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A.D. 1400 years, it was found the tomb of king of ancient Rome, the son of payless also ignited a such a lamp, the lamp has continued to burn the more than 2000 years. The wind and water have nothing to do with it, and the only way to put it out is to take the strange liquid in the bowl. This is the myth of Aladdin's lamp?

Ad 1534, England's King Henry the Eighth Army rushed into the Church of England, the dissolution

of the religious groups, mining and robbed many graves. They dug up the grave of the father of the Roman Emperor Constantine in Yorkshire, found the lights a lamp was still burning, the father of Constantine died in A.D. 300, which means that the lamp burning 1200 years!

1540, Pope Paul III in Rome the Appian way (a Roman road) next to the grave found a lamp burning lamp. This tomb is said to be the daughter of the ancient Rome politician Cicero, Cicero's daughter died in 44 bc. Apparently, this lamp is burning in the closed, arched grave! Even more interesting is that the tomb of the body immersed in an unknown liquid, it looks like it is just before death, the original use of this liquid to preserve the body.

The light just all over the world found in a few cases. The archaeological record shows that this temple lights or tomb light phenomenon can be found in all parts of the world, such as India, China, Egypt, Greece, South America, North America, many have ancient civilized countries and regions, even to Italy, Britain, Ireland and France also had.

The curse of the ancients

So why not keep long light magic today? The ancient people do not pay enough attention to the pilot found? In fact, the ancient people do save the lamp, but strangely enough, these lamps once appeared will in some way soon destroyed, such as destruction of savage marauders and diggers. Is the ancients in the use of some kind of magic to keep their technological secrets?

In the middle of seventeenth Century, in Grenoble, France, a Swiss soldier named Du Priz accidentally discovered an entrance to an ancient tomb. All the tremendous effort into the tomb, the young man did not find anything he wants the gold and silver jewelry. But, to his surprise, in this isolated grave, there was still a burning glass lamp, the lamp of the lamp, and he took it out of the grave, and gave it to the monastery, the monks in the monastery was equally stunned, and the lamp had burned at least one thousand years. They kept it like a treasure, but a few months later, an old monk accidentally knocked it down on the ground and broke it.

Another interesting thing happened in England, a mysterious and unusual tomb was opened. The man who opened the tomb found a lamp hung on the vault of the tomb, illuminating the entire tomb. As the man walked along, a part of the floor moved with him. Suddenly, a dressed in armor, the original statue began to move, holding weapons in the hands of the some and moved to near the lamp out weapons in the hands of destruction of the lamp. This precious lamp was destroyed.

The purpose of the ancients again and again to achieve: the mystery of the lamp is closely guarded, and then no one knows.

Light, who is a masterpiece?

Is this unusual lamp representing the ancient high technology? How our ancestors invented these never extinguished lights?

Not to put out the fire the first appeared in a variety of fairy tales. It is said that this does not put out the fire of heavenly fire, Plo Michel J put it secretly to humans. In short, humans due to random chance, know this secret. May be a late philosopher put it to a man, like Shennong taught human crops,

with Youchao taught human build shelters. Once humans learned how to make a permanent lighting, news spread like wildfire, temples all over the world to install this never extinguished lamps. According to the customs of ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome and other places, the death of people also need light to drive out the darkness, illuminate the road. Therefore, before the tomb is sealed, it is customary to put a lamp in it. And home to some luxury riches, honour and splendor, put on a small lamp, the light is always. Thousands of years later, when the vault of the tomb was opened, the miners found the lights were still burning.

Do not put out the lamp manufacturing, the ancients is hundreds of times? This is not the case, there are no such lights in the ordinary people's grave. However, will not the rich ancient alchemists in the tomb of the lamp. For example, 1610 ad, a called Los Cruz of the alchemist's grave being dug in 120 years after his death, people found inside light on such a lamp does not extinguish the lamp. So people doubt the ancient alchemists and know the lamp manufacturing foundry technology. Can not put out the light and metal related?

