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第6周 语音练习

第6周 语音练习
第6周 语音练习

1. Es mediodía y Pablo quiere ir a almorzar.

2. Antes de almorzar, Gloria quiere beber algo.

3. Pablo le dice a Gloria que por casualidad tiene una botella de agua.

4. Pablo quiere ir a almorzar a un peque?o restaurante.

5. Después de la fiesta la sala está sucia y desarreglada.

6. Primero, Beatriz retira los platos, los vasos y las copas y los lleva a la cocina.

7. Ella pone en la estantería los libros, los periódicos y las revistas.

8. Por último, Beatriz saca una fregona y la pasa por todo el suelo.

9. Después de limpiar la casa, la muchacha se sienta en el sofá, saca una revista y se pone a leer.


Yo estoy nosotros,tras estamos Tú estás vosotros, tras estáis

él,ella, usted está

ellos, ellas, ustedes están

Yo estoy muy bien.

Mi madre está muy bien.

Estamos muy ocupados/ contentos.

Mi casa está en el centro de la ciudad.

?Dónde está tu casa/universidad/ el hospital?

--?Cómo estás/ está el vaso?

--Estoy enfermo/contento/triste/Feliz

--Está roto.

A: Hola, buenas tardes. ?Cómo estás? B: estoy bien/ mal. Gracias. ?Y tú?

A: más o menos./Regular. Gracias.


Yo soy nosotros,tras somos

Tú eres vosotros, tras sois

él,ella, usted es ellos, ellas, ustedes son

(Nosotros)somos amigos.

él es un estudiante chino.

Yo soy profesora.

?Eres Elena? Soy Celia,/ cantonés Manolo:Hola, buenos días. ?Es usted Lola?

Lola:Buenos días. Sí, me llamo/soy Lola. ?Y ustedes, quiénes son? Manolo: Somos Pepe y Manolo. él es Pepe y yo soy Manolo. Somos amigos. Lola:?Son espa?oles?

Manolo: Yo soy espa?ol. él es paname?o.

Lola: ?Son estudiantes?

Manolo: Sí. Somos estudiantes de chino.

?Es usted profesora?

Lola:Sí. Soy profesora de espa?ol. Manolo: Mucho gusto.



Yo tengo nosotros,tras tenemos

Tú tienes vosotros, tras tenéis él,ella, usted tiene ellos, ellas, ustedes tienen

Tengo un libro.

Tenemos cuatro clases

él tiene 20 a?os.

--?Cuantós a?os tienes?

--Tengo 18 a?os.


领读音频下载密码:654321 音频文件发送到这个邮件:gavinpronounce@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/836229879.html,发送成功之后会收到一封自动回复邮件,特别提醒要以附件的格式发送音频文件,别忘了给音频文件命名 语音专项练习1 five [faiv] love [l?v] over ['?uv?] eleven [i'lev?n] twelve [twelv] ship [?ip] she [?i:] finish ['fini?] delicious [di'li??s] short [??:t] show [??u] three [θri:] nothing ['n?θi?]northwest ['n?:θ'west]southeast ['sauθ'i:st] fifth [fifθ]third [θ?:d]birthday ['b?:θdei] month [m?nθ]n.月ninth [nainθ]eighth [eitθ] health [helθ]twelfth [twelfθ]everything ['evriθi?]tooth [tu:θ] pleasure ['ple??] unusual [?n'ju:?u?l] 语音专项练习2 give [ɡiv] above [?'b?v] river ['riv?] very ['veri] heavy ['hevi] vegetable ['ved?it?bl] every ['evri] volleyball ['v?lib?:l] shoe [?u:] n 鞋 sheep [?i:p] n 绵羊sure [?u?]adv&adj的确,一定确信的,肯定的 think [θi?k] v 想,认为mouth [mauθ] n 嘴thirsty ['θ?:sti] adj 口渴的 throw [θr?u] v 投,掷decision [di'si??n] n 决定pleasure ['ple??] n 愉快;高兴 语音专项练习3 five [faiv] love [l?v] have [h?v] expensive [iks'pensiv] never ['nev?] adv November [n?u'vemb?] invent [in'vent] move [mu:v] invite [in'vait] even ['i:v?n] video ['vidi?u] solve [s?lv] clever ['klev?] active ['?ktiv] university [,ju:ni'v?:siti] fish [fi?] station ['stei??n] wish [wi?] delicious [di'li??s] push [pu?] both [b?uθ] thin [θin] decision [di'si??n] pleasure ['ple??] 语音微变化实证研究4 review [ri'vju:] v several ['sev?r?l] 几个;environment [in'vai?r?nm?nt] n 环境however [hau'ev?] 然而invention [in'ven??n] 发明,创造relative ['rel?tiv] n 亲属discover [dis'k?v?] v 发现,发觉serve [s?:v] v 服务prevent [pri'vent] v 防止receive [ri'si:v] v 接受deserve [di'z?:v] v 应得victim ['viktim] n 受害者alive [?'laiv] adj 活着的shine [?ain] v 照亮,发亮rubbish ['r?bi?] n 垃圾;废物rush [r??] v 冲;奔跑ocean ['?u??n] n 海洋shy [?ai]腼腆的shut [??t] v 关shape [?eip]


