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auditing Chapter 1


第十一章核酸的降解和核苷酸代谢 核酸的生物功能DNA、RNA 核苷酸的生物功能 ①合成核酸 ②是多种生物合成的活性中间物 糖原合成,UDP-Glc。磷脂合成,CDP-乙醇胺,CDP-二脂酰甘油。 ③生物能量的载体A TP、GTP ④腺苷酸是三种重要辅酶的组分 NAD、F AD、CoA ⑤信号分子cAMP、cGMP 食物中的核酸,经肠道酶系降解成各种核苷酸,再在相关酶作用下,分解产生嘌呤、嘧啶、核糖、脱氧核糖和磷酸,然后被吸收。 吸收到体内的嘌呤和嘧啶,大部分被分解,少部分可再利用,合成核苷酸。 人和动物所需的核酸无须直接依赖于食物,只要食物中有足够的磷酸盐,、糖和蛋白质,核酸就能在体内正常合成。 核酸的分解代谢: 第一节核酸和核苷酸的分解代谢 一、核酸的酶促降解 核酸是核苷酸以3’、5’-磷酸二酯键连成的高聚物,核酸分解代谢的第一步就是分解为核苷酸,作用于磷酸二酯键的酶称核酸酶(实质是磷酸二脂酶)。 根据对底物的专一性可分为:核糖核酸酶、脱氧核糖核酸酶、非特异性核酸酶。 根据酶的作用方式分:内切酶、外切酶。 1、核糖核酸酶 只水解RNA磷酸二酯键的酶(RNase),不同的RNase专一性不同。 牛胰核糖核酸酶(RNaseI),作用位点是嘧啶核苷-3’-磷酸与其它核苷酸间的连接键。 核糖核酸酶T1(RNaseT1),作用位点是3’-鸟苷酸与其它核苷酸的5’-OH间的键。 图 2、脱氧核糖核酸酶 只能水解DNA磷酸二酯键的酶。DNase牛胰脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNaseI)可切割双链和单链DNA。产物是以5’-磷酸为末端的寡核苷酸。

牛胰脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNase Ⅰ),降解产物为3’-磷酸为末端的寡核苷酸。 限制性核酸内切酶:细菌体内能识别并水解外源双源DNA 的核酸内切酶,产生3ˊ-OH 和5ˊ-P 。 图 Pst Ⅰ切割后,形成3ˊ-OH 单链粘性末端。 EcoR Ⅰ切割后,形成5ˊ-P 单链粘性末端。 3、 非特异性核酸酶 既可水解RNA ,又可水解DNA 磷酸二酯键的核酸酶。 小球菌核酸酶是内切酶,可作用于RNA 或变性的DNA ,产生3’-核苷酸或寡核苷酸。 蛇毒磷酸二酯酶和牛脾磷酸二脂酶属于外切酶。 蛇毒磷酸二酯酶能从RNA 或DNA 链的游离的3’-OH 逐个水解,生成5’-核苷酸。 牛脾磷酸二脂酶从游离的5’-OH 开始逐个水解,生成3’核苷酸。 二、 核苷酸的降解 1、 核苷酸酶 (磷酸单脂酶) 水解核苷酸,产生核苷和磷酸。 非特异性磷酸单酯酶:不论磷酸基在戊糖的2’、3’、5’,都能水解下来。 特异性磷酸单酯酶: 只能水解3’核苷酸或5’核苷酸(3’核苷酸酶、5’核苷酸酶) 2、 核苷酶 两种: ① 核苷磷酸化酶:广泛存在,反应可逆。 ② 核苷水解酶:主要存在于植物、微生物中,只水解核糖核苷,不可逆 三、 嘌呤碱的分解 P301 图18-2嘌呤碱的分解 首先在各种脱氨酶的作用下水解脱氨,脱氨反应可发生在嘌呤碱、核苷及核苷酸水平上。 P 299 反应式 不同种类的生物分解嘌呤碱的能力不同,因此,终产物也不同。 排尿酸动物:灵长类、鸟类、昆虫、排尿酸爬虫类