Light does not extinguish the mystery

Unfortunately, this does not put out the lights now no trace, the past recorded information is not true? Never extinguished the lamp is naturally a topic of debate in academia. Some people believe that world countries regarding the ever burning lamps of records to make sure people, the existence of such a does not extinguish the lamp, or long-term burning lights, is lost. Now, we don't understand. In the middle ages, most of the people of insight believed that there was such a kind of light that did not put out, and thought that there was a kind of magic. Another


学前班英语教学计划 篇一:学前班英语教学计划 一、基本情况 学前班共有学生人数29人。这个阶段的孩子刚刚离开幼儿园比较松散的环境,对于学校生活还不完全适应,学生上课时的控制能力差和思想注意力不集中,且部分学生刚接触学习英语,对英语学习没有基础,因此教学难度很大。少数学生在幼儿园学过一点,但大部分学生没有接触过英语,所以在今后的教学中,应面向全体生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造互帮互助,共同学习英语的语境。 二、教材分析 学前班英语教学以国家《幼儿园教育指导纲要》为根本,秉承了“赏识、创意、体验、伙伴”的少年儿童社会教育理念。教材充分考虑到幼儿身心发展的规律和学习特点,特别设计了培养幼儿多元智能、关注幼儿生活经验的英语教学活动,不仅实现了幼儿阶段英语兴趣的培养和语感的启蒙,更实现了与小学英语教育的自然衔接和过渡。以三个主人公的成长故事为主线,贯穿幼儿情商教育和道德品质培养。以快乐的小小派乐多游行队为主题形式,营造轻松有趣的学习氛围。以培养多元智能的主题式情境教学为依托,实践体

验与发现、创意与欣赏的教学理念。以完全互动的立体教育教学方案为载体,实现了家园共育和学习型家庭的构建。以独具匠心的绘画和动画设计为表现形式,培养小朋友的想象力和初步的感受美、欣赏美的情趣与能力。 三、教学目的要求 教材从小朋友的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知规律出发,针对学习习惯与策略、思维技能与发展的培养,设计了以学生为中心、师生互动、亲子互动的开发多元智能的主题式情境教学活动,使语言学习和小朋友的实际生活自然融合,既激发了小朋友学习英语的兴趣和热情,又培养了小朋友注意倾听、勇于表达的习惯,更为小朋友创造了用英语进行自我展示的空间与机会。 学前班的孩子应能达到的课程目的要求为:对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 四、教学措施 1、更新教育观念,明确教师角色,建立以人为本的学生主体观,建立民主、平等、和谐、合作的教育观,让学生


学前教育专业英语词汇 Pre-school education 学前教育 Pre-primary education 幼儿教育,学前教育 Preschool children 学龄前儿童 Preschool level 学前水平 Preschool period 学前期,幼儿期 Early childhood education 婴幼儿教育,早期儿童教育 Infan t education幼儿教育 Infan t school education学前教育,幼儿教育 Infan t-asylum 育儿园,育婴堂 Infan cy 婴儿期 Infan t婴儿 nursery苗圃;托儿所 Nusery class 婴儿班,托儿所 K indergarten 幼儿园 K indergarten education 幼儿教育 K indergarten training school 幼儿师范学校 Nursery/ Playgroup 幼儿园小班 Lower Kindergarten/ LKG 幼儿园中班 Upper Kindergarten/ UKG幼儿园大班 Preschool学前班 P erry project 佩里计划 P erry preschool program study佩里学前教育研究计划 Montessori.M aria 玛丽雅.蒙台梭利(1870-1952)(意大利著名幼儿教育家,进步的幼儿教育先驱) Montessori approach蒙台梭利教学法 Waldorf 华德福教育 High Reach Learning(高)延伸学习 High Scope 高瞻课程 The Creative Curriculum创意课程 Reggio Emilia approach 瑞吉欧教学法 Bank Street 河滨街模式 Forest kindergartens森林幼稚园 Head Start开端计划 National Association of Family Childcare(NAFCC)全国家庭托儿协会


