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A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily
A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily

1. What’s the effect of the use of the pronoun “we” by the narrator?

“W e” refer to the townspeople. Emily is spoken of as being "dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse." Since she is a member of one of the "old" families in a tradition-bound culture with an aristocratic hierarchy, While the narrator is the spoken of lower classes. The use of the pronoun “we”by the narrator to narrate the story aims at suggesting the dense agrestic tradition and intimate consanguineous relationship of the south. The sense of estrangement between the narrator and heroine go through the whole story. The narrator adores and at the same time sympathizes Emily to some degree. The narrator is not static observer but perceptible participant. The narr ator is not really omniscient. He is only “part-omniscient”.

2. How is Faulkner’s handling of chronology expressive of the nature of memory?

The narration of the story is not according to the sequence of time but the sequence of direct related stories. It seems no sequence of time, but from the angle of narration it takes on a strong sense of time sequence. That is trying to stop time at the past and blur the confine of past and present. The beginning and the end of the story is the narrator’ narration of 74 years old Emily’s natural process of death and funeral, which becomes the main line of the whole story. If Emily’s death and funeral is confined to the present, what happened before can be confined to the past. But the story most narrates what happened in the past, that is the subjective narration of the past in which what happened in the past exist in the narrator’s conscience which itself is happen at present. This approach of narration emphasizes the intertwinement of the past and present in which the present exists in the past and the past story happen at the present.

3. What does Emily reprsent to her town and her region? What attitudes towards social classes figure in the action and how do these change?

Emily is a member of one of the "old" families in a tradition-bound culture with an aristocratic hierarchy, she is held in awe and respect by those of the lower classes such as the narrator. Because of her firmness of character, courage, and independence, she arouses admiration and respect in others; yet, since her actions are extremely strange, suggestive even of insanity, she is also regarded with a kind of sympathetic condescension. Thus she is both "looked up to" and "looked down upon."

4. What is the relation between comic elements and melancholy or shocking ingredient of the story?

In a word, the comic elements are of reinforce effect of melancholy or shocking ingredient of the story. For example, when they are all disappointed at Homer supposedly leave, there "was not a public blowing off." And when the druggist believes that Miss Emily purchased the poison in order to get rid of her home of "rats."

5. What does Homer Barron represent? How important is it that he is a yankee?

Homer Barron is the representative of the Yankee attitudes toward the Griersons and also toward the entire South. The South is known for being traditional, and the North is known for being very adaptable to change. Homer Barron was from the North and also represented “the next generation with it’s more modern ideas”. Homer Barron, the only man be loved in Emily’s life, is

an absolutely different person from Emily. Furthermore, because the story happened after the Civil War, the time at which there was an antagonism between the north and the south, when town’s people knew the affaire between Emily and Homer Barron, some of them stated to oppose it. So we can find out that sometimes privilege may be a prison, just like the miserable life of Emily. So when people knew that Emily was fell in love with Homer Barron, they were curious, exiting and started to talk about it.

6. What motives can you attribute to Emily for her kIlling of Homer Barron? How are these motives related to the theme?

Emily inhibited her desire for love until her father was dead, she was crazy about Homer when they met. But she is very insisted in her feelings and lost in the happiness what love brought her though their relationship was reproached by townpeople, because they thought” of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer.” But she didn’t know men’s love value was different form that of women, she treated love as the whole part of life, but Homer’love to Emily was momentary. Under this conflict, she chose an extreme solution to keep Homer stay with her forever. The society went through great changes after American civil war, feudalism faced depression and capitalism emerged, southern agricultural economy inevitably suffered crash of industrialism. The southern aristocracy thought of their glory time and they tried to remain their fortune, status and tried to inhibit the development of society. Since she is a member of one of the "old" families in a tradition-bound culture with an aristocratic hierarchy, she is the represent of the old tradition, while represented “the next generation with it’s more modern ideas”, Emily’ killing of Homer is the result of the conflict between the north and the south.

