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The People's Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate

It is issued and certificated in order to protect the owner’s rights and benefits according to the Real Right of the People’s Republic of China.
Hereby Certificate Sealed by the Construction Committee of Beijing

No. 103555 Beijing- Haidian District Private
Property Owner Property’s class Location Registration Time Housing Properties Planning Purposes State of The House Property Commodity House Residential Total Story Contruction area (m2) Room building area(m2) other
Total Land Land No. Conditi on Source of Land-use Right Paid (Assignment) Service Life of the Land-use yy mm dd to yy mm dd

Land Transfer fee has already paid.
Issued by the Housing Administration Bureau of Haidian District , Beijing

Beijing housing register form
Page 1 of 1 Location Owner Construction Area Bungalow Building No. Use of Room Construction Building Area of Property’s class Total Area Foundations of Land No. Area of Cartilage Total Area of the Whole Building Construction area(m2) Legal Constructi on Area Temporary Construction Area Illegal Construction Area Area of Foundatio ns (m2) Area of Tenure (m2) Note Surveying and Mapping date:
Total floor
No. of Dept.& room
Cons tructi on
Buildin g year
Number of the Room
Page subtotal Total Remark: Fill in by: Review by : Sharing coefficient: Beijing Real Estate Exploration Surveying and Mapping Institute


2019北京海淀区高三一模 政治 2019.4 第一部分 (选择题共48分) 本部分共35小题,每小题4分,共140分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。 24.太阳死了,人还活着。科幻小说《流浪地球》描写了太阳即将毁灭,人类带着地球一起逃离太阳系,寻找新家园的故事。小说探讨了未来人类面临恶劣的生存环境时如何生存的问题,读者可以从中感悟到,“希望是人类谋求生存的不竭动力”。对这一感悟理解正确的是 A.希望是灯塔,照亮前行的方向,是人类征服宇宙的首要条件 B.希望是春风,唤醒沉睡的心灵,使人类在困境中奋发图强 C.希望是清泉,滋润求生的愿望,是人类谋求生存的物质力量 D.希望是闪电,激发生存的智慧,使人类摆脱自然的制约 25.人工智能机器人“AI医生”能“读图”识别影像,能“认字”读懂病历,甚至像医生一样“思考”,还能通过自身“学习”大量病例和医学知识来完成初步诊断,出具诊断报告,给出治疗建议。人工智能医疔正从前沿技术转变为现实应用。以下认识正确的有 ①AI医生的实践活动能够缓解我国医疗人力资源紧张的现状 ②AI医生延伸了人类的认识器官,有助于提高人类医疗水平 ③AI医生受到广泛关注说明事物的价值取决于人们的需要 ④AI医生是人类实践的产物,其诊断结果需要接受实践的检验 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 26.大数据算法分析可以精准推送用户感兴趣的信息,实现高效的“私人订制”;但这种个性化推送技术让用户看到的仅仅是被过滤后的信息,使用户的信息领域逐渐成为一个个“信息茧房”。长期生活在“信息茧房”中,人容易盲目自信,只相信为自己量身推送的信息,听不进其他声音。打破“信息茧房”,用户需要 ①坚持对立统一的观点,理性对待不同声音②坚持发展的观点,等待推送技术的自我更新 ③提高自身素养,拓宽信息接收来源④借助个性化推送技术,充分满足个体特定需求 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 27.“非遗+文创”“非遗+扶贫”“非遗+特色小镇”,非物质文化遗产越来越受到人们的关注。非物质文化遗产 ①其首要价值是经济价值②凝聚着民族认同感 ③是推动文化创新的不竭动力④传承和延续了历史文脉 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 28.《消除贫困,一个国家的承诺》《大国应有什么样的“文艺范”》……政论节目《中国正在说》聚焦中国发展故事,将国家高速发展的成就用深具艺术感的形式呈现出来,吸引了大批观众。这档节目 ①凸显了媒体工作者的责任与担当②紧扣时代脉搏,传播了正能量 ③对提升观众的理性精神具有决定性作用④有助于我国吸收各民族文化优秀成果 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④


