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2019-摩登家庭经典台词-经典语录-对白-句子-语句-片段-桥段-精选word文档 (4页)

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摩登家庭 第二季

摩登家庭第二季 Modern Family S02E01 1--[Claire]Honey, do you need me to move the car? 2--- Oh, it's not in the way.- Okay. 3--Oh, no. Iron cross. 4--- She's going down.- Oh, God. Phil. 5--You okay? 6--Yes, I am. I am okay. 7--Honey, why do we keep this car? 8--- It's a classic.- No, it just sits here. 9--And the seat belts don't work, the doors stick, it leaks fluids. 10--We haven't put fluids in it in 10 years. 11--Well, I'm gonna fix all that. You wait. 12--And then, uh, it's gonna be Haley's car. 13--Oh, we're not giving this car to Haley. 14--- It's way too easy to fit a mattress in the back.- Remember? 15--- Oh, no. We're selling it.- What? 16--Mm-hmm.Unless you don't think you can. 17--- Really?- Yeah. 18--- Seriously?- You can't. 19--- You honestly think that's gonna work?- You can't sell it. 20--You know what? You can insult a lot of things about me: 21--My hair, my voice, my balance board exercises.

摩登家庭 -第5季第22集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Oh, New Yorker, you've done it again. 《纽约客》你又来了 Jay, check out this cartoon. 杰快来看这个漫画 Does it have a talking dog? 有会说话的狗吗 - No, it's a commentary on... - I'm out. -没是在评价... -我不看了 Here you go, 给你 one of my best efforts. 我最用心做的一个 Have at it. 吃吧 Mm, I can't eat that. 我不能吃 - Why not? - The pickle's touching it. -为什么不能吃 -碰到酸黄瓜了 There. 好了 The juice got on the bread and, ew, what's that stuff? 面包还是沾到汁了好恶那是什么Spices. 香料 They look like sea monkeys. 跟海猴子似的 Have you ever really examine a jar of pickles, Jay? 你真的认真观察过酸黄瓜吗杰 It's like a swamp there. I'll pass. 黏糊糊的一团我不吃了 What happened? 出什么事了 I made him a beautiful sandwich and he won't eat it. 我给他做了个美味的三明治他却不吃Yeah, 'cause it had pickles on it. 对啊因为上面有腌黄瓜 Joe is taking a nap. 乔在睡午觉 I'm gonna go to the dry cleaners. 我要去干洗店 Well, if you're passing a sushi restaurant -- 如果你路过寿司店 She's not. 她不会路过的 I've never heard of anyone not liking pickles. 我从没听过谁不爱酸黄瓜的 Aw, big day for you, then. 那今天就是历史性的一天啦 I'm just gonna make myself a grilled cheese. 我自己做个烤奶酪三明治好了 I think I saw some Gruye in there. 我应该是看到有格鲁耶尔奶酪了

摩登家庭 -第2季第8集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. It's so nice to spend my birthday surrounded by so many smiling faces. I was almost too depressed to come today. I realized I let my childhood slip away. I realized I let my childhood slip away. Come on, everybody! We're gonna be late for Manny's birthday! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm ready, mom. - You sure, honey? - Yep. Then take a quick peek at your feet. Oh! Come on, Luke! Are you gonna walk faster, or should I get Lily's stroller out of the car and push you? Would you relax? The restaurant's like five minutes away from here Ohh, free lotion. Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Manny's present. Ohh, you are such a Pritchett. What's that supposed to mean? Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! I'm looking for the keys! Of course you are. I like being on time. It's easy 'cause I'm organized.