汝南职教中心2014—2015年度上学期14级 学前教育专业英语期末考试题 一.选择填空:(共40分,每小题2分) 1. Are there any maps on the wall? ___ A. There are some. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are. 2. How many ____ are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 3. There aren't ___ trees near the house. There is only one. A. any B. some C. many D. much 4. There ___ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are 5. Are there ___ houses near the river? Yes, there are_______ . A. some, some B. any, some C. any, any D. some, any 6There are _____ days in a week. A.the seven B.seventh C.the seventh D.seven 7.There are few _____ in the fridge.Let's go and buy some peas and cabbages.A.vegetables B.fruit C.meat D.eggs 8.Look!There are some _____ on the floor. A.child B.water C.boxes D.girl 9.There were two _____ people at yesterday's meeting. A.hundreds B.hundreds of C.hundred 10.The letter from my uncle was short.There wasn't _____ news. A.many B.a few C.much D.few 11. _______ everyone here today? A. Be B. Are C. Is D. Am 12. One of the _____ in the classroom_____ Tom. A. boy is B. boies are C. boys is D. boys are 13—Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan! —_______. A. Thank you all the same B. Not at all C. Just so-so D. Thank you 14. —What do you do? —_______. A. I am thirteen B. I work hard C. I’m fine D. I’m a student 15 —Hi, Bob. How's your family? — A. Fine, thank you B. It's a big one C. Not at all D. They're having breakfast 16.—could I use your dictionary for a while --- . A yes,please B not at all C it doesn’t matter Dit’s pleasure. 17 --- Would you mind my opening the window? --- .It’s too cold outside. A Yes,please B No,please C Yes, I would D Of course,you’d better not 18 ---Would you mind watering the flowers for me ? --- ,I have to go to the post office. A Not at all B Never mind C No,please D sorry,I can’t. 19. ---How about going for a walk outside? --- . A Yes,I would B No,I don’t like. C Yes,I do C I’d like to 20 What about ________ a dinner together? A.having B. to have C.have D.have. 二、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) I think ___1__ needs friends and is eager to get friendship. When he is happy, he can __2___ his happiness with his friends and when he is sad, he can complain(抱怨) to his friend. If he is arrogant, his friends can persuade him and they can ___3__ him confident(自信的) and brave when he is discouraged(灰心的). Friendship is valuable. It can ___4_ your heart and give you hope. Many people are ___5__ of having a good friend. We must cherish our friends when we are happy with our friend. We should try our best to protect them from friendship being hurt. We will meet a lot of friends in our life. We should find the people who can ___6__us and share not only __7___ but also sadness. When you lose it, both you and your friend will feel very sorrowful(悲伤的). So you can't___8__ those friends who should be cherished (珍惜) by you. When you get new friends, please, don't __9___ to keep in touch (联系)with your old __10___. 1. A. people B. everyone C. nobody D. children 2. A. live B. study C. like D. share 3. A. let B. make C. get D. turn 4. A. reach B. get C. touch D. grab 5. A. lucky B. sad C. proud D. lovely 6. A. ask B. tell C. learn D. understand 7. A. kindness B. happiness C. goodness D. illness 8. A. sell out B. look up C. give up D. clean up 9. A. forget B. remember C. try D. Stop 10. A. friends B. people C. boy D. girl 三、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A My father is tall and has short gray hair. He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框). Here is a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he is wearing glasses with small round frames(框). He has short blond hair and it's really straight. He is wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the


数学专业英语期中测试要求 将下列论文的摘要翻译为英语(按照学号顺序每个人分一个题目)。标题字体为黑体,字号三号,“摘要”二字以及“关键字”三字黑体,字号小四,其它字体为宋体,字号小四。行间距都为1.5倍行距。每人把自己要翻译的中文拷贝下来,然后在后面把它翻译为英文(英文字号与中文一样,字体为Times new roman,黑体的地方改为加粗),写上姓名,学号(格式如下面的例子),打印出来交给我。大家认真做一下,你们写毕业论文要用到,学一学怎样写规范的文章,包括文章的排版(上学期反复强调交给我的matlab程序的打印的格式,结果有人交给我的程序竟然有上百页,字体很大,行距很大,还单面打印!(按照要求做的话只要几页就够了)有些人老是听不进老师讲的话!这样做既劳民伤财又不利于存档)。大家做好以后交到学习委员处,学习委员收齐以后交来给我,期末之前给我就行。 例子 中文标题 (姓名:学号:) 摘要 这是摘要正文…… …… 关键字:关键字1;关键字2;关键字3 English title (name: ,student id: ) Abstract This is the content of the abstract…… …… Keywords: keywords1; keywords2; keywords3;

1.泰勒公式的证明及其应用 摘要 本文先叙述并证明了不同条件下的泰勒公式,并进行了比较。然后讨论了泰勒公式在不同领域中的应用。本文着重论述了带有积分余项,拉格朗日余项和佩亚诺余项三种形式的泰勒公式,并比较了带不同余项的泰勒公式的异同。泰勒公式是数学分析中的重要知识,在理论分析和实际中都有广泛的应用。本文讨论了泰勒公式在10个方面的应用:利用泰勒公式求极限和导数,求无穷远处极限,证明中值公式,中值点的极限,证明不等式,导数的中值,估计关于界的估计,方程中的应用以及在近似计算中的应用。 关键词:泰勒公式;积分余项;佩亚诺余项;拉格朗日余项 2.论中学数学学习中的性别差异及其对成绩的影响 摘要 通过对初、高中两所学校男女学生数学成绩的调查,从智力、非智力、教育、社会环境等方面差异进行分析研究,得出性别差异对学生数学成绩有影响,并且随着年级的升高,男女生的数学成绩存在显著的差异。并提出了提高女生数学成绩应注意的几个方面。 关键词:中学生性别差异数学成绩因性施教 3.论在数学教学中培养学生的创新精神 摘要


