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Business Information Systems in Your Career

Business Information Systems in Your Career
Business Information Systems in Your Career

Business Information Systems in Your Career

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One of the recent critical challenges facing Major League Baseball was:

a. poor coordination between local and national sales channels.

b. poorly managed sales channels.

c. outdated information systems.

d. decreasing ticket sales.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 3

2. The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage, operational excellence, and:

a. improved flexibility.

b. improved decision making.

c. improved business practices.

d. improved efficiency.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 6

3. Dell Computer’s use of information systems to improve efficiency and implement “mass customization” techniques to maintain consistent profitability and an industry lead illustrates which business objective?

a. Improved flexibility

b. Improved business practices

c. Competitive advantage

d. Survival

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 8

4. The use of information systems because of necessity is:

a. survival

b. improved business practices

c. competitive advantage

d. improved flexibility

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9

5. (Analysis)

Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage (1) new products, services, and business models; (2) charging less for superior products; (3) responding to customers in real-time?

a. 1 only

b. 1 and 2

c. 2 and 3

d. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 8

Analysis in terms of compare

6. Verizon’s implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with realtime information such as customer complaints is an example of:

a. improved flexibility.

b. improved decision-making.

c. improved efficiency.

d. customer and supplier intimacy.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 8

7. The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the information system business objective of:

a. improved efficiency.

b. customer and supplier intimacy.

c. survival.

d. competitive advantag


Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 9

8. What term is used to refer to all of the computer-based information systems used by organizations and their underlying technologies?

a. Network technology

b. Digital technology

c. Information technology

d. Productivity technology

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 10

9. An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support:

a. decision making and control in an organization

b. communications and data flow

c. managers analyzing the organization’s raw data

d. the creation of new products and services

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 10

10. The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are:

a. information retrieval, research, and analysis.

b. input, output, and feedback.

c. input, processing, and output.

d. data analysis, processing, and feedback

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11

11. Order data for baseball tickets and bar code data are examples of:

a. raw input.

b. raw output.

c. customer and product data.

d. sales information.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11

12. (Analysis)

The average number of tickets sold daily online is an example of:

a. input.

b. raw data.

c. meaningful information.

d. output.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11

Analysis in terms of categorize

13. Output:

a. is feedback that has been processed to create meaningful information.

b. is information that is returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate the input stage.

c. transfers data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be use


d. transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for

which it will be used.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11

14. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called:

a. capturing.

b. processing.

c. organizing.

d. feedback.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 11

15. Electronic computers and related software programs are the technical foundation, the tools and materials, of:

a. all business procedures.

b. information accumulation.

c. modern information systems.

d. all industrialized countries.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 11

16. (Analysis)

An example of raw data from a national chain of automobile stores would be:

a. 13 Toyotas sold daily in Kentucky

b. 13 Toyota RAV 4s sold during March 2006 in Louisville, Kentucky

c. 1 Toyota RAV4s sold March 3, 2005 in Louisville, Kentucky

d. All of the above

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 11

Analysis in terms of categorize

17. The field that deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm is called:

a. information systems literacy.

b. information systems architecture.

c. management information systems.

d. information technology infrastructur


Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 11

18. In a hierarchical organization, the upper levels consist of:

a. managerial and professional workers.

b. managerial, professional, and technical workers.

c. professional and operational workers.

d. managerial, professional, and operational workers.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 13

19. A hierarchy:

a. is based on a clear-cut division of labor.

b. is composed primarily of experts trained for different functions.

c. is a pyramid structure or rising authority and responsibility.

d. all of the abov


Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 13

20. The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things, that has been accepted by most of a company’s members is called its:

a. culture.

b. environment.

c. atmosphere.

d. values.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 13

21. Business processes:

a. include informal work practices.

b. are used primarily for sales and accounting functions.

c. are governed by information technology.

d. are logically related tasks used primarily by operational personnel.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 13

22. Data management technology consists of:

a. the physical hardware and media used by an organization for storing data.

b. the detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information system.

c. the software governing the organization of data on physical storage media.

d. the hardware and software used to transfer data.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 14

23. The hardware and software used to transfer data in an organization is called:

a. data management technology.

b. networking and data management technology.

c. data and telecommunications technology.

d. networking and telecommunications technology.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 14

24. Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization’s:

a. data management environment.

b. networked environment.

c. IT infrastructure.