7. What does the title indicate?

Except for the title, roses are never mentioned in the story. A rose is a flower of tribute and a symbol of youth, beauty, and love. As one preserves a rose by pressing it within the pages of a book, so Emily has preserved her rose--her love, her youth, her happiness--by decorating the room as a bridal chamber and keeping it that way with her lover there beside her forever.

a rose for Emily 分析

A Rose for Emily 的评析(2010-06-21 23:49:34)转载▼ 标签:文化 威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》通过爱米丽的爱情悲剧揭示了新旧秩序的斗争及没落贵族阶级的守旧心态,福克纳运用神秘、暗语、象征、时序颠倒等写作手法来揭示这一主题。 关键词:威廉·福克纳;献给爱米丽的玫瑰;南方小说 一、威廉·福克纳的南方情结 威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)是美国文学史上久负盛名的作家之一,生于密西西比州一个在内战中失去财富和地位的没落的南方种植园家庭。福克纳的大多数作品都以美国南方为背景,强调南方主题和南方意识。在他19部长篇小说和75篇短篇小说中,绝大多数小说的故事都发生在他虚构的美国的约克纳帕塔法县(Yoknapatawpha county)和杰弗生镇。这些作品所展示的生活画卷 和人物形象构成了福克纳笔下的“约克纳帕塔法世系”。 “约克纳帕塔法世系”是以该县家族的兴衰、变迁为主题,故事所跨越的时间上起自印地安人与早期殖民者交往的岁月,止于第二次世界大战后,长约二百年。他的世系小说依南方家系人物的生活而展开,以南方浓郁的泥土气息伴随着因工业文明而带来的焦虑、惶惑、无奈,把一百多年来即从1800年到第二次世界大战之后社会发展过程中,南方人所独有的情感和心态通过独特的艺术方式展示出来,可谓一部“南方生活的史诗”。在这部史诗的字里行间,留下了作家的血与泪之痕:割不断爱恋南方古老精神的一片深情,可又抵御不了现代文明进程的必然性。正如福克纳所说:“我爱南方,也憎恨它。这里有些东西我本不喜欢。但是我生在这里,这是我的家。因此,我愿意继续维护它,即便是怀着憎恨。”这种矛盾恰好构成了福克纳情感意识及其小说世界的无穷魅力。结果,约克纳帕塔法县成了旧南方的象征,而福克纳也借此成功地表现了整个南方社会的历史和意识。 二、《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》暗示南方的腐朽没落 福克纳素以长篇小说著称于世,但其短篇小说,无论艺术构思、意境创造、人物塑造抑或语言风格、结构艺术等,均可与其长篇小说互论短长,而其最著名的短篇之一《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》 A rose for Emily则对理解、研究福克纳的主要作品,即“约克纳帕塔法世系”具有十分重要的意义。在这篇小说中,作者以凝练的笔触、独特的结构成功地塑造了爱米丽·格里尔森Emily Grieson这个艺术典型。 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳1930年4月发表的被誉为最负盛名的短篇小说。故事发生在约克纳帕塔法县的杰弗生镇,小说分为五小部分,在这五个写作空间里,运用回忆来描写爱米丽·格里尔森(Emily Grieson)神秘的一生,讲述了一位被剥夺了与他人建立正常人际关系的妇女如何逃避现实以至于精神失常的故事,表现了新旧南方价值观念之间的冲突。爱米丽的个性冲突、所做所为源于她南方古老而辉煌的家庭背景,福克纳用神秘、暗语、象征等写作方法来揭示爱米丽是南方腐朽传统的象征。故事的叙述采用了时序颠倒的手法,这一手法不仅使小说结构奇突,情节跳跃,更为重要的是其具有深化主题思想的艺术功效。作者用这种手法打破时空界限,把过去和现在直接放在一起,在它们之间形成鲜明的对照,从而使读者深深地感到时代的变迁和传统价值观念的沦丧。 小说一开始就告诉读者爱米丽死了,全镇的人都去送丧。她的死象征着南方古老传统、价值观念、生活方式的彻底灭亡和消失。为展示新旧双方的矛盾和以爱米丽为代表的贵族阶级虽大势已去却拒不接受社会变革的心态,作者选取了一个极为典型的事件——纳税事件。

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOB I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it