应用英语(学前教育方向) 培养目标:面向餐饮行业,培养拥护党的基本路线,德、智、体、美、劳等全面发展,具有与本专业相适应的文化水平和良好的职业道德,具有与本专业相适应的文化水平和良好的职业道德的高等技术应用型人才。 主要课程:综合英语、英语听力、英语口语、幼儿教师英语口语、幼儿英语教学与活动、学前心理学、学前教育学、幼儿卫生学、钢琴、舞蹈、声乐、美术、文学作品选读、儿童文学等。 就业方向:面向中、小城市及乡镇、村各类性质的幼儿园,从事幼儿教育及幼儿园管理、服务及与此相关的其他工作。 应用英语(学前教育方向)特色专业建设与规划 一、专业建设目标与培养模式 专业建设目标:优化课程结构,建立一体化教学模块, 改革教学方法与手段,改革教育评价体系。 培养模式:英语教育技能+学前教育技能+艺术教育技能。 应用英语(学前教育方向)培养的是学前英语教育的专门(技能型)人才。学前英语教育专门人才的培养目前基本上是空白,而市场的需求及潜在需求不断地在增大。本专业方向以它特有的前瞻性密切关注人才市场的发展与需求,充分利用行业专家的信息,制定贴近市场需求的、具有专业特色的培养模式——英语教育技能+学前教育技能+艺术教育技能。一体化模块式教学把英语语言、学前教育及综合艺术有机结合起来,使英语语言知识技能与学前教育理论及技能、艺术教育技能相互渗透,体现了专业的交叉性及跨学科性。为岗位所需建立了新的培养模式,从而保障了学前英语教育专门人才培养的实用性、即时性和时代性,增加了毕业生的择业能力和竞争能力。专业课程体系和结构充分体现这一特色,为此类人才培养提供保证。2009年我系又对培养计划进行修订,对课程进行整合,进一步完善各门课程教学大纲,改进评价体系。 二、优化课程结构 为实现培养目标,必须建设与此专业相匹配的课程体系。 1、优化原则 鉴于学前英语教学综合型特点,需要特别强调技能培养,理论与实践之比为1:1。其课程体系的建设遵循下列基本原则: 凸显人才培养定位原则:本方向是根据社会需要应运而生的,以培养满足社会需要的人才为目标来设置。 科学化原则:本课程设置既充分体现社会需求,又要遵循课程设计规律,从简单到复杂,从基础到专业,从理论到实践。“英语+学前+艺术”课程的复合不是简单的叠加。要遵循其各自领域知识与能力培养的系统性及结合过程中的系统性,既要重视综合学习,还要注意运用学前教育知识,通过艺术手段来组织英语教学,从中培养学生的综合职业岗位技能。 与时俱进原则:学前英语教学专门人才是应市场需要的实用型人才,只有紧随时代步伐,紧密注意市场变化,才能在课程设置中体现前瞻性,才能达到人才培养的最终目的。 2、建立一体化教学模块 一体化模块式教学以培养三大技能为目标:英语教育技能、学前教育技能、艺术教育技能,并建立了相应的课程体系。


金色摇篮双语幼儿园 学前班英语期中测试卷 学生姓名:__________分数:________ 一默写26个英文字母。 二口语测试。 太阳sun 月亮moon 星星star 天空sky 天空sky 真美丽,太阳sun 红彤彤。 月亮moon 像小船,星星star 亮晶晶。 春天spring 夏天summer 秋天autumn 冬天winter Spring spring 好温暖,summer summer 真炎热。 Autumn autumn 凉爽爽,winter winter 冷夜乐。 一年四季都欢乐。

