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Extreme https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 1.1Web Deployment Projects When ASP was first released, Web programming was more difficult because you needed IIS to serve your ASP pages. Later, https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 2.0 and Visual Studio? 2005 made everything easier by introducing the Web site model of development. Instead of creating a new project inside Visual Studio, the Web site model lets you point to a directory and start writing pages and code. Furthermore, you can quickly test your site with the built-in https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, Development Server, which hosts https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, in a local process and obviates the need to install IIS to begin developing. The beauty of the Web site model is that you can develop your Web application without thinking about packaging and deployment. Need another class? Add a .cs file to the App_Code directory and start writing. Want to store localizable strings in a resource file? Add a .resx file to the App_GlobalResources directory and type in the strings. Everything just works; you don't have to think about the compilation and deployment aspect at all. When you are ready to deploy, you have several options. The simplest choice is to copy your files to a live server and let everything be compiled on-demand (as it was in your test environment). The second option is to use the aspnet_compiler.exe utility and precompile the application into a binary release, which leaves you nothing but a collection of assemblies, static content, and configuration files to push to the server. The third option is to again use aspnet_compiler.exe, but to create an updateable binary deployment where your .as*x files remain intact (and modifiable) and all of your code files are compiled into binary assemblies. This seems to cover every possible scenario, leaving the developer to focus simply on writing the Web application, with packaging and deployment decisions to be made later when the application is actually deployed. There was a fair amount of backlash against this model, however, especially from developers who were used to their Web projects being real projects, specified in real project files, that let you inject pre-and post-build functions, exclude files from the build process, move between debug and release builds with a command-line switch, and so on. In response, Microsoft quickly introduced the Web Application Project or WAP, initially released as an add-in to Visual Studio 2005, and now included in Visual Studio 2005 Service available for download from https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1. WAP provides an alternative to the Web site model that is much closer to the Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web Project model. The new WAP model compiles all of the source code files during the build process and generates a single assembly in the local /bin directory for deployment. WAP also makes it much easier to incrementally adopt the new partial class codebehind model


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


经济类外文核心期刊 The industrial development policy 序号期刊刊名中文译名中图刊号 ISSN号国别美国经济评论美 1 The American economic review 270B0001 0002-8282 经济学家英 2 The Economist 270C0001 0013-0613 计量经济学美 3 Econometrica 270C0060 0012-9682 政治经济学杂志美 4 The Journal of political economy 270B0010 0022-3808 经济学季刊美 5 The Quarterly journal of economics 270B0005 0033-5533 经济文献杂志美 6 Journal of economic literature 270B001-2 0022-0515 管理学会杂志美 7 Academy of management journal 714B0124 0001-4273 金融杂志美 8 The Journal of finance 297B0062 0022-1082 哈佛商业评论美 9 Harvard business review 291B0001 0017-8012 管理学会评论美 10 The Academy of management review 714B0154 0363-7425 金融经济学杂志瑞士 11 Journal of financial economics 270LD059 0304-405X 营销学杂志美 12 Journal of marketing 294B0160 0022-2429 战略管理学杂志英 13 Strategic management journal 714C0006 0143-2095 米尔班克季刊美 14 The Milbank quarterly 270B 0887-378X 经济学杂志英 15 The Economic journal 270C0003 0013-0133 经济展望杂志美 16 The Journal of economic perspectives 270B0195 0895-3309 经济研究评论英 17 The Review of economic studies 270C0004 0034-6527 营销研究杂志美 18 JMR, journal of marketing research 294B0149 0022-2437 经济学与统计学评论美 19 The Review of economics and statistics 270B0236 0034-6535 消费研究杂志美20 The Journal of consumer research 294B0339 0093-5301 计量经济学杂志瑞士 21 Journal of econometrics 270LD056 0304-4076 经济理论杂志美 22 Journal of economic theory 270B0012 0022-0531 卫生保健融资评论美 23 Health care financing review 612B0167 0195-8631 布鲁金斯经济活动论文美 24 Brookings papers on economic activity 270B0098 0007-2303 集货币经济学杂志荷兰 25 Journal of monetary economics 270LB062 0304-3932 斯隆管理学评论美 26 Sloan management review 714B0103 0019-848X 法学与经济学杂志美 27 The Journal of law & economics 340B0105 0022-2186 商业杂志美 28 Journal of business 294B0063 0021-9398 卫生保