1.Read the following words in phonetic symbols. [k?n'tempr?ri] [f?,mili'?r?ti] ['n?n??l?ntli] ['helik?pt?] [hai'p?θ?sis] ['simbliz?m] [,k?mpri'hen?n] [?'pri:??bl] [,simp?'θetik] ['rel?tivli] [,inik'spensiv] [dis'k?rid3i?] ['?grik?lt??] [k?n'vi:ni?ns] [si'kju?r?ti] [di'sti?ɡwi??bl] [,ɑ:ti'fi?l] [f?'siliteit] [?'pr?ksimitli] [,?k?'demik] [?'pendiks] [k?m'pli:tli] [dis'kw?lifai] [?'pendiks] [k?m'pli:tli] [dai'k?t?mi] [,kw?lifi'kei?n] [?:'t?n?m?s] ['st?ndstil] [hju:,m ili'ei?n] [,ind?u'ni:zj?n] [mi'k?nik] [,h?spi't?l?ti] [?'n?l?sis] [,?:t?'m?tikli] [in'?dikw?t] [,ɡ?r?n'ti:] [dai'k?t?mi] [,kw?lifi'kei?n] [si'kju:rait] ['herit?bl] [,ini'kw?l?ti] [klai'm?kt?rik] ['we?r?bauts] ['pesimiz?m] ['n?n??l?ns] [,d ik'teit??ip] ['d3?:n?list] [i,m?nsi'pei?n] [?:'t?n?m?s] 2.Read the following words. identification individuality believed languages educationalist collected clothes announcement desert(v.) moon contrast(v.) zone washed washes blown known stone protest(n.) delivered Marx’s well-known increase(n.) transportation kicked Jones’s entertainment received months spoon produce(n.) moon object(v.) administrative praised truths stone perfect(v.) modernize engagement changed Marx’s noon increase(v.) dragged voices drown desert (n.) uniqueness 3.Read the following phrases. ?first of all a cold drink great changes ?father and mother leave me alone as a matter of fact ?at midnight great concern just at the moment ? a bottle of ink run up againt a bad cold