X京房权证朝字号:1203587 X Beijing House Property Right Certificate Chao Zi 1203587

房屋所有权人赵四 Owner of the house Zhao Si 共有情况共同共有 Co-ownership Circumstance Joint possession 房屋坐落朝阳区和平街十区19号楼3层2单元306 Location Room 306, Unit 2, Floor 3, Apt. 19, Zone 10 Heping Streest, Chaoyang District 登记时间2013-01-16 Date of registration January 16, 2013 房屋性质商品房 Housing property Commercial residential building 住宅 规划用途 Residence 房屋状况建筑面积套内建筑面积 总层数其他 Building Building area Building area in the suite Total floors Others Condition (就)(就)

附记 Remarks 共有人房屋所有权共有份额 赵四X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 王五X京房权朝字第1203587号共同共有 Co-owner HouseProperty Right Certificate No. Share of co-ownership Zhao Si X Beijing House Property Right Certificate No. 1203587 Joint possession


房产证英语翻译英文翻 译 Document number【AA80KGB-AA98YT-AAT8CB-2A6UT-A18GG】

House Property Ownership Certificate The People's Republic of China Made and supervised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P eople’s Republic of China (2012 Version) Building registration No.: ***** In accordance with the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the House Property Ownership Certificate is a proof of the obligee’s ownership of the house property. Registration Agency (seal): People's Government of ***** City

Issued by (seal): Special Seal for Property Ownership Registration of Real Estate Administration Bureau of ** City Date of Printing: **

Floor Plan of the House Notes 1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the right of property ownership. 2.Property owners and interested parties can inquire the registration information of the property according to relevant laws. 3.The information of items recorded in this certificate is in consistent with that on the housing ledger. Should any inconsistency occur, please refer to the housing ledger, unless there is evidence showing otherwise. 4.Any other organization or individual other than the registration agency shall not make notes or stamp on this certificate. 5.This certificate shall be kept properly. The loss and damage of the certificate shall be reported to the Bureau and its holders should apply for re-issue promptly. No. **


2020年北京市海淀区高考模拟政治 1.书信是有情物,每一封书信都在打开一个栩栩如生的真实场景,在手写书信传统逐渐逝去的今天,《见字如面》电视栏目,用书信打开历史,带领观众重温书信里的记忆,咀嚼书信中的故事,汲取精神养料。从这一文化现象中可以体味到,手写书信() ①可以传递情感,滋养人们的心灵 ②作为交流方式,已经失去存在的价值 ③作为文化符号,可以展现人们的精神情怀 ④是一种巨大的物质力量,可以提升人们的精神境界 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 解析:本题考查文化的特点和作用。手写书信,作为文化符号,可以展现人们的精神情怀,传递情感,滋养人们的心灵,①③符合题意;②说法错误,手写书信没有失去存在价值,排除;④说法错误,手写书信属于一种文化现象,可以提供精神力量,排除。 答案:B 2.“五福临门”是中国人常提及的祝福语。五福源自《书经?洪范》,是古代中国民间关于幸福观的五条标准:一曰寿、二曰富、三曰康宁、四曰修好德、五曰考终命。而当今我国人民的五福追求有所变化,如爱国、富强、和谐、敬业和友善。这一变化() ①是继承传统,推陈出新的体现 ②是把时代精神注入到传统文化之中 ③表明爱国主义是中华民族精神的核心 ④说明不同时代的价值追求截然不同 A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D.③④ 解析:本题考查如何进行文化创新。五福的传承演变是继承传统,推陈出新的体现,是把时代精神注入到传统文化之中,故选项①②符合题意,应选;选项③不符合题意,材料没有涉及爱国主义,排除;选项④说法过于绝对,排除。 答案:A 3.有人说,“1+1=2”是数学,“1+1>2”是哲学。从哲学视角理解“1+1>2”,其合理解释是() A.组织协调好已有的要素,能使整体的功能得到更大的发挥 B.用系统优化的方法,能使各要素的功能得到最大的发挥 C.用批判性思维怀疑一切、推翻一切,可以开拓出崭新境界 D.哲学是对具体科学的概括和总结,创新推动人类思维的发展 解析:本题考查整体与部分的关系。“1+1>2”是立足整体,统筹全局,组织协调好已有的要素,使整体功能大于部分功能之和,故A选项符合题意,应选;B、D不符合题意,排除;C说法错误,辩证的否定是既肯定又否定,而不是否定一切、推翻一切,排除。


