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in order to enrich my summer vacation, which the extracurricular reading, my mother bought me a book titled the little prince is. i was wondering, what is the prince to man? a: i can't wait to get books and read it.

see the introduction section, i just know, this book in the east and west are very famous, adults and children are like books. no wonder the teacher told us to buy the book. this book is about the little one lives in only one room, the planet for his roses watering everyday. later, he left the planet, travel, saw many strange people, in order to develop their horizons, and he came to the desert, he met an airplane pilots of broken. prince offered to help him, and he forged a deep friendship, in the book describes the prince since leaving, he missed his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and since then pilot never saw his wonderful description, etc.

reading this book, i finally understood the purity of heart. like the prince deeply in love with him, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a mask, for him, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost. this is how sincere feelings! still say that fox, even little left, it will forever remember him.

this story has many implication, tell us, not deceive, also don't puffed up, also do not have meaning in the waste of time and money, we should maintain the balance of baby mindset to finally, earnestly do every thing. ...

i like the book, read a book, i learned that many human reason, also increased my knowledge, and maybe i know the original adults will have many

do wrong. the grown-ups do every thing, all is not correct, and so we see things should go to watch it, just like the teacher to our request, and we hope that the child in the growth process, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thing, to find something we really must find in study, therefore, we should also with the same attitude to study hard, pursuing ideal goal.

read through some of the more than half of the "walden pond", to be honest look at a lot of paragraphs do not really understand, but say it is fun sections of animals that people read fresh.

the first animal is the rooster attention, and that the most common birds, however the author's pen in the air all of a sudden and very poor. thoreau is the author described them this way: the rooster, pheasant was originally, and their chirping is the world's most beautiful music, better than all the other animals, but most of the time to fill the gaps in their voice is their wife - the mother chickens are noisy, it's no wonder that they ultimately can only be the poultry, not to mention what kind of a chicken egg. these words can not help people desperately want to remember the music chenming rooster, the result was a loss, except in writing from the mechanical "oo" sound. as for the hen, they can only remember them after the end of each time it is under the "giggle" to stop the called.

walden pond, how can there are so many wild animal? every day it seems that the author and not the name they say hello. are familiar with ant, but where the ants are like the soldiers how to ah, make that an ant war was afraid to read the small bio of contempt. lovely fledgling partridge destitute people, they only obey the instinct of mothers and their own oh, the fullness of their long feathers of the body of small branches and leaves together to maintain the same posture, where to stay motionless, it picked up when a stranger or follow it, it continues to stay as motionless, or

take your eyes clean. scary, of course, most diving birds, and it always sent laugh, when it is from this lake first dive, the observer much hunting or after a lot of fun. what it is, you can go to the bottom of the lake to fish in the bird.

after all the human animal is, ah, just high-level animals. the author predicted that the result of human progress must be to give up meat, as the savage to the civilized around after people give up bad habits, like eating. i do not know human beings are not one day give up meat, it is very curious about the rabbit call. in the book, the author said: rabbit to the end, the truth was a child cry. on rabbits, the most profound impression that the tree hit a hare, but there is no written record of our had been a poor hunt rabbits.

here i am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what i have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. it is truly what i felt after reading oliver twist, written by the prominent british author charles dickens.

the resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what i lack deep inside. these supreme resources i’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. they’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care.

those charitable figures whom dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. they showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply.

mr. brownlow is one such person.

the other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, artful dodger and charley bates, and thought naturally it was oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. being wrathful, he caught oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. fortunately for him, oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. with sympathy, mr. brownlow took the injured, poor oliver to his own home. there oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were mr. brownlow’s own son. one day, however, mr. brownlow asked oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. the thief oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. after that he disappeared in mr. brownlow’s life. searching for a while, mr. brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. but dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. without hesitation, mr. brownlow took oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil.

perhaps most of us would feel confused about mr. brownlow’s reaction. but as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. jesus said in the bible. “forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” why is that? because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. we cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. stop put mr. brownlow into the list of your models. always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. that’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others.

then there are mrs. maylie and rose, oliver’s other benefactors. maybe

the reason they loved and cared oliver was not because of forgiveness. in my point of view, it was trust. they had faith in oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of maylie’s at midnight. but this wasn’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing. they denied oliver’s crime immediately and listened attentively to oliver’s own description of his miserable life. they were deeply touched by oliver’s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality. accordingly, they remedied oliver’s body and heart and turned him into a different boy. he began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education.

as far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution. sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? trust yourself, trust others, and you’ll salute miracles every single day.

in the novel, though the young oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture oliver’s body and poisoned oliver’s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life. then i realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs. in most cases, what you believe is what you’ll become. believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds. you control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life. it’s all dictated by your attitude.

in the final analysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc. but they all come from your beliefs in life. when someone tells you he’s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he’s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what

hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time.

so find out “olivers” in your life and do as mr. brownlow and mrs. maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much. they enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. they can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever.

charles dickens said:“love makes the world go around.” these immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. these principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together.

the little prince


once when i was six years old, i saw a magnificent picture in a book,called true stories from nature, about the primeval forest. it was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal. here is a copy of the drawing.

in the book it said:" boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it. after that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion."