景区讲解员工作总结 景区讲解员工作总结一 XX年是不平凡的一年,XX年我从学校走了出来,把两年里所学到的关于导游 的知识运用到我的工作中,从理论转向实践。XX年6月开始我在南岳衡山从事 地接导游导游工作,时间不长,资力也不深,而感慨却颇多:“导游”工作给我的 生活带来了许多快乐,却也让我知道,“导游”不是一项简单的工作,与其他职业 有一个显著的不同,那就是你必须与客人近距离接触,这自然使我们对服务的感 触比一般人深刻。从某种意义上可以这么讲,导游职业的无穷魅力正是源于我们 对服务的感知和热爱。 通过几个月的工作实践,我深深的体会到,取得了导游证,并不代表你就永远 是一个合格的导游员,而是要不断的的学习、充实、提高。在旅游者的眼中,导 游员应该是无所不知的“万事通”。导游服务是知识密集型的高智能的服务工作, 丰富的知识、广博的见闻是做好导游服务工的前提。作为一个导游员就要“与时俱进”,永远保持积极的求知欲,以适应社会进步和发展的需求。更重要的是。我们 自己千万不敢把自己当成“万事通”,要保持谦虚谨慎的态度,要切记“学海无涯”、“学无止境”,“人外有人,天外有天”,“三人行,必有我师”。 要时刻牢记导游的职责,认真学习《导游人员管理暂行规定》、《中华人民共 和国国家标准导游服务质量》,努力的实施好旅游计划,作好联系、协调、讲解 等服务工作。坚持“宾客至上、服务至上、为大家服务、合理而可能”的四大服务 原则细致、热心、周到的作好导游服务工作。也就是一切工作以旅游者为出发点,以服务为出发点,时刻考虑旅游者的利益和要求,绝不能拒绝游客的合理合法要求。服务过程中要坚持“为大家服务”的原则,不能有亲疏之分,厚此薄彼,而应 对每个游客都热情、周到、友好、尊重,不偏不倚、一视同仁;要坚持“合理而可能”的原则,在旅游服务过程中,要时刻关注游客的情绪变化,耐心倾听旅游者的 意见、要求,冷静分析、仔细甄别,合理又能实现的,就努力的去做,如果没有 作好或是已经错过机会,就想办法及时弥补,以求最大限度的达到游客的满意。 导游讲解服务是整个旅游服务活动过程中极为重要的一个方面,在导游讲解过程中,我认为“准确、清楚、生动”三者相辅相成,缺一不可,首先“准确”是首当其冲,至关重要的,在讲解过程中牢记“一伪灭千真”的教训,切忌胡编乱造、张冠 李戴、信口开河,这样会使游客有被蒙蔽、愚弄的感觉,会引起游客的反感、责备。旅游者在旅游活动中“求知”是重要的内容之一,而我们导游就起着传播知识 信息、传递审美观念、播洒中华文明的重任,因此导游语言必须科学、规范,传 递的信息必须正确无误,这样更能够吸引游客的注意,满足游客的“求知”愿望。 其次,“清楚”是关键,在导游讲解中,清楚、简洁流利的语言表达,是导游语言 科学性的又一体现。口齿清楚、言简意赅、措词恰当、组合相宜、层次分明、逻


“A Rose for Emily” is divided into five sections. The first section opens with a description of the Grierson house in Jefferson. The narrator mentions that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Grierson’s home has fall into disrepair and become “an eyesore among eyesores.” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citizens of Jefferson felt about Emily: “When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant – a combined gardener and cook – had seen in at least ten years.” It is known around town that Emily Grierson has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black servant who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begin to tax her once again. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confronted on her tax evasion, Emily reminds them that she doesn't have to pay taxes in Jefferson and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Southern family. Mr. Grierson, Emily’s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and doesn't allow her to date. Emily is largely dependent upon her father, and is left foundering when he dies. After Mr. Grierson's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily’s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman from the north. Homer comes to Jefferson with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Grierson home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arsenic. The druggist asks what the arsenic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down until he looks away and gives her the arsenic. When Emily opens the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citizens of Jefferson believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide since Homer has not yet proposed in the beginning of section four. The townspeople contact and invite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then returns after the cousins leave Jefferson. After staying in Jefferson for one night, Homer is never seen again. After Homer’s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely seen outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.


