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第16章电子商务英语文章选读497 16.1 Introduction to Electronic Commerce

16.2 Technology Infrastructure:The Internet and the World Wide


16.3Selling on the Web:Revenue Models and Building a Web


16.4 Marketing on the Web

16.5 Business-to-Business Strategies:From Electronic Data

Interchange to Electronic Commerce

16.6 Web Auctions,Virtual Communities,and Web Portals

16.7 The Environment of Electronic Commerce:International,

Legal,Ethical,and Tax issues

16.8 Web Server Hardware and Software

16.9 Electronic Commerce Software

16.10 Security Threats to Electronic Commerce

16.11 Implementing Electronic Commerce Security

16.12 Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce

16.13 Planning for Electronic Commerce




电子商务英语试卷 一、词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,并将答题纸的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。 1. Tom has lived in London and Manchester, but he doesn t like ______ city very much. A. either B. both C. neither D. every 2. It is proved that this substance reacts ______ as fast as the other one. A. one-tenths B. first-ten C. one-ten D. one-tenth 3. ______ were naturally a musical family, all of whom were excellent pianists. A. A Shaw B. The Shaws C. The Shaw D. Shaws 4. Nothing can ______ being unkind to small children. A. adjust B. reason C. justify D. reassure 5. English ______ all over the world as a universal language. A. is teaching B. is taught C. teaches D. teaching 6. A new type of computer is going to ______ next year.


2009年1月电子商务英语试题 课程代码:00888 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、词汇和语法(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. Roscae said that he had never had to contend with any girl as fat as _________. A. her B. hers C. she D. herself 2. Many scientists believe that oil was formed in the earth _________ years ago. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 3. The officer _________ his orders to the men by radio. A. reported B. transmitted C. communicated D. exchanged 4. He’s never again written _________ as his first one. A. a such good book B. a so good book C. so good a book D. such good a book 5. It wasn’t long _________ he found a job. A. until B. before C. since D. after 6. There are _________ benefits in the new system. A. concise B. tangible C. precise D. metal 7. Was it during the Second World War _________ he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then 8. I _________ to come over to see you, but someone called and I couldn’t get away. A. intended B. would intend C. had intended D. has intended 9. He _________ to be a liar but a fool. A. thinks B. thinking C. thought D. was thought 10. He said he wouldn’t mind _________ at home. A. leaving alone B. being left alone C. to be left lonely D. to leave alone 11. He has an unusual _________ of life. A. conception B. look C. philosophy D. science 12. Professor Tate _________ about him. A. heard the students to talk B. heard the talk by the students C. heard the students talking D. heard the students talk 13. Before we commence again, let me give you a word or two of advice, _________? A. will you B. shall I C. don’t I D. won’t you



B:I think that we should study enough hardly, more knowledge may make us be easy on our studies. C:Not only learn the knowledge in class, but also learn the skills in our life. B:Yes, you are right. D:Study is not the only in universities, I think. We also need to get well along with our classmates, and we need to exchange with our parents heart by heart. A:Then, I think we should not compare with others. D:Yes, we should find out our advantages, we should try our best to enrich ourselves. B:Believe that you will success, and work hard for your dream. C:Go your own way, let others talk. A:That is right. And what are your views about the pressures of future career? B:We should do well in our major courses. C:I think we can go to some factories attached to a school. D: In a word, we should perfect ourselves and make full preparation.


普安县中等职业学校2016-2017学年度第一学 期 《电子商务英语》期末考试试卷 班级姓名得分 一、单项选择题(20分) 1. I like reading novel TV. A.rather thanto watch B. more thantowatch C.more than watching D. than watching 2.The shopschool things the stude nts. A. sellsfromB.sellsto C.buy from D. buy to 3.Your idea a good one.? A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. listens to 4.The have food at home. A. lotsof B. a lot C. many D. alots of 5.They aregongingto a new school forthepoor students. A.set onB. puton C. setup D. use up 6.this pairofshoes? 80 dollars. A. How many is B. Howmany are C. How much is D.Howmuch does

