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The 15th Zhejiang Provincial Collegiate Programming Contest

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Contest Section

April 29, 2018

Problem List

This problem set should contain 13 (thirteen) problems on 17 (seventeen) numbered pages. Please inform a runner immediately if something is missing from your problem set.

Prepared by Zhejiang University ACM/ICPC Problem Setter Team.

Problem A.Peak


A sequence of n integers a1,a2,...,a n is called a peak,if and only if there exists exactly one integer k such that1a i for all k

Given an integer sequence,please tell us if it’s a peak or not.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains an integer n(3≤n≤105),indicating the length of the sequence.

The second line contains n integers a1,a2,...,a n(1≤a i≤2×109),indicating the integer sequence. It’s guaranteed that the sum of n in all test cases won’t exceed106.


For each test case output one line.If the given integer sequence is a peak,output“Yes”(without quotes), otherwise output“No”(without quotes).


standard input standard output



15732 5

12121 4

1234 4

4321 3





12312Yes No No No Yes No No

Problem B.King of Karaoke


It’s Karaoke time!DreamGrid is performing the song Powder Snow in the game King of Karaoke.The song performed by DreamGrid can be considered as an integer sequence D1,D2,...,D n,and the standard version of the song can be considered as another integer sequence S1,S2,...,S n.The score is the number of integers i satisfying1≤i≤n and S i=D i.

As a good tuner,DreamGrid can choose an integer K(can be positive,0,or negative)as his tune and add K to every element in D.Can you help him maximize his score by choosing a proper tune? Input

There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains one integer n(1≤n≤105),indicating the length of the sequences D and S. The second line contains n integers D1,D2,...,D n(?105≤D i≤105),indicating the song performed by


The third line contains n integers S1,S2,...,S n(?105≤S i≤105),indicating the standard version of the song.

It’s guaranteed that at most5test cases have n>100.


For each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the maximum possible score. Example

standard input standard output






-5-4-3-2-1 543213 1


For the?rst sample test case,DreamGrid can choose K=1and changes D to{2,3,4,5}.

For the second sample test case,no matter which K DreamGrid chooses,he can only get at most1match.

Problem C.Magic12Months


It’s New Year’s Eve,and it’s also the best time of the year to play the card game Magic12Months to pray for good luck of the coming year.BaoBao has just found a deck of standard52playing cards(without Jokers)in his pocket and decides to play the game.The rules are as follows:


1.1.Remove the four‘K’s from the52cards.

1.2.Shu?e the remaining48cards and divide them face down into12piles(4cards per pile)with

equal probability.


2.1.Let p=1.

2.2.Flip the card on the top of the p-th pile,check its rank r,and discard the card.

2.3.If r is a number,let p=r;If r=‘A’,let p=1;If r=‘J’,let p=11;If r=‘Q’,let p=12.

2.4.If the p-th pile is empty,the game ends;Otherwise go back to step2.2.

When the game ends,having all the4cards of rank m?ipped and discarded indicates that the m-th month in the coming year is a lucky month.

BaoBao is in the middle of the game and has discarded n cards.He wants to know the probability that the i-th month of the coming year is a lucky month for all1≤i≤12when the game ends.Given these n cards,please help him calculate the answer.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of input contains an integer T(about100)–the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst and only line contains an integer n(0≤n≤48)–the number of?ipped cards,followed by the rank of the n cards r1,r2,...,r n(r i∈{A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q})separated by a space in the order they are?ipped.It’s guaranteed that the input describes a valid and possible situation of the game.


For each test case output one line containing12numbers separated by a space,where the i-th number indicates the probability that the i-th month of the coming year is a lucky month.

You should output a probability in its simplest fraction form A/B where A and B are coprime.Speci?cally, if the probability equals0,you should output0;If the probability equals1,you should output1. Please,DO NOT output extra spaces at the end of each line,or your answer may be considered incorrect! Example

standard input


309Q10J Q10J10J J85765767663A24A24244

72A3A4A A

standard output




Problem D.Sequence Swapping


BaoBao has just found a strange sequence{,,...,}of length n in his pocket. As you can see,each elementin the sequence is an ordered pair,where the?rst element s i in the pair is the left parenthesis‘(’or the right parenthesis‘)’,and the second element v i in the pair is an integer.

As BaoBao is bored,he decides to play with the sequence.At the beginning,BaoBao’s score is set to 0.Each time BaoBao can select an integer k,swap the k-th element and the(k+1)-th element in the sequence,and increase his score by(v k×v k+1),if and only if1≤k


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤103),indicating the length of the sequence.

The second line contains a string s(|s|=n)consisting of‘(’and‘)’.The i-th character in the string indicates s i,of which the meaning is described above.

The third line contains n integers v1,v2,...,v n(?103≤v i≤103).Their meanings are described above. It’s guaranteed that the sum of n of all test cases will not exceed104.


For each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the maximum possible score BaoBao can get.


standard input standard output




135-132 6


135-10032 3





-1-1-124 21 0 2


For the?rst sample test case,the optimal strategy is to select k=2,3,5,4in order. For the second sample test case,the optimal strategy is to select k=2,5in order.

Problem E.LIS


DreamGrid is learning the LIS(Longest Increasing Subsequence)problem and he needs to?nd the longest increasing subsequence of a given sequence a1,a2,...,a n of length n.

Recall that

?A subsequence b1,b2,...,b m of length m is a sequence satisfying b1=a k

1,b2=a k


,...,b m=a k



?An increasing subsequence b1,b2,...,b m is a subsequence satisfying b1

procedure lis_helper(a:original sequence)

{Let n be the length of the original sequence,

f(i)be the i-th element in sequence f,and a(i)

be the i-th element in sequence a}

for i:=1to n


for j:=1to(i–1)

if a(j)f(i)


return f{f is the helper sequence}

DreamGrid has derived the helper sequence using the program,but the original sequence a1,a2,...,a n is stolen by BaoBao and is lost!All DreamGrid has in hand now is the helper sequence and two range sequences l1,l2,...,l n and r1,r2,...,r n indicating that l i≤a i≤r i for all1≤i≤n.

Please help DreamGrid restore the original sequence which is compatible with the helper sequence and the two range sequences.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤105),indicating the length of the original sequence.

The second line contains n integers f1,f2,...,f n(1≤f i≤n)seperated by a space,indicating the helper sequence.

For the following n lines,the i-th line contains two integers l i and r i(0≤l i≤r i≤2×109),indicating the range sequences.

It’s guaranteed that the original sequence exists,and the sum of n of all test cases will not exceed5×105. Output

For each test case output one line containing n integers separated by a space,indicating the original sequence.If there are multiple valid answers,print any of them.

Please,DO NOT print extra spaces at the end of each line,or your solution may be considered incorrect!


standard input standard output



123243 05







12131 100200 200300 200400 400500 100500


1231142 03










23123253 200300200500200 0120031


Problem F.Now Loading!!!


DreamGrid has n integers a1,a2,...,a n.DreamGrid also has m queries,and each time he would like to

know the value of∑

1≤i≤n ?a


?log p a i?


for a given number p,where?x?=max{y∈Z|y≤x},?x?=min{y∈Z|y≥x}.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The?rst line contains two integers n and m(1≤n,m≤5×105)–the number of integers and the number of queries.

The second line contains n integers a1,a2,...,a n(2≤a i≤109).

The third line contains m integers p1,p2,...,p m(2≤p i≤109).

It is guaranteed that neither the sum of all n nor the sum of all m exceeds2×106.


For each test case,output an integer(m ∑


i·z i)mod109,where z i is the answer for the i-th query. Example

standard input standard output


32 100100010000 10010

45 2323223123123 123232423511366 45619

Problem G.JUMPin’JUMP UP!!!


