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Unit One: A Class Act


IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.

1. I was extremely excited when I imagined myself in attractive pictures like those of popular actresses in Hollywood.

2. I felt so frustrated that I was on the verge of tears when I wondered, as I had done innumerable times, why the unsympathetic teacher would not overlook my clothes even once and see how hard I tried to comply with the school policy and how eager I was to participate in all the activities.


I. Explain the underlined parts in each sentence in your own words.

1). Because of the war, rationing was in place and most schools had relaxed their attitude towards proper uniforms, knowing how hard it was to obtain clothes.

the amount of food, water, petrol or other necessary substances was limited; had become less severe or strict with

2). Every day I would battle back tears as I stood in front of my peers, embarrassed and, most often, alone.

hold back; schoolmates

3). However, in my 12-year-old mind I had no choice but to see the punishment through. I knew it was very important not to let my well-meaning mother know about this ritual humiliation. endure the punishment; the embarrassment I had to go through every day

4). ... if she ever told my father he would have instantly been on the warpath in my defence.

so angry and likely to argue with my teachers in order to protect me

5). There was none of my usual pleasure in putting on the cherished dress that day.

the dress that I liked very much

6). At assembly I didn’t bother to wait for the command but trudged up to the stage of my own accord to endure the sniggers of the other girls and the beady eyes of the deputy head.

walked slowly and reluctantly to the stage without being asked to do so

7). I consoled myself that I could at least lose myself in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities for a while at the back of the class to recover and regain my composure.

I cheered myself up with the idea; get absorbed in the story of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and not think about anything else; calm down and get back my self-control

8). And then she came out with the most welcome sentence I had ever heard at that mean-spirited place.

said unexpectedly; agreeable; vicious

9). I floated through the rest of the day buoyed by the warmth generated by her thoughtfully chosen words.

was in high spirits; feeling happier and more confident due to

10). Although English Literature was her forte, that day Miss McVee taught me, and perhaps the whole class, a lesson in compassion that I have never forgotten.

strong point; instilled in me, and perhaps the whole class, a feeling of pity, sympathy and understanding for someone who was suffering


I. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in brackets.


The company was started by a couple of enterprising young men.

2). 那是他唯一一次自己在午夜前睡觉的,因为他实在太累了。(of one’s own accord)

It was the only time when he went to bed of his own accord before midnight, because he was really too tired.

3). 经过长时间的仔细酝酿,书才得以完成。(meticulous)

Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.

4). 她从头到脚穿着一身黑。(be attired)

She was attired from head to foot in black.

5). 为攒我们去度假的钱,我节衣缩食整整一年。(scrimp and save)

I’ve been scrimping and saving all year to pay for our holiday.

6). 我知道他是好意,但我希望他别来管我们。(well-meaning)

I know he’s well-meaning, but I wish he’d leave us alone.

7). 当有人指出他犯了错误时,他非常生气。(indignant)

He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.

8). 说了多少次了,安东尼,刀子和叉子要放入中间的抽屉!(umpteen)

I’ve told you for umpteen times, Anthony, knives and forks go in the middle drawer!

9). 缝纫恐怕不是我的专长。(forte)

I’m afraid sewing isn’t one of my fortes.

10). 观众热烈的欢迎使她十分高兴。(buoy)

She was buoyed by the warm reception her audience gave her.

II. Translate the following passage into English.


The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education. Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree.

The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one year of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about $19,000. Some other

schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about $9,000 a year.

Bachelor’s degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign students in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.

