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Physical GMR 2.2 Site Fencing 现场围墙_31st_Dec.09

Issue date Last amendment date Revision No Physical GMR 具体的全球最低标准 #: 2 Compliance Area 适用区域:

Logistics 交通管理及物流控制

GMR Subsection 全球最低标准小节: 2.2 Site Fencing 现场围墙 Standard 标准: All construction works in the vicinity of members of the public must be fenced off to prevent unauthorised access. All works lasting more than a few hours should erect suitable fencing or hoardings to prevent unauthorised access. Access points and site rules should be clearly signed. Hoardings and signage should follow the Corporate Brand Style Guide. 所有临近公共区域的

施工现场,必须设置围墙,以防止人员未经许可进入现场。 所有持续时间超过几


员进入。出入口以及现场规则告示牌,应在显著位置展示出来。临时围墙及 标志


Means and Methods

Perimeter Fencing preventing unauthorised access to the

construction site 周边围墙防止未经许可的出入施工现场 Moveable Fence/Hording/Barrier preventing access to the immediate work area 可移动栅栏/临时围墙/障碍物预防直接进入施工


Site perimeter fencing 现场周边围墙 Framed wire-mesh partitions for short duration works 短期工作使

用框架铁丝网隔离 How to Comply with the Standard 如何达到标准:

1.0 Perimeter Fencing 周边围墙

1.1 The entire perimeter of a site shall be controlled by perimeter fencing of suitable and robust construction. It is

Issue date Last amendment date Revision No acknowledged that site fence or hoarding construction materials will vary as will statutory requirements. Construction may be of stone, brick, wire mesh or steel sheeting whichever suites local statute and local construction method. 适当的、坚固的周边围墙控制整个现场周边。 众所周之,现场的栅栏或者临时围墙的材料使用应随着法定要求而改变。围墙的设立可使用石头,砖块,铁丝网或者彩钢板任何一个符合当地法规以及当地施工方法的材料。

– Fencing / hoarding shall be constructed to meet local legislation requirement as a minimum 栅栏/临时围墙的设立最低应符合当地法规的要求。

– Fencing to be a minimum of 2m in height and constructed so that it cannot be climbed easily. Where statute requires otherwise, any reduction in height is to be approved and signed off by the Operations Manager at the preconstruction review. 围墙的最低高度应为2米以防止简单地翻越。 除了法规要求,任何高度的降低应在施工前审查中得到营运经理的同意及签署。

– Fencing must fully enclose the entire site boundary. Where natural barriers provide a similar level of protection, fencing can be eliminated if approved and signed off by the Operations Manager at the

preconstruction review. 围墙应围绕整个现场边界。 自然屏障若能提供类似等级的保护,围墙可取消但需得到营运经理在施工前审查中的同意及签署。

– An inspection of the perimeter must be made on a weekly basis to ensure no breaches have occurred and the inspection and (any breaches) documented 每周应对周边进行检查主要以防止围墙有任何的破损,并且归档检查记录以及(破损记录)。

– Any breaches must have Security stationed at the breach until fully repaired, inspected and signed off 破损处须设有保全岗,直到修复,检查并签署。

– Breaches should be repaired within 24 hours of discovery 破损应在发现的24小时内修复。 – All site access points (vehicle and pedestrian) are to be adequately signed (refer 2.1). 应适当的标识现场所有出入口(机动车和行人)。

1.2 All temporary works which occur beyond the project perimeter fencing must have additional fencing or hoarding to provide a suitable barrier to other site operatives and/or members of the public. The fencing or hoarding must ensure that unauthorized access to the work area is prevented. The barrier erected should also address any relevant noise or dust issues to prevent harm to persons in the vicinity of the affected area. The means of fencing and segregating these works shall be based on a risk assessment that considers task activity, generation of noise/dust/fumes/flying debris, duration of the works, and traffic and pedestrian volumes. The below are some of the options available (this list is not exhaustive): 所有项目周边围墙以外的临时工作应使用额外的栅栏或临时围墙为其他操作或公众提供一个合适的屏障。栅栏或临时围墙应确保阻止任何未经许可的出入工作现场。同时围墙的设立应预防噪音、灰尘对临近受影响区域的人的伤害。 设立围墙及隔离的工作应建立在风险评估上,该风险评估应考虑到工作任务,噪音/灰尘/烟/飞行碎片生成原因,工作期限,以及行车与行人的数量。以下是一些有效的可选项 (不限于该清单):

