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Part I Listening Comprehension (20minutes)

Section A

1.W: How would you like your coffee?

M: With sugar, but without milk please!

Q: what kind of coffee does the man like?

2.M: would you like one more spoon for? It is really delicious.

W: No, thanks. I am going on a diet now.

Q: Why does the moman refuse to eat more?

3.W: may I help you, sir?

M: yes, I would like to make a reservation to New York for July fifth flight 575.

Q: what is man doing?

4.M: can I help you madam?

W: well, I’d like to buy some note books.

Q: where does the conversation most probably take place?

5.W: what can I do for you sir?

M: well, I need some socks and T-shirts.

Q: where does the conversation most probably take place?

6.W: where did you get the information about this job in our company?

M: I read the advertisement in the newspaper last week.

Q: where did the man get the information?

7.M: I think I need to talk to the manager about it?

W: you don’t have to, sir! I can exchange that coat for you.

Q: What will the woman do?

8.M: Mary, would you please phone Mr. Robinson? And ask him if I can

cancel the appointment?

W: certainly, I will try to explain what the problem is.

Q: what does the man want Mary to do?

9.W: Mr. White, I have to drawn up the schedule for tomorrow.

M: but, I have to visit the factory first.

Q: What is the man going to do first tomorrow?

10.W:I got a few book for Magie, dear.

M: A few? It seems you have bought up the whole bookstroe.

Q: what does the man mean?

Senction B

Passage one

Everyday is different. I mean some days I spend hours on meeting with my customers, trying to find out exactly what they want. A lot of time, well , yes, a lot of time is spent on research. You see we ask people questions. We have to find out what a group of people think. Of cource, it is not just what they think,

I mean people can say “ yes, that is great”. But what can’t see is “ does it sell the goods?” now, if we don’t show a rising sales, then we lose the customer. It is simple as that. Ideas, you know, they come to you everywhere at most unexpected times. In fact, the best idea came to me when I was in bath. Of course, the best ideas are the result of team work.. I mean we depend on everybody being active. That is what makes a good company. A team of people who can work both alone and together. Now the biggest weakness of the worl is that you are not allowed to make any expensive mistake. You always worry losing your job.

11.what does the speaker often do exactlly?

12.what makes a good company?

13.what does the speaker worry about?

Passage two

Good morning, it is my pleasure to introduce to you, Mr. Athor. Johnson. he is the president and CEO of the Organization called First Sight. First Sight is special organization we have ever known. It selects and trains dogs to assist the blind people. Mr. Johnson himeself has a blind son. Years ago, he wanted to help this only son to lead a normal life. So he trained an intellegent dog to guide and help his son. Through his continual efforts, he became a expert in dog training. And the idea of starting an organization specially for helping blind people came into his mind. This is how First Sight has become a reality. Today, Mr. Johnson has helped thousands of blind people through out the country. Ladies and gentlemen, now lets welcome our honorable speaker, Mr. Athor Johnson.

14.what does Mr. Johnson do ?

15.what does he do to help the blind people?

16.why does he think of helping the blind people?

Passage three

I had a wonderful time in London last october. The weather was pleasant. I stayed in a small hotel for two nights not far from the city center. On the first day, I took a boat trip and enjoy the lovely sights along the river of Thames. The next day early in the morning, I went to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards. That was really exciting. Later that afternoon, I went to Oxford Street, where there are a lot of famous shops. I bought some gifts for my friends and relatives at home. Two day’s was too short actually. I wish I could go to London again and spend more time there.

17. how many days did the speaker spend in London?

18. What did he do on the first day in London?

19. why did he go to Oxford Street?

20. how didi he feel about his visit to London?

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Passage One

21. Forcing middle-aged persons to retire might cause ________.

审题思路:根据关键词middle-aged persons, retire, cause我们可以定位到文章中很多句话,分别是1.many people believe that forcing adult workers, those who are over 45, to retire is an effective means to relieve the tension of unemployment 2.But they fail to notice that forcing a person who is still able to work and has a family to support to retire brings serious financial problems as well as emotional and physical ones. 3.To force them to retire is a huge waste of the nation’s best resources.