The People ' s Republic of China Property Ownership Certificate According to " the People'sRepublic of Urban Real Estate Management Law," " Guangdongprovince town real estate right registration ordinance" and other provi sions of the relevant laws for the protection of housing ownership and land use ri ghts of the legitimate rights and interests of people on housing ownership and la nd use rights to apply for registration housing land rights, we have investigated a nd reviewed, to grant registration, issuance of this permit. Issuing Authority:

Huizhou City Land and Property Management Authority

Yue Property Own ership Certificate Huizhou Zi, No. ************** Issued by: Huizhou City Land and Property Man ageme nt Authority


北京市海淀区政务服务管理办公室 海淀区“一网通办”平台建设项目竞争性磋商公告中经国际招标集团有限公司受北京市海淀区政务服务管理办公室委托,对下述服务以竞争性磋商方式进行采购。现邀请贵公司前来参加。 1、项目名称:海淀区“一网通办”平台建设项目 2、项目编号:CEITCL-BJ09-1903055-01 3、采购人名称:北京市海淀区政务服务管理办公室 4、采购人地址:北京市海淀区东北旺南路29号院4号楼 5、采购人联系方式:侯敬涛 6、采购代理机构全称:中经国际招标集团有限公司 7、采购代理机构地址:北京市东城区滨河路一号航天信息大楼10-11层 8、采购代理机构联系方式:赵成文(女士) 9、采购内容:海淀区“一网通办”平台建设项目相关设计服务方案服务采 购;符合国家、地方及行业标准。 10、采购数量:一项 11、本次磋商不涉及进口产品投标,不接受联合体投标。 12、项目采购用途: 建设“一网通办”的政务服务,打造互联网+政务服务”体系,推动海淀区政务服务“一次登录、全网通办”,大幅提高政务服务便捷性,包 含事项网上申办、网上预约、办事咨询、在线审批、数据上报、在线评 价、办件状态上报、统一反馈、一窗通办、人脸识别智能应用等。建设 城市综合公共服务,全面提升海淀区在民生、政务、城市管理等方面的 信息化整合及大数据融合能力,切实实现便民、惠民、利民的目标。 13、简要技术服务要求: 根据项目背景、现状及建设内容编制项目设计方案和概算,对本工程建设的项目需求、建设原则、建设目标、建设内容、系统方案设计、 主要技术指标、运行管理体系、投资概算与资金来源、风险及效益分析 等内容进行全面、可行、详细的设计与分析,方案应符合项目相关的要 求,并应结合项目的特点,做到详细具体,可实施。


Shanghai Certificate of Real Estate Ownership Hu Real Estate Certificate xxx zi ( 2016 ) No. 123456 *123456789012* Date of Issue: 05/31/2016 In accordance with the Property Low of the People's Republic of China, the Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China, the Law of Urban Real Estate Administration of the People's Republic of China, Shanghai Regulations for Real Estate Registration and other relevant laws and regulations, to protect the legal rights and interests of the owner of land-use rights and the house property, registration is hereby granted and this certificate is hereby given to such owner for the land, house and other appurtenances listed in this his/her registration application after due examination and verification. This certificate is the proof of title to the real estate on the State-owned land lot. Shanghai Housing Security & Administration Bureau Shanghai Planning, Land &Resource Administration Bureau (Seal) (Seal)


