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Chapter 9 练习题

Chapter 9 练习题
Chapter 9 练习题


I. Define the following terms (名词解释) :

1. Global marketing management 5. Franchising

2. Direct exporting 6. Joint Venture

3. Strategic planning 7. Tactical planning

4. Licensing 8. Indirect exporting

II. Multiple Choice Questions (单项选择):

1. A recent study of North American and European corporations indicated that the need to

__________________ was considered to be the most important external issue affecting their marketing strategies.

A. gain access to the Chinese market

B. avoid competition among themselves

C. reduce international exposure

D. stay cost competitive

E. overcome management resistance

2.In the 1970s international marketers framed their management emphasis in foreign markets

as a question of:

A. standardization versus adaptation.

B. globalization versus localization.

C. global integration versus local responsiveness.

D. capitalism versus socialism/communism.

E. buy now versus buy later.

3.The text cites studies that report firms committed to international marketing gain

competitive advantages from __________.

A. delaying entry into specific regions

B. an extensive advertising campaign

C. developing relationships in specific regions

D. clustering operations in specific regions

E. using central regional warehouses

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/852355150.html,petition and the ease of global communications is forcing managers around the world

to __________.

A. expand global advertising

B. respond quickly to competitive threats

C. make greater commitments to global marketing

D. increase customer access to their companies

E. extend product and service warranty periods

5.The statement, "Only in America can international market requirements be an afterthought"

is an example of American __________________.

A. ethnocentrism

B. marketing myopia

C. fear of European dominance

D. concern for international customers

E. profit-taking

6.Nestlé focuses on dominating markets in the world arena. The company has four primary

points in its highly successful international strategy. Which of the following would not be among those four points?

A. think and plan long term

B. decentralize

C. stick to what you know

D. standardize so that all becomes one

E. adapt to local tastes

7.All of the following are benefits of global marketing EXCEPT:

A. access to the toughest customers.

B. economies of scale.

C. transfer of experience and know-how.

D. financial benefits.

E. international travel benefits.

8.International corporate planning is essentially:

A. short term.

B. operational.

C. tactical.

D. long term.

E. regional.

9.If a company were to focus on market planning that involved specific actions and

allocations of resources, the company would be using _____________ to carry out plans.

A. tactical planning

B. strategic planning

C. corporate planning

D. long term planning

E. synergistic planning

10.A major advantage to a multinational corporation (MNC) involved in planning is the:

A. assurance of making a profit.

B. discipline imposed by the process.

C. ability to explain the process to all employees.

D. ability to circumvent governmental barriers by using the process.

E. unification of cultural differences.

11.During which of the following international planning phases would the marketer make

decisions that involved the situation analysis, objectives and goals, budgets, and action programs?

A. adapting the marketing mix to target markets

B. developing the marketing plan

C. matching company and country needs

D. implementation and control

E. defining company objectives and resources

12.The primary goal of Phase 2 of the international planning process is to:

A. perform a preliminary analysis of a country.

B. perform a screen of the environment.

C. decide on a marketing mix adjusted to the cultural constraints.

D. perform a situation analysis for the country that has been selected for entry.

E. implement specific plans.

13.Which of the following is a question that is not likely be generated by Phase 2 of the

international planning process?

A. are there identifiable market segments that allow for common marketing mix tactics

across countries?

B. which cultural adaptations are necessary for successful acceptance of the marketing mix?

C. will adaptation costs allow profitable market entry?

D. which environmental adaptations are necessary for successful acceptance of the

marketing mix?

E. which country market to make a market investment?

14.If Phase 3 of the international planning process is successfully completed, which of the

following will generally occur next in the planning process cycle?

A. an objectives and goals phase.

B. a budget phase.

C. an action program(s) phase.

D. an implementation and control phase.

E. a communication phase where advertising and promotion are emphasized.

15.If a company would "just like to get its feet wet" in the international marketing arena, which

of the following methods is generally used?

A. modest exporting

B. importing

C. licensing

D. franchising

E. direct selling

16.Which of the following modes of foreign market entry requires the most amount of equity

and, therefore, the most risk?

A. exporting

B. importing

C. contractual agreements

D. strategic alliances

E. direct foreign investment

17.With ____________ exporting, the company usually sells to a buyer (importer or

distributor) in the home country who in turn exports the product.