A) the loss of valuable resources


B) shortage of the work force


C) elderly people to feel upset


D) families to be unstable


22. The word “prime” in Line 7, para .2. most probably means _______.

A) first B) early C) major D) spring

做题思路:单词解释型题,根据上文的more stable, more skillful and more experienced than wokers of any other ages,便可推出答案。

23. Which of the following suggestions did the writer make?

审题思路:无法定位,需根据选项来定位原文,检测其是否正确。但是必须注意,对于该种题型,正确答案需要靠近中心思想,或含有文章关键词,本文的中心应该是谈如何解决失业问题1.迫使中年人退休不对2.国家应该培养更多受过教育的employees, 比如扩大大学招生

A) Young people should work harder in order to go to college.


B) Colleges should be open to more high school-leavers.

做题思路:根据关键词colleges, high school-leavers,我们可以定位到If, however, more of them are able to attend college and begin full-time employment at a later age, more job opportunities will be created。

C) The old should be allowed to work as long as they want to .

做题思路:过度推断,文章虽然说了不应该迫使中年人退休,但是并未提及the old, work as long as they want to等概念

D) Policy makers should create more job opportunities.

做题思路:文章只是在第二段的第一句提及了policy makers,但并未对其提出任何建议。

24. What is the writer’s attitude towards the present situation of employment?观点态度题:需关注全文的基调,在第二段中作者首先陈述policy makers的观点,然后话锋一转,说这样做不好,随即提出自己的建议,答案自然就是A了。

A) Concerned B) Hopeless C) Interested D) Satisfied

25. The best TITLE for this passage might be ______.


A) Should Workers Be Forced to Retire?

做题思路:偷梁换柱,原文是middle-aged workers,而不是workers

B) Why Don’t We Educate the Young?


C) How to Solve Unemployment Problem?


D) Are the Policy Makers Wise?


Passage Two

26. This passage tells us that telling lies is .

审题思路:本题问的是telling lies 的定义

A) often necessary in order to avoid being defeated

做题思路:过于绝对,often necessary 不符合常理

B) quite bad because people ought to be honest


C) sometimes necessary in order not to hu rt other’s feelings

做题思路:原文例子中and you don’t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this的合理推断

D) usually bad if you are talking with a good friend


27. The writer says that women are better liars than men


审题思路:本题的关键词是women, better liars, because可定位到第一段第五行

A) Their lies are easier to be accepted by men


B) Men are not as skillful as women in telling lies


C) They often have a good intention in telling lies

做题思路:是原文中white lie(善意的谎言)的同意解释。选项中的good intention 意为善意

D) Women tell fewer lies than men do


28. A “white lie” means a lie that________________.


A) is told with a good intention B) is quite unbelievable

C) is almost to the fact D) often has a bad purpose

29. Politicians and businessmen are supposed to be skilled at telling lies that---


审题思路:本题的关键词是politicians and businessmen 可定位到This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are supposed to be particularly skilled at: the lie from which the man hopes to profit or gain in some way.

A) will allow them to gain some benefits


B) Seem to be strange but interesting


C) Can make woman believe to be true


D) may keep better relations with others


30. It can be concluded from the passage that_____________


A)There is a simple way of finding out if someone is lying


B)People’s behaviors sometimes tell us they are lying


C)People repeated what they are saying when telling a lie


D)In some situations woman are most likely to tell a lie

做题思路:偷梁换柱,原文的表达式women are better liars(说谎者) than men, particularly when telling a “white lie”,其中并没有in some situations的表达

Passage Three

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

31.What is the usual minimum limit to the validity of the passport held by an American citizen?

审题思路:本题定位关键词是minimum, limit, validity, passport, American citizen 可定为到第三段第一句a passport that is valid for six months beyond the visit or documented evidence of their citizenship and identity(身份)。

A)There is no limit to the validity of the passport.