Housing Ownership Certificate of Chongqing City Page1: Made and supervised by the Construction Ministry of Chongqing City No.XXX Page2: XXX House Property Ownership Certificate No. XXX According to the “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China”、the “Law of the People's Republic of China relating to Administration of Urban Real Estate”and “Land Housing Authority registration ordinance of Chongqing City”to protect the legal interests of the house owner who applied to register, the real estate listed here was proved to be authentic. Hereby is the certificate. Issued by: Chongqing Real Estate Management Bureau (Seal) Issued License Office Chapter: Chongqing Real Estate Management Bureau (Seal) Date of issuing license:XXX


赵凤桐同志在全区领导干部电视电话会上的讲话 (2010年11月2日) 同志们: 党的十七届五中全会是在我国全面建设小康社会进入关键阶段的时候召开的一次非常重要的会议,胡锦涛总书记作了工作报告,并就全面推进“十二五”期间的科学发展,抓住和用好我国发展的重要战略机遇期,加强新形势下的群众工作和做好当前党和国家工作等作了重要讲话。会议审议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》,深刻总结了“十一五”时期经济社会发展的巨大成就,明确提出了今后五年我国经济和社会发展必须遵循的指导原则、奋斗目标和重点任务。《建议》完全符合党的十七大和十七届三中、四中全会精神,反映了全党的意志和全国人民的心愿,是指导我们在新的发展阶段推进改革与发展、加快全面建设小康社会进程的行动纲领。全区各级各部门各单位要把传达好、学习好、贯彻落实好党的十七届五中全会精神作为当前和今后一个时期首要的政治任务,切实抓紧抓好。 下面,我再讲三点意见: 一、认真学习、深刻领会、坚决贯彻落实好十七届五中全会的精神 十七届五中全会的内容十分丰富,《建议》中提出的方针、政策、措施,我们要深入学习,准确把握,认真贯彻落实。重点有四个方面:

一是深刻认识和把握关于我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期的判断。深刻理解当前既面临难得机遇、又面临风险挑战、机遇大于挑战的形势,进一步增强推动科学发展的紧迫感、责任感和使命感,进一步增强机遇意识和忧患意识,下大力气解决发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,充分运用全区过去五年来之不易的成绩、弥足珍贵的经验、影响深远的精神财富,进一步坚定信心、振奋精神,以更好的精神状态,推动全区的科学发展,使全区的发展建设更加符合科学发展观的要求。 二是要深刻认识和把握“十二五”规划建议的指导思想和基本要求。重点是要深入学习领会“十二五”规划以科学发展为主题、以加快转变经济发展方式为主线、深化改革开放、保障和改善民生、促进经济长期平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定的要求,认真贯彻“五个坚持”的基本要求,即:坚持把经济结构战略性调整作为加快转变经济发展方式的主攻方向;坚持把科技进步和创新作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要支撑;坚持把保障和改善民生作为加快转变经济发展方式的根本出发点和落脚点;坚持把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要着力点;坚持把改革开放作为加快转变经济发展方式的强大动力,在发展中促转变,在转变中谋发展。 三是要深刻认识和把握“十二五”期间加快经济发展方式转变的重点任务。联系海淀作为首都转变经济发展方式、调整产业结构的重要引擎,加快发展战略性新兴产业,提高产业核心竞争力,促进区域协调发展,积极稳妥地推进城市化,加强


Formulated by the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China House construction registration number: Ning House Proprietorship Certificate Construction Xuan Transfer No. According to the stipulations in Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and Real Estate Administration Law in Cities of the People’s Republic of China, this certificate is hereby issued for the purpose of protecting the legal rights and interests of house proprietors with the real estate listed in this certificate and applied for registration by the proprietors being checked and proved to be true. Certificate Issued by (seal): Real Estate Administration Bureau of Nanjing City (seal)

