌的竞争。品牌的利润在整个产业利润链中是最丰厚。世界品牌公司在包括中国在内的发展中国家建厂生产产品,发展中国家赚取的只是廉价的劳动力所得,而丰厚的利润都以品牌价值所得的形式源源不断的输送给品牌所在国家。 因此对于我们周围的外国品牌,愿与大家一同了解,在我们了解身边国外品牌之前,让我们先知道什么是品牌的价值:品牌价值是指品牌产品比未取得品牌名称产品时获得更大的销量和更多的利益,还能使该品牌在竞争中获得一个更强劲、更稳定、更特殊的优势,也就是说是人们是否继续购买某一品牌的意愿。 让我们来认识一下我们身边的品牌: 2011年全球最有价值品牌中前20名没有中国品牌,而排在前面的这些品牌很多都是我们所熟识:谷歌、微软、沃尔玛、IBM、苹果、惠普、丰田、可口可乐、麦当劳、三星、梅赛德斯-奔驰等等。 看看我们周围的知名手机品牌:诺基亚(瑞士)、三星(韩国)、苹果(美国)、索尼爱立信(日本与瑞典)、谷歌(美国)、摩托罗拉(美国)、LG(韩国)等 数码相机、电脑芯片等更是让国外品牌占尽份额。 再看看我们身边的洗化两巨头: 1、联合利华由英国Lever公司与荷兰Margarine Unie公司签订协议,组建而成。旗下的洗化品牌有:力士、清扬、夏士莲、中华、奥妙、凡士林、多芬、旁氏、舒耐…… 2、宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble),是一家美国消费日用品生产商,也是目前全球最大的日用品公司之一,旗下的品牌有洗发露类:海飞丝、飘柔、潘婷、沙宣、伊卡璐等;洗衣粉,柔顺剂:碧浪、汰渍、蓝诺;妇女用品:护舒宝;儿童用品:帮宝适;牙膏,牙刷:佳洁士,欧乐-B;化妆品:SK-II,玉兰油;香皂:舒肤佳,玉兰油,飘柔等。这些品牌我们每个人都可能用过,然而为我们知道他是哪个国家的品牌么? 然而更有一些令大家难以想像的品牌: 1、中华牙膏,这个以中华命名的牙膏然而却是联合利华的一个品牌,可惜我一直以来使用此牙膏时还以为支持了国产…… 2、金龙鱼,这个食用油行业的老大,在国内多地建厂而实际控股人属于新加坡郭兄弟粮油私人有限公司…… 3、苏泊尔,国内烹饪炊具第一品牌,现早已被法国著名小家电企业SEB收购…… 国内的品牌不断地被国外企业合并、收购,这样的事例不胜枚举,当然也不是说 我们知道这些品牌不是说以后就不用了,起码我们知道谁在赚我们的钱吧!


如何把品牌故事讲得简单明了易于传播,已成为企业转型不可避免的重要课题。再者,这个年代,资讯爆炸、商品供过于求,人人都可以创造品牌,差别在于说你这个品牌有多少人知道,有多少人喜好,有多少人愿意为之传播。作者认为一个好的品牌故事,起码要有三个步骤才能算上成功。 这个年代,因为大家开始注重文化创意产业的发展,不管是老的家族小企业,或者是上市公司,都开始玩起一个新概念,所谓的观光工厂,同时包装自己的品牌,给予这个可能传承至上一代的事业一个新的外衣,也把过去发生过的一些事迹,转化成一个美丽有内涵有文化的品牌故事,同时提升现场感受体验,而其中有不少佼佼者,更因此而人气兴旺,财源滚滚… 这其中有一个很重要的关键,那就是重新包装、重新定位之后,到底我们要讲什么样的故事,这个故事不只能够得到大众的认同,还有一种更深层次的情感因素在里头,因而勾起民众想要拥有的意愿,转换成一笔笔的交易… 如何把品牌故事讲得简单明了易于传播,已经成为企业想转型不可避免的重要课题,缺乏这个,就如同穿着一件挂有品牌标签外衣的土豪,就如同一座虚有其表的博物馆… 一堆包装相似、大小一致且口味大同小异的凤梨酥摆在你的面前,为什么你会选择其中某一个品牌,更何况他还是比较贵的那一个,为什么?如果把所有凤梨酥的包装袋都拆掉,你有办法做出一样的选择吗?我认为90%以上的人做不到,包含我这个从小吃凤梨酥长大的,当然品牌有很多生产过程中用料以及工序的坚持是我们看不到的,而这就需要转化成一个个的故事,讲给消费者听,这就是品牌的力量,如果其背后没有好的故事支撑,我相信该品牌也做不到… 再者,这个年代,资讯爆炸、商品供过于求,其实人人都可以创造一个“品牌”,差别在于说你这个品牌有多少人知道,有多少人喜好,有多少人愿意为之传播… 有感染力的品牌都是通过故事和体验来创造的