读后续写——提高外语学习效率的一种有效方法 王初明 提要: 读后续写是结合阅读理解进行写作练习的一种方法。本文论证读后续写促学外语的功效,认为该法将语言输入与输出紧密结合,将语言的模仿与创造性使用有机结合,将语言的学习与运用切实结合,是提高外语学习效率的好方法。文章不仅列举了读后续写的长处与短处,而且详细介绍了它的设计及具体操作要求,为在外语教学中应用该法提供指南。 关键词: 外语学习; 读后续写; 模仿; 创造; 理解; 产出 外语教学与研究,2015年第5期 读后续写何以有效促学 王初明 提要:本文报道一项质性实证研究,采用有声思维法,深入探究读后续写促学语言的机理。受试是两位来华学习汉语的外国学生,阅读两个情节不完整的故事,接着续写,补全内容。阅读和续写的有声思维录音数据用作剖析读后续写思维过程。数据分析集中观察续写的内容和语言是否与读物协同,能否提高学习者的表达力。分析结果印证了读后续写的有效性,它之所以有效促学,因其符合语言学习规律。研究发现为进一步挖掘读后续写的促学潜力、改进其使用方法、打造高效外语教学模式提供了有益的启示。 关键词:读后续写、有声思维、内容创造、互动协同、语言模仿 外语界,2013年第6期 输出驱动假设在大学英语教学中的应用:思考与建议 文秋芳 提要: 本文探讨了在大学英语教学中应用“输出驱动假设”的可行性。全文分3个部分。第一部分概述输出驱动假设的内容及其理据。第二部分从教学目标、课程体系、教学流程及其方法、评估重点4个方面阐述输出驱动假设的具体实施。第三部分指出实施输出驱动假设面临的挑战。 关键词: 输出驱动假设; 大学英语教学; 通用英语; 专门用途英语; 学术英语


化学类核心期刊中文译名 2010-12-16 20:48:54| 分类:收藏| 标签:化学期刊中文译名杂志|举报|字号订阅 1.化学总论类核心期刊表 序号刊名中文译名中国刊号 出版国 1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 美国化学会志 540B0003-1 美国 2 Chemical reviews 化学评论540B0010 美国 3 Angewandte Chemie 应用化学547E0002 德国 4 Chemical communications 化学通讯 540C0007-D 英国 5 Accounts of chemical research 化学研究述评540B0059 美国 6 Chemical Society reviews 化学会评论540C0005 英国 7 Chemistry 化学540E0070

德国 8 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 固体物理学与固体化学杂志538C0003 英国 9 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 日本化学会通报 540D0005 日本 10 Canadian journal of chemistry 加拿大化学杂志540NA001 加拿大 11 Journal of chemical education 化学教育杂志540B0053 美国 12 Pure and applied chemistry 理论化学与应用化学 540B0005 美国 13 Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 化学与药学通报 633D0008 日本 14 Journal of chemical research 化学研究杂志 540C0010 英国 15 Chemistry world 化学世界 540C0004 英国 16 Chemistry letters 化学快学 540D0060 日本 17 Current medicinal chemistry 当今医药化学 633JM001 阿联酋 18 Theochem 分子结构杂志 540LB057 荷兰


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院 专业 学生姓名 班级学号 外文出处 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文 指导教师评价: 1.翻译内容与课题的结合度:□优□良□中□差2.翻译内容的准确、流畅:□优□良□中□差3.专业词汇翻译的准确性:□优□良□中□差4.翻译字符数是否符合规定要求:□符合□不符合 指导教师签名: 年月日

