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Global Warming 原因 中英对照

Global Warming 原因 中英对照
Global Warming 原因 中英对照



1.人口剧增因素Dramatic increase in the population


The population factor is one of the main reasons in global warming. At the same time, this is a serious danger to the balance between naturalenvironment. So large the population is, each year only the amounts of their own carbon dioxide emissions would be a staggering figure. And this result will lead directly to the increaseof carbon dioxidein the atmosphere.

2.大气环境污染因素Environmental factors


Nowadays environmental pollution has turned major global problem, also lead to global warming. Now, global climate change research has clearly pointed out that since the end of last century , the Earth's surface temperature has begun to increase .

3.海洋生态环境恶化因素Deterioration of the marine environment factors


At present, the sea-level was constantly on the rise, according to the experts forecast ,at the middle of the next century, sea levels could rise by 50cm. And if we do not take measures, that will lead to the damage and pollutionof fresh water resources .

4.土地遭破坏因素The land damage factors


As is known to all, a good vegetation can prevent the soil and water loss. But due to human activities to get wood and cut down forest, cultivate land for agricultural production, there is still much serious damage to vegetation. And it can cause floods and dust storms, cause great economic loss to the society and worsen natural environment.

5.森林资源锐减因素the sharp drop in forest resources factor


Due to natural or man-made factors, forest resources around the world is significantly reduced.

6.酸雨危害因素Acid rain


Acid rain’s impact on the environment has drawn more and more attention around the world. Acid rain can do damage to forests, lakes and threaten the biological. At present, acid rain occurred in most developed countries, but in some developing countries, acid rain also happened rapidly.

7.物种加速灭绝因素Speed up the extinction of species on Earth's biological factor


Biological species on Earth'sis a valuable resources and biological diversity of species is the basis of human existence and development. However, the biologicalspecies on earth is disappearing at an unprecedented rate.

8.水污染因素Water Pollution factors


According to the Global Environment Monitoring System of water, about 10% river water is polluted. Water consumption is in a sharp increase , water pollution is becoming more and more serious.This shows that taking measures to protect water will be very important and urgent.

9.有毒废料污染因素Toxic waste factor


The growing number of toxic chemicals not onlythreaten human survival, but also damage the earth's surfaceenvironment .


1.火山活动Volcanic activity

2.地球周期性公转轨迹变动The earth periodic track changes


Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖 一、词汇 about发生;造成 注意:(1)come about是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态,常指情况不受人控制的突然发生。有时用it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语。 (2)表示“发生”的词或短语有:happen,occur,take place,break ① Many a quarrel comes about through a misunderstanding. ② The moon came out from behind the clouds. ③ I’ll let you know if anything comes up. ④ I’ll come over and see how you are coming along. ⑤ I came across an old friend yesterday. ⑥ When she came to, she couldn’t recognize the surroundings. ① I subscribe to your suggestion. ② Which magazine do you subscribe to? ③ He subscribed his name to the paper(文件). ④ He subscribed a large sum to the poor students. n.量;数量

① It’s cheaper to buy goods in quantity / in large quantities. ② A large quantity of silk is sold in Japan. ③ A large quantity of drugs are found in his home. ④ Large quantities of rain are needed in this area. ① He tends to get angry when others disagree with her. ② His views tend towards the extreme(极端). ③ He was tending (to) his son when I saw him in the hospital. ④ Jane is nice but has a tendency to talk too much. =Jane is nice but she tends to talk too much. ① The price of the new house in our area has gone up by 1,000 yuan per square meter(平方米)。That is(也就是说)it has gone up to 5,000 yuan per square meter. ② The wind has gone down a little. ④ The country has gone through too many wars.