Tired of solving mathematical equations,DreamGrid starts to solve equations related to strings:for two strings x and y with the same length consisting of lowercase English letters,calculate f(x,y,n),which is de?ned as the number of nonempty strings z consisting of lowercase English letters such that xz=zy and the length of z does not exceed n.

DreamGrid has two strings s=s1s2...s n and t=t1t2...t m.He would like to ask several questions about the value of f(t,s[x..(x+m?1)],y),where s[x..(x+m?1)]is the substring of s starting from s x with length m and y is a given number.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains three integers n and m and q(1≤n,m,q≤105,m≤n)–the length of s,the length of t and the number of questions.

The second line contains n lowercase English letters denoting the string s.The third line contains m lowercase English letters denoting the string t.

Each of the next q lines contains two integers x i and y i(1≤x i≤n+1?m,1≤y i≤1018)denoting the i-th question.

It is guaranteed that neither the sum of all n nor the sum of all q exceeds106.


For each question,output an integer denoting the answer.


standard input standard output

1 423 abcd ba

12 22 321 0 0

Problem H.Game on a Tree


BaoBao is playing a game on a rooted tree with n vertices and(n?1)weighted edges.At the beginning of the game,a chess piece is placed on the root of the tree,which is vertex1.

In each step,BaoBao can perform one of the four operations:

1.Move the chess piece along an edge from its current vertex to a child vertex.This operation will

cost BaoBao w units of value,where w is the weight of the edge.

2.Jump the chess piece back to vertex1.This operation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit of


3.Set a“save point”on the current vertex of the chess piece.If a save point has been set on some

other vertex before,the save point on the old vertex will be removed(so there will be at most one save point on the tree at the same time).This operation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit of value.

4.Jump the chess piece back to the save point(the save point must be set before this operation).This

operation is free and won’t cost BaoBao any unit of value.

The goal of the game is to visit every leaf vertex of the tree using the chess piece.Please help BaoBao calculate the minimum units of value he has to spend to achieve the goal.

Recall that a leaf vertex of a tree is a vertex with no child.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains one integer n(2≤n≤200),indicating the size of the tree.

The following(n?1)lines each contains three integers u i,v i and w i(1≤u i,v i≤n,1≤w i≤109), indicating an edge connecting vertex u i and vertex v i with weight w i in the tree.

It’s guaranteed that the given graph is a tree,and the sum of n over all test cases will not exceed2000. Output

For each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the minimum units of value BaoBao has to spend to achieve the goal.




standard output






The trees of the sample test cases are shown above.

For the ?rst sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,save on 2,go to 4,go to 5,back to save (2),go to 6,back to root (1),go to 3,save on 3,go to 7,back to save (3),go to 8.For the second sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,go to 3,save on 3,go to 4,back to save (3),go to 5,back to root (1),go to 2,go to 6,save on 6,go to 7,back to save (7),go to 8.

For the third sample test case,BaoBao should perform the following operations:go to 2,save on 2,go to 3,go to 4,back to save (2),go to 3,go to 5,back to save (2),go to 6,save on 6,go to 7,back to save (6),go to 8.

Problem I.Magic Points


Given an integer n ,we say a point (x,y )on a 2D plane is a magic point,if and only if both x and y are integers,and exactly one of the following conditions is satis?ed:


It’s easy to discover that there are 4n ?4magic points in total.These magic points are numbered from 0to 4n ?5in counter-clockwise order starting from (0,0).

DreamGrid can create n magic lines from these magic points.Each magic line passes through exactly two magic points but cannot be parallel to the line x =0or y =0(that is to say,the coordinate axes).The intersections of the magic lines are called dream points,and for some reason,DreamGrid would like to make as many dream points as possible.Can you tell him how to create these magic lines?


There are multiple test cases.The ?rst line of input contains an integer T (about 100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case,there is only one integer n (2≤n ≤1000).


For each case output 2n integers p 1,p 2,...,p 2n in one line separated by one space,indicating that in your answer,point p 2k ?1and point p 2k is connected by a line for all 1≤k ≤n .If there are multiple answers,you can print any of them.


standard input

standard output






The sample test cases are shown as follow:

Problem J.CONTINUE...?


DreamGrid has n classmates numbered from1to n.Some of them are boys and the others are girls.Each classmate has some gems,and more speci?cally,the i-th classmate has i gems.

DreamGrid would like to divide the classmates into four groups G1,G2,G3and G4such that:?Each classmate belongs to exactly one group.

?Both G1and G2consist only of girls.Both G3and G4consist only of boys.

?The total number of gems in G1and G3is equal to the total number of gems in G2and G4.

Your task is to help DreamGrid group his classmates so that the above conditions are satis?ed.Note that you are allowed to leave some groups empty.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of input is an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The?rst line contains an integer n(1≤n≤105)–the number of classmates.

The second line contains a string s(|s|=n)consisting of0and1.Let s i be the i-th character in the string s.If s i=1,the i-th classmate is a boy;If s i=0,the i-th classmate is a girl.

It is guaranteed that the sum of all n does not exceed106.


For each test case,output a string consists only of{1,2,3,4}.The i-th character in the string denotes the group which the i-th classmate belongs to.If there are multiple valid answers,you can print any of them;If there is no valid answer,output“-1”(without quotes)instead.


standard input standard output










7 1101001-1


314 1221 3413214

Problem K.Mahjong Sorting


DreamGrid has just found a set of Mahjong with3M suited tiles and a White Dragon tile in his pocket. Each suited tile has a suit(Character,Bamboo or Dot)and a rank(ranging from1to M),and there is exactly one tile of each rank and suit combination.

Character tiles whose rank ranges from1to9

Bamboo tiles whose rank ranges from1to9

Dot tiles whose rank ranges from1to9

White Dragon tile

As DreamGrid is bored,he decides to play with these tiles.He?rst selects one of the3M suited tiles as the“lucky tile”,then he picks N tiles from the set of(3M+1)tiles and sorts these N tiles with the following rules:

?The“lucky tile”,if contained in the N tiles,must be placed in the leftmost position.

?For two tiles A and B such that neither of them is the“lucky tile”,if

–A is a Character tile and B is a Bamboo tile,or

–A is a Character tile and B is a Dot tile,or

–A is a Bamboo tile and B is a Dot tile,or

–A and B have the same suit and the rank of A is smaller than the rank of B, then A must be placed to the left of B.

White Dragon tile is a special tile.If it’s contained in the N tiles,it’s considered as the original(not-lucky)version of the lucky tile during the sorting.For example,consider the following sorted tiles,where “3Character”is selected as the lucky tile.White Dragon tile,in this case,is considered to be the original not-lucky version of“3Character”and should be placed between“2Character”and“4Character”.

As DreamGrid is quite forgetful,he immediately forgets what the lucky tile is after the sorting!Given N sorted tiles,please tell DreamGrid the number of possible lucky tiles.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input contains an integer T,indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains two integers N and M(1≤N,M≤105,N≤3M+1),indicating the number of sorted tiles and the maximum rank of suited tiles.

For the next N lines,the i-th line describes the i-th sorted tile counting from left to right.The line begins with a capital letter s i(s i∈{C,B,D,W}),indicating the suit of the i-th tile:

?If s i=C,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Character tile with rank r i;

?If s i=B,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Bamboo tile with rank r i;

?If s i=D,then an integer r i(1≤r i≤M)follows,indicating that it’s a Dot tile with rank r i;

?If s i=W,then it’s a White Drangon tile.

It’s guaranteed that there exists at least one possible lucky tile,and the sum of N in all test cases doesn’t exceed106.