一方通行经典语录 TV: 第一季 10 姐姐大人(御坂美琴) 11 妹妹们(sisters) 12 绝对能力(level 6) 14 最强VS最弱 (实验及一方与当麻战斗) 19 最终之作(Last Order)与最终之作相遇 20 最终信号(Virus Code) 为救最终之作受伤 24 虚数学区·五型机关没有说话最后有住院的镜头 第二季 06残骸(Remnant)13:20左右只有约1分钟,与最终之作在浴室洗澡 07.坐标移动(Move point)17:40左右只有2分到3分钟,虐结标 17.惩罚游戏(一方搬家) 18.检体番号(换-妻游戏) 19.木原数多(一方被-虐) 20.猎犬部队(虐猎犬) 21.学习装置(与当妈通电话破窗救LO) 22.天罚术式(如无意外爆黑翼请不要过分期待) 小说: 五. 一方通行与最终之作相遇 八.「树形图设计者」核心夺还事件虐劫镖 十二.暴风雨前安详的生活,惩罚游戏 十三.一方通行开黑翼堕入「暗部」

SS1.上条、一方扫荡Skill Out并援救美铃(御坂妈) 十五.暗部大战一方通行VS垣根帝都二度开黑翼 十九.GROUP主线一方通行VS衫谷 二十. 三大主角齐聚俄罗斯番外个体登场 二十一.番外个体与一方通行合作 二十二.一方唱歌救LO 事情暂告一段落 最为经典的那句就是在第七集中与结标对战时吼出的那句了吧~ 我的签名也是这个吼吼~ “很抱歉,前面是单行道,你就乖乖的夹着尾巴耸拉着脑袋返回原点吧!” 呵呵,很迫不及待的抛出了最为强势的一句话,在战斗中的一方有着的那种自信完完全全的在这句话中体现了出来啊! (暗自激动Ing。。。。)咳咳。。。。当然一方在战斗中的话语也不是就这句,因此整理了一下推出下列几句: 1、我虽然变弱了,但不代表你就赢得过我吧!!涅!! 2、……你不是救了所有妹妹们的英雄吗?凭一己之力对将近一万人的克隆人们伸出援手的,真正的英雄吗? 温柔篇(不知道该起啥名字将就着用用 ) 当你决定对那小鬼出手的时候我们的战斗就开始了或许这句话才真正表达了一方通行的心声吧。。。正如黄泉川所说的那是他心里一直不肯说出的想去保护Last Order 。而在第七集中他也曾经说过 如今的这幅样子我确实该从学院都市的第一位退下来了,但是,只有在那家伙面前我一定得是最强的! 其中的感情不言而喻吧。。 要笑就笑吧,看来到了这地步,我依然希望获得救赎。这是被"墓园" 老兄已经扁了一顿后再见面是说出的, o(︶︿︶)o 唉可惜了一方老兄实在是没怎么打开心扉啊,被K了一顿才肯说出自己与“墓园”老兄的本质区别呀。。。 二十二.一方唱歌救LO 事情暂告一段落 最为经典的那句就是在第七集中与结标对战时吼出的那句了吧~ 我的签名也是这个吼吼~

CP PP 对摩登家庭第一季第九集的分析

Modern family S01E09---Luke’s Party Scene: A few hours earlier at Claire & Phil’s house Phil: There he is! Big day’s coming up. What do you want for your birthday, big god? Luke: It’s okay; I’m good [1] Phil: Come on. The sky’s the limit. Dream big, my bo y. [2] Luke: Well, I guess I could use a belt. [3] Claire: A belt? Luke: Yeah, you’re right. I don’t need it. The extension cord works pretty well. [4] Phil: I feel terrible. Claire: Oh (5) Phil: We’ve got to do something. Claire: Yeah… Um, well, you know the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in I-don’t-even-know-how-long, so… Phil: I am so with you. [6] We should blow this out and throw Luke the best birthday party of all time. Claire: Yes! Yes, we’ll order a whole bunch of p izzas and, and then set up an arts and crafts table.[7] Phil: A what? Claire: Y-yeah, a crafts table! You know, everybody… gathers around and they make stuff and then bam! They’ve got their own party favors. [8] Phil:Sorry, I fell asleep while you were describing the most boring party ever. [9](Gets hit by Claire) Ow! Scene: Cameron & Mitchell’s house Cameron: See you in a few hours. Phil: Yeah. Thanks again karaoke machine. I’ll give it back to you right after the party.[10] Cameron: That’ll be great. Mitchell:Please don’t. I beg you. Don’t… don’t bring it back. Phil: (whispers back) Oh. [11] Cameron: Hey Phil. Are, uh, you getting a clown for today? Phil: Oh… no. Luke, uh, Luke’s not much of a clown fan.[12] Cameron: …Really? Phil: Yeah, he never liked them. [13] Cameron: Has he ever seen a good one? Phil: Has… has anyone? Really, so… thanks again.[14] Cameron: See you later. (after Phil is gone)No clown? No… no clown? Mitchell: Let it go. Cameron: Who throws a party without a clown? Mitchell: Since t he later 30s, I’d say most people.[15] Cameron: You know what? We haven’t gotten Luke a present yet. Maybe a clown could be our present. Mitchell: Cameron, Cameron… If Phil and Claire wanted to get Luke a clown, they would have. But this is not our party. [16] Cameron: But-