A. direct

B. indirect

C. multiple layers

D. parallel

E. synergistic

18.The Internet has proven to be a viable exporting alternative for most markets. However, the

European Union approach to ______________ is great cause for concern.

A. selling https://www.sodocs.net/doc/852355150.html, names

B. spam

C. taxing Internet sales

D. controlling search engines

E. regulating https://www.sodocs.net/doc/852355150.html, country of residence

19._______________________ are long-term, nonequity associations between a company

and another in a foreign market.

A. Direct sales

B. Direct exporting

C. Indirect exporting

D. Contractual agreements

E. Joint ventures

20.Kwok Winn is looking to open a new business in his native Singapore. He has decided on a

form of licensing that provides him with a standard package of products, systems, and management services in order to sell fast food to local residents. Which of the following best describes the form of business that Mr. Winn has chosen?

A. direct sales

B. exporting

C. importing

D. strategic alliance

E. franchising

III. Fill in the Blanks Questions (填空题)

1.In the 1970s the argument in international business was framed as ____________.

2.The trend is toward steadily increasing __________ of trade agreements, trade, and

company strategies.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/852355150.html,petition and the ease of __________ is forcing managers around the world to make

greater commitments to global marketing.

4.Another name for tactical planning is _______ planning.

5.If domestic business would like to acquire the patent rights of a foreign firm so business

can be conducted in the domestic business's local market, the domestic business would need to engage in ____________ to use the patent rights legally.

IV. True/False Questions (判断题)

1. A recent study of North American and European corporations indicated that the need to stay cost competitive was the most important external issue. ( )

2. Multinational companies confronted by global competition for expaning markets are changing their strategies and altering their organizational structures. ( )

3. Multinational companies need to make comprehensive decisions regarding key strategic choices such as concentration versus dispersion in order to enhance their competitiveness and to capitalize on global marketplace opportunities. ( )

4. The big question in global marketing management today is "standardization versus adaptation." ( )

5. With respect to globalism, only in America can international market requirements be an afterthought. ( )

6. To be a success in the marketplace today, the best companies will focus on country as the primary segmentation variable. ( )

7. The "Nestléway" is to dominate its markets. One of the ways Nestlédoes this is to decentralize with respect to foreign markets. ( )

8. Tactical planning is essentially long term, incorporating generalized goals for the enterprise as a whole. ( )

9. Strategic planning is conducted at the highest levels of management and deals with product, capital, and research, and long-term and short-term goals of the company. ( )

10. The first phase of the international planning process is to adapt the marketing mix to target markets. ( )

11. The third phase of the international planning process is to develop the marketing plan. In this phase budgets and action programs are devised. ( )

12. In the second phase of the international planning process, the results of the analysis frequently indicates that the marketing mix would require such a drastic adaptation that a decision not to enter a particular market is made. ( )

13. With respect to the international planning process, the marketing plan begins with a situation analysis and culminates in the selection of an entry mode and a specific action program for the market. ( )

14. With indirect exporting the company sells to a customer in another country. ( )

15. Ralph Means' company has decided that it would like to export products to Japan. In order to do this, Mr. Means will sell his company's products to a Japanese distributor who in turn will sell (export) the products to the Japanese consumers. This form of exportation is called indirect exporting. ( )

V. Essay Questions (问答题)

1.Briefly, explain the benefits of global marketing.

2.Demonstrate the differences among corporate, strategic, and tactical planning.

3.List and briefly characterize the four phases of the international planning process.

4.Describe the two basic contractual agreements that most companies follow in their attempt

to enter a foreign market.

5.With respect to organizational structures used in international marketing, companies are

usually structured around one of three alternatives. Assuming that you were a consultant for AT&T who desired to create an organization that was able to merge your organization's expertise and skills with that of Sony's cell phone division so that your new joint venture could enter the Scandinavian market, which of the organizational structure alternatives would make most sense? Comment on why the structure might be a good one to use.