我与对我生活产生影响的品牌之间 的故事 140344110 园艺14-1 吴孟孟

从早晨睁开眼睛开始,到晚上进入梦乡,我们的生活无时无刻不被各种品牌包围。你穿衣有各种衣服品牌,你刷牙有不同牙刷牙膏品牌,你化妆有各种化妆品品牌,你出行,你通讯等等,会有各种汽车代步工具品牌和各种通讯工具品牌...总之品牌之于我们已然无所不在,时刻都在。我的生活因为各种品牌的存在发生过也还会发生许多变化,接下来讲一下我与对我生活产生过重要影响的品牌之间的故事。 一、从黑白到彩色,从一无所知到了解中国。康佳为我打开认识中国的大门。 与在农村生长的大多数孩子一样,小时候最大的乐趣就是看电视,尤其是夏天夜里吃过饭好多人一起对着一台放在院子里的很小的黑白电视,一边乘凉,一边讨论着电视内容。 那时候的电视只有四个频道,没有少儿频道也没有电影频道,内容比较少。大概小学三年级时家里购入一台彩色电视机,康佳的牌子,又大接受的频道也比较多,从那之后多了一个了解中国的门。 通过这台电视机,看少儿频道,看各种动画片,看当时董浩叔叔的一个少儿科技展示的一个节目,看法制节目、鉴宝节目、看选秀节目,看体育节目。我开始慢慢的了解到,我所生活的地方不只是我的村庄和与它相邻的村庄,它很大。不只有饭后的闲聊和假期的小河,还有科技,有歌唱,有表演,有竞赛。我生活的国家不止有每天耕地

的家人邻里,还有生活在电视里那样画画的人,唱歌的人,表演的人,有做各种我不知道的工作的人。 现在有各种液晶电视,可以联网的电视,有电脑,有比它方便多的可以取代它的工具,但是是它带我第一次看到了我从未见过的事物,它在我心中永远都是非常好的品牌。 康佳电视或许并不是什么非常知名的电器品牌,但它对于我的意义是十分重大的,它带我认识了我所不知道的中国,它让我对外面的世界有了了解和憧憬。 这是我与康佳电视机的故事。 二、从中国到世界,从网络文盲到体验极速。小米为我打开观察世界的大门。 手机对于高中毕业之前的我来说是一个相对陌生的新事物,智能手机更是遥远。见过最早的一部手机是小学时我爸爸用的一个按键的带天线的非常老的手机,我到现在都还记得那个手机当时的电话号码。 初中开始在学校寄宿,每两周回一次家,没有电话,有事家长都联系老师传达。高中后爸妈都基本全年不在家,觉得联系我不方便,高二时我拥有了第一部手机半智能的,后来又怕我上网看小说给换了一个老年机。高考前给我承诺只要我考上一本学校,就奖励一部手机,现在想来觉得还挺逗,不过最终还是得到了奖励,一部小米3,当年的新款手机。从此开始和小米有了交集。 我并不了解网络,甚至在那之前都没有早已十分普遍的社交软件

The Popularity of WeChat

The Popularity of WeChat Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and more popular in China. Almost everyone has WeChat. I think there are some reasons for the popularity of WeChat.Firstly, this is simple software.Whether children or adults, even the old man knows how to play WeChat quickly.As long as open software, you can chat with anyone.Secondly, this is interesting software.You have a circle of friends in the WeChat.Not only you can upload pictures or videos to the circle of friends, but also you can look at the others circle of friends.There is the reason why so many people like share their interesting life to the circle of friends.The most interesting thing is people grab red envelopes In New Year. Meanwhile, using Wechat, you can also do group chats, or find new friends nearby to talk to, which helps make many friends and express your feelings and opinions more freely. In my opinion, WeChat is a double-edged.On the one hand, in such an efficient society, it can make us more convenient.What’s more, we can know more about this world through this platform. On the