摩登家庭 -第4季第12集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

So we're going to Santa Barbara to pick up the bassinet. 我们要去圣巴巴拉拿摇篮车 Or we can save five hours 或者我们省下5个小时 and go around the corner to baby town. 直接去拐角处的婴儿市场 What are you doing all day? 你今天要干嘛 - Jay! - It's fine, mom. -杰 -没关系的妈妈 No, it's not fine. Today's Manny's birthday. 怎么没关系今天是曼尼的生日 Aw, jeez. I'm sorry, kid. 呀孩子真是抱歉 Don't worry. Reuben's family's taking me for a birthday lunch. 别担心 罗本一家要带我去吃生日午餐 You see? Even the Reubens remembered. 你看连罗本一家都记得 We'll be back at 6:00, 我们会在6点回来 and we're taking you to a special birthday dinner. Okay? 然后带你去吃特别生日晚餐好不好- We are? - Jay! -真要吗 -杰 I'm sorry, kid. 抱歉孩子 I wasn't sorry. It was a setup. 我并不抱歉那只是障眼法 We're throwing him a big surprise birthday party. 我们要给他办一个大型惊喜生日派对 And he totally fell for it, the little jerk. 他竟然完全信了那个小兔崽子 I mean, that's the whole point of a surprise party. 那正是惊喜派对的意义所在嘛 You take someone who you really love 你把自己真心爱的一个人 and you play 'em like a fool. 当傻子一样耍 That's not the whole point of all this. 那才不是我们这样做的全部意义 Manny has been feeling a little bit neglected, 曼尼感觉自己有点被忽略了 and I wanted to give him the most special day. 所以我想给他一个最特别的日子 This is the last birthday 我们三个人单独庆生 that it's only going to be the three of us. 也就这最后一次了 I can't wait to see the little dope's face. 我迫不及待想看到小宝贝了 ...And then that smug Carol Chu was all, 然后那个自以为是的卡萝·曲就开始咆哮


S1-01 Jay:We’re from different worlds, yet we somehow fit together. Love is what binds us, through fair or stormy weather 我们来自不同的时间,但我们彼此相容,爱将我们紧紧相连,共度风风雨雨。 S1-02 Jay:The key to being a good dad? Sometimes things work out just the way you want.Sometimes they don’t. You gotta hang in there. Because when all is said and done, 90% of being a dad is just showing up. 成为好父亲的秘诀是什么?有时候事情会如你所愿,有时候则事与愿违,但你要坚持,因为当一切尘埃落地,一个好父亲的大部分特征就会自然出现。 S1-06 Claire:We do strange things for the people we love. We lie to them, we lie for them.There may be some bumps along the way, but we never stop wanting the best for them. That’s what makes it such a tough job, kind of the best job in the world. 我们常常为了深爱的人做些稀奇古怪的事情,我们对他们撒谎,我们为他们撒谎,或许生活中难免坎坷颠簸,但我们总希望他们过得尽善尽美,就像是肩负着最沉重的负担,但确实世上最甜蜜的负担。 S1-07 Jay:We tell our kids it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, but let’s be honest, winning feels pretty great. There’s nothing like that golden moment in the sun. I think every parent probably wants that for their child. And maybe a little bie for ourselves too. Sometimes we push too hard. And that leads to a lot of resentment and quilt. So, how much is too much? Here’s where I come out. Guilt fades. Hardware is forever. 我们教育孩子们说,输赢无所谓,但平心而论,胜利的感觉好极了。他们在阳光下的那一刻是无与伦比的美丽,也许每位家长都希望孩子能有这样的时刻,甚至希望自己也能这样。又是我们太苛求结果,结果导致许多怨恨和愧疚。怎样才不算过分呢?我的想法是,愧疚总会过去,奖牌才是硬道理。 S1-13 Mitchell:Can people change? I don’t know. People are who they are-give or take, yeah, 15%. That’s how much people can change if they really want to. Whether it’s for themselves or for the people they love. But you know what? Sometimes that’s just enough. 人会改变吗?我不知道。人们总是本性难移,加减个15%吧。如果真的想改变的话最多也就15%,不管是为了自己还是为了所爱的人改变。但是,有时候这样就足够了。 S1-16 Fill:Everybody’s afraid of something, right? Heights, clowns, tight spaces. Those are things you get over. But then there’s our children. Will they fit in? Will they be safe? Those are fears you never get past. So sometimes all you can do is take a deep breath, pull then close and hope for the best. I mean, things don’t always work out. But you gotta love it when they do. 每个人都有怕的东西,不是吗?怕高、怕小丑、怕窄小的空间,这些都可以克服。但是我们还有孩子,他们是否合群?是否安全?我们注定要担心一辈子。所以有时我们只能深呼吸,拥抱他们,希望一切安好。我是说,人不可能事事顺心,若事事顺心则要珍惜当下。