商务英语函电 王维平 Chapter 8参考译文及课后答案

Chapter 8 Learning Aims 学完本章,学生应能: 1.识别装船指示和装船通知; 2.熟悉一些模具产品名称; 3.掌握装运方面信件的结构以及相关术语和表达方式; 4.学会案例分析,并撰写与装运相关的信函。 Background Information 在国际贸易中,在装运前,买方通常把他们的装运需求发送给卖方,告知他们包装和标志,运输方式等,此为装运指示。 卖方在装运货物后应立即向买方发送装船通知,告知他们装运情况。装船通知通常包含以下内容: (1)预计出发时间;预计到达时间 (2)装船货物 (3)船名 (4)集装箱号 (5)铅封号 (6)所附单证 装运当事人有三方,即货主,承运人和收货人。 提单可被看作为货物收据、运输合同证明和物权凭证。 Letter 1


Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4

Letter 5 Letter 6

Exercises I.Fill in the following blanks. 1. importance; urgent; advance; co-operation 2. circumstances; compelled; an alternative/alternatives; 3. extended; expired 4. pleasure; informing 5. in duplicate II.Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.我们很高兴在此通知,贵方所订的车灯模具已由“魅力”号货轮发出,将于5月15号抵达宁波。 2.我们很奇怪至今尚未收到于8月1号所订的螺钉,我方客户要求予以解释,因为他们急需此批货物。 3.由于交货长期延误,给我们带来不便。我们要求立即发货,否则,我们将不得不按合同规定取消订单。 4.请尽快安排装运我方所订的货物。 5.这艘货船将于7月20号左右驶往上海。 III.Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Upon receipt of the L/C, please effect shipment of the goods booked by us as soon as possible. 2. We are informed by ABC shipping company that S.S. “Beauty” is due to sail from your city to our port on or about 6th this month. 3. We are very much obliged for your kind cooperation. 4. We hope that these goods will reach you in time and turn out to your entire satisfaction. 5. We are in urgent need of the goods and have to request you to ship them without any further delay.


第一章会计透视:会计信息及其使用者▓复习思考题 1.概述会计的性质。 会计是按照会计规范确认、计量、记录一个组织的经济活动,运用特定程序处理加工经济信息,并将处理结果传递给会计信息使用者的信息系统,是组织和总结经济活动信息的主要工具。 会计是一个信息系统,会计处理的各个环节的加工的对象是会计信息。会计信息实际上是一种广义的信息,包含三个层次: 其一,以货币化指标体现的财务信息,它是从动态、静态两个角度,对特定主体经济资源的数量(资产)、归属(负债、所有者权益)、运用效果(收益分配)、增减变化及其结果(财务状况变动及其结果)进行描述; 其二,非货币化的和非数量化的说明性信息,它们不仅仅是对主体的财务状况、经营成果等财务指标的基本说明,而且还包含了大量的主体所处的社会、文化、道德、法律等环境信息,这些信息对于使用者正确判断主体的经营能力、发展前景,往往起到至关重要的作用; 其三,其他用于主体内部管理的信息,这些信息常常由成本会计、管理会计以及内部审计人员提供,主要包括了短期(长期)决策信息、预算信息、责任中心要求及履行情况等情况,虽然与外部性较强的财务会计信息相比,它们更容易为人们所忽略,但在经济管理和财务信息质量控制方面,它们也起了不可低估的作用。不过,在当前的会计报告模式中,所反映的会计信息主要是前两个层次上的信息。 2.企业的获利能力是否为债权人的主要考虑因素? 债权人关心那些影响自己的债权能否得到按期偿还的因素。他们会对公司的获利能力及清偿能力感兴趣。债权人会从获利能力去衡量未来的现金流量,由于企业的获利能力与现金流量并不一定同步产生,所以对短期债权人来说,企业的获利能力不能成为债权人的主要考虑因素,但对相对长期的债权人来说获利能力应该是值得更加关注的因素。 3.财务报表中体现出来的会计信息用以满足不同使用群体的需求,但并不是所有的使用者都能得到相同的满足的。在实践中,外部财务报表使用者诸如股东、供应商、银行等是如何获得有关公司的财务信息的?若要同时满足不同类别的财务报表使用者的信息需求有什么困难? 首先,股东是公司法定的所有者,法律上财务报表是为其制作的。法律规定,公司必须定期编制并发布财务报表,为其股东公布财务信息,我国《公司法》对此也有明确的规定。 其次,供应商与公司是商业伙伴关系,不提供商业信用的供应商,由于是钱货两讫,可通过报媒和网络了解公司公开财务的财务信息,如果供应商对公司提供商业信用,供应商可要求企业提供一定的财务信息,但对这些财务信息的准确性、可靠性需要有一定的分析。