做题思路:与原文不符,原文说的是for six months

B)The passport must be valid for half a year beyond the visit.


C)The citizen can apply for a passport as long as six months.


D)the minimum limit depends on the nature of the citizen’s visit.


32.American citizens can obtain the current information about passports

form .

审题思路:本题关键词是current information,由此可定位到倒数第二段第一句available at the Department of State Passport Services and Information website.

A)the country they are going to visit


B)the Department of State’s website


C)the authorized travel agency


D)the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

做题思路:原文说的是traveling between the United States and the rest of the Western Hemisphere(半球).

33.It can be inferred that there are restrictions on publishing when American citizens travel abroad because of .

审题思路:本句关键词restrictions on publishing, because of可定位到文章最后一段A)the limitation of the number of publications

做题思路:偷梁换柱,原文说的是publishing,而不是number of publications

B)the security of the United States.


C)the interest of individuals


D)the protection of copyright


34.This passage is mainly to remind American citizens of .

审题思路:由mainly,remind of可知,本题文的是文章的中心

A)the importance of applying for a passport and visa


B)safety regulations for visiting other countries


C)the limitations to traveling around the world


D)the requirements for their traveling abroad


35.Form the passage we can infer that .


A)to get visa is a new requirement for American citizens visiting other countries

做题思路:以偏概全,原文中对于visa的说法是In addition to a passport,some countries will require a visa

B)it’s easier for American citizens to get a visa from a foreign country than at home


C)requirements for American citizens going abroad are not always fixed

做题思路:原文的合理推断,根据文章第三段第三行In addition to a passport,some countries will require a visa还有最后一段的When traveling to some specified countries,U.S.citizens may be subject to restrictions on publishing,the exchange of information,the sponsorship of conferences,

D)American citizens usually have difficulty getting a passport


Passage Four

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

36.The laptop computer is becoming more and more popular because it is . 审题思路:本题关键词是more and more popular, because可以定位到第一段第一、二两句

A)very convenient to use in a lot of places


B)cheap enough for everyone to get one


C)small enough to put into one’s pocket


D)easy to take to and from classrooms


37.What is the main purpose of the laptop computer program in Westlake Collgeg?

审题思路:本题关键词是main purpose, program, westlake college, 可定位到文章第二段第一句Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want.

A)To give the students more free time to do their school work.


B)To give the students help in their homework out of classes.

做题思路:偷梁换柱,原文中是anywhere they want

C)To offer the students more chances to work in the future.


D)To allow the students to do school work anywhere.


38.Which of the following is tRUE according to the passage?

审题思路:三错一对题型,做题时需考虑文章中心,也可通过四个选型分别回到原文定位。通过本题的四个选项,我们可以预知它问的是westlake college 大学computer的使用情况

A)90 percent of the teachers and students in Westlake College use computers.

做题思路:原文是more than 90 percent of the students,不包含老师

B)Today most students in Westlake Collgeg do their studies outside the classrooms.

做题思路:无法推断,根据原文中However,the most important part of the laptop computer program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs.They can work with it at home,in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all.但是从这句话中无法推出是否大多数学生校外做研究这一推论。

C)Westlake College is making a program to encourage students to use laptops.

做题思路:根据文章中的第二段第一句Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want.可以得知此推论

D)Students in Westlake College can do everything they like to.


39.What is the meaning of the words“giving the students a window on the world”in the last sentence of the passage?


A)Showing them pictures of the world.

B)Giving them chances to travel around the world.

C)Offering them Information from around the world.

D)Inviting their teachers from other countries.

40.We can learn from the passage that .


A)laptop computers are difficult to use


B)laptop computers are more powerful than desktop


C)Westlake College is a very rich university


D)Westlake College’s a students will mainly use laptops


Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes) Directions:

41.He was awarded a for his contribution to his homeland.

