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第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep

第十九篇Graphene's Superstrength1

*第三+八篇"Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan

*第四十篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety

+第四+五篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety

+第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"


第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep

All we have a clock located inside our brains. Similar to your bedside alarm clock,your internal clock2 runs on a 24-hour cycle. This cycle,called a circadian rhythm,helps control when you wake,when you eat and when you sleep.

Somewhere around puberty,something happens in the timing of the biological clock. The clock pushes forward,so adolescents and teenagers are unable to fall asleep as early as they used to. When your mother tells you it's time for bed,your body may be pushing you to stay up3 for several hours more. And the light coming from your computer screen or TV could be pushing you to stay up even later.

This shift4 is natural for teenagers. But staying up very late and sleeping late can get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark5. It can also make it hard to get out of bed in the morning and may bring other problems,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a gray cloud6 when they don't get enough sleep,says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcher at Brown University in Providence,RI7 .It affects their mood and their ability to think and learn.

But just like your alarm clock,your internal clock can be reset. In fact,it automatically resets itself every day. How? By using the light it gets through your eyes.

Scientists have known for a long time that the light of day and the dark of night play important roles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchers thought that the signals that synchronize the body's clock8 were handled through the same pathways that we use to see.

But recent discoveries show that the human eye has two separate light-sensing systems. One system allows us to see. The second system tells our body whether it's day or night.


circadian adj. 昼夜节奏的,生理节奏的

adolescent n.青少年;adj.青少年的

puberty n.发育;青春期

sync n. (口语)同步;和谐,协调

synchronize V.(使)同时发生;(使)同步


1.make light of :轻视,不在乎。例如:We should not make light of their achievements.我们不应当低估他们的成就。

2. your internal clock :指的是第一句中的a clock located inside our brains ,也即是第二段第一句中的the biological clock (生物钟)。

3. stay up:不睡觉,熬夜

4. This shift:这种调整。指上文所描述的由于生理时间的变化青少年上床时间越来越晚的现象。

5. get your body's clock out of sync with the cycle of light and dark :打乱了你的生物钟与


6. gray cloud :提不起精神的状态

7. Brown University in Providence,RI:位于美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯的布朗大学。RI 是Rhode Island(罗得岛)的首字母缩写;Providence 是罗得岛州的首府。布朗大学是美国一流大学,

创建于1764 年,是世界闻名的美国"常春藤联盟"(还包括哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、普林斯顿大学、布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、达特茅斯大学和康奈尔大学)中的一员。

8. the signals that synchronize the body's clock:平衡生物钟的光信号


1 .The clock located inside our brains is similar to our bedside alarm clock because

A it controls when we wake,when we eat and when we sleep.

B it has a cycle of 24 hours.

C it is a cycle also called circadian rhythm.

D it can alarm any time during 24 hours.

2. What is implied in the second paragraph?

A Young children's biological clock has the same rhythm with that of the teenagers.

B People after puberty begin to go to bed earlier due to the change of the biological clock.

C Children before puberty tend to fall asleep earlier at night than adolescents.

D Teenagers go to bed later than they used to due to the light from the computer screen.

3. In the third paragraph the author wants to tell the reader that

A it is natural for teenagers to stay up late and get up late.

B staying up late has a bad effect on teenagers' ability to think and learn.

C during puberty most teenagers experience a kind of gray cloud.

D it is hard for teenagers to get out of bed in the morning.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the fourth and fifth paragraphs?

A Our biological clock resets itself automatically.

B light gets through our eyes and resets our biological clock.

C Our internal clock as well as the alarm clock can be reset automatically.

D Our internal clock,like the alarm clock,can be reset.

5. According to the last two paragraphs,what did the previous researchers think about the human eye's light-sensing system?

A The human eye had two light-sensing systems.

B The human eye had one light-sensing system.

C The human eye could sense the light of day more quickly than the dark of night.

D The human eye could reset our internal clocks in accordance with the alarm clocks.


1.B 第一段第二句提供了答案。句中的your internal clock 即指a clock located inside our


2. C 第二段主要内容是告诉读者,过了青春期(puberty),由于生物钟节奏的变化,青少年(adolescents and teenagers)比以前要晚睡几小时。所以C是该段所隐含的内容。

3. B 第三段的最后一句直接给出了答案。

4. C 根据第四和第五段的内容,闹钟和生物钟都可以重新设定时间,但生物钟能通过眼睛接


5.B 问题使用的是过去时,问的是研究者在最新发现(recent discoveries)之前对眼睛感光系统的认识,即,the signals that synchronize the body's clock were handled through the same pathways that we use to see (眼睛所接受到的平衡生物钟的光信号同样作用于人类的视觉系统),也就是说,研究者之前认为人类的眼睛只有一个感光系统。但最新发现却是,人的眼睛有两个感光系统。

第十九篇Graphene's Superstrength1

Big technology comes in tiny packages. New cell phones and personal computers get smaller every year,which means these electronics require even smaller components on the inside.

Engineers are looking for creative ways to build these components,and they've turned their eyes to graphene,a superthin2 material,made of carbon,that could change the future of electronics.

This year's Nobel Prize for Physics3 has been awarded to Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester4,UK. for the discovery of graphene. Graphene isn't just small,

it's"the thinnest possible material in this world," says Novoselov. He calls it a"wonder material. "It's so thin that you would need to stack about 25,000 sheets just to make a pile as thick as a piece of ordinary white paper. If you were to hold a sheet of graphene in your fingers5,you'd have no idea because you wouldn't be able to see it.

Carbon is one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Every known kind of life contains carbon. Graphene is a sheet of carbon,but only one atom thick. You don't have to look far to find grapheme -it's all around you.

If you want this high-tech wonderstuff6,all you need is a pencil,paper and a little adhesive tape. Use the pencil to shade a small area on the paper, and then apply a small piece of adhesive tape over the area7. When you pull up the tape,you'll see that it pulls up a thin layer of some of the shading from your pencil. That layer is called graphite,one of the softest minerals in the world.

Now stick the same piece of tape on another sheet of paper and pull the tape up -there should be an even thinner layer,this time left on the paper. Now imagine that you do this over and over,until you get the thinnest possible layer of material on the paper. This layer would be only one atom thick,and you wouldn't be able to see it. Graphite is made of layers of graphene,so when you get to the thinnest possible layer,you've found graphene.


graphene n.石墨烯

abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的

atom n.原子

adhesive n.胶粘剂;adj. 黏着的

stack v.使成堆,堆放

graphite n.石墨


1. superstrength:超强的力量。该词是一个合成词,由两部分组成,super(超级的)和strength (力量)。

2. superthin:超薄。见注释1。

3. Nobel Prize for Physics :诺贝尔物理学奖

4. the University of Manchester:曼彻斯特大学。这是一所位于英国曼彻斯特市的公立研究型大学,创建于1851 年。

5. If you were to hold a sheet of graphene in your fingers:句子使用的是虚拟语气,因为不可能将几乎肉眼看不到的石墨烯放在指尖上。

6. wonderstuff:神奇物。该词为合成词,由wonder(神奇)和stuff(东西)两个词构成。

wonderstuff 指的是第二段提到的wonder material。

7. apply a small piece of adhesive tape over…:将一小片胶带敷在……上。


1 .What would change the future of electronics according to engineers?

A Big technology.

B Creative ways.

C Graphene.

D Both A and B.

2. According to the second and third paragraphs,what is true of graphene?

A It can be used to make paper.

B It is possible to see it with our naked eye.

C It is easy to find graphene.

D It is possibly the thickest material in the world.

3. Which of the following can be used to replace the word "apply"in paragraph 4?

A request.

B polish.

C use.

D put.

4. Which of the following is NOT meant in the last two paragraphs?

A Graphene is made of graphite,one of the softest materials in the world.

B Graphite is made of layers of graphene,the thinnest material in the world.

C When we get to the thinnest possible layer of graphite,we find graphene.

D With a pencil,a sheet of paper and a piece of adhesive tape,we can find graphene.

5. Graphene's superstrength lies in the fact that

A It is the thinnest material in the world.

B It is made of the most abundant elements in the world.

C It can help to make electronic components smaller.

D It helps engineers to produce more sensitive electronic products.


1. C 第一段最后一句提供了答案:工程师将眼光投向石墨烯,一种由碳原子组成的超薄材料,


2.C 第二段倒数第二句告诉我们,25,000 层石墨烯才能堆砌成一张普通白纸的厚度,这是为了说明石墨烯是多么的薄,而不是说它可以用来造纸,所以A不是正确答案。


3.D apply... over:将……涂(敷)在……上。

4.A 最后两段告诉我们,用一张纸,一支铅笔和一片胶带就能找到石墨烯;无数层石墨烯构成石墨,当铅笔留在纸上的石墨被胶带剥离到最薄一层时,我们就得到了石墨烯。因此只有A不是最后两段的表述内容。

5. C 第一段提供了答案。随着电子产品越来越小,需要更小的电子组件(components) ,而石墨烯作为最薄的材料可以帮助工程师实现这一目标。这就是石墨烯力量所在。

*第三十八篇"Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan

Scientists say they have discovered hints of alien life1 on the Saturn's moon2. The discovery of a sort of life was announced after researchers at the US space agency,NASA3,analyzed data from spacecraft Cassini4,which pointed to,the existence of methane-based form of life on Saturn's biggest moon.

Scientists have reportedly discovered clues showing primitive alien beings are"breathing" in Titan's dense atmosphere filled with hydrogen.

They argue that hydrogen gets absorbed before hitting Titan's planet-like surface covered with methane lakes and rivers. This,they say,points to the existence of some"bugs"5 consuming the hydrogen at the surface of the moon less than half the size of the Earth.

