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金融市场与金融机构基础(第17章) 英文版答案

金融市场与金融机构基础(第17章) 英文版答案
金融市场与金融机构基础(第17章) 英文版答案


(Questions are in bold print followed by answers.)

1. What are the three factors contributing to the significant changes in the common market over the past 50 years?

The stock markets have also changed since the early 1960s, due to (1) institutionalization (small investors now play only a minor role); (2) changes in government regulations, e.g. disclosure, types of trades, margin requirements; (3) innovations, e.g. computer technology permits program trading.


a. How does common stock differ from preferred stock?

b. Why is preferred stock viewed as a senior corporate security?

a.Preferred stock is entitled to a fixed participation in the form of dividends of the earnings of

the company. Dividends must be declared and ordinarily they are at the discretion of the board. Common stock is entitled to the residual cashflow, and is junior to the preferred stock both in terms of distribution and liquidation preference.

b.Preferred stock is considered a senior instrument because dividends must be paid before any

distribution of dividends can be made to the common stockholders. Also, in a liquidation, the preferred stockholders are paid before the common stockholders, who are considered residual claimants.

3. What is the difference between ordinary dividends and qualified dividends and how is each treated for tax purposes?

Ordinary dividends are taxed at the income tax bracket. Qualified dividends receive preferential tax rate, either 5% or 15%, depending on the individual’s re gular income tax rate.

4. What is meant by a long-term capital gain and how is it treated for tax purposes?

Long-term capital gains are appreciations in value of the stock that has been held for more than one year. It is entitled to preferential tax rat e, either 5% or 15% depending on the individual’s regular income tax rate.

5. The following quote is taken from Wayne H. Wagner, “The Taxonomy of Trading Strategies,” in Katrina F. Sherrerd (ed.), Trading Strategies and Execution Costs (Charlottesville, VA: The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts, 1988).

When a trader decides how to bring an order to the market, he or she

must deal with some very important issues; to me, the most important

is: What kind of trade is this? It could be either an active or a passive

trade. The type of trade will dictate whether speed of execution is

more or less important than cost of execution. In other words, do I

want immediate trading (a market order); or am I willing to forgo the

immediate trade for the possibility of trading less expensively if I am

willing to “give” on the timing of the trade (a limit order)?

a.What is meant by a market order?

b.Why would a market order be placed when an investor wants immediate trading?

c.What is meant by a limit order?

d.What are the risks associated with a limit order?

a. A market order is one which is sent to the floor for immediate execution as soon as it is

received. The buyer or seller receives the market price at the time the trade is executed.

b. A market order is executed as soon as possible.

c. A limit order is executed when the price reaches a predetermined level.

d.The limit may not be reached. The investor cannot predict the timing of the execution.

6. Suppose that Mr. Mancuso has purchased a stock for $45 and that he sets a maximum loss that he will accept on this stock of $6.What type of order can Mr. Mancuso place?

He will put a sell stop order setting the stop price at $45.


a.What is a program trade?

b.What are the various types of commission arrangements for executing a program

trade and the advantages and disadvantages of each?

a. A program trade is an institutional buy or sell of a large basket of stocks.

b.If a program trade is executed on an agency basis, commissions are bid for by a group of

brokerage firms. The advantage is that the commissions tend to be lower, but the disadvantage is that the execution price may not be the best because the impact costs and the potential for front-running. Dealers can also execute a program trade on a principal basis, which means that they buy or sell the amounts from inventory and bear the risk of distribution. The advantage is that the investor knows the trading price in advance, but pays a higher commission.


a.Explain the mechanics and some key rules of a short sale.

b.What restrictions are imposed on short selling activities?

a. A short seller borrows the stocks to sell on the market, giving the proceeds of the sale to his

broker as collateral. Should prices decline he will buy the stocks, return them to the broker and obtain the sales proceeds.

b. A short sale must be announced at the time the order is given , and it can occur only after an

uptick in the market price of the stock. The short seller is also responsible for paying any dividends due on the stocks before he covers them with a purchase.

9. What role does the broker call rate play in a margin purchase?

The broker call rate is the rate paid on a bank loan by a broker, who is lending the cash to a customer buying stocks on margin. The broker will normally add a slight service charge to this fee. This rate will affect the margin transaction’s profitability.


a.What is meant by maintenance margin when stocks are purchased on margin?

b.What is meant by debit balance?

c.What is meant by credit balance?

a.The maintenance margin is the minimum amount of equity in the investor's margin account. If

the value of the securities changes enough to erode the value of equity, the investor must provide additional cash to supplement the amount posted.

b. A debit balance is the value of the equity less the borrowed amount in a margin purchase.

c. A credit balance is the value of the equity plus the borrowed amount in a short sale.

11. The following statements are taken from Greta E. Marshall’s article “Execution Costs: The Plan Sponsor’s View,” which appears in Trading Strategies and Execution Costs, published by The Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts in 1988. (The publication is the product of a conference held in New York City on December 3, 1987):

a.“There are three components of trading costs. First there a re direct costs which may

be measured—commissions. Second, there are indirect—or market impact—costs.

Finally, there are the undefined costs of not trading.” What are market impact costs, and what do you think the “undefined costs of not trading” represent?

b.“Market impact, unlike broker commissions, is difficult to identify and measure.”