一:名词解释 1.声源:因振动而发声的物体叫做声源 2.振幅:空气质点振动幅度叫做“振幅”,即空气质点在振动时离开平衡位置的最大偏移量。 3.基音:组成复音的各个纯音振幅不同,频率也不同,其中频率最低、振幅最大的叫基音。 4.共振:如果两个物体的固有频率相同,其中一个在外力的作用下发出声音,另一个物体受到相同频率的空气质点运动的影响,也会发出声音来,这种现象叫做声音的共振(共鸣)。 5.浊音生源:气流通过声门时,使声带颤动,产生周期性声波,就是浊音。 6.紊音声源:发音器官的某一部分紧缩成非常窄小的通路,气流通过时形成紊乱的湍流,产生嘶嘶的噪声,就是紊音。 7.瞬音声源:发音器官的某一部分紧缩到完全不让气流通过,使气流产生比较强的压力,然后突然放开,气流瞬时间冲出去,产生一种非常短暂的瞬时爆破音。 8.开放型音段:气流从喉腔、咽腔进入口腔从唇腔出去时,这些声腔完全开放,气流能够顺利通过,这样产生的最小音段就是开放型的。 9.封闭性音段:如果这条通路的某一部分封闭起来,气流被阻不能畅通,这样产生的最小音段就是封闭型的。 10.半元音:如果发音时开口度很小,接近于封闭状态,气流外出时只受到极轻微的阻碍,这时发出来的声音就是介于元音和辅音之间的声音。这种处于元音和辅音之间的声音可以称为“半元音”。 11.单元音:不和其他元音结合就能在音节中单独存在的元音叫做单元音。 12.塞音:持阻阶段阻碍完全闭塞,使气流无法通过,声音短暂间歇,维持到除阻阶段,阻碍突然放开,气流骤然冲出,形成极为短暂的瞬音。 13.擦音:持阻阶段阻碍并不完全闭塞,让气流挤出去形成湍流,产生紊音。 14.塞擦音:成阻阶段阻碍完全闭塞,气流无法通过;进人持阻阶段后阻碍略略放松,让气流挤出去产生摩擦,形成一种先塞后擦的音,称为“塞擦音”。 15.鼻音:成阻阶段口腔里形成的阻碍完全闭塞,但软腭下降,打开气流通往鼻腔的通路,在持阻阶段气流能顺利从鼻腔出去,形成鼻音。 16.边音:舌尖形成阻碍不让气流通过,但舌头两边或一边留出空隙,让气流从舌边流出,这样发出的声音称为“边音”。 17.颤音:发音器官中双唇、舌尖和小舌的肌肉都具有一定的弹性,当气流通过时这些部位受气流冲击产生颤动,发出来的声音就是“颤音”。 18.闪音:如果舌尖不是连续颤动而只是弹动一次,轻轻一闪,就是舌尖闪音。 19.通音:持阻阶段口腔的通路接近于开放,气流通过时只产生极轻微的摩擦,甚至可以没有摩擦,称为“通音”或“无擦通音”。 20.复元音:一个音节内部,两个或者三个元音相连而组成的元音群。 21.复辅音:一个音节内部,由两个或者三个辅音相连而构成的辅音群。 22.音连:从一个音到另一个音,中间必然经历的过渡阶段,叫做音联,又叫做音渡。 23.声调:音高是言语中不可缺少的物理因素,具有区别音节意义的音高就是“声调”。 24.调类:把一种语言中出现的所有的调值加以归类,的出来的类别就是调类。 25.语流音变:语流内的一连串音紧密连接,发音部位和发音方法不断改变,有时因前后音互相影响,使语音发生明显的临时变化,这种语音变化就是“语流音变”。 26.同化作用:不相同的音在语流中相互影响变得发音相同或相似,这种音变称为同化


做语音题,有诀窍! 方法: 7看________ \划线宇母不同, 发音一 __________ |特殊情况字母G 放在单词前面发/ £放在单词里面发/ 判断下列单词划线部分发音是( T)否(F)相同。 ).dad hate (_ ). cake Kate ).map at_ ).kite is _ _). this rice ( ).Coke hot ).hope dog (_ ). note not ).big pig_

二.读单词,选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( )1. A. n ame _B. cake C._cap D. baby ()2. A. pho ne B. hot _D. box ()3. A. his B亠six C. it _ D. light _ ()4. A. get B. let C. bed_ D. he _ ()5. A. cute B. un der C._excuse D. use_ 三.读单词,选出与所给单词发音相同的单词。 ( )1. n ame _A. cake B._cap _ ()1. bag A. dad B. big _ ()1. five A. fine B. six _ _ ()1. nose A丄not B. note ()1. pig A. quite B_pe ncil _ 读方框中的单词,根据读音规则把单词归类,并按书写要求写在四线格内pig nice cake bike fat six date cap kite big milk bag win lot face rose hat kite doll game home home side n ame Tom dig rat time Tim doll


( ) 6、A.water B.want C.wash A)、从下列四个选项中找出一个与其他三个画线部分读音不同的 D.watch 选项。 ( ) 7、A.dance B.change C.basket ( ) 1、A.mouth B.round C.group D.father D.ground ( ) 8、A.idea B.dead C.head ( ) 2、A.days B.bags C.pens D.ready D.maps ( ) 9、A.beat B.each C.really ( ) 3、A.glass B.fast C.pass D.weak D.want ( )10、A.live B.rise C.fine ( ) 4、A.shine B.police C.wife D.smile D.tidy ( ) 5、A.name B.face C.hate ( )11、A.film B.child C.wish 1