《Unit 4 Global warming》 Does It Matter? 一、语法填空(根据课文内容、依据语法规则完成下面短文) When 1________ (compare) with most natural changes, that the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century is quite shocking. And it’s human activity 2________ has caused this global warming rather 3________ a random but natural phenomenon. Dr. Janice Foster explains that we add huge 4________ of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning fossil 5________. From the second 6________ and the discovery of Charles Keeling, all scientists believe that the burning of more and more fossil fuels 7________ (result) in the increase in carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases continue to build up. On the one hand, Dr. Foster thinks that the trend would be a 8________. On the other hand, George Hambley 9________ (state) that more carbon dioxide would encourage a greater range of animals and bring us 10________ better life.

Global warming全球变暖全英文介绍

One of the effects of global warming is the destruction of many important ecosystems.Changing and erratic climate conditions will put our ecosystems to the test, the increase in carbon dioxide will increase the problem. The evidence is clear that global warming and climate change affects physical and biological systems. There will be effects to land, water, and life. Already today, scientists are seeing the effects of global warming on coral reefs, many have been bleached and have died. This is due to warmer ocean waters, and to the fact that some species of plants and animals are simply migrating to better suited geographical regions where water temperatures are more suitable. Melting ice sheets are also making some animals migrate to better regions. This effects the ecosystems in which these plants and animals live. Several climate models have been made and they predict more floods (big floods), drought, wildfires, ocean acidification, and the eventual collapse of many ecosystems throughout the world both on land and at sea. There have been forecasts of things like famine, war, and social unrest, in our days ahead. These are the types of effects global warming could have on our planet. Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss and endangerment of many species. Did you know that 30 percent of all plant and animal species alive in the world today are at risk of extinction by the year 2050 if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit. These mass extinctions will be due to a loss of habitat through desertification, deforestation, and ocean warming. Many plants and animals will also be affected by the inability to adapt to our climate warming.


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 论英语新闻中的模糊语言 2 英汉习语渊源对比及其常用分析方法 3 《小妇人》中的家庭教育及它对现代家庭教育的意义 4 从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观 5 简奥斯丁《爱玛》中的爱玛形象分析 6 《彼得潘》中彼得潘形象分析 7 解析《老人与海》中的桑提亚哥形象 8 完美管家还是他者—浅析《长日留痕》中的管家形象(开题报告+论) 9 《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝之死的必然性 10 An Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights 11 小议《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫人性的回归 12 英汉思维模式差异的对比研究 13 A Study of Hawthorne’s Notion of Science as Shown in “Rappaccini's Daughter” 14 爱与孤独的互生——舍伍德安德森《曾经沧海》与戴维劳伦斯《马贩子的女儿》对比研究 15 The Study of Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle 16 从主人公的悲剧命运看《推销员之死》的现实意义 17 从理解文化角度翻译英语习语 18 书面语言输入与输出对英语词汇习得的影响 19 浅析当代美国跨种族领养的现状 20 爱伦坡侦探小说的特征与影响 21 关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译 22 A Comparative Study on Tea Culture of China and English-speaking Countries 23 《简爱》中的女性主义意识初探 24 The Poet’s Identity in Keats’s Six Odes 25 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita 26 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识 27 英汉委婉语中体现的文化异同 28 从中美管理方式的不同透析中西方文化差异与整合 29 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响 30 产品说明书的翻译技巧 31 《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂悲剧的分析 32 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较 33 论跨文化交际中的中西文化冲突 34 外语学习焦虑与口语成绩的相关性研究 35 形成性评价在英语教学中的运用 36 《都柏林人》的“顿悟”手法解读 37 翻译中的字词选择 38 爱情,悲剧和战争——《永别了武器》关键元素的分析 39 从贫穷到堕落——解读嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的奋斗历程 40 Cultural Issues in Interpreting