"We suggested hydrogen consumption because it's the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan,similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth,"says NASA scientist Chris McKay."If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life,it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth."

To date,scientists have not yet detected this form of life anywhere,though there are liquid-water-based microorganisms on Earth that grow well on methane or produce it as a waste product. On Titan, where temperatures are around 90 Kelvin6(minus 290 degrees Farenheit),a methanebased organism would have to use a substance that is liquid as its medium for living processes, but not water itself. Water is frozen solid on Titan's surface and much too cold to support life as we know it.

Scientists had expected the Sun's interactions with chemicals in the atmosphere to produce a coating of acetylene on Titan's surface. But Cassini detected no acetylene on the surface.

The absence of detectable acetylene on the Titan's surface can very well have a non-biological explanation,said Mark Allen,a principal investigator7 of the NASA Titan team.

"Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed,"Allen said. "We have a lot of work to do to rule out8 possible non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical process,without biology,can explain these results."


Saturn n.土星

methane n.甲烷,沼气

Titan n.土卫六

acetylene n.乙炔

alien n.外星人;adj.外星球的;相异的

conservatism n.保守主义,守旧


1.hints of alien life:外星生命迹象。

2.the Saturn's moon:指土卫六(Titan) 。土卫六又称泰坦星,是土星卫星中最大的一颗。

3.NASA:美国国家航空航天局的缩写,全称是:National Aeronautics and Space Administration。

4.spacecraft Cassini:卡西尼号探测器,以出生于意大利的法国天文学家卡西尼的名字命名,其任务是环绕土星飞行,对土星及其大气、光环、卫星和磁场进行深人考察。1997 年10 月15日,重六吨的"卡西尼"号星际探测器被发射飞往土星的轨道。这是上世纪发射的最后一艘行星际探测的大飞船。"卡西尼"号用了将近七年时间,在2004 年7月1日飞达土星轨道。


6.Kelvin:可翻译成"绝对温度"。Kelvin Scale ,绝对温标,开氏温标,是由Kelvin 勋爵于19世纪中叶发明的温度计量方法,其零度相当于摄氏一273. 15" C ,被认为是宇宙中最低温度。这种温度计量方法多为科学家使用。

7.principal investigator:研究项目负责人

8.rule out:排除……的可能性


1 .What have scientists found about Saturn?

A They have found a new moon orbiting Saturn.

B They have found methane-based life on Saturn.

C They have found methane-based life on Titan.

D They have found earthlike life on a Saturn's moon.

2. What do scientists say about Titan?

A There are life clues there.

B There is acetylene there.

C Water on Titan exists in the form of ice.

D Rivers and lakes there contain life formls.

3. To date,scientists have not yet detected this form of life.(paragraph 5)What does"this form of life" refer to?

A Water-based life.

B Methane-based life.

C Liquid-water-based microorganisms.

D Gas-based life.

4. What can be inferred from what Allen said?

A Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.

B Scientists all agree that there is life on Titan.

C Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable.

D Scientists all agree that a non-biological chemical reaction is a possible explanation.

5. Which of the following can replace the title of this passage?

A Earthlike Living Beings Found on Titan.

B Finding of One More Moon of Saturn.

C Titan,a New Satellite Found.

D A different Life Form, a Possibility.


1. C 短文的第一段提供了答案。该段告诉读者,科学家在土星的卫星土卫六(Titan )上发现了生命的迹象,这些生命的存在是以甲烷为基础的。

2.A根据第二段"Scientists have reportedly discovered clues showing primitive alien beings are "breathing" in Titan's dense atmosphere filled with hydrogen.",说明土卫六(Titan)有生命迹象。因此A是答案。

3. B this form of life 指的是土卫六(Titan )上以甲烷为生命基础呼吸氢气的生物,即该文讨论的主题。

4.A科学家至今对土卫六是否存在生物有不同的观点和解释。Allen 说要做出土卫六上有生

物的结论,首先必须对Titan 上没有生物的观点做出回应;要排除土卫六上可能没有生物的观点,我们还须付出努力。所以只有A是正确选择。

5.D该短文的主题是,科学家在土卫六(Titan )上发现了一种与地球生物不同的生命形式的迹象,即以甲烷为生命基础呼吸氢气的生物,但科学家还未能最后验证这一发现。第四段中的一个句子能够揭示该短文的主题:"If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life, it would bedoubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth."

*第四十篇Teaching Math,Teaching Anxiety

In a new study about the way kids learn math in elementary school,the psychologists at the University of Chicagol1 Sian Beilock and Susan Levine found a surprising relationship between what female teachers think and what female students learn:If a female teacher is uncomfortable with her own math skills,then her female students are more likely to believe that boys are better than girls at math.

"If these girls keep getting math-anxious female teachers2 in later grades,it may create a snowball effect on their math achievement3 said Levine. In other words,girls may end up learning math anxiety from their teachers4. The study suggests that if these girls grow up believing that boys are better at math than girls are,then these girls may not do as well as they would have if they were more confident.

Just as students find certain subjects to be difficult, teachers can find certain subjects to be difficult to learn -- and teach. The subject of math can be particularly difficult for everyone. Researchers use the word "anxiety" to describe such feelings:anxiety is uneasiness or worry.

The new study found that when a teacher has anxiety about math, that feeling can influence how her female students feel about math. The study involved 65 girls,52 boys and 17 first- and second-grade teachers in elementary schools in the Midwest. The students took math achievement tests at the beginning and end of the school year, and the researchers compared the scores.

The researchers also gave the students tests to tell whether the students believed that a math superstar had to be a boy. Then the researchers turned to the teachers:To find out which

teachers were anxious about math,the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math, such as when reading a sales receipt5. A teacher who got nervous looking at the numbers on a sales receipt, for example,was probably anxious about math.

Boys,on average,were unaffected by a teacher's anxiety. On average,girls with math-anxious teachers scored lower on the end-of-the-year math tests than other girls in the study did.Plus,on the test showing whether someone thought a math superstar had to be a boy,20 girls showed feeling that boys would be better at math -- and all of these girls had been taught by female teachers who had math anxiety.

"This is an interesting study,but the results need to be interpreted as preliminary and in need of replication with a larger sample6," said David Geary,a psychologist at the University of Missouri7 in Columbia.


snowball 雪球;滚雪球式增长的事

replication n .重复,复现

superstar n.超级明星


1. University of Chicago:芝加哥大学。位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,是世界一流的私立大学,创建于1891 年。

2. keep getting math-anxious female teachers:一直由对数学有焦虑感的女教师教授数学。此处getting是having的意思,math-anxious指的是上文中提到的对数学没有自信的心理状态。另见第三段最后一句对anxiety的解释。

3. snowball effect on their math achievement:在数学成就上的雪球效应。其含义是:在数学上越来越没有信心。

4. end up learning math anxiety from their teachers:最后从老师那里获得的是对数学的焦虑。End up doing something:最终会做某事

5. sales receipt:销售清单

6. in need of replication with a larger sample:需要用更大的调查样本进行重复验证。replication


7. the University of Missouri:密苏里大学。位于密苏里州,是美国一所公立研究型大学,创建于1839年。


1. What is the result of the research at the University of Chicago,according to the first paragraph?

A Girls comfortable with their own math skills are better than boys at math.

B Girls uncomfortable with their own math skills are not as good as boys at math.

C Female teachers' math skills have influence over girl students' math skills.

D Female teachers' confidence in their math skills is related to girl's math skills.

2. What is implied in the third paragraph?

A Math teachers,like math learners,do not like the subject due to its difficulty.

B A difficult subject like math may affect teachers' confidence in teaching the subject.

C Teachers are more anxious teaching math than their students learning math.

D Math is so difficult that no teachers like to teach it.

3. According to the experiment,those teachers were probably anxious about math when

they felt

A nervous memorizing the numbers of a sales receipt.

B helpless saving the numbers of a sales receipt.

C uneasy reading the numbers of a sales receipt.

D hopeless filling in the numbers of a sales report.

4. The sixth paragraph tells us that the research findings

A prove a strong link between female teachers' math anxiety and their female students' math achievements.

B show that male students are less likely to be affected by their math anxiety than female students.

C provide strong evidence that math superstars are more likely to be males than females.

D discover a strong link between teachers' math anxiety and their students' math achievements.

5. David Geary thinks that

A the study is interesting but it is based on unreliable research process.

B the research results need to be retested based on a larger sample.

C the research results need to be reinterpreted to be meaningful.

D the study is well based and produces significant results.


1.D 该段告诉我们女教师的想法(what female teachers think)和女学生的学习(what female

students learn)之间有很大的关联度,也就是说,女教师如果对自己的数学技能没有自信,她的女学生很可能相信男孩子会在数学方面超过女孩子。

2.B 第三段的大意是,数学对任何人来说都可能有难度(The subject of math can be particularly difficult for everyone),如同学生,教师也会觉得数学难学和难教,这就是研究者所言的焦虑。所以,可以推断,作者是要告诉我们,教师会因为数学这门学科的难度而对教授该课程不自信。其他选项都不是该段所要表达的内容。

3.C 第五段第三句"To find out which teachers were anxious about math, the researchers asked the teachers how they felt at times when they came across math,such as when reading a sales receipt"指出了答案。memorizing the numbers;意为"记住数字";saving the numbers意为"保存数字";filling in the numbers意为"陆续编入数字",而且文中没有提到a sales report;它们均不是答案。

4.A 短文的第六段是对前一段所述调查数据结果的讨论,即,男学生较少受对数学有焦虑感的教师影响,而那些数学成绩较低的女生都有对数学有焦虑感的教师(girls with math-anxious

teachers scored lower on the end-of-the-year math tests),而且,所有认为男生数学肯定比女生强的女生,其数学教师都是有数学焦虑感的女教师(all of these girls had been taught by female teachers who had math anxiety. )。D所以不是正确的选择,因为只提到teachers 和students,而不是female teachers 和female students。

5.B 根据David Geary的说法,实验结果还是初步的(preliminary),需要更大的样本对其进行重复验证(in need of replication with a larger sample)。他没有认为该实验的过程不可靠,所以A不是正确选项;他认为实验样本不够大,所以D也不是正确选项

+第四十五篇Small But Wise

On December 14,NASA1 blasted a small but mighty telescope into space. The telescope is called WISE and is about as wide around as a trashcan. Don't let its small size fool you:WISE has a powerful digital camera, and it will be taking pictures of some the wildest objects2 in the known universe,including asteroids,faint stars,blazing galaxies3 and giant clouds of dust where planets and stars are born.