Chinese Translation of Paragraphs

1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。成长在那里,意味着岁月艰难、钱财短缺、心情焦虑,也意味着许多家庭都是当铺的常客,包括我家。

2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。他们用勤劳、自尊和满屋子的欢笑撑起了这个家。我父亲身体结实,心灵手巧,他那双手几乎无所不能,从不缺木匠和手工活儿。他甚至偶尔还会参加偏僻街道的拳击比赛,补贴家用。我母亲勤俭节约,把家收拾得干净利落。尽管条件艰苦,但她总能让自己的五个孩子吃得饱饱、穿得整整齐齐、干干净净地上学去。

3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。尽管母亲缩衣节食为我筹到了大部分装束,但我仍然没能凑齐学校指定的蓝色运动上衣和帽圈。

4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。然而,我就读的女子学校却严格规定,每位学生必须穿正规的校服。于是那位负责每天集合的副校长就将训斥我视为她的任务来做。

5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。

6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。对我的惩罚还扩大到不能上体操课或者我钟爱的每周一次的交谊舞课。我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!

7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。我明白不能让仁厚的母亲知道我所遭受的这种习惯性羞辱,这点非常重要。我也不敢冒险让她到学校替我求情,因为我知道那些心胸狭隘、不讲情面的教员们也同样会令她难堪,这意味着到时我们母女俩都要伤心、愤怒。老天!要是母亲再告诉父亲的话,他立马会大发雷霆,冲到学校来保护我。

8. 一天,我们全家在一家报纸举办的不收取费用的肖像模特摄影比赛中获了奖。我为此兴奋不已:那些好莱坞女星魅力四射的照片更令我想入非非。我迫不及待地想把这个激动人心的消息告诉朋友们。

9. 在那之前,母亲告诉我必须穿那件绿色蕾丝镶边裙——我最好的服装——去上学,因为摄影比赛正好安排在放学之后。她丝毫没有意识到我所要面临的痛苦。

10. 那天,我没有往常穿上这件心爱衣服时的喜悦。我心情郁闷地拖着沉重的步伐来到学


11. 当我第无数次想到,这位老师怎么会如此麻木不仁,竟然从未透过我的着装,看看这颗顺从听话、渴望参与的女孩的心灵的时候,沮丧的泪水几欲夺眶而出。

12. 集合之后的第一节课是我钟爱的英国文学,上课的教师也是我所钟爱的。我安慰自己说,至少我可以在后排座位上暂时沉浸在查尔斯·狄更斯的《双城记》之中,以便能回过神儿镇定下来。可是上课铃一响,麦克维小姐就叫我坐在前排正对她的座位上。可想而知,我当时是多么惊慌失措。我缓慢地站了起来,忍着泪水,走到前排。心想,麦克维小姐不会也加入到敌人的阵营里了吧

13. 我在前排坐下,麦克维小姐将头扭到一边,上下仔细地打量着我。接着,她说出了在那所讨厌的学校里听到的最中听的一句话。

14. “亲爱的,我敢说你是这所死气沉沉的学校里一道最亮丽、最可爱的风景。可惜啊,我只能有幸看你一节课,而不是一整天。”我幼小心灵中的那块坚冰瞬间消融了,我也不禁挺直了肩膀。

15. 我相信我当时回敬她的笑容是她所见过的最灿烂的笑容了。她仔细斟酌的话语温暖了我,让我兴高采烈地度过了整整一天。



17. 虽然麦克维小姐的专长是英语文学,但那天她却给我——给全班——上了一堂持怜悯之心的课,我永志不忘。她让我明白,一句及时的友善之言可以让人受益终生。着实,她贴心的话让我内心变得坚强起来,再也不为什么人、什么事所伤害。