Chapter 8 课后答案

Chapter 8 课后答案 Sociolinguistics 1. Define the following terms briefly. (1) sociolinguistics: the study of the relationship between language and society, that is, how social factors influence the structure and use of language. (2) standard language: the variety of a language which has the highest status in a community or nation and which is usually based on the speech and writing of educated native speakers of the language. (3) dialect: a language variety characteristic of a particular social group; dialects can be characteristic of regional, social, temporal, occupational or gender groups. (4) register: a language variety associated with a particular situation of use, e.g. baby talk and legal language. (5) pidgin: a variety of language that is not a native language of anyone, but is


CHAPTER 8 Stock Valuation II. CONCEPTS VALUATION OF ZERO GROWTH STOCK c 26. The James River Co. pays an annual dividen d of $1.50 per shar e on its common stock. This dividend amount has been constant for the past 15 years and is expected to remain constant. Given this, one share of James River Co. stock: a. is basically worthless as it offers no growth potential. b. has a market value equal to the present value of $1.50 paid one year from today. c. is valued as if the dividend paid is a perpetuity. d. is valued with an assumed growth rate of 3 percent. e. has a market value of $15.00. VALUATION OF ZERO GROWTH STOCK e 27. The common stock o f the Kenwith Co. pays a constant annual dividend. Thus, the market price of Kenwith stock will: a. also remain constant. b. increase over time. c. decrease over time. d. increase when the market rate of return increases. e. decrease when the market rate of return increases. DIVIDEND YIELD VS. CAPITAL GAINS YIELD c 28. The Koster Co. currently pays an annual dividen d of $1.00 and plans on increasing that amount by 5 percent each year. The Keyser Co. currently pays an annual dividend of $1.00 and plans on increasing their dividend by 3 percent annually. Given this, it can be stated with certainty that the _____ of the Koster Co. stock is greater than the _____ of the Keyser Co. stock. a. market price; market price b. dividend yield; dividend yield c. rate of capital gain; rate of capital gain d. total return; total return e. capital gains; dividend yield DIVIDEND GROWTH MODEL d 29. Th e dividend growth model: I. assumes that dividends increase at a constant rate forever. II. can be used to compute a stock price at any point of time. III. states that the market price of a stock is only affected by the amount of the dividend. IV. considers capital gains but ignores the dividend yield.

chapter 8《单片机基础》练习题及答案

单片机基础(第3版) 第8章 80C51单片机串行通信 (一)填空题 1. 异步串行数据通信的帧格式由(起始)位、(数据)位、(奇偶校验)位、(停止)位组成。若串行异步通信每帧为11位,串行口每秒传送250个字符,则波特率应为(2750 b/s )。 2. 串行通信有(单工)、(全双工)和(半双工)共3种数据通路形式。 3. 串行接口电路的主要功能是(串行)化和(反串行)化,把帧中格式信息滤除而保留数据位的操作是(反串行)化。 4. 串行异步通信,传送速率为2400 b/s ,每帧包含1个起始位、7个数据位、1个奇偶校验位和1个停止位,则每秒传送字符数为(240个)。 5. 80C51串行口使用定时器1作波特率发生器时,应定义为工作方式2,即(8位自动加载)方式。假定晶振频率为12MHz ,则可设定的波特率范围是(122 b/s )~(62500 b/s )。 分析:定时器1工作方式2时的波特率为: ()()()S M O D S M O D o sc 223213212256f X =?=??-波特率定时器溢出率 当SMOD=0,X=0时, 6 1 1210122 3212256 b s ?=?=?波特率(最小波特率) 当SMOD=1,X=255时, 62 1210 62500 32121b s ?=?=?波特率(最大波特率) 6. 在80C51串行通信中,方式(0)和方式(2)的波特率是固定的,波特率的大小只与(晶振)频率有关。而方式(1)和方式(3)的波特率是可变或可设置的,波特率大小与定时器(T1)的(溢出)率有关。 (二)单项选择题 1. 下列特点中,不是串行数据传送所具有的是(A ) (A )速度快 (B )成本低


