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1.How are you going to school everyday?Thank you very much for your help.

2.Would mind my opening the window?What day was it yesterday?

3.What's the weather like today?


I have three English books, two Chinese dictionaries and five pens.

Do you have a map in your hand? Yes, I do.


half an hour ran out of not at all



hot bath the next day a good deal of I don’t belie ve I don’t know

I want to say

朗读练习:A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed!"

2.The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.

"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"

"Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"



用My school life is rich and exciting …开头

参考答案:My school life is rich and exciting.

Every morning after I get up, I have some

physical exercise and then go to school with some

classmates by bike. In the morning we have four

lessons. I have lunch in the school dining room

and the meals are delicious there. I like to have

lunch with my friends. To me, lunchtime is also a time to communicate. In the afternoon after we have our lessons, we have many hobby groups, such as table tennis, football, basketball and swimming. Our school life is full of varieties and I enjoy it very much.


1.Topic: What do you usually do in your spare time?

参考答案:In my spare time, I usually go to the park or climb the mountain with my mother. On the one hand, it’s really good for my health. Because I can play sports in the park. Also I can breathe fresh air and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. On the other hand, it may help me communicate better with my mother. In a word, doing such things is good for me. So I usually do it!

2.Topic: Do you like keeping pets in your home ? Why(not)? 参考答案:I like keeping pets in my home. Even though keeping a pet takes time and costs money. I think pets will bring us a lot of fun. And it’s very necessary for children to have pets ,because sometimes we feel lonely and it also teaches us to be kind. Last year my uncle gave me a lovely dog . l like it very much. Every day after I have finished my homework ,I paly with it .When I am sad ,I talk to it ,and it makes me feel happy again . So I think pets can fill our life with pleasure.

3.Topic:Make a plan for next Sunday.

参考答案:Next Sunday I’m going to do many things. In the morning, I’m going to help my parents do some housework. After that I’m going to play basketball with my friends. In the

afternoon, I want to do some shopping with my mother and then visit my grandparents because they are old and need some help. In the evening I’d like to watch TV and do some reading. I think next Sunday I will be busy but relaxed.













Writing How to write an English diary Teaching aims: a) How to write an English diary. b) The form of English diaries. c) To improve the students’ writing ability. Important points: The skills of English writing. Difficult points: How to make every sentence appropriate and precise. Teaching procedure: Step I.Leading-in After exchanging greetings, talk about writing diaries and the advantages of writing in English.(As we know, most of the students, especially the girls, like writing diaries. But few of you write in English, which is a good way to improve your writing and speaking. So why not write English diaries? Today our topic is how to write English diaries.) Step II. Discussion First, give the students about three minutes to check their


高中英语优秀说课稿《Unit1JohnSnowdefeatsKingCholera》高中英语优秀说课稿《Unit1JohnSnowdefeatsKingCholera》 高中英语优秀说课稿《Unit1JohnSnowdefeatsKingCholera》 [编辑推荐]高中学生在学习中或多或少有一些困惑,xx的编辑为大家总结了高中英语优秀说课稿《Unit1JohnSnowdefeatsKingCholera》,各位考生可以参考。 一、教材分析 1、材的地位和内容 该课文JohnSnowDefeatsKingCholera是人教版高中英语必修5第一单元的一篇文章,这是一篇阅读课。文章介绍了有名医生JohnSnow是如何通过考察、分析和探究的科学方法,发现并控制霍乱这种传染疾病的。通过学习这篇课文,使学生感悟到科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解到科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。该课文出现了英语重要语法知识--过去分词的用法。 2、教学目标 根据该教材的特点以及高中英语课程标准,我拟定下列教学目标 1)语言知识目标 词汇:defeatattendexposecureoutbreakcontrolabsorbseverevaluablestrictpump 等 语法:过去分词作定语和表语 2)语言技能目标 练习并培养学生的听、说、读和写的能力,侧重培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力 3)情感目标 培养学生的科学探索精神,培养学生科学人文精神相融合的素养 4)学习策略目标 学生通过阅读理解、互动交流以及完成任务过程中进行有效地自我调控,通过各种途径获取相关信息,并运用有效教学资源