2 ( )12、A .most B .shop C . cost D .copy ( )13、A .some B .woman C . cover D .above ( )14、A .you B .touch C . country D .trouble ( )15、A .music B .pupil C . student D .June ( )16、A .star B .party C . warm D .March ( )17、A .word B .work C . worry D .worse D .clean ( )19、A .headache B .chair C .teach D .change ( )20、A .white B .right C .give D .behind ( )21、A .face B .skate C .wake D .have ( )22、A .cake B .plane C .name D .many ( )23、A .what B .whole C .which D .white ( )24、A .headache B .Christmas C .machine


第一章绪论”习题答案 “绪论”思考和练习一 一、什么是现代汉民族共同语?它是怎样形成的? 现代汉民族的共同语就是“以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话”。 现代汉民族共同语是在北方话基础上形成的。在形成的过程中,北京话占有特殊的地位。早在唐代,北京已是北方军事要镇。北京是辽、金、元、明、清各代的都城。近千年来,北京一直是我国政治、经济、文化的中心,北京话的影响越来越大。一方面,它作为官府的通用语言传播到了全国各地,发展成为“官话”,另一方面,白话文学作品更多地接受了北京话的影响。 本世纪初,特别是“五四”运动以后,掀起了“白话文运动”,动摇了文言文的统治地位;另一方面,“国语运动”的开展促使北京语音成为全民族共同语的标准音。两个运动互相推动和影响,这就使得书面语和口语接近起来,形成了现代汉民族共同语。 二、共同语和方言的关系是怎样的? 方言是一种民族语言的地方分支或变体,是局部地区的人们所使用的语言。一民族语言的共同语,则是通用于这个民族全体成员的语言。对于各地方言来说,规范化的共同语是民族语言的高级形式,它比任何方言都富有表现力。共同语形成后,对于方言的语音、词汇、语法都有一定的影响。它的词语经常传播到各方言中去。规范化的共同语,往往促使地域方言向它靠拢,对方言的发展起一种制约的作用。与此同时,共同语也要从方言中吸收种种语言成分,以丰富和发展自己。但是,地域方言间差异的缩小,以至于消失,则须经过一个长期而复杂的过程。 “第二章语音”习题答案 “语音”思考和练习一 四、语音具有物理属性、生理属性、社会属性。 “语音”思考和练习二 二、普通话声母的发音部位和发音方法各包括哪几种?请画成一个总表把声母填上。 普通话声母的发音部位包括双唇、唇齿、舌尖前、舌尖中、舌尖后、舌面、舌根七种。发音方法,从阻碍的方式看,包括塞音、擦音、塞擦音、鼻音、边音五种;从声带是否颤动看,包括清音、浊音两种;从气流的强弱看,包括送气音、不送气音两种。声母总表(略)。 三、根据所提供的发音部位和发音方法,在下面横杠上填上相应的声母。 1.双唇送气清塞音是p。