Why is market impact cost difficult to measure?

a.Market impact costs are the increases in the bid-ask spread faced by investors who wish to

execute large transactions on a timely basis. Large transactions tend to drive prices in a direction which is adverse to the investor. The “undefined costs of not trading” are opportunity costs that investors face because they failed to make a transaction at the proper time to take advantage of a certain price.

b.It is difficult to determine how much of a change in price is due to ordinary market fluctuations

and how of the price rise or drop is due to the costs of absorbing a large trade. The opportunity cost of not trading is also difficult to measure.


a.What is meant by “soft dollars”?

b.What is the concern with soft dollars?

a.Soft dollars is compensation to customers in the form of information and preferential timing

which is “paid” by broker/dealers in exchange for commitments of orde r flow.

b.The concern is that the client is not free to shop around for the best bid or best offer, net of

commissions, for all their transactions, but have to do an agreed amount of transaction volume with the specific broker/dealer. The SEC does not ban soft dollars, but it does regulate it.


a.What is meant by tick size?

b.What is the tick size for common stock?

a.The tick size is the minimum price variation for a security.

b.The minimum tick size is a penny.

14. Why were price limits and collars imposed on stock in the United States?

Circuit breakers and trading collar rules halts trading when certain temporary forces, such as emotional trading or a panicked market, threatens stability of market prices. These reforms were made after the stock market crash of October 19, 1987.


a.What is meant by the circuit breaker rule?

b.What is meant by the trading collar rule?

a. A circuit breaker is a set of trading rules that stop trading once the market reaches certain

downside benchmarks.

b. A trading collar restricts index arbitrage trading. If the DJIA moves up or down 2% fro the

previous closing value, program trading orders to buy or sell the S&P 500 stocks as a part of the index arbitrage strategies must be entered with directions to have the order executions affected in a manner that stabilizes share prices.

16. What are the three general types of stock market indicators?

Stock market indicators can be classified into three groups: (1) those produced by stock exchanges based on all stocks traded on the exchange; (2) those produced by organizations that subjectively select the stocks to be included in indexes; (3) those where stock selection is based on an objective measure, such as the market capitalization of the company.

17. What is the difference between a market-value-weighted index and an equally weighted index?

While the stock market indicators rise and fall in unison, several factors differentiate these. One of these is the relative weight assigned to the stock in the index. A market value weighted index is weighting by the market value of the company (capitalization). An equally weighted index will assign weight to each company equally regardless of its market value. The Dow Jones Industrial is a price-weighted index, where as value line composite average is an equally weighted index.

18. What are the main features of the S&P 500 common stock index?

The S&P 500 index is broad based measurement of changes in stock market conditions of 500 widely held common stocks. The composition of the 500 stocks is flexible. It represents stocks chosen from the two major national stock exchanges and the over-the-counter market.

19. “The stocks selected for the S&P 500 are the largest 500 companies in the United States.” Indicate whether you agree or disagree with thi s statement.

Disagree .The index captures overall stock market conditions as reflected by a broad range of economic indicators.

20. There are participants and analysts in the stock market that are called chartists or technical analysts. What does the theory that the market is weak-form efficient say about these investors’ chances of beating the market?

The weak form of the efficient market hypothesis states that past prices cannot predict future trends. Price changes are statistically independent of each other. Thus chartists or technical analysts may not gain superior returns.

21. The November 1985 prospectus of the Merrill Lynch Phoenix Fund, Inc., a mutual fund, stated the following investment objective:

Based upon the belief that the pricing mechanism of the securities

markets lacks perfect efficiency so that prices of securities of troubled

issuers are often depressed to a greater extent than warranted by the

condition of the issuer and that, while investment in such securities

involves a high degree of risk, such investments offer the opportunity

for significant capital gains.

What does this strategy assume about the pricing efficiency of the stock market?

This strategy assumes pricing inefficiency of the stock market. The prices of these securities do not reflect the true intrinsic value and thus may offer opportunities for reaping abnormal returns.

22. Why should an investor who believes that the market is efficient pursue an indexing strategy?

This is a strategy that capital market theory suggests captures the efficiency of the market. If the market is truly efficient, investors cannot outperform a market index after adjustments for risk and transaction costs.


证券从业资格考试《金融市场基础知识》试卷 1、选择题(共50题,每小题1分,共50分)以下备选项中只有下列符合题目要求,不选、错选均不得分 (1) 投资者向证券经纪商下达买进或卖出证券的指令,称为( )。 A: 申报B: 成交C: 委托D: 开户 解析: 投资者需要通过经纪商的代理才能在证券交易所买卖证券。在这种情况下,投资者向经纪商下达买进或卖出证券的指令.称为“委托”. (2) ( )是指对证券买卖申报逐笔连续撮合的竞价方式。 A: 集合竞价B: 拍卖竞价C: 连续竞价D: 招标竞价 (3) 下列关于融资租赁的说法,错误的是( )。 A: 融资租赁业务是指出租人根据承租人对出卖人、租赁物的选择,向出卖人购买租赁物,提供给承租人使用,承租人支付租金的交易活动 B: 融资租赁具有融资、融物双重职能,涉及出租人、承租人、出卖人三方当事人 C: 融资租赁是指出租人不仅要向承租人提供设备的使用权.还要向承租人提供设备的保养、保险、维修和其他专门性技术服务的一种租赁形式 D: 融资租赁与经营租赁的根本区别在于.融资租赁的出租人通常不承担租赁物的余值风险.而经营租赁的出租人一定要承担租赁的余值风险 (4) 下列关于储蓄国债(电子式)与记账式国债不同之处的表述中,错误的是( )。 A: 记账方式不同 B: 发行利率确定机制不同 C: 发行对象不同 D: 流通或变现方式不同 (5) 保险公司次级债务的偿还只有在确保偿还次级债本息后,偿付能力充足率( ) 的前提下,募集人才能偿付本息。A: 不低于100% B: 不高于80% C: 不低于70% D: 不高于50% (6) 下列选项中,属于证券公司定向发行债券要求的有( )。 A: 最近1期期末经审计的净资产不低于10亿元 B: 最近1年盈利 C: 各项风险监控指标符合中国证监会的有关规定 D: 最近3年未发生重大违法、违规行为 (7) ( )不是场外交易市场。 A: 债券柜台市场B: 证券交易所C: 银行间债券市场D: 代办股权转让市场 (8) 风险识别包括( )环节。 A: 感知风险和分析风险B: 计量风险和分析风险 C: 计量风险和感知风险D: 感知风险和检测风险 (9) 公司债券的利率比相同期限政府债券的利率高。这是对( )的补偿。 A: 通货膨胀风险B: 政策风险C: 利率风险D: 信用风险 (10) 以下关于基金资产估值的表述.正确的是( )。 A: 基金资产估值的责任人是基金托管人 B: 为保持估值方法的一致性,基金不得变更估值方法