7.Don’t swim in the river. It’stoo A. interesting B. easy C. difficult D.dangerou s 8.The applesare very cheap.I’ll some. A. like B.bring C.take D. give 9.How muchdid youpay your new dress? A. with B. on C.inD.for 10. Let’s see animals inthezoo this weekend. A.That’s great. B. You are allright. C.That’s all right.D.You are welcome. 二、语音题:选出划线部分单词的读音与其它三项不同的一项(20分) ()1、A、commerce B、homepage C、electronic D、stock ()2、A、convenient B、consumerC、connectionD、option ()3、A、brandB、imaginationC、platformD、location ()4、A、website B、indexC、refer D、a ccess()5、A、onlineB、click C、item D、provider ()6、A、popularB、marketing C、smart D、card


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!



全国2013年10月高等教育自学考试 电子商务英语试题 课程代码:00888 一、根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. Greece has new political leadership to help it deal with ______ debts. A. anemic B. mass C. massive D. paltry 2. Natural gas can ______ these clean resources and is cheaper than coal. A. compete B. complement C. compliment D. compare 3. He dislikes their ______of his freedom of choice. A. reduction B. restriction C. limit D. control 4. There is a clock ______in the wall. A. buried B. glued C. embedded D. closed

A. did we realize B. will we realize C. we did realize D. we will realize 二、阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,请将其代码填涂在“答题纸”相应的位置上。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) Passage 1 Rockwatch—The Best Club on Earth If you are a young person and interested in geology(地质学) ,then Rockwatch is the club for you. When You Join New memberships receive a Rockwatch Rox file each. This has the information and top tips you will need to start enjoying geology. It’s designed to serve as your own field notebook as well. In it you will find your: membership card full color mini-map thumbs up guide fact cards


2007~2008年度第二学期 《电子商务专业英语》期末考试试题( A 卷) 专业 姓名 学号 一 选择题(每题2分,共40分) 1. The ( ) is the core of Internet business. A. Internet B. Web C. ARPA D. ARPANET 2. The ( ) evolved into the Internet. A. Internet B. web C. ARPANET D. www 3. ( ) is the meaning of EDI in E-commerce. A. Economic Development Institute B. Electron Diffraction Instrument C. Engineering Demonstrated Inspection D. Electronic Data Interchange 4. ( ) are the three components of markets according to the Text. A. sellers, buyers and goods B. agents, products and processes C. businesses, consumers and Internet D. businesses, products and consumers 5. ( ) sites do give visitors the chance to find almost everything they are looking for in one place. A. Portal sites B. Auction sites C. Storefront sites D. Online shopping mall ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装 ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊订 ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊线 ┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊


第一篇(这篇有挑战性,题材很棒,自己看着办哈) This is Lance,Grace,Anne,and David’s conversation 大体情景就是A买了个东西(mp3),第二天就坏了,A的朋友B陪A 一起去退货,结果售货员支支吾吾一直不肯退,最后叫出来经理依然支支吾吾,然后B佯装打315求助,经理才给退了货。后面四句加了个joke 就是中间打的不是315 是10086。 情景:A bought sth yesterday in the Buynow Mall(百脑汇),but it doesn’t work now. At this time ,A’s friend B is coming. B: Good afternoon,A. A:Good afternoon,B,what did you do yesterday.I was planning to ask you for helping me to buy the mp3… B: that’s what I’m going to talking about, how do you like your new mp3,I also want to buy a new one. A:Don’t mention it.it worked very well yesterday,but now it doesn’t work。 B:It sounds incredible。Have you checked the batteries? A:Actually,I have checked all the things including batteries,but it still doesn’t work。 B:Let me have a look。 A: Here you are。 B:Er…..I think we can go to the mall and ask for returning. A:Let me pick the receipt.(发票) B: It’s a must. Then A and B go to the mall,C is the clerk and D is the manager. C: Can I help you? B:Yes,We’d like to return this mp3. C:Is there something the matter with it? A:Yes,I bought it yesterday,but it doesn’t work now. C: I think our production’s quality is always very good.Maybe you did something bad to it. Hmm,let me have a check,perhaps we can repair it for you freely. B:Oh,nonono..you didn’t get it,we want to return it,not repair it. C:Hmm,I know your idea,but you checked it yesterday and at that time ,it worked well. I’m sure you have do something bad to it. A: I’m very sure than I did’t.What’s more, I remember it clearly that you said I can return the mp3 in three days and exchange it in seven days. C:Hmm. I need to ask instructions from my manager. B:Can we talk to your manager face to face? C:Wait a monment. C ask instructions from the manager D C: May I come in? D:yes,what happened? C:Two students bought a mp3 from our mall yesterday,and it doesn’work now,they want a returning. D:Haven’t you made them realize that asking for returning in our mall is a stupid action?