高中英语口语教学设计与实践 发表时间:2012-06-29T08:31:53.343Z 来源:《中学课程辅导·教学研究》2012年第28期供稿作者:王福娣[导读] 培养学生英语口语交际的能力是高中英语教学的重要目标。王福娣 摘要:培养学生英语口语交际的能力是高中英语教学的重要目标。教师可充分利用英语口语教学的重要阵地——课堂,进行多样式的口语教学设计,创造有信息沟的会话情景,使学生进行有效的口语交际。关键词:英语口语教学;口语交际;口语教学设计《广东省普通高中英语新课程标准》(实验稿)明确指出,语言运用是在实际当中对语言的使用,是一种语言行为,语言行为是社会行为,运用语言进行社会交往的能力是交际能力。英语教学要把培养学生用英语进行交际的能力作为重要的教学目标。根据2011年广东省新的高考方案,所有考生都要求参加英语口语考试,并将口语成绩纳入到高考英语总成绩中。由此看来,高中英语教师有效地进行英语口语教学便显得尤为重要了。 雷弗斯(Revers)认为,当我们说和写时,我们依赖于我们口头知道的东西。英语课堂是学习英语、练好口语本领的重要阵地。高中英语教师在口语课堂教学任务设置时,应当遵循以下几个原则:情景性、交互性、真实性、功能性和综合性。一个成功的语言交际行为必须符合四个条件:交际动机、交际内容、交际对象以及说话人和听话人之间的交际信息差距(信息沟)。因此,在高中英语课堂中,为了让学生能进行有效的口语交际,教师需在口语教学设计中多下功夫,创造出有信息沟的会话情景。 通过教学实践,笔者认为,在高中英语口语课堂教学中可采用以下几种教学设计: 一、课前三分钟英语演讲(speech) 每节英语课前,由科代表组织同学轮流上台说英语,至少三分钟(一节课轮一位学生),主题和题材不限。英语成绩较差的学生可大声朗读一篇自己有心得体会的文章。为了确保学生都有话可说,笔者根据学生的实际和特点,在不同的学习阶段,给学生提供一些他们感兴趣的“热门”话题。例如:在学生刚入学或分班后,让学生用英语自我介绍(内容可包括“my interest/hobby, my family members, my friends, my hometown”等),或谈谈my new school life , my new deskmate ,my new teacher 或my dormitory等。若遇上有班级活动,如校运会、元旦晚会等。笔者则提前给他们话题:How are the players in your class getting prepared for the sports meeting? How did the payers in your class work hard to win the game? How are you going to celebrate the New Year?英语测试、中段考试或期末考试前后,笔者也会设置一些“热点”问题供他们选择。如:How are you getting ready for the coming exam?(schedule/timetable etc.) Are you satisfied with the result of the exam ? Why? Why not? What’s your study goal in the future ? What are you going to do next ?这些话题紧跟学生生活节奏、贴近学生生活, 都是他们关心的话题,有信息沟。自然,在演讲中学生便会有话可说,而听众(其他学生)也对演讲者的回答非常感兴趣,所以定会洗耳恭听。为了进一步激发全班学生参与说英语的热情,班级其他学生为演讲者打分,评选出每周或每月的“演讲之星(the best one)”。 二、看图说英语 教师可以呈现一幅或多幅图画,让学生用英语描述图画内容或把他们串成一个故事。考虑学生的实际,有时可提供关键词、短语或句型,以降低口语表述难度。这样,几乎每位学生均能说出几个句子来,说英语的自信心会足些。例如,NSEFC Student’s Book1 Unit 4 Using language 部分第3小题题中有四枚邮票(Stamps of new Tangshan),教师可先让学生分小组讨论:What can you see in Stamp1…Stamp4? Can you imagine how the people in Tangshan rebuilt their city? What can you learn about Tangshan from these stamps? 小组之间进行有效的口语交际,组员之间交流就是获得信息的过程,而且也照顾了英语后进生。结果在表演中,学生积极参与、反应热烈,都能说出这样的句子:Stamp1:There ae many new houses where people can live. Around the new houses, there are many green trees. They are like gardens, very beautiful.这样一来,学生都有话说,能用简单的英语表述图画中最直观的内容。最大限度地激发了学生开口说英语的热情。又如:NSEFC Student’s Book 4 Unit4 Listening and speaking (To drive or not to drive) 其中有六幅图展示了一场交通事故的过程和结局。首先笔者介绍故事中的主人公,然后让学生用英语表述故事的发展。考虑到学生对交通事故这一场景不太熟悉,笔者便在图片后附上如下关键词句,以帮助学生顺畅表达。 Look out ! /Watch out! It’s my/your fault. I didn’t do it on purpose. You must pay for… You’ll need to … Be careful when… You’ll have to say sorry to ….. You’ll be fined (200) yuan . 三、角色扮演(Role-play) 角色扮演(Role-play)是要求学生扮演特定环境中的特定角色,谈话的内容、方式必须与角色的身份相吻合(Richards,1985)。它可以培养学生的英语口语运用能力及在特定语境中的反应能力。也是一种最能调动学生说英语的积极性、主动参与英语课堂的有效教学设计。活动开始前,教师应向学生明确任务(task)。 例如,NSEFC Student’s Book2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 的Speaking 部分设计了这样一个角色扮演活动:Imagine you are with the dodo and you try to hep it. Talk in pairs about what you might do. 如果仅给这样几个活动要求,能力较差的学生可能找不到合适的词语或讨论的要点。此时,笔者利用了如下提示表格以降低难度。 Intention Purpose I’m going to help the dodo I intend/mean/plan to hide it in a cave I will trap man as he kills a dodo I feel like attack man myself I’d like to teach man how to be friends