d. information system.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 15

25. An intranet uses:

a. mainframe technology.

b. infrared telecommunications systems.

c. the telecommunications capacities of fiber optic networks.

d. internet technology within the boundaries of the firm.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 22

26. The first step in the four-step model of business problem solving is:

a. agreeing that a problem exists.

b. identifying the problem.

c. outlining the problem’s causes.

d. assigning the problem to a problem solver.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 18

27. Inadequate data management is an example of the ___________ dimension of business problems.

a. technical

b. organizational

c. people

d. management

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 18

28. Legal and regulatory compliance is an example of which dimension of business problem?

a. Management

b. Organizational

c. People

d. Ethical

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 18

29. Aging hardware and outdated software are examples of which dimension of business problem?

a. Technical

b. Infrastructure

c. Information Systems

d. Organizational

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 18

30. Poor business processes and unsupportive culture are examples of which dimension of

business problem:

a. management

b. organizational

c. people

d. infrastructure

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 18

31. (Synthesis)

The owners of Speed-EZ, a new bike messenger service, are concerned about how they will manage their messengers once they have left the office. This is a business problem that falls into the:

a. management dimension.

b. people dimension.

c. organizational dimension.

d. technical dimension.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 18

Synthesis in terms of bringing knowledge together

32. (Synthesis)

Flapjack Flats, a new pancake chain, is having difficulty finding pancake chefs. This is a business problem that falls into the:

a. management dimension.

b. people dimension.

c. organizational dimension.

d. technical dimension.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 18

Synthesis in terms of bringing knowledge together

33. In choosing the best solution for a business problem, one of the most important considerations is:

a. change management.

b. existing resources and skills.

c. employee training.

d. outcome measurement.

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 19

34. The failure of NASA’s initial solution to preventing the space shuttle shedding foam illustrates:

a. the importance of training employees on new business processes.

b. the need to prepare for measuring outcomes of a business solution.

c. the continuous nature of problem solving.

d. the need to quickly adapt to new technological innovations.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 19

35. The final step in the four-step model of business problem solving is:

a. outcome.

b. implementation.

c. change management.

d. feedback.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 19

36. A major criterion in deciding the most important perspectives of a business problem is:

a. implementation.

b. change management.

c. usefulness.

d. organizational perspectiv


Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 20

37. One of the most frequent errors in problem solving is:

a. rushing to judgment.

b. not being aware of personal limitations.

c. being too doubtful.

d. following a rote pattern of decision making.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 20

38. An example of a business using information systems to create new products and services is:

a. Blockbuster’s creation of a new online movie-rental system similar to that of Netflix.

b. Seven-Eleven’s new retail information system analyzing sales data to determine

customer needs at each location.

c. China Telecom’s enterprise system designed to comply with international reporting regulations.

d. MLB’s Web sites for online “fantasy” games.

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 21

39. An example of a business using information systems to attain competitive advantage is:

a. Blockbuster’s creation of a new online movie-rental system similar to that of Netflix.

b. Seven-Eleven’s new retail information system analyzing sales data to de termine

customer needs at each location.

c. China Telecom’s enterprise system designed to comply with international reporting regulations.

d. MLB’s Web sites for online “fantasy” games.

Answer: a. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 21

40. An example of a business using information systems for survival is:

a. Blockbuster’s creation of a new online movie-rental system similar to that of Netflix.

b. Seven-Eleven’s new retail information system analyzing sales data to determine

customer needs at each location.

c. China Telecom’s enterprise system designed to comply with international reporting regulations.

d. MLB’s Web sites for online “fantasy” games.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 21

41. An information skill important for an accounting major would be:

a. an understanding of system and network security issues.

b. an understanding of product management enterprise systems.

c. an understanding of supplier management enterprise systems.

d. an understanding of enterprise systems that enhance leadership.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp 22-29

42. An information skill important for a marketing major would be:

a. an understanding of system and network security issues.

b. an understanding of product management enterprise systems.

c. an understanding of supplier management enterprise systems.

d. an understanding of enterprise systems that enhance leadership.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp 22-29

43. (Analysis) Sonic’s use of point-of-sales terminals to track purchasing trends at different outlets is an example of:

a. using information systems to create new business processes.

b. relegating information systems to a secondary role.

c. using information systems to achieve competitive advantage.

d. using information systems to achieve customer intimacy.