For each test case output one line containing one integer,indicating the number of possible lucky tiles. Example

standard input standard output


39 C2 W

C4 69 C2 C7 W

B3 B4 D2 3100 C2 W

C9 39 C1 B2 D32 4 7 25


For the?rst sample,“2Character”and“3Character”are possible lucky tiles.

For the second sample,“8Character”,“9Character”,“1Bamboo”and“2Bamboo”are possible lucky tiles.

Problem L.Doki Doki Literature Club


Doki Doki Literature Club!is a visual novel developed by Team Salvato.The protagonist is invited by his childhood friend,Sayori,to join their high school’s literature club.The protagonist then meets the other members of the club:Natsuki,Yuri,and the club president Monika.The protagonist starts to participate in the club’s activities such as writing and sharing poetry,and grows close to the four girls.What a lovely story!

A very important feature of the game is its poetry writing mechanism.The player is given a list of various words to select from that will make up his poem.Each girl in the Literature Club has di?erent word preferences,and will be very happy if the player’s poem is full of her favorite words.

The poem writing mini-game(from wikipedia)

BaoBao is a big fan of the game and likes Sayori the most,so he decides to write a poem to please Sayori.

A poem of m words s1,s2,...,s m is nothing more than a sequence of m strings,and the happiness of Sayori after reading the poem is calculated by the formula




(m?i+1)·f(s i)

where H is the happiness and f(s i)is Sayori’s preference to the word s i.

Given a list of n words and Sayori’s preference to each word,please help BaoBao select m words from the list and?nish the poem with these m words to maximize the happiness of Sayori.

Please note that each word can be used at most once!


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of input contains an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains two integers n and m(1≤m≤n≤100),indicating the number of words and the length of the poem.

For the following n lines,the i-th line contains a string consisting of lowercased English letters w i (1≤|w i|≤15)and an integer f(w i)(?109≤f(w i)≤109),indicating the i-th word and Sayori’s preference to this word.It’s guaranteed that w i=w j for all i=j.


For each test case output one line containing an integer H and m strings s1,s2,...,s m separated by one space,indicating the maximum possible happiness and the corresponding poem.If there are multiple poems which can achieve the maximum happiness,print the lexicographically smallest one.

Please,DO NOT output extra spaces at the end of each line,or your answer may be considered incorrect!

A sequence of m strings a1,a2,...,a m is lexicographically smaller than another sequence of m strings b1,b2,...,b m,if there exists a k(1≤k≤m)such that a i=b i for all1≤i

A string s1=a1a2...a x is lexicographically smaller than another string s2=b1b2...b y,if there exists a k(1≤k≤min(x,y))such that a i=b i for all1≤i


standard input standard output




world0 behind0





comes20 winter25



collegiate0 programming-5 zhejiang10 provincial5 contest-45








aaa12018if winter comes can spring be far behind

15zhejiang provincial collegiate programming contest 3bbbbb bcd

3a aa

Problem M.Lucky7


BaoBao has just found a positive integer sequence a1,a2,...,a n of length n from his left pocket and another positive integer b from his right pocket.As number7is BaoBao’s favorite number,he considers a positive integer x lucky if x is divisible by7.He now wants to select an integer a k from the sequence such that(a k+b)is lucky.Please tell him if it is possible.


There are multiple test cases.The?rst line of the input is an integer T(about100),indicating the number of test cases.For each test case:

The?rst line contains two integers n and b(1≤n,b≤100),indicating the length of the sequence and the positive integer in BaoBao’s right pocket.

The second line contains n positive integers a1,a2,...,a n(1≤a i≤100),indicating the sequence. Output

For each test case output one line.If there exists an integer a k such that a k∈{a1,a2,...,a n}and(a k+b) is lucky,output“Yes”(without quotes),otherwise output“No”(without quotes).


standard input standard output






52 25252 426 100124No Yes Yes Yes


For the?rst sample test case,as4+7=11,5+7=12and6+7=13are all not divisible by7,the answer is“No”.

For the second sample test case,BaoBao can select a7from the sequence to get7+7=14.As14is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.

For the third sample test case,BaoBao can select a5from the sequence to get5+2=7.As7is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.

For the fourth sample test case,BaoBao can select a100from the sequence to get100+26=126.As 126is divisible by7,the answer is“Yes”.


选择题部分 一、选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是() A.雕琢(zhuó)栖息(xī)游目骋怀(chěng) B.门槛(k?n)塑像(sù)锲而不舍(qì) C.筵席(yàn)谪居(zhé)舞榭歌台(xiè) D.徘徊(huái)袅娜(nuó)羽扇纶巾(guān) 【答案】D 【解析】本题主要考查字音辨析。字音重点考核多音字、形声字、形似字、音近字、方言、生僻字等,多音字注意据义定音,要找规律,结合词义、词性、运用场合等记忆。A 项,栖息(xī)——qī;B项,锲而不舍(qì)——qiè;C项,筵席(yàn)——yán。 2.下列各组词语没有错别字的一项是() A.敲诈沁园春完璧归赵 B.旋律醉醺醺一愁莫展 C.慷慨捉谜藏没精打采 D.修茸汗涔涔沧海桑田 【答案】A 【解析】B项,一愁莫展——一筹莫展:C项,捉谜藏——捉迷藏;D项,修茸——修茸。 本题主要考查字形辨析。相近字形的考核主要考核形近字和音近字,试题的内容有两字词语、三字熟语和成语,成语的考核是重点。汉字是音形义的结合体,辨析字形当然要从字音和字义上下功夫。主要的方法是:形辨法。形近字虽然字形相近,但却有细微的区别,这细微处就是辨析的关键。音辨法。有些形近但读音不同的字,可以通过读音的不同加以辨析。 3.下列句子中加点的词语运用不恰当的一项是()

A.我经常获得在家养状况下的变异的知识,虽然不完备,却能给研究提供最良好的和最 安全的指导。 B.我真想告诫所有长大了的男孩子,千万不要跟母亲来这套倔强,我已经懂了可我已经 来不及了。 C.胜者弹冠相庆,笑容灿烂;负者垂头丧气,神情落寞:体育带给人们的情感冲击直接 而强烈。 D.为了建设“美丽浙江”,我省各地因地制宜,真抓实干,迅速落实生活垃圾分类的各 项措施。 【答案】C 【解析】本题主要考查词语及成语的正确运用。成语的错误类型主要有内涵不明,感情色彩失当、对象错类和不合语法,考核的重点是望文生义、对象错配和褒贬失当。弹冠相庆:比喻一个人做了官或升了官,他的同伙因为将得到援引,有官可做,也互相祝贺。 后用来形容坏人得意。含贬义。感情色彩不当。 4.下列句子没有语病的一项是() A.霍金是一位杰出的科学家,也是一位与疾病顽强斗争的科学斗土,为科学为人类作出 了巨大贡献。 B.《2017微信数据报告》显示,截至2017年9月,微信支付的绑卡用户已经超过8亿 多人。 C.公共法律服务落实更加到位,体系不断完善,已经进入从“有形”向“有效”发展的 轨道。 D.围绕《湄公河行动》《战狼》红海行动》等电影制作播出为重要标志,中国大片已然 崛起。 【答案】A 【解析】本题主要考查病句辨析。先抓典型的语病标志,比如两面词、判断词、并列动词;然后压缩句子,保留主干,看是否残缺、是否搭配。B项,语意重复,“超过”“多” 去掉一个;C项,语序不当,应为“公共法律服务体系不断完善,服务更加到位”;D 项,句式杂糅,“围绕……”“以……为重要标志”杂糅。 5.依次填入下面横线处的句子,恰当的一项是() 据说,人若从山顶往下滑,;沙粒随人流动,又说,;。鸣沙山因此得名。 ①脚下的沙子会呜呜作响②轻风吹拂时,又似管弦丝竹