2014年4月全国高等教育自学考试电子商务英语真题 课程代码:00888 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、根据句子的意思选择一个正确的答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. All the hotels are filled to ______. A. capacity B. strength C. possibility D. length 2. From 1987 through 2012, about 700,000 new homes were sold in a/an______ year. A. regular B. normal C. average D. usual 3. He was ______ Number Three in the inner circle of the Government. A. classified B. graded C. ranked D. leveled 4. They were about to fight when their father ______. A. invaded B. participated C. joined D. intervened 5. Time is limited. Please introduce to us the progress of your work ______.


翻译及说明: (上午,A 收到了通知,自己没有被任何一所大学录取。他来到妹妹的卧室来寻求安慰。)A:我简直不能相信我竟然没有被任何一所大学录取!我选择的学校,是最保底的,万无一失的啊! B:也许你确实太平庸了 A:太平庸了?好…好…,记住你在和谁说话,我是你哥啊!我整整一年不用去上体育课,因为我宣称我要为了学习而奋斗!还有我成功地从医生那里开到证明说我有夜行症,于是被允许可以边做梦边学习。我是说,这是纯粹的天才行为。 B:也许你真的需要做一些锻炼并且自己放聪明点。 A:嗯,这是事实。你知道吗?关于我的余生将怎样度过,我一无所知。 B:爸妈会杀了你的。 A:对我有点信心,他们不会杀了我的。 B:是吗? A:我只要编个理由,用一种他们可以理解的方式解释。 情景2 (晚饭饭桌上) C:我不明白。 D:我也不明白。 A:好吧,这么说吧。大学平均每年学费是多少?两万元?(将纸质材料递给每个人)一个只有高中学历的人,在目前就业情况下,一年可以挣两万元,也就是说,接下来的四年,你们可以选择话费八万元,或者,我可以挣八万元。(大声笑) C:你是说你不想上大学吗? A:不,我是说我上大学在经济上不科学,知道吗? C:你发烧了? A:奥,天呐,没有! D:你喝醉了? A:没有,我既没发烧也没喝醉,事实上我比任何时候都清醒。 C:那好,社会都有自己的准则,而第一条准则就是:上大学! D:嗯。 C:你想拥有快乐而成功的人生吗?那就上大学。你想出人头地?那就上大学! A:嗯,你知道吗?也许我进不去大学。 D:你什么意思? A:所有的学校都拒收我。 D:哦,天呐! C:该死! D:我就说了他应该从初中开始准备上大学,就像她妹妹。 B:(自豪地)我做得很好。 D:(点头)她做得很好。 A:大家听我说,有很多成功的人,他们并没有上过大学,爱因斯坦,你们知道的,路易斯从没有上过大学,还有克拉克和比尔,他们都事业有成。 D:我得去看看皮鞋匠那里是不是收学徒。 A:“皮鞋匠”,哈哈…… C:你知道吗?我并不关心他们做了什么或没做什么,你得上大学。