Answer: d. Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 23

Analysis in terms of examine

44. One of the very first business applications of information systems was:

a. operations management.

b. real estate sales.

c. accounting.

d. operations analysis.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 24

45. Maintaining the organization’s financial records is a business function of:

a. accounting.

b. finance.

c. sales.

d. marketing.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 24

46. Promoting the organization’s products and s ervices is a business function of:

a. manufacturing and production.

b. finance and accounting.

c. human resources.

d. sales and marketing.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 25

47. Types of marketing managers include:

a. sales managers and administrative service managers.

b. administrative service managers and sales representatives.

c. sales representatives and promotion managers.

d. promotion managers and sales managers.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 25

48. Operations management as a discipline is directly relevant to three occupational categories:

a. industrial production managers, operations analysts, and administrative service managers.

b. project managers, production managers, and administrative service managers.

c. project managers, production managers, and industrial production managers.

d. finance, accounting, and management.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 26

49. Financial managers work directly with ______________ to ensure investments in information systems help achieve corporate goals.

a. operations managers

b. senior managers

c. marketing managers

d. accounting managers

Answer: b. Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 24

50. For the U.S., the most common and successful offshore outsourcing has been:

a. technical positions in information systems.

b. managerial positions in information systems.

c. support positions in operations management.

d. managerial positions in operations management.

Answer: a. Difficulty: Easy Reference: pp 28-29

51. (Evaluation)

What was the most important impact of Major League Baseball’s Web site development efforts:

a. created a strategic advantage for major league baseball.

b. increased the efficiency of baseball operations.

c. strengthened the relationship with customers and suppliers.

d. made it possible for major league baseball to surviv


Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: pp 3-10

Evaluation in the sense of appraise, assess, estimate, judge.

52. (Evaluation)

Based on your reading of the Sonic case and other examples in the chapter, if you were asked to formulate a plan for a regional drive-in restaurant chain’s efforts to use information technology to attract customers, what would be the best use of information technology from the list below:

a. use IT to increase supplier loyalty.

b. use IT to increase operational efficiency.

c. use IT to create new products and business models.

d. use IT to help survive government reporting requirements.

e. use IT to achieve customer intimacy.

Answer: e Difficulty: Hard Reference: p 23

Evaluation in the sense of appraise, assess, estimate, judge.

53. (Analyze)

The fact that online advertising revenues are growing at 30% a year, while offline traditional advertising is growing at about 5% a year, suggests that:

a. internet advertising is very inexpensive.

b. offline line traditional advertising is not very effective.

c. the Internet is transforming the traditional advertising business model.

d. new technologies are more efficient at selling to customers.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 6

Analyze in the sense of appraise, distinguish, put facts into a context

54. (Synthesize)

Assume you work for a package delivery service in a major metropolitan area, and that the business has been losing customers for several years. You have been asked to find a solution to this problem, perhaps one which uses modern information technologies. What is the correct way to proceed:

a. look for solutions, evaluate the solutions, identify the problem more clearly, and then implement the solution.

b. think about what solutions can be implemented, look for solution designs, evaluate

the designs, and then implement the solution.

c. identify the problem, design alternative solutions, choose the best solution, and then implement the solution.

d. design solutions, evaluate and identify the problems, choose the best solution, and

then implement the solution.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 18

Synthesize in the sense of arrange, assemble, organize

55. (Evaluate)

In the UPS case the company’s culture places service to the customer among the company’s highest business objectives. Based on your reading of Chapter 1, why is “culture” an important factor to consider when building information system solutions to business problems?

a. business culture has to be synchronized with new technology

b. the business culture provides the vision and inspiration for information system


c. people are a company’s most important asset

d. businesses without culture do not understand new technology

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 13

Evaluation in the sense of appraise, assess, estimate, judge.

Chapter 2

E-Business: How Businesses Use Information Systems

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. Analysis

Kia’s difficulties in getting a complete picture of defects in their cars illustrates:

a. the difficulties in creating accurate tracking systems.

b. the challenges posed by having multiple information systems that are not linked.

c. the difficulties in complying with government regulations.

d. the compromises made in drawing accurate reports from poorly planned information systems.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 40

Analysis in terms of differentiating

2. (Analysis, Synthesis) How would you best categorize the types of systems Kia implemented in their defect early warning system?

a. A TPS to store basic data about vehicles, parts, sales, and warranties, and an MIS

to create reports on the data.

b. A TPS to store basic data about vehicles, parts, sales, and warranties, and a DSS

for high-level analysis and forecasts.

c. An MIS to create reports from existing TPSs and a DSS for high-level analysis

and forecasts.

d. A production and manufacturing system to record basic data about faulty parts

and a DSS for high-level analysis and forecasts.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 39-41

Analysis in terms of differentiating, Synthesis in terms of bringing parts of knowledge together.