1. 已知集合{1,2}A =,{2,3}B =,则A B =( ) A. {1} B. {2} C. {1,2} D. {1,2,3} 答案: B 解答: 由集合{1,2}A =,集合{2,3}B =,得{2}A B =. 2. 函数2log (1)y x =+的定义域是( ) A. (1,)-+∞ B. [1,)-+∞ C. (0,)+∞ D. [0,)+∞ 答案: A 解答: ∵2log (1)y x =+,∴10x +>,1x >-,∴函数2log (1)y x =+的定义域是(1,)-+∞. 3. 设R α∈,则sin( )2πα-=( ) A. sin α B. sin α- C. cos α D. cos α- 答案: C 解答: 根据诱导公式可以得出sin()cos 2π αα-=. 4. 将一个球的半径扩大到原来的2倍,则它的体积扩大到原来的( )

B. 4倍 C. 6倍 D. 8倍 答案: D 解答: 设球原来的半径为r ,则扩大后的半径为2r ,球原来的体积为3 43 r π,球后来的体积为33 4(2)3233r r ππ=,球后来的体积与球原来的体积之比为3 3323843 r r ππ=. 5. 双曲线22 1169 x y -=的焦点坐标是( ) A. (5,0)-,(5,0) B. (0,5)-,(0,5) C. ( , D. (0, , 答案: A 解答: 因为4a =,3b =,所以5c =,所以焦点坐标为(5,0)-,(5,0). 6. 已知向量(,1)a x =,(2,3)b =-,若//a b ,则实数x 的值是( ) A. 23- B. 23 C. 32 - D. 32 答案: A 解答:


2018年浙江省初中毕业升学考试说明 数学 本《考试说明》依据教育部颁布的《义务教育数学课程标准》(2011版),结合我省初中数学教学实际制订而成。 (一)考试范围和要求 《义务教育数学课程标准》(2011年版)规定的内容标准中七?九年级的基本内容,涉及“数与代数”、“图形与几何”、“统计与概率”、“综合与实践”四个部分,详见考试目标。 (二)考试要求 数学考试着重考查七?九年级数学的基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验,以及发现问题,提出问题,分析问题,解决问题的能力。关注数感、符号意识、空间观念、几何直观、数据分析观念、运算能力、推理能力、模型思想、应用意识和创新意识等数学素养的考察。同时,结合具体情境考查对学生情感与价值观方面培养的效果,如对数学的兴趣和爱好;克服困难的意志和信心,认识数学的抽象、严谨、应用广泛的特点,体会数学的价值;认真勤奋、勇于质疑、敢于创新、独立思考、合作交流等学习习惯以及严谨求实的科学态度。 数学考试对知识与技能、过程与方法的掌握程度的要求从低到高分为三个层次,用“了解?经历”、“理解?体验”、“运用?探索”来界定,并依次用a、b、c表示,其含义如下: a——从具体实例中,知道或能举例说明对象的有关特征;根据对象的特征,从具体情境中辨认或者举例说明对象;在特定的数学活动中,获得一些感性认识。 b——描述对象的特征和由来;明确地阐述此对象与有关对象之间的区别和联系;参与特定的数学活动,主动认识或验证对象的特征,获得一些经验。 c——在理解的基础上,把对象运用到新的情境中;综合已掌握的对象,选择或创造适当的方法解决问题,独立或与他人合作参与特定的数学活动,理解或提出问题,寻求解决问题的思路,发现对象的某些特征或与其他对象的区别和联系,获得一定的理性认识。 (三)命题要求 数学学业考试命题应严格遵循教育部《义务教育数学课程标准》(2011年版)七?九年级的内容和要求: 1.重视对数学基础知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验的考查,考查内容尽可能全面并突出重点。注重通性通法,淡化特殊技巧。 2.适度考查数学应用意识和用数学观点分析、解决问题的能力。适当考查发现问题和提出问题的能力。试题设计力求体现时代要求、贴近生活实际,避免非数学本质的、似是而非的试题。 3.重视对学生过程的评价,设计适当的试题考查学生的数学观察能力和动手实践能力以及应用合情推理发现结论、应用演绎推理证明结论的能力。 4.试题的情境设计力求背景公平,试题的设问方式力求多样。可采用文字、符号、图形、图表等多种方式呈现试题条件,让学生通过阅读,理解其中的数量关系或图形的位置关系,经过适当的推理、判断或探索其中的规律解决相关问题。 5.试题的考查要求应有层次,要设计一定量适度综合、适度开放,以及有一定探索性的试题,使不同学习


1 全国初中数学竞赛试题及答案 考试时间:2018年4月1日上午9:30—11:30 一、选择题:(共5小题,每小题6分,满分30分.以下每小题均给出了代号为A ,B ,C ,D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的.请将正确选项的代号填入题后括号里.不填、多填或错填都得0分) 1.方程组?????=+=+6 12y x y x 的实数解的个数为( ) (A )1 (B )2 (C )3 (D )4 解:选(A )。当x ≥0时,则有y -|y|=6,无解;当x<0时,则y +|y|=18,解得:y=9,此时x=-3. 2.口袋中有20个球,其中白球9个,红球5个,黑球6个.现从中任取10个球,使得白球不少于2个但不多于8个,红球不少于2个,黑球不多于3个,那么上述取法的种数是( ) (A )14 (B )16 (C )18 (D )20 解:选(B )。只用考虑红球与黑球各有4种选择:红球(2,3,4,5),黑球(0,1,2,3)共4×4=16种 3.已知a 、b 、c 是三个互不相等的实数,且三个关于x 的一元二次方程02 =++c bx ax , 02 =++a cx bx ,02 =++b ax cx 恰有一个公共实数根,则ab c ca b bc a 2 22++的值为( ) (A )0 (B )1 (C )2 (D )3 解:选(D )。设这三条方程唯一公共实数根为t ,则20at bt c ++=,20bt ct a ++=,2 0ct at b ++= 三式相加得:2 ()(1)0a b c t t ++++=,因为210t t ++≠,所以有a+b+c=0,从而有3333a b c abc ++=, 所以 ab c ca b bc a 222++=333 a b c abc ++=33abc abc = 4.已知△ABC 为锐角三角形,⊙O 经过点B ,C ,且与边AB ,AC 分别相 交于点D ,E .若⊙O 的半径与△ADE 的外接圆的半径相等,则⊙O 一定经 过△ABC 的( ) (A )内心 (B )外心 (C )重心 (D )垂心 解:选(B )。如图△ADE 外接圆的圆心为点F ,由题意知:⊙O 与⊙F 且弧DmE =弧DnE ,所以∠EAB =∠ABE ,∠DAC =∠ACD , 即△ABE 与△ACD 都是等腰三角形。分别过点E ,F 作AB ,AC 相交于点H ,则点H 是△ABC 的外心。又因为∠KHD =∠ACD , 所以∠DHE+∠ACD =∠DHE+∠KHD =180°,即点H ,D ,C ,E 在同一个圆上, 也即点H 在⊙O 上,因而⊙O 经过△ABC 的外心。 5.方程2563 2 3 +-=++y y x x x 的整数解x (,)y 的个数是( ) (A )0 (B )1 (C )3 (D )无穷多 解:选(A )。原方程可变形为:x(x+1)(x+2)+3x(x+1)=y(y-1)(y+1)+2,左边是6的倍数,而右边不是6的倍数。