Teaching Plan Contents: Reading Book 6 Unit 4 Global warming I.Analysis of the Teaching Material This article is from a magazine about global warming, which illustrates how global warming has come about and different attitudes to its effects. The passage is long, abstract and far away from their life. What’s more, there are many mouthful professional terms, which increases students’ difficulty while reading, although they have some knowledge about global warming. II. Analysis of the Students Students from Senior Two are the students in an excellent level, who have good abilities to read and speak. This unit talks about global warming, which has been taught in Geography. It will help students understand the text better and I believe the students will be interested in this class. However,because they pay little attention to this topic in the daily life, they may have few desire to speak something about global warming. III. Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objective 1) Enable the students to analyze how global warming has come about; 2) Get students know different attitudes towards global warming and its effects. 2. Competence objective Improve the students’ reading and speaking abilities. 3. Emotion objective 1) Develop student s’ teamwork. 2) Raise their awareness of global warming. IV. Important points Enable the students to understand how global warming has come about. V. D ifficult points Get the students understand how global warming has come about. Let the students understand the difficult sentences better. ①It is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. (Line 6) ②All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due t o the burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil to produce energy. (Line 18) ③This is when small amounts of gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth.(Line 26-29) VI. Teaching aids: Multimedia classroom, printed material VII. Teaching methods: Task-based teaching, communicative teaching method VIII.Teaching procedures: Step 1. Lead in and pre-reading (5 mins ) It’s reported that global temperatures continue to rise, making July 2016 the hottest month in the history of the earth. Did you feel extremely hot in July? When you felt hot, what did you do? Did you feel global temperatures going up quietly? Let’s look at a flash (global temperatures from 1850 to 2016). What information can you get? The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. Is it natural or caused by human being? Do you think what effects global warming will bring about? Is global warming beneficial or harmful? Today we’re going to read a magazine article about global warming. It will work out your puzzles. Please open your book and turn to P26. Today we are going to


论文大纲 一、序论 (一)、中心论题:分析小说《远大前程》中女性人物的形象、地位及她们悲惨命运的成因。 (二)、写作意图:狄更斯小说《远大前程》旨在开导、教化人们从善,本文通过对小说中女性人物分析,进一步引导女性朋友正确选择自己的人生道路。 二、本论 (一)、引言 1、简述小说《远大前程》中主人公的人生经历,并阐明小说是紧紧围绕人道主义思想来写。 2、引出两部文献中分别对《远大前程》作出的点评,并概述自己的观点。 3、阐明本文写作意图及中心论题。 (二)、主题 1、小说中女性的形象分析。 (1)、分别对小说中主要女性人物形象进行分析点评。 (2)、引用文献资料进行全面阐述。 (3)、通过对比文献资料阐明自己的观点。 2、小说中女性的地位。 (1)、引出文献王新春在作品《笼中鸟》中对小说女性地位的总评。 (2)、阐明自己的观点,对女性地位进行分析。 (3)、引出许多读者对狄更斯是否对女性地位持有偏见的质疑,分析对比阐述自己观点。 3、小说中女性人物对主人公的影响。 (1)、引出文献李宇荣指出狄更斯小说是以人物为中心写作,因此《远大前程》中的几位主要女性都是围绕主人公皮普展开描写的。 三、结论 总结本文所写主题,再次归纳所有评论家的观点,阐述自己的主见,并呼应开头,再次点题。 浅析《远大前程》中的女性人物 一、引言: 《远大前程》是英国小说家狄更斯的晚年作品,小说主要讲述了主人公皮普人生的三个阶段,从小的时候对上层阶级生活的憧憬、羡慕开始,到他成为“上等人”,最后又恢复到下层阶级淳朴劳动者的身份。小说中劳动者的淳朴形象与当时英国上流阶级人们的自私形象形成鲜明的对比,作者狄更斯抓住人道主义的观点来批判当时的社会,其中女性所遭受的磨难,她们对爱情、婚姻的绝望以及她们道德的沦丧与最终远大前程的破灭有着密切的关系。作家王新春在试析《远大前程》的女性形象中点评狄更斯的小说是以深刻的笔触去揭示资本主义社会的各种弊端,强烈刻画了下层人民的悲惨生活。郭春林却点评说:“狄更斯之所以生动