马horse 马儿horse 跑得快,青青草儿脚下踩。猴子monkey monkery 猴子真调皮,水中捞月真滑稽。老虎tiger 老虎tiger 好凶猛,山中称王耍威风。 大象elephant 大象elephant 鼻子长,长鼻能够当水枪。米饭rice rice rice 是米饭,米饭rice 喷喷香。面条noodle noodle noodle 是面条,面条noodle 细又长。 牛奶milk milk milk 是牛奶,多喝milk 身体棒。 蛋糕cake cake cake 是蛋糕,蛋糕cake 软又甜。 What do you like? 你想要什么? Cake ,please. 请给我蛋糕。 手hand 腿leg 胳膊arm 脚food 早上空气好,我们来做操。 拍拍hand ,伸伸arm 。 踢踢leg ,小小food 跳得高。 six是六,seven 是七,eight 是八,nine 是九,ten 是十来我会数。 How old are you? 你几岁? I’m six. 我六岁。 What’s your name? 你叫甚么名字?


一、数学符号翻译 12/156 twelve over one hundred and fifty-six 234/567 two hundred and thirty -four over five hundred and sixty-seven 4% four percent 7‰ seven permill 6.79 six point seven nine 52.3 three point two five recurring 85x the eighth root of x to the fifth power 53 x x to the minus three fifths dx x f b a )( f is integrable on [a,b] 32)(dx x f f is integrable on [2,3] x f the partial (derivative) of f with respect to x y f the partial (derivative) of f with respect to y 5lo g 3 the logarithm of five to the base three x a log the logarithm of x to the base a B A A cap B / A meet B / A intersection B B A A cup B / A join B / A union B A a a is an element of A B b b is an element of B 二、名词翻译 function theory 函数论 schematic representation 图解表示 geometry 几何学 trigonometry 三角学 consequence 推论 proposition 命题 theorem 定理 pyramid 棱锥 cone 圆锥 abscissa 横坐标 ordinate 纵坐标 coordinate system 坐标系 coordinate axis 坐标轴 polygonal region 多边形区域 tangent 切线 slope 斜率 complex-valued sequence 复值序列 convergence 收敛 real valued sequence 实值序列 divergence 发散 rational number 有理数 irrational number 无理数 odd number 奇数 even number 偶数 prime 质数、素数 composite 合数 plane 平面 surface 曲面 broken line 折线 Venn diagram 文氏图 universal set 全集 the underlying set 基础集 proper subset 真子集 quadratic equation 二次方程 the absolute-value function 绝对值函数


【教案三篇】教案 1、让幼儿掌握所学英文单词,丰富幼儿词汇量。 2、培养幼儿的动手能力,开拓幼儿思维,培养幼儿学英语兴趣,挖掘幼儿潜能。 活动准备: 头饰一个,图片,纸若干。 活动过程: 1、Warm-up time! 2、运用谜语引出课题,学习英文单词rabbit。并和rabbit打招呼,教师教幼儿学习rabbit一词。 3、教师画画让幼儿猜想是什么,然后引出第二个英文单词carrot,教幼儿学习单词。 4、通过故事来巩固所学的英文单词,加深理解。 5、游戏:编创歌曲复习所学单词。 6、让幼儿进行绘画,锻炼幼儿的动手能力。并让他们说出所画物品的英文读法。 活动结束: 1、会用英文句型对话——Eat your cake! Drink your juice!Get on the bus ! get off the bus ! 2、体验英语活动的快乐。 准备:画有cake和juice的卡片、闪卡、榔头,磁带。 过程: 一、Greeting.

Hello,LiLi! 二、Warm up(暖身活动) Teacher:Stand up.Let’t sing a song.Sit down. 三、New Content. 1、教师先以图片教小朋友bus。 2、Get on the bus ! get off the bus ! TPR 互动hitting game请幼儿做敲击游戏。 3、学习cake juice 4、老师以动作显示饥饿,引出词组eat your cake。待蛋糕吃完,老师突然做嗌住状,引出词组drink your juice,并和小朋友互动。TPR 互动bomb game 5、Let’s play a game a. Gue ing card b. wolf 游戏 6、歌曲歌谣。复习所有学过的歌曲歌谣。1.复习《sitting on the carpet》 2. TPR肢体反应练习 3.学习三个国家的名字——America、China、Japan 4.简单了解对话:Where are you from? I am from XXX.. 教具: 1、三个国家国旗卡片若干(与幼儿数相符)各国家人物图片。 2、礼物盒。