Chapter 1 Role of Financial Markets and Institutions Questions 1. Explain the meaning of surplus units and deficit units. Provide an example of each. ANSWER: Surplus units provide funds to the financial markets while deficit units obtain funds from the financial markets. Surplus units include households with savings, while deficit units include firms or government agencies that borrow funds. 2. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets. ANSWER: Primary markets are used for the issuance of new securities while secondary markets are used for the trading of existing securities. 3. Distinguish between money and capital markets. ANSWER: Money markets facilitate the trading of short-term (money market) instruments while capital markets facilitate the trading of long-term (capital market) instruments. 4. Distinguish between perfect and imperfect security markets. ANSWER: With perfect financial markets, all information about any securities for sale would be freely available to investors, information about surplus and deficit units would be freely available, and all securities could be unbundled into any size desired. In reality, markets are imperfect, so that surplus and deficit units do not have free access to information, and securities can not be unbundled as desired. 5. Explain why the existence of imperfect markets creates a need for financial institutions. ANSWER: Financial intermediaries are needed to facilitate the exchange of funds between surplus and deficit units. They have the information to provide this service and can even repackage deposits to provide the amount of funds borrowers desire. 6. Explain the meaning of efficient markets. Why might we expect markets to be efficient most of the time? ANSWER: If markets are efficient then prices of securities available in these markets properly reflect all information. We should expect markets to be efficient because if they weren't, investors would capitalize on the discrepancy between what prices are and what they should be. This action would force market prices to represent the appropriate prices as perceived by the market. 7. In recent years, several securities firms have been guilty of using inside information when purchasing securities, thereby achieving returns well above the norm (even when accounting for risk). Does this suggest that the security markets are not efficient? Explain. ANSWER: Efficiency is often defined with regard to publicly available information. In this case, markets can be efficient, but investors with inside information could possibly outperform the market on a consistent basis. A stronger version of efficiency would hypothesize that even access to inside information will not consistently outperform the market. 1


1.金融衍生工具的分类说法错误的是()。 A.按交易场所的不同可以分为场内金融衍生工具和场外金融衍生工具 B.场内金融衍生工具是指在交易所内交易的金融衍生工具 C.信用衍生产品是交易所交易的衍生工具 D.场外交易市场交易的衍生工具实行分散的、一对一交易 【答案】C 【解析】信用衍生产品是场外交易市场交易的衍生工具。选项C不正确。 2.2010年,作为国际金融危机爆发后欧盟的改革举措之一,欧洲会议审批了一项重要法案,该法案是()。 A.《金融服务现代化法案》 B.《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》 C.《金融监管改革法案》 D.《泛欧金融监管改革法案》 【答案】D 【解析】选项D正确:2010年9月欧洲议会批准了欧盟成员国财政部长通过的《泛欧金融监管改革法案》,这是国际金融危机爆发之后,欧盟最重大的改革举措之一。 3.()年,哈里·马科维茨建立了均值-方差证券组合投资模型,提出了解决投资决策中化投资配置问题。 A.1947 B.1950 C.1952 D.1956 【答案】C 【解析】选项C正确:1952年,哈里·马科维茨建立了均值-方差证券组合投资模型,提出了解决投资决策中化投资配置问题。在模型中方差作为对风险的量度,其最小化被用来确定化的投资比例。VaR与方差直接相关,其作为风险限额指标实质上对方差附加了一种限制。因此,作为VaR约束下的马科维茨均值一方差模型的化投资决策问题就自然被人们加以利用。 4.集合票据在债权债务登记日的()即可在银行间债券市场流通转让。 A.当日 B.次一工作日 C.两日后 D.一周后 【答案】B 【解析】选项B正确:集合票据在债权债务登记日的次一工作日即可在银行间债券市场流通转让。 5.()是由存券银行在基础证券发行国安排的银行,它通常是存券银行在当地的分行、附属行或代理行。 A.存券银行 B.外汇交易所 C.中央存托公司 D.托管银行 【答案】D 【解析】选项D正确:托管银行是由存券银行在基础证券发行国安排的银行,它通常是