i pondered deeply, then, over the adventures of the jungle. and after some work with a colored pencil i succeeded in making my first drowing,my drawing number one. it looked like this:

i showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.

but they answered:"frighten? why should any one be frightened by a hat?"

my drawing was not a picture of a hat. it was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. but since the grown-ups were not able

to understand it, i made another drawing: i drew the inside of the boa constrictor,so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. they always need to have things explained. my drawing number two looked like this: the grown-ups response,this time, was to adviseme to lay aside my drawing of boa constrictors,whether from the inside or the outside and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar. that is why, at the age of six, i gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter. i had been disheartened by the failure of my drawing number one and my drawing number two. grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it si tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them.

so then i chose another profession, and learned to pilot airplanes.

i have flown a little over all parts of the world:and it is ture that geography has been very useful to me. at a glance i can distinguish china from arizona. if one gets lost in the night,such knowledge is valuable.

1 3年前回答者: zhuyiminzhuy - q花六级以前写过这个论文,要不?邮箱给吧

1 3年前回答者: lvgyp - q枝四级 the little prince – a tale of love and life

title: the little prince

author: antoine de st-exupery

main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.

despite i’ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. this summer i’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. it’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine

de st-exupery, the little prince.

as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex. “i”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara. in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612. the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids.

on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth.

traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. at that time a fox appears. the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend. at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. from that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his


奥赛罗读后感英文版 奥赛罗读后感英文版 Othello is a Venice duchy one Yong general. Moss silk Di dream Na loves his and daughter of the grand old man each other. Since but he is black,marriage has not been allowed. Two people is forced to get married in private. Othello has a sinister flag government official Yiagu, be bent on getting rid of Othello under the leadership of. He has given secret information to the grand old man first , has helped to bring about two people marriage unexpectedly but. He incites the Othello affection with moss silk Di dream Na , says another assistant officer Jixiao common, and having fabricated so-called lovers keepsake different from moss silk Di dream Na relation and so on. Othello has accepted sth. as true , has choked self wife to death in anger. Think that he is informed of the truth queen, spare time of regretting that draws selfs sword to slay self , but has been in moss silk Di dream Na at ones side. The former Soviet Union makes an explanation to uniqueness having taken form in Shakespearean go into to "Othello", this make an explanation have revealed


《希腊神话故事》读后感_读书笔记范文 希腊神话指的是一切有关古希腊人的神、英雄、自然和宇宙历史的神话,是希腊原始 氏族社会的精神产物,是欧洲最早的文学形式。下面是小编整理的几篇读后感,供大家参阅 今天我读了古希腊神话这本书,这是本很好看的书,他讲述的是古希腊神话,里面充满着智慧和神奇,宙斯——希腊神话中的最高天神、众神之王,人类的主宰。他先后有十二个妻子,生了许多子女,是一个全能的统治者。普罗米修斯——他因窃天火给人类,触 犯了主神宙斯,被锁在高加索山上。宙斯每日派神鹰捉其肝脏,使之备受折磨。阿波罗——宙斯的儿子,太阳神。他的权力很大,主管光明、青春、医药、畜牧、音乐、诗歌等。 阿尔忒弥斯月亮和狩猎的女神,照顾妇女,保护少男少女。爱洛斯——爱神,罗马神话中 的丘比特。他长着有一双金色翅膀,爱张弓搭箭。谁中了他的金箭,谁就得到了爱情。 这本书对于小朋友来说十分好看,它里面的故事十分动人有趣,我很喜欢看这本书, 在每天晚上睡觉的时候我都要翻开这本书看一看。 《希腊神话故事》是一本十分令我着迷的书。 在这本书中,让我认识到了许多英雄,他们正直,善良,勇敢。就像赫拉克勒斯一样,他是天神宙斯和凡间公主的儿子,凡间的公主生下他后,十分害怕天后赫拉来报复,就把 可怜的婴儿丢弃宰了荒野上。就在婴儿快要死去时,天后赫拉和智慧女神雅典娜发现了他。在那时,赫拉并不知道那是自己情敌的儿子,便救下了婴儿。但是,他很快就知道自己救 得是谁了,于是,便开始了疯狂的报复,赫拉克勒斯就是在这种环境下成为大英雄的。 这本书里,最令我愤愤不平的是普罗米修斯,他把火种带到了人间让人们不再吃生的 食物,造福人间。然而宙斯竟然把他锁在高高的悬崖上,每天忍受着日晒雨淋,还要被老鹰掏空肚子这是多么痛苦的一件事呀! 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。这本书内容多姿多彩,大家一定要看! 这本书很仔细的描述了一些希腊传说中的神呀。英雄呀的一些故事,比如说普罗米修 斯与潘多拉魔盒。法厄同。尼俄柏。阿耳戈英雄们的故事,赫拉克剌斯的生与死这一些故 事我都印象非常深刻。这本书很清楚地告诉我要善于分辨美与丑、善与恶,当然还有更多 的坚持不懈、顽强拼搏的精神还有知情图报、惩恶扬善的品质,它就像我人生旅途中一块 重要的里程碑。当我读到第十一章赫拉克刺斯因为他要完成十件事让国王满意,这样才能