A)medal 奖章,奖牌B)meal 餐C)model 模型D)mode 样式,方式

42.You will be able to overcome the difficulties if you do not lose .

A)weight 减肥B)heart 失去信心C)temper发脾气D)sight失明

43.I don’t feel going out for a walk at such bad weather.

A)happy B)interested C)alike


44.This morning he borrowed my bike and said he would return it very .

A)fast 快(速度)B)earlier 更早C)soon 不久,很


45.My grandmother had such a good memory that she could stories she had heard in her childhood.

A)supply 提供B)afford 支付得起C)talk


46.The chairman was the meeting when someone burst into laughter.

A)conducting主持B)doing 做C)managing 管理D)running经营

47.Please the light before you leave the room.

A)watch over 看守,监视B)wait on 侍奉,招待C)work out 想

出D)turn off关掉

48.Time is limited and you must your plan in no time.

A)take up 占去B)care for 关心C)carry out 执行D)come about发生

49.Ask Mary for some sugar,for we have ours.

A)come up with追赶上B)run out of 用完

C)get along with 与…相处D)go away from远离,离开

50.We that all of your family would come,but you didn’t.

A)hoped B)hope C)had hoped 原本以

为D)would hope

答题思路:but后面的时态是一般过去时,hope该动作发生在come 之前。

51.I thought you a break now,but you are still working.

A)are having B)were having C)have D)are to have


52.I my breakfast when the morning post came.

A)was having B)had C)had been having D)am having


53.Some of his novels had been famous the time he was 55.

A)for B)along C)with D)by 做题思路:固定搭配be famous for ,表示“因…而著名”。

54.At that time he did not realize that quitting the job the turning point in his life.

A)was to become B)will become C)was

becoming D)becomes


55.John will have to go to work by bus as his car .

A)is being repaired B)is repaired C)has been

repaired D)was repaired


56.The professor was so popular that he with enthusiasm.

A)always listened to B)was always listened

C)always was listened D)was always listened to

做题思路:从句意可推断,“he”与“listen”属被动关系,always要用在be动词之后,listen to属固定搭配,不可分割,故选D。

57.Kathy suggested that Jack a card with all of our names on it.

A)sent B)send C)sends D)to send


58.It is no use to learn a language just,by studying a dictionary.

A)try B)to

try C)trying D)to be trying

做题思路:it is no use+doing 结构表示“做某事没有用”。

59.Given time and money,Richard better than what it is now.

A)could have done B)did C)would do D)had done


60.The girl was reported missing for a month.

A)to be B)to have C)having D)to have been


61. we were given the right address,we found her house easily. (同2006年第42题)

A)Sine 因为B)If 如果C)Although 尽管D)So因此

62.The French pianist who had been very highly turned out to be a great disappointment.(同2006年第41题)

A)talked 高度评价B)mentioned 提及C)praised 称


63.In children’s the Spring Festival is associated with nice food and presents. (同2006年第43题)

A)brain 大脑B)head头C)heart 心


做题思路:考核固定搭配in one’s mind,表示“在某人看来”。

64.The old couple to adopt a boy and a girl though they already had three of their own. (同2006年第45题)

A)determined 下定决心B)settled 定居C)assigned 分配,指


65.The doctor says that the new medicine will you a good night’s sleep. (同2006年第44题)

A) secure 握紧C) assure 后+sb. of sth.向某人确保

B) ensure 后+sb.+sth. D) insure 保险

66.Jane’s dress is similar her sister’s in design. (同2006年第47题)

A)for B)to C)with D)fro m

做题思路:be similar to 是固定搭配,表示“与…相似”。

67.The government is trying to do something to better understanding between the two countries. (同2006年第46题)

A) Raise 提升、举起 B) promote提升、促进C) lift举起、抬起D) push推动

68.By the time you get there this afternoon,the film . (同2006年第48题)

A)is to start B)will start C)is starting D)will have started

做题思路:by the time+将来时间,后面句子时态用将来完成时。

69.I insisted he himself to his new life in the countryside. (同2006年第49题)

A) adopt 收养B) regulate调整,调节C) adapt 适应D) suit适合于

70.It me three days to have the watch,repaired. (同2006年第50题)

A)took B)kept C)gave D)ma de

做题思路:本题考核短语take sb. some time to do sth.,表示“花某人多长时间去做某事”

71.It is well known that Tomas Edison the electric lamp.