Filled and issued by (seal): Date of filling and issuing: October 10, 2003


房产证英语翻译英文翻 译 集团标准化工作小组 [Q8QX9QT-X8QQB8Q8-NQ8QJ8-M8QMN]

House Property Ownership Certificate The People's Republic of China Made and supervised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P eople’s Republic of China (2012 Version) Building registration No.: ***** In accordance with the Property Law of the People’s Republic of China, the House Property Ownership Certificate is a proof of the obligee’s ownership of the house property. Registration Agency (seal): People's Government of ***** City

Issued by (seal): Special Seal for Prope rty Ownership Registration of Real Estate Administratio n Bureau of ** City Date of Printing: **

Floor Plan of the House Notes 1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the right of property ownership. 2.Property owners and interested parties can inquire the registration information of the property according to relevant laws. 3.The information of items recorded in this certificate is in consistent with that on the housing ledger. Should any inconsistency occur, please refer to the housing ledger, unless there is evidence showing otherwise. 4.Any other organization or individual other than the registration agency shall not make notes or stamp on this certificate. 5.This certificate shall be kept properly. The loss and damage of the certificate shall be reported to the Bureau and its holders should apply for re-issue promptly. No. **


北京市海淀区人民政府关于国有土地上房屋征收决定 (海政发〔2013〕52号) 各相关单位: 为了公共利益的需要,顺利完成人大附中教学实验楼项目建设工作,根据《国有土地上房屋征收与补偿条例》(中华人民共和国国务院令第590号)、《北京市国有土地上房屋征收与补偿实施意见》(京政发〔2011〕27号)文件规定,我区决定对人大北路19号院住宅楼实施房屋征收。由北京市海淀区人民政府房屋征收办公室负责组织本项目实施工作,北京市海淀区房屋征收事务中心为实施单位具体承担房屋征收与补偿工作。征收补偿签约期限为2013年9月7日起至2013年10月6日止。房屋征收补偿标准按《人大附中教学实验楼项目房屋征收补偿方案》(见附件)执行。 被征收人对本决定不服的,可在本决定公告之日起60日内依法向北京市人民政府申请行政复议,也可在本决定公告之日起3个月内依法向人民法院提起行政诉讼。 北京市海淀区人民政府 2013年8月30日 附件 人大附中教学实验楼项目房屋征收补偿方案 人大附中教学实验楼项目为非营利性教育设施建设项目,为发展人大附中教学教育事业,顺利建成教学实验楼,将对海淀区人大北路19号院住宅楼进行征收。具体征收补偿方案公布如下: 一、征收范围 海淀区人大北路19号院住宅楼。 二、征收部门和征收实施单位 征收部门:海淀区人民政府房屋征收办公室。 征收实施单位:海淀区房屋征收事务中心。 三、签约期限 以海淀区人民政府房屋征收决定公告的签约期限为准。 四、被征收人、被征收房屋的认定 (一)被征收人的认定 被征收人是指被征收房屋的所有权人。由于赠与、转让、继承或其他原因,对原有房屋进行析产的,共同按一个被征收人对待。 (二)被征收房屋的认定 有房屋所有权证的,按照房屋所有权证记载的建筑面积确定。已按照房改政策出售的公房,尚未取得房屋所有权证的,建筑面积按照房改售房合同标明的建筑面积确定。 五、征收补偿 (一)补偿与安置方式 本项目采取货币补偿、房屋安置或产权调换方式对被征收人进行补偿。 同一被征收人在征收范围内有一处或多处住房的,只能在货币补偿、房屋