深圳牛津版九年级英语chapter11 Point of view 知识点详解

Chapter 11 The Points of view 热身练习: 句意解释: 1. Only the wealthy can afford to travel around the world. A. strong men B. useful people C. poor people D. rich people 2. To keep fit, we should eat more vegetables and less meat. A. good B. healthy C. wealthy D. thin 3. The government may ban an advertisement which forces children to buy things. A. forbid B. allow C. encourage D. offer 4. Advertisers earn a lot of money because of advertisements. A. lend B. make C. keep D. borrow 5. Is it illegal for children under 16 to buy cigarettes in China ? A. allowed by law B. against the law C. not polite D. not right 6. In addition, he loves playing computer games. A. What’s more B. Beside C. However D. As a result 正确形式填空: 1.traveller --travel 2. illegal非法的-- legal (反) 合法的 3. wealthy富有的e.g. a wealthy family 近义词:rich ---wealth n. 财富 4. effective adj. 有效的---effect (n. 影响v. 产生,达到目的) 5. identify 确定;认同;一致identify with sb 与某人产生共鸣、认同某人、以某人为模式 e.g. The play was so wonderful that the audience quickly identified with the actors. 6. possession n. -- possess v. 持有 7. act --- actor --actress 1.The long walk across the desert is ___________ his strength. (consume) 2.Who's in charge of the ___________ of students in this school? (manage) 3.Tree planting can __________ prevent sandstorms. (effective) 4.What do you think of the idea "little ___________ are big ones"? (spend) 5.He works in an __________ company as a vice-director. (advertise) 6.I won't go to the concert __________ because I have no money to waste. (simple) 7.Lower ____ levels make it difficult for some people to find good jobs in big cities. (educate) 8.Some educators believe children who watch many TV advertisements will become more __________ in possessions. (interest) 9.The Game is the biggest sports event for _________ People. (Asia)

chapter11 语法

Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching ?Applied linguistics ?Krashen’s Input hypothesis ?i+1 principle ?Interlanguage ?Syllabus ?Contrastive analysis ?Error analysis ?Error/mistake 11.1 Applied linguistics ?Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. ?Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Applied Linguistics应用语言学 语言学的一个分支,主要关心的是如何应用语言学理论、方法和成果来阐释其他领域遇到的语言问题。应用语言学发展最充分的分支是外语教学,有时这个名称似乎只指这个领域。但是近年来出现了好几个其他应用领域,包括语言故障的语言学分析(临床语言学)、母语教育中的语言使用(教育语言学)、词典学的发展、翻译、人工智能和风格学等。 ?应用语言学不但运用语言学知识,还利用社会学、心理学、人类学、信息论等方面的知识,并把这些理论和知识应用与实践方面,例如,语言教学大纲的设计、言语矫正、语言规划、问题学研究等等。 ?Applied linguistics –Theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly inform the approaches and methods adopted in language teaching. –Linguistics, as the science of language, should be of fundamental importance for teachers of language. ?According to Jo McDonough, a teacher who is able to explain some linguistic features would have a stronger position than one who handles the argument by using authority –“it?s like that”, “it?s an exception”, or “it?s less formal”. 11.2 Linguistics and language learning ?Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. –In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they actually learn and what they learn ultimately. 2.1Grammar and language learning focus on form 语法形式中心 As a compromise between the “purely form-focused approaches” and the “purely meaning-focused” approaches, a recent movement called focus on form seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning. Focus on Form ?Although language learning should generally be meaning-focused and communication-oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionally. The definition of UG ?In linguistics, the theory of universal grammar holds that there are certain fundamental grammatical ideas which all humans possess, without having to learn them.

Chapter11 使用类

I.运算符重载 1.运算符重载简介 ●定义:运算符重载,就是对已有的运算符重新进行定义,赋予其另一种功能, 以适应不同的数据类型。 ●性质:一种形式的C++多态 ●作用:允许将标准C++运算符作用于类对象 (注释:C++中的运算符已经被重载过,如:“*”——用于地址得到存储与该地 址中的值——用于两个数字表示乘积) ●举例:数组相加 不重载(逐个相加):for(inti = 0; i<= 20; i++) evening[i] = sam[i] +janet[i]; 重载(相加):evening = sam + janet; ●格式:operator op( argument-list) ?Time示例 ◆Time源代码 求和功能:sum函数 Time Time::Sum(const Time & t) const { Time sum; sum.minutes = minutes + t.minutes; sum.hours = hours + t.hours + sum.minutes / 60; sum.minutes %= 60; return sum; } Main函数中: Total = coding.Sum(fixing);