课后练习题(三) 1.在下列每组过渡金属羰基配合物中,挑选出在IR谱中具有较低羰基 CO伸缩振动频率的 结构,并加以解释原因。相应的中心金属电子密度的情况怎样? 2. 选出最适合的,并简要说明理由: a)最短的C-O键:Ni(CO)4,Co(CO)4-,Fe(CO)42- b)最高的C-O伸缩振动频率:Ni(CO)3(PH3),Ni(CO)3(PF3),Ni(CO)3(PCl3),Ni(CO)3(PMe3) 3. 图中是两个金属羰基化合物的IR谱,根据谱图分析哪个化合物其金属中心具有较少的电子密度?为什么?哪个化合物的CO配体更容易失去?解释原因。

4. 以下三个金属羰基化合物中,哪个结构其IR 谱中具有最高的CO 伸缩振动频率?为什么?该化合物的金属中心是具富电子的还是最缺电子的? Ir F CO CO F Ir Me 2Me 2 N CO CO N Me 2Ir Br CO CO Br a)b)c) 5. 完成以下反应 1) Cr(CO)6 + PPh 3? 2) ? + ?Ni(CO)4? 3) Mo(CO)6 + H 2NCH 2CH 2NH 2 ? 4) CrCl 3 + Al + 6 CO AlCl 3 30 MPa ? + 1/2 Al 2Cl 6 5) Fe + 5CO ?Fe(CO)5Fe 2(CO)9 6) Fe(CO)5 + 2 Na/Hg ? + CO + 2 Hg 7) (CO)5ReBr + 2 NaMn(CO)5 ? + NaBr 8) [CpMo(CO)3]2?2 9) Fe(CO)5? ?CH 3I ? 10) Ni(CO)4 234?? 6. 按照要求对每组膦配体进行排序。 a) 按σ-给电子能力的强弱排序(由强到弱):P(OEt)3,PPh 3,PPr 3,PCl 3,PPh(OMe)2 b) 对P(OEt)3,PPh 3,PPr 3,PCl 3,PPhCy 2按照(1)立体位阻由大到小排序;(2)按照π-电子接受能力由强到弱排序。


Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior 1) ________ is never simple, yet understanding it is the essential task of marketing management. A) Brand personality B) Consumption pioneering C) Early adoption D) Consumer buying behavior E) Understanding the difference between primary and secondary data Answer: D Diff: 1 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 2) The consumer market is made up of which of the following? A) individuals who acquire goods or services for personal consumption B) households that purchase goods or services for personal consumption C) businesses that purchase goods and services D) A and B E) all of the above Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 135 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1 3) Economic, technological, and cultural forces are all ________ in the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior. A) buyer responses B) stimuli C) components of the buyer's decision process D) buyer characteristics E) buying attitudes Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 137 Skill: Concept Objective: 5-1

chapter11 语法

Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching ?Applied linguistics ?Krashen’s Input hypothesis ?i+1 principle ?Interlanguage ?Syllabus ?Contrastive analysis ?Error analysis ?Error/mistake 11.1 Applied linguistics ?Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study that identifies, investigates, and offers solutions to language-related real-life problems. ?Some of the academic fields related to applied linguistics are education, linguistics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Applied Linguistics应用语言学 语言学的一个分支,主要关心的是如何应用语言学理论、方法和成果来阐释其他领域遇到的语言问题。应用语言学发展最充分的分支是外语教学,有时这个名称似乎只指这个领域。但是近年来出现了好几个其他应用领域,包括语言故障的语言学分析(临床语言学)、母语教育中的语言使用(教育语言学)、词典学的发展、翻译、人工智能和风格学等。 ?应用语言学不但运用语言学知识,还利用社会学、心理学、人类学、信息论等方面的知识,并把这些理论和知识应用与实践方面,例如,语言教学大纲的设计、言语矫正、语言规划、问题学研究等等。 ?Applied linguistics –Theoretical views of language explicitly or implicitly inform the approaches and methods adopted in language teaching. –Linguistics, as the science of language, should be of fundamental importance for teachers of language. ?According to Jo McDonough, a teacher who is able to explain some linguistic features would have a stronger position than one who handles the argument by using authority –“it?s like that”, “it?s an exception”, or “it?s less formal”. 11.2 Linguistics and language learning ?Many language learning theories are proposed based on certain linguistic theories. –In fact, knowledge in linguistics lies at the root of understanding what language learners can learn, how they actually learn and what they learn ultimately. 2.1Grammar and language learning focus on form 语法形式中心 As a compromise between the “purely form-focused approaches” and the “purely meaning-focused” approaches, a recent movement called focus on form seems to take a more balanced view on the role of grammar in language learning. Focus on Form ?Although language learning should generally be meaning-focused and communication-oriented, it is still necessary and beneficial to focus on form occasionally. The definition of UG ?In linguistics, the theory of universal grammar holds that there are certain fundamental grammatical ideas which all humans possess, without having to learn them.