语音 ....... ..专项训练练习题 A.).找出划线部分读音 ..... ........不同的词。 1. A. f ....a.ss .. D. d .. C. gl ...a.rk.. .....a.st .. B. st ....a.mp 2. A. f ...i.ck .. D. w ...i.de.. .. C. s .....i.ght ... B. dec .....i.de 3. A. mist ...a.pan ... ... D. J ...a.nd.. C. tr .. B. h ........a.ke ....a.vel 4. A. fr ...ie..ld .. D. p ...ie..ce.. .. C. f ......ie..ndly .... B. bel .....ie..ve 5. A. borr ........ow ....ow .. .......ow .. D. sl ..er C. bel .. B. fl ....ow 6. A. w ...ea..d. ....ea..d . D. h ...ea..t . C. br .... B. m .....ea..ther 7. A. sh ...h . D. f ...or..ty.. ...ort .. C. w ...or..se ......or..t . B. h 8. A. l ...u.t. .....u.ll .. D. b ...u.ch C. f .....u.ck .. B. m 9. A. m ...ea..ve.. ... D. l ...ea..son .....ea..n B. pl .....ea..sure .... C. s 10. A. ...ea..rt.. .. D. h .....ea..rth ......ea..rn ... B. ..ea..rly C. l B) ..找出与所给得词划线部分读音相同的词。 .................. 11. ...ear ... D. n ...ear ... ...n . C. w ...ear ...th A. h .....ear ...t B. l ....ear 12. br ...ow .. D. yell ......ow .. .. C. r .....ow ....ow ....ow ..n A. d ..n . B. kn 13. f ...oo..d D. sch .....oo..se .. C. w ......oo..l.....oo..t A. m ....oo..n B. ch 14. b ...e.t . D. ..e.vening ...... ......e. C. w ....e.tter .... A. ..e.ven B. b 15. fl .....y. ....y.sics .... D. dut ......y . B. satisf .....y . A. fift ........y . C. ph 16. wh ...ere ... C. w ....ear ... ... D. cl ....ere .....ere ... A. h ...ere ... B. th 17. h .......e.njoy D. w .......e.st.. .....e.n B. ....e.n . A. sev ...e.leven C. 18. ....e.nd D. l .....e.g. ........e.t C. s ...e.raser ..... A. w ...e.ll B. jack 19. r .....o.le .. D. f ......o.ry C. h ...o.x... A. s ....o.se ...o.me B. st 20. car ......s. A. lamp .....s. D. lesson ........s. ......s. B. book ......s. C. cat C)..选出每组单词中与其他三个不同类的词,把其编号写在括号内。 ............................ (.).2.1. A. short B. shirt C. sweater ........ ......................... D. jacket (.).2.2. A. bookstore B. film C. factory D. hospital ...................................... (.).2.3. A. China B. America C. England D. Japanese ..................................... (.).2.4. A. surprised B. grow C. angry D. excited ................................... (.).2.5. A. yellow .................... .......... B. blue C. black D. write D) ..判断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划 ... ....“×” ................“√” ...,不同划 (.).th..i.n .(.).u.sually ...... (.).w.ai..t .(.).b.o.ttle ....


语音 班级姓名学号 一、填空题 1.语音具有___________性、___________性和___________性,其中 ___________是语音的本质属性。 2.发音器官包括三大部分:、、C____________。 3.语音同其他声音一样,具有___________、_______________、 _____________、_____________四个要素。 4.不同的音色至少是由以下三方面原因之一造成的:A_______________、B_______________、C_________________________。 5.元音和辅音的主要区别在于:发元音时, ______________________________;发辅音时, _____________________________。 6.对音节进行彻底的切分可以得出最小的语音单位,其中着眼于自然角度的叫做_____________,着眼于语音的社会功能的叫做_____________。 7.《汉语拼音方案》包括五部分内容:A_________________、 B_________________、C_________________、D ______________、 E_________________。 8.《汉语拼音方案》的主要用途是:A_______________、 B_________________。 9.音节由_____________构成,也是交谈时自然感到的语音单位。 10.声母是音节开头的____________,普通话中共有____________个辅音声母。 11.辅音声母的分类依据是________________和________________。 12.根据发音时声带是否颤动,普通话声母可以分为___________和 ____________两类。 13.根据发音时呼出的气流的强弱,普通话声母可以分为____________和____________两类。 14.普通话声母中的浊音有________________________________。


Please have a seat. Please make yourself at home. Eat more fish, less meat. Fish is better for your health. Seeing is believing.I don't believe what I hear.I only believe what I see. I'm proud to be Chinese.I'm proud to be an international Chinese. Feel free to call me if you need my help. You have my phone number. Sweet dreams, see you tomorrow. I believe you can speak good English. I believe you have the talent. I totally agree with you. I enjoy meeting you very much. We can do great things together. I'm afraid I disagree with you.I have a different opinion. If you want to speak good English, you need to repeat, repeat and repeat. This is the only secret. We need to see your passport, please. Sure, here it go. Do you need to see my ID card? No, we only need your passport. Please feel free to call me. Please feel free to look around. Please feel free to ask questions. Please feel free to make yourself at home. Please feel free to drop by. Please feel free to eat some more. Please feel free to call me Li Yang. Please feel free to ask any questions you like. 超级挑战 这次我请客。 Thank you for inviting me to eat. It's my treat this time. Please Let me pay the bill. You can treat me next time we eat. It's been my dream to meet you. I really enjoyed this meal. I really enjoyed speaking with you. Thank you for your time. We should meet every week and eat dinner together. 第二节 /I /