北京市海淀区人民政府关于本区优先采购自主创新产品的 实施意见 各镇(乡)政府、街道(地区)办事处,各委、办、局,各相关单位: 根据《国务院关于同意支持中关村科技园区建设国家自主创新示范区的批复》(国函〔2009〕28号)、《北京市人民政府关于同意加快建设中关村国家自主创新示范区核心区的批复》(京政函〔2009〕24号)精神,为进一步做好《北京市人民政府关于在中关村科技园区开展政府采购自主创新产品试点工作的意见》(京政发〔2008〕46号)的贯彻落实工作,促进核心区建设,充分发挥政府采购促进自主创新的作用,现就我区实施促进自主创新政府采购政策提出以下实施意见: 一、自主创新产品的采购范围 我区采购自主创新产品工作在中关村国家自主创新示范区核心区开展试点。 本实施意见中自主创新产品是指纳入市科委等单位联合公布的《北京市自主创新产品目录》(可登陆市科委网站https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8810717650.html,查询)中的产品。 本实施意见中首购产品是指纳入市科委等单位联合公布的《北京市政府首购自主创新产品目录》(可登陆市科委网站https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8810717650.html,查询)中的产品。 二、使用财政性资金采购自主创新产品的要求 (一)采购纳入《政府采购法》管理范围的自主创新产品 1.区属各行政事业单位(以下统称采购人)使用财政性资金采购纳入当年的《集中采购目录及限额标准》范围的货物和服务的,在同等条件下要优先采购自主创新产品。需要进行招投标采购的,其评审的具体规定按照《关于转发北京市财政局<转发财政部关于印发自主创新产品政府采购评审办法的通知>的通知》(海财采购〔2007〕146号)执行。 2.采购人采购的产品属于首购产品类别的,采购人应当购买《北京市政府首购自主创新产品目录》中列明的产品,将政府采购合同授予提供首购产品的供应商。 (1)对于《北京市政府首购自主创新产品目录》中同类产品只有一种的情况,可按单一来源方式实施。具体程序为:采购人在项目申报时直接申报单一来源采购方式(不用选择采购代理机构,也不需网上公示),区财政局依据市科委出具的在首购目录内同类别产品唯一性证明批准后,采购人可直接与首购产品供应商签订合同。 (2)对于《北京市政府首购自主创新产品目录》中同类产品达到两种或两种以上的情况,应按照《政府采购法》的相关规定及《关于转发<北京市自主创新产品政府首购和订购实施细则(试行)>的通知》(海财采购〔2009〕148号)执行。 (二)采购不纳入《政府采购法》管理范围的自主创新产品


房产证英文翻译模板 Made and supervised by the Construction Ministry of P.R.China Housing registration number: 33055 House Property Ownership Certificate K.Z. No. *** According to the “Constitution of the People's Republic of China”and the “Law of the People's Re public of China relating to Administration of Urban Real Estate”, to protect the legal interests of the house owner who applied to register, the real estate listed here was proved to be authentic. Hereby is the certificate. Issue By: The People's Government of Kaihua County (Seal) House owner *** House ****** Location Land No. Classificatioprivate n Condition Building Number Room Structure Total Owner's Gross area Designed of Number floors floor (squaremeter) purposes property 3 321 mix 4 2 73.84 Residence 3 322 mix 4 2 81.20 Residence 3 421 mix 4 2 94.60 Residence 3 441 mix 4 2 139.2 5 Residence Ownership Registration No. from: to: Other owners: *** / Land Use Summary Land Permit Use area (square meter) No


房产证翻译模板英文版 房产证中翻英翻译模板,房产证英文翻译模板,房产证翻译模板英文版 Under the supervision of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic ofChina(2008 version) Registration No. for Housing Built: 22001 According to Property Law of the People's Republic of China, the housing ownership certificate is the certification for the oblige enjoying the housing ownership. Registration body:ChangchunHousing Property Management Bureau (seal) Property Right Certificate C.F.Q. Zi No. : 2060118436

Issuing unit (seal): Special Seal for Property Registration and Certification of Changchun Real Estate Property Registration andCertificationCenter Matters Needing Attention I. The certificate is the certification for the oblige enjoying the housing ownership. II. Housing owner and interested person can go to housing registration authority to legally look up in the housing register. III. In case that the matters registered on the certificate are inconsistent with the housing register, except that there are evidences proving that the housing register certainly have errors, it will be subject to the housing register. IV. Except the housing registration authority, other units or person shall not note matters or stamp seal on the certificate. V. The certificate shall be carefully kept, in case of being lost or damaged, apply for reissuing.