"I'm very excited because we're going to be seeing parts of the universe that we haven't seen before,"said Ned Wright, a scientist who directs the WISE project.

Since arriving in space,the WISE telescope has been circling the Earth,held by gravity in a polar orbit4(this means it crosses close to the north and south poles with each lap5).Its camera is pointed outward,away from the Earth,and WISE will snap a picture of a different part of the sky every 11 minutes. After six months it will have taken pictures across the entire sky.

The pictures taken by WISE won't be like everyday digital photographs,however. WISE stands for"Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer."As its name suggests,the WISE camera takes pictures of features that give off infrared radiation6.

Radiation is energy that travels as a wave. Visible light, including the familiar spectrum of light7 that becomes visible in a rainbow,is an example of radiation. When an ordinary digital camera takes a picture of a tree,for example,it receives the waves of visible light that are reflected off the tree. When these waves enter the camera through the lens,they're processed by the camera,which then puts the image together.

Waves of infrared radiation are longer than waves of visible light, so ordinary digital cameras don't see them,and neither do the eyes of human beings. Although invisible to the eye,longer infrared radiation can be detected as warmth by the skin.

That's a key idea to why WISE will be able to see things other telescopes can't. Not everything in the universe shows up in visible light. Asteroids,for example,are giant rocks that float through space 一but they absorb most of the light that reaches them. They don't reflect light,so they're difficult to see. But they do give off infrared radiation, so an infrared telescope like WISE will be able to produce images of them. During its mission WISE will take pictures of hundreds of thousands of asteroids.

Brown dwarfs8 are another kind of deep-space object that will show up in WISE's pictures. These objects are"failed" stars 一which means they are not massive enough to jump start9 the same kind of reactions that power stars such as the sun. Instead,brown dwarfs simply shrink and cool down. They're so dim that they're almost impossible to see with visible light, but in the infrared spectrum they glow.


trashcan n.垃圾箱

infrared adj.红外线

asteroid n.小行星

dwarf n. 矮星


1.NASA (美国国家航空航天局)是缩写词,全称是National Aeronautics and Space


2. the wildest objects :任何你能想象得到的天体。wild 有"未被人驯养的""荒唐的""离奇的"意思。

3. faint stars, blazing galaxies:指的是那些只能看到微弱的光和因燃烧而无法观察到的天体。

4. polar orbit:极地轨道。指轨道平面与赤道面夹角为90。的人造地球卫星轨道。人造卫星运行时能到达南北极区上空,即卫星能飞经全球范围的上空。需要在全球范围内进行观测和应用的气象卫星、导航卫星、地球资源卫星等都采用这种轨道。

5. lap:一圈。原指竞赛场的一圈或游泳池的一个来回,如:She overtook the other runners on the last lap. 她最后一圈超过了其他参赛者。

6. infrared radiation:红外线辐射

7. spectrum of light:光谱,即,光辐射的波长分布区域。

8. Brown dwarfs:褐矮星。褐矮星非常暗淡,很难发现它们,要确定它们的大小就更加困难。

9.jump start: 启动


1 .What is so special about WISE?

A It is small in size but carries a large camera.

B It is as small as a trashcan.

C Its digital camera can help astronomers to see the unknown space.

D Never before has a telescope carried a digital camera in space.

2. Which is NOT the synonym for the word "snap" in the third paragraph?

A make.

B shoot.

C take

D photograph.

3. The camera on WISE

A is no different from an ordinary camera.

B does not see infrared radiation while the ordinary camera does.

C catches the infrared radiation while the ordinary camera does not.

D reflects light that human eyes can see.

4. Which of the following is NOT correct about"asteroids" according to paragraph 7?

A Asteroids float through space giving off visible light.

B Asteroids do not reflect light that reaches them.

C It is difficult to take asteroids' pictures by ordinary cameras,


E telescope can take pictures of asteroids

5.What is implied in the last paragraph?

A Brown dwarfs give off visible light.

B Brown dwarfs give off infrared radiation.

C Brown dwarfs are power stars like the sun.

D Brown dwarfs are impossible to see with the WIS

E telescope.


1. C 短文的第一和第二段提供了答案。WISE 的特殊之处就在于,虽然体积小,但它的数码相机能拍到任何天体,所以能够帮助天文学家观测到宇宙空间中( in the known universe )的未知天文现象。其他选项都不是短文表达的意思。

2. A snap 是个多义词,可以解释为"拍照",更为确切的意思是"拍快照"。这里shoot, take 和photograph 都是snap 的同义词。

3. C 短文第六段和第四段提供了答案。人类的肉眼和普通相机看到的光是visible lights ,看不见红外线辐射( infrared radiation) ,而WISE 的相机能够看到。

4. A 短文第七段第二句说并非所有的宇宙中的物体都会发出可见光,比如asteroids ,所以A是正确选项。其他选项的内容都可以在该段中找到。

5. B 最后一段的第一句说,褐矮星能出现在WISE 照片中,根据上文对WISE 望远镜的描述只有WISE 望远镜才能拍到红外线射线,所以B是正确选择。

+第四十六篇Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"

Research by the University of Exeter1 has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as "ecosystem engineers" and predators. The study, published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.

Firstly, through moving of soil by nest building2 activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.

Secondly, they prey on a wide range of other animals, including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.

Dirk Sanders, an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation, said:"Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're also very territorial3 and very aggressive, defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area."

"In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators, their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups4. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment, having a big influence on the grassland food web," Sanders said.

The study, carried out in Germany, studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants, both species which can be found across Europe, including in the UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area, particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect, showing that predation is

counteracting the positive influence.

Dr Frank van Veen, another author on the study, said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels, but as the number of ants increases, their predatory impacts have the bigger effect - thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering."

Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass5 but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity6 is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact, which obviously reduces its richness. However, it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important in below ground processes8 through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants, microorganisms, and other soil organisms.


predator n.食肉动物

nutrient n .营养物;adj.营养的

decomposer n.腐生物;分解体

prey v.捕食;n.被捕食的动物

subtlety n ,微妙,精妙

herbivore n .食草动物


1.the University of Exeter :埃克斯特大学。1851 年建校,位于英国西南部重要商业中心埃克斯特市,是英国著名的传统大学之一。

2. nest building :筑巢

3. territorial :领地的。在此用来形容蚂蚁的本性,即具有很强的领地意识,并且会竭尽全力保卫自己的领地。

4. an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups :其他动物群体在数量和品种上的增长。

5. biomass :物质名词,由bio和mass 两部分组成,意为"生物量""生物质"。

6. biodiversity :物质名词,由bio和diversity 两部分组成,意为"生物多样性"。

7.the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem :蚂蚁对生态系统的维护作用。

8. below ground processes :土壤下面的(工作)过程,即影响生态环境的过程。


1 .Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers?

A Because they build their own nests.

B Because they collect food.

C Because their activity affects the environment.

D Because they are predators.

2. As predators, ants

A prey on small as well as large animals.

B collect nutritious food from the soil

C collect food as decomposers.

D prey on species much higher up the food chain.

3. Dir Sanders' study centered on how ants

A can manage to thrive in huge numbers.

B defend their resources and territory against other predators.

C attack those invading animals for survival.

D produce such a big impact on the environment.

4. What does paragraph 6 tell us?

A Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.

B Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.

C Ants' predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.

D At higher density, ants produce a positive influence on an area.

5. What still remains unclear about ants, according to the last paragraph?

A What roles do ants play in the ecosystem in which they live?

B How do ants affect the animal diversity in a given ecosystem?

C How do human activities affect ants' influence on a given ecosystem?

D How do ants alter the physical and chemical environment?