1-A What is mathematics Mathematics comes from man’s social practice, for example, industrial and agricultural production, commercial activities, military operations and scientific and technological researches. And in turn, mathematics serves the practice and plays a great role in all fields. No modern scientific and technological branches could be regularly developed without the application of mathematics. 数学来源于人类的社会实践,比如工农业生产,商业活动,军事行动和科学技术研究。反过来,数学服务于实践,并在各个领域中起着非常重要的作用。没有应用数学,任何一个现在的科技的分支都不能正常发展。From the early need of man came the concepts of numbers and forms. Then, geometry developed out of problems of measuring land , and trigonometry came from problems of surveying . To deal with some more complex practical problems, man established and then solved equation with unknown numbers ,thus algebra occurred. Before 17th century, man confined himself to the elementary mathematics, . , geometry, trigonometry and algebra, in which only the constants are considered. 很早的时候,人类的需要产生了数和形式的概念,接着,测量土地的需要形成了几何,出于测量的需要产生了三角几何,为了处理更复杂的实际问题,人类建立和解决了带未知参数的方程,从而产生了代数学,17世纪前,人类局限于只考虑常数的初等数学,即几何,三角几何和代数。The rapid development of industry in 17th century promoted the progress of economics and technology and required dealing with variable quantities. The leap from constants to variable quantities brought about two new branches of mathematics----analytic geometry and calculus, which belong to the higher mathematics. Now there are many branches in higher mathematics, among which are mathematical analysis, higher algebra, differential equations, function theory and so on. 17世纪工业的快速发展推动了经济技术的进步,从而遇到需要处理变量的问题,从常数带变量的跳跃产生了两个新的数学分支-----解析几何和微积分,他们都属于高等数学,现在高等数学里面有很多分支,其中有数学分析,高等代数,微分方程,函数论等。Mathematicians study conceptions and propositions, Axioms, postulates, definitions and theorems are all propositions. Notations are a special and powerful

学前教育英语 (5)

Unit 5 BuildingReading Skills Part I Pronunciation Task 1 Look at the mirror and read aloud the phonemes /au/, /?u/, /i?/, /??/ and/u?/. Compare the shape of your mouth in the mirror with that in the picture and adjust it if necessary. Gather as many words as you can with these phonemes and fill them in the corresponding blanks. Then, read the words after the recording. Example:now noun shout Example: load low home _____how house__________ ______loaf hoe___________ _____louder mouse ____ ______home hope__________ _____cow gown__________ _______know note_________ _____howl county_________ _______throw toast________ _____south crowd ____ _______notice over________ Example: fear pierce really ______fierce piercing ___ ______really near _______ ______appear superior_______ ______pier fearless _____ ______serious ear _________ Example: chair dare scary Example: tour cruel sure _____scare scarce__________ ________tourist cure _____ dairy pair _______curious sure______ _____wear where________ _______cruelty furious _____fair square _______lure poor _____ _____repair fare ________usually endure ____ Task 2 Please listen carefully and pay special attention to the vowels /au/, /?u/, /i?/,/??/ and /u?/. You will hear one word from each of the following word pairs. Circle the one you hear and check your answers. Then, read aloud all the words.


学前教育专业英语教学存在问题及对策 【摘要】大纲中对于学前教育专业英语教学的基本教学目标的规定是,让学生能够熟练掌握儿童英语教学法,了解相关的基本专业词汇和现阶段使用频率较高的新词汇,具有阅读、理解以及翻译英文专业文章的能力,同时还可以把握住文章的大意,辨别出其中重要的细节;可以根据英文按要求来撰写出符合要求的应用文。但是就当前来说,我国的学前教育专业英语教学现状和上述教学目标依然存在较大的距离,本文主要从学前教育专业英语教学存在问题及对策进行了分析。 【关键词】学前教育专业;英语;教学;问题;对策; ? G633.41 一、当前学前教育专业英语教学存在问题 1.1 教学方法和考核机制不够完善 学前教育专业学生中往往存在学生英语课堂学习精力难以集中的问题,部分教师依然采取“一本书,一支粉笔”的满堂灌形式,学生觉得课堂枯燥乏味,还有部分学生是因为文化基础较差,想听听不懂。考核方式上,每学期的英语期末考试往往都是采取的笔试形式,也就是由授课老师圈定范围,考试前学生只需要死记硬背,就可以取得一个较