Teaching Plan for Book 5 Unit5First Aid Reading: First Aid for Burns 白水县尧禾中学于李娟教案背景: 《英语》(人教版)必修五是供高中二年级上学期使用,这本教材以培养学生综合运用语言能力为根本,全面准确地体现了新的英语课程标准,必修五教材共有五个单元。每个单元由Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, Learning About Language, Using Language 这六部分组成。这一课讲的是Reading 部分。 教学课题: 新标准英语(人教版)必修五Unit5 First Aid中Reading: First Aid For Burns 教材分析: 新标准英语(人教版)必修五Unit 5 First Aid 是讨论对不同的情况采取什么急救措施。本节课Reading部分:First Aid For Burns陈述皮肤对人体的重要性,然后介绍烧伤的各种起因,三种不同的烧伤程度以及它们所表现出的主要症状和所应采取的急救措施。 教学方法: 任务型教学法、直观演示法、TPR教学法 Teaching Goals: 1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge. 2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid

treatment for burns correctly. 3. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each para./ part & each passage . Key Teaching Points: How to improve the Ss’ reading ability. Difficult points: 1. How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage. 2. How to help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. Teaching methods: 1. Skimming & scanning methods to make the Ss get a good understanding of the text. 2. Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what they’ve learned in class. 3. Pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities. 4. Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss’ interest. Teaching aids: The normal teaching tools Knowledge aims: 1.Get the students to learn the following useful new words and


高中英语优秀说课稿 I. Analysis of learners: They are students of senior 1, who are learners of different comprehending levels. Although they have finished Module 1, some of them have adapted themselves to senior studies while most of them are still struggling in reading class. They need further guidance from the teacher and help from their peers. Besides, more practice is necessary and more learning strategies should be developed. (点评:对学生的适应性、学习需求等分析得很到位。学生学习本课在英语语言能力、英语知识 等方面的起始状态的分析略显不足。) II. Analysis of the teaching material: The strange history of the Amber Room, a cultural relic, is told in the reading passage. It is written chronologically and the structure of the story is well–organized. The first paragraph is a good sample of how to describe an object while the other four paragraphs tell a story. The language in this passage is clear and simple. There are few long complicated sentences in it. Although there are some proper nouns, they ad dto no difficulty in understanding the passage if proper guidance is offered by the teacher. Therefore the passage is designed to be taught in two periods. Period 1: Reading comprehension. Period 2: Learning how to write about a cultural relic and its history.