1. C 短文的第一段提供了答案。A不是正确答案,因为并不是因为蚂蚁会筑巢才被誉为生态系统工程师,而是因为它们筑巢和获取食物的方式改变了土壤的营养水平,为整个食物链提供了很好的生态环境(见第二段)。

2.A答案能够从短文的第三段直接找到。该段告诉我们,蚂蚁的掠食范围很广,甚至包括比它们体积更大的动物(larger animals) 。prey 在这里的意思是"捕猎,捕食",作为动词,后面跟介词on或upon。

3.D Dirk Sanders说:"In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it."(第五段)所以,D是正确选择。句中the subtleties of it 的意思是:蚂蚁对环境影响的精妙之处。

4.B 短文第六段第二句的大概意思是,蚂蚁数量小(a low density of ants)的话,能使其他动物的品种和数量增加(increased the diversity and density of other animals),从而给环境带来积极影响;第三句说,如果蚂蚁的数量大(At higher densities),就不可能产生同样的影响,或者是相反的影响,这表明,蚂蚁的掠食活动会抵销蚂蚁给环境带来的积极影响。第七段Dr Frank van Veen 表达了大体相同的内容。

5.C 最后一段的第二和第三句提供了答案。第二句告诉我们,蚂蚁极易受人类的影响(these organisms are highly responsive to human impact),第三句告诉我们,科学家还不清楚人类对蚂蚁这种干扰如何破坏蚂蚁对生态系统的维护作用("it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.")。











初三中考初中语文阅读理解专题训练含答案 一、现代文阅读 1.现代文阅读阅读下面文章,完成后面小题 向大海也能要“药” 刘诗瑶 ①前不久,由中国海洋大学、中国科学院上海药物研究所和上海绿谷制药联合研发的治疗阿尔茨海默症新药“甘露寡糖二酸”(GV—971)顺利完成临床Ⅲ期试验,在新药研制上迈过了最关键的一步。该药物是从海藻中提取的海洋寡糖类分子,其新颖的作用模式与独特的多靶作用特征,为阿尔茨海默症药物研发开辟了新路径。 ②海洋约占地球表面积的71%,是巨大的生物资源库。以海洋生物和海洋矿物中的有效成分为基础开发的药物就是海洋药物。据中国海洋大学、青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室学委会主任管华诗院士介绍,目前认识和开发的海洋药物主要来自海洋生物资源。 ③人类主要生活在陆地上,所研发的药物主要来源于陆地,但使用多了,就有可能产生耐药性。于是,人们将目光转向了浩瀚深邃的海洋。 ④除了够新,海洋药物还够“奇”。据管华诗介绍,为了适应在深海环境中的生存、繁衍、防御等活动,深海生物进化出了独特的基因,耐寒耐热耐高压等,能够产生结构奇特、活性多样显著的海洋天然产物,它们为现代创新药物研发提供了重要结构信息,是肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、免疫性疾病、神经系统疾病等人类重大疾病药物先导化合物发现的重要源泉。 ⑤半个多世纪以来,全球共有13个海洋创新药物被批准上市,其中管华诗院士1985年开发上市的我国首个海洋新药藻酸双酯钠(PSS)就是其中之一。进入21世纪后,海洋药物的开发和上市速度明显加快,十几年间,先后有8个海洋药物被美国FDA(食品药品监督管理局)或欧盟EMEA(欧洲药品评估局)批准上市。到2016年,海洋药物的全球市场达到86亿美元,已成为蓝色经济发展中的重要一极。 ⑥据了解,世界各国尤其是美国、日本及欧盟等国家纷纷制订相应计划,斥巨资开发海洋生物资源,海洋药物已经成为国际医药领域竞争的热点。 ⑦但向大海要“药”,并不容易。 ⑧首先是采样难。要“药”的第一步是到海里获取海洋天然产物,海洋生物活性物质结构特异而复杂,且含量极微。这需要深海设备的支撑,这对于任何国家来说都是一笔不小的投入。其次是培养难,从海洋采集完生物资源,仅仅是完成了最前端步骤,还需在陆地上充分模拟海洋环境,对生物进行培养,延续研究。 ⑨“再次是研发难,从化合物到活性化合物、先导化合物、候选药物,最终通过Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ期临床试验形成市场上的药物,链条上任何一个环节出问题,都会让新药‘夭折’。”自然资源部第三海洋研究所杨献文研究员表示,若无企业参与,单纯依靠高校和科研院所很难进行新药研发。 ⑩尽管困难重重,我国科研人员和制药公司依然坚持不懈地进行海洋药物开发,并取得了一定成果。自然资源部第三海洋研究所、中科院海洋所、中国海洋大学、中山大学等科研院所及高校都是海洋药物开发的重要力量。


初中英语阅读理解的答案,都藏在文章哪个地方? 阅读理解在中考英语中,不仅是分数上的重头,也是难度上 的重头。 1.首段和尾段 一篇文章的主题句、中心思想往往出现在文章的首段或者尾段。 许多文章开门见山地在第一段就提出了要说明的对象或者要论证的观点,而文章的最后一段一般也会对全文的说明和论证进行总结。 策略: 通过一些标志性词汇或者短语,我们可以更快地找到这些总 结性句子,如: all in all, in short, to conclude, in consequence, in summary, in a word, as a result, therefore, accordingly, thus 等。 主题句考查了考生是否能够把握文章大意的能力,因此是常 考且几乎是必考的一个考点。 2.长难句

长难句是阅读理解的主要难度所在,其中包含了同位语、插入语、定语、不定式、分词、各种从句等,有的句子甚至长达好几行。这些复杂的句型也往往成为了出题的重点所在。 策略: 加强训练自己对付长难句的能力,平时有意识地去分解这些句子,理解其中的指代关系和句子层次。 3.列举处 标志性的词汇包括: First, Second,Third… ; Firstly, Secondly,Thirdly…Finally; First of all, Then, In addition, Further, Furthermore, Besides,Moreover… 策略: 把这些词圈起来,考题中一般会出现四个选项对比,这样非常好在文章中找。 4.举例处 例子往往与作者的说明与论述有很大的关联,具有重大的意义,因此也成为了考题出处的热点。这种题目在文章中的线索非常明显,一般都带有如下的标志性词汇: for example, for instance, take … as an example,as, such as, like 等。 策略:


高中语文专题训练 实用类文本阅读 【一】读下面文章,完成1--3题。 材料一 丁酉新春,旨在“赏中华诗词、寻文化基因、品生活之美”的“中国诗词大会”风靡全国,“圈粉”无数。在“一笑二闹三跳四唱”的娱乐节目时代,“中国诗词大会”以优雅的方式脱颖而出。 人们关注“中国诗词大会”,是因为内心对于精神雨露的渴求,而传统文化正是精神雨露的源头活水。诗词大都比较凝练,朗朗上口。阅读诗词,人们享受着语言美感带来的欢愉,同时也能感知诗词作者所要表达的思想,这大大拓展了人们的生活视野。阅读诗词,体悟诗词作者的心境,跟他们进行心灵对话,有助于提升人们对生活的感知能力,学习像诗词作者一样去感受和思考生活。 人们关注“中国诗词大会”,还因为如今人们的生活节奏较快,每天八小时上班,满负荷运转,单调乏味的生活让人感觉压抑,而读诗可以暂时疏解内心的阴郁。“中国诗词大会”以引人入胜的形式吸引人们亲近诗词,从诗词之美中获取生活的诗意。 生活需要诗意,但诗意并不自然而然地存在。一个人只有徜徉于诗词、发现诗意,才能在与诗词相会的过程中提升文化素养,让心灵空间更饱满。生活不只是柴米油盐,还有诗和远方。 (摘编自“中国新闻出版广电网”,记者李兆清)材料二 近日,中青在线记者专访了诗词大会的主创团队。央视科教频道总监阚兆江说:“诗词是情感的抒发,节目集中展现了中华诗词文化的魅力,引发了广大观众的文化认同和情感共鸣,也坚定了国人的文化自信。‘百人团’成员最小的7岁,武亦妹16岁,陈更20多岁,看到他们那么年轻,就觉得中华文化后继有人。” 腹有诗书气自华,这是无数次被用来形容诗词大会选手的一句话。“中国诗词大会”总导演颜芳回忆,第二季总冠军、上海复旦附中的学生武亦妹,无论是在地方选拔还是在现场比赛中,都特别淡定。“她得冠军的那一刻,我们想把摄像机推上去给个表情特写,结果发现没必要,她脸上特别平静。” 也许,传统诗词已经离我们的日常生活有些遥远,而诗词大会正在拉近这个距离。 阚兆江透露,其实诗词大会的题库内容85%以上来自中小学课本,所以对观众而言有一种“熟悉的陌生感”。 “我们不是文人雅士的沙龙,得让人看得懂,从大家熟悉的诗词名篇切入,可以拉近和观众的距离。”阚兆江说,“每一道题不仅是题目,还是话题的开启,让诗词和古今生活有一种联系。我们不是要做一场考试,而是想通过诗词陶冶人们的情操,滋养人们的心灵。”所以,诗词大会的题目都颇“接地气”。比如,把“减肥”与“楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死”联系,把“化妆”与“却嫌脂粉污颜色,淡扫蛾眉朝至尊”联系,“求田问舍,怕应羞见,刘郎才气”对应的则是“购房”——都是当下年轻人关心的话题。 诗词对这些年轻人来说,已经成为生活的一部分。颜芳说:“其实诗词的功能至今没有失去,写诗就跟发朋友圈一样,都是情感的表达,很有趣,也很时尚。” 诗词大会落幕,而青年一代的诗意生活方兴未艾。 (摘编自《中国青年报》,记者蒋肖斌)材料三 诗词综艺火爆,最近令朋友圈和各种群话风突变,忽如一夜春风来,答题对诗、玩“飞


初中英语阅读理解文章 出差订酒店就用趣出差,单单有返现,关注微信小程序或下载APP立即领取100元返现红包 阅读是人们获取信息的重要手段,更是学习英语的主要途径之一。在我国,由于英语是非母语的学习,在学习过程中没有语言环境的熏陶,那么,阅读便成为人们获取信息、提高英语水平的有效途径。下面就是我给大家整理的,希望大家喜欢。 :Listen to Your Inner Voice Very much, ever since you were brought into this world. When you coulden't open your mouth till the first two years on planet earth, inner voice is the one through which you interpreted and understood things. Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body. It justifies and rationalizes what is right and what is wrong. When we go aganist what the inner voice say we get a guilty conscious and are bothered by it throughout our lives. At times when we are feeling low or those unforgettable moments when we are let down, we seem to need some kind of emotional or mental support. We usually speak to our closest pal or our dearest family member during times of distress to ease the burden. At such times we get over the initial drizzle of emotional anxiety and mental