摩登家庭 -第2季第21集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

Okay, okay.Here she comes! Happy mother's day...oh! What are you wearing? You don't remember this shirt? You made it for me for mother's day in kindergarten. - It's adorable. - It's perverted. It looks like you were felt up - By that creepy guy around the coner. - Ew! Why him? 'cause he's got, like, freakishly tiny hands. Thank you! I cannot believe you kept that shirt. Of course I kept it. I'm your mother. I keep everything you make me. Please take that off. Oh, when I'm dead. Today is my special day, And I am gonna enjoy me some coffee. - You know that's a pencil holder, right? - Oh, I do now. Go first. - No, you can go first. - Manny, go first! No, Jay, you go first. Ah, somebody give me a present! Oh, Jay, a diamond necklace! Thank you! You deserve it. Go ahead, kid.

摩登家庭观后感 英文

Recently, I have watched a TV show whose name is Modern Family, It talks about the life of American family, In the episode 1 of season 10, It’s national day in America. The drama shows life of three family this day. In the first family, they are very happy for the day is reach, the old daddy is excited because he got the chance to become the grand marshal and respond for the parades today. But his wife isn’t happy today, because his son can’t reach her in time for his fear of driving through the bridge. She performed bad in the parades. two man are ready to record the video of the little boy for his mother who is in jail, however, the little boy can’t even sing a n alphabet song. How’s t he two man do? They try to use some shooting skill like editing to make the boy’s performance looks better, then, they failed. In the second family, the son is choosing some classer for college, At the same time, there will be a parent/child hot-dog-eating context today, which he and his father will both attend. They have been training for weeks, the father encouraged the son that they will defeat the team who has never defeated. However, the kid could not focus on the context because he needed to consider which class to choose. Through out the three family, we can know that all of them meet some trouble, but the story isn’t end here.


经典美剧推荐10部必看喜剧 2014-11-08酷酷口语 老友记(Friends) 导演:Kevin S.Bright 编剧:Marta Kauffman,David Crane 主演:Jennifer Aniston,Courteney Cox,Lisa Kudrow,Matthew Perry,Matt LeBlanc,David Schwimmer 是美国NBC电视台从1994年开播,连续播出了10年(1994-2004)的一部幽默情景喜剧。全剧一共10季,236集,每集大约24分钟左右。曾在1996年1月28日创下5,300万的收视记录,2004年5月6日播出的最后一集5250万收视记录。 故事主要描述了住在纽约的六个好朋友,从相识到后来一起经历了10年的生活中发生的一系列的故事。他们的职位一开始分别是数据监管员