第二章金融市场和金融机构 (一) 第二章金融市场和金融机构 ?1 金融体系的定义 ?2 资金流动 ?3 金融制度的功能 ?4 金融创新 ?5 金融市场 ?6 金融市场中的比率 第一部分 金融体系介绍 金融系统(金融体系) ?被用于订立金融合约和交换资产及风险的金融市场和金融机构(中介)的集合 ?金融机构担当投资者的代理人和帮助资本(金)的流动等 ?金融市场是所有金融交易的核心 ?居民户、企业和政府实施其金融决策离不开金融市场和金融机构。 第一节 金融市场 一、金融市场概述 (一)金融市场的概念和分类 1.金融市场: 金融市场是买卖金融工具以融通资金的场所或机制。 ?之所以把金融市场视作为一种场所,是因为只有这样才与市场的一般含义相吻合; ?之所以同时又把金融市场视作为一种机制,是因为金融市场上的融资活动既可以在固定场所进行,也可以不在固定场所进行,如果不在固定场所进行的融资活动就可以理解为一种融资机制。 ?按有无固定场所进行分,金融产品市场可分为两类: ?交易所交易市场(Exchange traded) ?场外市场(Over-the-counter ,OTC) 交易所交易市场 ?芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT) ?纽约证券交易所(NYSE) ?芝加哥期权交易所(CBOE) ?上海证券交易所 ?深圳证券交易所 ?上海黄金交易所 ?上海期货交易所(金属) ?大连商品交易所(农产品) ?郑州商品交易所(农产品) ?中国金融期货交易所(股指期货) ?……

?交易所的主要职责: ?定义交易合约 ?组织交易 ?使交易双方的利益同时得到保护 ?交易规则:由组织化的证券交易所制定,对交易程序进行标准化。 ?传统上,交易双方在交易所内相见并通过特定手语达成交易,而现在交易更多的是采用电子交易系统。 场外市场 ?由电话和计算机将金融机构和大型企业的交易员以及基金经理联系在一起的网络系统。银行等金融机构通常扮演做市商的角色。 ?场外交易的最大优点是合约内容不受交易所限制。 ?场外市场用于交易的电话通常都是被录音的。 ?场外市场与交易所交易市场的一个重要区别在于信用风险的大小。 ?场外市场交易额远远大于交易所交易市场。 ?最简单的交易,例如: ?买入100股IMB股票 ?卖出100万英镑 ?买入1000盎司黄金 ?卖出价值100万美元的通用汽车公司债券 ?第一个交易往往发生在交易所内,而其它三个交易更可能是场外交易,但四种均属现货交易。(二)分类 (三)金融市场的构成要素 1.金融市场主体:即金融市场的参与者 2.金融市场客体:金融市场的交易载体——货币资金。 3.金融市场交易工具:金融市场的交易对象指的是金融工具,也称信用工具,它是证明金融交易金额、期限、价格的书面文件,它对交易双方的权利和义务具有法律约束意义。 4.金融市场价格:在金融市场上,交易对象的价格就是用货币资金表示的价格。 二、货币市场和资本市场 ?按到期期限划分 ?货币市场,期限短于一年,强调流动性 ?短期债务市场:比如美国的短期国库券,企业的商业票据等。 ?资本市场,期限长于一年,强调收益性 ?包括长期债务市场和权益性证券市场。 金融资产 三种基本的金融资产类型:债务、股权和衍生工具 ?债券(固定收益证券,Fixed Income Securities):承诺未来支付固定数量现金的借款合约。 ?公司债券、政府债券、住宅性和商业性按揭贷款、消费贷款。 股票(普通股):公司发行的所有权凭证。 ?每份股票代表对企业所有权的等同份额; ?通常还代表对公司治理事务的投票权; ?股票代表对一家公司资产和收益的剩余索取权(Residual Claim); ?普通股同时具备有限责任的特征,即如果资不抵债,债权人无法向股票所有者索取更多 资金来弥补缺口,债权人的索取权被限定在该企业资产的范围之内。


1.下列关于银行间债券市场的说法,正确的有( )。Ⅰ.投资者在银行间债券市场可进行债券买卖和回购 Ⅱ.政策性金融债券目前不在银行间市场进行交易 Ⅲ.银行间债券市场已经成为我国债券市场的主体部分Ⅳ.银行间债券市场规模快速扩大,直接融资比例不断上升 A.Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ B.Ⅱ、Ⅳ C.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 【答案】A 2.中期票据是( )发行的债务融资工具。 A.非金融企业 B.签发人 C.中国人民银行 D.出票人 【答案】A

3.基金监管机构对基金业实行严格的监管,对各种有损于投资者利益的行为进行严厉打 击,并强制基金进行及时、准确、充分的信息披露,这体现了证券投资基金的()的特点。 A.严格监管、信息透明 B.集合理财、专业管理 C.独立托管、保障安全 D.利益共享、风险共担 【答案】A 4.可转换公司债券最主要的金融特征是() A.双重选择权 B.附有投票权 C.风险权益的限定性 D.套期保值 【答案】A 5.既是基金的当事人,又是基金的主要服务机构的是() A.基金评价机构 B.基金份额持有人 C.基金托管人

D.基金投资顾问机构 【答案】C 6.上海证券交易所成立于()年11 月 A.1990 B.1992 C.1989 D.1991 【答案】A 7.金融债券的登记、托管机构是() A.深圳证券交易所 B.中央国债登记结算有限责任公司 C.上海证券交易所 D.中国证券登记结算有限责任公司 【答案】B 8.下列有关凭证式国债的说法,正确的是() A.对在发行期内已缴纳但未售完及购买者提前兑取的凭证式国债,不能在原额度内继续发售 B.凭证式国债是一种可上市流通的储蓄型债券 C.各金融机构均有资格申请加入凭证式国债承销团