3. The five basic entities that make up any business are suppliers, customers, employees, products and services, and:

a. its environment.

b. manufacturing and production.

c. sales and marketing.

d. invoices and payments.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 43

4. Which of the following is a cross-functional business process?

a. hiring an employee.

b. identifying a customer.

c. fulfilling a customer order.

d. creating an invoic


Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 43

5. Employees that assist with paperwork at all levels of the firm are called:

a. data workers.

b. knowledge workers.

c. operational management.

d. service workers.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 44

6. The three principal levels of hierarchies within a business organization are:

a. management, knowledge workers, and service workers.

b. senior management, middle management, and operational management.

c. management, data workers, and operational management.

d. senior management, middle management, and service workers.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 44

7. Key actors in a business’s immediate environment include:

a. regulations.

b. technology.

c. economy.

d. politics.

Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 45

8. Promoting the organization’s products or services is a responsibility of the:

a. finance and accounting function.

b. human resources function.

c. manufacturing and production function.

d. sales and marketing function.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 47

9. Market research is an activity associated with the:

a. Finance and accounting function

b. Human resources function

c. Manufacturing and production function

d. Sales and marketing function

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 47

10. Pricing analysis is an example of:

a. a sales and marketing information system serving senior management.

b. a sales and marketing information system serving management.

c. a finance and accounting information system serving senior management.

d. a finance and accounting information system serving management.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 47

11. A sales and marketing information system aids operational management in:

a. tracking sales.

b. planning new products and services.

c. analyzing sales performance.

d. preparing sales forecasts.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 47

12. A sales and marketing information system aids middle management employees in:

a. tracking sales.

b. planning new products and services.

c. analyzing sales performance.

d. preparing sales forecasts.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 47

13. Equipment scheduling and facilities maintenance are functions of:

a. Finance and accounting systems.

b. Human resources systems.

c. Manufacturing and production systems.

d. Sales and marketing systems.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 48

14. Senior management uses finance and accounting information systems to:

a. plan long-term profits.

b. decide where to locate new facilities.

c. forecast sales trends.

d. control the firms’ financial resources.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 49

15. Budgeting is typically a feature of an information system serving:

a. operational management.

b. sales and marketing.

c. senior management.

d. middle management.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 49

16. A finance and accounting information system aids operational management with:

a. establishing long term investment goals.

b. profit planning.

c. accounts receivable.

d. budgeting.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 49

17. Compensation analysis is an example of:

a. finance and accounting information systems.

b. enterprise application information systems.

c. human resources information systems.

d. sales and marketing information systems.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 50

18. TPSs are the basic business systems that serve which level of the organization?

a. senior management.

b. middle management.

c. operational.

d. knowledge management.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 51

19. A computerized system that performs and records the daily dealings necessary to conduct business is classified as a(n):

a. executive support system.

b. management-level system.

c. operational-level system.

d. transaction-level system.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 51

20. A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house-hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions would fall into the category of:

a. knowledge management systems.

b. operational-level systems.

c. executive-support systems.

d. management-level systems.

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 51-55

21. The term “management information systems” designates a specific category of information systems serving:

a. integrated data processing throughout the firm.

b. transaction process reporting.

c. employees with online access to historical records.

d. middle management functions.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 53

22. The principal purpose of __________________ is to answer routine questions and to track the flow of transactions through the organization.

a. senior management-level systems.

b. operational-level systems.

c. management-level systems.

d. knowledge management systems.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 53

23. Managers need __________ to monitor the status of internal operations and the firm’s relations with the external environment.

a. decision support systems

b. knowledge systems

c. transaction processing systems

d. management information systems

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 53

24. Management-level systems are information systems that support the:

a. long-range planning activities of senior management.

b. knowledge and data workers in an organization.

c. decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers.

d. day-to-day processes of production.