绝密★考试结束前 2018年6月浙江省普通高校招生学考科目考试 历史试题 姓名:准考证号: 本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共6页,满分70分,考试时间60分钟。 考生注意: 1.答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在试退卷和答题纸规定的位置上。 2.答题时,请按照答题纸上“注意事项”的要求,在答题纸相应的位置上规范作答.在试题卷上的作答一律无效。 3.非选择题的答案必须使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔写在答题纸上相应区域内作图时。先使用2B铅笔,确定后必须使用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔描黑,答案写在本试题卷上无效 选择题部分 一、选择题(本大题共25小题。每小题2分,共50分。每小题列出的四个各选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.根据甲骨卜辞,商朝的最高统治者称玉.天上的至上神则称为帝。王每每出师征讨,必先卜帝是否授佑。这反映中国早期政治制度的特点是 A.神权与王权相结合 B.以血缘关系为纽带形成国家政治结构 C.皇权受到很大限制 D.最高执政集团未实现权力的高度集中 2.有学者说.春秋战国时期出现了一种“希望人类回归朴索和安 宁,与宇宙及他人都保持和谐,维持人类生存永恒”的新思想。 这种新思想的代表人物有 A.孔子、孟子 B.老子、庄子 C.墨子、庄子 D.荀子、韩非子 3.右图为中国古代一幅著名书法作品,其字体的特征是 A.平衡对称,整齐安定 B.工整清晰,飞酒活泼 C.笔画圆匀,富于图案美 D.奔放跃动,极富写意性 4.某学校拟组织一次以“浙江古代文明成果”为主题的图片展。 下列素材可以入选的有 ①越窑的青瓷②大邑的白瓷 ③钱山漾的绢片④马王堆的素纱禅衣 A.①③ B.②③ C.①④D,②④ 5.一个类似桌面的大轮盘,分为若干格.活字字模按韵排列在格内。排版时,两人合作,一人读稿,一人转动字盘,取出所需的字模,排入版内。印刷完毕后,将字模还原放入格内,既省时又方便。此项技术的发明者是


中考数学试卷 一、选择题:(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分,请选出一个符号题意的正确的选项填涂在答题纸上,不选、多选、错选均不给分) 1.(2012?衢州)下列四个数中,最小的数是() A.2B.﹣2C.0D.﹣ 2.(2012?衢州)衢州市是国家优秀旅游城市,吸引了众多的海内外游客.据衢州市2011年国民经济和社会发展统计报显示,全年旅游总收入达121.04亿元.将121.04亿元用科学记数法可表示为() A.12.104×109元B.12.104×1010元C.1.2104×1010元D.1.2104×1011元 3.(2012?衢州)下列计算正确的是() A.2a2+a2=3a4B.a6÷a2=a3C.a6?a2=a12D.(﹣a6)2=a12 4.(2012?衢州)函数的自变量x的取值范围在数轴上可表示为()A.B.C. D. 5.(2012?衢州)某中学篮球队13名队员的年龄情况如下: 年龄(单位:岁)15 16 17 18 人数 3 4 5 1 则这个队队员年龄的中位数是() A.15.5B.16C.16.5D.17 6.(2012?衢州)如图,点A、B、C在⊙O上,∠ACB=30°,则sin∠AOB 的值是() A.B.C.D. 7.(2012?衢州)下列调查方式,你认为最合适的是()

A.日光灯管厂要检测一批灯管的使用寿命,采用普查方式B.了解衢州市每天的流动人口数,采用抽查方式C.了解衢州市居民日平均用水量,采用普查方式D.旅客上飞机前的安检,采用抽样调查方式 8.(2012?衢州)长方体的主视图、俯视图如图所示,则其左视图面积为() A.3B.4C.12D.16 9.(2012?衢州)用圆心角为120°,半径为6cm的扇形纸片卷成一个圆锥形无底纸帽(如图所示),则这个纸帽的高是() A.cm B.3cm C.4cm D.4cm 10.(2012?衢州)已知二次函数y=﹣x2﹣7x+,若自变量x分别取x1,x2,x3,且0< x1<x2<x3,则对应的函数值y1,y2,y3的大小关系正确的是() A.y1>y2>y3B.y1<y2<y3C.y2>y3>y1D.y2<y3<y1 二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分,把答案填在答题纸上.11.(2012?衢州)不等式2x﹣1>x的解是_________. 12.(2012?衢州)试写出图象位于第二、四象限的一个反比例函数的解析式_________. 13.(2012?衢州)如图,“石头、剪刀、布”是民间广为流传的游戏,游戏时,双方每次任意出“石头”、“剪刀”、“布”这三种手势中的一种,那么双方出现相同手势的概率P= _________.


2018年4月浙江省普通高校招生选考科目考试 化学试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Li 7 Be 9 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 Si 28 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40 Fe 56 Cu 64 Ag 108 Ba 137 选择题部分 一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有 一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列属于酸的是 A .HNO 3 B .CaCO 3 C .CO 2 D .NaOH 2.下列仪器名称为“漏斗”的是 A . B C . D . 3.下列属于电解质的是 A .氯化钠 B .蔗糖 C .氯气 D .铁 4.下列物质溶于水后溶液显酸性的是 A .KCl B .Na 2O C .NH 4Cl D .CH 3COONa 5.下列属于物理变化的是 A .煤的气化 B .天然气的燃烧 C .烃的裂解 D .石油的分馏 6.下列说法不正确...的是 A .纯碱可用于去除物品表面的油污 B .二氧化碳可用作镁燃烧的灭火剂 C .植物秸秆可用于制造酒精 D .氢氧化铁胶体可用作净水剂 7.下列变化过程中,加入氧化剂才能实现的是 A .Cl 2→Cl ˉ B .I ˉ→I 2 C .SO 2→SO 2ˉ3 D .CuO →Cu 8.下列表示正确的是 A .硫原子结构示意图 B .乙炔的结构简式CHCH C .乙烯的球棍模型 D .NaCl 的电子式Na ??Cl ????? ? 9.下列反应中能产生二氧化硫的是 A .氧化铜和稀硫酸反应 B .亚硫酸钠和氧气反应 C .三氧化硫和水反应 D .铜和热的浓硫酸反应 10.下列操作或试剂的选择不.合理.. 的是 A .可用蒸发结晶的方法从碘水中提取碘单质 B .可用灼烧法除去氧化铜中混有的铜粉 C .可用硫酸鉴别碳酸钠、硅酸钠和硫酸钠 D .可用含氢氧化钠的氢氧化铜悬浊液鉴别乙醇、乙醛和乙酸 11.下列说法正确的是 8 8 +16 2