《电子商务专业英语》课程教学大纲 课程代码:040942002 课程英文名称:English for E-Commerce 课程总学时:32 讲课:32 实验:0上机:0 适用专业:电子商务 大纲编写(修订)时间:2017.6 一、大纲使用说明 (一)课程的地位及教学目标 本课程是电子商务专业的一门专业选修课程。适用于学习过“大学英语”课程的学生。本课程既是专业知识的学习又是英语的学习,具有双重意义。学生通过对有关本专业英语原著的学习,了解、熟悉本专业常用英语词汇及相关的语法和习惯表达方式;提高英语阅读能力,使外语达到实用的水平,能够从外文资料中获取知识,为工作和继续学习打好基础;通过本课程的学习,了解掌握一门专业知识。 (二)知识、能力及技能方面的基本要求 通过本课程的教学,使学生达到下列基本要求: 1、采用老师讲授和学生翻译相结合的方法,注意培养学生的自学能力。 2、专业阅读能力要求:能读懂中等难度的电子商务专业英语文章,了解作者的观点和态度。阅读速度为每分钟120—160个单词,理解准确率在75%以上。 3、专业写作能力要求:能够运用所学语言知识,写出符合电子商务惯例、格式规范的一般性商务报告等。要能够做到中心思想明确、结构合理、语言得体。 4、词汇要求:认知词汇达到8,000左右单词,熟练掌握其中约4,000个词。 5、综合素质要求:要求学生具有乐观、积极、向上的心理素质和勇于创新、不断更新自身知识体系的精神。 (三)实施说明 本课程注重培养学生的英语能力和英语水平,增强他们对于本专业的英语词汇的理解和运用能力。本课程是一个不断发展和完善的理论体系,按学时情况及学科发展可适当调整讲课内容并进行充实和完善。 (四)对先修课的要求 《大学英语》、《电子商务概论》 (五)对习题课、实践环节的要求 扩充知识点和本专业词汇量,新增本专业的经典阅读文章;增加用英语写小论文来回答相关专业知识问题。 任课教师认真执行实践环节中课时计划。课堂上尽量培养学生的英文口语表达能力,锻炼学生的用英文写小论文的能力; (六)课程考核方式 1.考核方式:考查 2.考查目标:考核学生对于电子商务专业英语知识的掌握情况。 3.成绩构成: 总成绩由二部分构成,总成绩=专业论文翻译或大论文成绩+平时成绩。其中,专业论文翻译或大论文成绩占40-60%,平时考核(包括平时出勤、作业、小测验、提问等)占40-60%,教师可酌情考虑。课程的成绩可以采用百分制整数形式,也可采用优良制形式。


湖北*******学院电子商务英语期末考试试卷 (所有答题内容请写在答题纸上并标明题号,写在试卷上无效) 一、请将下列术语翻译成英文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.信息产品 2.免费运输 3.主页 4.电子邮件 5.降低成本 6.拍卖网站 7.客户需求 8.原材料 9.信用卡 10.商业模式 11.银行账户 二、请将下列术语翻译成中文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.B2B website 2.Internet Marketing 3.electronic payment 4.shipping cost 5.small and medium-sized firms 6.long-term 7.e-cash 8.search engine 9.develop a website: 10.second-hand market 11.logistics service 三、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分) 1.The faster the shipping, the the price.

A. lower B. higher C. common D. quicker 2.How to the limited resources became one heated issue in this international conference. A. exploit B. deploy C. expend D. utilize https://www.sodocs.net/doc/736398768.html,e as______ as possible. A. earlier B. more early C. early D. earliest 4.Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. A. to B. of C. in D. from 5.Letters about products and services which you haven?t asked for and probably don?t want are call mail. A. waste B. junk C. rubbish D. useless 四、完形填空(在下列课文片段中填入遗漏的词,首字母已给出,每空2分,共12分) Businesses can gain many potential benefits from engaging in electronic commerce. e-Commerce can reduce the c 1 (成本)of purchases, lower sales and m 2 (营销) costs and b 3 (改善)the customer service. However, businesses are not the only beneficiaries of e-Commerce. C 4 (消费者)may also reap benefits. They can receive increased choice of vendor and p (产品), convenience from shopping at home or office, greater amounts of I 5 (信息) that can be accessed on demand and more competitive p 6 (价格)and increased price comparison capabilities. 五、请在空格内填入单词的适当形式(每题2分,共10分) 1.Our office is____ ____(locate)at the end of the road. 2.Searching by keyword is the most common method of ____ ____(use)a search engine. 3. The factory is carrying out a series technological reforms in order to __ __(reduce) the cost of production. 4. From the customer?s point of view, (ship) costs are a major concern. 5. The focus of banner (advertise) was often on traffic quantity and not traffic quality. 六、将下列句子译成中文(每题3分,共18分) 1.Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China.