初三语文阅读理解专项练习题及答案 初三语文阅读理解专项练习题:《会飞的蒲公英》 童年的我,在初夏,常常和妈妈去小木屋后面的山坡。山坡 上盛开着一丛丛火红的杜鹏、鹅黄的迎春、淡紫的牵牛我快活地 拍着小手,蹦蹦跳跳采摘这些五颜六色的花儿,可妈妈却总是轻 轻地挽着我走到山坡的另一侧,那里开满着一朵朵白色的小花。 花儿怪逗人的:圆圆的脑袋,白白的茸毛,风一吹,就轻___(yng)地飞了起来,飞呀飞,飞得老高老高的,我费了好大的劲,才抓 住一朵飞在空中的小白花。 妈妈说:这是蒲公英,它从不满足于呆在偏僻的角落,最喜 欢到外面的世界去闯荡。 妈妈的话,在我幼小的心灵里留下了很深的印象。晚上,我 常常梦见自己变成了一朵白色的蒲公英,在广阔的世界上空飘 荡。 不久,我上小学了,妈妈缝了个花书包给我,书包上绣着几 朵白色的蒲公英,花旁还歪歪斜斜地绣着几个字会飞的蒲公英。 每天,我就像一朵快乐的蒲公英,在小木屋到学校的山路上飞来 飞去。 一个有风的黄昏,我从学校跑回家,高兴地拉着妈妈来到开 满蒲公英的山坡。我把老师刚刚教的儿歌《蒲公英的种子》唱给 妈妈听,我一边喝一边在蒲公英丛中跳来跳去,一朵朵白色的小

花在我的歌声中轻轻飘上了天空。妈妈的神情有些激动,目光亮亮的,深情地追随着那一朵朵飘飞远去的小白花。 从妈妈的目光里我仿佛看到了晚上常常做的那个梦:一朵白色的蒲公英,在轻风的吹送下,飞呀飞,飞过一间间古旧的小木屋,飞过一片片茂密的山林,飞进金色的阳光中 带着这个白色的梦,我考上了中学。那个绣着蒲公英的花书包旧了破了,有几个深夜,妈妈把花书包放在桌子上,望了好久好久。后来,妈妈又守着小油灯,为我做了一件蓝色连衣裙,裙上绣着一朵白色的蒲公英。每天,我穿着蓝色的连衣裙,在学校和山村的大马路上飞来飞去。 几年之后,一张从遥远的地方飞来的大学录取通知书,使我那关于蒲公英的梦是真切了。临别前的一个黄昏,风很大,妈妈和我不知不觉来到了小木屋后的山坡,山坡上一朵朵蒲公英飞得比以往更高了。我惊讶地睁大了双眼,妈妈站在离我不远的地方,眼睛里含着泪花。暮色渐浓,我和妈妈默默地往回走,快到小木屋时,妈妈拉了拉我的手,轻轻地说:孩子,你算是一朵会飞的蒲公英了,但你还要飞得更高一些。 从此,我牢牢记住了妈妈的话,开始尽情地在大学的林阴小道上飞来飞去。 一年后,我把从林阴小道上飞进报纸和杂志的诗行寄给了山里的妈妈,并写了一段话:妈妈,从你身边飞出的那朵娇___(nn)的蒲公英,不仅学会了飞,而且还懂得怎样才能飞得更高了。


初中语文现代文散文阅读练习及答案 仰望母亲太阳很好。明晃晃地让春的气息四处弥散,宛若迷人的轻音乐。阳光下,我坐在小凳上洗衣服,母亲在一边给花木喂豆汁。 母亲忽然说:“我听见收音机里说了,现在,海葬好像每年只有一次……” 我愣愣地看着母亲。 母亲笑着,又说:“如果可以,你以后就给我报名海葬。要不,树葬也行。不过,我们这里好像没有树葬……” 我不知该怎么接母亲的话茬。 母亲又道:“真的,到时候,怎么省事就怎么做吧。” 母亲82岁高龄了,跟她唯一的女儿交代身后之事,也是人之常情。事实上,母亲已不止一次如此平静地与我谈起这个话题了。 我放下满是泡沫的衣服,望着母亲的眼睛说:“妈……我答应你……我明白你的心思,你放心就是。不过你也要答应我,这话,请你从此不要再说!千万,千万!你看外面的太阳,你一定要晴朗地活着!一定要健康地活着!一天又一天,一年又一年……” 母亲笑道:“好,好,我不说了,不说了。” 我无法再看笑吟吟的母亲,急忙低头洗衣。我不想让母亲看见我的眼睛湿了。 心思,早巳不在洗衣了。 罗曼加里写下《我的母亲独一无二》时,母亲早巳离开了人间。他的记忆始于13岁时的清贫生活,青年时期陷身二战,是母

亲的书信,使他穿过了二战的硝烟。但是直到与母亲阴阳相隔,他才知道支撑起他生命的天宇的250封书信是母亲事先就写好的,才领悟到母亲的独一无二。 而我,似乎打懂事起就明白,我所知晓的与我有关的每件事,无论寻常或不寻常,无论我喜欢或不喜欢,无一不是母亲独一无二的安排。我庆幸,我能够在母亲健在的时候就明白这一点。 母亲一生坎坷,命运多舛。现在,80多年的风风雨雨都已归于宁静,归于平淡。养花是她每天必做的功课,每年她还要到各处走走。她说,超山的唐梅宋梅是她最喜欢的。我想,她就是以这样的方式告诉我她对生命的热爱,对生活的追求。母亲教了将近40年的书,做了无数为人知或不为人不知的善事;母亲的背驼了,头发白了,还“好好学习,天天向上”……她时常教我要坐看云卷云舒,静听花开花落,任凭潮起潮涌。 孔子说“知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿”。母亲之智,智于水,母亲之仁,仁于山,所以我一直不敢轻易写母亲。这样的母亲,我如何写得了。 史铁生在《我与地坛》中写道:“这园中不单是处处都有过我的车辙,有过我的车辙的地方也都有过母亲的脚印。”每次读到这里,心头最柔软的地方便蓦然一动。这世上没有相同的两片树叶,却有着无数个相通的母亲,有无数的爱意氤氧让我去联想,去感触。


广东卷实用类文本阅读 2009年黄侃先生二三事(传记) 2010年让法律来保护阳光(新闻:新闻评论) 2011年梁宗岱先生(传记) 2012年寂寞出学问(新闻:人物访谈) ——《解放周末》对话复旦大学党委书记秦绍德教授2013年? 一、传记 2011年梁宗岱先生(传记) 19.请分别指出文中③④段画线部分所用的修辞手法,并具体说明这些修辞手法在文中的表述效果。 20.④⑤⑥三段文字写出了梁宗岱在文学活动中的哪些性格特点? 21.如何理解第⑦段中画线部分的内容?请结合全文回答。 (主旨)

2009年黄侃先生二三事 ①中国文人似有放诞的传统,然而在大多数情况下,放诞与其说是真性情的流露,不如说是专制制度下无奈的装疯卖傻。就群体而论,文人放诞怪癖的行为,既能见自由之态又能显率性之真,恐怕也只有晚清和民国间的读书人了。如章太炎将袁世凯所授大勋章贬做扇坠,辜鸿铭大辫长袍徜徉北大校园,逻辑学家金岳霖与鸡共餐……黄侃也堪列其中。 ②黄侃为章太炎门生,学术深得其师三昧,后人有“章黄之学”的美誉;其禀性一如其师,嬉笑怒骂,恃才傲物,任性而为,故时人有“章疯”、“黄疯”之说。 ③1908年春,光绪帝与慈禧太后先后病逝,清廷下令各地举行“国丧”。当时,高等学堂学生,同盟会会员田桓在“哭临”(指追悼皇帝的仪式)时,流露不满情绪,堂长杨子绪高悬虎头牌警吓,并欲开除田桓学籍,黄侃获悉,大怒。闯入学堂,砸烂虎头牌,大骂一顿而去;又过几天,田桓带头剪辫以示反清,杨子绪恼怒异常,又悬挂虎头牌,黄侃闻讯,手持木棒冲进学堂,先砸烂虎头牌,又要痛打杨子绪。 ④1911年7月,黄侃因宣传革命,被河南豫河中学解职,返乡途经汉口之际,同盟会同志及友人为他设宴洗尘。席间论及清廷腐败,革命浪潮的高涨,黄侃激愤不已,当晚,黄侃借酒性挥毫成文,题为《大乱者,救中国之妙药也》,文章刊出,舆论哗然,各地报刊或纷纷报道,或全文转载,清廷惊恐万分。