2018年全国高中数学联赛竞赛 一、填空题:本大题共8小题,每小题8分,满分64分。 1.设集合{1,2,3,99}A =…,{2|},{|2}B x x A C x x A =∈=∈,则B C I 的元素个数为______. 2.设点P 到平面α Q 在平面α上,使得直线PQ 与α所成角不小于30?且不大于60?,则这样的点Q 所构成的区域的面积为______. 3.将1,2,3,4,5,6随机排成一行,记为,,,,,a b c d e f ,则abc def +是偶数的概率为______. 4.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,椭圆22 22:1(0)x y C a b a b +=>>的左、右焦点分别是12F F 、,椭圆C 的弦ST 与UV 分别平行于x 轴与y 轴,且相交于点P 。已知线段,,,PU PS PV PT 的长分别为1,2,3,6,则12PF F ?的面积为______. 5.设()f x 是定义在R 上的以2为周期的偶函数,在区间[0,1]上严格递减,且满足()1,(2)2f f ππ==,则不等式组121()2x f x ≤≤??≤≤? 的解集为______. 6.设复数z 满足||1z =,使得关于x 的方程2220zx zx ++=有实根,则这样的复数z 的和为______. 7.设O 为ABC ?的外心,若2AO AB AC =+u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则sin BAC ∠的值为______. 8.设整数数列1210,,,a a a …满足1012853,2a a a a a =+=,且 1{1,2},1,2,,9i i i a a a i +∈++=…, 则这样的数列的个数为______。 二、解答题:本大题共3小题,满分56分。解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。 9.(本题满分16分)已知定义在R + 上的函数()f x 为 3|log 1|,09,()49x x f x x -<≤??=?->?? 设,,a b c 是三个互不相同的实数,满足()()()f a f b f c ==,求abc 的取值范围。 10.(本题满分20分)已知实数列123,,,a a a …满足:对任意正整数n ,有(2)1n n n a S a -=,其中n S 表示数列的前n 项和。证明: 1)对任意正整数n ,有n a < 2)对任意正整数n ,有11n n a a +<。 11.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,设AB 是抛物线2 4y x =的过点(1,0)F 的弦,AOB ?的外接圆交抛物线于点P (不同于点,,O A B )。若PF 平分APB ∠,求||PF 的所有可能值。 加试(A 卷) 一、(本题满分40分)设n 是正整数,1212,,,,,,,n n a a a b b b ?…,,A B 均为正实数,满足 ,,1,2,,i i i a b a A i n ≤≤=…,且 1212n n b b b B a a a A ≤……。 二、(本题满分40分)如图,ABC ?为锐角三角形,AB AC <,M 为BC 边的中点,点D 和E 分别为 ABC ?的外接圆?BAC 和?BC 的中点,F 为ABC ?的内切圆在AB 边上的切点,G 为AE 与BC 的交点,N 在线段EF 上,满足NB AB ⊥。 证明:若BN EM =,则DF FG ⊥。(答题时请将图画在答卷纸上)

2018年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试说明 语文

2018年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试说明 语文 本《考试说明》以教育部颁布的《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(2011年版)为依据,面向浙江省全体学生,综合检测初中毕业生在语文学科学习目标方面达到的水平,以利于提升学生在语言、思维、审美和文化等方面的素养,培养其创新意识、探究精神和语文实践能力。 一、考试范围和要求 (一)考试范围 以《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(2011年版)所规定的7~9年级学段所应达到的阶段目标为依据,分语文知识积累、现代文阅读、古诗词阅读、写作四部分。其中汉子积累以《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(2011年版)附录5《义务教育语文课程标准常用字表》为主要考试范围;古诗词名句积累以现用教科书的古诗词篇目(含教科书附录)为主要考试范围,古文名句积累以《优秀古文备用推荐篇目》(《说明》附录1)为主要考试范围,可适当增加《浙江省中小学(幼儿园)经典诵读篇目》(《说明》附录2)的内容;常用文言词语积累以《初中文言文常用词语表》(《说明》附录3)为主要考试范围;文学常识以《初中重要作家作品知识》(《说明》附录4)为主要考试范围;名著阅读以《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(2011年版)附录2《关于课外读物的建议》为主要考试范围,可适当增加《初中生名著阅读推荐书目》(《说明》附录5)的作品;现代文阅读考查采用难度适宜的课外阅读材料;古诗文阅读考查采用浅易的课外阅读材料。 (二)考试要求 主要考查学生的语文知识积累、现代文阅读能力、古诗文阅读能力和写作能力。在语文知识积累中,考查学生语言文字、文学常识和文化知识的积累情况;在阅读中,考查学生的筛选、推断、整合、赏析、评价等能力;在写作中,考查学生运用语言文字解决生活实际问题的能力,以及对自然、社会、生活中的具体现象或问题的感受、思考和评析能力。 对考查内容掌握程度的要求:从低到高分为三个层次,分别以字母a、b、c、d表示。


2018年6月浙江省学业水平考试 语文试题 2018年6月一、选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要 求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是 A.间.或(jiān) 赊.账(shē) 翩.翩起舞(piān) B.提供.(gōng) 芜.杂(Wú) 蜗.角虚名(Wō) C.惊愕.(è) 蝉蜕.(tuō) 百无聊赖.(lài) D.草窠.(kē) 咀嚼.(jué) 沁.人心脾(qìng) 2.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是 A.家长引导孩子过“六一”节时要重内涵、轻形式,淡化“礼物情节”。 B.综艺节目可以插科打诨,但不能娱乐至上,助涨艺术创作的浮躁风气。 C.为减少误判,“视频助理裁判”首次亮相2018年俄罗斯世界杯绿荫场。 D.处在互联网时代的乌镇奏出了一曲曲古韵与现代科技相融合的新声。 3.下列句子中加点的词语运用不恰当的一项是 A.中国农业博物馆举办了一场大规模的别有洞天 ....的二十四节气摄影展。 B.《魅力中国城》以详实的内容、生动的画面呈现 ..了欣欣向荣的时代景象。 C.仅.凭主人语言控制,智能家电就可完成点播歌曲、电影,甚至聊天等任务。 D.2020年北京冬奥会的成功申办,为中国冰雪运动发展带来千载难逢 ....的机遇。 4.下列句子没有语病的一项是 A.走好“绿色发展”之路,取决于政府是否具有开阔的视野和进取的精神。 B.中日防灾减灾论坛吸引了约240名左右嘉宾,大家就关心的话题展开交流。 C.根据第一财经商业数据中心发布的报告显示,中国“共享出行”领先于世界。 D.浙江省推出的“最多跑一次”改革,以“便利群众”为出发点和落脚点。 5.在下列不同场合,表达得体的一项是 A.运动会上,有同学鼓励室友:“加油!你是最棒的!” B.王小乐在“个人述职”结束时,说:“感谢聆听!” C.看望老师后,老师送你到门口。你说:“恕不远送!”


2018年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试(嘉兴卷) 英语试题卷 考生须知: 1.本试题卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分三请考生使用规定用笔,将所有试 题的答案涂二写在答题纸上三做在试题卷上无效三 2.全卷共8页,6大题三满分为90分三考试时间为100分钟三 温馨提示:答题前请仔细阅读答题纸上的 注意事项 三 卷一 说明:本卷共有两大题,30小题,满分45分三 一二完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案三 Ih a v ef i v ec h i l d r e n,s oo u rh o u s e i sa l w a y sn o i s y. 1 ,I l o v e g a r d e n i n g a n d m y g a r d e nh e l p sm e r e l a x. F o r a l o n g t i m e,I 2 t h e g a r d e no f p e a c e a n d q u i e t.W h e n t h e c h i l d r e n f o l l o w e dm e i n t o t h e g a r d e n,Iw o u l d e x p e c t 3 t ob e o u t o f s i g h t.A n d Iw o u l dh a n do u t t a s k s. H e r e:y o u4 t h e o n i o n s,y o ud i g t h e h o l e s,a n d... S o o n t h e y w o u l db e 5o r t h e i r a r m sw o u l db e s o r e(酸痛的),a n d t h e y w o u l d l e a v em e t om y s e l f. B u t d u r i n g ar e c e n t s p r i n g, 6 Iw a sw o r k i n g i nt h e g a r d e n,m y13-y e a r-o l ds o n, J o s i a hn o t i c e dm e.H e 7a t o o l a n db e g a nh e l p i n g.W o r k i n g a s a t e a m,w e f i n i s h e d t h e j o b i nn o t i m e a t a l l.I 8J o s i a h,r e a l i s i n g t h a t I d e n j o y e dw o r k i n g w i t hh i m. T h e s a m et h i n g h a p p e n e d o n eo rt w oo ft h e 9 w o u l da p p e a ra n d j o i ni nt h e g a r d e n i n g f r o mt i m et ot i m e.E a c ht i m e,Iw o u l df e e l 10 t h a t t h e w o r k w a s l i g h t e r b e c a u s e o f t h e i r h e l p. O n e d a y,w h e n Iw a s p i c k i n g t h e p e a s(豌豆)a n dh a v i n g a t a s t e11,A b b y s a w m e a n d r a no v e r.I p u t s e v e r a l p e a s i n t oh e rm o u t h.S h e j u s t l o v e dh o w12 t h e y w e r e. M a m a,Iw a n t t h e o t h e r s t o t r y t h e mt o o. S u d d e n l y,I r e a l i s e d I h a d b e e nw r o n g f o r l o n g.I d t r i e d t o k e e p t h e 13o f g a r d e n i n g t om y s e l f,a n d h e r ew a s a c h i l dw h o c o u l d n tw a i t t o 14w i t h o t h e r s. S u r e,h o n e y,l e t s p i c ks o m e.W e l lm a k e aw o n d e r f u l s u p p e r. N o wI e n j o y a l l o f t h e g a r d e n sb e a u t i e sw i t ht h ec h i l d r e n.W eb r i n g t h e15b a c k h o m e,p r e p a r i n g a n dc o o k i n g t h e p r o d u c et o g e t h e r,b e c a u s e w ek n o wt h a te v e r y t h i n g i s b e t t e rw h e n s h a r e d. 1.A.F i n a l l y B.Q u i c k l y C.L u c k i l y D.I mm e d i a t e l y 2.A.p a i n t e d B.g u a r d e d C.r e f u s e d D.d e s c r i b e d 3.A.i t B.h i m C.h e r D.t h e m 4.A.w a t e r B.e a t C.s e l l D.c o o k 英语试题卷(J X)第1页(共8页)