为理想的分数,也导致了学生平常学习英语积极性不高,这也是为什么学前教育专业学生大学英语三级考试通过率普遍不高的原因。 1.2 学生英语语言技能水平有限 现阶段,多数学生仍然仅仅将英语当做一门学科来学,在学习中虽然可以积累大量的词汇,学会较多的语法知识,然而基本上仍然停留在哑巴英语水平,不管是英语听力水平,还是口语技能水平往往都偏低,发音存在不标准的问题,更无法用英语进行自由对话及日常交流。且多数学生由于英语基础差,缺乏英语学习兴趣等原因,导致学习兴趣不浓厚,自主学习能力较差,也在很大程度上阻碍了其毕业后英语教学工作的开展[1]。 1.3 高校双师型英语教师缺乏 现阶段,在学前教育专业多数英语教师都能具有较高的英语水平,教学经验也比较丰富,但是多数教师都没有直接接触到现阶段的幼儿园教育和教学工作,这就导致了和实际的幼儿英语教学实践存在脱节的现象。特别是一些刚毕业迈入到工作岗位的年轻教师,多数都缺乏幼儿英语实践教学经验,在这种情况下,即使查阅了大量的资料,观看了大量的教学视频,但是在实际教学过程中依然很难用鲜活的幼儿英语教学实例来对学生进行教学内容的讲授,自然也不能够告知学生现阶段幼儿园英语教学正在采用的一些教学方法


第二章精读课文-- 入门必修 2.1 数学方程与比例 (Mathematics,Equation and Ratio) 一、词汇及短语: 1. Cha nge the terms about变形 2. full of :有许多的充满的 例The StreetS are full of people as on a holiday像假日一样,街上行人川流不息) 3. in groups of ten?? 4. match SOmething against sb. “匹配” 例Long ago ,when people had to Count many things ,they matChed them against their fingers. 古时候,当人们必须数东西时,在那些东西和自己的手指之间配对。 5. grow out of 源于由…引起 例Many close friendships grew out of common acquaintance 6. arrive at 得出(到达抵达达到达成) 例We both arrived at the Same COnclusion我们俩个得出了相同的结论) 7. stand for “表示,代表” 8. in turn “反过来,依次” 9. bring about 发生导致造成 10. arise out of 引起起源于 11. express by “用…表示” 12. occur 发生,产生 13. come from 来源于,起源于 14. resulting method 推论法 15. be equal to 等于的相等的


中职学前教育专业英语教学的有效策略 目前,在中职学前教育专业的英语教学中,许多教师采用的教学手段和方法较为单一,培养学生英语学习能力的效果不尽如意,主要表现在学生在英语学习方面的能力还有待提高,无法与教师进行互动学习,仍然需要老师在学习过程中不断的给予提示,学生独立思考和解决问题的能力还需要进一步加强。新课改实施以后,对中职学前教育专业的学生有了新的要求,学前教育专业是为幼儿教育提供师资的一个专业,所以应该重视该专业学生的英语水平,否则在幼儿教育的时候,无法真正成为孩子们的启蒙老师。因此,本文主要从中职学前教育专业的英语教学出发,针对如何在中职学前教育专业教学中培养学生的英语能力展开叙述和研究分析,并给出了具体的措施和方案。 目前,根据国家的宏观调控的政策和对中等职业院校的扶持,越来也多的中等职业院校在发展迅速的同时,开始注重培养学生的专业技能,这也有效的促进了国家的教育水平和对专业技能人才的培养。中等职业院校在培养学生的专业技能的时候,要注意方式方法,过去单一的教學模式和方法,已经不能适应现在的教育发展模式,特别是针对学前教育专业的学生来说,照本宣科的英语模式使学生在进行英语学习的时候提不起学习兴趣,甚至提到英语就觉得反感,这种教学模式限制了学生的独立自主学习的能力和思维拓展能力,还使学生的积极性和主动性受到打击,这样的教学现状,会导致学生在日后的工作中,无法对幼儿进行良好的双语教学。因此,本文主要针对如何在中职学前教育专业的英语教学中培养学生的英语学习能力的问题展开叙述和探讨。 1中职学前教育专业的英语教学现状 (1)学生的英语基础知识普遍较低 由于现在的中职教育,教学水平低下,学生的英语基础普遍不高,英语口语、写作、阅读水平较弱,执行能力差,自觉性低,甚至有的学生连最基本的问好都不能独立完成,有的学生在进行英语学习的时候提不起学习兴趣,甚至提到英语就觉得反感。 (2)教学模式单一 在中职学前教育专业的英语教学中,许多教师采用的教学手段和方法较为单一,大量的应试教育使得学生只会照本宣科和沦为做题的机器,学生无法独立思考和解决问题,例如:在英语阅读的学习中,老师通过让学生做大量的阅读题来提高学生的阅读能力,而阅读的题目设置却千篇一律,一般来说所有阅读的题目都是:What is the author trying to tell you?(作者想要告诉我们?)所以,固定的出题模式和内容,就限制了学生的发展。 (3)教学目标过于局限