(一)天色已晚 朱山坡 ①我已经三个月零十七天没有吃肉了,母亲终于答应祖母生日这天吃一顿肉。为此,她将地里能卖的东西都贱卖了,终于凑足了六块钱。这是三斤肉的钱。午饭后,我撇开双腿,往镇上的肉行飞奔。每到镇上,我总喜欢坐在肉行临街的长椅上,倾听从街对面的电影院传出来的人物对白,想象每一个角色的言行举止和观众各异的表情。 ②屠户们看到我,对我说,小子,卢大耳说了,从今天起,“听电影”也要收费了,因为电影里的门门道道都被你听出来了。我才不相信他们的鬼话。我说,我今天不是来听电影的,是来买肉的,今天是我祖母生日,我必须买三斤肉回家。屠户们大为意外,纷纷夸自己的肉,从没如此慷慨地给我那么多的笑容和奉承。我对每一个肉摊的肉都评头品足一番,却没有掏钱。我知道等到快打烊的时候,那些剩肉往往被他们忍痛贱卖。我得跟他们耗时间。时候还早。反正我不缺时间。屠户们看不见我的城府有多深,肤浅地对我冷嘲热讽,特别是老宋,说我妄想用六块钱买一头猪回家。我不管他们,像往常那样,坐在肉行临街长椅上,安静地“听电影”。 ③电影刚好开始。一听片头音乐,便知道是日本电影《伊豆的舞女》。这是一年来我第三次“听”这个影片了。怪不得今天的电影院门口冷冷清清的,似乎连检票的卢大耳都不见踪影。但当我听到薰子说话的声音时,心还是禁不住狂奔乱跳甚至浑身颤抖。她从遥远的日本来到我的小镇,每次都只是和我相隔一条简陋的街道,一堵破败的墙,甚至只隔着粗鄙委琐的卢大耳。她已经第三次来到我的身边,也许是最后一次了,我觉得我应该和她相见。 ④入门没人把守,畅通无阻。我拣一个角落把身子掩藏在座位里,马上就能看到薰子了!我下意识地直了直身,伸长了脖子,睁大了眼睛,还快速地整理了一下仪表,双脚相互搓掉对方的污垢…… ⑤突然一只手将我从作为上拎起来,是该死的卢大耳!他低声地对我吼道:“我早料到你是一个小偷,今天偷到电影院来了!”卢大耳把我拖出电影院,扔到门外的大街上,还大声喊叫:语言里充满了轻薄和挑衅。我本想跟卢大耳争辩,但电影院里传来了薰子的声音,那声音如此甜美、清澈、纯净,此刻更代表着慈爱和正义。薰子在呼唤我了。在剩下的时间里,她一共对着我笑了十一次,我确信,她已经看到了我,已经向我示意。我们开始了漫长而伤感的告别……山东省平邑县兴蒙学校初中部273300李传鹏输入 ⑥电影院的灯光突然亮了起来。卢大耳站在后面迫不及待地嚷道,电影结束了! ⑦电影院的大门哐当一声关上了。此时我才为刚刚花掉了的两块钱发愁。母亲一再警告我,不要把钱花在别处,也许这是祖母这一辈子最后一次吃肉了,一定要拿着三斤肉回家。我把口袋里的四块钱捏得紧紧的,快步穿过寂寥的街道。然而,肉行已经打烊了,屠户们早已经不见踪影,干干净净的肉台散发着淡淡的肉味,两三只老鼠肆无忌惮地在我面前蹿动。我惘然不知所措,一屁股坐在临街的长椅上,对着电影院嚎啕大哭。 ⑧卢大耳在我的肩头上拍了三次我才觉察。我抬眼看他。他没有幸灾乐祸的意思,把一块肉送到我的面前,说:“三斤!”我不明就里,不敢接。老宋贱卖给你的。四块钱。你把钱给我,我明天转给他。”卢大耳说,“老宋说了,就当是他请你看了一回电影。”卢大耳不像开玩笑。我依然将信将疑。“你不要?那我拿回家去,我也很久没吃肉了。”卢大耳转身要走。 ⑨我马上跑起来,把肉从他手里抢过来,把钱塞到他的手里,没等卢大耳反应过来,我已经飞奔在回家的路上。(选自《朔方》,有删动) 1、小说的情节曲折有致,富于变化。请用简洁的语言分条概况。(4分)


昙花终于怒放 ①我爱昙花。 ②三年前的春天,朋友亲自给我送来一株昙花亩,种在白瓷壶里,枝叶铁青如剑,精心系上的红丝带临风飘拂。我高兴极了! ③不久,我便依照朋友的嘱咐,把这株昙花移植到花盆里,天天浇水,日日松土,不时除草,但由于阳光不足,长得很慢。我有点心急了,但急有何用?一天一天过去,一年一年到来,一直未见她结蕾开花。这株昙花长势还算正常,从原来的一枝发成三枝,叶子变得厚实起来,三年时间差不多长高三倍。时间久了,心情也就淡然了,花开不开任由她去吧。心想,她终是一株昙花在生长着,只要她能延续生命,也就可以了。 ④今年中秋佳节将临的前几天,我突然发现最长的那枝已冒出小蕾来,每隔一天就大了许多,如小型的佛手.农历八月十三日,我来到花架边观察,只见嫩绿的花苞低首含羞,微启小口。我立即预感到,今夜昙花终于要怒放了。大约到晚上九时,她便开始悄然开放。原先柔软下垂的筒状萼部,徐徐向上翘升,作白天鹅抬头状。随之花瓣缓缓展开,如玉女提裙起舞,清香阵阵,优美绝伦。啊,她就是“月下美人”啊! ⑤过去未见昙花开放,感到非常神秘,真想一睹其仙姿芳颜。以前看到的都只是画家笔下的清影和摄影家镜头下的清艳,见不到她的动态美姿,也闻不出她的清香。今夜如愿以偿,真正见到鲜活美丽的昙花怒放,真是欢喜欲狂! ⑥这朵昙花,花冠硕大,高雅洁丽,雍容华贵,香气清新诱人。皓月当空,一家人在花架边,尽情欣赏“月下美人”,乃是今秋最美好的享受。 ⑦种昙花三年,不开属自然,开了亦属自然,何必计较时间的迟早?里尔克说:“有何胜利可言,挺立就意味着一切。”此乃真理名言。她一年不开,两年不开,第三年终于怒放了。世上一切美好的事物,只要能坚持,锲而不舍,就能开花结果。 ⑧昙花的品性令人感佩:她不急功近利,不争宠于群芳,只求一瞬的辉煌就已满足.昙花的生命力可谓强矣!她随处能够生存,叶可青万年,花可放万年! ⑨我爱昙花。 (选文有改动) 【链接材料】 昙花,常绿灌木,主枝圆筒状,分枝扁平呈叶状,绿色,没有叶片,花大,白色,在分枝边缘上,多在夜间开放,开花的时间极短。供观赏。原产于墨西哥。19.在下面方框内,填写表明作者心情随昙花的生长而发生变化的词语。(3分) 高兴极了—>()—>()—>() 20.简要分析选文第④段画线句子的表达效果。(3分) 答: 21.选文第⑧段和链接材料运用的表达方式有什么不同? 答 22.选文第⑨段在全文内容与结构上的作用分别是什么? 答:


2018全国高考ⅠⅡⅢ卷语文试题汇编(三) 实用类文本阅读 (三)实用类文本阅读(本题共3小题,12分)(全国1卷) 阅读下面的文字,完成7~9题。 材料一: 日前,中国科学院在京召开新闻发布会对外宣布,“墨子号”量子科学实验卫星提前并圆满实现全部既定科学目标,为我国在未来继续引领世界量子通信研究奠定了坚实的基础。 通信安全是国家信息安全和人类经济社会生活的基本需求。千百年来,人们对于通信安全的追求从未停止。然而,基于计算复杂性的传统加密技术,在原理上存着着被破译的可能性,随着数学和计算能力的不断提升,经典密码被破译的可能性与日俱增。中国科学技术大学潘建伟教授说:“通过量子通信可以解决这个问题,把量子物理与信息技术相结合,用一种革命性的方式对信息进行编码、存储、传输和操纵,从而在确保信息安全、提高运算速度、提升测量精度等方面突破经典信息技术的瓶颈。” 量子通信主要研究内容包括量子密钥分发和量子隐形传态。量于密钥分发通过量子 态的传输,使遥远两地的用户可以共享无条件安全的密钥,利用该密钥对信息进行一次一密的严格加密。这是目前人类唯一已知的不可窃听、不可破译的无条件安全的通信方式,量子通信的另一重要内客量子隐形传态,是利用量子纠缠特性,将物质的未知量子态精确传递到遥远地点,而不用传递物质本身,通过隐形传输实现信息传递。(摘 编自吴月辉《“墨子号”,抢占量子科技创新制高点),《人民日报》2017年8月10日)材料二: 潘建伟的导师安东·蔡林格说,潘建伟的团队在量子互联网的发展方面冲到了领先地位。量子互联网是由卫星和地面设备构成的能够在全球范围分享量子信息的网络。这将使不可破解的全球加密通信成为可能,同时也使我们可以开展一些新的控制远距离量子联系的实验。目前,潘建伟的团队计划发射第二颗卫星,他们还在中国的天宫二号空间站上进行着一项太空量子实验。潘建伟说,未来五年“还会取得很多精彩的成果,一个新的时代已经到来”。 潘建伟是一个有着无穷热情的乐观主义者。他低调地表达了自己的信心,称中国政府

部编初中语文现代文 现代文阅读答题技巧+专项训练练习题(含答案解析)

部编初中语文现代文现代文阅读答题技巧 记叙文 一,文章内容要点概括 (1)一句话概括文章主要内容的答题公式: 人物(事件)+干什么(怎么样) (2)概括文章主要内容的答题公式: 人物+起因+经过+结果 注意:时间(季节、年代)、地点、环境如果有特定意义,应该概括在内。 二、理清文章结构 (1)补充故事情节 找出划分标准,仿照示例的句式作答。 (2)思想感情的事变化 画出表示情感的词语,按照词语出现的顺序整理出答案。 三、把握记叙的线索和顺序 (1)线索 线索类型: A.以时间的发展变化为线索 B.以地点的转移为线索 C.以人物为线索 D.以某个具体的事物为线索 E.以感情的变化为线索 F.以某个核心事件为线索 线索的作用: 把文中的人物和事件有机地连在一起,使文章条理清晰,层次分明,推动情节的发展。(2)记叙顺序及作用 A.顺叙(按事情发展先后顺序) 作用:叙事有头尾,条理清晰,脉络清楚、印象深刻。 B.倒叙: 作用:造成了……的悬念,使故事情节更曲折,增强了文章的可读性. C.插叙 作用:补充交代了……使人物形象更丰富,使中心更突出。 【答题公式】顺序名称+作用 四、记叙的人称及作用 人称作用: 第一人称:使文章内容显得更真实,给人身临其境之感,便于直接抒发感情,增强了文章的真实性和感染力。 第二人称:便于作者与文中的人物或读者感情交流,显得特别亲切、感人。 第三人称:不受时间、空间限制,能够比较自由灵活的反映客观内容,有比较宽广的活动范围。