2020年证券从业资格《金融市场基础知识》试题及答案(卷十) 一、单项选择题 1.国债转托管费按转出国债面值金额的( )计算。 A.0.05% B.0.5% C.0.01% D.0.005% 【答案】D 【解析】《中国证券登记结算有限责任公司国债跨市场转托管业务操作指引》第十五条规定,申请转出的投资者应向中国证券登记结算有限责任公司交纳转托管费。转托管费按转出国债面值金额的0.005%计算,单笔(单只)转托管费用最低为10 元,最高为10000 元。故本题选D 选项。 2.在采用证券经纪商场内交易员进行申报的情况下,场内交易员操作确认客户的撤单的委托指令后,应( )将执行结果告知客户。 A.在一个工作日内 B.在一个交易日内 C.立即 D.在当天交易时间结束前 【答案】C 【解析】在采用证券经纪商场内交易员进行申报的情况下,场内交易员操作确认客户撤单的委托指令后,应立即将执行结果告知客

户。故本题选C 选项。 3.证券投资基金的出现和发展,能有效地改善证券市场的( )结构。 A.投资者 B.管理者 C.筹资者 D.监管者 【答案】A 【解析】证券投资基金的出现和发展,能有效地改善证券市场的投资者结构。故本题选A选项。 4.运用利率政策和信贷政策对证券市场进行干预属于( )。 A.经济手段 B.行政手段 C.自律手段 D.法律手段 【答案】A 【解析】经济手段是指通过运用利率政策、公开市场业务、信贷政策、税收政策等经济手段,对证券市场进行干预。故本题选 A 选项。 5.根据《公司法》规定,股份有限公司向发起人、法人发行的股票应当为( )。 A.记名股票或无记名股票 B.优先股票


金融市场与金融机构 一、填空题 1.A债券价格为2000美元,永久性的年偿付100美元,则到期收益率为() 2.面值为1000美元的3年期零息债到期收益率为8%,则其当前价格为() 3.如果美国与英国的利率分别为2%和3%,那么英镑相当于美元的预期升值率为() 4.如果当前1年期利率水平为7%,2年期利率水平为8%,则预期一年后的1年期利率水平为() 5.假设当期利率水平为7%,如果利率升至9%。某久期为3年的债券其价值为() 6.假定可口可乐公司的股票以10.95%的固定比率增长,刚分配的股利为每股1美元,假定必要回报率为13%,则其股票的理论价格为()美元。 7.某德国产汽车售价为70000美元,如果汇率为1美元兑换1.1欧元,则该汽车的美元价格应当为()美元。 二、单项选择 1. 如果收益率曲线向上倾斜,则一下()是市场细分理论的结论。 A.短期利润将会上升 B.短期利率将会下降 C.短期利率不会变化 D.无法确定 2.随机游走行为认为股价变动是()的,因此()有效市场假说。 A.可预测,支持 B.可预测,不支持 C.不可预测,支持 D.不可预测,不支持 3.垃圾债券是指() A.处理垃圾业务的公司所发的债券 B.熊猫债券 C.低信用等级债券 D.扬基债券 4.穆迪公司评级为Baa等级的公司债券风险收益一般会()评级为C等级的公司债券。 A.大于 B.小于 C.等于 D.无法确定 5.保险公司要求投保人必须提供详细的个人信息,目的是为了规避() A.逆向选择 B.道德风险 C.交易成本 D.政府管制 6.不能解决信息不对称问题的措施包括() A.鼓励私人企业生产并销售信息 B.政府管制以增加信息披露 C.金融中介机构的出现 D.企业更多依赖债券融资而非银行融资 7. 30年期住房抵押贷款的等额本金分期还款方式第一年还款额主要是偿还()部分,第30年主要是偿还()部分。 A.本金;利息 B.本金;本金 C.利息;本金 D.利息;利息 8.假定其他情况不变,未来20年中国的生产率水平相对于美国持续上升,则人民币将会() A.升值 B.贬值 C.不变 D.不确定 9.保险公司在确定保费时,一般需要借助于() A.大数定律 B.货币中性 C.保险利益 D.以上都不对 10.下列有关利率期限结构理论的结论正确的是() A.纯预期理论假设长短期债券之间不能完全替代 B.市场细分理论不能解释长短期利率之间变动的相关性 C.流动性溢价理论认为收益率曲线向右上方倾斜意味着未来短期利率水平将会上升 D.以上结论都不对 11.冲销式干预中需对外汇干预导致的()变动 A.货币供应量 B.汇率 C.外汇储备 D.以上都不对


CHAPTER 4 THE U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE AND THE CREATION OF MONEY CENTRAL BANKS AND THEIR PURPOSE The primary role of a central bank is to maintain the stability of the currency and money supply for a country or a group of countries. The role of central banks can be categorized as: (1) risk assessment, (2) risk reduction, (3) oversight of payment systems, (4) crisis management. One of the major ways a central bank accomplishes its goals is through monetary policy. For this reason, central banks are sometimes called monetary authority. In implementing monetary policy, central banks, acting as a reserve bank, require private banks to maintain and deposit the required reserves with the central bank. In times of financial crisis, central banks perform the role of lender of last resort for the banking system. Countries throughout the world may have central banks. Additionally, the European Central Bank is responsible for implementing monetary policy for the member countries of the European Union. There is widespread agreement that central banks should be independent of the government so that decisions of the central bank will not be influenced for short-term political purposes such as pursuing a monetary policy to expand the economy but at the expense of inflation. In implementing monetary and economic policies, the United States is a member of an informal network of nations. This group started in 1976 as the Group of 6, or G6: US, France, Germany, UK, Italy, and Japan. Thereafter, Canada joined to for the G7. In 1998, Russia joined to form the G8. THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE UNITED STATES: THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System consists of 12 banking districts covering the entire country. Created in 1913, the Federal Reserve is the government agency responsible for the management of the US monetary and banking systems. It is independent of the political branches of government. The Fed is managed by a seven-member Board of Governors, who are appointed by the President and approved by Congress. The Fed's tools for monetary management have been made more difficult by financial innovations. The public's increasing acceptance of money market mutual funds has funneled a large amount of money into what are essentially interest-bearing checking accounts. Securitization permits commercial banks to change what once were illiquid consumer loans of several varieties into securities. Selling these securities gives the banks a source of funding that is outside the Fed's influence.