◆添加加法运算符 在类中添加:Timeoperator+(const Time & t) const; 在函数的实现中添加: Time Time::operator+(const Time & t) const//返回类型为Time类 { Time sum;//定义一个Time类型的对象 sum.minutes = minutes + t.minutes; sum.hours = hours + t.hours + sum.minutes / 60; sum.minutes %= 60; return sum; } 在主函数中:两Time类相加由原来的调用sum函数变为直接使用“+”运算符 total = coding + fixing; ◆重载限制 可重载的运算符: 重载的限制

chapter1 基本概念

例题1-1 某容器被一刚性壁分成两部分,在容器的不同部位安装有压力计,如图1—2所示,设大气压力为97a kp (1) 压力表B ,表C 的读数分别为75k P a ,0.11M P a ,试确定压力表A 上的读数, 及容器两部分内气体的绝对压力。 (2) 若表C 为真空计,读数为24k P a ,压力表B 的读数为36k P a ,试问表A 是什 么 表?读数是多少? 解(1)因 I I g,C b g,B II g,B g,B b p p p p p p p p p ==+=+=++?? 由上式得 g,C g,B g,A p p p =+ 则 g,A g,C g,B 110k Pa 75k Pa 35k Pa p p p =-=-= (3) B 为压力表知,I II p p >;又由表C 为真空计知, b I II p p p >> 所以,表A 一定是真空计。于是 I b v,C g,B II g,B b V,A ()p p p p p p p p =-=+=+-?? 则 V,A g,B V,C 36k Pa 24k Pa 60k Pa p p p =+=+=?? 讨论 (1) 注意的是,不管用什么压力计,测得的都是工质的绝对压力p 和环境以之间的 相对值,而不是工质的真实压力。 (2) 这个环境压力是指测压计所处的空间压力,可以是大气压力b p ,如题目中的表 A ,表C 。也可以是所在环境的空间压力,如题目中的表B ,其环境压力为II p 。 例题 1-2 定义一种新的线性温度标尺——牛顿温标(单位为牛顿度,符号为N ?),水的冰点和汽点分别是100N ?和200N ?。 (1)试导出牛顿温标N T 与热力学温度T 的关系式。 (2)热力学温度为0K 时,牛顿温度是多少N ? ?

Chapter11 Exercises

Chapter 11 Product Decisions Key sections Product Concepts Product Positioning Product Design Consideration Attitudes Toward Country of Origin New Products in Global Marketing Exercises I. Discussion questions 1.What is the difference between an international and a global product? Cite examples. (P334) 2. Does a global brand have a similar image, positioning and market mix? (P334) 3. What factors should global marketers consider when making product design decisions? (P342) 4.How can buyer attitudes about a product’s country of origin affect marketing strategy? (P334-345) (The answer below is a reference.) The existence of stereotyped attitudes toward foreign products may either favour or hinder the marketer’s efforts. If a country is good at manufacturing a particular line of product, customers around the world will be likely to buy the product made in the country. A country’s reputation and image, customers’ preferences to domestic or foreign products are the main factors influencing buyers’ purchase decisions. II. Explain the concepts below in English High-tech product High-touch product Product saturation level III. Learn the following words by heart physical, psychological and symbolic attributes物理特性,心理特性和象征特性consumer and industrial goods 消费品和工业品 specialty goods 特制品 life-span 寿命 rollout strategy 首次展示战略 marketing mix 市场组合 cheese and yogurt 干酪和酸奶 a premium-priced and packaged cosmetic line 包装精美的高价化妆品 attribute and benefit 属性与效能 reliability and durability 可靠性与耐久性

Chapter1and2 answer

第1章 物质的pVT 关系和热性质 基本概念 1. (1) (3)。 2. (1)分子无体积;(2)分子间无相互作用。 3. 气。 4. 气液共存区的边界线;不稳定区的边界线。 37 5.0c c c c ==RT V p Z ,得到普遍化的范德华方程以及对应状态原理。 5. a 气体;b 饱和气体;c 气液共存;d 饱和液体;e 液体。 6. 不能,MPa 8.59=p 7. 状态一定,状态函数的量值一定;状态函数量值的变化仅与系统的初终状态有关。对于一个均相系统,如果不考虑除压力以外的其他广义力,为了确定平衡态,除了系统中每一种物质的数量外,还需确定两个独立的状态函数。 8. (1) 外p p =,(2) =常数外p p =。 9. (1) 封闭系统;(2) 封闭系统,恒容过程,非体积功为零;(3) 封闭系统,恒压过程,非体积功为零。 10. 压力为0.1MPa 下处于理想气体状态的气态纯物质。压力为0.1MPa 下的液态和固态纯物质。压力为0.1MPa 下浓度为3dm mol 1-?或1kg mol 1-?的理想稀溶液中的溶质。 11. 降低;=。 12. B B B ) 0(νζn n -= 。从数量上统一表达反应进行的程度。 13. < , =。 14. =, <。 15. =, >。 16. (1)×; (2)×;(3)√。 17. 实验测定;经验半经验方法;理论方法。 18. 反应前后气体的物质的量之差。 计算题 1. 解:mol 1071.6mol )15.27330(3145.8101001021.1693 63--?=??? ?????+????==RT pV n []211122112211 )-(1 M y M y n M n y M y n M n M n m +=+=+= []2211) -( M M M y n +=