Text comprehension I. B II. 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. T. III. 1. “snail mail”. 2. “an essential stepping stone on the road to success”. 3. “the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society”. 4. “the means to shape our views of the world”. 5. “to negotiate the boundaries between languages and to compromise in translation”. 6. “to use linguistic skills, to think differently, to enter into another culture’s mentality and to shape language accordingly”. IV. 1. with convenient ways to reach any part of the world. 2. It seems that everyone is able to always get in touch with anyone else if he or she can afford to. 3. is the most important to society. 4. a fundamental skill in today’s world, where different c ultures interact. 5. are finding ways to interrelate different cultures. Structural analysis of the text 1. The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph: “Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril.” 2. Paragraph 4: The lack of an exact counterpart of the English word “homesickness” in other languages such as Italian, Portuguese, and German. Paragraph 5: The problem of untranslatability which the early Bible translators encountered. Paragraph 6: English and Welsh speakers make adjustments regarding the color spectrum in the grey / green / blue / brown range; The word “democracy” means completely different things in different contexts; the flat breads of Central Asia are a long way away from Mother’s Pride white sliced toasties, yet the word “bread” has to serve for both. Part One. Vocabulary Analysis I. Phrase practice 1. provided =as long as 假如,倘若 need never be out of touch =can never fail to be reached 从不会失去联系 2. regardless of =no matter 不管,不顾


Unit 1 Part Ⅱ Reading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)respectable 2)agony 3)put down 4)sequence 5)hold back 6)distribute 7)off and on 8)vivid 9)associate 10)finally 11)turn in 12)tackle 2. 1)has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2)was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3)a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4)gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5)buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1)reputation; rigid; to inspire 2)and tedious; What’s more; out of date ideas 3)compose; career; avoid showing; hardly hold back Ⅱviolating Ⅲ;in upon Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze back; tedious; scanned; recall; vivid; off and on; turn out/in; career ; surprise; pulled; blowing; dressed; scene; extraordinary; image; turn; excitement ⅡTranslation As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2)His girlfriend advised him to get out of /get rid of his bad habits of smoking before it took hold. 3)Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4)It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5)It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2.Susan lost her legs because of/in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye/she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be able to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Part ⅡReading Task Vocabulary Ⅰ1. 1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead 2. 1)in the examination was still on his mind. 2)was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game. 3)was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner. 4)has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time. 5)of equipping the new hospital was estimated at﹩2 million. 3. 1)were postponed; the awful; is estimated 2)reference; not available; am kind of 3)not much of a teacher; skips; go ahead Ⅱ;on Ⅲor less of/sort of 4. kind of/sort of 5. more or less 6. or something Comprehensive Exercises ⅠCloze up; awful; practically; neighborhood; correspondence; available; destination; reunion; Mostly; postponing; absolutely ; savings; embarrassment; phone; interrupted; touch; envelope; signed; message; needed ⅡHalf an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2)Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by

最新(第二版)新标准大学英语综合教程Boo2Unit 4课后答案

Unit 4 Active Reading (1) 4 1 a 2b 3c 4c 5d 5 1 submerged 2 destiny 3 glared 4 wits 5 gazed 6 habitual 6 1 exclaimed 2 intricate 3 propositions 4 vicinity 5 hustle 6 sensible 7 1 turn up 2 come around/ will come around 3 call time on 4 pulled out 5 for show 8 1 This is probably part of the description of Bob issued by the Chicago police. It is a distinctive feature that can be used to identify him. 2 As diamonds are very expensive, having many of them suggests that the man is wealthy and has done well in life. 3 This indicates that the man is in fact not Jimmy. He is unlikely to have grown by two or three inches, as he was already 20 when they last met. 4 The man was submerged in his overcoat because he was trying to hide his face from Bob, and he wasn’t really Jimmy. The bad weather provided a good excuse, however. 5 Bob was feeling emotional. His old friend Jimmy had tricked him, and he was probably angry and shocked. Active Reading (2) 3 1 c 2 d 3a 4b 5c 4 1.precaution 2.fraud 3.trash 4.cancel 5.deceived 6.Household 5 1.log off https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,monplace 3.forge 4.anonymous 5.fictional 6 b, b, a, a, a, a, a