角色:四个大学生,名字分别是:A,B,C,D。 (旁白)我们一直在想,所谓的大学究竟应该是怎样,我们一直在迷茫,为什么自己已经回不到高中时期的状态,于是很多人迷失了自己觉得现在的大学配不上自己,于是很多人与曾经的梦想渐行渐远,于是很多人选择了这样的生活。。。。。。 (在四人间的寝室里,灯光昏暗,三台电脑全开,背景音乐是摇滚乐,十分吵杂,配合有不断地鼠标点击的声音,还有打游戏时的喊声。) C:唉,又死了。这垃圾键盘,该死鼠标!垃圾键盘,该死鼠标! D:哈哈,小撸怡情,大撸伤身,樯橹灰飞烟灭。王跃同志是你不行吧,不要勉强。。。 C:什么?竟敢怀疑我的能力,好歹我也是在咱们寝室积极推广LOL文化第一人好不好? B: 哎哎,你两别吵了,我在跟媳妇视屏呢,声音小点好不。 C:哦,原来呀,我说网速咋这么慢。(敲门声响起,寝室里停止讲话) B:(上前开门,诧异状)张松????一天不见你了,干啥去了? A:(拿着书本,满脸疲倦,走进寝室)老样子,还是去自习。 D:(转过身来)我就一直不明白,这是大学了,还起早贪黑上什么自习呀。 C:其实吧,我也挺想改变一下自己。有时候我老想像他一样每天做一点事,真的不能这样浑浑噩噩了。现在这般的生活确实很惬意,只是完了之后老是有一种愧疚感。 B:你们这么一说,我更加觉得我们对不起自己了。跟你们说个事吧,其实我一直就有个梦想,只是到了大学渐渐地把它抛在了脑后 A:说说吧 C:嗯,以前我想当一个企业家,创造出属于自己的一个商业帝国,为了这个梦想我曾经付出了很多努力,可是,唉,但是看看现在,自己一直萎靡不振,大家应该也有梦想吧。 B:我进入大学的时候曾满怀壮志,想要学好我的专业知识,成为一流人才,为了自己能更好的活着而努力。 A:其实吧,我的梦想很简单,就是以后可以和一个自己爱并爱着自己的人过着简单的生活,但要做到这点不是很容易,所以我很珍惜所拥有的每一天。 D:我的梦想是做一位美食家,我想吃遍天下美食,然后把它们推向世界,中国美食有着中国上下五千年文化的积蕴,不应该泯灭在历史的长河中,可现在我离梦想越走越远。 A:古人曾说过少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强,我们的梦,中国的梦,中国梦,从我们的梦开始;当我们的梦实现之时,中国母亲的梦也就会实现,这时,我们民族可以无晦涩地立在人类面前,我们的祖国母亲也会最美的装饰起来,与世界各位母亲平等的携手了! D:是啊,不仅如此,我们身上还有父母们梦想的影子,我们还有很多的责任。 (旁白)最终,我们明白了,不是现在的大学配不上你,而是现在浑浑噩噩的你配不上你曾经的梦想。其实我们的梦想从未离我们远去,只要让自己静下心来,让自己的梦想与祖国的梦想联系起来,我的梦,中国梦,我们已经在追梦的路 上了。