(Chandler),厨师(Monica),博物馆古生物区负责人(Ross),演员(Joey),按摩师(Phoebe),咖啡馆服务员(Rachel)。 成长的烦恼(Growing Pains ) 出品公司:美国ABC 制片地区:美国 导演:约翰·特雷西、约翰·帕斯昆等 编剧:奥尼尔·马尔勒斯、大卫·肯德尔等 主演:艾伦·锡克,乔安娜·科恩斯,柯克·卡梅隆,特蕾茜·格尔德,杰瑞米·米勒,阿什丽·约翰逊 《成长的烦恼》是美国1985年至1992年间收视率最高的情景喜剧(sitcom)。它至今仍在中国的电视荧屏上播放。西佛一家人乐天豁达的性格给观众留下难忘的印象。该剧的演员阵容曾被制作人迈克尔·沙利文誉为“A级阵容”。作为80年代新兴起的以家庭为主轴的情景喜剧的代表作,《成长的烦恼》成功的向我们展现了一个美国郊区的多子女家庭的幸福生活。《成长的烦恼》的拍摄开始于1985年,结束于1992年。最早由美国广播电视公司于1985年9月24日开始放映。《成长的烦恼》的真实拍摄版本无疑于初始的剧本有些差距,这是演员的即兴表演造成的,而且作为一个情景喜剧,他也并没有始终保持他令人欢笑的特色,甚至穿插了几集悲剧,但这并不妨碍它成为当时最受欢迎的电视节目之一。无论如何,它是一部十分成功的电视剧,不仅在美国创下了收视率的纪录,还出口了数个国家,甚至左右了它之后的电视情景喜剧的发展方向。 生活大爆炸(The Big Bang Theory) 导演:James Burrows 编剧:查克·罗瑞/ 比尔·布拉迪 主演:吉姆·帕森斯/ 约翰尼·盖尔克奇/ 凯莉·库柯/ 西蒙·赫尔伯格/ 昆瑙·内亚/ 梅丽莎·劳奇/ 莎拉·吉尔伯特 类型:喜剧 制片国家/地区:美国 语言:英语/ 意大利语 首播日期:2007-09-24(美国) 单集片长:21 分钟 Leonard(Johnny Galecki 饰)和Sheldon(Jim Parsons 饰)是一对合起来智商超过360的疯狂科学家宅男。他们的科学家朋友还有风流的Wolowitz(Simon Helberg 饰)和从来不和女人说话的印度人。 最近,科学家宅男的对门搬来一个美女剧作家兼餐厅招待,Penny(Kaley Cuoco 饰)。宅男开始蠢蠢欲动了,于是诸多啼笑皆非的故事在几个朋友间“爆炸”开来。 破产姐妹(Broken girls)


S01E03 ---------------------- - Riley Morton coming up now. 赖利·莫顿上场 - Kelly at second. Started the inning with a double. 之后是凯利开局就是个漂亮的双杀 - That seems like an hour ago. 局势看起来跟一小时前一样 - Honey, I thought you were gonna take out the garbage. - I am. 亲爱的你不是要倒垃圾嘛 -是的 - High fly to right. Hooking, hooking- Foul. 右侧高飞球曲线飞出界外球 - Phil. - Yes. Getting it. 菲尔 -收到马上去 - I was- I was gonna get it. 我本来马上就要去倒的 - Dylan. - Hey, Mrs. Dunphy. 迪兰 -你好邓菲太太 - Um, I'm just waiting for Haley. 我在等海莉 - Did you ring the bell? - I texted. 你按门铃了吗 -我给她发短信了 - She said she'd be down in just a minute. 她说她马上就下来 - Oh, great. Tell her I said "Hi." - I will. 那好替我向她问好 -没问题 - Dylan! D-Money! 迪兰迪迪仔 - Chillin' with Dylan the villain!