希腊神话故事读后感读书心得五篇 《希腊神话故事》为读者敞开了一扇观察和认识古希腊乃至欧洲文化的窗口。关于 《希腊神话故事》读后感怎么写?下面是小编给大家整理的《希腊神话故事》读后感范文,欢迎大家来参阅。 《希腊神话故事》是一本十分令我着迷的书。 在这本书中,让我认识到了许多英雄,他们正直,善良,勇敢。就像赫拉克勒斯一样,他是天神宙斯和凡间公主的儿子,凡间的公主生下他后,十分害怕天后赫拉来报复,就把 可怜的婴儿丢弃宰了荒野上。就在婴儿快要死去时,天后赫拉和智慧女神雅典娜发现了他。在那时,赫拉并不知道那是自己情敌的儿子,便救下了婴儿。但是,他很快就知道自己救 得是谁了,于是,便开始了疯狂的报复,赫拉克勒斯就是在这种环境下成为大英雄的。 这本书里,最令我愤愤不平的是普罗米修斯,他把火种带到了人间让人们不再吃生的 食物,造福人间。然而宙斯竟然把他锁在高高的悬崖上,每天忍受着日晒雨淋,还要被老鹰掏空肚子这是多么痛苦的一件事呀! 书籍是人类进步的阶梯。这本书内容多姿多彩,大家一定要看! 读完了《希腊神话故事》这本书,我被里面神的故事和英雄的传说深深地吸引住了。 这本书充满着智慧和神奇的色彩,讲述的是宙斯统治天国时期,围绕诸神和英雄们发 生的曲折跌宕的故事。包括无私、善良、伟大、不畏强权的普罗米修斯;充满智慧、理智、纯洁的女神雅典娜;还有正义、多才多艺、光明磊落的太阳神阿波罗。另外力大无穷的赫拉克勒斯;文武双全的喀戎;法力高强的喀耳刻……他们勇猛无比,战天斗地,克服了一个个艰难险阻,上演了一幕幕由不同神支持的可歌可泣的战斗,成为力量和勇气的化身。 给我印象最深刻的是普罗米修斯,他天生睿智,知道泥土里蕴涵着天神的种子,于是 他捧起泥土,和以清莹的河水,模拟天神的形体捏成了人形。然后他从动物的心里取来善 与恶两种性格封入人的胸膛,创造了最初的人类。后来他又教人类知识和技术,并为了保护人类勇于和恶势力作斗争……这本书不仅让我了解了西方文化,还让我进一步地加 强了分辨丑与美、善与恶的能力,让我加深了对文学艺术作品的理解,激发了我对阅读经典文学的兴趣。


《奥赛罗》读后感 《奥赛罗》是关于嫉妒与欲望,爱与毁灭的故事。那么,下面是给大家分享的《奥赛罗》,希望大家喜欢。 奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下成婚。奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗。他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事。他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等。奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子。当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边。 这篇小说最大的闪光点就是对人物性格的刻画。在故事情节的发展中,作者向我们展示了人物性格的复杂性与多面性,人物形象个性鲜明。而这些人物的性格集中体现在矛盾冲突中,且其性格会随着情节发展而加以变化,向我们呈现其多面性。比如文中的伊阿古,他是以一个极端利己主义的典型出现的。他阴险毒辣,两面三刀,心中充满妒忌和仇恨,为了达到个人目的而不择手段。而文中的主人公奥赛罗却是作者塑造的理想人物。他真诚,坦率,相信人又疾恶如仇。他把和苔丝狄蒙娜的爱情当作人世间最美好的体现,而她的“不贞”就代表了理想的破灭。也就是由于他的轻信,而错杀无辜。可以说导致他悲剧的与其说是伊阿古的阴谋诡计和卑鄙伎俩,还不如归罪于他的轻信和对现实缺乏清醒的认识。他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯

西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。所以实际上他是不敢相信那么美好的女子,那么美好的幸福是属于自己的。而作者把这么复杂的性格刻画了出来,其技艺高超可见一斑。 总的来说,《奥赛罗》这一篇小说,是莎士比亚戏剧特点的全面体现,其中的语言的生动丰富个性化,以及展示的人物性格的复杂性与多面性,再加上情节的生动丰富,都是值得我们细细品味的。 品读莎翁,从语言与人性上来看更有其不朽的魅力,那一句句诗歌一般的对白,让人感受内心的冲击,语言的形象与生动,让人为自己无法亲自品读原著而懊恼。 主人公奥赛罗的性格,正直、勇敢、单纯抑或易怒与轻信他人。奥赛罗的最大缺点在于自卑,若不是自卑,他无须在伊阿古的几句挑唆后便怀疑自己的妻子。 他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。奥赛罗就属于这样的人。 我认为奥瑟罗是一个愚昧的人,一向习惯于听别人的,不去证实这些话,可书中的奥瑟罗为人坦率、正直、诚恳,从不随便地怀疑别人。不知什么是事实,不会做主。没有事实主见,但他自己还是一员勇将,还是很神勇,奥瑟罗是一个具有时代特征的形象。他尽管是贵族出身,但曾被人卖为奴隶,经受过无数艰辛。他也曾在战场上出生入死,建立了赫赫战功。正是这种不平凡的经历和英勇无畏的精神,博得了苔丝德蒙娜的爱情。他的手下有些不忠臣,最坏的还是伊阿古,