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 53

25. These systems are designed to summarize and report on the company’s basic operations.

a. decision-support systems

b. executive information systems

c. transaction processing systems

d. management information systems

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 53

26. These systems are typically a major source of data for other systems:

a. transaction processing systems.

b. management information systems.

c. executive support systems.

d. decision-support systems.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 53

27. Decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance are best suited to this type of system:

a. management.

b. transaction processing

c. executive support

d. decision-support

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 54

28. These systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully predefined in advance:

a. management information systems.

b. transaction processing systems.

c. decision-support systems.

d. knowledge management systems.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 54

29. These systems allow users to change assumptions, ask new questions, and include new data:

a. decision-support systems.

b. transaction processing systems.

c. management information systems.

d. executive support systems.

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 54-55

30. Executive support systems are information systems that support the:

a. long-range planning activities of senior management.

b. knowledge and data workers in an organization.

c. decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers.

d. day-to-day processes of production.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 55

31. These systems have more analytical power than other types of systems:

a. management information systems.

b. transaction processing systems.

c. decision-support systems.

d. executive support systems.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 55

32. Decision-support systems are often referred to as:

a. business information systems.

b. business intelligence systems.

c. business support systems.

d. business model systems.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 55

33. ESS are specifically designed to serve this level of the organization:

a. operational

b. end-use.

c. middle management

d. senior management

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 55

34. These systems often deliver information to senior executives through a portal, which uses a Web interface to present integrated personalized business content:

a. transaction processing systems.

b. executive support systems.

c. management information systems.

d. decision-support systems.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 55

35. These systems are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration.

a. Decision-support systems

b. Management information systems

c. CRM

d. Enterprise applications

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 57

36. A (an) _______________________ collects data from various key business processes and stores the data in a single comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of the business.

a. transaction system

b. enterprise system

c. automatic reporting system

d. management information system

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 58

37. ___________________________ is the process that integrates supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes.

a. Collaborative distribution

b. Supply-chain management

c. Reverse logistics

d. Enterprise planning

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 59

38. _______________________ uses a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of the customer relationship.

a. CRM

b. MIS

c. CLE

d. CLU

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 60

39. (Analysis)

Which type of system would you use to determine what trends in your supplier’s industry will affect your firm the most in five years?

a. ESS

b. TPS

c. MIS

d. DSS

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 55

Analysis in terms of differentiate and appraise

40. (Analysis)

Which type of system would you use to forecast the return on investment if you used new suppliers with better delivery track records?

a. ESS

b. TPS

c. MIS

d. DSS

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 55

Analysis in terms of differentiate and appraise

41. (Analysis)

Which type of system would you use to change a production schedule if a key supplier was late in delivering goods?

a. ESS

b. TPS

c. MIS

d. DSS

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 53

Analysis in terms of differentiate and appraise

42. (Analysis)

Which type of system would you use to determine the five suppliers with the worst record in delivering goods on time?

a. ESS

b. TPS

c. MIS

d. DSS

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 53-54

Analysis in terms of differentiate and appraise

43. Different firms can work collaboratively on product design, marketing, and production through:

a. An intranet

b. An extranet

c. A KMS

d. A CRM

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 63

44. (Synthesis)

What type of information system is an intranet most easily adapted to:

a. CRM

b. MIS

c. TPS

d. KMS

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: 63

Synthesize in terms of bringing information together

45. Buying or selling goods over the Internet is called:

a. e-commerce

b. e-business

c. an intranet

d. an extranet

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 63

46. (Synthesis)

You would recommend that a system interface use a portal when:

a. employees need to communicate with clients and vendors.

b. employees need to collaborate with suppliers and vendors.

c. employees need to reference multiple sources of data.

d. employees need to use data from the Internet.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 63

Synthesize in terms of brining information together

47 The use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called

a. e-commerce

b. e-business

c. enterprise applications

d. MIS

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 64

48 The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization is a/an:

a. Programmer

b. Information systems manager

c. Systems analyst

d. CIO

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 64

49 A __________ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm.

a. CEO

b. CFO

c. CIO

d. CIT

Answer: c Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 65

50 Development and support services for a firms’ business systems are provided by:

a. IT educational services.

b. IT management services.

c. application software services.

d. IT standards services.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 65

51 Policies that determine which information technology will be used, when, and how are provided by:

a. IT educational services.

b. IT management services.

c. application software services.

d. IT standards services.