2017 年证券从业资格考试金融市场基础知识真题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共50 小题,每小题 1 分,共 50 分。只有一个选项符合题目要求) 第 1 题证券登记结算制度实行证券()。 A.代持制 B.实名制 C.代理制 D.经纪制 【正确答案】 B 【你的答案】 【答案解析】证券登记结算制度实行证券实名制。投资者开立证券账户应当向 证券登记结算机构提出申请,投资者申请开立证券账户应当保证其提交的开户资料真实、准确、完整,投资者不得将本人的证券账户提供给他人使用。 本题1分 第 2 题所有境外投资者对单个上市公司 A 股的持股比例总和,不超过该上市公司股份总数的()。 A.20% B.10% C.40% D.30% 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 所有境外投资者对单个上市公司 A 股的持股比例总和,不超过该【答案解析】 上市公司股份总数的30%。

本题1分 第 3 题投资者在证券交易所买卖证券,是通过委托()来进行的。 A.上海证券交易所或深圳证券交易所 B.中国证券业协会 C. 中国金融结算公司上海分公司或深圳分公司 D.证券经纪商 【正确答案】 D 【你的答案】 【答案解析】在证券交易所市场,投资者买卖证券是不能直接进入交易所办理的,而必须通过证券交易所的会员来进行。换而言之,投资者需要通过经纪商的代理才能在证券交易所买卖证券。 本题1分 第 4 题我国国有资产管理部门或其授权部门持有(),履行国有资产的保值增值和通过 国家控股、参股来支配更多社会资源的职责。 A.国有股 B.法人股 C.限售股 D.流通股 【正确答案】 A 【你的答案】 【答案解析】我国国有资产管理部门或其授权部门持有国有股,履行国有资产的保值增值和通过国家控股、参股来支配更多社会资源的职责。 本题1分 第 5 题在我国证券交易所的证券交易中,不受10%涨跌幅限制的是()。 A.已上市 A股


2019年国家证券从业及专项《金融市场基础知识》职 业资格考前练习 一、单选题 1.股票包含着股东可以依其持有的股票要求股份公司按规定分配( )的请求权等权利。 A、权利和义务 B、实物与资产 C、股息和红利 D、以上都不对 >>>点击展开答案与解析 【知识点】:第4章>第1节>一、股票的概念 【答案】:C 【解析】: 股票本身虽然没有价值,但它包含着股东可以依其持有的股票要求股份公司按规定分配股息和红利的请求权等权利。 2.既是证券市场上重要的中介机构,又是证券市场上重要的机构投资者的是( )。 A、会计师事务所 B、证券公司 C、资产评估事务所 D、投资咨询公司 >>>点击展开答案与解析 【知识点】:第3章>第3节>一、证券公司概述 【答案】:B 【解析】: 证券公司是证券市场上重要的中介机构,它是证券市场投融资服务的提供者,为证券发行人和投资者提供专业化的中介服务;同时证券公司也是证券市场上重要的机构投资者。 3.在证券投资基金运作的三大部分中,处于核心作用的是( ),其他活动都围绕和服务这一核心活动。 A、基金的市场营销 B、基金的会计核算 C、基金的投资管理 D、基金的后台管理 >>>点击展开答案与解析

【知识点】:第6章>第5节>二、基金的投资管理 【答案】:C 【解析】: 基金投资管理是指基金管理人按照基金合同的约定,在规定的投资范围内,按照既定的投资策略,实现基金投资目标的过程。基金投资管理在基金运作中处于核心作用,其他活动都围绕和服务这一核心活动。 4.在基金运作过程中涉及的费用可以分为两大类:一类是( )过程中发生的费用,另一类是( )过程中发生的费用。 A、基金申购;基金赎回 B、基金管理;基金托管 C、基金销售;基金管理 D、基金交易;基金运作 >>>点击展开答案与解析 【知识点】:第6章>第4节>二、基金的费用 【答案】:C 【解析】: 在基金运作过程中涉及的费用可以分为两大类:一类是基金销售过程中发生的由基金投资者承担的费用,主要包括申购费(认购费)、赎回费及基金转换费等;另一类是基金管理过程中发生的费用,主要包括基金管理费、基金托管费、持有人大会费用、信息披露费等,这些费用由基金资产承担。 5.注册制的特点不包括( ) A、以信息披露为中心 B、证券监管机构对证券的价值好坏不作实质性判断 C、证券监管机构对证券的价格高低作实质性判断 D、是一种不同于审批制、核准制的证券发行监管制度 >>>点击展开答案与解析 【知识点】:第2章>第2节>四、构建多层次资本市场的新尝试——科创板 【答案】:C 【解析】: 注册制是一种不同于审批制、核准制的证券发行监管制度,它的基本特点是以信息披露为中心,通过要求证券发行人真实、准确、完整地披露公司信息,使投资者可以获得必要的信息对证券价值进行判断并作出是否投资的决策,证券监管机构对证券的价值好坏、价格高低不作实质性判断。 6.上市公司募集资金运用的数额和使用应当符合( )规定。 Ⅰ.募集资金数额不超过项目需要量且募集资金用途符合国家产业政策和有关环境保护、