A)discovered发现B)invented 发明C)developed 发


72.Icouldn’t enter the lab because I had the key in my office!

A)taken 携带B)got 有C)missed 失去D)left


73.I regret you that we are unable to offer you the position.

A)informing B)having informed C)to inform D)to have informed

做题思路:regret to do 意思是遗憾地去做某事,regret doing 意思是后悔做了某事。

74.The chairman has informed us that he a few minutes late after the meeting begins.

A)had arrived B)should arrive C)could

arrive D)might arrive


75.She had made many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant.

A)such B)that C)so D)a s

做题思路:一般来讲,so+adj.,such+n.,但so many 是固定用法,属例外。

76.I sincerely him to make great progress with his new job in a short time.

A)think 认为B)expect 期待C)believe 相信D)instruct指示

77.Is necessary to complete the design before National Day?

A)this B)it C)that D)su ch


78.She said she would live in Tianjing for four of five years.

A)another B)other C)others



79.Mr.Smith used to smoke but he has given it up now.

A)heavily B)badly C)seriously D)har dly


80.I think part of the movie is more interesting than the former one.

A)the latter 后者B)the later 后来C)the last 最后D)the latest最近

Part IV Cloze (15’minutes)

81.A)add B)alter C)return



82.A)and B)still C)but



83.A)as B)by C)in


做题思路:be destroyed 是明显的被动语态,所以选择B。

84.A)sends送B)offers 主动提供C)supplies 供给D)transmit 传播做题思路:send sth. to 表示“把…送往…”。

85.A)how B)such C)what


做题思路:从see可获知后面引导的是个宾语从句,从will happen可获知前面需要一个主语。故选C。

86.A)for B)after C)At


做题思路:根据上下文意思,是先find再figure out ,所以选B。

87.A)count 数B)figure C)think 思

考D)estimate 估计

做题思路:figure out 表示“弄明白,搞清楚”。

88.A)taking B)take C)taken


做题思路:have sth. done 属固定搭配,表示“让人做/请人做”。

89.A)signs B)signals C)symbols


90.A)especially B)extremely 极其C)additionally 另

外D)practically 实际上

91.A)against B)on C)of


做题思路:本题考核固定搭配response…to, 表示“对…的反应”。

92.A)type 类型B)group 组C)case 案


93.A)note 注意B)examine 审查,检查C)survey 检查,鉴定D)measure 测量

94.A)at B)near C)in


做题思路:本题考核的是固定搭配in a/an… area, 表示“在…区域”。

95.A)If B)Whereas C)Since



96.A)check检查B)cure 治疗C)treat 治疗,对


97.A)succeed 成功B)stretch 延伸C)scatter 驱


98.A)settle解决B)determine 决定C)fix 安


99.A)circulating循环B)stopping 停止C)turning 转

换D)changing 变化

100.A)so B)but C)or


做题思路:从句子中可看出treat 和avoid 是并列关系,所以选C。

Part V Writing (25 minutes)

Dear Mr. Zhang,

I, with terrible sorry, am writing you to put off our appointment originally designed on tomorrow morning. It is my sincere hope that you can forgive me.

The only reason for my decision is that during the same time, I have already been sent to pick up a client from Australia at the airport by my company. As a result, I have no any choice to meet with you there as we expected before.

However, since I will be totally free from Tuesday to Thursday next week, could we find another time if possible.

But anyway, I really want to express heartfelt apologies to you for the delay. Of course, I am looking forward to seeing you next time.

Your sincerely

Wang Ping