张掖丹霞文化旅游股份有限公司 讲解员接待服务管理办法 为加强公司的规范化管理,加强讲解员队伍建设,为游客提供优质、快捷、高效的旅游讲解服务,维护和提高景区文明服务形象,促进公司发展,特制定本办法。 一、讲解员应热爱讲解工作,树立良好的责任意识,统一着装,佩戴工作证、文明用语、礼貌待人,做到热情、主动、周到服务,自觉维护景区形象。 二、做好上车前的一切准备工作:包括观光车上的麦克风、音响设施等的调试检查。 三、在游客进入景区后,讲解员应在观光车门前等待迎接,并致欢迎词,引导游客有序乘车。 四、耐心解答在讲解服务过程中游客提出的各种问题,不断提高应变能力及服务水平。 五、讲解员应针对游客的特点和需求,因人施讲,调动游客的游览兴趣,提高参观的效果。要注意收集游客各方面意见和建议并及时做好信息的反馈工作。 六、讲解内容应规范准确、语言应风趣幽默。在游览过程中,及时将景区卫生间分布状况和到达时间告知游客。 七、讲解员不得以任何方式向游客兜售物品和索要小费、礼品,不得串通摊主、店主、车主欺骗、胁迫、敲诈游客消费。

八、讲解员讲解费由售票处统一收取,月底结算,严禁讲解员擅自违规收费。 九、讲解员在服务过程中要主动做好地貌保护的宣传和现场维护工作。 十、在讲解结束后应送游客到景区门口,并致欢送词。 十一、讲解员不得与游客发生争执,遇到特殊情况沉着应对并及时向领导反映,避免与游客发生冲突。 十二、讲解员违反本管理办法的,将给予每次20元—100元罚款;脱岗1次,罚款20元;因讲解员失误发生投诉案件的,每次处100元罚款;同时责令其限期改正,对逾期不改正或情节严重的,建议调整岗位。 十三、本办法由景区运营部负责解释。 十四、本办法自颁布之日起执行。



景区讲解员的服务流程 1准备工作 熟悉接待计划:旅游团的基本信息,旅游团成员的情况,交通工具,是否有特殊要求和注意事项。 落实接待事宜:落实旅游车辆、住宿及用餐,掌握全陪或者司机的联系电话。与他们联系商定第二天的接团时间及地点。 物质准备:游客接待确认书,游客意见单,话筒,导游旗。 形象准备:上团前要做好仪容、仪表方面的准备。整洁、大方、自然、不浓妆艳抹。 语言和知识准备:要在大脑里面准备好第二天要讲解的内容;接待有专业知识的团队,要做好相关的专业知识、词汇的准备工作。语言要生动、流畅和清楚。 心理准备:我们要能有技巧的回答客人提出的任何问题,面对客人的指责、抱怨,我们要冷静、沉着的面对。 联络畅通准备:上团前一天,要把手机,话筒的电充足,随时保持畅通。 2接团服务 出发前的准备:在旅行团到达之前,打电话给全陪或者司机,前一天晚上20:00前确定好到达时间、人数、停车位置、集合地点等,在集合地点恭候旅游团的到来。旅游团到达后,协助全陪或者司机购票,提醒客人山顶温度较低,指引乘客上车,清点一下车上的人数。检票后通知司机师傅开车。 途中导游:致欢迎词,山路崎岖,提醒客人把车辆扶手打下并系好安全带,当日活动安排(参观景点名称、途中所经地点、所需时间),介绍游览景点(讲安全讲游客接待中心,讲内循环通道,讲景区公交车的发班时间,讲游览线路,讲中途会经过哪几个景点,讲三条游步道),活跃气氛(做些娱乐互动,与游客互动) 景点讲解:抵达景点下车之前,告知游客车牌号、停车地点、开车时间、游览线路、游览所需时间、游览过程中的注意事项(不能随便雕刻、不能在景区乱扔垃圾、不能在景区内吸烟、不能随意摘取野果实,以免误食)等。抵达景点后,组织客人有顺序的下车,提醒客人注意脚下的安全,带领游客沿着游览线路对所见景物进行精彩的导游讲解。在游览过程中要随时随地注意游客的安全,特别是老弱病残的游客,要防止游客走失和意外事件的发生。 3送团服务 清点团队人数,后提醒客人清点一下随身携带物品,如无遗漏则请司机开车离开。致欢送词(感谢语、惜别语、征求意见语、致歉语、祝愿语)。致完欢送词后,将“游客意见反馈表”发给游客,请其填写。游客填写完毕后如数收回,妥善保留。 4总结工作 认真做好带团小结,实事求是的汇报接团情况。 2