H e a l t h y f ood口语教学设计 T e a c h i n g O b j e c t i v e s(教学目标): 一、知识技能目标: 1. 认识并掌握有关食物及健康饮食习惯的单词、词组; 2. 用英语表达哪些是健康食物,哪些是垃圾食物,以及为什么; 3. 总结平衡膳食的定义,并且能提出一些健康建议。 二、情感态度目标:了解有关营养饮食的基本常识和培养健康的饮食习惯。 三、文化意识目标:了解外国的不同饮食习惯,培养和扩大文化意识。 ◆教学重难点: 1. 教学重点:如何区分健康食品以及垃圾食品并且会用英语表达;. 2. 教学难点: 教会学生如何自如表达自己的意见和建议并且帮助学生总结出平 衡膳食的定义。 ◆教学方法: 1. Pair work and Group work (小组合作,交流式教学) 2. Discussion and cooperative learning (自主探究、合作探究) 3. Task-based approach (任务式教学) ◆教学步骤: Part 1 导入(Warming up) 1. 以一句话:“Everybody needs foods, so do I”及麦当劳、肯德基的相关饮 食引入话题。 (1-2 分钟) (For example: “Have you had lunch or breakfast in McDonald’s or KFC? Do you like the food there? Which one do you prefer?”The purpose of this part is to stimulate Ss’interest and call their attention to the topic. ) Part 2 知识展示(presentation) 1、在电脑屏幕上展示食物的图片,然后把学生分成两组竞赛,看哪组的同学认 识的食物单词多,然后教师教导朗读(5-6 分钟) 2、老师先展示如何使用句型:“ I think that (or the food name) is junk/healthy food because….”来描述什么是健康食品,什么是垃圾食品。然 后把学生按 4 人分成一组进行讨论练习,老师给出了对话该涉及的内容范围:What is the name of the food? / What nutrition(营养物质)does it mainly contain? (10 分钟) Part 3: 活动任务--- 做调查报告(10 分钟) 给学生发一张表格,引导学生按照表格询问周围 3 个左右的同学,了解同学间的 饮食习惯,并能提出一些健康建议,提问两个左右的同学课堂展示。 通过课间上的文字以及图片了解一些国外,比如英国,美国的饮食习惯。 Part5. 定义平衡膳食(5 分钟左右) 老师在课件上展示食物金字塔图,让学生了解饮食的营养应如何平衡,然后布置 作业:让学生自己给自己制定一份理想的食谱。


一、测试目的 高中生英语口语等级测试的目的是:落实《英语课程标准》的要求,促进中学英语教学改革,提高学生综合语言运用能力,从而进行一步推进素质教育。 二、测试要求 高中生英语等级测试分两级:一级和二级。两个等级的具体要求如下: 一级: (一)能比较连贯地朗读所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文,语音语调基本正确。(二)能根据所读短文的内容回答问题。 二级:(一)能运用"话题项目表",围绕日常生活中的有关话题进行交谈,不少于6句话。(二)能以简短的语句介绍本人、家庭、班级、学校、某地、某人等情况。要求清楚地、比较流畅地表达主要意思,不少于10句话。 三、测试内容 (一)所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文 (二)"功能意念项目表"中相关内容 "话题项目表"中相关内容 四、试卷构成 测试采用口试方式进行,共四大题,满分为40分。 一级 (一)朗读短文(10分) 1.目的:测试语音、句子重音、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升调和降调等以及流畅程度。 2.要求:能比较流利地朗读一篇所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文。(二)回答问题(10分) 1.目的:测试对所读短文的掌握情况。 2.要求:能根据短文内容回答所提问题。 二级 (三)情景对话(10分) 1.目的:测试对日常交际用语的掌握情况。 2.要求:能根据所给情景提示进行交谈,不少于6句话。 (四)话题简述(10分) 1.目的:测试连续说话的能力。 2.要求:能按题目和提示要点连续说一段话,清楚地表达主要意思,不少于10 句话。 五、例卷及评分标准 例卷 1.用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(10分) In English, many words sound quite similar, so misunderstandings among English-speaking people are not uncommon.. Once a man got on a bus for New York. He hid in the toilet, because he did not want to pay. But a passenger saw him. She tapped the person in front of her on the shoulder and said, "There's a bum in the toilet. Tell the bus driver." The message was passed from person to person. But somewhere along the way, it changed. The bus driver was told that there was a bomb in the toilet .He immediately stopped the bus telephoned the police. When the police arrived,


公开课教案 Xxx Model 1 How Good Are Your Social Skills? Lear ning Aims: 1. Learn some words related to social manners. 2. Get a gen eral un dersta nding of social skills using differe nt readi ng strategies 3. Be able to summarize some basic social skills mentioned in the passage and thus improve their own social techniques Step 1 lead-in What kind of book is it from? A. a bus in ess course

B. a how-to book teach ing social skills Step 2 while- readi ng Skip to get the main idea of each paragraph. Lear n how to do small talk Develop your liste ning skill. Lear n the rules. The gen eral idea is _____ . A. social skills B. liste ning skills C. talk skills D. social rules Step 3 read the passage carefully to get some detailed in formati on. 1. We will not be shy if we have good ____________ . 2. Accord ing to paragraph land 2 ,We should ______ . A. avoid talk ing to some one whom you know B. lack the con fide nce to talk to a stra nger C. talk con fide ntly to a stra nger 3. Communication is a __________ process」t invoIves _______ and ________ . Step 4post- readi ng