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 非常https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 1.1Web 部署项目 当ASP 第一次发布时,Web 编程还比较困难,因为需要 IIS 来处理 ASP 页。后来,https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 2.0 和 Visual Studio? 2005 通过引入网站开发模型使一切工作都变得容易了。借助该网站模型,您不必在 Visual Studio 中创建新项目,而是可以指向一个目录并开始编写网页和代码。此外,您还可以使用内置的 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, Development Server 快速测试站点,https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, Development Server 将 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 寄宿在一个本地进程中,并消除了必须安装 IIS 才能进行开发这一先决条件。该网站模型的魅力在于您在开发 Web 应用程序时无需考虑打包和部署。需要其他类时怎么办?向 App_Code 目录添加一个 .cs 文件即可开始编写。希望将可本地化的字符串存储在资源文件中时怎么办?向 App_GlobalResources 目录添加一个 .resx 文件并键入字符串。一切都顺顺当当;您根本就不必考虑编译和部署方面的事情。 在准备进行部署时,您有多种可选方案。最简单的方案是将文件复制到主运行服务器并按要求编译每一个文件(和在测试环境中一样)。第二种方案是使用 aspnet_compiler.exe 实用工具将应用程序预编译为二进制版本,之后将只剩下要放到服务器上的一组程序集、静态内容和配置文件。第三种方案也使用 aspnet_compiler.exe,但要创建一个可更新的二进制部署,其中 .as*x 文件保持不变(并且可修改),而所有代码文件都编译为二进制程序集。 这似乎涵盖了每一种可能的情况,开发人员可以一心一意地编写 Web 应用程序,而在以后实际部署时再作打包和部署决定。不过,此模型也遭到了相当大的反对,特别是那些习惯了自己开发的 Web 项目是在实际项目文件中指定的实际项目的开发人员的反对,这些项目允许注入生成前和生成后函数、从生成过程排除文件以及使用命令行开关在调试和发布版本之间进行切换等操作。有鉴于此,Microsoft 迅速推出了 Web 应用程序项目(即 WAP),最初它是作为 Visual Studio 2005 的插件发布的,现在包含在 Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 中,Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 可从https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,/vstudio/support/vs2005sp1 下载。 WAP 可替代与 Visual Studio .NET 2005 Web 项目模型非常接近的网站模型。新的WAP 模型会在生成过程中编译所有源代码文件,并在本地的 /bin 目录中生成一个用于部署的程序集。WAP 还使得增量采用 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 2.0 引入的新的分部类代码隐藏模型变得更


Study on Project Cost Control of Construction Enterprises By: R. Max Wideman Abstract With the increasing maturity of construction market, the competition between construction enterprises is becoming fierce. The project profit is gradually decreasing. It demands that all construction enterprises enhance their cost control, lower costs, improve management efficiency and gain maximal profits. This paper analyses the existing problems on project cost control of Chinese construction enterprises, and proposes some suggestions to improve project cost control system. Key Words :Construction enterprises, Project management, Cost control After joining the WTO, with Chinese construction market becoming integrated, the competition among architectural enterprises is turning more intense. Construction enterprises must continually enhance the overall competitiveness if they want to develop further at home and abroad construction market. Construction Enterprises basically adopt the "project management-centered" model, therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen project cost control. 1.The Current Domestic Project Cost Classification and Control Methods Cost refers to the consumption from producing and selling of certain products, with the performance of various monetary standing for materialized labor and labor-consuming. Direct and indirect costs constitute the total cost, also known as production cost or manufacturing cost. Enterprise product cost is the comprehensive indicator to measure enterprise quality of all aspects. It is not only the fund compensation scale, but also the basis to examine the implementation of cost plan. Besides, it can provide reference for product pricing According to the above-mentioned definition and current domestic cost classification, construction project cost can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs include material cost, personnel cost, construction machinery cost, material transportation cost, temporarily facility cost, engineering cost and other direct cost. Indirect costs mainly result from project management and company's cost-sharing, covering project operating costs (covering the commission of foreign projects), project's management costs (including exchange losses of