古希腊神话故事的读后感范文(精选3篇) 古希腊神话故事的读后感1 最近,我看了一本书——《古希腊神话故事》,我被这本书的一个故事感动了。故事的名字叫《普罗米修斯盗火》。 古希腊神话中的盗火者——普罗米修斯,是一个既善良,又勇敢的神。他为人类盗取了火种,受到神之首——宙斯的惩罚,被锁在高耸的岩石上,日夜不得入睡。在宙斯眼里,普罗米修斯,他触犯天条,是个坏神,应当受罚。可在人们眼中,他却是一个善良、勇敢,富有正义感的神,受到无数人们的敬仰。瞧!同一个神,不同的人,就会产生不同的看法。 再来看看这个“盗”字。“盗”字,通常我们是用来形容那些抢劫财物的人。而普罗米修斯,曾给人间带来圣火的神,我们也称他为“盗”。但普罗米修斯是为别人而“盗”,这样的“盗”,难道不值得我们学习吗?你看,同一个字,用在不同人身上,它的意义就完全不一样! 讲到这儿,我突然想起,我曾经读过的一个“玫瑰花与刺”的故事。在一个玫瑰花花园里,花儿相继开放,五彩缤纷。“啊,真美!”所有走过这里的路人都这么说。可是有一天,一个小女孩从这里走过。她却说这花儿不美。为什么呢?因为她只看到了玫瑰花下的小刺。 世界上所有的事物都是这样的,当我们换一个角度看待

它时,就会有完全不同的看法。 古希腊神话故事的读后感2 在静谧的夜晚,当你看着漫天的繁星,看着他们组成的各种星座,你会想到他们的由来竟然会于希腊神话有关,当你看完这本希腊神话故事,再一次看向天空时,你就会知道,每一个星座后面都有一个动人的故事。 希腊神话故事是由德国的施瓦布著作的,这本书主要围绕以宙斯为首的奥林匹斯诸神而展开的。以家族为故事的中心,而他们都是各个部落崇敬的神,反映出了以前巴尔半岛、爱琴海地区居民的生活与自然斗争。也反映出了当地的人民美好的愿望与惩恶扬善的精神。歌颂了人类勇敢勤劳,用自己的双手开创未来的奋斗精神。 其中我最难以忘怀的是《普罗米修斯盗火》,普罗米修斯是古老神族的后裔,他的母亲是该亚,父亲是乌拉诺斯,他是一个具有智慧的神的儿子。他发现人类缺少火种,便在太阳神阿波罗的太阳车上用茴香杆偷取了火种,带给了人们,而这件事被宙斯知道了,把它交到了赫娓斯托斯和皮亚,也就是强力和暴力手中。并把它锁在高加索山的悬崖上,并派一只凶狠的恶鹰来啄食他的肝脏,但是普罗米修斯的肝脏总会复原,之后他被英雄赫拉克勒斯所救。从中,我觉得这个希腊神话故事中的普罗米修斯不顾生命,为人类盗火,这种舍己为人的精神值得我们学习!如果每个人都为别人着想,那么这个世界该有多么美好,每个人都这样的无私奉献,那么世界到处都会充满爱!而天神主宰宙斯,心狠手辣,这


希腊神话英语小故事:海伦 Helen was the most beautiful woman of the world.She was an infamous lady.She lighted the flames of the Trojan war and brought extreme destruction on the city of Troy.Helen was the daughter of Zeus.Helen's matchless beauty and charms drew towards her many heroes from all parts of Greece. When still small she was carried off by Theseus,who wished to have a divine wife .But she was rescued later by her brother Castor,and brought back to her native land.Her stepfather married her to Menelaus,king of Sparta. Nothing of importance had happened to her married life until Paris came to visit Sparta.Helen was attracted by Paris' lovely face.They stole one another's love in the absence of Menelausand then eloped on board a ship to Troy.Helen left her young daughter behind.To get Helen back,the Greek army sailed across and laid a long siege to the city of Troy . Helen was quietly weaving her story into a web of golden carpet one day when she was called up the city walls of Troy to look at the fighting between Menelaus and Paris.Menelaus was determined to kill Paris in the battle.Sitting by the side of King Priam,she told the chiefs of the Greek side to him.Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.After Paris fled the field she had the feelings of love and scorn.She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector. But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium,she helped them to do so as


希腊神话故事读后感500字 希腊神话故事读后感500字(一)今天,我读了一本经典名著《希腊神话故事》,对它有着很大的感受。《希腊神话故事》写了太阳神阿波罗、众神之主宙斯、大力神赫拉克勒斯等等众神之间发生的故事。这一个个故事都非常吸引人,犹如淙淙清澈的泉水,让我深深地陶醉了。它的故事情节非常丰富,每个地方都很生动,无论是死亡还是胜利。这其中,我最喜欢《赫拉克勒斯的生与死》一文。因为这篇文章充分的写出了赫拉克勒斯从生到死的每个故事。读到赫拉克勒斯实在看不下王子这种随意欺负百姓的“威风”,不惜一切代价将王子杀死,结果遭到了国王处罚,被迫为国王做人类不可能做到的十件事,他却做到了时,(因为有两件事国王不相信,所以赫拉克勒斯只好再做两件事变成十二件事,一般大家都说是十件事)我感叹赫拉克勒斯这种宁愿牺牲自己也要救百姓与水火的精神;当读到赫拉克勒斯因为穿上了妻子特意为他准备的衣服而不幸去世时,(赫拉克勒斯想去一个美丽的姑娘作为他的情妇,妻子原本是想挽回丈夫对她的爱,结果赫拉克勒斯因出汗过多而和这件衣服发生了化学反应,出现了意外,导致死亡)我悲痛欲绝,这样一代伟大的战神就这