第一章 为何学习金融市场与机构(英文习题及答案)

Chapter 1 Why Study Financial Markets and Institutions? 1.1 Single Choice 1)Financial markets and institutions A)involve the movement of huge quantities of money. B)affect the profits of businesses. C)affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy. D)do all of the above. E)do only A and B of the above. 2)Financial market activities affect A) personal wealth. B) spending decisions by individuals and business firms. C) the economy's location in the business cycle. D) all of the above. 3) Markets in which funds are transferred from those who have excess funds available to those who have a shortage of available funds are called A) commodity markets. B) funds markets. C) derivative exchange markets. D) financial markets. 4) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage of the rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as the A) inflation rate. B) exchange rate. C) interest rate. D) aggregate price level. 5) The bond markets are important because A) they are easily the most widely followed financial markets in the United States. B) they are the markets where interest rates are determined. C) they are the markets where foreign exchange rates are determined. D) all of the above. 6) Interest rates are important to financial institutions since an interest rate increase _________ the cost of acquiring funds and _________ the income from assets. A) decreases; decreases B) increases; increases C) decreases; increases D) increases; decreases 7) Typically, increasing interest rates


金融市场基础知识选择题(一) 1.狭义的有价证券是指(D) A.商品证券 B.货币证券 C.金融证券 D.资本证券 2.下列关于企业年金基金财产投资的说法,错误的是(A) A.企业年金基金财产的投资范围仅限于银行存款 B.企业年金基金财产投资银行定期存款的额度不高于基金净资产的95% C.企业年金基金不得用于信用交易 D.企业年金基金财产投资股票的比例不高于基金净资产的30% 3. 关于股票的叙述,下列说法错误的是(D) A.股票本身没有价值 B.股票代表的是股东权利 C.发行股票的股份公司筹措自有资本的手段 D.股票是一种真实资本 4. 下列不属于证券投资基金与股票、债券区别的是(D) A.反映的经济关系不同 B.筹集资金的投向不同

C.风险水平不同 D.发行方式不同 5.下列不属于证券发行市场上的机构投资者的是(D) A.证券公司 B.社保基金 C.信托投资公司 D.政策银行 6.设立证券登记结算公司应当具备的条件之一是有自有资金不少于人 民币(B)亿元 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 7.下列关于债券的借贷双方的权利义务关系的叙述,错误的是(B) A.投资者是出借贷金的经济主体 B.购买者是借出资金的经济主体 C.发行人必须在约定的时间付息还本 D.债券反映了发现者和投资者之间的债权债务关系 8.(C)是优先股股东除了按规定分得本期固定股息外,无权再参与对本期剩余盈利分配的优先股票 A.参与优先股 B.可赎回优先股 C.非参与优先股 D.不可 转换优先股 9.上市公司利用自有资金,从公开市场上买回发行在外的股票属于(B)

A.增发股票 B.股份回购 C.股票分割 D.股票合并 10.除权除息日通常为股权登记日之后的(A)个工作日,本日之后(含本日)买入的股票不再享有本期股利。A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 11.股东需要为下列中的(B)支付所得税。 A.增发新股 B.现金股利 C.股票合并 D.股份回购 12.投资者最为关心的价格是股票的(A) A.市场价格 B.交易价格 C.发行价格 D.理论价格 13.股份公司的权力机构是(B) A.董事会 B.股东大会 C.监事会 D.理事会 14.证券的(C)是指实际收益与预期收益的背离,或者说证券收益的不确定性。 A.收益性 B.流动性 C.风险性 D.期限性 15.银行证券主要是(A) A.银行汇票、银行本票和支票 B.商业汇票和商业本票 C.股票、公司债券和商业票据 D.金融期货、可转换证券、权证


(1) 中长期资金市场又称为( )。 A: 初级市场 B: 货币市场 C: 资本市场 D: 次级市场 答案:C 解析: 资本市场是指提供长期(1年以上)资本融通和交易的市场,包括股票市场、中长期债券市场和证券投资基金市场。资本市场也称为中长期资金市场。证券从业证试题 (2) 在证券经纪业务中,证券经纪商进行含有证券自营业务的委托申报时的原则是( )。 A: 价格优先、时间优先 B: 价格优先、客户优先 C: 时间优先、价格优先 D: 时间优先、客户优先 答案:D 解析: 证券经纪商进行含有证券自营业务的委托申报时的原则是时间优先、客户优先。证券从业资格试题库 (3)我国《证券法》规定,股份有限公司申请股票在深圳证券交易所主板市场上市,其公司股本总额必须不少于人民币( )万元。 A: 4000 B: 5000 C: 3000 D: 1000 答案:B 解析: 略 (4) 按照基础工具划分,金融衍生品可分为( )。证券从业考题 A: 股权衍生工具、货币衍生工具、利率衍生工具 B: 场内交易工具、场外交易工具 C: 远期、期货、期权和互换 D: 股权衍生工具、债券衍生工具、外汇衍生工具 答案:A 解析: 按照基础衍生工具划分,金融衍生品可分为股权衍生工具(以股票或股票指数为基础的衍生工具,如股指期货等),货币衍生工具(以各种货币为基础的金融衍生工具.如远期外汇合约、外币期权等).利率衍生工具(以利率为基础的金融衍生工具。如远期利率协议)。证券从业押题 (5) 中小企业私募债发行利率不超过同期银行贷款基准利率的( )倍。 A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 答案:C 解析: 中小企业私募债发行利率不超过同期银行贷款基准利率的3倍,期限在1年(含)以上。 (6) 按照( ).金融市场划分为有形市场和无形市场。证券从业证培训 A: 金融工具发行特征 B: 金融交易的场地和空问