经济类核心期刊投稿指南和攻略,自己之前搜的一个好东西,感觉非常有用、非常好用,其中50%以上说的很对,供大家参考,免费给大家了,求大家的好评哦! 1. 《经济研究》论文质量不太差,对于没有名气的作者会找多个审稿人,如果陆续收到4-6个审稿意见,别担心,这说明编辑在担心。名作者稿件审过一次就可以发。还有些稿件是不匿名审稿的(特约,呵呵)。所以只能说是半匿名审稿。学生单独发表有可能,但很难,而且越来越难。说明编辑看名气和地位,对学生独发不放心。 2. 《经济学季刊》匿名审稿,注重论文质量。是否刊登主要看编辑。季刊编辑水平比经济研究高多了。一旦有刊号,一定会把经济研究甩到二区。学生独发常见。 3. 《世界经济》对普通学生很公平,不会以名气定夺,是匿名审稿。学生单独发表常见。 4. 《中国社会科学》经济类论文良莠不齐,水准方差大,有些太差。明显不是完全匿名审稿,人情避免不了。学生一般不建议投,除非牛老板推荐。 5. 《经济学报》匿名审稿,不求数量,只求质量。最近一段时间一直没有看到出版,说明稿件宁缺毋滥。宁缺毋滥的刊物,一定不是看名气和地位,所以学生占优势,毕竟知识结构比老一代新。 6. 《金融研究》金融类的,没有投过,看似质量可以。在该领域算是一流。 7. 《世界经济文汇》最近几年上升很快,注重研究方法的规范化。不规范的大话西游文章不要投。编辑都很年轻,思维活跃。学生单独发表常见。 8. 《经济科学》拒稿不给意见,没有职业素养,不向国际一流看起,反而向国内三流看起,但学生单独有发。 9. 《数量经济技术经济研究》不知道什么审稿标准,拒稿也不给意见。但学生单独有发。 10. 《南开经济研究》做的不错,时间太长,审稿严谨。但学生单独有发。 11. 《南方经济》具有真才实学的学生,发表首选,该杂志审稿严谨周到,仅以质量取胜,以后可能会进入一区,但是现在杂志名声不大,稿源不如一区。学生单独常发。 12. 《管理世界》靠国研中心成为著名期刊,但是办刊选稿的宗旨居然是三流层次。AER、JPE、ECONOMETRICA上的论文在管理世界不可能发,因为不符合它的三流标准。在封面上放企业家头像,短论卖钱,这品位好不到哪里去。学生独发不常见,但有,估计天时地利人和比较好。 13. 《中国工业经济》论文质量不咋地,但引用率挺高,可能和领域有关。创新论文不一定能发。公开标准是“顶天立地”,但首先得对编辑的口味,才能过第一关。不好意思直接说匿名审稿,只好说外审。有学生独发。 14. 《财经研究》以前默默无名,现在财大也崛起了,刊物水平也越来越高,有点像南方经济,看以后发展吧。学生有独发。 15. 《广西财经学院学报》双月,审稿20天不到,对硕士和专科学校的教师没有歧视,文章比较大气,我发了七个页码13000字,没要一分钱,编辑们也比较客气,适合硕士和讲师们发。 16. 《经济评论》武大经管院,双月。初审时间根据照稿件密集程度在1周到2周时间,外审规定2周。但根据外审专家配合程度在1周到4周时间;然后是返修、视情况再给外审专家评判,这个时间可能有弹性,还有可能有数个反复;录用后在下期或者下下期见刊,这个比较快。文章质量有较大提升。投稿前最好能按照规定的格式排好版,选题要有新意,格式要规范。质量见上条。 17. 《中国农村观察中国社科院,双月,初审大概3个月,通过初审后就是第一次修改,修改后如果通过审稿,发表的希望很大。一般编辑和你联系时会告诉你在哪一期刊登。文章


化学类核心期刊: 1.高等学校化学学报 2.分析化学 3.化学学报 4.化学通报 5.中国科学.B辑,化学 6.物理化学学报 7.光谱学与光谱分析 8.催化学报 9.理化检验.化学分册 10.应用化学 11.高分子学报 12.有机化学 13.无机化学学报 14.分析实验室 15.色谱 16.冶金分析 17.分子催化 18.分析测试学报 19.化学物理学报 20.计算机与应用化学21.化学试剂 22.结构化学 23.化学研究与应用 24.化学进展

1.化工学报 2.高分子材料科学与工程 3.石油化工 4.硅酸盐学报 5.高分子学报 6.燃料化学学报 7.中国塑料 8.应用化学 9.无机材料学报 10.化学工程 11.工程塑料应用 2.化工进展 13.现代化工 14.膜科学与技术 15.精细化工 16.高校化学工程学报 17.功能高分子学报 18.功能材料 19.塑料工业 20.化学反应工程与工艺21.合成纤维工业 22.天然气化工.C1,化学与化工 23.化学世界 24.现代塑料加工应用 25.日用化学工业 26.精细石油化工 27.离子交换与吸附 28.塑料科技 29.合成橡胶工业 30.橡胶工业 31.中国医药工业杂志 32.合成树脂及塑料 33.化工新型材料 34.新型炭材料 35.涂料工业 36.硅酸盐通报 37.塑料 38.计算机与应用化学 39.煤炭转化 40.无机盐工业 41.过程工程学报