故事梗概: 赛尔将军奥赛罗与苔丝狄蒙娜相爱而秘密成婚。身份尊贵的贵族苔丝狄蒙娜决定不顾父亲的禁令委身相随。但在同一时间,旗官伊阿古因自己梦寐以求的职位被奥赛罗给了凯西奥,又妒忌凯西奥能被赏赐,所以他决意用奸计同时谋害奥赛罗与凯西奥来作出报复。他设计使凯西奥触犯军纪被撤职,又鼓动苔丝狄蒙娜去求情。他利用了奥赛罗的妒忌,以巧妙的暗示和诬蔑中伤的手段使奥赛罗怀疑爱妻与凯西奥有私情。伊阿古假装自己是为了奥赛罗好,而不断暗示奥赛罗的妻子苔丝狄蒙娜不贞。他暗指苔丝狄蒙娜跟凯西奥有不轨之情,却又立即伪装。一天,苔丝狄蒙娜不小心遗忘了一条奥赛罗赠送的手帕,被伊阿古放到凯西奥房里,便成了加害苔丝狄蒙娜的罪名,苔丝狄蒙娜不贞的证据。奥赛罗认定妻子不贞,将她亲手掐死。伊阿古的妻子随即揭发了这个阴谋,奥赛罗痛悔不已,拔剑自杀,倒在苔丝狄蒙娜的尸体上。 第一幕 从海上征战回来的将军奥赛罗。奥赛罗偕同新婚夫人苔丝狄蒙娜并宣布了他的胜利。一位威尼斯绅士罗德利果,暗恋着奥赛罗的妻子苔丝狄蒙娜,而仆人伊阿古则忌妒刚被奥赛罗提拔为副官的凯西奥,他把凯西奥灌醉,教唆罗德利果挑衅他,结果俩人大打出手。前任总督出来劝架,凯西奥不慎伤了他。伊阿古即刻教罗德利果去报告奥赛罗,奥赛罗出来制止争斗,惩处凯西奥,免除其副官的职位。 第二幕 伊阿古建议凯西奥去拜托苔丝狄蒙娜向奥赛罗说情。伊阿古要挑起奥赛罗对妻子与凯西奥之间的猜忌看到凯西奥在恳请苔丝狄蒙娜为其说情,又见奥赛罗来到,阴险地撩起奥赛罗的猜疑与忌妒。奥赛罗在伊阿古的挑拨下见妻子来向他替凯西奥求情,苔丝掏出手帕掉落地上。爱米莉亚因随侍在旁顺手拾起,伊阿古私下强迫自己的妻子将手帕交给自己。奥赛罗强迫伊阿古提出自己妻子不忠的证据,伊阿古故意说,凯西奥在营房睡梦中思恋苔丝狄蒙娜的话。伊阿古却手帕已被凯西奥所拥有,奥泰罗发誓要报复。 第三幕 不知情的苔丝狄蒙娜仍在为凯西奥的复职求情,奥赛罗再生嫉愤,并要求看妻子的手帕,苔丝狄蒙娜说手帕放在房间里,又再次为凯西奥说情,奥赛罗激愤之下将妻子推倒,并口出恶言骂她是娼妇。伊阿古设计约凯西奥出来谈话,奥赛罗从旁窃听,伊阿古早已把那手帕放置在凯西奥身上,奥赛罗见两人在玩弄妻子的手帕,伊阿古故意让凯西奥聊些他与其女友的风流韵事,将笑声让奥赛罗听见,奥泰罗感觉自己被嘲笑。伊阿古则建议奥赛罗将她勒死于床上,说那正是她犯罪的地方,苔丝狄蒙娜与爱米莉亚从右边小门进场。凯西奥因升官而高兴,而苔丝狄蒙娜则因为奥赛罗粗暴的态度感到悲伤,爱米莉亚走上前来安慰她。奥赛罗看到妻子的哭泣,误以为她是舍不得离开凯西奥。 第四幕 苔丝狄蒙娜和伊阿古的夫人爱米莉亚相对而泣。苔丝狄蒙娜的行为,全被误解。她一面让爱米莉亚梳发,向艾米莉亚道晚安,向圣母作晚祷。睡眠中,奥赛罗轻声走进房间,吻醒了她。骂她是凯西奥的娼妇,厉声命令其准备赴死。苔丝狄蒙娜苦苦哀求饶恕,但奥赛罗铁心,不听其辩护,在床上勒死了她。爱米莉亚有预感地急急回来敲门,目睹这恐怖的场景急奔入室,然而已挽救不苔丝狄蒙娜的生命。爱米莉亚惊唤众人进来,奥泰罗指称妻子不贞,更以手帕为证。爱米莉亚听后讲明手绢是伊阿古从她那里得到的,伊阿古见势不好仓慌逃跑。奥赛罗明白妻子的忠贞,最后奥泰罗悲戚地拿起大刀,自杀于妻子的卧榻之侧。 奥赛罗 奥赛罗这一角色,或多或少是一个自私、偏狭、以自我为中心的人。正因为如此他才掉进了