2018年4月浙江省普通高校招生选考化学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分.每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.(2分)下列属于酸的是() A.HNO3B.CaCO3C.CO2D.NaOH 2.(2分)下列仪器名称为“漏斗”的是() A.B.C.D. 3.(2分)下列属于电解质的是() A.氯化钠B.蔗糖C.氯气D.铁 4.(2分)下列物质溶于水后溶液显酸性的是() A.KCl B.Na2O C.NH4Cl D.CH3COONa 5.(2分)下列属于物理变化的是() A.煤的气化B.天然气的燃烧C.烃的裂解D.石油的分馏 6.(2分)下列说法不正确的是() A.纯碱可用于去除物品表面的油污 B.二氧化碳可用作镁燃烧的灭火剂 C.植物秸秆可用于制造酒精 D.氢氧化铁胶体可用作净水剂 7.(2分)下列变化过程中,加人氧化剂才能实现的是() A.Cl2→Cl﹣B.I﹣→I2C.SO2→SO32﹣D.CuO→Cu 8.(2分)下到表示正确的是() A.硫原子结构示意图B.乙炔的结构简式CHCH

C.乙烯的球棍模型D.NaCl的电子式 9.(2分)下列反应中能产生二氧化硫的是() A.氧化铜和稀硫酸反应B.亚硫酸钠和氧气反应 C.三氧化硫和水反应D.铜和热的浓硫酸反应 10.(2分)下列操作或试剂的选择不合理的是() A.可用蒸发结晶的方法从碘水中提取碘单质 B.可用灼烧法除去氧化铜中混有的铜粉 C.可用硫酸鉴别碳酸钠、硅酸钠和硫酸钠 D.可用含氢氧化钠的氢氧化铜悬浊液鉴别乙醇、乙醛和乙酸 11.(2分)下列说法正确的是() A.的名称为3一甲基丁烷 B.CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3和互为同素异形体 C.和为同一物质 D.CH3CH2OH和具有相同的官能团,互为同系物 12.(2分)四种短周期元素X、Y、Z和W在周期表中的位置如表所示,原子序数之和为48.下列说法不正确的是() A.原子半径(r)大小比较r(X)>r(Y) B.X和W可形成共价化合物XW3 C.W的非金属性比Z的强,所以W氢化物的沸点比Z的高 D.Z的最低价单核阴离子的失电子能力比Y的强

浙江省2018年6月学业水平考试语文试题 Word版含答案

2018年6月学业水平考试语文试题和参考答案 一、选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题3分,共48分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个 是符合题目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 1.下列加点字的读音全都正确的一项是 A.间.或(jiān) 赊.账(shē) 翩.翩起舞(piān) B.提供.(gōng) 芜.杂(Wú) 蜗.角虚名(Wō) C.惊愕.(è) 蝉蜕.(tuō) 百无聊赖.(lài) D.草窠.(kē) 咀嚼.(jué) 沁.人心脾(qìng) 2.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是 A.家长引导孩子过“六一”节时要重内涵、轻形式,淡化“礼物情节”。 B.综艺节目可以插科打诨,但不能娱乐至上,助涨艺术创作的浮躁风气。 C.为减少误判,“视频助理裁判”首次亮相2018年俄罗斯世界杯绿荫场。 D.处在互联网时代的乌镇奏出了一曲曲古韵与现代科技相融合的新声。 3.下列句子中加点的词语运用不恰当的一项是 A.中国农业博物馆举办了一场大规模的别有洞天 ....的二十四节气摄影展。 B.《魅力中国城》以详实的内容、生动的画面呈现 ..了欣欣向荣的时代景象。 C.仅.凭主人语言控制,智能家电就可完成点播歌曲、电影,甚至聊天等任务。 D.2020年北京冬奥会的成功申办,为中国冰雪运动发展带来千载难逢 ....的机遇。 4.下列句子没有语病的一项是 A.走好“绿色发展”之路,取决于政府是否具有开阔的视野和进取的精神。 B.中日防灾减灾论坛吸引了约240名左右嘉宾,大家就关心的话题展开交流。 C.根据第一财经商业数据中心发布的报告显示,中国“共享出行”领先于世界。 D.浙江省推出的“最多跑一次”改革,以“便利群众”为出发点和落脚点。 5.在下列不同场合,表达得体的一项是 A.运动会上,有同学鼓励室友:“加油!你是最棒的!” B.王小乐在“个人述职”结束时,说:“感谢聆听!” C.看望老师后,老师送你到门口。你说:“恕不远送!” D.辩论会上,正方对反方说:“你这样胡搅蛮缠,就不够意思了……” 6.下列诗句运用的修辞手法,判断有误的一项是 A.我亦且如常日醉,莫教弦管作离声。(比喻)


2018 年绍兴市初中毕业生学业考试 数学试题卷 卷Ⅰ(选择题) 一、选择题(本大题有 10 小题,每小题 4 分,共 40 分.请选出每小题中一个最 符合题意的选项,不选、多选、错选,均不给分) 1.如果向东走 2 m 记为 2 m ,则向西走 3 m 可记为( ) A . 3m B . 2 m C . 3 m D . 2m 2.绿水青山就是金山银山,为了创造良好的生态生活环境,浙江省 2017 年清理河湖库塘淤 泥约 116000000 方,数字 116000000 用科学记数法可以表示为( ) A . 1.16 10 9 8 7 9 3.有 6 个相同的立方体搭成的几何体如图所示,则它的主视图是( ) A . B . C . D . 4.抛掷一枚质地均匀的立方体骰子一次,骰子的六个面上分别标有数字1,2,3,4,5,6, 则朝上一面的数字为 2 的概率是( ) A . 1 1 1 5 B . C . D . 6 3 2 6 5.下面是一位同学做的四道题:① (a b)2 a 2 b 2 .② ( 2a 2 )2 4a 4 .③ a 5 a 3 a 2 . ④ a 3 a 4 a 12 .其中做对的一道题的序号是( ) A .① B .② C .③ D .④ 6.如图,一个函数的图象由射线 B A 、线段 B C 、射线 C D 组成,其中点 A ( 1,2), B (1,3), C (2,1), D (6,5),则此函数( ) B .1.16 10 C .1.16 10 D . 0.116 10