WRITING SKILLS of A Rose for Emily 1. Story Structure Part I: Emily's death; She pays no taxes. Part II: The strange smelling of Emily's house; Emily's father passed away Part III:Love with Homer; Emily buy poison Part IV: The Emily's old age; Emily's death Part V: Emily's funeral; People found the corpse(尸体) 2. Figurative language Simile(明喻) ?Her eyes, lost in the fatty ridges of her face, looked like two small pieces of coal pressed into a lump of dough. Personification(拟人) ?But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood; only Miss Emily's house was left, lifting its stubborn and

coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps-an eyesore among eyesores. techniques---重点部分 Suspense (悬念) I think the writing skill the author use most is “suspense”, at the beginning of the novel there are several questions we cannot get through , . why the whole town went to her funeral ? W hat the “ fallen monument’ represent for ? Why the women were full of curiosity to the inside of her house ? What exactly was in Emily”s house ? With so many questions we have to deal with , we are full of interests and curiosity to read the following text and find the answers. And at the other parts of the text , there are suspenses as well ,. why the house of noble Emily send out bad smell ? Is the arsenic(砒霜) really for mice ? Symbol


旅游景区讲解员讲解服务标准 1范围 本标准规定了XX风景名胜区随车讲解员服务应达到的目的和要求。 本标准适用于XX风景名胜区随车讲解员讲解工作。 2 服务目的 为游客提供随车讲解服务,方便游客游览。 3 服务要求 3.1 时效性讲解人员应提前10分钟到岗,做好各项准备工作。 3.2 准确性 3.2.1 车辆出发前简单告知游客乘车注意事项,待游客坐稳后告知司机发车。 3.2.2 讲解员在讲解过程中要详细讲解景区的总体概况、沿途风光及景区各服务区基本情况,不得擅自减少或变更讲解内容。 3.2.3 在游客乘车过程中,告知游客景区投诉电话、游览注意事项等信息,当车辆快到站时,应提前准确报站。 3.3 文明性 3.3.1 在车辆启动的同时,致欢迎词:“尊敬的游客朋友,你们好,欢迎您来到XX世界地质公园观光游览”,介绍本人和司机师傅,公布景区投诉电话号码,表示诚挚服务的愿望,告知门票及安全注意事项。

3.3.2 讲解员举止大方得体,讲解内容生动形象,在沿途讲解中,不能随意减少讲解内容,严禁掺杂庸俗下流的内容,更不能接听电话,与人闲谈打闹。 3.3.3 讲解员处理各种事情要以大局为重,时刻维护景区利益与游客合法权益。耐心细致地解答游客提出的问题,想游客所想,急游客所急,主动为游客排忧解难。 3.4 着装要求讲解员须统一着装、佩戴工牌,保持良好的仪容仪表,穿着朴素大方,严禁穿奇装异服、浓妆艳抹,任何时候不得在游客面前整理衣裤。 3.5 行为要求讲解时要面对游客,站立服务,表情要自然、诚恳、和蔼,语言准确、生动、富有表达力,同时注意使用礼貌用语。严禁掺杂庸俗下流的内容,不得私自接听或拨打与工作无关的电话。 3.6 功能性告知游客使用门票的注意事项,建议游客合理安排旅游线路,介绍沿途风光及各服务区状况,提前报站,下车时提醒游客携带好随身物品。


八年级下学期全部长篇课文 Unit 1 3a P6 In ten years , I think I'll be a reporter . I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanfhai last year and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city . As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don' like living alone. I'll have pets. I can't have an pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small . So in ten yers I'll have mny different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I'll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend , I'll be able to dress more casully. I think I'll go to Hong Kong vacation , and one day I might even visit Australia. P8 Do you think you will have your own robot In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do most unpleasant jobs. Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. Scientist ae now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. Janpanese companies have already made robts walk and dance. This kond of roots will also be fun to watch. But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be difficult fo a robot to do the same rhings as a person. For example, it's easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is. Mr White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think thast robots will be able t walk to people in 25 to 50tars. Robots scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people . For example, there are already robots working in factories . These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such as jobs and would get bored. But robots will never bored. In the futhre, there will be more robots everwhere, and humans will have less work to do. New robots will have different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possibe now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed


景区讲解员的含义:景点讲解员是在博物馆或重要景区为游客提供导游讲解服务的人员,通常由所在景区景点统一培训和管理,具有较丰富的相关专业知识。 景区讲解员的岗位职责:1.认真做好旅游者在的接待服务; 2.热情做好导游讲解工作,积极向游客介绍和传播公司文化; 3.妥善处理好旅游相关服务各方面的协作关系,认真处理旅游者发生的各类问题; 4.维护旅游者的人身和财物安全,做好事故防范和安全提示工作。 5.做好导游讲解团队登记工作; 6.完成主管领导安排的其他工作。 景区讲解员应具备的设备:1、必须要一个袖珍的笔记本,将你所有的东西记下来,以防记不起来,这一点非常重点,在外面好多突发事情,不可能想得太多; 2、一支笔,在特殊情况之下,能帮你避免法律纠纷,能将你所有的经历记录来,大家能签名确认的,最好。 3、旅行社的标旗,带队时使用; 4、能录音的、收音的、拍摄、照相的手机,最好就是相机。将旅途上的纠纷、突发事情拍下来,有据可依。 5、扩音器,这个不说了。 景区讲解员的职业素养:1、迎客走在前,送客走在后;全程讲解,讲解词熟练,知识面广,做到游客有问必答,满足游客的合理要求。

2、结合景点自然景观传播科普知识。及时有效地讲解景区线路中有关注意事项和旅游知识,随时解答游客提问,不得敷衍。 3、做到站姿标准,讲解生动,语言文明规范,仪表整洁,举止端庄。 4、接待热情耐心,微笑服务;对有残疾智障的游客主动帮助,给予特别关照。听取游客批评意见时,态度诚恳,虚心接受。 5、使用普通话接待观众,使用文明礼貌用语,说话得体,语言亲切。 6、不得迎合个别游客的低级趣味,在讲解、介绍中掺杂庸俗下流的内容。 7、不得欺骗、胁迫游客消费。不得向游客索取小费及提出其他要求。


is divided into five secti ons. A Rose for Emily The first sect ion ope ns with a descripti on of the Griers on house in Jeffers on. The n arrator men ti ons that over the past 100 years, Miss Emily Griers on ' s home has fall into disrepair and become “ an eyesore among eyesores. ” The first sentence of the story sets the tone of how the citize ns of Jeffers on felt about Emily: “ When Miss Emily Griers on died, our whole town went to the funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the wome n mostly out of curiosity to see the in side of her house, which no one save an old man serva nt -a comb ined garde ner and cook - had see n in at least ten years. It is known around tow n that Emily Griers on has not had guests in her home for the past decade, except her black serva nt who runs errands for her to and from the market. When a new city council takes over, however, they begi n to tax her once aga in. She refuses to pay the taxes and appear before the sheriff, so the city authorities invite themselves into her house. When confron ted on her tax evasi on, Emily reminds them that she does n't have to pay taxes in Jeffers on and to speak to Colonel Sartoris, although he had died 10 years before. In section two, the narrator explains that the Griersons had always been a very proud Souther n family. Mr. Griers on, Emily ' s father, believes no man is suitable for his daughter and does n't allow her to date. Emily is largely depe nden t upon her father, and is left foun deri ng whe n he dies. After Mr. Griers on's death, Emily does not allow the authorities to remove his body for three days, claiming he is still alive. She breaks down and allows authorities to take the body away for a quick burial. Section three introduces Emily ' s beau, Homer Barron, a foreman fronthe north. Homer comes to Jeffers on with a crew of men to build sidewalks outside the Griers on home. After Emily and Homer are seen driving through town several times, Emily visits a druggist. There, she asks to purchase arse nic. The druggist asks what the arse nic is for since it was required of him to ask by law. Emily does not respond and coldly stares him down un til he looks away and gives her the arse nic. When Emily ope ns the package, underneath the skull and bones sign is written, "For Rats." Citize ns of Jeffers on believe that Miss Emily is going to commit suicide si nce Homer has not yet proposed in the beg inning of sect ion four. The tow nspeople con tact and in vite Emily's two cousins to comfort her. Shortly after their arrival, Homer leaves and then retur ns after the cous ins leave Jeffers on. After stay ing in Jeffers on for one ni ght, Homer is never seen again. After Homer ' s disappearance, Emily begins to age, gain weight, and is rarely see n outside of her home. Soon, Miss Emily passes away.