学前教育专业幼儿英语教学研究论文 随着幼儿教育事业的快速发展,幼儿英语教学越来越受到人们 的关注。近年来,虽然许多幼儿园都开设了英语课程,但是,幼儿英语教育问题不断凸显。因此,培养既懂得幼儿教育理论,又懂得幼儿教育的规律,具备较高的英语水平教师是当务之急。所以,高职院校学前教育专业一定要根据社会发展需求,把幼儿教育理论融入教学中,加大英语教学技能的训练,更好的对幼儿进行英语教育,争取为社会培养更多优秀的幼儿教育人才。 1、英语语音语调标准、规范,口语表达能力、听说技能娴熟 幼儿阶段的孩子可塑性大,喜欢模仿,教师的一举一动、语气、语调都会影响幼儿的认知,幼儿阶段的孩子语言模仿能力最强,如果在教学过程中,幼儿教师科学的、正确的刺激幼儿的语言,更有利于幼儿对于英语的认知。如果教师在教学过程中,语言刺激出现了错误,会在幼儿的内心留下深刻印象,将来要想纠正都会很困难。所以,英语语音语调标准、规范,是幼儿英语教师必须具备的素质。幼儿期是语言听说能力形成关键时期,幼儿英语教师只有口语表达能力、听说技能娴熟,才能灵活的运用英语口语。语言是文化的载体,只有熟悉了英语文化背景,了解中西方的文化差异,才更有利于运用这门语言,更好的掌握这门语言。为今后英语学习做好铺垫。

2、学前教育基本技能娴熟,学前专业理论知识过硬 作为幼儿第二语言的启蒙教育,幼儿英语教育不仅要培养幼儿良好的英语学习习惯,还要在教学过程中,激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,促进幼儿英语语言的敏感性,为幼儿将来学好英语奠定基础。因此,幼儿英语教师不仅要英语语音语调标准、规范,口语表达能力、听说技能娴熟,还要学前教育基本技能娴熟,学前专业理论知识过硬。幼儿的身心发展规律特殊,所以,在教学过程中,教师首先必须了解幼儿的身心发展特点,同时,掌握学前教育的理论知识。尤其是学前心理学、学前教育学等理论知识必须娴熟。只有掌握了专业理论知识,了解幼儿的身心发展特点,才能根据幼儿认知规律、身心发展规律制订相应的,同时,根据学生的年龄特征、兴趣爱好,选择适合孩子的教育策略,激发幼儿的英语学习兴趣,提高幼儿英语的教育质量。 1、以就业为导向,重新组合听、说、读、写模块 高职学前教育专业幼儿英语教学技能一体化教学模式的运用,教学内容的选择必须与学生未来发展相结合,为后续专业英语课程服务。高职学前教育专业幼儿英语教学教学目标,一定要以就业为导向,使学生英语语音语调标准、规范,口语表达能力、听说技能娴熟,形成一定的语言运用能力。同时,在教学过程中,要积极训练幼儿口语表达能力。幼儿期学习英语,所形成的英语发音习惯,直接会影响未

学前教育英语 (7)

Unit 7 Classroom Management Part I Pronunciation Task 1 Look at the mirror and read aloud the phonemes /f/, /v/, /∫/, /З/;/ t∫/, / dЗ/. Compare the shape of your mouth in the mirror with that in the picture and adjust it if necessary. Gather as many words as you can with these phonemes and fill them in the corresponding blanks. Then, read the words after the recording. Example feel photo butterfly beeflaugh __fast, follow, friend, flow,_tough______________ ___belief, chief, chef, _telegraph,__________________ ___ laughter, _elephant,_geography,_biography_______ Example vow river shave _________vouch,____ vast, voice, even, ever, liver, shaver, fever, never eve, starve, love, have__________ Example chair butcher ranch _China,___chicken, charge, chase , choose, ___ teacher, franchise, stitcher_____________ __watch, bench, lunch____________________ Example usually television garage casual, treasure, transfusion mirage , prestige Example shake washmachine shoe, shoot, shut, shame_____________ ashamed, cashier, official __________ leash, mash, cash, trash _________ _____________________________________