美国化学会 Analytical chemistry 5.35 Nano letters 11.02 Journal of the American Chemical Society 8.466 ACS Nano 8.83 Chemical Reviews 31.43 Chemistry of Materials 5.872 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2.517 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2.54 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 3.319 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 4.25 Langmuir 3.93 Inorganic Chemistry 3.998 Organic Letters 4.81 英国化学会 Analyst 3.43 Chemical Communications 5.14 Journal of Materials Chemistry 4.687 Lab on a chip 5.70 Chemical Society Reviews 23.47 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3.123


附录Ⅰ英文文献翻译 Moving from Classic ASP to https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, ABSTRACT https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, is Microsoft new offering for Web application development, innovation within https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, have resulted in significant industry popularity for this product. Consequently there is an increased need for https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, education. The Web Application Development is a third year undergraduate course. To meet the demands of both industry and students, we have changed the focus of this course from Classic ASP to https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,. This paper reports this move. The significant features of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, and the motivations for this move are discussed. The process, the problems encountered, and some helpful online learning resources are described. Key words: Web Application Development, Classic ASP, https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,, Move, https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, 1. INTRODUCTION https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, is not just a new version of ASP. It provides innovation for moving Windows applications to Web applications. Web services and the .NET framework have made the vision of the Web as the next generation computing platform a reality. With server controls, Web forms and “code-behind”, we can develop a Web application by using a complete object-oriented programming (OOP) model. This increases the popularity of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, in industry. The industry project is the final course of the Bachelor of Computing Systems (BCS) degree at UNITEC, in which students undertake a real-world project. We have observed a rapid growth of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, related industry projects in our school. The Web Application Development (WAD) paper is a third year undergraduate course. It was originally offered using ASP 2.0 and ColdFusion. To meet the demands from both industry and students, we have changed the course content to cover https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,, Visual https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, (https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html,) and ColdFusion. This change commenced with the first semester of 2003. This paper will examine the features of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, and explain why these are unique. The motivations for moving to https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, are discussed by analyzing the current situation of https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7914671055.html, related to industry projects in our school, analyzing the results of short surveys on students, and


( 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 外文文献及翻译 题 目: About Buiding on the Structure Design 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-4班 指导教师:

英文原文: Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing Abstract The crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing Foreword Concrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete be subjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the


The industrial development policy 序号期刊刊名中文译名中图刊号ISSN号国别 1 The American economic review 美国经济评论270B0001 0002-828 2 美 2 The Economist 经济学家270C0001 0013-061 3 英 3 Econometrica 计量经济学270C0060 0012-9682 美 4 The Journal of political economy 政治经济学杂志270B0010 0022-3808 美 5 The Quarterly journal of economics 经济学季刊270B0005 0033-5533 美 6 Journal of economic literature 经济文献杂志270B001-2 0022-0515 美 7 Academy of management journal 管理学会杂志714B0124 0001-4273 美 8 The Journal of finance 金融杂志297B0062 0022-1082 美 9 Harvard business review 哈佛商业评论291B0001 0017-8012 美 10 The Academy of management review 管理学会评论714B0154 0363-7425 美 11 Journal of financial economics 金融经济学杂志270LD059 0304-405X 瑞士 12 Journal of marketing 营销学杂志294B0160 0022-2429 美 13 Strategic management journal 战略管理学杂志714C0006 0143-2095 英 14 The Milbank quarterly 米尔班克季刊270B 0887-378X 美 15 The Economic journal 经济学杂志270C0003 0013-0133 英 16 The Journal of economic perspectives 经济展望杂志270B0195 0895-3309 美 17 The Review of economic studies 经济研究评论270C0004 0034-6527 英 18 JMR, journal of marketing research 营销研究杂志294B0149 0022-2437 美 19 The Review of economics and statistics 经济学与统计学评论270B0236 0034-6535 美 20 The Journal of consumer research 消费研究杂志294B0339 0093-5301 美 21 Journal of econometrics 计量经济学杂志270LD056 0304-4076 瑞士 22 Journal of economic theory 经济理论杂志270B0012 0022-0531 美 23 Health care financing review 卫生保健融资评论612B0167 0195-8631 美 布鲁金斯经济活动论文 24 Brookings papers on economic activity 270B0098 0007-2303 美 集 25 Journal of monetary economics 货币经济学杂志270LB062 0304-3932 荷兰 26 Sloan management review 斯隆管理学评论714B0103 0019-848X 美