景区讲解员的服务流程 1准备工作 熟悉接待计划:旅游团的基本信息,旅游团成员的情况,交通工具,是否有特殊要求和注意事项。 落实接待事宜:落实旅游车辆、住宿及用餐,掌握全陪或者司机的联系电话。与他们联系商定第二天的接团时间及地点。 物质准备:游客接待确认书,游客意见单,话筒,导游旗。 形象准备:上团前要做好仪容、仪表方面的准备。整洁、大方、自然、不浓妆艳抹。 语言和知识准备:要在大脑里面准备好第二天要讲解的内容;接待有专业知识的团队,要做好相关的专业知识、词汇的准备工作。语言要生动、流畅和清楚。 心理准备:我们要能有技巧的回答客人提出的任何问题,面对客人的指责、抱怨,我们要冷静、沉着的面对。 联络畅通准备:上团前一天,要把手机,话筒的电充足,随时保持畅通。 2接团服务 出发前的准备:在旅行团到达之前,打电话给全陪或者司机,前一天晚上20:00前确定好到达时间、人数、停车位置、集合地点等,在集合地点恭候旅游团的到来。旅游团到达后,协助全陪或者司机购票,提醒客人山顶温度较低,指引乘客上车,清点一下车上的人数。检票后通知司机师傅开车。 途中导游:致欢迎词,山路崎岖,提醒客人把车辆扶手打下并系好安全带,当日活动安排(参观景点名称、途中所经地点、所需时间),介绍游览景点(讲安全讲游客接待中心,讲内循环通道,讲景区公交车的发班时间,讲游览线路,讲中途会经过哪几个景点,讲三条游步道),活跃气氛(做些娱乐互动,与游客互动) 景点讲解:抵达景点下车之前,告知游客车牌号、停车地点、开车时间、游览线路、游览所需时间、游览过程中的注意事项(不能随便雕刻、不能在景区乱扔垃圾、不能在景区内吸烟、不能随意摘取野果实,以免误食)等。抵达景点后,组织客人有顺序的下车,提醒客人注意脚下的安全,带领游客沿着游览线路对所见景物进行精彩的导游讲解。在游览过程中要随时随地注意游客的安全,特别是老弱病残的游客,要防止游客走失和意外事件的发生。 3送团服务 清点团队人数,后提醒客人清点一下随身携带物品,如无遗漏则请司机开车离开。致欢送词(感谢语、惜别语、征求意见语、致歉语、祝愿语)。致完欢送词后,将“游客意见反馈表”发给游客,请其填写。游客填写完毕后如数收回,妥善保留。 4总结工作 认真做好带团小结,实事求是的汇报接团情况。

A rose for Emily中译本赏析,以杨岂深的译本为例

“A Rose for Emily”中译本赏析 ——以杨岂深的译本为例 摘要:A Rose for Emily 《献给埃米莉的玫瑰》讲述了美国南北战争后南方小镇-----杰弗逊镇上没落的格尔森贵族家庭中埃米莉的悲剧故事。作者威廉·卡斯伯特·福克纳(William Cuthbert Faulkner)为美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,美国“南方文艺复兴”时期成就最显著的南方作家和现代主义作家。以杨岂深先生的译本为例,对小说分别从忠实的标准,形似与神似的矛盾,主人公对话语言的描写三个方面进行翻译研究,有益于提高读者的文学素养,提升文学翻译实践能力。 关键词:埃米莉;译本;忠实;形似与神似;对话 Abstract: A Rose for Emily tells the tragic story of Emily Grierson, the daughter of a noble declining family, which happened in a small southern American town-----Jefferson after American Civil War. The author, William Cuthbert Faulkner, is one of the most influential writers in the American literary history, the most significant Southern writer and modernism writer in the American "Northern Renaissance" period. This paper is based on the version of translator Yang Qishen. Mainly discusses the translation study from three aspects——faithful standard, the contradictions between appearance and soul , description of the heroine's conversation, which will be helpful for the improvement of readers '