2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleare d up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II)Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3. 4.No Mistake especial→ especially

necessarily → necessary frequent → frequently No Mistake ea sily → easy No Mistake i ndividually → individual m uch → many h igh → highly a pparently → apparent r emarkably → remarkable p robable → probably No Mistake (III)Grammar Task 1: (1)would/should (2) should/would (3) might (4) would (5) must (6) can’t (7) should would (8) must Task 2: (1)We passed the afternoon very pleasantly, roller-skating in the sun and talking about our childhood under a tree. / The afternoon passed very pleasantly, while we roller-skated in the sun and talked about our childhood under a tree. (2)On entering the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. / When I entered the lecture hall, I was surprised at the size of the crowd. (3)When I was only a small boy, my father took me to Beijing and we had a lot of fun together. (4)To write well, a person must read good books. (IV)Cloze (1) doubt (2) efficient (3) where (4) advantage (5) afford (6) claim (7) fluently (8) qualified (9) extent (10) ridiculous (11) perfect (12) as (13) because (14) individual (V)Translation 1. Translate the sentences (1) The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk. (2) Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. (3) To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. (4) According to the regulation/rule, they both can play the game/participate in the game.


综合教程1课后答案 Unit 1 College Life Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (P.23) 1) deliver 2) polish 3) available 4) latter 5)file 6) thrive 7) undertook 8) practical 9) fulfill 10) perceived 11) accumulated 12) multiplied 2. (P.24) 1)compromise 2) self-induced 3) steered 4) frame 5)demonstrated 6) employ 7) promote 8) impressed 9)contribution 10) deliberately 11) financial 12) economic 3.(P.24) 1)makes a point of 2) refresh my memory 3) lead to 4) at hand 5) working out 6) under pressure 7) Last but not least 8) down 9) In addition to 10) were involved 11) in other words 12) pointed out 13) pay off 4. (P.25) 1) scored 2) scheduled 3) assigned 4) motivated 5) crucial 6) promote 7) perform 8) debate 9) scanned 10) devised 11) advocated 12) clarify 13) priorities 14) compromised 15) context 16) undertook Final sentence: academic excellence Increasing Your Word Power 1.( P.26~27) 1)principal/ major 2) top 3) major 4) top 5)principal 6) major 7) schedule 8)advocate/have advocated 9) top 10) approach 11)blame 12) major/ principal 13) advocate 14) schedule 15)blame 16) approaching 17) pressure 18) pace 19)pressured 20) pace Cloze (P.31) 1)academic 2) priorities 3) conducted 4) principles 5)begin 6) priority 7) compromised 8) addition 9)filling 10) Speaking 11) formula 12)Participation/ Participating 13) based 14) least 15)way 16) pressure


Keys for Unit 3 Vocabulary I. 1. as long as, can never fail to be reached 2. no mater 3. fail to notice at great risk 4. may be described by these words to varying degrees 5. were directly confronted with the problem that something in one language cannot be rendered into another II. 1. stepping stone 2. at their peril 3. serve 4. mentality 5. staple 6. facilitating 7. messaging 8. hybrid III. 1. economy 2. accessible 3. fundamentally 4. homesick 5. negotiable 6. adjusted 7. remoteness 8. complacently

IV. D, C, A, D, B, A, B, C V. 1. time, era, epoch 2. meetings 3. basic,fundamental 4. misshape 5. unavoidably 6. worry, concern, anxiety, apprehension 7. therefore, so, thus 8. hide, conceal VI. 1. unbelievable 2. imperfect 3. disagreement 4. misplace 5. malfunction 6. enable 7. surpass 8. submarine Grammar I. 1. helps 2. hope, are enjoying, sunbathe, go, are going 3. is being


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.f inally 11.t urn in 12.t ackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time.