希腊神话故事读后感500字三篇 【篇一】 暑假里,我读了《希腊神话故事》一书。古希腊神话流传到现在已经有三千多年的历史了,是世界文学宝库中的珍贵遗产。看了《希腊神话故事》后,给了我很多启示和做人的道理。 《希腊神话故事》这本书里给我印象最深的是《国王弥达斯》这个故事,故事讲的是酒神狄倪索斯带着他的朋友们散步,他的老朋友西靳诺斯落在了后面,因为西靳诺斯又喝醉了。后来,人们发现了这位老人,并把他带到了国王弥达斯那里,国王弥达斯热情地招待了西靳诺斯十天十夜,直到第十一天的早上,国王才把这位客人交给了酒神。酒神看到自己的朋友安然无恙,非常高兴,便答应满足国王弥达斯一个愿望。弥达斯再三考虑,想拥有点金术,酒神只好满足了他的这个愿望。拥有点金术的国王想试试自己是不是真的拥有了点金术,他碰到的树枝、石块、水果都变成了金子。弥达斯非常高兴,他回到皇宫想吃面包,可他的手刚碰到面包,面包就变成了金子,他想喝的葡萄酒变成了金汁,他非常绝望地用拳头敲打自己的脑袋,他的脸马上也变成了金子。后来,国王弥达斯没有办法,只好祈祷酒神取消他的点金术,最后,酒神答应了他的请求。 看了这个故事,我知道了一个贪婪的人,他的下场是可悲的。如果国王弥达斯当初没有想着拥有点金术的话,他就不会碰到以

后平添的那许多的烦恼了。 【篇二】 书用宙斯和兄弟一起打败了自己的父王和他的属下给押到了地狱让他们不能翻身回到天上自己来代替他。 我认为只有强大的神才能成为万神之主。他们之间的战斗也会把一些无知的人类牵连进来,会让人类受到巨大的伤害,其中伊洛特战争就是代表,卷进了许多的人和部队,有人也升天成神了。 我看宙斯就是一个喜欢美色的神,诸神中有许多是宙斯的儿子。其中,太阳神阿波罗是一个去把他所恨的人给杀了的神,而海神却不同是个给人好处的神。 我感想是这本书把书里的人写的栩栩如生,把他们的想法写的很显明,让我看了不忘。 《希腊神话故事之金羊毛》讲的主要内容是:伊阿宋的父亲是伊俄科斯国王,可是,他的伯父珀利阿斯将王位夺去了,珀利阿斯让伊阿宋用金羊毛来交换。伊阿宋答应了,他召集全希腊的英雄和他一起去找金羊毛。 他们来到了密西亚海湾,赫刺克勒斯带着他的仆人许拉斯到森林里去。原来的船桨由于长时间被海水浸蚀,已经不太好使了,他们打算重新砍一棵树做船桨。许拉斯去打水时,被泉水仙女拉到水里和自己成亲。赫刺克勒斯留下来找他。 其他的英雄继续探险。几天后,他们来到了比堤河岸。这里的国王是拳击手,凡经过他的土地,都要和他比试一下,波吕毛


《奥赛罗》是关于嫉妒与欲望,爱与毁灭的故事。那么,下面是给大家分享的《奥赛罗》读后感,希望大家喜欢。 《奥赛罗》读后感1 奥赛罗是威尼斯公国一员勇将。他与元老的女儿苔丝狄梦娜相爱。但由于他是黑人,婚事未被允许。两人只好私下成婚。奥赛罗手下有一个阴险的旗官伊阿古,一心想除掉奥赛罗。他先是向元老告密,不料却促成了两人的婚事。他又挑拨奥赛罗与苔丝狄梦娜的感情,说另一名副将凯西奥与苔丝狄梦娜关系不同寻常,并伪造了所谓定情信物等。奥赛罗信以为真,在愤怒中掐死了自己的妻子。当他得知真相后,悔恨之余拔剑自刎,倒在了苔丝狄梦娜身边。 这篇小说最大的闪光点就是对人物性格的刻画。在故事情节的发展中,作者向我们展示了人物性格的复杂性与多面性,人物形象个性鲜明。而这些人物的性格集中体现在矛盾冲突中,且其性格会随着情节发展而加以变化,向我们呈现其多面性。比如文中的伊阿古,他是以一个极端利己主义的典型出现的。他阴险毒辣,两面三刀,心中充满妒忌和仇恨,为了达到个人目的而不择手段。而文中的主人公奥赛罗却是作者塑造的理想人物。他真诚,坦率,相信人又疾恶如仇。 他把和苔丝狄蒙娜的当作人世间最美好的体现,而她的“不贞”就代表了理想的破灭。也就是由于他的轻信,而错杀无辜。可以说导致他悲剧的与其说是伊阿古的阴谋诡计和卑鄙伎俩,还不如归罪于他的轻信和对现实缺乏清醒的认识他自卑于自己的肤色、形