毋庸置疑,作为生产制造企业,产品质量是企业生存的根基,是企业发展的关键和突破口。那么质量是什么?质量从何而来? 众所周知:2003.02.01,美国“哥伦比亚”航天飞机在着陆前发生爆炸,7名宇航员全部遇难,全世界为之震惊。事后调查结果也比较令人吃惊:此次灾难的凶手竟是一块脱落的隔热瓦,“哥伦比亚”航天飞机有两万多块隔热瓦,能抵御3000度高温,避免航天飞机回大气层时外壳被融化。但恰恰这0.5%的差错葬送了价值连城的航天飞机,还有无法用价值来衡量的宝贵的7条生命。 质量是什么?“哥伦比亚”航天飞机的爆炸告诉我们:质量是生命! “三株”,三年销售额提高64倍,达80亿,15万员工的保健品帝国,就是因为“8瓶三株口服液喝死一条老汉”的报道轰然倒塌;“三鹿”一度是中国乳业的领军品牌,然而就因为“三氯氢氨”事件而一蹶不振;“秦池古酒”一度为中央电视台广告标王,因为销售规模极度膨胀,自己产能不够,就到四川等地收购一些小厂散酒,导致质量严重下滑,结果被市场淘汰。 质量是什么?“三株”、“秦池”、“三鹿”的坠落消亡告诉我们:质量是企业的兴亡! 第二次世界大战中期,美国空军和降落伞制造商有过这样的故事:在当时降落伞的安全度不够完美,即使经过降落伞制造商的不断改善,使得降落伞的良品率达到99.9%,这种良品率在当时许多企业都很难达到,但美国空军对此却说NO,他们要求所交的良品率必须是100%,因为品质没有折扣。后来,军方改变了检查降落伞品质的方法,那就是从厂商提供的降落伞中,随机挑出一个,让厂商负责人装备上身后,亲自从飞行中机身跳下。这个方法实施后,不良率立刻降为零。 质量是什么?“美国空军降落伞”的故事告诉我们,质量是100%的良品率! 许多人做事时常有“差不多”的心态,对于领导或是客户提出的要求,即使是合理的,也会觉得对方吹毛求疵而心生不满,认为差不多就行。试想,如果什么事情都有99.9%的成功率,那么每年有20000次配错药事件,15000名婴儿会被抱错,每星期有500宗做错手术事件,每小时有200封信邮寄错误,看了这些数据之后,你还认为差不多就行嘛? 常柴在乱世中诞生,在竞争中成长,在几代人的不懈努力下延续百年,这里承载着常柴人的家,承载着常柴人的梦,承载着常柴人的一生;而作为常柴人,我们承载的是常柴的兴亡,承载的是常柴的未来;常柴的质量,常柴的声誉,常柴的以后要靠着我们全厂三千多名员工共同去争取。 我们做的不仅仅是发动机,更重要的是我们做的是一份责任,做的是一个良心,做的是千千万万常柴人的未来,让我们承先辈之精神,弘先贤之伟业,续常柴百年之辉煌,以江河交汇之力,气吞山河,直贯长虹之势做好质量,严格把关!


Wechat First wechat’s function: 1.Voice Chat(语言讯息) 2.Group Chat(聊天室) 3.Moments.(朋友圈) 4.Video call.(视频聊天) 5.Favorite Messages .(收藏) 6.Wechat payment.(微信支付) 7.Group chat(群聊) 8.Free Call(语音通话) 9.Friend Rader(实时对讲) 10.Group chat QR Code(聊天室) 11.Chat History Backup(聊天记录备份) 12.Web WeChat(微信网页版) 13.Shake(摇一摇) 14.People Nearby(附近的人) 15.Walkie Talkie(实时对讲) Let’s me talk about of main function. One is moments and other is Wechat payment. Voice Chat(语言讯息): 1.When you can’t type some words the

best choice of you is Voice Chat. You can send some voice to tell your friend what do you want to tell you friend. 2.How to use it Hold "Hold to Talk" to start recording a message. Release the button to send While still holding down, you can move your finger up to the X button to discard and not send the voice message you are recording.