电子商务英语考试试卷 (所有答题内容请写在答题纸上并标明题号,写在试卷上无效) 一、请将下列术语翻译成中文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.e-cash 2.second-hand market 3.electronic payment 4.logistics service 5.small and medium-sized firms 6.develop a website 7.B2B website 8.search engine 9.long-term: 10.Internet Marketing 11.shipping cost 二、请将下列术语翻译成英文(每小题1分,共11分) 1.商业模式 2.信用卡 3.免费运输 4.银行账户 5.主页 6.电子邮件 7.降低成本 8.拍卖网站 9.客户需求 10.原材料 11.信息产品 三、完形填空(在下列课文片段中填入遗漏的词,首字母已给出,每空2分,共12分) Businesses can g 1 (获得)many p 2 (营销) benefits from engaging in electronic commerce. e-Commerce can reduce the costof purchases, lower sales and marketing costs and b 3 (改善)the c 4 (客户)service. However, businesses are not the only beneficiaries of

e-Commerce. Consumers may also reap benefits. They can receive increased choice of vendor and p (产品), convenience from shopping at home or office, greater amounts of I 5 (信息) that can be accessed on demand and more competitive p 6 (价格)and increased price comparison capabilities. 四、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分) https://www.sodocs.net/doc/736398768.html,e as______ as possible. A. earlier B. more early C. early D. earliest 2.Letters about products and services which you haven’t asked for and probably don’t want are call mail. A. waste B. junk C. rubbish D. useless 3.The faster the shipping, the the price. A. lower B. higher C. common D. quicker 4.How to the limited resources became one heated issue in this international conference. A. exploit B. deploy C. expend D. utilize 5.Prior ______ his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter. A. to B. of C. in D. from 五、将下列句子译成中文(每题3分,共18分) 1.With the introduction of the Internet, companies, regardless of size, can communicate with each other electronically and cheaply. 2.It takes ten times more effort and more money to attract a new customer than to keep an existing customer. 3.Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China. 4.Online shopping is becoming more and more popular in China. 5.Ebay is the largest Internet auction site in the world. 6.From the customer’s point of view, shipping costs are a major concern. 六、请在空格内填入单词的适当形式(每题2分,共10分) 1.From the customer’s point of view, (ship) costs are a major concern.


《电子商务专业英语》教学大纲 一、课程教学目标 《电子商务专业英语》是电子商务专业及方向的一门专业任选课。通过本课程的学习,学生应实现如下目标: 1.知识目标:使学生熟悉掌握电子商务流程中常常见到的英语单词、短语、句子,具备对简单电子商务英语的听、说、读、写的能力,同时也可以帮助同学提升基础英语水平。 2.能力目标:逐步培养和提高学生的英语熟练性应用能力,提高学生电子商务方面的英语交际能力,尤其是口头交际能力。 3.情感目标:使学生认识到英语学习的重要性,提高学生的语言技能,增强学生的自我认知能力,树立正确的人生观和价值观。 二、课程教学基本要求 课前认真预习,上课认真听课,积极参与课堂互动,多听多说,课后能巩固应用相关知识。 三、课程教学内容与学时分配

四、教学方法与策略 课程以课堂讲授和情境表演为主,辅以课堂互动、分组讨论、视频教学等方法和手段。 五、学生学习成效评估方式 本课程是考查课程,最终的期末考查成绩由三项内容组成,其中期末考查成绩占70%,课堂作业占20%,考勤占10%。期末考查形式采用开卷考试,其中填空题20分,词组翻译20分,句子翻译25分,问答题35分。 成绩分为优秀、良好、中、及格、不及格五个等级,评分细则如下: 六、选用教材 张强华.电子商务专业英语教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2012. 七、参考资料 [1] 张海波.电子商务英语[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008 [2] 肖琦.电子商务英语[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2008. [3] 吕秀成. 电子商务英语[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2008. [4] 王冰.电子商务英语[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012. [5] 唐启明.电子商务英语教程[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,2010. 相关网站与主页 [1] 商务英语网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/736398768.html,/ [2] 国家旅游局https://www.sodocs.net/doc/736398768.html,/ [3] 中国英语网https://www.sodocs.net/doc/736398768.html,