译林英语四上语音专项训练 一、选出下列划线部分的发音与其他各项不通的单词。 1.()A. bag B. good C. orange 2.()A. horse B. have C. eight 3.()A.have B. grape C. skate 4.()A.lion B. like C. swim 5.()A.look B. ruler C. all 6.()A.father B. fan C. of 7.()A.apple B. cake C. cat 8.()A.kitchen B. rice C. fish 9.()A.tail B. school C. ruler 10.()A.cake B. nice C. juice 11.()A.box B. sock C. six 12.()A.of B. twelve C. five 13.()A.like B. milk C. rice 14.()A.some B. sock C. long 15.()A.what B. why C. who 16.()A.king B. dog C. big 17.()A.hair B. pear C. here 18.()A.well B. fly C. help 19.()A.jump B. cup C. juice 20.()A.thin B. his C. king 二、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F。 1. ( ) A. all B. school 2. ( ) A. help B. what 3. ( ) A. cake B. cat 4. ( ) A. six B. fox 5. ( ) A. grape B. give 6. ( ) A. thank B. sock C. make 7. ( ) A. lion B. tiger C. pineapple 8. ( )A. sure B. six C. swim 9. ( ) A. long B. glass C. eighteen 10. ( )A. what B. who C. where 三、根据划线部分读音将下列单词分类。 zoo live of five give hurry zip hot umbrella very box taxi bike kite ruler thank for zebra


现代汉语综合练习 (绪论、语音、文字、词汇部分) 一、填空题: 1、现代汉语是指,即以为标准音,以为基础方言,以为语法规的普通话。 2、现代汉语广义是指,狭义是指,即。 3、现代汉语有大方言,其中,湘方言(粤方言、吴方言……)的代表方言是。 4、汉语拼音方案采用的是字母,包括五部分:、、、 、。 5、普通话有个声母。其中,浊音声母有个,它们是。 6、普通话有个辅音声母,其中,舌尖前(双唇、……)声母有个。g、k、h的发音共同点是__________。d和k的发音不同处在于_______,相同处在于___ ___。 7、普通话里可以充当韵头的音素有个,即;可以充当韵尾的音素有个,即。 8、普通话里可以充当韵尾的元音有个,即。 9、普通话里可以充当韵尾的辅音有个,即。 10、普通话有个辅音。 11、声母b的发音部位(阻碍方式、发音方法)是。 12、普通话的韵母一共有个,其中,单元音韵母有有个;后响韵母有个;前鼻韵母有个。 13、韵母按其结构可分为、和三大类。 14、韵母按其开头的元音可分为、、和四类。 15、普通话的音节最多由个音素组成,最少有个音素,这个音素是(元音、辅音)。 16、普通话的音节以为主体。(在普通话中占优势。) 17、“不去”中的“不”读调,调值是。 18、世界上的文字基本上可以分为两大类:一类是_______文字,一类是______文字。汉字是_______体系的文字。由于现行汉字一般是记录汉语的单音节语素的,所以又被称为是___ ___文字。 19、汉字是记录的系统,是属于的文字。 20、现行汉字的构造单位有级,最小单位是,基本单位是。 (或:现行汉字的构造单位有级,即和。)


英语语音语调大赛练习资料-2008级 Choice A 与Choice B 代表的是英式发音 Choice C 与Choice D代表的是美式发音 Choice A–Mr. Brown Speaking: We tend to think of the sweep of history of stretching across many months and years before culminating in decisive moments that we call history. But sometimes the reality is that the defining moments of history come suddenly, and without warning, and the task of leadership then is to define them, to shape them and to move forward into the new world they demand. An economic hurricane has swept the world, creating a crisis of credit and a crisis of confidence. History has brought us now to a point where change is essential. And we are summoned not just to manage our times but to transform them. And our task is to rebuild prosperity and security in a wholly different economic world where competition is no longer just local but it is global, and where banks are no longer national but they are international.(144 words) Choice B–Mrs. Rowling Speaking: You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. Failure gave me an inner security that I had never attained by passing examinations. Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies. The knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. Such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more than any qualification I ever earned. (155 words) Choice C–Mr. Gates Speaking I left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country. And I knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries. It took me decades to find out. You graduates came to Harvard at a different time. You know more about the world's inequities than the classes that came before. In your years here, I hope you've had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating technology – we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them. Imagine, just for the sake of discussion, that you had a few hours a week and a few dollars a month to donate to a cause –and you wanted to spend that time and money where it would have the greatest impact in saving and improving lives. Where would you spend it? (151 words) Choice D–Mr. Obama Speaking