Unit 4 Global warming I. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出 最佳选项。 Today the scientific community is in almost total agreement that the earth’s climate is changing and that this represents a huge threat to the planet and to us. According to a survey, with only 69% accepting the earth is warming— only 1/4 Americans see global warming as a major threat, public opinion 1 the scientific conclusion. Climate scientists and campaigners have long debated how to better communicate the message to nonexperts so that climate science can be 2 into action. According to Christopher Rapley, the usual tactic(策略) of climate experts to provide the public wit h information isn’t 3 because "it does not address key potential causes." We are all exposed to the evidence of climate change on an almost a daily basis. The information is almost 4 . Then what’s wrong? 5 our brains. Daniel Gilbert mentioned our brains’ failure to accu rately notice gradual change. Robert Gifford also __6__ the point about our brains’ difficulty in grasping climate change because of limited cognition and social __7__ with other people ("Why should we change if X won’t?") ." A more powerful barrier is the 8 of perceived(感知的) be havioral control; ‘I’ m only one person; what can I do ?’ is certainly a big one." For many, the first challenge will be in recognizing barriers 9 they can overcome them. But for those of us who understand that climate change is a problem yet make little effort to cut the number of overseas trips we make or the amount of meat we consume, neither the uncaring attitude nor denial really explains the 10 between our actions and beliefs. Lertzman has come to the conclusion that the conflict between __11 _ both the planet and our way of life is too painful to bear. "When we don’t 12 the pain of that, that’s when we get 13 and


远大前程读后感范文:远大前程读后感英文 版 这是狄更斯的(也叫做),匹普。早晨还跟妈妈说,这样的好书,永远也看不厌。下面是X为大家整理的远大前程读后感,希望大家喜欢! 远大前程读后感篇一 是狄更斯晚期的作品,我感觉也是他最成熟的一部作品。这个书名知道我读完才知道是有讽刺意味的,它讲述了一个孤儿,匹普想当上等人的理想幻灭的故事,他最终没有当成上等人,当然也就没有了所谓的远大前程。本书以极其精彩的故事情节紧扣读者的心弦,生动地描写了一个饱受苦难并同命运不断抗争的孤儿匹普的心理历程,最后他终于悟出人生道理,成为一名普通人,并与初恋情人握手重逢,获得了圆满的结局。 的故事情节有它的独特之处,读来让读者有一种欲罢不能的感觉。本书的主人公匹普,更是联系其它人物角色的一条主线。环境可以改变人的命运,匹普就是被环境改变的。一开始,匹普还是一个孩子的时候是多么的天真,轻易信人,富有同情心。 然而,匹普遭遇的宿命就是遇上了一位女皇般的姑娘,这位姑娘将透彻影响他的一生。他开始瞧不起自己,开始为

自己的家庭环境及出身感到自卑,“而我一想到这座宅邸,心中就没有一丝阳光!同时对自己的行为也更为厌恶,也更瞧不起自己的家庭。”这是一段很好的情景交融的写法,在这样一所恐怖的房间里,匹普彻底瞧不起自己里哦阿。是中了魔吗? 知道最后``时间长了,人物开始有变化,在作者的笔下,通篇写来十分自然。最后大家都过着平凡而真实的生活,这是一个多么完美的结局啊! 在第十七章中,说敌人进攻鬼不灵,并压了一批囚犯,这囚犯里面,刚好有老钟叔,小嘎子河区队长一看,都很恼火,这时,区队长想到,可以把敌人引到西部,那里火力强大,可以乘机救出他,可那里有个柜子的据点,小嘎子一想,我去吧,就经过区队长的同意去了。 在这一章中,作者充分地体现出小嘎子的勇敢,非常使人敬佩。 远大前程读后感篇二 这是狄更斯的(也叫做),匹普。早晨还跟妈妈说,这样的好书,永远也看不厌,每次看,都有新的收获,真是好东西啊。 前阵子又重电影版的,下面也许还偷空重看。这部片子太早了,反正是我很小很小的时候看的。还有,这个是很好的片子,操刀鬼就是从这里而来。我第一次去灌云的时候,