Chapter11-12基础知识归纳与练习 一.基础知识归纳 (一)单词 n. traveller,advertising,advertiser,spender,educator,disease,course,benefit,cigare tte,interview,hunter,application,pay,post,mark,standard,offer,sex,nationality,s kill,comment v. earn,act,advertise,suffer,hunt,apply,search,prove,serve,tick adj. illegal,wealthy,fit,junior,effective,available,confusing,exact,unfair adv. neatly,faithfully (二)短语 1.points of view 2.identify with 3.put pressure on 4.in addition 5.take action 6.be allowed to do 7.be good/bad for 8.agree with 9.on the other hand 10.have an effect on 11.make sure 12.according to 13.become interested in 14.in my opinion/view 15.a piece of advice 16.at least 17.as a result 18.at all costs 19.miss out 20.make mistakes 21.on time 22.as well as 23.prepare for 24.make an impression on 25.at any time 26.lose weight 27.be proud of (三)句型 1.What do you think about/of.....? 你认为.....怎么样? 2.Do you agree with sb? 你同意某人的意见吗? 3.....Nothing/Something wrong with..... .........没有(有)毛病 4.make/have/let sb do sth 让某人做某事 5.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 6.persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事 7.It is illegal for sb to do sth 某人做....是不合法的 8.Sb thinks it is wrong to do sth 某人认为做....是不对的 9.What would you advise me to do? 你建议我做什么? 10.Do you think I ought to....? 你认为我应该.....吗? 11.Why have you applied for the job? 你为什么申请这份工作? 12.I'd like to be..... 我愿意成为....... 13.You'd better..... 你最好........ (四)语法 A.不带to的动词短语归纳 1.had better (not) do sth 最后(不要)做某事 2.Would you please (not) do sth? 请你(不)做某事,好吗? 3.Let/have/make sb do sth 让某人做某事 B.被动语态 C.so....that.....与such.....that.....的区别 二.基础知识练习 A.根据句意及英文释义提示填写单词,使句子完整、通顺 1.It's _______________(against the law) to carry guns in our country. 2.Early to bed.early to rise,makes a man healthy,_____________(very rich),and wise.


Chapter 11 Pricing Considerations and Approaches Multiple Choice 1.The price of an executive is a _____, the price of a salesperson is a _____, and the price of a worker is a _____. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/7e15613086.html,mission; wage; salary b.wage; commission; salary c.salary; wage; commission d.salary; commission; wage (d; Easy) 2._____ is the amount of money charged for a product or service. a.Experience curve b.Demand curve c.Price d.Wage (c; Easy) 3.Little Roses’ Floral Design sells flowers at one set price to all buyers. What is this an example of? a.total costs b.fixed costs c.variable costs d.dynamic pricing (b; Moderate) 4.Big Mike’s Health Food Store sells nutritional energy-producing foods. The price of the products sold varies according to individual customer accounts and situations. For example, long-time customers receive discounts. This strategy is an example of _____. a.price elasticity b.cost-plus pricing c.dynamic pricing d.value pricing (c; Challenging)

Chapter 11 课后答案

Chapter11 答案 Language Acquisition 1. Define the following terms briefly. (1) first language acquisition: the learning and development of a person’s native language. (2) behaviorist approach: The approach views language as behavior and believes that language learning is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation. (3) innateness approach: This approach holds that the ability to acquire a human language is part of the biologically innate equipment of the human being, and that an infant is born with this ability just as it is born with two arms, two legs, and a beating heart. (4) second language acquisition: the acquisition of another language or languages after the first language is on the way or completed. (5)