Chapter 8 Language and Society 1. How is language related to society 答: There are many indications of the inter-relationship between language and society. One of them is that while language is principally used to communicate meaning, it is also used to establish and maintain social relationships. This social function of language is embodied in the use of such utterances as “Good morning!”, “Hi!”, “How's your family”, “Nice day today, isn't it”. Another indication is that users of the same language in a sense all speak differently. The kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by his social background. And language, in its turn, reveals information about its speaker. When we speak, we cannot avoid giving clues to our listeners about ourselves. Then to some extent, language, especially the structure of its lexicon, reflects both the physical and the social environments of a society. For example while there is only one word in English for “snow”, there are several in Eskimo. This is a reflection of the need for the Eskimos to make distinctions between various kinds of snow in their snowy living

chapter8 language in use exercises - 答案

I. Choose the best answer. 1. Pragmatics is generally the study of natural language understanding, and specifically the study of how _____ influences the interpretation of meanings. A. word B. context C. sentence D. language form 2. Speech Act Theory is the first major theory in the study of language in use, which originated from the Oxford philosopher______. A. Herbert Paul Grice B. Dan Sperber C. Deirdre Wilson D. John Langshaw Austin 3. The second major theory in pragmatics is the theory of conversational implicature, proposed by Oxford philosopher_____. A. J. Austin B. Halliday C. Herbert Paul Grice D. Saussure 4. The following maxims are the Cooperative Principles EXCEPT______. A. Quantity Maxim B. Quality Maxim C. Distance Maxim D. Relation Maxim 5. Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of conversational implicature?___ A. Calculability B. Cancellability C. Non-detachability D. Conventionality 6. The notion of ____is essential to the pragmatic study of language. A. communication B. context C. speech act theory D. words 7. When a speaker expresses his intention of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing_____. A. an illocutionary act B. a perlocutionary act C. a locutionary act D. none of the above 8. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of _____. A. reference B. meaning C. antonymy D. context 9. According to the conversation maxim of _____suggested by Grice, one should speak truthfully. A. quantity B. quality C. relevance D. manner 10. Which of the following is not the principle of Speech Act Theory? A. illocutionary act B. locutionary act C. perlocutionary act D. prelocutionary act 11. In specifying the manner of CP, Grice mentioned all the following except____. A. Be relevant B. avoid ambiguity C. be brief D. avoid obscurity of expression 12. The sentence “I veto I-C-E C-R-E-AM-S” violates the maxim of ____. A. quality B. quantity C. manner D. relation II. Fill in the blanks. 1. __Perlocutionary____Act refers to the effects on the audience by means of uttering the sentence. 2. According to Austin, though __performatives___ can not be true or false, there are still conditions for them to meet to be appropriate or felicitous. 3. The felicity conditions suggest that there must be a relevant conversational procedure, and the relevant _participants and circumstances____ must be appropriate. 4. The characteristics of implicature can be summarized as __calculability____,_cancellability______,_non-detachability_______,___non-conve ntionality______. 5 .In Austin’s How to do things with word, he first distinguishes performatives and _constatives_____, later on Austin made a flesh start to distinguish __locutionary act___, __illocutionary act____ and perlocutionary act.