象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的, 他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。所以实际上他是不敢相信那么美好的女子,那么美好的幸福是属于自己的。而作者把这么复杂的性格刻画了出来,其技艺高超可见一斑。 总的来说,《奥赛罗》这一篇小说,是莎士比亚戏剧特点的全面体现,其中的语言的生动丰富个性化,以及展示的人物性格的复杂性与多面性,再加上情节的生动丰富,都是值得我们细细品味的。 品读莎翁,从语言与人性上来看更有其不朽的魅力,那一句句一般的对白,让人感受来自内心的冲击,语言的形象与生动,让人为自己无法亲自品读原著而懊恼。 主人公奥赛罗的性格,正直、勇敢、单纯抑或易怒与轻信他人。奥赛罗的最大缺点在于自卑,若不是自卑,他无须在伊阿古的几句挑唆后便怀疑自己的妻子。 他自卑于自己的肤色、形象、年龄,他自己其实觉得自己是配不上苔丝狄蒙娜的,他甚至觉得自己不如凯西奥,才会对他有一种难以言喻的害怕。奥赛罗就属于这样的人。 我认为奥瑟罗是一个愚昧的人,一向习惯于听别人的,不去证实这些话,可书中的奥瑟罗为人坦率、正直、诚恳,从不随便地怀疑别人。不知什么是事实, 不会做主。没有事实主见,但他自己还是一员勇将,还是很神勇,奥瑟罗是一个具有时代特征的形象。他尽管是贵族出身,但曾被人卖为奴隶,经受过无数艰辛他也曾在战场上出生入死,建立了赫赫战功。正是这种不平凡的经历和英勇无畏的精神,博得了苔丝德蒙娜的爱情。他


Greek Mythology Today I'm very happy to have this opportunity to show you our presentation. Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks. It talks about the deeds of gods, heroes and their relations with human beings. Greek Mythology is not just a literary works; it is also a production of culture of that time and an exhibition of the social surroundings and problems of the current western countries. If we want to know western culture, we need to read this book. It is a summary about gods and heroes story of the ancient Greek nation. It mixed up the real life with the fantasies. After reading the book Greek Mythology, I'm sure everybody is interested in the goddess in this fantastic masterpiece, so I will share with you some of our ideas. Juno was the principal wife of Jupiter, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honors paid to Jupiter. Juno appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict, matronly and virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. She seemed to be hard-hearted to those gods who were sent many blessings by Jupiter. Latona was just a typical example. Juno changed herself into fierce and dreadful forms to frighten Latona and her children - Apollo and Diana to run from the beautiful garden which Jupiter had found for her. Then she followed and tormented Latona in many ways such as sent wild animals to howl horribly behind her when Latona grew tired and to rest. Juno also changed Callisto into a great furry bear when she found that Jupiter was so pleased with Callisto?s charm and goodness. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance. Juno…s character was just like a jealous and manipulative woman in our daily life. Venus was appointed goddess of Love and Marriage.She represented sex, affection and the attraction that binds people together. With the help of her little son,Eros,the god of love,she made many a tale of happiness and sadness in the life of gods and men.Though Venus was regarded as the symbol of extreme beauty, she still showed a human-like emotion. Venus was much vexed by Psyche who was a princess famous of her beauty. Although her little son Eros - - the god of love fell in love with Psyche. Venus tried every method to break them up. Obviously, Venus was jealous of Psyche?s beauty. In another story, Venus made Pygmalion…s (a sculptor) dream come true, only because she was delighted with the loveliness of Pygmalion?s statue which looked much like herself. Venus spent all her life in the pursuit of love, but her enthusiasm for love is temporary. What?s more, she isn?t single-minded in love. Venus created a personality image with strong vanity and beautiful appearance. She stressed the women's instinct to pay more attention to the appearance. And these points made Venus more act like human beings.


希腊神话和传说读后感400字 看了这本书更让我知道了要多看书多读书的重要,多看书可以让我们了解更多的知识。下面是收集推荐的希腊神话和传说读书心得400字,欢迎阅读参考。 精选希腊神话和传说读书心得400字 (一) 没读《希腊神话故事》这本书之前,我只知道希腊与中国、罗马、埃及并称为世界文明古国,希腊更是奥林匹克的发源地。 读了《希腊神话故事》这本书,我的感受是希腊神话里面有许多感人的故事,也有些我不想看到的故事,通过《希腊神话故事》这本书,让我认识了天神宙斯;太阳神阿波罗;智慧女神雅典娜;战神阿瑞斯;海神波塞冬……他们体力过人,英勇非凡,在他们的故事里我读到了战争的血腥,也读到了和平的美好;也读到了背叛的残酷;读到了勇士的忠诚;也读到了人性的险恶,体现了人类征服自然的豪迈气概和顽强意志。 我们不能像厄毗米修斯那样愚蠢,尽管他的哥哥普雷米修斯一再告诉他不要打开潘多拉魔盒,但他最后还是打开了潘多拉魔盒,给人们带来了无数灾难,也不能像坦塔罗斯那样为了达到目的,不择手段,亲手杀死了自己的儿子,献给神灵吃。让我最难忘的英雄人物就是赫拉克刺斯,他为了自由,不怕任何困难,顽强拼搏,最后完成了十二