摩登家庭 -第4季第21集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word版

- I didn't say anything. - Stop talking. -我什么都没说 -别说话了 That's talking. 是你在说话 You think she's asleep yet? 你觉得她睡着了吗 I'm on the same side of the door as you are. 我和你一样都在门外啊 . -别说话了 -小卡 Lily lost her first tooth today. 莉莉今天掉了第一颗牙 And she's very excited about the visit from the tooth fairy. 她现在非常期待牙仙子的到访When I have my first loose tooth, 我第一次有牙齿松动时 my mom tied one end of the string to it, 我妈将绳子一端系在那颗牙上 , 另一端系在奶牛的尾巴上 fired off a 12-gauge shotgun, 用12号猎枪开了一枪 and the cow went running out of the room. 奶牛跑出了房间 That never happened. 那是不可能的 Tell that to the cow-shaped hole in my bedroom wall. 你去看看我卧室里的奶牛型墙洞再说Gotcha! 抓住了 what are you doing here? 你们在这儿干嘛 You're not the tooth fairy. 你们又不是牙仙子 N-no. But we just wanted to see if she'd come yet. 不我们就是想来看看她来了没 No. She sure is taking her sweet time. 没呢看来她真的一点都不着急 - Maybe you should just go back to sleep, sweetie. - Yeah. -也许你该继续睡觉亲爱的 -对'cause it could take a while. 因为可能还要再等一会儿 I've got nowhere to be. 我时间多的是 Mom, I can't be late today. 妈我今天不能迟到 Sanjay Patel and I are dissecting a pig. 桑杰·帕特尔和我要解剖一头猪 So sad what passes for a date in your life. 你这辈子所谓的约会真可悲啊 - Haley. - He keeps asking me to hand him all of the instruments. -海莉 - 他老是让我拿工具给他


摩登家庭-s e a s o n-1-第一集-字母

Claire : Kids, breakfast! Kids? Phil, would you get them? Phil : Yeah, just a sec. Claire : Kids! Phil : That is so,.. Claire : Okay... Phil : Kids, get down here! Haley : Why are you guys yelling at us, when we're way upstairs, just text me. Claire : Alright, That's not gonna happen, and, wow, you're not wearing that outfit. Haley : What's Wrong with it? Claire : Honey, do you have anything to say to your daughter... about her skirt? Phil : Sorry? Oh yeah, that looks really cute sweetheart! Haley : Thanks! Claire : No, it's way to short, people know you're a girl, you don't need to prove it to them. Alex: Luke got his head stuck in the banister again. Phil : I got it. Where's the baby oil? Claire : It's on our bedside tip... I Don't know, find it. Come on! Claire : I... was out of control growing up, there, you know, i said it. I...I, I just don't want my kids to make the same bad mistakes i made. If Haley never would exhibit on a beach in Florida, half naked... I've done my job. Phil : Our job. Claire : Right... I've done our job. Gloria : Bravo Manny! Kick it! Kick it! Manny go! No! That was a penalty! Jay : Gloria, there Owen's six, Let's take it down a notch. Gloria : We're, very different. He's from the city. He has big business. I come from a small village, very poor, but very very beautiful. It's the number one village in North-Columbia for all the... what's the word? Jay : Murders. Gloria : Yes, the murders. Gloria : Manny, stop him! Stop him! Boy : Dammit, manny! a Mom : Come on, coach! You've gotta take that kid out! Gloria : You wanna take him out? How about I take you out!? Jay : Honey, honey... Gloria : Why don't you worry about your son! He's spend the first half with his hands in his pants! Josh : I've wanted to tell her that for the last six weeks... I'm Josh, Ryan's dad. Gloria : Hi, I'm Gloria Pritchett... Manny's mother. Josh : Oh, this must be your dad. Jay : Her dad? Uh, no, no, that's funny. Actually no, I'm her husband! Don't be fooled by the (iv) me a second here. Mitchell : Who's the good girl? Who's that? Old lady : Oh, She's adorable! Mitchell : Oh, thank you! Old lady : Hey precious... Mitchell : Hello. Hi, hi. We've just adopted her from Vietnam and we're bringing her home for the first time. Man : She's an angel. You and you're wife must be thrilled! Cameron : Sorry, sorry, sorry, Daddy needed snacks. Hi! So, what are we talking about? Mitchell : We have been together for... five, five years now? And we've decided we really wanted to have a baby... so, we initially asked one of our lesbian friends to be a surrogate. Cameron :Then we figured, they are already mean enough. Can you imagine one of them pregnant? No, thank you. Ekk...