高二英语课堂教学设计案例 (高二选修六Unit2 Poems 第一课时Warming up & Reading) 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 英语教学是一种动态教学或活动教学,教学过程是交际活动过程。只有从组织教学活动入手,大量地进行语言实践,使英语课堂交际化,才能有效地培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。新课标提出:“外国语是学习文化科学知识,获取世界各方面信息和进行国际交往的重要工具。”和“……发展听、说、读、写的基本技能,提高初步运用英语进行交际的能力,……”。结合本年段国家级子课题“高中英语阅读理解策略的形成性评价”的实施和本班学生的实际,对教材进行了操作性较强的处理。 二、教学背景分析 (一)教学内容分析: 本单元以Poems为话题,从学生初次接触英文诗歌,扩展到英文诗歌创作的动机、有关诗歌的一些基本知识(包括诗歌的种类、风格)等。旨在通过本单元的学习,使学生在初步了解和掌握英文诗歌这一文学形式的基本常识的基础上,进行简单的诗歌创作。本课时是人教版高二英语选修六Unit 2的第一课时。在这一课时里,我将Warming up, Pre-reading和Reading部分整合成了一篇阅读课。通过这一课时的学习,学生从回顾所学中文诗歌到说出自己最喜欢的中文诗歌并阐明理由;然后通过快速阅读Reading部分了解几种形式简单的英语诗歌,从而激发他们诗歌创作的热情! (二)学生情况分析: 本节课的教学对象是高二学生,他们很理解中文诗歌的种类、风格、特色,对诗歌的学习充满了兴趣,想知道中英文诗歌是否一样?他们具有丰富的想象力和活跃的思维,具有一定的分析和解决问题的能力。虽说大部分学生的基础知识比较薄弱,英语交际能力和思维能力不好,但他们都渴望得到老师和同学的理解和认可,有些学生基础较好,认知能力和表现能力较好,因此,要设计出符合他们认知范围和感兴趣的教案,因材施教,让全班学生都投入到教学中来。 三、教学目标分析


大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期: 2008-2009学年第一学期 学时 18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象 2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to: 1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information should be collected before the class. (about 10 minutes)


高中一年级如何上好中学英语口语课 中学英语教学大纲规定,中学英语教学的目的,是对学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,培养学生在口头 上和书面上初步运用英语的能力。因此,听、说、读、写是学习语言的四个必要环节。而学英语,就其本质来讲,是一门实践课,要学好英语,就必须在口语会话等方面有所熟练,能够流利地用英语进行交谈,听懂英语,所以,作为中学英语教师,我们有必要探讨和研究口语教学法,上好口语课。 口语教学的目的是培养学生的口头表达能力,使学生能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能就所 听的材料或熟悉的题材进行对话或连贯发言。口头表达必须符合语法、语音、语调的规范和使用恰当的词汇。 但大部分学生存在的问题是英语听说能力差,尤其是听力差。因此,针对这些缺陷,在培养学生的书面英语能 力外,设法提高学生的听说能力,只有这样,才能更好地掌握好这门语言。因而,我认为在中学英语口语课中应 该“以听导说”,即口语教学必须同听力训练有机结合。在教学中,必须从学生实际情况出发,多听,多讲。那么,教师该如何 指导学生上好口语课呢?我认为应从以下几方面着手: 一、克服心理障碍,培养学生兴趣。 大部分学生上口语课时不敢或不愿开口说英语。主要是由于胆小、被动、怕出错等心理原因造成的。教师 在课堂上要用英语教学,给学生多听多说的机会。在课堂上最好少做个别提问,多以组为单位开展口语活动。 一般说来,小组最好仅由 2~5 人组成。这样每个学生说话的机会就多,且不会冷落任何人。如:可将一个班 分成若干组,每组 5 人。然后给出一个主题(topic),如:What do you think of smoking?让小组各成员轮流发言 谈谈自己对吸烟的看法。A: I think we should forbid people smoking, because smoking is harmful to people's health… B: Cigarette contain many drugs, which may make people spiritless, … C: Smoking wastes people's time and money, …接着轮到其他两位同学,这样既调动了他们的积极性,使他们有话可谈,又培养了他们的兴趣,此外,也使同学之间相互了解、沟通。兴趣提高了,学生就没心理负担,可以尽情表达思想,提高口语能力。 二、选好材料教学。 可以选一些语言清晰、语速规范、易于模仿、故事短小、精悍、情节性强,且语言有趣味性和幽默的材料, 也可选一些日常会话或者学生比较熟悉而又可帮助学生获得英语国家文化风俗的对话。总之,所选材料的难度要低 于学生的听力水平。这样,学生才不会感到有很大的压力,才能使学生集中精力进行口语练习。 三、将听力训练放在首位。 英语会话主要涉及听、说两方面。而这两方面又是相互影响、相互制约的。要达到语言交谈,首先要听懂,然后才好开口,否则,难以达到交流的目的。为训练好听力,可采取下列做法:第一、课堂上用英语讲课。使学生尽可能用英语思维,养成习惯,增强语感。第二、开展电化教学。通过看英文录相、电影,也可提高听力。第三、选择材料进行泛听。如:《同步听力》、《阳光英语》、《听力必备》等等,让学生想说、想听、必说、必听、爱说、爱听进行学习,尽快提高口语。 四、教学中坚持循序渐进的原则。