一、选择题 1.Which one is the correct phonetic symbol of the word “boring”? A.[?b?r??]B.[?b?: r?n] C.[?b?: r??]D.[?b?r?n] 2.I put my keys in my_____/b?g/. A.big B.box C.bag D.boy 3.下列各组字母中,不符合字母顺序的为________. A.C; D; E B.D; G; J C.L; M; N D.A; L; J 4.下列各组字母中全部是元音字母的是 ____。 A.a, e, o, r B.a, i, u, e C.o, u, e, n 5.Go down this street and turn ______ / left / .You will see a library in front of you. A.light B.left C.let D.lift 6.If I had one million dollars, I’d give it away to ______________/′medik?l/ research. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 7.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.oranges boxes families B.maps books bags C.age take made D.but sun use 8.下列四个选项中划线部分读音全部相同 ....的是__________。 A.head bread eat B.look afternoon good C.thank there three D.here idea ear 9.Which underlined letter pronounces differently from the others? A.northern B.abroad C.block D.before 10.Which word of the following has a different stress from the others? A.X-ray B.Upset. C.Rapid 11.Which of the following words doesn’t h ave the same stress as the others? A.Metal. B.Afford. C.Degree. 12.I want to be a doctor, and I will do some / ?med?kl / research in the future. A.medicine B.medical C.magazine D.metal 13.从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出所含元音音素不同的一个。 A.is B.it C.this D.fine 14.I have a pet / k?t / , it’s very smart . A.cat B.cut C.coat D.cute 15.Which “ch” of the following words has a different pronunciation(发音) ? A.machine B.children C.teacher D.chair 16.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.Have you ever worked with either of them? B.He didn’t even look at it. C.We saved him from the enemy. D.Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 17.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the other three?


一、单项选择题 1.声调的基本性质决定于_________________。 A.音高 B.音强 C.音色 D.音长 2.不同的音素决定于_________________。 A.音高 B.音强 C.音色 D.音长 3.不同的元音决定于_________________。 A发音体 B.发音方法 C.共鸣器形状 D.音长 4.几个性别相同、年龄相仿的熟人在隔壁说话,能听得出说话人是张三还是李四,这主要是由于各人的_________________。 A.音高不同 B.音强不同 C.音长不同 D.音色不同 5.男子和女子声音差别决定于_________________。 A.发音方法 B.共鸣器 C.发音体 D.用力大小 6.语音的本质属性是_________________。 A.生理性 B.物理性 C.社会性 D.自然性 7.发音器官中起共鸣作用的是_________________。 A.肺和气管 B.喉头和声带 C.口腔和鼻腔 8.汉语拼音字母b, d, g发音不同是由于_________________。 A.发音体不同 B.发音方法不同 C.共鸣器形状不同 D.舌位前后不同 9.说话声音大小属于语音四要素中的_________________。 A.音高 B.音强 C.音色 D.音长 10.说话快慢属于语音要素中的_________________。 A.音高 B.音强 C.音色 D.音长 11.舌面音是指_________________。 A. z、c、s B. j、q、x C. zh、ch、sh D. b、d、g 12.发音时候两个部位完全闭合,阻住气流,然后突然打开,让气流迸裂而出,爆发成声的音是_________________。 A.塞音 B.擦音 C.塞擦音 D.边音 13.发音时候两个发音部位靠近,形成窄缝,让气流从窄缝中挤出的音是_________________。 A.塞音 B.擦音 C.塞擦音 D.边音 14. 发音时候两个部位完全闭合,阻住气流,然后放开一条窄缝让气流从窄缝中挤出的音是_________________。 A.塞音 B.擦音 C.塞擦音 D.边音 15.发音时候舌尖抵住上齿龈,同时软腭上升,堵住鼻腔通道,让气流从舌头两边出来的音_________________。 A.塞音 B.擦音 C.塞擦音 D.边音 16.zh、ch、sh、r四个辅音的发音部位是_________________。 A.舌尖前 B.舌尖中 C.舌尖后 D.舌面 17.普通话声母中浊音声母有_________________。 A.三个 B.四个 C.五个 D.六个 18.e和o的区别在于_________________。 A.舌位的高低不同 B.舌位的前后不同 C.唇形的圆展不同 D.舌位的高低和唇形的圆展不同 19.i和u的区别在于_________________。 A.舌位的高低不同 B.舌位的前后不同