Topic: WeChat Discussion Points: 1.Preparation - There will be focus on some important new words, and you will be asked to translate the sentence into English 预习重点词句,翻译出下列常用句子的意思 Business is business Give me a lift/ride Drop me a line Watch your mouth Behind the time 2. Reading - Short reading segment about “Wechat,” members will read out loud and summarize the text. Teachers and other members will correct any mistakes made. 阅读短文“微信” 3. Small Talk - Greetings (As the members will need to learn situations they may face in everyday life)小话 题:如何打招呼 a. Members will practice how to greetings with someone - This will be done in pairs, or if a really big group, in groups of 3s. Members should use this as a chance to ask and answer questions about someone (give them an example of questions they may ask when talking about someone). 我们会准备三个关于“打招呼”的小对话,大家需要两两分组情景模拟,如果人数多的话,三人一组。b. After practicing the conservation, two groups will be chosen at random to demonstrate in front of us (without the use of paper dialogue). This is your chance to see where your English level is at and where to improve it –Don’t worry about making mistakes. 对话结束后,邀请三组现场进行对话表演 Topic discussion (Wechat) 主题讨论(微信) a. Do you use wechat or not? How long do you spend on Wechat every day? b. How does it influence your life? Share your experience with us c. Are you a Wechataholic? What do you think of it? d. Every things has two sides, in your opinion, what are the positives/negatives of WeChat? Words List New Words –Wechat

unitwechat (2)

WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study. WeChat is and . send text messages and voice messages. talk with friends at anywhere anytime. share pictures and views with friends. We also can sell and buy things by using the WeChat. We can be cheated if . We’d better not . Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will . It will . WeChat is convenient and powerful. It can send text messages and voice messages. We can talk with friends at anywhere anytime. We can share pictures and views with friends. We can be cheated if we are careless. We’d better not tell strangers our private information. Never accept strangers’ invitation to go out. If we spend too much time on it ,it’s waste of time. We will pay less attention to study. It will affect our study.


品牌故事范文 篇一:4故事 1997年,几位来自不同行业的年轻人抱着欲在中国建材行业里搏击一番的雄心壮志开始了艰难的创业,十几年后的今天木村已经成为中国建材五金行业里的知名品牌! 旗下拥有员工500余名,下辖北京、上海、重庆、广州、杭州、安徽。是一家集、生产、销售为一体的大型私营企业,同时也是消费者认可的具有极高知名度和美誉度的中国五金领导品牌。 木村五金企业的核心价值观是坚持以人为本、诚信为先、以创造客户价值为荣! 篇二:品牌故事 品牌故事 HANSNOE 是欧洲老牌的自行车生产企业,然而,制造自行车并不是HANSNOE全部历史。 HANSNOE的历史可以一直上溯到1868年,HANSNOE家族在法国蒙贝利亚建了第一家工厂,当时,以制造五金及农具为主。 1893年HANSNOE制造了第一辆自行车。从此,HANSNOE与自行车结下了渊緣。1895年HANSNOE 生产的自行车成为当时一种潮流,拥有一辆HANSNOE 自行车是社会名流的身份象征。之后一

百多年HANSNOE 一直默默耕耘;其生产的自行车已远销世界各地。 20XX年HANSNOE 进入中国市场,目的是为中国消费者带来欧洲顶级的自行车运动。 从此,骑行不只是一种运动,而是享受生活的一种方式。 HANSNOE 悍雪遵循的原则: 传承欧洲HANSNOE 百年制造工艺。 唤醒人们保护地球和自然资源的意识。 实践并树立可持续发展的典范,HANSNOE 悍雪,倡导一种和谐的生活方式,以唤醒人们对周围环境的关注和友善行为。 爱生活,爱骑行 HANSNOE 悍雪提倡:快节奏,轻生活 篇三:品牌故事 品牌故事 何谓“牛元”? “牛”象征着如山里人一样质朴,勤奋,踏实的工作作风。 “元”代表着创新,开端,以及价值。 “牛元”故事: 牛元的创始人王术生和王伟生,带着实现自我价值的梦想从恩施的十万大山中走出来,用自己的双手和智慧,开启了牛元的建材之路。在这条发展之路上,他们带领了一批又一批农民从大