A teaching design Teacher Hongli Dong Analysis on Learners Senior high students are eager to learn something knowledgeable and interesting. They have their own opinions and attitudes. They're not content with the limited knowledge obtained from the textbooks. Their abstract thinking and cognitive capability have developed a lot. So I must try my best to help them keep up their passion, develop the feeling of success and build up good values. Analysi s On the Teachin g Materia l Teaching Content The content of my lesson is a reading material, through the learning of which, I ’ll enable students to know more about Jackie Chan, his life career and the qualities that lead to his success. At the same time, make Ss aware of the question-and-answer format in an interview and learn how to conclude a question from the answer. Teaching Aims Knowledge (1)The Ss can learn question-and-answer format in an interview. (2) The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about Jackie Chan ’s life career and form their own opinion about success. A bilities (1) To develop the Ss ’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing (2) To improve Ss' reading abilities, especially their skimming and scanning abilities. (3) To train the Ss ’ abilities of studying by themselves and through cooperating. Emotion Learn from Jackie Chan and understand the way to success is not smooth. Put the moral education in the process of study. Importan t Points What qualities are required to be successful? Difficul t Points Help students to conclude the questions of interviewers according to Jackie Chan ’s answers. Teaching Methods 1. Communicative Approach 2. Task-based Language Teaching 3. Total Situational Action Teaching Aids A computer and a multi-media courseware. Teaching Procedures Students ’ Activities Purpose Step 1 Lead in (3 min) Greeting. T: Hello, everyone! Do you have an idol? Ss: yes. Arouse students' interest and

最新-高中英语 说课稿评优课一等奖说课稿 新人教版 精品

牛津高中英语说课稿评优课一等奖说课稿(全英文) 牛津高中英语说课稿评优课一等奖说课稿(全英文)牛津高中英语说课稿 以下是全市高中英语教师评优课一等奖的全英文说课稿,现注销来,希望对大家有点帮助, 说课的内部实质意义是《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)第11板块第2单元Project 中的阅读材料。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemanx Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach readingx In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategiesx In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independentlyx My teachellong plan will incl ude 3 sectionsx They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teachellong aims and teachellong proceduresx Section 1 Analysis of the teachellong material The selected teachellong material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with Englishx The article is about British students who take a gap year, whelloch is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a jobx After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two uni2ue charact eristicsx First, it’s a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual textsx Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap yearx The topic is unfamiliar to most studentsx Section 2 Indentifying the teachellong aims Based on the analysis of the teachellong material, I have chosen the following as the teachellong aims of my lesson: The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged textx The 2nd aim: Students get a better understanding of what a gap year isx The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaningx The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expression_r_r_r_r_rs or approaches to express the same thellong or ideax Section 3 Teachellong procedures In order to achelloeve the teachellong aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teachellong as the main teachellong approachx With the teachellong methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies toprehend the text, solve problems andplete different tasksx The teachellong procedures include four partsx They’re getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the textx Part 1x Getting ready Reading begins before a book is openedx It’s important to activate students’ existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the textx In thellos part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students’ concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for readingx The part consists of two tasks: Task 1: A time machellonex I start my lesson by asking senior