Global Warming Section A 本文词数:302 参考时间:2'40'' Rising temperatures in coming years would lead to less sea ice in the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica and fewer habitats and feeding grounds for penguins, says the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) in its report 2 Degrees is Too Much. Antarctica and the Arctic are the most threatened regions from climate change. In the Antarctica, the temperature has risen 2.5 degrees in the past 50 years. This speed is nearly five times faster than that before the Industrial Revolution. It is mainly caused by burning fossil fuels. Unless nations reduce carbon dioxide emission1, the world will warm by an average of 2 degrees in less than 40 years. Rich nations should agree to reduce greenhouse gas emission. Temperatures near the Poles have risen much faster, which has led glaciers2 on the Antarctic Peninsula to melt3 quickly. The situation is quite critical, because in the past 50 years the number of emperor penguins (帝企鹅) has decreased by 50 percent across the whole Antarctica. On the Antarctic Peninsula’s northwest coast, the number of Adelie penguins (阿德里企鹅) has dropped surprisingly over the past 25 years. Fifty percent of the habitats of the emperor penguin and 75 percent of the habitats of the Adelie penguin face a rapid reduction, or even disappearance, if the global temperature rises 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels. With a 2-degree increase in global temperature and the decrease in sea ice thickness, emperor penguins will find it difficult to find new areas to live. With less sea ice, penguins could be pushed further south, but this could prevent them from hunting for food during the dark winters, because they need at least a few hours of daylight to find their food. Notes: 1. emission n. 排放 2. glacier n. 冰川 3. melt v. 融化 词数:150处理时间:2′45″ Read the passage and then choose the best answer for each question. 1. The purpose of the passage is to _____. A. introduce readers to the Adelie penguins and emperor penguins B. tell readers about the rising temperatures in the Antarctica C. tell readers about the effect of global warming D. warn people that Antarctica is becoming smaller and smaller 2. In the writer’s opinion, what has caused global warming? A. That the earth is getting hotter and hotter. B. That the atmosphere of the earth is becoming thinner. C. That carbon dioxide emission is too high. D. That the use of oxygen in the air is out of control. 3. From the first paragraph, what do you think the author wants to tell us?


远大前程英语读后感范文精选5篇 《远大前程》是小说家狄更斯的作品之一。下面是橙子为大家整理收集的远大前程英语读后感范文精选5篇,欢迎大家阅读! 远大前程英文读后感范文 Dickens is not asdfs writer disdasdfsining women. Insteasdfsd he loves, respects asdfsnd tasdfskes casdfsre of them, however, in his novels, he unconsciously degrasdfsdes women asdfsnd puts them inferior to men. This time I wasdfsnt to asdfsdopt Greasdfst Expectasdfstions to evidence my thesis. Two reasdfssons asdfsccount for this. The Victoriasdfsn Age pushed women basdfsck to home asdfsnd indulge in their obedience asdfsnd docility. An asdfsble womasdfsn todasdfsy masdfsy be sung highly asdfss asdfs model of independence but masdfsle dominasdfsted thasdfst period even asdfs little bit of rebellion from femasdfsle world is regasdfsrded asdfss the despising of sasdfscred belief. The other one lies in thasdfst Dickens, asdfss asdfs well-known asdfsnd truly successful writer, composes vasdfsrious asdfsnd populasdfsr works. As asdfs masdfsle, his asdfschievement sounds greasdfst, which belittles the rest of his contemporasdfsries, let asdfslone the women. His success masdfsde him believe in men’s greasdfst asdfsbility.