证券从业金融市场基础知识练习题及答案备考证券从业考试,广大考生们在看书的同时,也要分清主次,把握重要知识点。出guo证券从业考试栏目为大家分享“证券从业金融市场基础知识练习题及答案”,希望对考生们能有所帮助。想了解更多关于证券从业考试的讯息,的更新。 第1题:可转换债券通常是指证券持有者可以在一定时期内按一定比例或价格将它转换成一定数量的( )。 A.担保债券 B.抵押债券 C.优先股票 D.普通股票 第2题:下列关于地方政府债券的说法中,正确的是( )。 A.地方政府债券通常可以分为一般债券和普通债券 B.收入债券是指地方政府为缓解资金紧张或解决临时经费不足而发行的债券 C.普通债券是指为筹集资金建设某项具体工程而发行的债券 D.地方政府债券简称“地方债券”,也可以称为“地方公债”或“市政债券” 第3题:公开发行企业债券,若募集资金用于固定资产投资项目的,累计发行额不得超过该项目总投资的( );若募集资金用于补充营运资金的,不超过发债总额的( )。 A.60%,30%

B.60%,20% C.20%,60% D.20%,20% 第4题:下列关于凭证式国债的表述,错误的是( )。 A.采取“随买随卖”的方式进行交易 B.承销商通过开具凭证式国债收款凭证的方式进行发售 C.利率按实际持有天数分档计付 D.凭证式国债是一种可上市流通的储蓄型债券 第5题:关于债券的票面价值,下列描述正确的是( )。 A.在债券的票面价值中,只需要规定债券的票面金额 B.票面金额定得较小,发行成本也就较小 C.票面金额定得较大,有利于小额投资者购买 D.债券票面金额的确定要根据债券的发行对象、市场资金供给情况及债券发行费用等因素综合考虑 第6题:证券发行人是指为筹措资金而发行债券、股票等证券的发行主体,其主要包括( )。 A.政府和政府机构、公司 B.中央政府、地方政府、公司 C.政府和中央银行、公司企业 D.政府、金融机构、财政部、公司 第7题:保险公司次级定期债务是指( )。


证券从业资格考试《金融市场基础知识》模拟试题及答案0324-18 1、()是长期金融市场或长期资金市场,是为一年以上资本性或准资本性融资产品提供发行和交易服务的有形或无形的市场总和。【选择题】 A.资本市场 B.货币市场 C.金融市场 D.现货市场 正确答案:A 答案解析:选项A正确:资本市场是长期金融市场或长期资金市场,是为一年以上资本性或准资本性融资产品提供发行和交易服务的有形或无形的市场总和。 2、依据中国证监会持股比例限制和国家其他有关规定,所有境外投资者对单个上市公司A股的持股比例总和,不超过该上市公司股份总数的()。【选择题】 A.10% B.15% C.20% D.30% 正确答案:D 答案解析:选项D正确:合格境外机构投资者的境内股票投资,应当遵守中国证监会规定的持股比例限制和国家其他有关规定: (1)单个境外投资者通过合格境外机构投资者持有一家上市公司股票的,持股比例不得超过该公司股份总数的10%; (2)所有境外投资者对单个上市公司A股的持股比例总和,不超过该上市公司股份总数的30%。 3、下列有关基金管理费表述正确的是()。

Ⅰ.基金管理费通常按照每个估值日基金净资产的一定比率(年率)逐日计算,累计至每月月底,按月支付Ⅱ.管理费率的大小通常与基金规模成正比,与风险成反比 Ⅲ.目前我国基金大部分按照1.5%的比例计算基金管理费,债券型基金的管理费率一般低于1%,货币市场基金的管理费率为0.33% Ⅳ.管理费通常直接向投资者收取【组合型选择题】 A.Ⅰ、Ⅲ B.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ 正确答案:A 答案解析:选项A正确:管理费率的大小通常与基金规模成反比,与风险成正比(Ⅱ错误);管理费通常从基金的股息、利息收益中或从基金资产中扣除,不另向投资者收取(Ⅳ错误)。 4、按照《证券公司分类监管规定》(2017年修订),中国证监会根据证券公司评价积分的高低,评价和确定证券公司的类别,将证券公司分为()。【选择题】 A.三大类9个级别 B.四大类6个级别 C.四大类9个级别 D.五大类11个级别 正确答案:D 答案解析:选项D正确:按照《证券公司分类监管规定》(2017年修订),中国证监会根据证券公司评价积分的高低,评价和确定证券公司的类别,将证券公司分为A(AAA、AA、A)、B(BBB、BB、B)、C(CCC、CC、C)、D、E五大类11个级别。 5、直接融资和间接融资的区别主要在于()。【选择题】 A.融资过程中资金的需求者与资金的供给者是否直接形成债权债务关系 B.融资活动是否分散于各个场所 C.融资所得资金是否需要返还