国际财务管理答案CHAPTER 8

CHAPTER 8 QUESTION 1.你会如何定义交易风险暴露?它与经济风险暴露有什么不同? Answer:交易风险暴露是在交易结算时,国内公司合同中的资金流动的货币价值是以外币标价,由于外汇汇率变化而引起的风险。(我来打个比方:其实就是以外币计值的交易,折合成本币价值时的不确定性而带来的风险)。不同于经济风险暴露,交易暴露更加定义明确并且是短期的。 2. 讨论并比较使用远期合约与使用货币市场工具对交易风险暴露的套期保值。在何种情况下两者效果相同? A:使用远期合约对交易风险暴露进行套期保值是通过购买或者卖出外币的应收款或者应付款。另一方面,货币市场工具的套期保值是通过借入或者外租当期市场价值的外币然后抵补应付账款或应收账款(书上的原文太难用中文解释了,我打个比方:货币市场套期保值的内容包括利用不同货币的利率之差进行保值和进行货币互换。例如公司可以借入一种货币A,然后换成另外一种货币B进行投资,债务到期后,再兑换成原借入的货币A还款)。假如利率平价是存在的话,那么这两种套期保值方法的效果是相同的。 3.讨论并比较通过远期合约与期权合约进行套期保值的成本。 A:并不能预先知道通过远期合约进行套期保值的成本。然而,在期权合约进行套期保值的情况下,要进行套期保值必须为合同预先支付额外费用。远期合约套期保值的费用可能在他们后悔做了远期合约保值的决定的之前就被知道。 4.作为一种套期保值的工具,货币期权合约与远期合约相比有哪些优点? A:使用期权合约的主要优势是能让进行套期保值的人当他们留意和意识到未来利率变化的时候,能够决定是否运用期权合约进行套期保值。如此一来,期权合约就提供了套期保值,在使用远期合约收到损失让你后悔之前。进行套期保值的人就能在保持潜在的积极因素下避免了消极的风险。 5.假设你们公司购买欧元看跌期权来管理一项与该外币应收款相关的外汇风险暴露。在这种情况下,可以说你们公司对这个应收款进行了保险。请解释为什么可以这样理解。 A:在这种情况下,你的公司预先知道了他会收到一个确切的最小化金额,无论发生什么美元和欧元之间的汇率发生了什么样的变化。并且,如果欧元升值,你的公司将从中受益。 6.最近对美国公司汇率风险管理实务的调查显示,许多美国公司并不进行套期保值。你如何看待这一调查结果? A:这其中可能会有许多方面的原因。第一,许多公司会感觉到他们并不一定会暴露汇率风险因为他们产品的分散化,以及他们产品所在的分散的市场,等等。第二,许多公司可能会采用自我保险的方法去抵抗汇率风险。第三,许多公司会觉得股东他们自身能够分散汇率风险,提供企业的风险管理是多余的。 7.公司应不应该套期保值?为什么? A:在一个完美的资本市场,公司也许不需要套期保值汇率风险。但是,假如市场并不完美,


第八章细胞信号转导 一、名词解释 1. G蛋白偶联受体 2. 受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶 3. 细胞内受体 4. 表面受体超家族 5. 受体减量调节 6. GTP结合蛋白 7. 信号的趋同 8. 信号的趋异 9. 信号的串扰 二、选择题:请在以下每题中选出正确答案,每题正确答案为1-6个,多选和少选均不得分 1. NO直接作用于 A.腺苷酸环化酶 B.鸟苷酸环化酶 C.钙离子门控通道 2. 以下哪一类细胞可释放NO A.心肌细胞 B.血管内皮细胞 C.血管平滑肌细胞 3. 硝酸甘油作为治疗心绞痛的药物是因为它 A.具有镇痛作用 B.抗乙酰胆碱 C.能在体内转换为NO 4. 胞内受体 A.是一类基因调控蛋白 B.可结合到转录增强子上 C.是一类蛋白激酶 D.是一类第二信使 5. 受体酪氨酸激酶RPTK A.为单次跨膜蛋白 B.接受配体后发生二聚化 C.能自磷酸化胞内段

D.可激活Ras 6. Sos属于 A.接头蛋白(adaptor) B.Ras的鸟苷酸交换因子(GEF) C.Ras的GTP酶活化蛋白(GAP) 7. 以下哪些不属于G蛋白 A.Ras B.微管蛋白β亚基 C.视蛋白 8. PKC以非活性形式分布于细胞溶质中,当细胞之中的哪一种离子浓度升高时,PKC转位到质膜内表面 A.镁离子 B.钙离子 C.钾离子 D.钠离子 9. Ca2+载体——离子霉素(ionomycin)能够模拟哪一种第二信使的作用 A.IP3 B.IP2 C.DG 10. 在磷脂酰肌醇信号通路中,质膜上的磷脂酶C(PLC-β)水解4,5-二磷酸磷脂酰肌醇(PIP2),产生哪两个两个第二信使 A.1,4,5-三磷酸肌醇(IP3) B.DG C.4,5-二磷酸肌醇(IP2) 11. 在磷脂酰肌醇信号通路中,G蛋白的直接效应酶是 A.腺苷酸环化酶 B.磷脂酶C-β C.蛋白激酶C 12. 蛋白激酶A(Protein Kinase A,PKA)由两个催化亚基和两个调节亚基组成,cAMP能够与酶的哪一部分结合 A.催化亚基 B.调节亚基 13. 在cAMP信号途径中,环腺苷酸磷酸二酯酶(cAMP phosphodiesterase)的作用是 A.催化ATP生成cAMP