【词汇讲解】英语Unit 4 Global warming 重点单词精析 1. 【课文原句】It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere causing the global temperature to go up. (P26) 【点拨】tend vi. 趋向,易于;tend to do sth 往往会做某事,易于做某事;tend towards sth 有……的趋势,倾向于。tend vt. 照顾,照料;tend (to, on) sb 照料某人。 【例句】Boys tend to be bigger than girls. 男孩往往比女孩个子大。 Old people tend to get fat. 老年人容易发胖。 She tends to get angry when others disagree with her. 别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。He tends towards selfishness. 他有自私自利的倾向。 Doctors and nurses tended the injured. 医生和护士照料伤者。 They employed him to tend to the baby. 他们雇用他照料婴儿。 【拓展】tendency n. 倾向;have a tendency to do sth有做某事的倾向。如: Jean’s nice but she has a tendency to talk too much. 简人倒是不错,就是往往很唠叨。 2. 【课文原句】On the other hand, there are those, like George Hambley, who are opposed to this view, believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. (P27) 【点拨】oppose vt. 反对,与……对抗/ 较量;opposed adj. 反对的,对立的(不用在名词之前);be opposed to 反对,与……相对。 【例句】Mother opposed the idea at once. 妈妈立即反对这个想法。 You should oppose force with reason. 你们应当以讲理来对抗武力。 He is opposed by two other candidates. 他遭到了另外两位候选人的反对。 I’m strongly opposed to your going abroad. 我坚决反对你出国。 Black is opposed to white. 黑与白形成对比。 【拓展】as opposed to而非……。如: I am here on business as opposed to a holiday. 我在这里是办公事而不是度假。 3. 【课文原句】Glance quickly at the magazine article and answer the questions. (P27) 【点拨】glance vi. 一瞥,迅速看一眼,快速阅读。glance at / over 看一下,瞥一眼;glance round 环顾四周。 【例句】He glanced at the envelope and recognized his dad’s handwriting. 他瞥了一眼那个信封,认出是他爸爸的笔迹。 He walked into the room, glanced round, saw nobody that he knew, and left again at once. 他走进屋里,环顾一下四周,发现没有他认识的人,马上又离去。 【拓展】glance n. 一瞥,扫视。have / take a glance at 看一眼;at a glance 一眼,只看一眼;at first glance 乍一看。如: I know him at a glance. 我一看就认得他了。 At first glance the problem seemed very easy. 乍一看,问题似乎很简单。 【词汇讲解】英语Unit 4 Global warming 重点单词精练 一、单项填空。 1. We sometimes tend ______ that the ocean bottom is made up of smooth plains. A. towards thinking B. to think C. to thinking D. thinking 2. I am opposed to ______ shopping with others. A. making B.going C. taking D. doing 3. She ______ shyly at him out of the corners of her eyes.


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 狄更斯散文英语 篇一:英语名篇名段背诵 英语名段背诵精华bestoftimes最好的时代 Itwasthebestoftimes,itwastheworstoftimes;itwastheag eofwisdom,itwastheageoffoolishness;itwastheepochofb elief,itwastheepochofincredulity;itwastheseasonofli ght,itwastheseasonof darkness;itwasthespringofhope,itwasthewinterofdespa ir;wehadeverythingbeforeus,wehadnothingbeforeus;wew ereallgoingdirecttoheaven,wewereallgoingdirecttheot herway. excerptfromATaleofTwocitiesbycharlesDickens 翻译: 这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代;这是明智的年代,这是愚昧的年代;这是信任的纪元,这是怀疑的纪

元;这是光明的季节,这是黑暗的季节;这是希望的春日,这是失望的冬日;我们面前应有尽有,我们面前一无所有;我们都将直上天堂,我们都将直下地狱…… 《双城记》 注释 wisdom[′wizd?m]:智慧,明智的行为,学识epoch[′i:p?k,′ep?k]:新纪元,时代,时期incredulity[?inkri′dju:liti]:怀疑despair:toloseallhope绝望,失望?作者简介 charlesDickens(1812-1870),查尔斯.狄更斯,英国大名鼎鼎的作家,是19世纪英国现实主义文学的主要代表人物之一。他笔耕一生,靠勤奋和汗水创造出《双城记》、《大卫.科波菲尔》等世界文学名著。其作品在艺术上以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理分析,以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛的有机结合而著称。 英语名段背诵精华equalityandgreatness平等与伟大 betweenpersonsofequalincomethereisnosocialdistincti onexceptthedistinctionofmerit.moneyisnothing:charac ter,conduct,andcapacityareeverything.Insteadofallth eworkersbeingleveleddowntolowwagestandardsandallthe richleveleduptofashionableincomestandards,everybody