(1)次要人物的作用 第一人称:“我”,是贯穿全文的人物,其作用是线索人物,是故事的见证者,增强了文章的真实性。 (2)分析小说对人物进行描写的方法及作用 A.肖像(外貌、神态)描写:交代了人物的xx身份、xx地位、xx处境、xx经历以及xx 心理状态、xx思想性格等情况。 B.语言描写和动作描写:生动形象地表现出人物的xx心理(心情),并反映人物的XX性格特征或XX精神品质,有时还推动了情节的发展。 C.心理描写:形象生动地反映出人物的XX思想,揭示了人物的XX性格或XX品质。 【答题公式】描写方法+该描写方法的代表词语+效果词(生动形象、生动传神、细腻传神等)+人物的性格(心情、心理等) 六、文章的主题 中心思想概括: ①写人为主:文章通过叙述主人公的······事件(内容)+表现出主人公······的思想品质(或表达了作者对主人公······的思想感情) ②记事为主:通过叙述······故事(内容)+告诉了我们······的道理。 ③写景状物:通过描写了······景或物(内容)+抒发了作者······的情感(或者寄托了作者······的思想感情) 七、修辞方法及作用 A.比喻:生动形象 B.比拟:生动形象 C.夸张:突出事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。 D.排比:加强语势,使文章的节奏感加强,更利于表达强烈的感情。 E.对偶:整齐匀称,节奏感强,高度概括,易于记忆,有音乐美。 F.反复:强调突出某种事物或某种感情。 G.设问:引起注意,引发读者思考。 H.反问:加强语气,发人深思,激发读者感情,加深读者印象,增强文章的气势和说服力。 R.引用:语言凝练,言简意赅,增强文章的诗情画意或者文化内涵,有时候也加强真实性或起印证作用。 J.反语:加强表达效果,产生幽默感、讽刺性或更加强烈地表示亲密有好的感情。 【答题公式】修辞方法+结合具体的题对修辞进行描述+效果词+写出了人或事物的XX特点+表达(抒发)了作者的XX感情等(或写出了人物的XX性格等)。 注意:对于单个的句子也可采用下列公式: 比喻:……采用了比喻的修辞手法,描写了……,表现了作者对……的感情,形象生动。拟人:……采用了拟人的修辞手法,将……赋与人的情感与性格来写,表现了作者对……的感情,十分形象,生动(或栩栩如生,逼真)。 夸张:……采用了夸张的修辞手法,描写了……,表达了作者……的情感,联想奇特,富


初中阅读理解含答案 1、外婆的银针 ①外婆的手很巧,但凡我的衣服被什么东西勾破,她都会用各种法子将衣服补得几乎完好如初。她总是从那个陪了大半辈子的铁盒中取出线与银针。银针一闪一闪的,分好看。她吮一吮那根细线,再举起银针,对着光源,将细线穿入孔,再打一个小结。我很喜欢看外婆穿细线的样子。她眯着眼,全神贯注地盯着那银针的针眼,细线轻盈地穿过那个针眼,在针眼的另一端,在耀眼的灯光下飘动,好像是一位灵逸的女子在光下飞舞。细线飞舞之际,像是闪上了全部的光芒,吸引着我。为此,我向外婆请教如何穿针。 ②柔和的灯光下,外婆手把手地教着。她用那双遍布老茧的手抓住我的小手,将银针对着光源处举高。我眯着小小的眼睛,对着光源,无论怎么穿,那细线都在针眼处扭着了腰,奈何穿不过那个小孔。外婆慈爱地笑道:“别急,以后就好些了。慢慢来,慢慢来……”她那微微泛黄的手抓住我的手,从容地、稳稳地将线的这头带到了那头。 ③那时,我觉得外婆是世界上最厉害的人。 ④我在慢慢地长大,而外婆却在渐渐老去。她的皱纹多得让我数不过来,眼中的混浊物开始渗透蔓延。她的行动有些不方便了,走楼梯时常常要有人来扶她一把。她总是听不清我们在讲什

么,总是按照自己的思路来,误解我们的意思。有时候我会被她的不断询问弄得不耐烦,懒得与她多说。时间一久,她便很少再问我问题,如果有什么没听清,也装作没有听见的样子,继续忙着自己的活儿。她不再坚持很多事,也不再因为一些小事与我们争执。 ⑤我以为她这是老了,懒着理这些琐事。 ⑥然而我错了,那天一打开家门,就看见客厅灯火通明,外婆坐在正中央,举着银针,穿着线。她不停地在吮那根细线,不停地试图将线穿过银针,而她身边放的,则是前些天被我磨损的一双袜子。我走上前,许是挡住了她的光线,她皱了皱眉,脸上的沟壑全挤在一起,像一棵沧桑的古柏。她见到我,不好意思地笑笑:“回来啦。我想帮你补一下袜子,扔了多可惜。可惜了,穿了老半天,线都穿不上。唉,老了老了……” ⑦我凝视着她那已经举得颤抖了的左手,心中说不上是什么滋味。我握住外婆的手,在灯光下,慢慢移动着细线,直至它穿过针眼。细线在那一端移动着,像一个新的生命,在柔和的日光灯下,倾吐着生命的飞逝。 ⑧“真厉害,你瞧,你一穿就穿过了,真好,真好……”外婆推了推老花镜,眼睛眯成了一条缝,和着她的皱纹,像一棵老树的年轮,一圈又一圈。 ⑨银针躺在那个小盒子里,银针见过的太多,它没有说话。许是沾上了外婆吮细纹时的唾液,它在灯光下,闪闪的,晶莹

2020年高考专题 高三语文实用类文本阅读(原卷版)

专题实用类文本阅读(原卷版) 【考点解读】 实用类文本阅读主要以新闻、传记、报告、科普文章为主,要求了解实用类文本的文体基本特征和主要表现手法。阅读实用类文本,应注重真实性和实用性,准确解读文本,筛选整合信息,分析思想内容、构成要素和语言特色,评价文本的社会功用,探讨文本反映的人生价值和时代精神。主要考点如下:(1)考查学生的信息获取、筛选能力(客观题),包括概念理解判断、信息梳理筛选、内容理解概括等。 (2)考查学生的整合信息、理性提取以及个性化解读的能力(主观题)。 【命题角度】 2017—2019 年,连续三年课标卷三套试卷都考查了非连续性文本阅读。从题型上来看,主要是两道单选题+一道主观题。预计 2020 年高考,实用类文本阅读考查非连续性文本的可能性仍然很大,新闻、评论、科普都可能是文本取材的对象。 【方法点睛】 “非连续文本阅读”,要求考生能够迅速检索信息,并对信息进行筛选、提取、加工。要做好以上内容,高效阅读是基础,既不能浮光掠影,读完后一团迷雾,也不能咬文嚼字,影响答题速度。 (1)浏览全文,获取初步信息:①核心话题、观点②每则材料的主要内容(题目、观点、侧重点)③每段的核心内容(观点、角度)。达到整体把握的目的,有利于选择题迅速回位,有利于主观题做概括。 (2)细读重点段落,把握重点段落内部层次、角度(句子间关系)。方便分析概括、信息提取要点。 (3)精读重要句子,把握其中的重要信息:陈述对象、修饰限制成分等,方便选择题做出正确判断。【考题精选】 1.(2020·河南高三大联考)阅读下面的文字,完成下面小题。 材料一: 过去几年,一系列的新技术,帮助快递业在双11这样的高峰时段基本消除了?爆仓?现象。步入2019 年,更多的前沿技术将在快递物流业落地开花。 目前,大件快递成为快递物流行业的热点,这得益于家具、家电等大件商品网购比例的不断提升。在传统的快递物流模式下,对大件商品一般不提供上楼服务,或者收取较高的上楼费。另外,冷链也是快递公司拓展服务的发力点。随着相关标准的出台实施,我国冷链物流标准化水平有望再上新台阶。 买货运飞机,建物流枢纽,当下我国快递公司的这一系列大手笔,直指国际快件和跨境寄递服务。中国快递企业的国际化和跨境电商的快速发展相辅相成。2018年12月24日,国家发改委和交通运输部发布《国家物流枢纽布局和建设规划》,到2035年基本形成与现代化经济体系相适应的国家物流枢纽网络。 (摘编自《快递业发展将迎来新一轮变局》)