功绩。 参考希腊神话和传说读书心得400字 (二) 古希腊神话故事充满智慧和神奇的色彩,讲述的是宙斯统制天国时期围绕诸神和英雄们发生的曲折跌宕的故事,主要包括神的故事和英雄的传说。 神话中的英雄具有神的超人的力量,但他们不是神。只有少数英雄经过奋斗,得到宙斯的肯定后才能升入天庭成为神。 我最喜欢的是伟大有英雄”赫拉克刺斯”,他很强,很勇敢,战天斗地,勇斗”尼米亚巨狮”为民除害;”清洗奥革阿斯的牛棚”在一日之内清扫的干干净净而赢得了财富;”带回地府里的三头狗刻耳柏洛斯”终于获得了自由。 我觉得他很幸运,因为他吸吮了”万神之母”赫拉的乳汁,具有了不死之身,但是,他最后却被半人马涅索斯给他夫人的毒药而毒死了。他为人们所称赞的十二件功绩,展现了人类战胜恶劣的自然环境的顽强意志,而英雄也因此死后升入了天庭。 《古希腊神话》流传至今已有三千多年的历史了,它是世界文学宝库中的珍贵的遗产,它对希腊乃至整个欧洲的文学艺术产生过巨大的影响,具有永久的魅力。 经典的希腊神话和传说读书心得400字 (三) 希腊神话读后感最近,爸爸给我买了一本青少版的《希腊神话》。听爸爸说,《希腊神话》中的故事丰富美丽,寓意深刻,影响深远,能使我们直接了解和认识西方文明源头。我听了以后,迫不及待地想

莎士比亚简介 英文版

关于莎士比亚 莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Macbeth)。四大喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《第十二夜》、《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》、《亨利五世》、《理查二世》等。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼生称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。1616年4月23日病逝。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先躯者伽利略同一年出生。 Shakespearean representative work has 4-big tragedy: "Hamlet" (UK: Hamlet), "Othello" is (UK: Othello), "King Lear " is (UK: King Lear), "Macbeth " is (UK: Macbeth). 4-big comedy: "A Midsummer Night's Dream ", "The Merchant of V enice " ", Twelfth Night " ", "As Y ou Like It" ("As you like it "). Historical play: "King Henry the Fourth Part 1 " ", King Henry the Fifth " ", King Richard II " and so on. Had written 154 sonnets , two leading cadre poems. Our · Jonson says he is "the times soul " , Max says he and Helladic Aisiku Ross are "the greatest human being drama genius ". Although Shakespeare uses English writing only,he is a famous writer of world but. Most work of him has all already been translated into various language , whose play performs also in the lot of country. Die of illness on April 23 , 1616. Body person Galileo is the same as Shakespeare and famous Italy mathematician , physicist , astrologer with the philosopher , experiment science the modern times first being born for 1 year.


《希腊神话故事》读后感 《希腊神话故事》读后感 当仔细品读一部作品后,大家心中一定有不少感悟,这时候,最关键的读后感怎么能落下!那么读后感到底应该怎么写呢?下面是小编整理的《希腊神话故事》读后感,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 《希腊神话故事》读后感1 这个暑假,我阅读了一册《希腊神话故事》,主要内容是帕里斯诱拐了希腊国王的王后而导致特洛伊人和希腊人发生了战争。 奥林匹斯山上的神仙都纷纷赶来加入了战争,他们各自支持两支不同的军队,最终特洛伊人被希腊人所打败。其中我对两位神仙的印象极其深刻。分别是帕拉斯雅典娜和福布斯阿波罗。在战场上,阿波罗担心阿喀琉斯发现自己,因此用一团云雾隐住了身躯,冒着生命危险,暗暗地帮助赫克托耳。而雅典娜则飞在阿喀琉斯的上空,帮助他抵挡住特洛伊人的攻击。在这两位神仙身上体现了奋不顾身,舍己为人

的特点。为什么大家会想象出这两位神仙呢?这与当时人们所处的环境和时代有关。可能是当时的人们比较自私,只追求个人的利益,而不会去帮助于他人,于是他们怀着美好生活的渴求和对和平的憧憬创造了两位这样的神仙。那么这样的创编和想象合理吗?我认为是合情合理的。 在生活中,就应该多一些像雅典娜和阿波罗这样的英雄形象,舍已为人而又不求回报。在我们的生活中,也有这样的神仙,那就是消防战士们。在浓烟滚滚的火场,总能看见他们奋勇拼搏的的身影。此时此刻,他们想的是拯救生命和宝贵的财产,而把自己的安危置之于脑后。同样还有边防战士也是一样,为了人民的幸福和国家的和平,不惜奉献自己的青春,守卫在边疆。 《希腊神话故事》读后感2 《希腊神话故事》是一本有趣的书,讲了许多英雄的故事,让人爱不释手。 《希腊神话故事》里面有些故事耐人寻味,例如:“史前人类”,主要讲了克洛诺斯和宙斯创造了黄金、黑铁一代的人类,两位神创造的人类的性格有很大的区别,有的娇生惯养、有的爱起战争、有的甚至不懂的爱。最后神王宙斯看不下去了,让他们变成神灵。现在我们生活在无战争的时代,我们要珍惜现在的生活,让自己变的更有爱。 在这本书里,月亮神阿尔忒弥斯,她敢爱敢恨,知恩