2.0 Fencing / Hoarding 栅栏/临时围墙

2.1 If the duration of works are programmed to take longer than 24 hours or create flying debris, excessive noise, welding arc flash, or create a falling hazard then full height fencing/ hoarding is to be used: 当计划工作超过24小时或者造成飞行碎片,过度的噪音,焊接电弧闪光,或者造成坠落危险时应使用全高的栅栏或临时围墙。

– Fencing / Hoarding to be a minimum of 2 m in height (refer to details in Perimeter Fencing section) 栅栏/临时围墙最低高度应为两米(详情请参照周边围墙小节)

– If any risk of the work creating flying debris, dust or welding arc flash, the fencing / hoarding should have a solid construction (not mesh) 如果任何工作造成飞行碎片,灰尘以及焊接电弧闪光等危

Issue date Last amendment date Revision No 险,栅栏/临时围墙应使用实体材料建设(非网状)。

3.0 Hand-railing / Framed wire-mesh partitions 扶手/框架铁丝网隔断

3.1 If the work being carried out presents no risk of being hit by flying debris or exposed to welding arc flash, hand-railing can be used as an alternative to full height fencing. If works are being carried out in areas of regular pedestrian traffic, security/supervision must be stationed at the area to ensure pedestrians do not climb over the barriers and into the work area. 如果当前工作不造成任何被飞行碎片撞击或暴露于焊接电弧闪光的危险,扶手可取代全高围墙。 如果工作在一般的人流区域进行,应在该区域配备保安/监工以防止行人翻越障碍物进入工作区域。

– Handrails to be of rigid construction such as scaffold tubing or pre-made modular handrail barrier systems and be a minimum of 1m high 扶手必须坚固的设立,如脚手架钢管 或者预制扶手组件系统以及最低高度应为1米。

– Framed wire-mesh partitions to be of rigid construction, with robust stable stands 框架铁丝网应坚固稳定的设立

– Where used as access guide ways for pedestrians, all handrails and framed wire-mesh partitions are to be inspected daily for stability and be free any sharp protrusions, walkways must be free from obstruction or trip hazards. The inspection plus any defect should be logged with any defect rectified immediately 作为行人引导通道,应每日检查所有的栏杆扶手和框架铁丝网的稳定性以及是否有锋利的突起物,人行道应无任何障碍或者通行危险。

4.0 Cone & bar 圆锥 & 横杆:

4.1 Cone & bar is used as a method of temporary exclusion for an area where only authorized persons are allowed to enter, or as a means to separate temporary materials storage area on site. Clear identification tag and person in charge of the area must be displayed along with this temporary exclusion. This could be used in public areas based on a risk assessment. 圆锥及横杆路障被应用在例如只有被许可的人员才能进入的临时禁区,或者在施工现场分隔住临时材料存储区。 临时禁区必须具有清楚的识别标签以及管理人员。该工作应建立在风险评估上。

5.0 Netting 网:

5.1 Safety netting (parawebbing) can be used for guidance of personnel within the construction site, separating pedestrian pathways/diversions from vehicle routes and around machine activity. Where this is used it must be in good condition, tight between its fixing points and where star pickets are used (or other similar upright e.g. steel angle or rebar), these must be protected with end caps. 安全网在施工区域可用作人员引导,将人行道从机动车路线或机械作业区隔离/转移。 安全网只能在非常好的条件下使用,

5.2 If any fall risk, firmly anchored and fixed handrails must be used 如果有坠落危险,必须使用锚栓固定的


6.0 Warning Tape 警示带:

6.1 Warning tape is not to be used as a method of fencing off an external boundary/work area except in extreme

circumstances where there is an immediate need to secure an area, and where other means of protection increase the exposure of workers to a risk (supervision is to be provided to monitor and ensure warning tape is not breached by members of the public). 警示带不被用作在外围/工作区域设置围墙的一种方法,除非在一个极端的环境下迫切需要确保一个区域,同时别的保护方式将使工人更易暴露于危险的情况下才能使用(监工需监督并确保警示带不被公众破坏)。

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