2018年全国各省高中数学竞赛预赛试题汇编(含答案) 精品

2018各省数学竞赛汇集 2018高中数学联赛江苏赛区初赛试卷 一、填空题(70分) 1、当[3,3]x ∈-时,函数 3()|3|f x x x =-的最大值为__18___. 2、在ABC ?中,已知12,4,AC BC AC BA ?=?=-则AC =___4____. 3、从集合 {}3,4,5,6,7,8中随机选取3个不同的数,这3个数可以构成等差数列的概率为 _____ 3 10 _______. 4、已知a 是实数,方程2 (4)40x i x ai ++++=的一个实根是b (i 是虚部单位) ,则 ||a bi +的值为_____5、在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,双曲线:C 22 1124 x y -=的右焦点为F ,一条过原点O 且 倾斜角为锐角的直线l 与双曲线C 交于,A B 两点.若FAB ?的面积为,则直线的斜 率为___1 2 ____. 6、已知a 是正实数,lg a k a =的取值范围是___[1,)+∞_____. 7、在四面体ABCD 中,5AB AC AD DB ====,3BC =,4CD =该四面体的 体积为_____8 、 已 知 等 差 数 列 {} n a 和等比数列 {} n b 满足: 11223,7,a b a b +=+=334415,35,a b a b +=+=则n n a b +=___132n n -+___. (* n N ∈) 9、将27,37,47,48,557175, ,这7个数排成一列,使任意连续4个数的和为3的倍数,则这样的排列有___144_____种. 10、三角形的周长为31,三边,,a b c 均为整数,且a b c ≤≤,则满足条件的三元数组 (,,)a b c 的个数为__24___.


2018年6月学业水平考试试题思想政治 一、判断题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。判断下列说法是否正确,正确的请将答题纸相应题号后的T涂黑,错误的请将答題纸相应题号后的F涂黑) 1.“物以稀为贵”和“货多不值钱”两种现象都反映了供求关系对价格的影响。 2.生产要素按贡献参与分配有利于让一切创造社会财富的源泉充分涌流,缩小收入差距 3.在利益的驱动下,经营者往往会哄而上、一哄而下,反映了市场调节的滞后性。 4.言论自由不等于自由言论,这意味着公民参与政治生活时要坚持权利与义务统一。 5.政府为公民提供多种求助或投诉途径,坚持了便民利民的工作态度。 6.“国无常俗,教则移风”从一个侧面说明了教育具有选择、传递、创造文化的功能。 7.保障人民基本文化权益,需要推动文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业。 8.“静即含动,动不舍静”是运动与静止辩证统一的生动写照。 9.真理永远不会停止前进的步伐,它在发展中不断地超越自身。 10.吐故纳新既体现联系又体现发展,是新事物产生和旧事物灭亡的根本途径。 二、选择题(本大题共22小题,每小题2分,共44分。每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合題目要求的,不选、多选、错选均不得分) 11.小王生日当天,妈妈花98元买了一个蛋糕。这里货币执行的职能是 A.价值尺度 B.流通手段 C.支付手段 D.贮藏手段 12.改革开放40年来,我国居民消费发生了天翻地覆的变化,也带来了不同消费观念的碰撞。对此,我们应坚持 ①量入为出,适度消费②避免盲从,理性消费③保护环境,绿色消费④勤俭节约,紧缩消费 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ 13.从2015-2017年浙江省全省居民人均可支配收人、人均生活消费支出及其增长情况表中我们可以看出 注:数据来自2015年、2016年和2017年《浙江省国民经济和社会发展统计公报》,其中居民人均可支配收入增长率和人均消费支出增长奉均为扣除价格因素后的数据 ①人们消费水平提高的根本原因是收入增加 ②社会总体消费水平提高得益于收入差距缩小 ③人们可支配收入越多,消费支出和对也越多 ④收入增长较快的时期,消费增长般也较快 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 14.从2018年5月1日起,我国下调制造业、交通运输业、建筑业等行业增值税税率,减轻企业税负,鼓励企业加大研发投入、推进技术改造。这主要是为了 A.增加财政收入 B.调节个人收入分配 C.防止偷税漏税 D.促进经济转型升级 15.2017年我国对外开放推向纵深,开放型经济水平进一步提高。下列数据反映我国实施“走出去”战略的是 A.全年货物出口153321亿元 B.全年货物进口124602亿元 C.全年对外直接投资额8108亿元 D.全年实际使用外商直接投资金额8776亿元


2018年浙江省初中毕业生学业考试(台州市卷) 语 文 温馨提示: 1.本试卷8页,共五大题,26小题。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。请用 钢笔或圆珠笔直接在试卷相应的位置上书写答案。 2.请在试卷密封区内规定的地方填写县(市、区)、学校、姓名和准考证号。 一、书写(5分) 1 2 二、语文知识积累与运用(303.根据拼音,在横线上写出汉字。(4分) 读过书的睡眠,睡得很香(ti án ) 。摆脱了世俗纷 扰的纠缠,沉浸于书中描(huì) 的世界,带着对美好事 物的(ch ōn ɡ) 憬,酣然入睡。枕边书本油墨的清香,隐隐地(pi āo ) 入鼻端,梦里也有了书的香气。 4.根据语境,依次填写词语最恰当的一项是( )。(3分) 唐诗宋词是一座巍巍丰碑。在这里,你能找到“大江东去”的豪放,也能找 到“人比黄花瘦”的婉约;能听到“磨损胸中万古刀”的愤懑呐喊,也能听到“杨 柳岸,晓风残月”的浅吟低唱。在这里,有 ▲ 的报国志,也有 ▲ 的故乡 情;有 ▲ 的江南春景,也有独上西楼的凄清秋色……它们共同托起的是中国 文学史上的一座珠穆朗玛。 A .窗前明月 怒发冲冠 草长莺飞 B .怒发冲冠 窗前明月 草长莺飞 C .怒发冲冠 草长莺飞 窗前明月 D .草长莺飞 窗前明月 怒发冲冠 5.默写。(8分) (1)知之为知之, ,是知也。(《论语·为政》)

(7)周敦颐喜莲,写《爱莲说》,为的是“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”的高洁;陆游重梅,吟《卜算子·咏梅》,为的是 “,”的坚贞。 6.下文中二个划线的句子各有一处语病,请你按照要求进行修改。(2分)我爱读陶渊明的《桃花源记》。当读到“芳草鲜美,落英缤纷”、“黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐”等句子的时候,①我仿佛觉得周围的空气里充满弥漫着桃花的芬芳,耳畔似乎萦绕着老人孩子的欢声笑语,②我心中产生了到“桃花源”一游。 (1)第①句重复累赘,应删去的一个词语是: (2)第②句成分残缺,修改后的正确句子是: 7.下面是为北京奥运会拟写的对联,要补全下联,你觉得最恰当 ...的是()。(3分) 上联:奥林滴翠,翠鸟如云,祥云霭霭鸟巢绕; 下联:京印流丹,▲。 A.似火丹心,熊熊圣火心地燃。 B.丹心似火,熊熊圣火心地燃。 C.丹心似火,圣火熊熊心地燃。 D.似火丹心,圣火熊熊心地燃。 8.班里开展“书林漫步”的读书活动,下面是其中的几个环节,请逐一完成相关任务。(10分) (1)牵线搭桥理情节 请将下面《骆驼祥子》中几个关于祥子的事件按情节发展的顺序排列(只写序号)。(2分) ①无奈娶虎妞②洋车被兵抢③贱价卖骆驼 正确排序:()(③)() (2)寻章摘句说人物 请你任选一题 ....,按照要求作答。(3分)