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 65

52 The advantage of a decentralized arrangement of the information services function, in which each functional area of the business has its own information systems

department is:

a. more likely to produce more compatible systems and more coherent long-term

systems development plans.

b. lower costs of technology purchases.

c. systems are built that directly address that function’s business needs.

d. systems are built that can function independently and more efficiently.

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 67

53 (Evaluate)

What is the most important benefit of an enterprise application:

a. enabling speed of communicating.

b. enabling business functions and departments to share information.

c. enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers.

d. enabling cost-effective, e-business processes.

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 57-58

(Evaluate in terms of appraise, evaluate)

54 (Analysis)

What does Danaher Corporation’s implementation of e-Kanban illustrate?

a. Information systems can often reproduce manual business processes in a more efficient and error-free way.

b. Implementing technical solutions is a continuous process, needing the measurement of benefits against drawbacks.

c. Lean manufacturing relies on ever improving production solutions.

d. Updating supply chain management systems will transform business processes leading to increased profits across the board.

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 71-73

Analysis in terms of analyzing and appraising

55 (Evaluate)

You manage the Information Systems department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and click-throughs about their current banner ads. Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution?

a. CRM

b. Enterprise system

c. Extranet

d. Intranet

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 71-73

Evaluate in terms of assess and choose

56. (Synthesis)

You work for a highly successful advertiser that is just about to expand nationally. Of utmost importance will be finding a way to store and disseminate their client’s constantly updating branding and style guides, which include multiple image files and text documents, to all of their branches. What system will best serve these needs?

a. An intranet with KMS capabilities

b. An extranet with KMS capabilities

c. A TPS with KMS capabilities

d. A sales and marketing information system

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference:

Synthesize in terms of bringing information together

57 Evaluate

What is one of the biggest drawbacks in having separate information systems for separate business functions

a. Cost in upgrading to an enterprise system

b. Lack of speed in communication

c. Redundancy of information

d. Lack of communication between systems

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 58

Evaluate in terms of appraise

58 (Synthesis)

You have been hired by a non-profit agency to implement a system to handle their donations. Event fund-raisers need to be able to quickly access a donor’s information and history. The marketing department needs to be able to create customized mailing lists, in order to send different messages to different types of donors. What system(s) will best meet these needs?

a. TPS

b. TPS with DSS

c. TPS with MIS

d. TPS with ESS

Answer: c Difficulty: Hard Reference:

Synthesis in terms of bringing information together

59 (Synthesis)

You have been hired by Inspiration Inc, to help improve their profit margin. Inspiration Inc. is a business communications consultancy that services many clients in different industries throughout the U.S. The end products of the company are customized recommendations for the best use of a client’s existing resources for improving internal communications, typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has approximately 100 consultants all of whom are located in their central headquarters in Chicago. What system do you recommend to improve the company’s business processes and increase their profit margin?

a. Extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the Internet , minimize the time

spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of paperwork


b. CRM, to maintain easily accessible customer records to minimize the time spent looking for client data

c. KMS, for minimizing redundant work on similar clients

d. Marketing system, for improving sales levels

Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference:

Synthesis in terms of bringing information together

Chapter 3

Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems

Multiple-Choice Questions

1. Analysis

Amazon’s use of the Internet as a platform to sell books illustrates a tactical use of information services for:

a. Low-cost leadership

b. Product differentiation

c. Focusing on market niche

d. Strengthening customer intimacy

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 75-76, 80-83

Analysis in terms of categorize

2. The four major types of competitive advantage are:

a. Demand control, economies of scale, substitute products and services, and process efficiency.

b. Demand control, economies of scale, barriers to entry that restrict supply, and process efficiency.

c. Demand control, economies of scale, product differentiation, and process efficiency.

d. Economies of scale, barriers to entry that restrict supply, substitute products and services, and process efficiency.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 78

3. Demand control is achieved by:

a. Preventing competitors from controlling pricing.

b. Using switching costs to keep prices high.

c. Reducing operation costs by merging with other firms.

d. Reducing the number of competitive products.