4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about

新世纪大学英语 综合教程2-Unit4习题答案

Unit Four Checking Your Vocabulary Word Detective 1. (page 113) 1) b 2) f 3) a 4) g 5) h 6) c 7) j 8) d 2. (page 114) 1) transform 2) evidence 3) outcome 4) ignore 5) display 6) nonsense 7) concerning 8) tense 3. (page 115) 1) admit into 2) conside r yourself as 3) unworthy of 4) To my horror 5) in her mind’s eye 6) (in) one way or another 7) are / feel disposed of 8) give it a try Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action 1. (page 118) 1) positive 2) focused 3) perspective 4) tense 5) shape 6) address 7) crises 8) curse 9) incredible 10) conversely 11) issue 12) ignored 13) outcome 14) rare 15) transform 16) accomplish 17) quit 18) rejected 2. (page 119) 1) (in) one way or another 2) have lived through 3) makes a difference 4) Give it a / another try 5) concerned with 6) slipped over 7) pulled over 8) in reverse Increasing Your Word Power 1. (page 120) 1) concerned 2) Concerning 3) reject 4) declined 5) unconscious 6) subconscious 7) former 8) preceding 9) raise 10) rise 2. (page 121) 1) does 2) make 3) take 4) do 5) make 6) Take 7) done 8) taken 9) making 10) took 3. (page 121) 1) d 2) a 3) f 4) b 5) c 6) e Nouns / Adjectives Suffixes Verbs Chinese meanings visual -ize / -ise visualize 使形象化;使显现 modern modernize 使现代化 popular popularize 普及化;通俗化 industrial industrialize (使)工业化 apology apologize 道歉 human humanize 赋予人性,使人性化 system systemize 使系统化 CLOZE (page 123) 1) perspective 2) despair 3) necessity 4) perform 5) Conversely 6) prophecy 7) where 8) as 9) achieve 10) recognize 11) dealt with 12) attitude 13) channels 14) concerned TRANSLATION (page 124) 1. Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. Or: The only people who can fully appreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience. 2. Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form / are formed and interact (with one another). 3. I’d like to express my special thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years in one way or another. 4. The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2. 1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.

3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. 4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. 1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,pose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,posed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8317132876.html,mand 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ. 1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with


全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版) 1 Text B课后练习答案 Unit One Comprehension Check 1-6 c a c d b d Translation 1. 我耳朵嗡嗡作响,听不见他们后来讲的话,只东以点西一点渗入片言只语。“,玛莎是墨西哥人,辞职,不至于,” 2. 等我意识到我这番话的意思时,为时已晚,爷爷知道我明白那不是钱的问题, 不是那个问题。 3. 第二天,我沉默不语,一副十分伤心的小女孩模样,拖着脚步走进校长办公 室。 4. 他看上去像小孩般开心,像孩子般天真无邪,可是我心里比谁都明白。 Language Practice 1. b d a f c g h e 2. resigned/ has resigned; expectation; have maintained; represents ;exception; was awarded; plus ; make it/drag himself; delicate; innocent; compare to; significance Unit Two Comprehension Check 1-7 d b a d c d d Translation 1. 火舌舔着比尔的双肩、脸和双腿,但他仅仅地抓住罗伊斯。“我不会把你丢弃在这儿的”,他说道。 2. 一辈子与居住在澳大利亚灌木地带的那些刚强的硬汉一起生活的人生经历, 将两条准则永久地铭刻在比尔心头:无论多么艰难,决不泄气、决不抛弃朋友。 3. 如果我不能挺住的话,罗伊斯就会死在那里,比尔一次又一次地告诫自己。 4. 单真正最令比尔激动的时刻是火灾发生六个月之后,刚刚出院的罗伊斯走进 尤里卡饭店,请他喝啤酒。 Language Practice 1. c e d g f h a b 2. stuff; despair; was peering/peered; soaked; swung; in good shape extent; rescue; draw on; Worse still; burst into; flinging Unit Three Comprehension Check