用企业文化讲一个品牌故事 当何赛·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚突然间回到马孔多,这里的村民似乎一夜之间融入到 外部世界的新奇中。机器的轰鸣打破了乡村的宁静,浅丘正一座座被推平,露出红色的土壤,一条条笔直宽阔的大道在这里延伸。马尔克斯在《百年孤独》描绘了一场好梦的开始。 像何赛寻找文明世界的梦想一样,在现实中“梦”因人而异,符合他所要求的就是一 个好梦。“中国梦”是什么?这是多数国人的疑问。大多数人认同的“中国梦”既不能太远,也不能太近;既不能太具象,也不能虚无缥缈。更重要的是,既然是“中国梦”,就 必须符合中国人的文化和心理结构。这种梦想倘若对一个企业,一个品牌的文化形象而言,依然有着难以磨灭的印迹。 精致动力 品牌的核心价值是吸引消费者的利器,引发消费者的共鸣,所以改变思维,打造核心 就是建立一种象征,代表一种购买取向,引导消费者的想法和精神追求。让消费者产生认 同感,满足消费者的情感需求,也就拉近了品牌与消费者的距离,增强了消费者购买的理由。 英国皇室御用座驾、国宾车、文化代表、身份象征等等这些都是宾利汽车的专有名词,不过,当人们提起宾利,更多的还是会谈到它一脉相承的传统,那就是精湛的手工艺。 手工精制是宾利的传统,也是保证其贵族血统的重要原因。自从1931年以来,宾利 车至今仍在英国克鲁郡由经验丰富的工匠以手工拼装,这些工匠的造车手艺亦是代代相传,经千锤百炼令品质完美无瑕。 与现代化汽车生产流水线相比,宾利的克鲁郡厂房的生产线每分钟只移动6英寸,每 辆车要花上16至20星期才能完成。所谓慢工出细活,大部分造车工序均采用手工生产及 加工:从车体焊接、涂装,动力系统及传动系统组装,内装真皮缝制以及原木加工等等。 当你看到如此现代的汽车产品是由经验丰富的工匠们一点点焊接成,一颗颗螺丝扳起来, 一毫米一毫米地手工校正完成,就会明白为什么宾利会有“人生所追求的终级汽车品牌” 的美誉。 比如宾利车内饰选料之豪华,加装之精细,堪称全球汽车之冠,每一个细节都力臻完美。这当中最考究的莫过于手工缝制的真皮内饰以及木质饰板。内饰所用的皮料全部选用 斯堪的纳维亚半岛的牛皮,因为那里的牛是圈养,皮质细腻且没有瘢痕。通常一辆顶级四 门轿车消耗的牛皮就达27张,缝制工时超过150小时,仅方向盘蒙皮就需要一个熟练工 人花15个工时来缝制,而那些坐垫则由年轻女工们精心缝制。木质饰板加工的部份就更 有看头了,连木纹也要讲求对称。地毯也是用最顶级的手工编织羊毛地毯。


WeChat WeChat was created by tencent technology .It is an instant messaging and on-line chat app and can help people to simplify their communications.wechat is very famous in China ,we might even say everyone knows it. When you in the street, you can see people around you using wechat to talk with their friends. Wechat is a free applications.It can send voice message,pictures,GIF and text by mobile phone.Even your friends in foreign country,you can also use it to contact.The wechat have shorten the distance between people.Many chat soft can do those works,but why wechat is so popular?It has many specific functions: Social intercourse The wechat have “people Nearby”,it is a function that can search people arround you and know some information about them.When you find people who has same hobbies,then you can use wechat to build a new relationship.It can also enjoy group chat up to many people ,by the group everyone can puts forward their idea and solve some difficult problems.The we chat “Moments”supports to send videos and photograph ,by this way you can share you daily life with your friends,you can know you friends lives,too. On-line chat When we use wechat to chat on-line,we can use sticker gallery,such as