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 78

4. Analysis

A beverage distributor has acquired exclusive U.S. distribution rights for a new Italian sparkling water. What competitive advantage does this illustrate?

a. Economy of scale

b. Demand control

c. Barrier to entry that restrict supply

d. Substitute products and services

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: pp. 78

Analysis in terms of categorize

5. The ______________________ model is used to describe the interaction of external influences, specifically threats and opportunities that affect an organization’s strategy and ability to compete.

a. network economics

b. competitive forces

c. competitive advantage

d. demand control

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p. 79

6. Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces:

a. suppliers.

b. other competitors.

c. external environment

d. customers.

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: 79-80

7. Evaluate

A substitute product of most concern for a cable TV distributor is:

a. Satellite TV

b. Broadcast TV

c. Satellite radio

d. Internet

Answer: a Difficulty: Medium Reference: 79

Evaluate in terms of evaluate, assess, appraise

8. Evaluate

A manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force:

a. product differentiation.

b. traditional competitors.

c. low number of suppliers.

d. new market entrants.

Answer: d Difficulty: Hard Reference: 79

Evaluate in terms of evaluate, assess, appraise

9. Which of the following industries has a low barrier to entry?

a. Automotive

b. Computer-chip

c. Restaurant

d. Airline

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p 79

10. Which of the following can force a business and its competitors to compete on price alone?

a. Transparent marketplace

b. High product differentiation

c. Poor process efficiency

d. Demand control

Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p. 80

11. A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by:

a. having more suppliers.

b. having fewer suppliers.

c. having global suppliers.

d. having local suppliers.

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 80

12. The four basic strategies a company can employ to deal with competitive forces are:

a. Increase process efficiency, implement demand control, focus on market niche,

and low-cost leadership.

b. Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy, focus on market niche, product differentiation, and implement demand control.

c. Focus on market niche, product differentiation, mass customization, and

implement demand control.

d. Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy, focus on market niche, product differentiation, and low-cost leadership.

Answer: d Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 80

13. Wal-Mart’s continuous replenishment system allows it to:

a. Provide mass customization

b. Provide an efficient customer response system

c. Strengthen customer intimacy

d. Achieve economy of scale

Answer: b Difficulty: Easy Reference: p.80-81

14. When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a:

a. Product differentiation strategy.

b. Market niche strategy.

c. Mass customization strategy.

d. Process efficiency strategy.

Answer: b Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.82

15. __________________________is the ability to offer individually tailored products or services using the same production resources as bulk production.

a. Mass customization

b. Size customization

c. Magnitude customization

d. Dimension customization

Answer: a Difficulty: Easy Reference: p. 82

16. An information system can enable a company to focus on a market niche through:

a. Complex trend forecasting

b. Tailoring products to the client

c. Intensive product trend analysis

d. Intensive customer data analysis

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.82

17. Hilton Hotels’ use of customer information software to identify the most profitable customers to direct services to is an example of using information systems to:

a. Strengthen customer intimacy

b. Differentiate their service

c. Focus on market niche

d. Increase efficiency

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.83

18. Analysis

Cemex’s early challenges were:

a. Unpredictable distribution methods, difficulties creating product demand, and bargaining power of customers.

b. Unpredictable distribution needs, inefficient distribution methods, and difficulties creating product demand

c. Low profits, inefficient distribution methods, and lack of supplier intimacy

d. Low profits, inefficient distribution methods, and bargaining power of customers. Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.84

Analysis in terms of appraise, categorize

19. Analysis

Cemex’s use of information technology illustrates the use of information systems to achieve:

a. Low cost leadership

b. Focus on market niche

c. Customer intimacy

d. Product differentiation

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.84

Analysis in terms of appraise, categorize

20. Which industries did the first wave of e-commerce transform?

a. Air travel, books, bill payments

b. Air travel, books, music

c. Real estate, air travel, books

d. Real estate, books, bill payments

Answer: b Difficulty: Hard Reference: p.85

21. To what competitive force did the printed encyclopedia industry succumb?

a. Positioning and rivalry among competitors

b. Low cost of entry

c. Substitute products or services

d. Customer’s bargaining power

Answer: c Difficulty: Medium Reference: p.85

22. Evaluate

Southwest’s early, limited use of information systems for providing ticketing and reservation is an illustration of:

a. using the value chain model to highlight the points at which information technology can be used most effectively.

b. using information systems to enhance core competencies.

c. using information systems to simplify the product.

d. using information systems to enhance efficiency.

Answer: a Difficulty: Hard Reference: p.85

Evaluate in terms of assess, compare