Vocabulary Ⅰ 1.suddenly found myself faced with 2.share the same characteristic 3.summer is an everlasting season 4.let yourself be overcome by 5.keep it in your mind and don’t ever forget it Ⅱ 1 instead 2 confronted with 3 lock away 4 welled up 5 summon 6 brief 7 stared 8 whispering 9 evil 10 give in Ⅲ 1 D 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 C Ⅳ 1. a. shaking b shuddered c shaking d shuddered 2. a answer b reply c reply d answer 3. a general b general c general common d common 4. a small b tiny c tiny d small Ⅴ 1 synonym: pain (grief, sorrow, agony) 2 antonym: loudly (harshly, roughly) 3 synonym: sorrow (grief, dismay) 4 antonym: inconspicuously (unnoticeably) 5 synonym: small (little) 6 antonym: meet (gather) 7 synonym: seriously (severely, hopelessly) 8 antonym: lengthy (long) Ⅵ 1.industrial 2.description 3.suspicion 4.assistant 5.unemployed 6.proof 7.examination 8.further Grammar Ⅰ 1 were bathing were looking were playing 2 was sitting 3 was leaving was arrived learned had left found


Appendix I Key to Exercises (Units 1-8) Unit 1 Part I Pre-reading Task Script for the recording: Have you ever heard of the pop singer, John Lennon? Here he is singing a song he wrote for his son. It's called Beautiful Boy. Close your eyes Have no rear The monster s tone He's on the run and your daddy's here Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Before you go to sleep Say a little prayer 1 John Lennon (1940-1980): First became famous as a singer and guitarist in the Beatles, a British rock group, writing many of their most successful hits. Later he left the group, but continued to be popular as a singer and songwriter.

Every day in every way It's getting better and better Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Out on the ocean sailing away I can hardly wait To see you come of age But I guess we’ll both just have to be patient ‘Cause it's a long way to go A bard row to hoe Yes it's a long way to go But in the meantime Before you cross the street Take my band Life is what happens to you While you're busy making other plans Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Beautiful boy Before you go to sleep Say a little prayer Every day in every way It's getting better and better 1 A hard row to hoe: To hoe is to use a special farming tool, a hoe, to clear small weeds and break up the surface of the soil. The row referred to is a row of plants.


1)the judge asked the reporters not to disclose the name of the victim. 法官要求记者不要公开受害人的姓名(disclose)。 2)The teacher took pains to make sure that we all understood what he said. 老师费尽苦心务使我们全都理解他说的话(take pains to do sth)。 3)Recently the school conducted a survey among those students who have attained academic excellence. 最近学校在学业优秀的学生中进行了一项调查(conduct attain)。 4)He said he would accept the job,so we have asked him to confirm his acceptance by writing us a letter. 他说他要接受这份工作,我们要求他写封信证实(confirm)。 5)George studies very hard. He wants to make the most of his chance to learn. 乔治学习很努力,他要尽量利用学习的机会(take the most of)。 6)We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Beside, we’re busy. 我们不能去。第一,天太冷。另外我们正忙着(to begin with)。 7)It’s about time that someone spoke up for these basic truths/fac ts. 该是有人公开讲清楚这些基本事实的时候了(speak up)。 8)You should be working instead of lying there in bed at this time of the day. 此时此刻你应该工作而不该在床上躺着。 9)I’ll jot down some notes while he’s speaking. 他发言时,我要记些笔记(jot down)。 10)I can’t carry the suitcase on my own;it’s too heavy. 我自己无法提起这个箱子,它太重了。 课文句子欣赏:We are interested in learning another language because we know that knowledge of another language and culture will increase opportunities,broaden our horizons and enrich our life. 第二单元 1)The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk! 这个婴儿还不会爬,更不要说走了。 2)Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, but in my opinion he told a lie. 威尔声称谋杀案发生时他正和一群朋友吃饭,但是我认为他在说谎。 3)To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills;and with reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better. 一定程度上阅读速度与阅读技巧密切相关;有了阅读技巧,你就可以更好地应对课外阅读了。 4)Can you take a look at the engine to see what’s wrong? 你检查一下引擎看看出了什么问题好吗? 5)Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word. 有些人想当然地认为日语中的每一个词在汉语中都有相对应的词语。 6)We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 我们已将所有的相关信息告知了警方。