房产证英文翻译件模板 房产证翻译件模板 中华人民共和国房屋所有权证 Housing Ownership Certificate of the P.R.China 中华人民共和国建设部监制 Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P. R. China 沪房权证 xx 字第 xxxx 号 Hu Real Estate Certificate xx No: xxxx 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》、《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》,为保护房屋所有权人 的合法权益,对所有权人申请登记的本证所列房产,经审查属实,特发此证。In accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the house-owners, the Real Estate listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the house-owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate. 发证机关 (盖章) Issued by: shanghai Land and Natural Resource & House Management Bureau (Seal) 房屋所有权人 House owner 房屋坐落 House location 丘(地)号 Land No. 产别 Real estate category 私有产 Private 房屋状况


The People’s Republic of China House Property Ownership Certificate Made and Supervised by the Construction Ministry of P.R. China Building Registration No.: 61001

Xi’an House Property Ownership Certificate Weiyang District No. According to the Constitution of The People’s Republic of China and the City Real Estate Administrative Law of the People’s Republic of China and in order to protect the legal rights and benefits of the house owner, the house property listed below in this certificate that its owner has applied for registration has been examined and the relative data has been confirmed. Hereby issue this certificate. Issuing Authority (sealed): Administration for House Property of Xi’an


此文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 房产证英文翻译模板 Property own ership certificate 房产证 权属人property owner 身份证号码identity card no. 国籍nationality 房屋所有权来源source of hous ing own ership ** 年x月购买purchased in 房屋用途usage of the house 占有房屋份额share of the house x栋xxx号全套,xx平米full own er of suite***,buildi ng n o.** area:***square meters 房屋所有权性质property of hous ing own ership 土地使用权来源source of land-use right 岀让assignment 土地使用权性质property of land-use right 国有state-owned 房地坐落site of the house 房屋情况state of the house 建筑结构architecture 钢精混凝土结构armoured concrete 层数floors 竣工日期date of completion 建基面积area of the building base 建筑面积building area 其中住宅建筑面积domestic buildi ng area 其中套内建筑面积room buildi ng area 四墙归属ownership of four walls 东。西。南。北:自墙 east,south,west ,n orth: 土地情况state of la nd 地号land no. 图号chart no. 用途:住宅usage:house 土地等级land grade 使用权类型type of tenure 中止日期expiration date 使用权面积area of tenure 自用面积area of own use 共用面积area of public use 使用权证号license number of tenure 填证机关department of filling certificate 房地产共有情况state of mutual own ership(use) of resl estate 共有(用)人person of mutual owmership(use) 占有房屋份额share of the house 共有(有)权证号certificate number of mutual ownership(use) 纳税情况state of taxation 契价agreed price 税率tax rate 种类type 纳税tax 只供学习与交流


Property Title Certificate No.2921832 Co-Owners: / Peoples A total of the number from 0136344 to 0136344 Summary of the using land Land Number Use Area(M) The nature of property Land use age From yy mm dd to yy mm dd Summary of the other rights Ownership of the rights Type of rights Rights range Rights value Date Agreed time period The date of cancellation Remark : Seal: Shuangliu County House Property Supervision Department House Owner House Location The Great Wall Road of Wenxin Town. Ground Number Rights 0211923 Classification Private Property State of the house property Building Number Room Number Structure Total Floor Number Floor Construct ion area (M*M) Designing Purpose 86 86 Mixed 1-3 270.85 Residential