最新七年级初中语文现代文阅读理解专题训练及答案 一、现代文阅读 1.现代文阅读阅读下面的文字,回答问题。 绣眼与芙蓉 赵丽宏 ①曾经养过两只鸟,一只绣眼,一只芙蓉。 ②绣眼体型很小,通体翠绿的羽毛,嫩黄的胸脯,黑色的小嘴,它黑色的眼睛被一圈白色包围着,像戴着一副秀气的眼镜,绣眼之名便由此而得。绣眼是江南的名鸟,据说无法人工哺育,一般都是从野地捕来笼养。它的动作极其灵敏,虽在小小的笼子里,上下飞跃时却快如闪电。它的叫声并不大,但却奇特,就像从树林中远远传来群乌的齐鸣,回旋起伏,变化万端,妙不可言。 ③那只芙蓉是橘黄色的,毛色很鲜艳,头顶隆起一簇红色的绒毛,黑眼睛,黄嘴,黄爪,模样很清秀。它的呜叫婉转多变,如银铃在风中颤动,也如美声女高音,清泠百啭。晴朗的早晨,它的鸣唱就像一丝丝一缕缕阳光在空气中飘动。 ④两只鸟笼,并排挂在阳台上。绣眼和芙蓉能相互看见,却无法站在一起。它们用不同的呜叫打着招呼,两种声音,韵律不同,调门儿也不一样,很难融合成一体,只能各唱各的曲调。它们似乎达成了默契,一只鸣唱时,另一只便静静地站在那里倾听。 ⑤在鸟儿的欢唱中,日子不觉也欢快起来。 ⑥一次在为芙蓉加食后我忘记了关笼门,发现时已是一个多小时以后,想那笼子可能已经空了。却没想到,芙蓉依然在笼中欢快地高歌,全然无视洞开的笼门。更没想到的是,从此以后,绣眼的鸣唱声却莫名其妙地消失了。阳台上只剩下芙蓉的独唱,时而高亢,时而低沉。 ⑦有一天,我突然发现,芙蓉的叫声似乎有了变化,它一改从前那种清亮高亢的音调,声音变得轻幽飘忽起来。那旋律,分明有点像绣眼的鸣啼。莫非是芙蓉在模仿绣眼的歌声来引导它重新开口?然而绣眼不为所动,依然保持着沉默。芙蓉执着地独自鸣唱着,而且唱得越来越像绣眼的声音。而绣眼不仅停止了鸣叫,也停止了那闪电般的上下飞跃。它只是瞪大了眼睛默默地立在那里,仿佛在回忆,在思考。它是在回想自己昔日的歌声,还是在回忆那遥远的自由时光?我感到困惑。 ⑧日子一天天过去,芙蓉照旧每天欢歌,已多日无语的绣眼显得更落寞了,它整日在笼中一声不吭,常常一动不动地呆立在横杆上。一天下午,我从外面回来,刚进门,就听见阳台上传来很热闹的鸟叫声,那是绣眼的鸣唱,但比它原先的叫声要响亮得多,也丰富得多。我感到惊奇,绣眼重新开口,竟会有如此大的变化。走近阳台一看,我几乎不相信自己的眼睛:鸟笼外,来了另一只绣眼。笼中的绣眼在飞舞呜叫,笼外的绣眼围着笼子飞舞,不时停落在鸟笼上。,那只自由的野绣眼,翠绿色的羽毛要鲜亮得多,相比之下,在笼里的绣眼毛色显得黯淡无光。不过此刻它一改前些日子的颓丧,变得异常活泼。两只绣眼,面对面上下飞蹿,呜叫声激动而急切,仿佛在哀哀地互相倾诉,在快乐地互相询问。 ⑨那两只绣眼此刻的情状,让我看到了“欢呼雀跃”是怎样一种生动的景象。这情景深深震撼了我:从野地捕来笼养的小鸟,无奈地进入人类的鸟笼,痛苦地做了人类的囚徒。绣


初中英语阅读文章 At the Barber's Shop(理发店) Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result(结果). When his friend Bo b saw him, he laughed and said, "What has happened to your hair,Jack?" Jack said, "I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse." Bob agreed(同意). "Yes, I think you're right, Jack. Now I'll tell you what to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight t o him." "Why shall I go to him?" Jack asked. "But that would be foolish!"

"Oh, no, it wouldn't," answered Bob. "Who cut that man' s hair? Just think it. He couldn't cut it himself, could he? Another of th e barbers cut it. So you know he can't be the worst barber." 1. When Jack went out of the barber's shop, he was not happy because ____. A. nobody had cut his hair B. the barber hadn't cut his hair well C. the barber had cut his hair carefully D. he was not satisfied with his old barber


阅读理解专项练习 (一)阅读语段,回答问题。(20分) 爱的礼物 ①爱德华先生是个成功而忙碌的银行家。由于成天跟金钱打交道,不知不觉,爱德华先生养成了喜欢用钱打发一切的习惯,不仅在生意场上,对家人也如此。他在银行为妻子儿女开设了专门的户头,每隔一段时间就划拨大笔款额供他们消费;他让秘书去选购昂贵的礼物,并负责在节日或者家人的某个纪念日送上门。所有事情就像做生意那样办得井井有条,可他的亲人们似乎并没有从中得到他所期望的快乐,时间久了他自己也很抱屈:为什么我花了那么多钱,可他们还是不满意,甚至还对我有所抱怨? ②爱德华先生订了几份报纸,以便每天早晨可以浏览到最新的金融信息。原先送报的是个中年人,不知何时起,换成了一个十来岁的小男孩。每天清晨,他骑单车飞快地沿街而来,从帆布背袋里抽出卷成筒的报纸,投到爱德华先生家的门廊下,再飞快地骑着车离开。 ③爱德华先生经常能隔着窗户看到这个匆忙的报童。有时,报童一抬眼,正好也望见屋里的他,还会调皮地冲他行个举手礼。见多了,就记住了那张zhì气的脸。 ④一个周末的晚上,爱德华先生回家时,看见那个报童正沿街寻找着什么。他停下车,好奇地问:“嘿,孩子,找什么呢?”报童回头认出他,微微一笑,回答说:“我丢了5美元,先生。”“你肯定丢在这里了?”“是的,先生。今天我一直呆在家里,除了早晨送报,肯定丢在路上了。” ⑤爱德华先生知道,这个靠每天送报挣外快的孩子不会生长在生活优越的家庭;而且他还可以断定,那丢失的5美元是这孩子一天一天慢慢攒起来的。一种怜悯心促使他下了车,他掏出一张5美元的钞票递给他,说:“好了孩子,你可以回家了。”报童惊讶地望着他,并没伸手接这张钞票,他的神情里充满尊严,分明在告诉爱德华先生他并不需要施舍。 ⑥爱德华先生想了想说:“算是我借给你的,明早送报时别忘了给我写一张借据,以后还我。”报童终于接过了钱。 ⑦翌日,报童果然在送报时交给爱德华先生一张借据,上面的签名是菲里斯。其实,爱德华先生一点都不在乎这张借据,不过他倒是关心小菲里斯急着用5美元干什么。“买个圣诞天使送给我妹妹,先生。”菲里斯爽快地回答。 ⑧孩子的话提醒了爱德华先生,可不,再过一星期就是圣诞节了。遗hàn的是,自己要飞往加拿大洽谈一项并购事宜,不能跟家人一起过圣诞节了。 ⑨晚上,一家人好不容易聚在一起吃饭时,爱德华先生宣布道:“下星期,我恐怕不能和你们一起过圣诞节了。不过,我已经交代秘书在你们每个人的户头里额外存一笔钱,随便买点什么吧,就算是我送给你们的圣诞礼物。” ⑩饭桌上并没有出现爱德华先生期望的热烈,家人们都只是稍稍停了一下手里的刀叉,相继对他淡淡地说了一两句礼貌的话以示感谢。爱德华先生心里很不是滋味。 ?星期一早晨,菲里斯照例来送报,爱德华先生却破例走到门外与他攀谈。他问孩子:“你送妹妹的圣诞天使买了吗?多少钱啊?”菲里斯点头微笑道:“一共48美分,先生。我昨天先在跳蚤市场用40美分买下一个旧芭比娃娃,再花8美分买了一些白色纱、绸和丝线。我同学拉瑞的妈妈是个裁缝,她愿意帮忙把那个旧娃娃改成一个穿漂亮纱裙、长着翅膀的小天使。要知道,那个圣诞天使完全是按童话书里描述的样子做的——我妹妹最喜欢的一本童话书。” ?菲里斯的话深深触动了爱德华先生,他感慨道:“你多幸运,48美分的礼物就能换得妹妹的欢喜。可是我呢,即便付出了比这多得多的钱,得到的不过是一些不咸不淡的客套话儿。” ?菲里斯眨眨眼睛,说:“也许是他们没有得到所希望的礼物?”爱德华先生皱皱眉头,他根本不知道他的家人想要什么样的圣诞礼物,而且似乎从来也没有询问过,因为他觉得给家人钱,让他们自己去买是一样的。 ?他不解地说道:“我给他们很多钱,难道还不够吗?”菲里斯摇头道:“先生,圣诞礼物其实就是爱的礼物,不一定要花很多钱,而是要送给别人心里希望的东西。” ?菲里斯沿着街道走远了,爱德华先生还站在门口,沉思好久好久才转身进屋。屋子里早餐已经摆好了,妻子儿女们正等着他。这时,爱德华先生没有像平时那样自顾自地边喝牛奶边看报纸,而是对大家说:“哦,我已经决定取消去加拿大的计划,想留在家里跟你们一起过圣诞节。现在,你们能不能告诉我,你们心里最希望得到什么样的圣诞礼物呢?” ?因为很久没有这样与家人沟通,所以爱德华先生说话时有点不自在。家人…… ?从第二年开始,爱德华先生在银行里设立了“天使基金”,每年的12月都会派专人去挑选一些圣诞礼物,分送给福利机构和孤儿院里的孩子们。这些小礼物并不昂贵,不过由于事先请专人做了调查,所以送去的礼物一定是孩子们心中渴望的东西。因为圣诞礼物其实就是爱的礼物——这句话如箴言一样,让爱德华先生谨记心田。 1.根据拼音写汉字。(2分) zhì()气遗hàn( ) 2.结合你对文章的理解,说说什么样的礼物才是“爱的礼物”。(3分) 3.文中划线句子属于什么描写?表现了菲里斯怎样的性格特点?(3分) 4.选文对菲里斯给妹妹准备圣诞天使的过程写得比较详细,这些内容在文中有何作用?(4分) 5.?段写到菲里斯走远后,爱德华先生还站在门口沉思了好久,此时此刻他会想些什么? (4分)