米什金 货币金融学 英文版习题答案chapter 8英文习题

Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 11e, Global Edition (Mishkin) Chapter 8 An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure 8.1 Basic Facts About Financial Structure Throughout the World 1) American businesses get their external funds primarily from A) bank loans. B) bonds and commercial paper issues. C) stock issues. D) loans from nonbank financial intermediaries. Answer: D AACSB: Analytical Thinking 2) Of the sources of external funds for nonfinancial businesses in the United States, loans from banks and other financial intermediaries account for approximately ________ of the total. A) 6% B) 40% C) 56% D) 60% Answer: C AACSB: Analytical Thinking 3) Of the sources of external funds for nonfinancial businesses in the United States, corporate bonds and commercial paper account for approximately ________ of the total. A) 5% B) 10% C) 32% D) 50% Answer: C AACSB: Analytical Thinking 4) Of the following sources of external finance for American nonfinancial businesses, the least important is A) loans from banks. B) stocks. C) bonds and commercial paper. D) loans from other financial intermediaries. Answer: B AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Chapter1 过渡金属(transition metal)介入的高选择性有机合成(DOC)

Chapter1 过渡金属(transition metal )介入的高选择性有机合成 一、 现代有机合成的方向: 1、提高反应选择性(化学选择性chemoselectivity 、区域选择性regioselectivity 、立体选择性 stereoselectivity 、对映选择性enantioselectivity ) 2、反应条件温和化 3、减少环境污染,进行“绿色合成”。 二、过渡金属特性: 1、它们能与CO 、烯烃、H 2和其它简单不饱和化合物有较强亲和力 2、过渡金属既能把金属供给有机物,又能从有机物接受电子,具有可以可逆地改变氧化态和配位数,在有机合成、有机催化上有主要作用。 三、过渡金属介入的反应模式: M n+2M n+2A X A-X ,+M n+2+Y , X Y Y 分解 化学计量反应 A 插入反应 M n 价X-A-Y 还原消除 X-Y(底物) 氧化加成 掌握两个定义:插入反应和化学计量反应 插入反应:金属与底物反应中,从低氧化态→高氧化态→低氧化态的循环反应。 化学计量反应:金属与底物反应中,从低氧化态→高氧化态进而分解的反应。 1.1 过渡金属有机化合物的基元反应 1.1.1配位体的配位和离解 1.1.1a 配位和离解 M S L L L + -S M L L L L' L' 三配位体四配位体 L:ligand S:solvent M::mental

外层:18个电子,饱和。∴:K 适中 K 很大,络合物太稳定; 拿不到纯化合物 K 很小,络合物很不稳定。 常采用的配位络合物特征: (1) 容易生成配位饱和的(saturate )络合物而得以分离纯化; (2) 其中某个配体又容易在温和条件下解离,生成配位不饱和的络合物,从而 与底物发生反应。 ex: CoH(N 2)(PPh 3)3 (饱和) Co 27 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 63d 74s 2 外层电子 很快 解离 提供9个电子,9个外层电子:外层达18个电子 CoH(PPh 3)3(不饱和) Pd(PPh 3)4(饱和) Pd 46 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 离异 外层电子 5s 24d 8 Pd(PPh 3)3(不饱和)+PPh 3 Fe(CO) 5(10个电子) Fe 26 4s 23d 6 Mo(N 2)2(dppe)2 dppe=Ph 2PCH 2CH 2PPh 2 双磷配体 Mo 42 5s 24d 4 Cod :环辛二烯 Ni :4s 23d 8 1.1.16 过渡金属与烯烃的配位 乙烯与金属配位 步骤1:烯烃的成键π轨道供给电子和金属的空d 轨道相重叠。 步骤2:金属的某些d 轨道和烯烃的反键π*的轨道重叠称为金属的电子 反馈。 也叫烯烃得到活化 “+”“–”表位不同 如此: Ni(Cod)2 2×4e
